TIPS FOR MOVING OUT FOR THE FIRST TIME: Moving out of state, ALL the things no one tells you 2020

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone and welcome back to my channel it is your girl simone nicole back at it again with another video in today's video we are going to be talking about searching for apartments as a young person this video is going to be really good for those of us that are searching for apartments for the very first time and especially for those of us that are searching for apartments for the very first time out of state like i if you guys are new here i am moving to atlanta i would have already been in atlanta but miss caron rhone decided to interrupt my plans so myself and my roommate had to put our move on hold but we had our apartment picked out and we were very much so ready to move at the very very beginning of this month but those plans have been put on hold i thought about not doing this video until i got into my apartment and i was settled but i want to get this information out as soon as possible because i believe that the market is going to be a lot cheaper right now because we are not in the best place as a country economically and if you can afford to get an apartment right now i think that it will be a good time to invest in one because they're cheaper than they usually are i know that to be the case for me for sure because my apartment is about 200 cheaper than it was when we were first about to move so i figured since we're all in the house and we have nothing but ample time to do research into the things that i'm going to talk to you all about today figure why not we might as well film it and then i will definitely be filming follow-up videos this is more of an overview of what you need to do to prepare to get the apartment and i will talk briefly about finding the perfect apartment but that's going to be an entire separate video in and of itself now before we get into the video we have to do our subscriber shout out of the day and today's subscriber shout out is going to go to miss jessica sue she commented on my apartment hunting on a budget in atlanta video which i will have linked right here and she said i'm moving here next month this video was super helpful keep them coming and you know jessica you said that five months ago and five months ago um was when i first posted that video and i really haven't updated you all on my move besides in passing in a video so i wanted to sit down and do this video as a part of keeping them coming so that i can give you all all of the information that i have gathered over this past year in prepping to move if you would like to hear my very detailed thoughts on how to prepare to move out as a young 20 something please keep on watching the first thing that you want to focus on is figuring out what market you are moving into if you are moving into a big city your la's your new yorks your atlanta's your new orleans huge cities then you need to do a lot of research into the type of market that you are moving into this will include how much do apartments usually run how expensive it is it to live in the city where you want to be is it a lot less cheaper to live 10 15 20 miles outside the city or is it more worth it for you to stay inside of said city how is the traffic do you need to work close to your job or can you afford to work further away because the traffic isn't that bad is it a touristy location do they have more rentals or more houses because that's definitely going to determine how much money you pay in rent you need to study the market in which you are moving into similarly to how you would do it for a job you always study the market if you are moving from one place to another when you're looking for a job when you go and interview for that job so that you know exactly what you're getting yourself into and you seem very very well educated to the person that is interviewing you it's the exact same thing for apartments now once you have that down you need to start looking into the specific area in which you want to move i will use myself for example and talk about atlanta now georgia of course is his own state but atlanta is the mecca and i'm moving there for professional reasons i am an actor i got my degree in theater performance i currently live in cleveland i'm ready to get out of here it's just it's not what i want i needed to figure out where i could afford to move when i first started off this journey i was living by myself but now i have a roommate and i will get into explaining why i chose to get a roommate when i first started looking into where i should move i started out by doing a simple google search the thing about atlanta and i can't speak to other cities is that it seems to be a place where you have to talk to locals i cannot tell you all how helpful it was to me in my case that i posted two different videos on shopping for apartments in atlanta and the comments are full of people warning me against the apartments that i was talking about that appeared to be nice on the outside and i may have had like some hesitations about them but the people in the comments section had zero hesitation zero chill and they told me exactly what was up so you need to figure out where you want to move and what the goal of the place that you are moving to is so for me i've grown up in the suburbs my entire life i am not comfortable being in somewhere that is the hood ghetto whatever you want to call it i'm not comfortable with places like that i don't need to be stuck in the middle of suburbia but i also don't want to live in a place where i can't walk from my car to my front door without feeling like someone is going to attack me and judging from the comments in the video that i posted that's not an outlandish belief to have i didn't realize that and i realized that because i talked to locals and people that actually lived around there in addition to that i was talking to friends that i have down there which is a great advantage if you don't have these types of advantages take advantage of facebook there are a ton of facebook groups for a million different reasons and if you just search the city that you're moving to i'm sure that you could go into a facebook group about safety safety in atlanta safety in houston safety in wherever wherever if you're able to see the group publicly then great but you could also join it and then be able to read what people are saying and you'll get a good indication of what cities are safer than others in addition to talking about safety which is a big concern for me because i am alone female not saying that you can't be alone male and still be scared the point is that i'm on high alert how far away can you be from your job do you already have a job if you know where your job is how bad is the traffic are you okay with commuting 40 45 minutes in order to have a cheaper apartment or do you find it necessary to stay inside of the city all of these are extremely important