How to Deal with *THAT* Person at the Table - Rodney Smith and Tom Vasel at HalCon 2017

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They couldn't come up with a good example of "not playing to win" but it can ruin a game for people. In a normal game its not that big of a problem because everyone is playing for them self. It can be annoying when they block you for no reason other than to block you but they are doing it to everyone so its not a big deal. It becomes a problem with certain games. Spector Ops is the game that almost got completely ruined for us. The agent refused to go for objectives and just moved back and forth going only 2 spaces not setting off the tracker. We wasted 3 hours to finally win the game with like 2 turns left and 0 objectives completed. He felt not dying was a moral victory so he was shooting for that. Luckily I ended up shooting him a bunch with the sniper.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FindTheTruth08 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really liked this discussion about inclusivity and how to tactfully, respectfully handle people and situations that might be difficult.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mrkangtastic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is one of the most fun videos about board game issues that I have seen.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Slanesh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I had hoped they may touch more on players that don’t care about the game. Players that just dick around, not necessarily with a crazy strategy, but just go through the motions, and show an entire lack of interest in the game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/G8kpr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Applause] and I'm sorry we've given up microphones yeah I'm always always very very pleased that people give up their precious time time to come to one of these it's very nice gaming time thank you buddy oh we're gonna be talking about dysfunctioning and gaming but I want to say something somewhat serious on that regard first because I I really like gaming in general because it's for everyone and we may sound briefly today like it's not okay what it really is and I think it's really important you know in my there are people in my gaming group though or my larger extending gating here if not those of you who were watching the larger group who I really don't like mine games with and we're really like even talking to sometimes that often because they're harder to get along with they present their own set of problems it's just like in general there are people like that but we need to be as accommodating as we can and I really fear a lot for the wargaming haami because sometimes because people have these public gaming groups that they go to and it's they have a hard time dealing with it so they go set their own little private gaming group which is fine let's reply then I do some of those amount too but that doesn't help grow the hobby and also this isn't very nice sometimes we just have a game group that we didn't invite Bob because Bob chooses was mouth open or whatever it is but sometimes you can't deal with these problems yeah and there are things that are a problem in the game group which I think you man I did actually I went online recently Facebook one of the Facebook groups they asked that question so I said oh why do you what can you not stand in your game room people avoid that threat got long who there's a lot of things that were said right and people are voting it so I kind of by doing I just wrote down all the things they've got a few votes or so from that list and I think you know like you said it's important this topic in a way because not only can this happen maybe and you're gonna have a game group that they're in or play games hands up okay good this is plenty right gets for - well that's the thing - right like whether or not you're having a problem currently it might happen in the future or yeah maybe it's a possibility right it's good to be aware of these things because I know I myself have done some things after game drove kind of gone home woman that wasn't my best moment like maybe I made someone comfortably the way I reacted to how the game went or whatever right and so these things they're something that's good to be aware of it actually might be kind of fun though to see if people can guess some of the things that were on this list you want to probably be that hard I'm curious does anyone have an idea of something that might stand in there's kind of a quality that maybe was I see a hand they're glad rules very good I have one that I'm here this is complaining about the rules teacher I kind of screamed yeah absolutely maybe we had that poor losers poor winners right that sort of thing can certainly cropped up anyone have any other there's one problems analysis paralysis oh very pompous intelligent mind go for number one what spirit losing ruining everyone else's good time yeah won't pay attention to the wall playing the rules yes yes distracted right Lex what's the to in my groove and what would you say is one of the biggest distractions for a lot of people yeah the alpha male yeah oh yeah I got one in here too about quarterbacking other players terms that kind of man right have to do when they try to play seventy-five I hate this right that's all the little bitty bitty details there anyone have any other ones we're doing good you got all the answers Bret's as per usual Charlie spotlight player always focuses on these that's not the less that's a good one though cut right to the hearing it is because it's pretty close a munchkin right and similar is all about you bigger one right because then this kind of happened as a shared experience and some people could kind of take the spotlight yeah everybody else the AP from gay yeah analysis paralysis that was definitely one of those that was mentioned that's uh you know what look we bought this okay anyone else would probe ap I know a couple of times [Music] take care of on components