Timothy DeLaGhetto speaks w/ Logan Paul about his Japan Scandal & Asian Culture - IMPAULSIVE EP. 73

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drop it in the comments below if you know I mean it definitely would have to be somebody who brags a lot for not like what are they making up you won't say a name right now I'm not gonna say a name you can say na who would it be I have somewhere in life and Jimmy you look a little rough today I highly disagree I think I look great I I'm wearing eyeliner still let's see it's from I painted myself like my dog anyways welcome back impulsive the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing subscribing for now subscribe hit that button before I [ __ ] do something about it oh hey yo I had an audition this morning I had an audition my first Hollywood audition in 1.5 years dude how'd it go go horrible yeah yeah what went wrong I [ __ ] blew it I got cobweb I was rusty what do you can I see what you doing I was from that party we had we went to a party last night it was a fashion of a party cardi butt party with cardi with fashion of a party cardi Mike was there hey by what point you think you're too old for all that bro yes ten years I went to the doctor the other day and I got my blood your on just to see if I was good like I could check up and I've been getting a little more sick than usual and nothing's wrong he just said to me he goes you might just have to face the fact that you're not 18 anymore and that sucks like I don't I feel like I don't need sleep but I actually do to stay healthy and I'm getting sick more my immune systems going down my hangovers are lasting longer five days kids watch out it's over it's over once you get 23 it's done we're missing Spencer badly badly yeah like right now you'd be yelling out it's like guys do you think that's really smart for your immune system to be going out corneum like that and and Spencer's doing quite the opposite he [ __ ] flew to North Northern California Norway to run a another Ironman Joe good for you Spencer good luck [ __ ] great good luck Spence love you man hey happy that you're [ __ ] a spitting image of societal perfection yeah dude you rock yo what what party last night right with cardi we went to that party yeah bro there's this hot Australian mom that I have a huge crush on bro can you say this is she married no no she's saying I say who it is but you got two kids people probably know I never talk that's fine she's hot as [ __ ] and I realized something last night yeah she we were gonna go to the club after the party and so we're making this move to leave the club and I started thinking I'm like y'all god get her out of here before the NFL and NBA players get here bro Oh like as law has a micro influencer bro or any influencer in in LA you got to get these girls out before the half a skunk's so we're walking out it's me and a group of oh you secured the bag of that no it wasn't like just me and her but we're I'm walking with her side by side we're walking out we're gonna go to Warwick we're just gonna slide out we're sliding out the door see the door sight bro I'm like yo we [ __ ] made it bro this is gonna go my way for once that's great life is good right now bro we're like 5 feet from the door and I see this arm reach out and it just braises her shoulder player basketball player Oh BJ Oh Jay and she looks and she goes hi and I'm like [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah you lost it [ __ ] and I just went no that's how it works uh athletes reign supreme here in LA they're like they're the king of clout if you're a relevant athlete otherwise like if you got like injuries and [ __ ] you ain't [ __ ] you know what else I hate at parties and it happened a lot yesterday and I always complain about this when someone comes out to me they're like yo I got this app like I will not invest in your app even just like priority you're not principal he out of principle because you told me about it at a party I just won't do it a guy comes out to me this was a true story Andre was there he comes out to me would like small talk he goes yo I own a medical dispensary verbatim I go I don't care to his face I don't care like so no bro I'm all like I don't care I don't care bro until no no no one of those companies they come up to me like I own a medical company it's called a he Bob medical and you're like [ __ ] you Bob medical don't care go [ __ ] yourself six years later you're back in Ohio the vlog channels ruin podcast got cancelled yeah mike says I'm stupid and you watch the news it's like today's breaking news he bought medical goes public a billion dollars out of principle instead do it hey we got a dope guess today sure bring him on I don't have to oh sure we should add a bigger one than usual he's done like actual television oh he's got real town yeah like actual town must be fun nice bro hey guys he's an actor a rapper a YouTube og a food connoisseur and you've seen him dissing someone's mama on wild now it's Timothy hey thanks for having me bright Tim got real talent I mean fax you right hey where was your last audition bro cuz I'm really worried about the one I had this morning man you know what I haven't you know I haven't booked an audition though in like a long time like I'm not I'm bad yeah I feel like I'm really charming you know I'm saying but like I get low-key nervous you know I'm saying so like you know afterwards I'm like ah [ __ ] I should have said like this I said like that but I definitely didn't book my last audition that I really booked was wiling out man that was uh let's see I did like six years on that show so that was probably like 2013 yeah when audition was probably 2012 yes years six years eight seasons yeah what makes you feel more comfortable with Wilding out versus like like auditions because you're like it like more improv in like you're just like kind of yeah when I was dope because like while and I was basically everything already I knew I was dope bad it was like you know I could like the freestyle rap and I did some improv comedy hereness in college it's like you know just being goofy being me being funny but also like getting some jokes off you know I'm saying so it was that I felt good about that but you know I like auditions are you feel good about an audition then you never get a callback just the ones you're like oh man I [ __ ] that up they're like alright here's what here's why that like doesn't really work for me bro cuz like being a content creator like quite honestly I know when shits good and I know when I'm good like in the scenes were in flat earth and we do seem you know and I'd be like y'all I don't believe myself here let's do that again like I know saying I can feel it Jake Paul's calling me what do think is gonna talk about the party last night saw you there I was there yeah I turned around I was like hey I haven't seen you in like years I feel like where do we meet was it the Lilly Singh video uh might have been the vine like versus you oh my god yeah I think that's like when woman gonna oh and I feel like we ran into each other at some like New York bang okay real quick New York thing I forget Bryant it's no problem but yeah you tapped me on the shoulders like yo I'm on your podcast mom like Timothy DeLaGhetto is on my you ever have a problem in LA with not remembering if you've met people before I forget everybody like they come up to they they say yo what's good and we've talked about this before was a key he's gotta know I always do this right no matter who it is it's gonna say they said dude I go oh what's up man how you been it's good to see what's not what's how you been Agro um have we met before just in case like if I do gives me any like eyebrows light