Cant Stop PROGRESS| Professional Advice| Couple Builds Block Basement for Cabin In The Woods

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do do so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] what's up you guys welcome back to our channel how are you guys doing today well as you guys just saw we hoofed it yesterday moving all of that 12-inch block yes oh it nearly broke us guys um we did a little bit of the calculations and or give or take each block one of those 12 inch blocks they weigh about 50 pounds each we moved about 360 of them that's 18 000 pounds bro that's a lot of weight so we're dying we're super sore right now but it's a beautiful day and we need to start getting on this so our goal for today is to get these eights ten high and get it to a point where we can take out all of these frames and everything else because everybody's been asking what are you going to do with underneath are you going to pull them out how are you going to fill those we're going to pull these out so i'm going to start off with this center wall right now i'm going to make the lead off of the side over here as well as this lead over here off this side and then i can get this guy out of here yeah i've tripped over that thing more times than i'd like to admit i had it on the outside right here because i thought we were only going to go up to seven high but ronnie said no and go up to 13 go for it get all the way up there it's not going to do anything we're going to be using a peat gravel cement mix that pea gravel mix will actually fall in there and actually create the least amount of resistant pressure pushing everything else like that and it will actually fill all the voids really really nice so it's going to be a pretty wet slump itself as well but not too wet and he said that's the best way to do it he's going to get it done he said i could do it now or i can do it later but you know he's worried about the cold pore which i was worried about the cold pore i don't want to have crack in between especially if it's buried yeah like that that's not something i really want so i'm sort of glad that he's on the same page with that in a sense but i'll leave it up to him he can he can be the savior mudd me up baby don't push it too far i need a place to walk okay do you need anything else i got all my stuff up here get it gary [Music] [Music] isn't it so nice to have a nice camp life again yes it really is oh my gosh i'm so happy that that is replaced i'm not running into this uh pull pull anymore ducking i know trying to get out dunking and dodging nope you did a good job heck yeah it looks really good so nice uh look at it look at it yep you did a good job setting up those leads up yeah got those back into spots and you know all i gotta do is just tighten it she's all plumbing level ready to go no i gotta tighten the lines and then triple check the plumbness okay i need your help tightening the lines okay and then while i go to plum it i'll have you mix the mud and i'll get that all squared away make sure we're good and we'll get this going sounds good to me so now when you're done making the mud there's nothing in the way i know that is so nice man check it out now that the window is uh framed out we still have to order and get the header for that and then keep going blocks up in the doorway same thing need a header need to keep going up but if you guys remember we had the frames which are right there there and then it had the kickers that kind of went out to kind of hold it in place and now it's just like so much more open i'm not gonna be fighting the wheelbarrow no no you still have to duck over the strength yeah barely after you won't have to after this next block yep yep yep we're at that height this is 10 high in the front we got another three to go it's pretty awesome babe you're doing such a great job coming together still got to clean up all the joints in between where all the wood is yeah that's that's something that we definitely got to do so we did have the um the wood here holding place and helping us to stay lined up and everything and these spots we could not you know use the jointer and clean it up because the wood was right here this is already after gary had taken the wood off is when we did these but so all these um not today but soon gary's gonna have to grind them all off and then i'm gonna have to take that joiner tool and stuff some more in there and get it exactly where it needs to be yep but that's really honestly the only kind of uh i guess clean up or downfall for putting up those wood framings inside it really helped gary stay really straight and plumb and it gave us a really good visual guide so i mean if you guys are going to do this obviously we're not pros but it worked out really well for us yeah i mean it's going to be tall yeah it's already colored it's already taller than you sweet yup yup well let's um let's me and you straighten up this line and get it all plumbed and ready i'm gonna go make that mud we'll get it going we got it again we're back on the 12s [Applause] i'm excited for it i'm not it's gonna be the pain i know and it's gonna it's not gonna go out nearly as fast as the eights just because they are heavier but i don't know gary you've um you've come a long way since you were last working with the twelves i have full confidence in you you got this i'm actually curious to see how fast you're gonna go i'm curious myself [Laughter] mel made me some mud i got the string lines all tightened we got it plumbed we've got bricks all laid out we changed up the scaffolding we got it all set up so we can just rock on and hit it so it's gonna be awesome and during this nick is gonna be coming out the guy that actually showed us all the steps helped us actually plan out the leads the first time and everything that like that he's the stone mason expert he's