sloppy with food yes I have learned to relax a little bit about but it's certainly one rule stretching slash cheating cheating was on the list and that's the idea kind of like taking advantage a little bit of the whole session every small detail tuition you know what someone wrote something on the list that I thought was kind of interesting let's see if I can find it here it was aggressive play style even if it's within the rules and look I mean depends on your group I think a little bit some people like an aggressive playstyle but sometimes depending on the dynamic that can be like I'm someone who's always blocking everybody else take the riot playing very aggressively that's part of the fun addictive drive for some people for some people that is a real big turn-off and sometimes you have to know who you're playing the table to decide what's more important here and I'm winning or that I'm creating up to enjoyable experience of people and max are like you're really really the guy that really goes in and maybe loses the spirit of the game a little hastily no it's still in board games that promised this especially comes into play the first is do they were already winning by 80 points and the game's over [Music] he was hygiene I mean that was like the number one thing I saw in this list was that it's a simple thing but they can affect people's enjoyment I think you guys get pretty much everything kind of running and losing something really they're losing I don't hear stories about that right it says I don't run they probably run mentally checked out I come remember winning that's pro being inebriated well that's an interesting one I have I have gentlemen well I guess I'm the Superior Court is them come back and suddenly it's play style changes dramatically euro suddenly like dries to all over on that side the tape I think that's everything smoke-free oh yeah its range smoke breaks every 10 minutes yeah I have a somebody else and for everyone else just waiting it's like looking at halo one or two but now it's kind of becoming a thing where the games just being halted all the time like not playing to win what's the only other one I think I have up here which is kind of funny one I don't know it's not going to define that but like someone who's going I'm gonna try some wacky strategy or whatever or settle mind that someone's kind of iffy right if in all the ends especially in a multiplayer game if someone is doing some weird thing and it helps someone else win which runs down to one that's not a John Mayer which is kinky I think we can all agree the public don't see that crop up with you know maybe of couples at the table right where they kind of help me one thing I wanted to mention you mentioned is in here and that's and when talking about this we feel very self-righteous about these often there are a few of these which are blatantly wrong like cheating is a non tolerable thing but most of these from my perspective they're awful but maybe I need to give to like analysis browses I'm sure that person needs to hurry up maybe I'm being I'm making a move too fast right maybe this person's thinking again so seriously I can't stand that but maybe I should play a little bit more seriously or the vice versa yeah so a lot of these times we've gotta be careful sometimes disease it's easy to demonize the other person and sometimes realize that part of the problem or at least give a little bit of ground I'm trying to we're trying to keep the game groove intact I'm not I'm not doing what I can to destroy these people to kick about the game group I mean that may come to that at some point but I want people to do well so I need to give them some middle ground someone who moves really slowly isn't gonna settling move fast in a day forever but they might change slowly and I can maybe meet them halfway I need to decide what's the most important to I think right because you might be right like that person's taken too long or whatever buddy devalue the relationship with them and potentially what they bring to the table if some of their deficiencies then you've got to like find a way to work with that I think if you have you any situations like any story so we might get some your stories to maybe some your questions that you have any situation was about there's so many in the years the blankets one of them once when I worked on I worked in Korea for a while and I was a teacher there and I worked with the military bases and one of the interesting thing about military bases is that people come play games and so I was have to be very clear and say or planning games we played in a church - and in a church there was always this rule across the board in church there's no rank it's pretty important when there's a general on the front row and the private in the road - that's usually not that far apart but then army a rector to makes a big difference so gaming is the same way it's is there no lieutenants there and there's a private in the private camera League some act off the lieutenant let's go - perfect and so we have to take that out of the game but I know the tenant come on time who was just such a against took that attitude just straight across the board constantly he wouldn't he would say thanks for a curse you know and I thought you're you're kidding and I wasn't sure if he was kid and he just complained all the time all the time was complaining complaining and he's the only person one of only two times three times not kind of kids where I stood up and yelled at someone in the middle of the game not the best way to handle it there but I was so upset that it was like you were bringing this whole game down you know you were you are ruining this for everybody then I haven't talked to him later on about Eddie that actually worked in that situation I don't recommend it he came to me and apologized because military does tend to train you to listen to you know I wasn't in the military so I didn't care about other people did right then they couldn't say anything this way and he was just he was causing such a big problem he was consistently just bringing