raising like have we met before and if yes then it's like okay good I'm safe and then if not then it's like oh [ __ ] I don't know you got a familiar face that's it the good to see you sure to see you oh it's in both it works in both things cuz you will always meet someone for the first time good to see you when you're seeing him again for the first time or for the next time good to see isn't a good to see when you've never met like uh-oh but we've what do you mean what she's happened to me once happen to me once I'd never met the person ever and they hit me leaving with a good to see you and I was like that was weird yeah but also kind of worked and if he worked and I asked someone I was like why do you think you said that he's like I don't know he probably doesn't know if he remembers or met you before I don't know well think about it's more of like a it could even be more of like a physical compliment like good to see you like it's good to see it's great that I can physically see you guys I'm blessed to have vision right now okay guys it's crazy cuz you know especially our production like white dudes look the same they always have beards and they are like not you your arm that's on saying but it's weird because I can feel the racism really say that about like any ethnic group really oh you don't and depending on how you grew up but like for me like bearded white dudes all of the same thing and I can never tell them apart and like so come on man I swear I've met the same bearded why do like 10 times and I feel bad about you know good to see you we really do yo I was watching Westworld have you seen that show bits and pieces bits and pieces yeah and like I got to agree with you I had the same thought the other day all the old like western bearded dudes yeah look identical against my own race know why people anyways stop apologizing me in general yeah beard white dudes well look even like look if you watch like Game of Thrones you know I'm saying it takes you a good like season and a half before you really realize who's who everybody got long hey yes I do I do I do and I heard like the last couple episodes were some of the best like cinematic content to grace TV ever can you verify I can't agree cinematically it was very dope you know I feel like some people had some issues with some stories and the way it went but I still like I [ __ ] special the Battle of Winterfell it was it was the the long night that people were kind of yeah and a long day with with the white wire that was the best that people say that was the best episode of the series would you say people go back and forth a lot of people are really mad and some people really love it you don't said I enjoyed the episode I sat down for for two seconds like because I don't watch the show and I was like I'll give it a chance but also I don't think you can sit it what season is it on it's like eight I don't think you could sit in on like four minutes of one episode on season 8 and like under saw a dragon gets shot with a giant arrow yeah that was actually dope that was though it was sad it was sad it was a it's even more said if you watch this [ __ ] cuz she looks at those dragons like as her kids yeah baby oh but it happened so quick yeah people were mad about that - it happened sure wasn't enough build-up well because they were like well if you watch the episode right cuz you know like the other fleet of ships came from around but you're [ __ ] people were like yo how did she not see a hole as ships when she was flying on her dragon so people like people think the show is getting a little too like catering to like the fans and not the story like it used to be yeah oh they're leaving coffee that's the biggest news what are your thoughts on that you think that that was a Starbucks plug was it like a game of Thrones like did they do it to try to build a hyper on the seat like I think was good yeah I think that was definitely just us mistake because it was a dark you know the episodes been dark there's a cut they left a coffee cup when does it take place well like it's really like 1200 now early earlier like fictional you know it's not even a real last you know world it's dragging two are busted up dude who's Amelia sportful fart who's to say that there there's no Starbucks there like I get it seems unlikely like yo everywhere I turn here there's a Starbucks at every corner so why can't there be one in Winterfell who's to say there wasn't like a white bronze chalice you know I'm saying that someone just had on the table yeah she's a queen I know it's unlikely but it's still possible I did see an article about what episodes you would have to watch if you wanted to catch up very quickly where the producers of the show put out like a quick list it was like 8 episodes from like a bunch of the different seasons if you watch those you'd catch up we should probably think about it bro I've heard good things it's a you know I'm knocking I I was not conscious no it's okay and sometimes I just I I wasn't even conscious for what I just said I just made all that up Roseanne Barr you're good hey yo let's cut the [ __ ] all right listen here's what I got the [ __ ] now let's cut the [ __ ] bro all right you made a video about me after Japan I did you remember that I did I think it was a fair video I also agree mm-hmm but um I just wanted to pick your brain a little bit about a even why you came on this show because sometimes I confuse people who who made videos after that and with people who hate me okay I like do you hate me Tim I do not hate you bro sure and that's why I did that video you know I'm saying like like yeah y'all did some dumb [ __ ] right I agree with some dumb [ __ ] that's why I did the video right yeah but also like um the the video that I did about you in Japan was specifically about and if you haven't watched the video I referenced something you said in your like your first statement that people hate it too right where you were saying like yeah you know what I'm doing this like 20 minute show everyday right like your vlog and I was like basically trying to dissect you for people that aren't familiar with vlog life because I'm vlogging every day can [ __ ] your head up you know I'm saying and I've known people that tried to vlog every day I vlogged every day for a minute and like I didn't like it because I think it was like just wasn't for me right but for you specifically I want to be like yo he is looking at this [ __ ] like his life as a TV show and when you get obsessed with that you start to the lines between life and what is just entertaining get [ __ ] up right so I was like he was so focused on creating what he thought was gonna be like you know this is the craziest content you've ever seen you're kind of like I feel like what you what you realized was may be morally [ __ ] up you wasn't in your head you know I was trying to explain like yo psychologically dish it's like you know it [ __ ] you up and I was trying to you know make a point to that you know they got true it was so dumb of course it was [ __ ] but I don't hate you I thank you or else I wonder came on the show no yeah well when you confirmed I wasn't or when we asked you I wasn't sure if you'd say yes or not cuz like I said I'm not sure where people lie yeah he's like some some people are holding it near and dear to their heart a year and a half later like see I'm against I'm against canceling people forever too you know I'm saying it was like okay people are stupid they make stupid mistakes we're all kind of growing I've of course done [ __ ] in the past that like I wouldn't do now I've done like content in the past I wouldn't do now and like I feel like if someone recognizes their mistakes and apologizes for it then like