Times People Ordered The "Safeword Drink" To Escape A Date

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bar staff have read it have you ever had a man use the Cepheid drink escape and how often does it happen I used to work in a bar in Orlando and one Friday night were pretty heavy and have a guy regular and a lady on a date at the bar and it looks pretty well until he asks for two stomach shots aka please help me I really really don't want to be here with them and he excuses himself as our manager calls him a taxi cab and explained to the lady and she gets mad and tries to leave saying that a man should pay for the bill no matter what a man should pay for the bill no matter what law here one from Eindhoven Netherlands I was working for a smaller bar weather mixed crowd for both men and women we had Saffir drinks women virgin tequila men virgin vodka in total I saw these ordered two times the one that sticks with me the most was for Christmas Eve this night we had mostly gay guys hanging around in the bar and some students after a while of the students s got a lot of attention of one of the gay guys GG hand on leg a lot of to personal questions touching and told he was straight and not interested this got the bartender that overheard this on alert and he put a napkin on the bar near where he was sitting with a red exclamation mark so all staff knew something was up s goes to toilet and GG orders a round of vodka shots bartender didn't see s so poured the order and placed it on the bar s comes back and gg tells him to help him empty the glasses s starts drinking and suddenly looks very pale E and sweaty as soon as the vodka is done GG smiles and walks to toilet s looks worse by the second and asks for virgin vodka at this moment two of the bartenders get into one of the other bars owned by my boss and call an ambulance the rest of the crew created a diversion for GG as soon as he came from the toilet telling him s left for a phone call ambulance note his death seemed to be dogged GG was drinking something else by them watered down seek tails without him even noticing and we alerted the police who found four tubes of GHB on him in the end GG was arrested and s rushed to hospital not quite the same but I worked in a coffee shop on a busy High Street this year and had a similar sort of thing happened we noticed one customer had come in ordered and sat opposite the counter which meant that he was staring at me and my other female colleagues for about 30 minutes straight we wondered if he was high as he didn't seem aware of himself but his gaze was following me as I walked up and down the counter which was about 8 M long we then close to the customers sitting inside left including a very nice young couple who walked up the street away from the shop as did the weird guy about ten minutes later the couple came back to the door which we had locked and knocked saying they'd left her phone behind they came in and told us that the man had followed them for 10 minutes towards their home so they came back to hide I work in small seek tail bars in Sydney Australia prime date night joints we have something called ask for Angela where the idea is you just ask the Bostaph if angela is working tonight and that'll be the hint to keep an eye on things or even call a cab I've only had one customer man or woman ever use it a nice younger guy on a date with an older gentleman the issue was threefold a venue at the time had quite a few backpackers on working holidays that were completely unaware of this protocol we had a lovely Chinese girl who went by and Jenna working that night and that the date was going poorly in such a fashion that to the untrained eye it looked like to work acquaintances having a drink there was that little chemistry between them apparently the older gentleman followed the younger in the bathroom and copped a feel prompting the ask for Angela it was a huge wound around to be honest it took quite a while for a native English speaker to tune in to the and behind the bar where Angela was explaining that she had no idea who the sky was so eventually he got some help he ordered two drinks at the bar asked if Angela was working tonight saying she made them the best we ended up ordering a new before him while he feigned an emergency and brought their drinks out in time that the older bloke sorta felt obligated to stay and finish them just as his uber arrived unfortunately a lot of bars have joined the ask for Angela campaign it's government sponsored posted the signs in their latest rooms and called it a day no staff training this is because it puts you on a government list of safe bars and well nobody can give up free publicity very disappointing I also believe it needs to better extend to men on board eights as well I rarely see the posters in men's rooms just unison ladies I had a woman at a bar on business one night she came up to me after about 20 minutes after I sat down alone I was having a rough day she apparently was having a great one sitting there drinking my beer she kept talking to me grabbing me and kept asking for us to leave because she would death my brains out mind you this woman was an obvious regular bath land had been over-served at one point I got up and pretended my Asian buddy across the way actually a stranger was my best friend she eventually made her way over and kept touching me I asked the bartender if she could help me she actually pretended to be a friend of mine also said I was a part owner of the establishment brought me into the office and let me sit there with her and the guy in the office they gave me free food let me finish my drink had a good conversation and some to go food too they felt terrible that a new guy had all these problems I guess but they treated me well and got me out of there unscathed I can still see her whacked out hairstyle and the cigarette smoke that she stank of cooler the bartender to do that yep I work in a nightclub in a small town in England in Lincolnshire and I once had a guy who seemed to only recently turn 18 ask if Angela was working I brought him into the glass washroom and turns out there were a bunch of lasses encouraging this one lesson - seducing him grinding up on him trying to kiss him and groping him this apparently continued even after the man had walked away into other parts of the nightclub after showing and saying he wasn't interested I had reported this to my supervisor who was a little hesitant at first but eventually called the bouncers into the back room - we explained the situation to them now these guys are basically 200 - 300 pound tanks who you would expect to joke about this and tell this guy to man up and enjoy it but to my suprise they took it seriously as well they managed to track down this group five women including the one who was doing the grinding and they escorted all of them out of the building meanwhile a taxi had already been prepared