the game down if someone attacked in it was that while he was hitting me and I and I really just had a hard time dealing with it and the Dieker person attitude after that but he did it really okay it was much more sustained again that's an hour I deal with other people and nothing has changed and I don't think yelling at someone is the best way to handle it in that situation it worked but there's a better way I think to deal with it I'll talk about that after around its first story okay I'm sure I am I had gentleman come to her stories are going to be just don't get enough I came to her game group and he was new and it's worth we invited the man and we have a pretty small game room at the small town and right in two places games almost immediately he was we have a ap prone person enter in our game group and he was on that person constantly and this again someone none of our name group had played with before right but who's Amelia the table going really how long you take care let's let's keep things moving you know I had badging that player and beyond that criticizing people when they would make a gameplay decision they would do something go oh my gosh that's so stupid I think you do that like very very belligerent like almost the point of like shock you yell at the guy right I wouldn't be able I was so shocked processing what I was seeing it was I couldn't believe the behavior right and and and little things like getting his phone and started playing videos during the game and then trying to show people that in during moves if you really got kind of crazy I knew this was going to be a problem I found it afterwards actually that the guy a couple of our members really privately assembly I don't think I can come back if that's we're gonna have that player there and found any be bullied some of the people there previously and stuff like that in school when they were younger that's three things so there's an ongoing issue honor and there really there was kind of it it was kind of difficult and and I was somebody who's probably one of the the group leaders there so I need something to be said or done so we could talk to them about it and said like do replaced I was so aggressive and combative it's it's a turn-off that people were playing we don't want this to be a problem we want you to be able to come back and play that that's going to be curved maybe actually health because it didn't work it didn't quite work and I honestly think that in this particular case I don't get these a sense of it he was really trying to maliciously I think there's a little more going on there's maybe a little bit of a social development thing that was maybe it play as well but unfortunately was so disruptive to the game group we did all that I had asked him to not return and that potentially in the future you know we can try something maybe outside of our regular game group and try to play the smaller groups and see how that works didn't quite pan out there either but it was one situation of the fourth way to draw the line ago this kind of either just can't continue so I mean tell if you've done that thank you that's the only time I had to do that most of the time it has an issue be able to talk about it and usually people aren't super receptive immediately their uses are the defensive this that you want to stick up for yourself and say hey it's the other person is the problem whatever but generally it's worked out because people don't want to be not in the game but if they want to come and play games and hang out and have fun there's a sort of social contract we're trying to all engage in there right but for this person this is too much to ask at that time how did you tell me was it email or initially it was verbal we had talked and then when I felt it was time to say look we have to draw a line in that I wrote but I wrote it not to avoid the face-to-face contact it was more begin because we're in a small community I felt like this story to get taken in a bunch of different directions I want it in writing when I said so it's very clear being nice and being tactful it's at you know and so we wrote in for the I think it's best to be go our separate ways I don't always recommend the right I think it is good to do it face to face the rights obviously easier it's a little less personal but I think it's good to see you're not wishing them any ill in the process right yeah you mentioned that you were the leader of a game group and we tend to our personality to that the level take charge one of the problems that can crop up is that you have a place that you're not in charge of and that's the problem this happens a lot at local game stores no I didn't say friendly local game stores because I really feel like a friendly local game store will handle these problems that's a good point is in this case it was someone's home we were playing it it was that a game store or something so you have your breakfast and in the game store you can't say you can't come back to the storage you don't have that authority but you can say you can't play games with the group and you can make it so that they believe regardless yeah you know most people won't come where they're not wanted and it's been expressed but I think it's good it's good if you have a group to kind of put that down it's not that someone needs to be a dictator in charge but you want that person to say so and so it's being a problem can you talk to them right because one of the biggest problems with problem players in the group is no one ever says anything except to each other and then what happens is people stop living and that's where I get into thing I want to help people as much as possible I don't want people to come to the gaming group but if one person comes and they change to a 7 or 8 people that's a huge problem for me Richard so if one person has a problem for me and that's where it has to be dealt with and times no one deals with it and everyone just kind of stopped coming because that person's annoying well let's talk about it that's what's worked through that if we can because that is again