TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft!

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where are you guys hiding at you know I'm going to find you all instantly because I'm the best Seeker in the world he's never going to find me you'll never find me uh Zoe are you trying to disguise as a plant in the ground I found you but what how because you have a bright purple head I probably should have thought about that yeah that was super obvious and I see Mia on top of her mushroom but how I blend in I'm orange you don't blending that much Mia you're very clearly moving on top of that thing whatever what about Nico and Shady wait hold on I I think I see a bush over here and this bush does not look like it was in front of Nico's house a day ago hello does this bush talk guys tickle it okay I'll tickle it chill I knew it it was shady I knew it nah that hiding spot was way too obvious you really thought you could hide in a bush what are you looking at oh Nico you gave out a spot Nico I found you okay fine you found me that was the quickest round of hideand-seek ever gosh there's no good hiding spots here yeah for real no kidding this area is not too great for hiding it's too open is that Fletcher what in the world what happened to him I don't even think I want to know don't look at him I'll M you boy oh gosh okay I'm just not going to make eye contact with him anyways how else are we going to play hide-and seek we have nowhere else to do it at and we have like no cool items to use all we got to use is our brains and our imagination I have an idea here follow me okay me and her ideas are we going to play hide-and-seek in your lab no that's way too easy but we're going to use my lab oh are we going to use meibo to hide us no just come on last time I went inside of a robot it ended really badly yeah no you will not be going inside of meibo all right so what are we doing here all right so I've actually been working on a device for other measures however we could use it for hide-and seek oh what kind of a device is it is it invisibility I could totally hide with that no invisibility would make it too hard that is kind of true so what kind of device is it well I've been working on a tiny versus giant device wa what that thing looks cool so for this device you can either go tiny or giant however it takes you to a specific Arena what can I try it ah fine can I Shady what are you doing get this out of my way yo well you stop breaking my lab come on stop getting distracted Mia's about to show us her cool device let's see it so the buttons on this remote mean green tiny red big blue and orange different Arenas oh so what happens if I hit the red button will I turn huge yeah you're going to be massive okay everyone move out of the way I'm going to press it okay go I want you to press it boom oh my goodness I am giant wow okay wait let me press the green button real quick press a small button all right I'm doing it oh oh gosh I'm tiny oh you're small let's go finally no Mia how do I reset to normal you press green and red at the same time it goes back to normal well boom there we go oh that's awesome now you may not think giant is good for hideand-seek but it actually can help out we can use the giant as a seeker and then everyone else will be tiny that's genius well I'm going to press the orange button is that okay Mia it might take me out of here I haven't tested it yet but sure why not well I got to try it somehow here goes nothing boom oh wo guys oh gosh I hope they press the orange button too I'm here alone but this area looks sick we could totally play hide-and-seek here and I kind of want to be the Seeker first I want to see if I could scare everyone so I'm going to go ahead and press this red button hopefully I become super giant all right boom Oh wait what happens if I press it again I wonder if that'll make me even bigger here goes nothing boom Oh I could stack it that's awesome all right I'm doing it again let's go oh yes this is perfect you're huge wait do you see me hello Mia I'm not even small yet I'm going to be the Seeker for this round right I'm going to press my button I'm going to go small well where's everyone else oh hi Zoe oh gosh I got to hide all right we just need to wait for oh there's Nico Shady I'm already hiding time to go you don't see me oh no all right well I'm counting to 10 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 all right guys I'm done counting all right I'm hiding okay well it's time to look for you guys I'm giant so this is going to be super easy said I got a giant okay hold on maybe being giant isn't so good because I can't fit in some of these areas oh gosh okay uh I hear someone Mia was that you I hear you can't fight me you can't fit oh yes I can all I got to do is press this green button and I'll be small again all right green button take me back to normal I'm pressing both of them at the same time boom oh let's go oh Mia I know you're around here somewhere