HORRIFIED American Monsters Unboxed - EXCLUSIVE!

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welcome back to our table today we have an  unbelievably exciting thing going on i'm   excited for it this is the first ever unboxing of  horrified american monsters yeah this is kind of   a sequel game to horrified which we both loved you  really loved i did it was the my game of the year   the year it came out so i i had no idea this was  coming i didn't either ravensburger talk to me uh   reached out and we were lucky enough to be  the ones to unbox this for you so i'm gonna   lift the lid and we're gonna dive right into  it so of course starts with some rules right   and you're the rules yeah so this is horrified  american monsters obviously versus the last game   which was like universal movie monsters this is  what you would think of like american mythology   cryptids basically cryptid like bigfoot uh well  we'll get to that bigfoot is definitely right here   on the coast but there's a lot of really and those  monsters are like very interesting to me for some   reason we've got the board here and of course in  classic fashion it's dual sided in the other side   what is that it's a memo from the fbi  asking citizens of cross creek that's us   the fbpi oh the fbp federal bureau of parent  normal investigations my bad of course of   course the fbi wouldn't reach out but they're  reaching out to the citizens of cross creek   to help them track down these monsters so i'm  going to move this to the side for a moment here   so we can unfold this board you know let's  take a look at this back of the board first   oh that's super this is really cool let  me see if i can position this just so   like it's got this cool map of america i mean  this is all the different monsters i love this   production value of when they put something like  this on the back of the board in fact this almost   looks like it could be the board or a mortar  like a board for a game for sure i like indiana's   mostly covered unfortunately india is mostly  covered by the mothman it looks like that's right   so let's take a look at this side uh so this  is going to look somewhat familiar uh and the   game from what i understand is quite similar  to the original horrified just been updated   with all these new monsters very similar mechanics  but the monsters themselves are going to behave   quite differently just like you were used to from  the original the first thing i noticed is that the   original horrified was much more of a horror theme  and you'd have like a very horror themed board   this feels very americana oh for sure main street  the corner diner yeah this is small stadium small   town usa for sure it's got all these locations  you know it's got the uh the track across the   top here so again we're going to keep moving  because there's lots of things to look at here   bring that box back let's see what we got we've  got water boards punch board of characters these   are investigators as you can see here uh we've  got the mountain man oh that sounds about right   the journalist the psychic uh the crypt kryptos  zoologist that is a mouthful the jock not as   much of a mouthful the scout and what is this  the agent is this maybe is this maybe like uh   is that the fbpi guy it might be i think it is the  fbpi guy and i know oh look at the back of his are   they all like this or they look like little yeah  that's cool yeah a little like notebook notebooks   it's very thematic very cool i i have to agree  i think i like all the items here so we've got   items looks like just like oh yeah so these look  like all the tokens you're going to be collecting   goats but then also interesting uh yeah these  monster tokens look at this we've got some are   those those those look like demon heads for sure  oh wait there's goat heads on this one yeah oh   interesting interesting there's oh oh my goodness  look a blurry photo of bigfoot okay here we go   here we go so we've got more tokens here these  are of course the citizens and the the player   figures standees that you're going to move around  uh again oh i'm guessing these are the location   overlays for when you have particular monsters  out so bigfoot chupacabra the ozark howler jersey   devil yeah and they're i think there's more than  that so man i think there's one that doesn't have   an overlay and then you've got like ryan said  these this blurry photo of bigfoot and some   feet print some footprints yeah uh so oh that  must be the eye of the mothman oh i'm guessing   all right now we're into it oh here's here here's  what i like take a look at those i'm gonna open up   these cards here oh and again like i said i think  the cards so you've got some reference cards here   uh we've got some perk cards oh and the artwork  is this one looks like a ghost like a swailing   spirit oh i think that let's look in the rule  book i think i want to say that is there's six   total monsters okay so we missed we missed one we  need to get banshee of the badlands the banshee of   the bad ones you know what and mothman is one oh  we got the boards right i'm going to skip right   ahead to the monster mats as as ryan these are all  oh there's man for sure look at that look at that   mothman so the perk cards are here these look like  similar types of things but again look at this   artwork and i'll probably put some photos of these  up so you can get a closer look but i really love   the look and feel of this game i mean i love the  first one but i think i'm digging this one even   more especially the minis look at this chupacabra  you ever think you needed a chupacabra mini before   you'd think that i'd had a chupacabra mooney at  some point you might have oh is this the jersey   devil no that's the howler those are color so  yeah we've got yeah bigfoot has his own thing   it looks like just like in the basic horror  fight or the first horror fight i should say   each of these monsters interacts with the board  in a very different way and has a very different   unique defeat condition it looks like for bigfoot  you're just trying to capture a photo of him yeah   so i do know it's kind of funny we are going to  share a little bit about how bigfoot works we're   not going to go into all the rest of them because  we are just unboxing this looks like the violins   to play some music there's some cool stuff here  yeah the bigfoot uh mechanism is you are going   to be moving around the board and the interesting  thing about bigfoot is he's not trying to attack   you he's trying to run away and stay hidden he  never bothered anyone as big fit does it right   we're the ones bothering bigfoot right but as he  moves around the board he's going to leave those   footprint tokens and then you need to pick up  those footprint tokens and when you do you hand   them in and you can uncover one of the tiles of  that photo because it's going to be sort of face   down and scrambled up and then eventually when  you have it all uncovered you can use an action   at the high school i think to sort of slide it  right to go to the high school and get the film   yeah because they have the best photo lab  right uh but yeah you're going to uh uncover   that photo and once you do then you can attack  them but a lot of them work very differently   nice oh you need those dyson stendes and then  this is the bag for the items right this is   yeah that's the bag for the item it's a little i  mean obviously different looking than the original   it is the velcro it's got i think it's got it  almost is evolved with the era from which this   uh theme is from right yeah these are cool just to  to recap on the monsters because that is the big   thing here that you want to know about like ryan  said we got bigfoot chupacabra ozark howler are   you familiar with most of these i'm familiar with  most of these the ozark holler i only even heard   of i don't know much about the mythology mothman  of course if you haven't seen mothman prophecies   david yeah and mothman is what what hail's from  west virginia right yes well yeah west virginia   uh the jersey devil i'm guessing from jersey from  jersey uh oh the jersey devil that that is awesome   yeah that is really cool and then of course  the banshee of the badlands that looks like   maybe the most the scariest one to me that's  like the most like ghostly and like villainous   looking of all of them for sure yeah and again  just take a look at the artwork on these cards   it's i mean they've always done great art  on the original in all of their games but   man i really dig the way this looks i think yeah  i i think people are going to love it i mean we've   kept the accessibility from horrified yeah and you  know the movie monsters theme was great for us but   there's probably some people that are going to  latch onto this cryptid theme much better well i   can tell you one person who's going to latch onto  it and that's me i really like these uh monsters   well how often do you get to hunt bigfoot you know  and the ozark heller and mothman in the same game   yeah cover just freaks me out really really  awesome stuff so thanks for joining us we   definitely wanted to show you as much as we could  i think we covered everything uh we're probably   going to play the heck out of this game now so  we're going to box it back up before we do but   until the next time you see us make sure everyone  has fun at the table and we'll see you then
Channel: Man vs Meeple
Views: 13,981
Rating: 4.9361277 out of 5
Keywords: Board Games, Boardgames, Tabletop Games, Games, Card Games, Strategy Games, Family Games, Kids Games, Gen Con, Best Games, Top 10 Games, Watch it Played, The Dice Tower, Good Games, Monster Games, Horrified, Bigfoot
Id: 6yBXzMwGuCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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