a problem that local game stores have even in like their shop itself as well as customer buys a lot of magic so I'm gonna let them keep coming right right that's fine if they're chasing away your other customers you need to deal with that and unfortunately a lot of game sorts don't and a lot of game groups don't and so you need to talk to the whoever is in charge and say there's a prom hallowee-- handle it and I and I found that that's one good way if you have not everyone's confrontational why can't I confront people I can't right I'll do it some people won't do it or one at all so find someone who's willing to do it because otherwise it just really it's a cancer to you yeah I think if you have an ongoing game room it's not a bad idea to have there's only a formal code of conduct but just even if you have a group that meets regularly and you think you might have that problem why not have a little outline of things that here's kind of the way our group works this is what we're looking for this is looking for this experience as a way of maybe new people who come in but feel more confident though kind of inclusive environment which are three crosses about where the bow a little bit I am so excited we're in a very good position with a new game store opening up in our area going out where there is a gonna be a game night and I'm in charge this guy rather than the local game store and we're going to do that oh yeah okay and one of the interesting things is sometimes there are things that are going to vary from group to group cursing for example maybe you don't care if four out of every five words are curse words that's and that's fun nothing else but that needs to be set because some people will not like that you need to kind of figure out where the group is do you allow me British people at the table or not that's going to change from group to group and I shall change hell you know can kids come or not that's a big thing to can we left 10 year-olds come and play with us you know especially when they're dropped off by their parents in their parents leave right now you have these rules in place or what do you do that you know you have to handle it and so it's easier to do it proactively they'll attractively right right so you better believe I have a list of a good guideline they're not rules because you'll be really careful because it rules comes as a negative thing here is the list of rules and then there's always a bad guy you know we'll just basically be doing to others as you would have them do unto you that's the general gist of it but there should be other things to it if food and drink are not allowed at the game table and should be made clear way earlier we're basically if you mess and once came up you're gonna be expected to pay for it Santa Anna Faris even right like if they know the rules there's less chance they're going to screw up and then realize that in fact right so we're some strategies to help bring everyone on board would be game even if everyone's gonna learn differently some people very fast some people are they need the visuals so give me a lot of examples some people just want me just get started we'll learn on the way you can't stand those people the first ones ago everyone's on the same page cause everyone's on the same page you learn like that that's fine but usually you have a mix of people like you're saying okay look I'll get this one out of the way yes if there's a video you can direct everyone to watch it but it's kind of nice of you if you can't have some player aids or sheets or a game unique it has wonderful player it's often times for each game and will just summarize the rules on one page or so apparently one to give it everyone so that way they've heard the rules they're not going sure they maybe even are embarrassed but asked and they can just go up and find the thing they're looking for our page right front that's a nice way jiminee thoughts about how you yeah I'm fortunate to be in a larger game group so there's usually people there so I can play with whoever I want to to some degree although and we'll talk about this later about timing issues and how you can make sure you play with the people you want to play with but the we have people who come in who are different and how fast if they have a game I got a guy Matt game group you've seen him on my videos Jason I can explain the rules and he could be sleeping and he would not have to play the game and that's fine but then I read it to one person who really struggled to the point where if some of the books in the game group said we are not going to play this person because they asked the same question 40 times over the course of the game and I said well you know that's something you know it's let's see what we can do so I would play with that person so there's a couple things I would do first of all if I was playing a heavier game mode I would say listen this is too heavy for you this is not a game that you would be interested you guys say no way it doesn't make them sing I'm not you're dumb but just say hey this is really complicated do you think that gave me I was super complicated this makes it look like you know Candyland so you make it that way so that they they know what they're getting into and you also don't wanna get the point you need to do this this and this but then I would say okay okay this easier game now I will include that person right and bring them in and oh they want to put the same game more than once okay fine you know cuz I like to play new games all the time right so all right so I would do that and bring in other people of like minds and thank Jason you should go play over there necro because this will frustrate you right and that really helped this person in now picks up games a lot faster well more complex games with this person now but it was I had to I had this not being a little arrogant as to maybe too strong word but this kind of sake it's not that big of a deal sure they're going to say yes you need to draw after your turn of the guards you know the same thing over and over yet but that's what to