wait I hear something didn't even see me wait a second Mia I found you whatever that was an easy spot that was not an easy spot I'm just goated at seeking okay I'm going back to normal now you got to be on the Seeker scene with me come on we got to go find Zoe shady and Nico which I feel like they're around here somewhere you'll never find me this is a perfect spot Mia did you know there's a button on this device to make everyone show for 5 seconds oh jeez I forgot I put that on there yeah if you press orange and blue at the same time it'll work are you ready yeah we can see where everyone's at okay 3 2 1 boom what over there over there what's going on I see someone over there I see someone over there in that way he you can't do that that's cheating okay I just got to go this direction I think they were over here I'm just going to keep my face straight that's not cheating Nico it only has three uses uh-oh I see someone's name tag no you don't who is that keep going keep going no you don't yes I do no you don't is somebody in this house no M oh you guys are both here no no way no I just got a twofer let's go which means that there's just one guy left and we all got to look for him it's Shady um I think I saw him over in this direction I'm going to use the Ability again Mia I have two more uses all right here goes nothing boom Oh I don't see him anywhere oh gosh where's the glowing thing I don't see it I don't see it either oh he must have moved Shady where you at are you serious right now guys all right I think I'm going to have to turn giant think up think up in the air wa what he's got to be in the tree all right well I'm turning big real quick one sec bow oh let's go okay I know he's up here somewhere he's probably in the tree oh he's always in the trees Shady you better get out of those trees I'm going to find you dude NOP never oh really never well then how come you still have a glowing effect on you wait what shady I see you in here no you don't get out of there I found you you're glowing where is he I'm inside of the bee yeah I can't really get to him though cuz he's there we go I see him get I'm just going to break the floor under him no Shady just stay there ouch that's right stay down there boy how is your punch so strong uh shady I see him oh gosh I'm hiding I'm hiding I'm going to punch you off no boom how is he hiding behind there I'm going to break it oh gosh guys help me with this he's so slippery I don't know what to do I can't get up there oh oh he fell off dang it Shady I'm going to stomp on you no you won't get back down here how did you even get so small I'm floating magnificently you are like I need a magnifying glass to see you all right well you're not magnificent anymore cuz I found you and I'm the winner anyways now that we've decided on the champion you guys want to go back home no no no no no bro is not the champion we have to redo that but I'm the Seeker this time oh yeah well fine how about we press the orange button and go to a different Arena then oh let's do it let's go oh this place looks sick yo oh this is cool what this is a wait is it is this my bedroom it looks like it I see my name up there this is where the baby lives oh my goodness well Shady you're the one that said you wanted to be the Seeker so good luck with this yeah I'll give you uh like 20 seconds to hide so you better hurry all right I'm going to make myself giant real quick just so I could see where I want to hide go go go go go let's go there we go boom now I can climb up these ladders all right let's see there's a bed here oh a little parkour what do I want to go here wait I can parkour all the way up here oh this might be the most goated spot oh yes sir this spot is nice all right I got to make myself tiny let's go boom perfect ouch okay maybe I'm a little too small I should probably press both the buttons bang There we go that's much better all right I'm about to see oh no wait I think I just found a better spot I got to somehow make it up there though Ultra size yo I see Shady right there where are you nowhere Shady you're never going to find any of us oh yeah well I'm going to start jumping on this bed over here yo what hey hey stop jumping on my bed that's my bed your bed is whack dog hey all right where yall at nowhere is that Crystal walking around wait what yo Christa you're not playing with us get out of here hey I want to be a part of this why is she down there let me join I can be a good Seeker no Christa leave come on Shady you know you like me me and my friends have personal beef with you and Zoe I see you no you don't is that Zoe Oh I thought I could get away with it ah get over here Zoe Christa no what in the world is going on down there Christa get out you know what Christa can actually stay she can help me out a little bit I guess no that's cheating Zoe already got caught Zoe why you so big anyways wait you see me yeah I see you okay I forgot she's a Seeker now where are you oh gosh I should