questions that you need to ask yourself before you even start looking for the apartment that you care to live in so the next topic that i want to hit on is finances and this could definitely be a whole video in and of itself i want to talk about developing a great stable amount of income in your savings account in your checking account and in your emergency fund you want to have the presence of all three a good savings account to fall back on and also an emergency fund your emergency fund should ideally consist of at least three to six months of all of your bills all the cost of your bills should be inside of that safety net so say if anything happens and you move and you need to pull from that you're not pulling from your savings you're pulling from your emergency fund so the way that you kind of want to think about it is if you want to have ten thousand dollars before you move and you wanna include your safety net in there let's say that you need two thousand dollars for your safety net that means are you actually going to be saving twelve thousand dollars or are you going to be saving eight thousand dollars and i know when i say big numbers like that it seems like a lot but i will get into explaining why that is really not a lot of money at all well it is a lot of money in like the grand scheme of things but when you're talking about moving out of a house that you've probably known your whole life you are probably not paying the same amount of bills that you were going to be paying and in addition to that you're going to be moving completely to another state prayerfully you have family in that other state but i myself do not so it is imperative of me to have a good safety net to fall back on because i'm playing with my credit if anything happens just like this whole covet thing happened you want to make sure that you have something to fall back on now in talking about those big numbers the eight thousand dollars to ten thousand dollars you need to learn to budget i know that um we are young i'm going to assume if you're watching this video that you're on the young side i just turned 24 years old i have been wanting to move out since i graduated college but i was not financially ready until i would say about six months ago and the reason why i became financially ready is because i started budgeting like no bodies business and i wasn't very good at budgeting at first i knew i needed to have a savings account like i understood that mentally i found myself putting money into my savings account just to take it right back out and eventually my bank ended up dissolving my savings account because i was treating it like a checking account so what i actually did was that i went to my bank and i asked them to close my savings account and i was going to open a savings account at a bank that i didn't have a card for that would require me to physically go there and put in money and take out money now that is also an option that i would definitely recommend to you if you have trouble saving but what the person advised me to do was actually to take my savings account off of my hub when i log into my bank account so when you log on to your banking app you have every single account that you have with that said bank what we did was take my savings account off of that so i couldn't see it and because of that i had absolutely no idea what was in it and i had no way to transfer money in and transfer money out the only way that i was getting money in and out is if i physically showed up to the bank during business hours and took that money out that was absolutely transformative for me for saving i had never been able to save money before that and i believe that making that change was what helped me along in that process in addition to that i sat down i'm going to show you guys like my actual physical planner i sat down and i wrote out every single bill that i had this is what my planner generally looks like which is crazy i have every single solitary build that i have mapped out on here i have all the big ones on here like your car note your rent your phone bill your insurance stuff like that all the way down to the subscription service that i use to edit my thumbnails for youtube all the way down to the amount of gas that i need every single week every single thing is a part of my budget and it's broken down weekly because i am a server so i constantly have cash on me so coming up with such a specific budget was again transformative for me because it was able to help me see how much money i am spending right now and the amount of money that i'm spending right now and the bills that i have right now are going to 100 translate to the bills i'm going to have when i'm moving to my apartment i will pay more money in rent and i will now pick up utilities and now because of that i had to look at the way that i was spending and i had to be responsible with the way that i was spending it is not responsible for you to say you know what while i live with my peoples i have a budget to myself that i spend on whatever i want after my bills are paid of 500 a month and then for you to say but i want an apartment that would put me in a place where i only had an additional 100 a month to spend on myself is that realistic no no no no no have that talk with yourself and then you'll be able to see how much rent you are able to afford but we'll get there in one second the reason why budgeting is such a big deal is because you are going to be in a place that is all your own with your own name on it and if you have a roommate it's your roommate's name on it too you're growing and you're taking this next big step in life so the last thing you want to do is mess it up for yourself you want to be so stable and so meticulous about the way that you do your bills the way that you budget knowing every single thing that is coming in and out of your accounts everything you need to get really good at this before you move out not after it's going to be very very hard for you to stick to a strict budget for yourself in the first place if if you're like me trying to do that after you move out is just a lot and i wouldn't i totally wouldn't recommend it now next let's talk about how much rent you are actually able to afford when we're talking about the amount of rent that you can afford ideally you are not spending any more than one third of the amount of money that you bring in on rent that is always ideal if you're living in places like la new york miami where the prices are for rentals are exorbitantly high because in those markets rentals and apartments are way more common than houses these places are extremely big for young people and what do young people love to do they love to brand so if rent is going to take up one-third of your income you also have to factor in your utilities and your auxiliaries which is something that a lot of apartment complexes add on and kind of slip in there without really telling you your auxiliaries are going to be