have some people learn and so I'm glad that you mentioned about kind of warning people off of the game because I'll do that my gamer makes funny because they heard me one time a couple came over it's looking looking at the game about to set up and why don't they want to play or not I said well this is like a really dry long euro and I was saying I knew this was not the kind of game they were going to enjoy and they put something every time Concordia comes up oh it's that dry euro but it was more like trying to I didn't say I this is over your head it was more like this is nothing too exciting to you I didn't think and just trying to save them from that experience and I think kind of giving people that out so they don't feel like they have to sit down to play a game just because it's happening we have a problem we have a small problem we have a small group so it's not easy to split up this they find three or four different options you know I mean I think you probably the bigger group she's slightly right and and another thing I do too is especially with euro games if you have someone like that do not let the full player count don't do it in our in shorts Vegas every year a game is set up to five players they're almost always way longer with five and I'll tell people that be like look we're playing for max you know and that's I'm sorry maybe it's faster were five but we're going to play the floor or you know the smaller player counts and it just goes better that way that person was making more actions more turns faster and the five where game they can't lost in the shuffle and they drag or whatever the four-player counts because most European publishers buy anyway about the time you know I'm going to say that it's going to take you four hours I don't need to come up with this too long but one last thing I just want to say about what you were saying because I think it's better to err on the side of being patient even though you might have three people at the table or just like come on I will try to play towards the slower person because I want them to but the rest of us we can who are better at games we can take it on the chin a little bit for extra ten minutes to explain to this person a couple more examples it's kind of how I look at it I'd rather making them feel like they're able to be participating then make them feel like they're the ones dragging everyone else down I agree but only for someone who's having problems of rules yeah yeah when you said slow yeah the only reason I'll take the time to explain something if they're not quite getting this let's explain let's make sure you're on board yeah and also when you do these things it's always best to help them at the expense of yourself you know how to do what you could attack this territory here that's your territory and I think I grasp it and it's already annoyed that gets people really bad then yeah I have an issue where have group vote Tempe and I would prefer to split into two or three games instead of playing party games all the time I only keep very few but I don't want to play them every single time every single night to begin together is there a good way to kind of facility not forcing him to slip but kind of encouraging that without being I think you're gonna have an answer that's not what question though is it is it is a it's your personal game group at your house or something or is it my host of my house okay there's a any could be anywhere from six to ten people I mean I know I could not find everyone well the world quick we're repeating for the camp purposes is the right question is what do you do when you have like six to ten people and they don't really want to split up into multiple groups and though you're stuck playing the same party games over and over and over and over again right something I've definitely run into giving thoughts on this one I apologize in this case I just say guys I'm playing a sport where game the other six would you figure out what to do like if you've done the party game thing multiple weeks in a row you get your turn to like I'm all about trying to make everyone happy but at certain what everyone has to compromise a little bit for the enjoyment of everybody and that's not happening there might be something wrong on the dynamic of the group right or just let them know maybe this is the week you skip like because we're not going to live learning how to play this but we'll be back actually for party games right that's true order some people who might say hey we really want to play for every combo great we'll settle them at night up and we're just playing for Rico you know whoever who said be invited and if you're very specific people who aren't invited it should not be that upset about it especially as long as no one posted pictures on Facebook [Music] always brings the specific game if they really want to play that that game is probably going to take the entire night it's a newer game but it's just not really fit or playful giggling plan but he just it's really not been tonight I know your co-star summer this solution of this problem is everyone the game room it's a week like it's my week I'm making the game and it's going to be this next week from me yeah you pick group in the way that he does it and I hate this method but I feel more for his group and it might work for others I'm too helpful I think for this right but everyone has a pick so what they do is say they have all this and so tonight let's say we show up and it's I can't ground me if you your first pick Tom Sega pixel Randy says I'm picking this game so he picks this game and we're like alright it's probably Kevin who wants to join our game announcer then I've been again yeah and then everyone can join those two games help when I pick a game I could say I'm gonna pass because I really want to play any game and he's playing that's fine but then then the third and the next person gets to pick a game then there's two games and people can join either of those games if you don't like it well you already knew the rules going in but you're going to get your time at some