why why [ __ ] hold that over their heads forever you know exam you would you say he's paid as his time like from a cancellation standpoint or who's to say how long you are allowed to be you should be cancelled out so maybe somebody should set up some guidelines some you know code around how long you get cancelled because I think it's on the person but like it's on me like like we're still doing it we're still doing it so I'm like look look at him like he's changed obviously there's no question about I've been able to see because I've been with him every day since it happened but like I think even watching from the outside and checking in every few episodes or looking at his content looking what he does like he's a completely different person I'm just matured it's and you know what like if that needed to happen to make me an actual human it gets you back the back to real life it did that that whole that whole period in Japan was a mess as you know and there was a there was a a part there where the narrative shifted to some sort of like Logan Paul racists against Asian people yeah did you feel that at all or by the way I'm so open with this because hey surprise I'm not racist gotcha yeah blogs take it away he brought me on just to pretend like he's not right for you that's the classic no one high school some of my best friends were Asian girl once on three years ago okay no like the I was definitely more irritated at the the shenanigans in Japan yeah then then to be honest like the whole like the forest [ __ ] you don't say it I was like yeah cuz I was like I was like oh my god like I was like oh my god why why would someone do this and then I've seen the Japanese I was like ah you know it's like rolling but you know just like you know your typical like stupid white dude is affecting the people you know but hey man as long as you realize you did wrong and I know you did I know you realize that expect I mean do you know that bro what if I'm just from you could be well either way um [ __ ] I mean hey follow me guys you guys don't you guys don't know who I am I know I'm trying to tap into my my young white girl demographic like I don't think enough white people watching me so I'm trying to tap into that so [ __ ] with you boy wait really what's your real you know my demo well you know cuz I've been on YouTube for so long right yeah so it's crazy my demo was like it's older it's kinda now it's like very like 18 to 35 ish and majority Asian of course and then really yeah yeah I wonder why what'd you say of course that doesn't strike me um what would not have thought that just because you know in the beginning of YouTube there were so many Asian dudes that popped off like Asian comedians like you know KevJumba nigahiga yeah yeah of course me and I feel like that's mainly because Asian people never really had anybody representing us on TV or movies you know I'm saying so when they saw people coming out on YouTube like doing funny [ __ ] or like doing rap [ __ ] or doing any music things they were like wow finally somebody Asian that like looks like me that I can identify with so a lot of Asian people like popped off in the beginning they're like a huge like a lot of support from the Asian community just for anybody uh trying to represent that's all I know that's awesome and then as a result and then and then after that you know of course like um I got a strong like Latino community following two let's go because I got grew up in LA I do a lot of like let's see no references you know I'm saying and and my best friends growing up were like I went to like a night like 80% Mexican high school so a lot of the homies that also I like my best friends now are dudes that were my best best friends in high school who have any Mexican and and also like you know I do a lot of like a hip hop a humor so you know I got you know black people enjoy my videos as well especially after a while and out to like you know of anybody who like watched like a lot of older black people know me now from from wildin out it's a real last name de la guerre oh no no no is it ghetto no I have the word ghetto and all know cuz de la ghetto de la is in French means of the mm-hmm so it's timothy of the ghetto yeah a little bit yeah yeah hey something is your pollen before say amazing a little french I only know one French phrase and it's a level two shame FS was it was just would you like to touch my butt oh that's tight yeah that's a song that's like why do you know that huh I was in Montreal for for a show and I was like hey hey French girls or French Canadian girls teach me some [ __ ] and that's what they taught me would you like my butt yeah did you touch their butt probably I was s concerned I was that we grew be staged at that point of my life slob I might have touched the French Canadian but at one point yeah only a fine what's the difference between a french-canadian butt and an American but if any um you know it's weird I feel like anytime anybody is a kind of some kind of like a spicy white the the booties tend to be a little like a little rounder around her yeah it's weird if any type of European Russian but or like us like you know spicy white what about like a consistency like from like a like mass standpoint cuz like they don't probably eat as much like fast food is it firmer um you know what it kind of all depends how how do we make this conversation as well you know what type of girls are you into though I'm into you know in my past if you just if you look at just my past I've dated all types of girls like literally like every color yeah yeah yeah are they all shapes and sizes actually that's great yeah I don't have a type um okay but if okay I didn't think I had a type until like until somebody was kind of like showing me pictures of the the just what I like and then it was definitely I think I'd lean more towards brunettes more exotic looking dark hair you know Mike mix girls and like just like dark status right now I'm married actually yeah yeah yo Congrats think wow what's that like not gonna lie it's lit really you don't mean it's no I swear bro it's pretty dope not gonna lie um definitely going into it I had a few people who are like hey man don't do it about don't do it man we're boys I just people I'd run into you know boys were cool not know my boys were fight yeah cuz they know me they all love my wife and I like they get along with she gets along with the homies though so she does she come out like and like hang out hang out she can everybody in [ __ ] she can yeah like I mean she's more she doesn't like to really like turn up so I'm trying to like turn up with the homie she's like I go get drunk with your friends you know she's not really trying to party like you trust huh she trust you she does it I I have I do trust her I do I don't know I just mentioned so I don't know bro we were long-distance for like six years so we kind of had to trust each other we're long this is for six years mm-hmm where'd y'all me um basically long story short her her one of her friends used to make youtube videos and I thought that girl's videos were like super funny so me and that girl just came pooling like Facebook MySpace all that [ __ ] and one day I was creeping on Facebook and I was like girls go to that girl's pictures I was like oh who's your sexy ass friend and she was like oh that's mom you know that's my best friend Chia or whatever that's my wife's name and then we basically just ended up messaging on Facebook and then we started texting and then uh this is her that is her yeah well you did good I know oh I'm blessed hey way to go you think her friend is salty conversations always weird like you're like you're like talking to a girl and she's like you're just like yo man