your trash pickup your sewage your amenities fees for the gym the pool all of that stuff all of that cute little stuff they're showing you during the tour is 100 because you are paying for it they just add it as a fee to your rent called auxiliaries and they group it all together do you have a dog do you have to pay dog rent do you have to pay a dog deposit and then in addition to that you're talking about utilities is your apartment gas and electric or is it only gas or only electric do you pay your apartment for your cable or do you have to set that up yourself there are so many things that you need to figure out that are gonna go into that one third do you want that one-third to be the literal amount of money that you are paying if they say that this apartment is twelve hundred dollars a month to rent out do you want to pay twelve hundred dollars a month for rent plus utilities and auxiliaries or do you want to pay twelve hundred dollars for it all because if you want to pay twelve hundred dollars for it all then that means that you need to bring down the amount of rent money that you are willing to spend if you have a budget to spend twelve hundred dollars on an apartment a month but that's it then that means that your rent needs to be around 900 to a thousand dollars to a lot for all of the other things on top of that so that is 110 something to think about now that we have talked about the realities of how much money it takes to rent a place can you actually afford it when we're talking about the area that you want to move into the way that you want to live can you afford to live that way for me personally the answer was no i could not afford to live the way that i personally wanted by myself so i looked into getting a roommate if you don't want to get a roommate then that means that you are going to have to change either the amount of income that you are making maybe pick up a second job maybe pick up a third job make maybe pick up a side hustle or you're going to want to stay at home for longer and rack up your savings account but even doing that could be tricky because a lot of apartments require for you to make 3 to 3.5 times the rent for me i'm a server i don't make a steady amount of money every single month so what i did was that i asked my company that i worked for how to look for my pay stubs because i don't get physical pay stubs mailed to me because i don't get any money via a paycheck so i figured out how to do that and then i went back and looked at my past three or four pay stubs because that's what the apartment that i was looking into and settled on told me that they would do so i looked at that and i looked at how much money i made on average and then after i did that i totaled that up over four months if i looked at four different monthly stubs then i totaled all that up and then i figured out how much i averaged monthly or bi-weekly or maybe even weekly chat i think i did weekly so that i would be able to tell approximately how much money i make and because i figured that out i was able to figure out how much rent i was actually able to afford without just coming up with a random number in my head so that i knew i was hitting that good one-third ratio and also so that whenever i went to these apartments i wouldn't get turned down because i wasn't making enough money if you work at a job where it is tip based you cannot just assume that you make enough money you have to go through and see how much money you're actually making on average to make sure that you're making not only the amount of money that you think you're making in your head but actually what you are making so even if you have a fat savings account some apartment complexes will work with you with that as long as you provide bank statements but a lot won't a lot want to see that money coming in i got a roommate and my roommate is someone that i have known since i was literally 10 years old and we just so happened to want to move to atlanta at the same time and figured that we might as well do it together we're actually both artists so we have a very very similar idea of what we want our apartment to look like the creative space that we want to have in set apartment so that works out really well if you don't have that luxury then you definitely want to look into getting on again facebook and going to the city that you want to move to and seeing if they have a housing group atlanta definitely has one and before i found deja i was in that group looking around to see who needed a roommate and then once i saw somebody that i kind of like i would um stalk them and make sure that they weren't crazy but that is very risky and very scary to move in with a complete stranger to a completely new city it could work out really well or maybe it won't the advice that i have for you is to um if you're religious 110 prey on it if you're not religious then really sit with it and figure out what energy you get back to you from putting it out into the universe and if you are religious pray about it to god and ask him to speak to you in plain english and send you a sign because i promise you he will speak back also some advice from when you're looking for a roommate in one of those service or one of those facebook groups be very very clear about what you want say where you're coming from how much money you are willing to spend a month and what type of relationship you want with the person that is living with you for me if i'm living for a stranger i don't mind being your friend but i don't want to be best friends it's just my personality if a friendship develops organically then okay but i did not want a roommate to be a built-in friend that just wasn't a goal for me if that is a goal for you then please please say it because there are other people that feel the same way that you do but on the other side there are a lot of people that feel the same way that i do okay so now you have gone through all the previous steps that we've talked about and it's time to find the apartment of your dreams i will 110 make a separate video that is dedicated to talking about how to find your very very very best and favorite apartment but to give you guys just a handful of tips i am going to stress that you cannot jump into anything unless you are placed in a situation where your job is requiring for you to move for whatever reason and you have to make a fast move i would 110 000 not recommend jumping into moving into an apartment in another state especially one that you have not seen which brings me to my next point you need to fly out and see these apartments i have visited atlanta more times than i can count at this point and a lot of the visits are specifically to look at apartments and it's funny because when i'm talking to the leasing agent and i they ask me why i'm out there i'm like to look for apartments and they're like you flew all the way out here just to look at apartments and i'm like yes so that i could see this apartment in person