by my supervisor and the taxi firm was literally down the road so it didn't take long for it to arrive and I squatted the man through the back stairs that continues down to the stock seller but LEDs off to the side exit of the building near the bins where the taxi was waiting it would be a rare occasion when someone uses our scan Jenna where I work let alone a man so I'm really glad that all of the staff took it seriously and helped as much as they could only had one incident - the man using ask for angela UK Safi old scheme gay kid on a bad date his date had been extremely overbearing and even having to witness it from the bar was extremely uncomfortable we smuggled him into the kitchen and out the side door while his date went to the bathroom and called him a taxi date came back from the bathroom asked where the kid was I just went down Oh date started getting aggro with me so supervisor ended up throwing this guy out by the collar it honestly doesn't get used enough by either men or women especially here in the UK it absolutely sucks especially when you as a bartender can't really legally do much sure you risk not only you job but the bars reputation I haven't done it personally but a friend had it happened to him who is a bartender he was finishing up his shift when a man walks up to him asking for a Cepheid drink and said he wanted it on the rocks friend just said yeah sure and helped him to the taxi just as the man got in the taxi the woman he had been there with came running out towards the taxi and yells profanities calling the man she had been with a fine white trash and he'll never amount to anything and some SH like that last I heard she was banned from that bar and several others while the man who got helped became a bit of a regular not an angel shot but last week I had to meet my abusive ex-wife to talk about something to do with our kids I'm a male I insisted that we meet in public so she agreed to meet at Chili's throughout the meal she was mean and hateful and cruel to me but she was quiet about it I wasn't crying or anything she was just being threatening and quiet to me at a point during the lunch hour waiter positioned himself behind her and mouthed these words to me are you okay I sort of shook my head no because I was afraid of leaving when the time came we paid the check and got up to leave and the manager appeared with the waiter the manager stood between my ex and me and told her politely that she needed to leave on her own before she could become villager and the manager explained that he had called the police and that she needed to leave he then asked me quietly to just sit down and wait they brought me another soda the cops showed up quickly and made sure my ex had left they walked me to my car and then followed me home to make sure I was okay not an angel short but these workers were angels to me they paid attention to a terrifying situation and helped me more than they will ever know I have been in a scenario like this I was a busboy at a local pizza bar so I just started my shift and I'm clearing a table and everything and I noticed a table where a female is being extremely loud and abrasive I walk back to the dish room and the guy knocks his drink over so I go to get it he hands me a napkin and pretends to help me so I go back into the kitchen and it just says call 911 so I tell my manager and he does so so I told his waitress to bring him another drink and to say don't worry about the drink accidents happen she is getting worse and worse and we all can hear her saying that if he tries to leave her she would offer herself so about 12 minutes later some cops show up the guys in tears when they show up he runs to the bathroom and my boss points at the table and they take her out to the restaurant this is where she's got wild she begins to take her clothes off one by one to avoid being escorted out of the restaurant so here we are during dinner rush naked crazy persons flipping down running around tables screaming about her boyfriend she got to the point where she was grabbing silverware and throwing at the cops and they did a tackle her and put her in cuffs dragged her naked a out to the car the poor boyfriend is in tears in the bathroom I go check on him and tell him what happened and he apologized I was like dude what caused all of this he said we met on Puffin this was our first date I had no clue what to do now that his worst day of my life vulnerable I feel bad for the dude trying to find love but you end up crying in a restaurant because the girl you liked goes a pêche in a public place getting tackled down by cops I had one really bad date that stands out I knew the bartender's because I was a regular she was from out of town 20 minutes away not far and when I met her a few things stood out first off she was nothing like her OkCupid profile common thing I've learned over the years for everyone second she kept talking like idk saying weird stuff and using weird words like it's all okay when I die I'm going to leave io s cup to God and she kept using words that have no relevance to English to describe the act of dying or being dead I've dated religious people wickham's all kinds of stuff but I've never found another psychological specimen quite like this one the thing that really broke the camel's back was when she took the tomato off her burger and they find threw it on the floor saying that all vegetables taste like dirt was what got me I asked Chuck my bartender if he could distract her and he did I left a 100 and promptly left the bar staff got a $40 tip and they never forgot that to this day they still make me good drinks and cut me good deals love them all that girl probably tasted like dirt and her personality belong next to that tomato on the floor if a security guy counts as ba staff was in a nightclub working instead of a friend who had an exams next day I took his to shift since I had whole week free there was a date where the guy was definitely afraid of a girl asked for permission to engage and decided to calm two down I took the mantle security but where you have camera control who was literally shaking out of fear I had him calmed down paid for cold soda myself and gave one to the guy and I drank one myself instead of cigarettes I hate smoking after it and nice talk turned out he was a boost nisman I called him a taxi wanted to give me equivalent of $300 I said no it's my job but he insisted damn it salad when you pay chech equals 800 USD s taxi arrived and took that guy to his home he thanked me once again and gave me his number sadly I don't have it anymore but still nice thing to happen [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you [Music]
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Id: 3g8MWSK5aAE
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Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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