I've been meaning to ask me my best friend you know and the girls just yeah Jun I can see why people would be salty she wasn't something she already had her dude yeah yeah we just you know it was let's chill yeah but that's why thanks man we were married for like she like seven months now yeah I mean I know the last name comes from The Fresh Prince by the way just a little citation it was a will made up a poet on an old episode of Fresh Prince a poet named Raphael de la ghetto he joined a Poetry Club to meet girls and raphael delageteau and so I took that because I was a big Fresh Prince fan but yeah I mean eventually we'll have some babies not anytime too soon like my parents definitely are like yo like before we even got married they were like y'all don't get married just give us a baby you know yeah the same way she wants a grandkid um it might be a little personal but like when you're when you're married and you're not trying to get pregnant mm-hmm do you all use like a birth control like is she on birth control are you using condoms um there's some sort of whatsit are using male birth controls the new thing they're testing know what's the thing that the contraception know that it's a dental dam no it's a ton looks like a tea yeah it's IUD IUD ID yeah no no I'm sure no explosive devices no we we go we practice safe sex I pull out pull the pull out game is a science bro I have been running pull out game for man seems like thirty [ __ ] years now bro it is a science tell me more about what you do not as if that was definite oh yeah but could pull out no but also like you know know the pull out game is is is definitely a serious serious game you know I'm saying it's a serious I feel like we're people [ __ ] up is like when dudes are like you know I'm gonna pull out right when I'm about to bust I think that's what you [ __ ] no you gotta pull out like three seconds at least yeah I'm that dude I'm that dude that's shooting buzzer buzzes oh I can't I can't it's a game that I lose I can't do the pull-up like I just can't bro and like dad I'm so sorry it's just not for me I don't know why I'm so bad at it um can a girl get pregnant on her period does anyone know Dylan shaking his head no what I've heard it's possible moon or a red moon I learned in college like one of the only things I learned in college is is if pre-cum can actually get a girl pregnant or not and like I heard I heard a can well here's what I learned right here's what I learned this is crazy I actually just said this on my podcast so it's like out of like six years of [ __ ] college before I dropped out it's like when the only things I learned six years of [ __ ] [ __ ] so oh I took a human sexuality class and and one of the questions they asked was like yo what we asked dude this dude that he was like this expert that came in and we asked can pre-cum actually get a girl pregnant because we've heard different things right and he was like here's what it is let me tell you he's like I probably shouldn't even be telling you guys this but this is what it is right so when you hit like when you smash raw and then you then you like right you pull out you bus right if you go for round two and you don't pee in between sessions oh then you're wait well first of all right wait hold on hold on yes I'm saying you so you you have sex once you bus and then you go on and then like so you know you're supposed to kind of be flush clear the partners clear your pipes out if you don't get a UTI we have to get a UTI right it's like everybody should pee right so if you don't pee what happens is the pre-cum from brown to is pushing out sperm that's still left in your urethra around 1:00 what about what about round one proof yes that is this so he was trying to say he was trying to say that that doesn't happen if it's round only round who is this guy do you know his name I forget it okay let's call him Tim let's say we take Tim's advice why would I name him the same name as you let's call him Johnny let's call him John let's take John's advice that we heard from Tim and also like now we have a baby so [ __ ] now what done you say yes having unprotected sex at any time is risky and can result in pregnancy well of kha'zix the time when a girl is most likely to become pregnant can happen within a few days when your period and so I think you can still get pregnant if she's on her period obviously the the easiest way to not get a girl pregnant is to have sex with her on top that's gravity this is that's like kinda like I learned that [ __ ] so early right cuz I bet you the condom oh I'm not I heard about this a million [ __ ] goes off it can't fertilize the egg cuz it immediately [ __ ] drops down well the new [ __ ] Fig Newtons I also heard also heard if you uh if you smash in a hot tub you can't get pregnant cuz there's permed eyes if they drown they drown I've heard [ __ ] where it's like and I would never believe it though but I've heard like some dudes like we'll soak in hot like bath oh yeah killed like just yeah i man I don't know me I heard yeah yeah if you if you stay in a hot tub for 20 minutes and then have sex like it's all [ __ ] but again don't go please don't do by the way quick disclaimer I've done these in the past kids wear condoms don't have unprotected sex and if you do [ __ ] pull out where nobody also I mean like STDs are like skyrocketing like the numbers are Matt hi right now like there was that herpes outbreak after coach another thing I heard recently yeah an LA thing and I didn't know this that STDs were actually the preface for Pokemon and so it once you catch them all you revert you actually go back to being clean did you guys know that III heard about that yeah so it's like gotta catch them all yeah and then once you get all of them bro you reset start over okay start over and then if you want to do a better the second time wear condoms or whatever you could do that I gotta start playing the game is you're crazy I'm only missing a couple right now is that why you're like easy walking down I saw you walking down the street earlier hey bro so you have been on YouTube for a while yeah like 13 years it's your most viewed video what the [ __ ] is going on here this is called the Asian nip slip right well first off what is the dimensions the quality is 240p that's why this video this video is like from what years is like 2005 brah mm see what is why so what has happened what's good with the ratio of likes and breasts no oh oh because look here's the thing this video has so many views because it got caught in that like you know that weird like porn where people think they're gonna find porn on YouTube and it's like oh oh it gets suggested when dudes are like trying to find like so this is the thumbnail so everyone ever do the clips on this cool like asian girl nip alone bro and by the way I was the demo that was looking I was like like my firstborn I ever watched I typed in girls boobs yeah on YouTube right yeah this is I probably watch this video this is literally just a behind the scenes like like snippet of another like full-out video we were doing like back then and yeah I just got this visual of Logan at like 11 years old he's there hanging out with like the tissues and like his Jergens oh no no he types in like girls boob and he like is all ready to go and then that air boo and everything comes full circle now I'm here bro preciate you bro that's crazy what what it's right there oh and they're the size manager to me well I mean well I have this whole thing that I preach cuz in my videos a lot I say like it's not big but it's pretty and like did and it was like a funny thing I was saying just because like I just thought it was funny you know I'm saying but like a lot of one a like a