and see if all the reviews talking about how y'all have roaches are actually true don't play with me don't play with me don't let nobody play with you okay period period you need to fly down there to whatever city you're trying to move to and you need to get a feel for the neighborhood that you think that you want to move into because there was neighborhoods that plenty of people recommended to me and i got down there and i said ah the cattle the ghetto couldn't be me and what would i have done if i had looked at all this stuff virtually online and then just decided oh yeah i'm gonna move in do not let your want and your will to get out of your parents house and i can't stand them and this is such a horrible environment do not let that end up putting you in an even worse situation you can't this thing been moving with me this whole time stay you can afford to put your move on hold for six months or a year while you stack while you do research on the apartments that you want to move into you can do that what i actually like to do is to go on like a kayak on a private browser by the way just a pro tip because they won't track how many times you've been to the site and therefore show you inflated prices of flights just in case you didn't know if they do that i get on kayak and i just say that my dates are flexible and i look for the cheapest time to fly out and i booked that ticket i've gotten two and from atlanta for eighty dollars which isn't that's uncommon atlanta is actually very cheap to fly into and i take three or four days to solely tour apartments and that is it i've done it so many times i've ran through so many different options of apartments and i've visited more apartments than i can physically count on my hands once i got there and like i said i got a feel for the neighborhood i got a feel for the whole community overall once i found an apartment that i truly really really loved i talked to someone that lived there oftentimes people are walking their dogs they're out by the pool go to someone that looks approachable and that you feel safe talking to preferably in the daytime and ask them about how they like living there there was a couple of apartments that i really really loved and because of that i stopped someone that lived there to talk to them about it and they didn't have many favorable things to say about the property management which is a huge thing in atlanta besides like bugs property management is the top complaint of people at these apartment complexes so it's very very important to me to talk to someone that lives there because some people will leave reviews because they mad because they didn't get their first and last month's rent back and some people will genuinely leave reviews because they had a horrible experience there so in order to weed out the fake from the real you have to talk to somebody that lives there preferably a couple of people if you can get it but that's going to be the best way for you to figure out if this place is viable for you to live after all that is said and done if you cannot find an apartment that you love do not settle wait be patient because i can guarantee you that that apartment is out there for you maybe it's just not renovated yet maybe it's a full occupancy because everyone loves living there and you just have to wait for people to move out do not settle for an apartment just because you're in a rush for these specific apartments you will start to find there are income requirements and yes they do run your credit that is very very very important to know if you have evictions on your record if you know that you don't pay your bills on time if you've had some of your credit lines going to default that will show up on your credit check and some places even figure out how much you're going to pay for a security deposit based on your credit score and because you are young they're going to find every single reason to not rent to you because young people historically just aren't as responsible of renters as older people we don't have much of a credit history we're just a risk over all so you want to make sure that you go in there knowing that you can prove that you make three and sometimes 3.5 times the rent and you want to make sure that once they run your credit your credit is going to be a one and then my very last point which i have talked about so many times in this video do not rush if you feel the need to rush it is not time for you to move or maybe you need to figure out where to move to somewhere in between time do not rush into making commitments to a 12 or 13 month lease the next year of your life because you just can't wait you just have to get out of the situation that you're in if you're in danger that's a completely different story but again if it's just that you're annoyed with your current living situation you have to stick it out and go through all of the things we talked about today before you even think about moving out i promise you it will benefit you in the long run okay that is everything for this video i hope that it was informative for you all i tried to be as detailed as i could possibly be by just giving a quick rundown through the things that i felt were very valuable to know moving out of the house as a young 20 something potentially to a whole other state there is so much to talk about so if i missed something in this video and you would like for me to address it further please do not forget to leave it in the comments down below if there's something that i missed if there's something that you want me to elaborate further on or if you have any thoughts or ideas or words of wisdoms for the fellow girlies that are moving out on their own please make sure that you comment them down below because we can just all support each other i thank you all so much for watching and to listening to the opinion of little old me and if you would like to see more videos like this please give this video a thumbs up and do not forget to subscribe on your way out remember to keep positivity in your life because positivity breeds positivity and we have absolutely no time for negativity in 2020. i will see you all in the next video bye oh wait not bye watch my videos come on click them click them they're here they're ready they're clickable they're begging click on
Channel: Simone Nicole
Views: 4,425
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Keywords: moving out for the first time, moving to Atlanta, moving out as a young person, moving out of state, tips for moving out of state, preparing to moving, moving out advise, moving out in your twenties, preparing to move out of state, moving to Atlanta 2020, moving out in 2020, goal setting for moving out, how much money is needed to move out, moving in with a roommate, moving to a new city by yourself, finding a roommate, simone nicole, journey to moving out
Id: wmO8o-bZtjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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