probably be more careful all right how do I use that glow effect let me just Spam a bunch of buttons oh jeez he's going to make us glow I think I'm in a good spot though oh jeez he's glowing us I'm glowing I see someone oh no where they at Zoe where they at you're never going to find me gosh I'm glitching out with this big size all right I'm going small wait I wonder if I can go into spectator with this thing you know what I think I'm in a good spot let me just cover this up and try it oh now I'm spectating Shady shady I see you walking around where are you are you behind these Blocks he's looking around some lucky blocks and why is Christa there what about up this ladder shady I think they're near us well find them Christa what you doing just standing there gosh Christa is huge you guys are nowhere near me wait Shady look what Zoe do you see there's a name tag right there well there's not where oh I think that might be Mia's name tag open it open the box open the box Zoe just break it I'm breaking it I brought the right tool for this yo what wait what did he just do boom explosion oh no they're breaking open that box open this sting up oh he's exploding the whole thing this is not good oh Mia you're done Mia we got her oh Mia got found you're found no oh gosh I hope they don't find me cash where are you wait I can Freel look in spectator mode oh I can go wherever I want they're not going to know that I'm right in there where's Nico at though I kind of want to look for him uh nowhere I see you Nico you found found him wait what you do Nico has been found I'm knocking him off see you oh gosh Nico just got found wait that means I'm the last one left I should probably get out of spectator mode real quick okay I just got to stay here why am I still glowing are you serious right now glowing effect active N I see cash it is time for your demise I have found you no it's not it's not time for anyone's demise get him we're around you I see you in the chair and now I will explode it wait wait what what are you doing what are you doing boom no no no no no wait he still hasn't found me yet I can go over here I see you cash we see you I found you I chill I'm at one heart we got you oh my goodness are you serious hopefully nobody punches you and you die I'm not going to stop that would be unfortunate Shady stop Shady yeah that would be unfortunate I'm trying to regen oh my goodness I'm turning myself giant one sec boom ah there we go much better hello tiny people who will be the Seeker this time I'm going to be it who is the first one found Zoe that was zoee a Zoe you got to be the Seeker now okay fine everyone press the orange button let's go let's go oh my goodness what is this one wo I know how to do this one this arena is Tiny I know I got to make myself smaller again I think I'm just going to uh Shady where'd you go Shady I'm going to be small for this one it's time to make myself tiny boom Shady you can't go outside of the Arena you guys better be hiding all right all right jeez wait I might have a perfect spot actually okay I think I need to make myself a little bigger real quick I'm pressing both the buttons at the same time boom there we go okay now I just stand here hello sir all right I don't know who that is I'm going in here and now I can just make myself tiny like this oh yes no one's ever going to find me in here no get away from my spot you're going to spoil it okay ready you're not here I come get out where would everyone be what is this guy doing oh my goodness I need to go find my friend I have no idea how she didn't see me in here dude you're messing this up for me you got to leave yeah thank you oh this is a perfect spot for me no one's ever going to find me I might as well go into spectator mode to see what Zoe's doing as well let's do it oh my goodness Zoe's gigantic and I'm spectating her right now she's not even near me I don't see anyone yet Marco Zoe I see someone near you by the way Polo where who uh no buddy I'm not going to say anything oh come on oh my goodness I can't believe ni actually has this spot that's hilarious so he's never going to find him how do I do the glowing thing wait hold on oh gosh she's activating the glowing effect okay ni might get caught right here oh jeez why is there someone right here yo hey who's this Nico got caught oh no all right I'm getting small again ni zo this is awkward I found you R who is that I don't know hey get him out oh my oh wait okay I'm just going to go find other people oh oh jeez all right let's see if Zoe can find me it seems like Zoe knows where she's going is she looking for Mia H if I was MIA where would I be probably in the orange tent have to be somewhere near Orange right oh my goodness she just walked right past me I'm right in there let's see meia oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh wait I hear her oh I see her what that was such a good spot did I just see someone no a I found you why did you break the grass sorry Mia I