couple Asian dudes say me one time they're like hey why you always say that it's not big if it's pretty in your videos like you're making us look bad I'm like but first of all look I'm not saying all Asian dick so like like not big I'm saying I'm talking about myself you don't say it but that is a common and that's why I say it okay it's about to get deep for no reason alright no it's not that deep yeah so like I felt like for me you know when when dudes are trying to like make fun of like Asian dudes like you know growing up like me and the homies would all just make fun of each other make jokes like make graceful jokes and stuff so what do you want to hit you with like that final this good there's like a tier of Asian jokes right it's like can't draw a good at math can't drive [ __ ] you eat dogs little dick right so they want to get you with that like deathblow it's like you got a little dick right so who I feel like for me like it was too easy to be like no I'm Asian I got a big-ass dick you know sorry that's the easy way out right cuz all dudes that talk my how big the dicks are anyways and we online about the [ __ ] so it's like I felt like that was pointless to do that like it was basic so for me I felt like it would be more effective to be like I look you guys see me a mad confident I get bad he's you know I'm saying like there's I'm doing my thing but also I'm not thrown off by you saying I got a little dick like yeah okay it might be not big it might not be big but it's pretty I still take your [ __ ] you don't say self-deprecation is fine right but it would be but it's like also like to be like hey don't let anybody else's like critiques or or words against you keep you from getting what you want to achieve in life you know I'm saying I put this on my Instagram story I know there's an influencer out there with the micro penis I just don't know who it is you have any guesses like like a like a real I'm not talking like small penis I'm talking micro penis yeah two girls that have hooked up with dudes with micro penis so if you don't know what micropenis is it's a it's an actual medical condition that erect your penis is like I think it's like a like two inches google pictures I'm not gonna show it but no I'm gonna look at it oh yeah it's [ __ ] up and it's also [ __ ] up that doctors gave it that title anything else yeah micro penis you can't have caught with something more creative yeah exactly supposed to be like one on the on the opposite side called a macro penis like you're it mandingo does who is it who like [ __ ] yes and drop it in the comments below if you know I mean it definitely would have to be somebody who brags a lot for not like what are they making up you won't say a name right now I'm not gonna say her name you can say na who would it be I have someone in mind row but he's like a homie I don't I don't I don't talk I don't talk to enough he oughta be a micro influencer influencer you know I mean whoever you're thinking about it would be crazy clickbait though you know I'm saying nah I think I'm gonna save this one this is like a I'm at the pivot point I'm at the fork in the road and I'm gonna take the path where I don't say wait so look in the camera and do it with a hand do your best to do the his name with a hand motion eyebrow nice or just with your eyes holy [ __ ] you tweeted about Tyra Banks I did Tyra Banks is uh beautiful cover of Sports Illustrated for the first time in 23 years hmm what's that what's the conversation around there so people digging it or people are digging it okay let me let me let me pull up these yes it's incredible so with fire she just did this how does she know she gotta be like 40 and 45 Wow amazing Tyra Banks and she was on it this was young Tyra Banks yeah yeah I'm dude she's really doing it you know who I feel like is gonna be the next Tyra Banks Rihanna like Rihanna gives me time because she's also all like naturalness shih tzu is awesome dude you ever got a son we're sorry let's just say you have a celebrity crush is she eight um you know it's funny did you say because it would probably be Rihanna no way oh really yeah yeah I think out you know Brianna's the one person like because I don't follow a whole lot of celebrities either but Rihanna's the ones let me up I'm like I'm like ah man she doesn't give a she doesn't give a [ __ ] about me or anything at all but I just need to keep up with her and these pictures she watches she's subscribed Oh word I think so impulsive oh well it's too late now cuz I'm married but you're in a fashion yeah yeah I got a clothing brand ah happy new happy thoughts hoodies goodie brand calm if you want take that out I like that yellow yellows in 2019 he's his channel prove he's not racist yeah yo yo doesn't even cross my mind bro when did when did you stop that's [ __ ] up one day that's [ __ ] that I'm talking about your hoodie I know I know I hate myself alright but you do you do do a lot of fashion stuff you do a lot of food stuff too I do reviewing food and food connoisseur and yeah my challenge is kind of like kind of pivoted like this past year really didn't mainly just like food tongs hands she kind of took off kind of crazy because I mean I always liked food and I loved like just eating it took anywhere like you know just eating right all right that's perfect because we actually have a course for you right now oh [ __ ] uh I want you to food connoisseur wow this looks amazing can you can you tell us what you've made here this is is this gonna be like a prank is this like am i eating some winners this is yours your food expert now okay what I got chef thank you roasted sweet potato with the touch of habanero then you have roasted what do they call plantains sweet plantains grilled bison and then some broccoli wait you way you went in for that did you purposely make it like this is one of my favorite meals oh wow okay hey what is this cornbread is it is it gluten-free did you you're incredible ow are you not eating gluten now I heard it I heard of its no seriously this is my favorite meal wow it smells bomb it looks bomb I want to get your your opinion and by the way if you don't like it bro you can say like cady's very nice brah first of all everyone is I mean look like the Bisons like cooked perfectly I like I like it a little you know a little pink you know I'm saying I like that you know I'm saying I like rare rare yeah mmm fire all right fire yeah bison super tender hey you did a chef gay I love this meal sweet potatoes cooked perfectly melt in your mouth keep going try the plantains yo change your life mmm that's crazy that's like dessert so buttery now this is know I'm stuck because that's a podcast to do but also this delicious bowl of food in front of me what would you rate this meal out of 10 10 let's go that was easy ain't it that's amazing Danny just like now I'm like I need a private chef no number no the most important thing ever bro like like you wake up and the first thing you think about is your probably breathe mm-hmm hell no hell no bro wake up have your chef with food then breathe okay I'm - I am [ __ ] like at some point Brahma go broke I'm gonna be on the [ __ ] corner and sunset and I'm gonna just be thinking about bowls of food you delivery I always said when I got the chef that was my I made a moment know that like that was a final thing I was like you I think it's safe to say I [ __ ] did good these plantains I told you are amazing I told you they're so sweet and so tasty and I'll never get rid of chef Katie she's literally gonna quit before the most important he think she's gonna quit by the way it's bound to happen I feel like I don't know I feel like when the requests get too heavy because we have to vegans I live here one of