point so if you have that long game you can do it and if no one wants to play the game with you which I think it's something he says I get no one wants to play the game then it's just and then you're gonna have to hunt down other people ready my friend of your group but person might just have to have a guy who shows up in my gaming group where he showed up every time with monopoly on the Scrabble and then triathlete and a whole bunch of other games and he's like hey and I was like wow he really just being my hair I think you'll love it let's play this one okay and that that work for a few weeks right he's like what are we gonna play this game I was like well look around maybe someone with you and shockingly he got people with him and I was glad this person your group is bringing it every week and they minded every week and they're persistent for like half a year look keep in mind [Music] I know what you mean right what I mean is maybe some people would be interested and maybe people would like it and maybe I was playing it for an hour you would cure him yeah so right there Saints at the right time at the right place Nestle I would disi like I said I would really someone came to me and said I want to fight Twilight in Peru and now we're not doing that tonight at the game group but maybe we can schedule a day to do that that's the way but any I'm not just some that's why that but any game that's a bigger game I might say hey we're gonna play through dissent you know some campaign to that that's when I pick specific people and say when you come we're gonna play this specific game I already have it set up when they get there things like that and that really is useful the people who weren't invited were like we didn't want to come anyway right and I found that that works well especially if I'm like I don't want to play it but I find it for other people who want to in my case it must wait while I agree with you guys go ahead like find that yeah at this table here we're just going to be playing this blind people like I have to definitely it was turned out to be a fun game and the girls marrying mr. Darcy right it was kind of fun but I kind of had that vibe because it sometimes where you know these two different games I've never times a bit surprised by a game I thought I wasn't going to enjoy if I say okay I'm a wolf I will give into it this person wants place thing then had the present a great time you know so sometimes we get surprised bananas you anyone else have it look in it around for a second here you show up at Convention setting okay where people are playing games and stuff like that so here here but you come into the room people playing games okay I am kind of interested I don't know the games into play how do I engage what do I do with them I don't like getting in so this is the question here and for the cameras just you come to a convention you maybe don't have a group here you come with and you walk into the gaming area and silly playing games and you want to get involved in some way how do you sort of insert yourself or find someone to play with it right now it's a challenging thing I know some conventions will set it up that you can get those flags or things you put on the table hey I'm looking for other fighters or I'm looking for a teacher sometimes they'll have things like that now there isn't something like that it does get tricky I don't know there's an easy things that come down to locked I think your personality if you're very introverted that's did a difficult thing to do to go to some would say it looks like you have room for one more would you be interested like I find that most people are gentlemen excited to share their enjoyment of the hobby with other people especially if those other people may be hardened yet like I'm always looking to stop somebody else right and they don't want you to join the game that he didn't want to play in any way though yeah if those signs aren't there and they should be at every convention they're here it's clear when it's not yes yeah but they're not hopefully this is the convention as a good enough staff like here's a really great example there's a lot of staff here Wow just go one of them and say I'm looking to play a game you got anything and here I know though Blake oho will find yourself we'll set this up we'll get you I'll play a game with you myself this is a really good situation but at any convention I might find someone running it and say hey I'm looking for let them be the Bulldog because they won't come loudly do it yeah yeah let's get us a building on that - for this convention where they'll stay in the schedule we're going to teach this game at this time so that you can go and they're already set up and ready to go so if there means you're interested in people that also want to play that game we'll go on their own or with you only play that with well that's a super good tip a break rather we need to say yeah lots of demos way under the data to get into yeah me yes the problem is singing I know sir at this ball right now so I guess you know the obvious problem that I'm thinking that was like the you know the output problem where people are butting heads right and trying to being drone what do you do and this isn't more common problem for me now I'm getting a little older than it was up easy and I have fewer 2-0 alphas and so decisions don't get me who have main groups where people stare at each other and nobody can figure out what they want to do is nobody wants to assert themselves are you talking about so the questions about beginning really in the game we're like just picking a game picking a game to play making the same schools is what you do if you don't have enough help us in there to actually make decisions to get the game Tector played or whatever right yeah it happens in role-playing games to wear my shirt no I'm not very into it where people are expected to like you know the characters are supposed to collaborate to make a decision right and zero decision hit me and I'm I didn't either five years ago it never happened now it happened before