got to start being careful now there's three Seekers Nico Mia and Zoe Mia do you know where anyone else is I didn't see where they went I mean I think cash was near me what he was yeah hey she's spoiling my spot but I don't know where oh jeez as long as they don't break that cauldron I'm fine guys you should go look for shady I think he's somewhere near you oh he is yeah he might be at the trees oh yeah probably I'm going to do the glowing thing again oh gosh okay three two one oh no wait I see the Bigfoot guy no that's Bigfoot ah someone's in the water oh that's Nico sorry guys oh my goodness we just wasted that Nico is ruining it for everyone Nico just made it seem like he was the one hiding and now they're never going to find Shady Shady where could those two be they're never going to find me oh gosh they're actually kind of close wait I see something what you see what look at the top of that tree over there it looks weird I see speckle up there teing wa is that shady oh I see him too oh my goodness there is no way Shady's actually hiding up here Shady that's him no get down from there no a man okay you guys found me wait that means I'm the last one remaining oh gosh now where's cash I need to leave spectator mode oh gosh let's go okay I'm back I don't think they see me I only have one more glowing effect should I use it yes use it she has another one I'll use it how does she have another glowing effect on here we go oh gosh this is not good this is not good I see a little speckle in here what is that yo are you serious I'm not in here got aw let's go that has to be cheating that's not cheating I was hiding in a perfectly open spot I don't know I didn't have to break anything well at least I didn't hide where Nico was hiding what are you bre that was a good hiding spot yeah but you got found first okay I guess so all right let me turn myself big one sec boom all right are you guys ready to move on to the next Arena yeah I'm ready let's go I think Nico has to be the Seeker let's go oh yes sir wait this one looks kind of similar to the last one I like this one yeah this one's kind of cool there's a lot of small places to hide all right guys I'm counting wait I need to make myself tiny oh gosh down from 20 20 let's see where can I hide 90 uh I can't hide in there again that's going to be too obvious 50 what about somewhere up here this would be a good vantage point I think um no probably not I'm going to go down here yo Nico chill n oh I have an idea I need to make myself Giant and get on top of this thing boom there we go now I can jump on top of this and now I got to make myself tiny again there we go perfect wait I need to go even smaller boom green button five 4 3 2 1 all right I blend in perfectly with this I'm using this tool and I'm scaling up to the max oh no bam okay ni's kind of gigantic I'm just going to turn my back is there anyone around here uh-oh hello he doesn't see me does he oh thank goodness if I was someone I'd be hiding in a small area like this oh no he's about to find shady I should probably spectate him oh gosh spectator mode activate I'm going spawn I'm harvesting this whole Farm what all right I'm clearing this whole Farm let's go wait what what in the world did he just do he just found Mia by doing that Mia I found you how did you even do that oh my goodness all right Mia y let me seek let's go I found someone Vinnie wait what howy brother gotcha why is Vinnie there he's not even playing with us this is where I live man he's not even playing what do you mean you found me all right you know what I got to be one with the Hider so I'm going going even smaller let's go oh this is confusing all right I'm just going to stay spectating Nico I think hello is there anyone in here oh my goodness he's breaking all these crops I don't know well I'm going big again Nico B oh my goodness he's gigantic I know someone's in here no one's in there NCO you can't hide from me I think you're going crazy wait a second wait what I see someone is that shady you Shady oh my goodness Shady's the second person I found was he really hiding in the corner Shady get over here a bro all right now we have Mia and Shady found oh gosh that just means it's me and Zoe left to be found they'll never find me wait I just heard Zoe shady I can't put you down Shady's gigantic this is payback Shady let me put you down oh my goodness where's Zoe at anyways I should probably find her myself oh I think I see where she oh my goodness that's actually a really good spot from Zoe no one's going to find me I'm using the orange button ability wait what is he using the glowing effect w oh gosh I hope he doesn't see me in the tree right there uh hello wait oh gosh it's always glowing I see someone walking around that's just shady I didn't even get to see them I didn't get to see them at all they're in a good spot guys I'm sorry but we're just too good at hiding y'all are buns no someone's got to be in the barn all right I'm leaving spectator