them's the camera guy dude I said that dude but what what's really good bro no but like and then and then they convinced him to be like gluten-free no and then and then sometimes they're just like yo like let's do more super food and few scale but like at some point chefs just gonna be like yo do me a favor and go [ __ ] yourself literally because I can't keep up with all these [ __ ] requests how's the cornbread how's the cornbread gluten-free cornbread I'm not mad at the gluten free cornbread really mm-hmm she does a really good job of keeping things tasty even without gluten free and sometimes vegan that's amazing ya heard of gluten free uh if you're gluten free or you sing better it's better for your vocal wait really mm-hmm is it like I think so what he heard and he thinks just Justin Timberlake did it his engineer told me he was gluten-free when he went on tour but it wasn't his singing engineer was his car I mean I mean I'm definitely like like you said man when you get older right like your body starts to change for sure like when I hit 25 mile metabolism immediately slow down really I used to be able to eat like anything and I would not gain any weight right I mean no no Betty when I was younger I wasn't I wasn't even working out like that you know I just I was I could just eat and my metabolism was like took care of it you know but when I got older I definitely like cuz you know I like to eat I could tell that [ __ ] was starting to affect my body you know now I got like high cholesterol and [ __ ] I really got to watch what I eat I got as you carry out Cheerios probably got a little eat less red meat less beef I know see yo speaking of beef bro you ever have any beef with anybody on Wilin out mmm or in general mm-hmm no I mean no beef with anybody on Wilin out cuz like we all just get on a you know we know what it is you know we all just get there we make fun of each other and how how improv is it though it's like I mean it's not scripted people think it's scripted and I explained it to him like this it's like you know like if you're going into and this is no this is our mixes playing it like when you're going into a game and everybody knows like you know you have you have a playbook you have certain things in the back of your mind you know you can use you know I'm saying and it's like what it is is we we play the same basically five games three to five games every episode so of course you know sometimes you're like something might pop into your head that you're like oh this would be good in the episode like we play a game called Lenny hollow where we like spit some game at a while and our girls so it's like sometimes I'll be chilling in the shower I'm like ah [ __ ] that's funny right I'm gonna write that down so I can say it or sometimes and every night before we taped each episode they tell you what games are playing and who's gonna be on the opposite team so you know who's there so you might know exactly so and and lucky for me sometimes people come up to me and they'd be like hey just so you know this episode I got something for you so I'd be like alright media I'm like oh that's cool I'm like looking at what they're wearing I'm like okay what can I say it was know if I go if he comes at me like [ __ ] like that you know you know uh you know the the girl T hi my name is T uh-huh you know I do I do with her I I am I've known her for it for a long before Wilin out and before she really popped off on Instagram really yeah put her in some YouTube skits why you got why you hate her no I mean oddly enough we got her coming on the show tomorrow bro oh yeah I connected to her through somebody I can't remember who was and they were like yo she watches the show she really wants to come on we ever so we're like yo come on so we got to be wiling out people in two days T's sweet man I've known her for a long time I met her on set for some other [ __ ] that we did and yeah she's cool she's funny she's goofy she makes me laugh she was just saying I wanna tigers video you're just taking it away from him like that I don't I mean I'm like sure I don't wanna chew I'm uh I'm here but I'm a definitely gone couple and by the way thank you for talking and giving me time to eat recently yeah well some like rodeo show right oh god no at that place saddle ranch on Sunset probably cuz it was a mechanical bull look just like a ranch problem you know where you're 668 vlog was by chance 668 vlog I do not remember how be so impressed if you did it's called wild and outcasts members be [ __ ] is that true dude like I know it's true I know it's true I wouldn't say that without that was that was some clickbait like kind of click bait just because we in that specific vlog I asked at like Justyna Valentine is at is like pretending like me and her had sex like she's making that joke she likes to make that joke okay but that's pretty dope when you get hot girls make like yeah she likes to make that joke you don't say so people will definitely think the cast members be [ __ ] I mean you know when you when you're on set with a lot of people for a long time whether it be like crew or wiling out girls or whatever like people start hooking up it happens you know it's happened it doesn't happen on our set no not anymore but I mean I'll be honest it's just me hit me Logan in a vegan another vegan sometime I mean see what's good yeah you know [ __ ] happens are you satisfied with your career is that what do you want - what do I do what are you doing I mean I wouldn't I'm happy with where my career is that I'm blessed to have done what I've done and like I'm definitely grateful for everything that's happened so far I'm not I wouldn't say I'm satisfied you know I'm saying cuz when I when I started off putting out content is cuz I was really trying to be like you know TV movie star like I was trying to be like Asian Will Smith and [ __ ] you know so are you still do that yeah yeah yeah cuz I am you know like doing Wilin out was great because it was kind of like all the years I've been saying yo i'ma be on TV watch watch this it's net it was able to kind of like really kind of uh yeah yeah so that was cool but also uh you know MTV's dope and you know and and they're dope up there but I would also like the next I just want to elevate everything you know I'm saying like I've done MTV show I wanna do like some NBC CBS [ __ ] you know I'm saying like I've done little parts in like couple movies but I want to be like on some blockbuster [ __ ] you know so I just want to take everything I'm doing now and really just kind of take it time Stan what's your is Will Smith like you're you're like cream of the crop kind well yeah okay so so when I was younger right I was so obsessed with The Fresh Prince cuz like I was an only child and [ __ ] so I kind of feel like The Fresh Prince raised me you know taught me how to like hock the girls taught me how to be confident born back at his Long Beach where I was girl oh boy but I remember oh so I made a plan for my life it was called The Fresh Prince format and it was to do everything that Will Smith did which is like rap TV movies okay so that's like the plan I was trying to follow and and that's why I took my bike my name from an episode of fresh brain so I just you know I just kind of made it like a model for my life just trying to do everything he did oh what's your favorite hmm that's a tough one you know I mean let's see like what like what comes to mind automatically is like you know like bad boy yeah and then like independence days like classy we watched I actually [ __ ] with this movie called seven pounds seven pounds is crazy crazy well actually it's one of the only movies that really can continue to cry at the end of that from right it