the group baking games again can the same as twice Zarek's thick thing or what probably work hopefully never watches it's your turn to pick a game anyone know they have are they aware that this is a problem yeah I think that's well I think they're aware that it's like a like a humble brag you know it's we have this problem yeah exactly but also guys this is a sign that every basic promise you that's a better problem in the other way I say to random II could go in there you could go here's a bunch of games will be like we're gonna hats on the dry out I think that's promoting someone who made a game for the name of the company where they you took all your games your real action there's a webapp thing I think you go in we should put the link of the description we find it but you can go in and you say how many players you can the sake I think that genre or technical I do and it will look at your collection from bgg I think and pop out here's a suggestion for a game maybe fourteen Bible yes random yeah any kitchen spray - ok the new Bible apples and I can look at your collection and randomly pick a game yeah you can't build your collection by Claire's and everything and then Frank ok ok that's when we getting down to time you were to get the vote yeah it was another one that was actually published game that I reviewed that helps narrow down because where you like to put all the games that you're interested on the table when you put a card on each one then it will sell really every woman fo you know like that yeah I just pick a game they could just call you how do we define a type of one more but we're like five minutes left I think so this is directly you sorry okay as someone who's looking forward to the day this video become 40 [Music] why don't we want to learn how to play star wars your belly it might come someday I mean there's lots of things you can do with that game like that if you take the lid off it could be a hat components they could be like caltrops you can throw in the future hopefully if I keep doing this thing we'll get to that one this is a better question I like that you guys know you guys research foot how to better they gave videos and the rulebook but I don't know that I'm discovering new methods necessarily I think I've sort of at least provided for the videos have kind of found my pattern that I think works it seems to work for my audience so I don't tend to change it too much I kind of have a format I follow but I certainly I think where I where I get to where I am in terms of I teach and I watched other people teach games and I saw people the table get frustrated or get lost and I looked at those moments and said okay I've got to make sure that it doesn't happen I guess those are those moments that I've avoided in some way and find strategies to avoid so probably tap it but it's been gradual over time I'm not even sure what those steps were anymore he's done a video like I'm at a pitch again actually I had a dinner last year about that actions and tips and tricks about that so I guess there is kind of subscription trips around that but I often don't think of it anymore except when I'm asked to do a panel on it yeah yeah I probably should do that it's a big barrier to the entrance for surely the robot yeah we're gonna give any final thoughts here well not really I mean I think that the main that it's good talking to you about challenges that we all have to face I think it is a good idea to be aware of how we are potentially contributing to that and how we can help avoid it in our own game groups I think what you've said is about treating people the way you want to be treated is kind of the big tightening principle if you try to do that sincerely it can solve a lot of problems it means not always putting yourself first in the situation I don't want to get into this over with mean thing but I didn't like as a kid being an herb being excluded from things we look down on because being hurt I got over it you know not a big deal but I need to think about that in the game group this person they're really annoying they're really slow have they taken a bath you know in this past week or whatever we can make fun of them and laugh a joke about them and it happens a lot and people come up smack about the first banner back and sometimes a very unkind and cruel even maybe not so blatantly but we just treat people very poorly and you have people who are problems and groups and won't talk about you know how to deal with that but other than like cheaters or people who are bullying others like you mentioned right for the most part these people are there because they like games we are sometimes the only positive thing in their life so it might suck otherwise they really might and so I need to think about that you know because I my game group is my job now I go there like we must learn next you know we're learning this but it's also a place for me to get more people into you know just for me to be as nice as I can to them to make relationships beyond just are you gonna be fun the words game with no all right next yeah that's all I'm doing that I must let's play against my house and not ever go out with other people so that kindness can be infectious and that person can potentially see a good example and change to you know so much that's unfortunately all we have time for [Applause] thanks so much for watching the diced our videos find more great videos and reviews as well as our top rated audio podcast at dice tower calm you can also find other great shows at dice tower I'm Eric summary and you've been watching the dice tower the dice tower is sponsored by cool stuff Inc where you can find great games for great prices cool stuff in stock check them out at cool stuff Inc calm
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 22,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, Rodney Smith, Watch It played, Hal-Con 2017
Id: D9vPidgEyUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 25sec (2485 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2017
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