mode okay good I still haven't been found and I know Zoe's down there somewhere now we I literally see her right there Zoe I'm about to use the Ability again oh gosh he's about to use glowing watch out bam uh-oh uhoh wait over there over there they're in the tree oh this is not good no we're not we do I see them I see someone no one's in the trees I don't know what you guys are talking about and I see someone purple oh no no Zoe Zoe I got Relic Zoe get over here oh man yo Zoe got got uh why is Shady looking at me I'm just a Nether wart wait uhoh is there another person up there hello hello sir yes yeah we found you ah y'all found me Shady just broke the Nether wart right in front of me yeah that was kind of silly that was unfortunate well you know I kind of want to be the Seeker for this next round because I have a cool idea all right okay unless you want to go first Mia I can go right after you all right fine let's do it to the next map oh let's go okay this one looks cool actually I like this this is like fortnite Zone Wars this is going to be the easiest one to find y'all in I don't think so anyways you guys go hide I'll start counting over here okay shady I would take that bush off it doesn't really fit the beach yeah I just took it off okay what they don't know is I actually have the greatest idea ever for this I'm going to secretly use the spectator mode to see if I can find them and then I'll just catch them all instantly and they're going to be super confused all right guys you got 5 seconds left five yep hiding 4 3 2 1 zero all right I'm seeking okay and now what they don't know is I'm going into spectator mode boom okay let's see now I can look much Freer and I can actually look ins side blocks it doesn't look like there's anyone in this boat which means wait is that a bird I thought that was Nico for a second are you serious well it looks like the bird is probably trying to hide something like someone in these trees maybe is there anyone in these trees no there's not oh gosh these guys actually found really good hiding spots what in the world where are you guys hiding holy smokes I haven't found a single one of them yet really man sounds like cash is struggling I know right you are struggling bro I am not struggling you'll never find us cash you sure why don't I see him walking around well that's because I'm in the ocean I'm in the water uh I don't see you in the water I'm definitely here though we got a big Capper on our hands do we no I feel like they could be on the floor somewhere I don't know wait a second is that Nico oh my goodness he is so tiny all right I need to get out of spectator mode and find him okay Nico I think I'm coming to your direction I think I know exactly where you are as well you're on this little beach towel get up wait wait wait wake up what I found you oh my gosh all right I'm normal skill now you are out in the open why would you hide on a beach towel that is literally so uh Zoe Zoe I see you down there oh no a man Zoe your miniature I found her a I thought that was going to work wait if you guys were hiding on a beach towel does that mean shady and Mia are too nope H interesting that was quite an Exquisite spot though yeah it was a pretty good spot you had me fumbling for a second I thought I was going to lose that entire game anyways um guys nobody bother me real quick I'm going to use um the bathroom okay sure um okay it's time to go into spectator mode again I got to find Mia boom perfect okay now that I'm in spectator mode let's just have a look see around this entire Place Zoe's looking over there so I don't need to look is Mia in one of these plants or something we're on top of this wait a second she's on top of the roof okay I need to get out of spectator mode okay guys I'm done with my bathroom break hi cash anything in there there's nothing in there Nico but I do know where something is you're in there for quite a while well don't worry about it I'm going to use my phone to make me giant real quick okay okay one sec boom oh let's go and now if I jump up here Mia I'm going to make myself small real quick to see you boom I see you no you don't I'm hiding so I found you a you are not hiding how do he even find me sorry Mia wait I still have yet to find Shady though oh jeez wait a second since when was there a hole in the sun I got to make myself big again banga um hello Shady are you in there nope that's not me that's somebody else I literally see you in the sun that's Vinnie that is not Vinnie that's you it says Shady Vinnie's in there I'm in the boat trust me oh yeah I'm using a spy glass and I'm looking straight at you oh yeah well what if I what where did he just go I don't know maybe to the boat is he cheating that's kind of cheating yeah Shady did you have phone abilities that we didn't know about no that's it if he's going to cheat I'm going to cheat I'm going back into spectator mode I see you Shady are you in spectator mode too yo what are you doing bro