is just you haven't seen seven pounds of Will Smith you got a watch X that shit's especially like when was already awesome looks at dudes like like a whimpering little baby seal bro crazy you never saw that [ __ ] right now you gotta watch that that's good oh it's you tweeted this - it's a 25th anniversary of the scene mm-hmm where Will Smith's dad leaves him yeah it's it's one of the best performances on sick sitcom I think so yeah another 14 great birthdays without him you never resent me or get damn car - yeah well let's go thanks not could it be better if you want to be a movie star bro I mean are you auditioning you said I am I am auditioning you know I'm going out here and there I could be going out more but you know I'm trying to make it happen especially now it's a good time like after crazy [ __ ] Asians popped off there's like so many more opportunities it's crazy this fax like when it was coming out I remember like thinking like even if this movie is trash I'm gonna tell everybody it's a dope because it needs to do well in the box office because if it does well financially then more opportunities will pop up movies will get greenlit you know oh that's that's crazy how the climate works like that cuz like being like a white dude until I dated my ex-girlfriend Chloe she's half Asian and she would educate me on like what agents go through how they grew up and like when that movie was coming out it was a big big deal that's a big deal for the Asian community yeah cuz there had never been like a movie in Hollywood with like a full aging cast that you know like wasn't doing like boo and [ __ ] yeah like 125 years or something like that so I knew if it all kind of came down to if this movie did well or not and now that it did do well like critically and like financially a lot of different projects are popping up movies a lot of like TV opportunities so I'm just you know trying to like do some push ups and get right get my skin right you know I'm saying cuz my skin like been trashed like a long time you know I got acne what do you drink a lot of water trying to you sure dude I drink three of these puppies a day through three of these like dairy cows a day my guy serious chugging down the water that's crazy probably why my metabolism is fire she all right she's always chugging water three gallons a day Wow speaking of water I have a list here uh-huh I mean I made this I made this up dude I'm gonna bring this up in the future okay on a lot of episodes but this is used to me I did not get inspired from anybody to do myself alright it's called the survive and thrive list okay I want everyone to make a survive and thrive list I was sitting sitting or yeah sitting at the kitchen table the other day I was like these are these are things that I need the essentials for me to both survive and more importantly thrive okay they don't just want to be here on earth I want to [ __ ] live yeah and these are things I need if you can boil it down and simplify your life and really focus on these things I think you're in good shape okay here's here are my things I have eight but I want to hear some of yours after say and they might overlap to survive and thrive I need one food and water that makes sense yeah number two sleep I am 24 now I need I need I need I try to get like six to six to eight hours I do at least six yeah yeah yeah I need sleep my name is a little more in the future three create I got to create yo mmm-hmm crazy this [ __ ] making videos taking pictures where I just got create for artistic consumption I'm uh I got a watch I gotta watch movies I got a consume content and be inspired by other people yeah music videos whatever it is I'm constantly watching sip [ __ ] absorbing stealing like an artist that makes sense five relax on recovery it's important dude it's important because you know why number six is party I gotta [ __ ] I mean be pro it's a balance work hard play hard to agree and I play hard that's where I get my best stories that's where I could become like a crazy man like cats on the box seven female energy I need it dude I need mm-hmm women are so great they just have something that I don't and literally yeah yeah yeah and the last one number eight for me is exercise mm-hmm first step to greatness is fitness mmm those are my eight things okay I think you're missing from that list is number nine the survive and thrive list like what if you found so so what are some things you need to survive and thrive Tim yeah that's a solid list bro I think everything on that list is a you know it's a it's a good choice I think for me what I would also throw in there just something I really need in my in my life to function is I need like cleanliness you feel me I really need like this it's just certain things I do if I don't do them I'm just uncomfortable so it's like uh like if like I don't get grumpy when I'm hungry or when I'm tired but after a long shoot if like my like just like undercarriage but ball area feels like sloshy or moist at all I'm just not comfortable and I'm saying I can't function anymore so I need my [ __ ] to feel fresh hygiene if I lived in a perfect world man I could shower after every [ __ ] I take dawg I didn't shower after and like yo literally when I go to those porta-potties they're like [ __ ] and I and I drop a deuce bro yeah I so badly want to just run out find the nearest shower there might not be a shower for 25 miles I was at Coachella and I actually had to run back to desert Palms and one of the neighboring cities to take a shower to random woman's house bro that [ __ ] because you didn't want to be walking around all day those worse than that when you're in the shower and realize that you'll have to poop and then you have the toilet [ __ ] wet with a button you got and the paper tears and [ __ ] those will kill me right so I always feel like that is God being funny like I feel like when God's Board is when he's like taking a shower you gotta [ __ ] now today well guess what's happening now you got a [ __ ] in shower dog anything laughs good job good job he's like pulling little cranks all right yo uh you're definitely gonna have to have it all those beans you say you have four pieces of cornbread it's so good no glue and that [ __ ] prolly just just go right through you okay I love you I'm at gala yeah you were there just happen YouTube was actually a couple people yeah um James Charles mm-hmm think lily was there Liza Liza Liza was doing red carpet again yeah yeah I'll be there well yeah Matt gala uh what what what is it doing they say like a fashion thing like a super fashion forward event just where people can show their art in fashion well I was I see I was confused for a while cuz I thought like I wasn't sure if there if the red carpet was actually leading to anything and it wasn't until later I realized oh it's just this is all yeah oh yeah it'sit's for the Metropolitan Museum of Art is that right yeah so they just throw this event every year so it's like hey we're this is we are fashion we are like arch and it's just to get I just that's gotta be weird [ __ ] like you get you walk this red car but you get to the end of the red carpet it's just a street yeah your cars waiting you're like oh and by the way you find you get in dressed as a lamp or you get into your car carrying your own head I want you though I want you since you're a fashion guy to write some of these outfits talk about some of these outfits cuz this was crazy I saw Katy Perry come out literally just as a chandelier right and I was I don't even know bro like what she I'm just gonna completely so this is cardi B cardi B sit as looking like a red bloody peacock it's great looking like a red velvet cake yes beautiful oh that's just dope to me are