you've been cheating this whole time no you're cheating you're cheating Shady you're a spectator bro no I'm taking a picture of it and is sending it to our friends no no no no no okay I'm out of spectator mode no one saw me no one saw anything guys he's a cheater what he's a cheater he's a filthy cheater he's a one don't listen to him I don't know what he's talking about he's talking about nonsense he was in spectator mode Mia no oh I just got the image you have some hidden ability no I told you Shady was in spectator mode too hash what is this image of you in spectator mode caught in 4k it's Photo Shop N we're going to the next round let's go boam oh oh wao this one's another big room except this one's not a bedroom this is like a living room where are we well Mia you're going to have a lot of fun on this I'm going to hide all righty I'm going to count to 20 all right see you one ouch two all right I think I found the perfect spot I'm just going to hide in between these books and no one's ever going to find me this is perfect and now I can go into spectator mode and view what Mia's doing let's go it looks like Mia is still counting over here on the couch 19 S oh jeez okay she's starting to look all right as long as she doesn't go near the bookshelves I'm chilling I need to be a bit bigger for this one oh no Mia is turning huge all right let me check under the couch first I got to go small now yo what there's no way someone's under the couch right H yeah definitely not yeah there's nobody under here H Mia you're losing time wait where was that uh nowh wait can somebody go up to that painting I'm going all the way up there yo what my remote is there even someone up here wait a second there's nobody here she's going to waste her time okay I don't see anywh they're I got to find somebody at least wait since when was there a hole in this wall wait and this leads down I could have gone here the entire time what is that oh and it leads to this place a bunch of flower pots oh gosh wait okay what what does this lead to oh she's going to find out real soon okay I got to go I haven't found anyone yet Mia Tick Tock Shady are you nearby oh no I'm just I'm just coughing at something else what's taking you guys so long wait Shady's coughing at something else what Shady why are you in spectator mode I see you bro what you doing I'm hiding it's okay she doesn't know where I'm at well you don't know where I'm at oh well I'm going to look for you no you won't well you won't be able to find me I know your hiding spot somewhere around here Shady n oh yeah n well I'm going to find it okay maybe I can't I'm going to try and find Nico though uh no you're not uh no what do you mean I just found you at a painting huh how Mia he's at a painting behind the TV wait what where no no no no no it's fine I'm camouflaged oh gosh I think I might have just ratted out Nico somebody has to be up there Mia turn yourself big yeah okay I got to go bigger oh gosh okay let's just try to make it up here oh my gosh she's going to find Nico she found him Nico I see you no are you serious is I found you Nico got gut I was camouflaged what I saw your name all right it's fine I'm going to do an MLG ladder clutch ready all right do it all right where would Zoe be ooh maybe in the remote oh no wait is that shady down there yo Shady found a spot in the remote I got to break this a little bit there we go Shady man oh no okay I found shady and Nico I just have Zoe and cash left you can't find by me I cannot be the next one caught I cannot lose to Zoe I'm going back out of spectator mode oh this is perfect I don't even know where Zoe is but I'm definitely going to be the last one found I think you know what I'm going to use the glow effect wait what huh oh no no no I forgot about that I forgot that was a thing oh gosh three this is not good 2 1 go oh I'm glowing oh jeez this is not good oh I see someone in that TV over there I'm running I'm running wait is she talking about me or Zoe Zoe I see you I'm on the run I'm on the run Zoe's at the TV oh which means I'm the last one found oh gosh Mia I'm under you I see you guys hello I'm turning big let's go ouch I think we can all agree that I'm the best at hide-and-seek cuz I was the last one found yeah I have a feeling you were cheating what I wasn't cheating what do you mean I don't know I mean I have this photo oh yeah we do have the screenshots okay fine I might have been using spectator mode to find all you guys but who cares I know what no we cares Shady was cheating too shady where you at I only cheated just to prove you were cheating nah I'm behind you what oh and I'm taking you to jail no get away from me don't do it if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye
Channel: Cash
Views: 2,014,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, TINY vs GIANT Hide and Seek in Minecraft!
Id: A8QIjtd5Kw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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