we rating these I got almost like she's stuck in red quicksand or one of those things when you were younger and you and all your boys stood around it in gym class and would throw it up in the air then go under it and then be like a giant like bubble of wind caught in there I gotta watch out for that [ __ ] bro are you talking about this man that's actually not 21 and then pitbull right there cardi cardis killing it everybody was saying she looked like like a used tampon that's what I was seeing on school and there's a the remnants of a used tampon right where you stand there's a used tampon missing I think I think here's another oh that [ __ ] was crazy yeah she was a gaga yeah if you saw a video of her like aunt like walking on the red carpet and everything was like flowing and like oh this [ __ ] was dope look you know they go balls to the wall for this oh that's crazy go all-out for outfit changes for outfit changes for Lady Gaga yeah on the red card laughs literally one like in the middle where she's just like kind of like slowly took that off and was like a black dress underneath oh wow four outfit changes for a red carpet that goes nowhere this is Katy Perry just full chandelier did you see her outfit change no I was dressed as a cheeseburger at one point I swear to God and I was like this can't and I was just tweeting about like yo let me get invites in Mecca on my where to dumbest [ __ ] I was like I'm just gonna need to turtle some [ __ ] some was like you've seen this okay I actually don't what I do this is crazy just weird who is this guy scarguard yeah he was in all that [ __ ] man saying I couldn't tell him apart from any PA on one of the sets I've been on question are we like other than like people like me and you and maybe a few others like are we done with race like coming off as races jokes like your jokes about like race at all off the table off the table I don't think they're off the table kameen nah they're not off to tell you I feel like you know as long as you um I think any joke can be made if you if you do it right you know like even on a Wilin out like I mean it they're definitely not done a Wilin out you know I'm saying like people will say like the most like the most basic as like Asian jokes to me you know I'm saying but when it's in especially when it's in the kind of like people understand that what the situation is the context of we're all making fun of each other and we're all saying really kind of like I mean the jokes are mad like low-hanging fruit but it was all like we're all just having fun making fun of you know are you are you worried about the trajectory of like what's happening to comedy and like the the censorship of the comedic realm like how far does it go to you're at a point where y'all like you can't say [ __ ] yeah I mean I mean I feel it's a little both right because I feel like as a comedian there's definitely [ __ ] that there's this there's there's content I've put out back in the day or I'm like I'm like oh [ __ ] I wouldn't I wouldn't put this out now because part of me like part some of it's like i wouldnt put this out because i understand why this is inappropriate now but then also there's content that i wouldn't put out now where I'm like ah man but [ __ ] this is so funny still to me you know and it's just kind of like I feel like there's gonna be I almost feel like it's gonna get so like sensitive that there's good it's gonna come to like yeah and I want to be the one that [ __ ] jams the [ __ ] javelin and the mountain is just like crazy right and all of a sudden people are laughing again more [ __ ] going to comedy I was gonna say have you gone to a comedy show cuz cuz what when they the ones where they take your phone yeah like at the Laugh Factory yo they don't give off flaw right right say what cuz they know they're protected and the exactly and it won't escape the only way someone's gonna hear is if it's like a word-of-mouth thing mm-hmm I just want like this people this poor guy people this [ __ ] people are hyper conscious about what they're saying including me like all the time like I made a joke today in my vlog and I was like I think I said uh I had sex when I was seven years old with a Russian and my dad facilitated it and then I said like yo that's a joke yeah ha ha ha ha that's a joke but oh like [ __ ] Rove that gets taken out of context right now all gets label it this thing I'm just like yo it's a [ __ ] joke I know I even I I got there are some there's a handful of Asian people who are mad at me for like not for being ok with people making Asian jokes on Wilin out and I'm like Bret they're like oh you're making it so that like society feels like it's okay to make that joke but I'm like brah first of all you know first of all it's a comedy show and we're all behind I make black jokes when they make Asian jokes and we make Latino jokes we make everybody jokes right but also like when I was growing up with the homies it was okay like we were all just having fun with each other making fun of each other they might make a joke I might make a black joke and we all just laugh and that was it you know no one took it that serious I just I can't think of like a more dystopian society end of the world scenario than like all of us funny people just tiptoeing around trigger words like dodo watch the [ __ ] out man don't say Russian and don't say seven years old definitely don't say dad and don't say [ __ ] a sex in that no but you know I'm left with in that sentence is da and and it the [ __ ] am I supposed to me when I got only used three pronouns yeah they're cool their articles I don't give a [ __ ] saying what the [ __ ] I want and it's cancelled hey Mike Mike can never get cancelled because he never got started I'm just a [ __ ] guy bro grab a random guy dude you can't cancer I'm gonna do how do you cancel a non show this exists this is true it's good hey we've been talking for a while you want to go to an audio-only you cool with that I'm [ __ ] what everyone gets basically like this but I'll Sarge there's no visual so audio only I want to continue this conversation we've got some juicy stuff I want to ask you to talk about there's been uh David Beckham who got banned from using his band for six months I'm reading up Mike stopped using his mobile phone while driving there was a thousand-plus gun season a home in LA I want to talk about all this stuff it's gonna be on Spotify and iTunes yeah Denver decriminalized psychedelic mushroom or the bill passed Wow yeah it's wild so catches right now Spotify and iTunes Timothy DeLaGhetto bro thank you for coming on hey thanks man of course uh where can they find you on social um Instagram Timothy DeLaGhetto and then youtube.com slash Timothy that's what those important ones big facts we love you guys hit that subscribe button pulse of the number one podcast in the world oh no imagine imagine if like I mean you know how you you know how dumb people can get imagine if someone on mushrooms just like stumbles into a scenario where like people are just living their everyday lives not being psychedelic and I tripped out yeah that's gonna be a weird interaction
Channel: Impaulsive
Views: 422,636
Rating: 4.9113817 out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive impaulsive podcast Logan Paul podcast Logan podcast impulsive podcast maverick, podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, timothy delaghetto, asian nip slip, youtube og, tim delaghetto, wild n out, nick cannon, hookups, logan paul japan, japan scandal, asian, asian culture, food
Id: 74tfzPeVOlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 24sec (3744 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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