been doing it for 25 years he's the one that we took all of the advice in a sense for this and it's been awesome i'm so glad that he's coming up because he's going to talk to me about the headers and get those all situated and whatnot so we can start getting those planned out and see exactly how i gotta do it because i'm gonna take his advice he's been doing it for 25 years what's also awesome you guys he can actually come and do a visual inspection and see how far we've gotten and see how good i've gotten and actually see if it's uh gonna fail before we keep on going too so uh it's gonna be nice i'm really happy and excited that he's gonna come out see the progress and everything i guarantee the first thing he's gonna say is man y'all are slow other than that i'm really curious to see what he says and what he uh is telling me to do for my headers all right we got nick out here he is talking to me about my headers and he is a awesome awesome guy because he comes out here and he tells me what's going on yeah gives me encouragement because he's like man you guys are slow oh my god i'll get quicker everybody needs a nick but what do you think so far i think you guys are doing a good job thank you really good job you're gary the professional said you did a good job i'm almost thinking about hiring you almost almost when you get done i'll come back check it and all right i might put you on working for me well sweet so now we have an idea with the headers so it's just a steel plate on the top fill these cells and then anchor it down anchor it down and go on over from there and you're a life saver i hope you know that nick like you you literally have saved this basement build in so many different ways just by being so generous to share your knowledge with us we really appreciate you man so i have a fan question uh they were wondering why in your professional opinion do you think that doing these steel beam leads are better than doing the framing up the corners doing it first that way time cons building the corners with a level is way more time consuming there you have it folks will save you so much time so much time yeah i i've worked with people that do build the corners i can hang four corners before they have a corner built there you go and then i'm ready to go all the way around see but we all can't be as good as you though nick you're the best in business far but i would mudman masonry don't the shameless plug hit this guy up i'm going to put all of his contact information in the description below if you guys are looking for an awesome mason up here in the northwest arkansas area i highly suggest him and he's definitely bashful and he's like oh i don't know but i'm telling you right now he's the man he's just being super modest so another fan question tying in these side walls right here with this dura wire is that going to keep it in place and not have it go this way or that way and because i did the dura wire every two feet and then also every fourth cell have the rebar going down and tying into everything because you're gonna be you're gonna pour these walls right so i mean all of them it's all going to still be tied in together yeah because you can't re you can tie an 8 to a 12 if you cross them but it's kind of a pain i don't feel like in the long run it's worth doing it yeah because you get a i just i think it's way better to leave your outside all tied together than these inside because when you put your headers and your floor joists on there that's also going to help ty from that wall from moving anyways you guys got it yeah well i want to say a huge shout out and again thank you to mr nick with mud man masonry for coming over here and telling us about what we should do with the headers looking over our work and just being the strong solid sound advice that we need to get this job completed i don't think we could have done it without you man with your pointers and tips and tricks and everything and just your advice and everything like we couldn't have done it without a uh a good man like utility on so thank you so much for that no problem thank you for coming out no no problem we'll see you again when we get this stuff filled before we start waterproofing maybe if you're not busy let me know all right yeah oh hey gary uh shane just got here oh shane got here shane just got here an electrician just got here yep all right i'm gonna go talk to shane alrighty not only do we have nick but we also have the power company out here yes super happy super excited i was wondering i thought i heard another vehicle we got the man over here what's going on buddy how much i'm doing oh i'm doing good i just wanted you to come out because yeah now i've got this out here i'm off trying not to have too much of a headache i guess we could have went the other way but so i was thinking like right here for a rack that's perfect right here for a rack and i'm gonna put i already bought the box it's a 200 amp uh box and it's got four slots on it so i can run the well and then i can do the feed through over the house and then i'm going to do a 50 amp over to my garage or whatever yeah the this will that be fine right here for that rock yeah and then i just got to go two feet down once i get the rack in i'm gonna beat down two feet all the way up at least at least a foot wide at least a foot wide oh and then do i need an additional breaker like a 200 amp breaker because the it's got a 200 brick main man that's all i need okay cool and then that 200 amp feed through it's just a regular same wire right now how far is your uh how far is your 50 amp service going to be so it's probably going to be right down in here okay you got to think about voltage drop from here here to there you know so yeah two like may be good tree oil might be good okay i think you still think it's overkill but it may be something later on if i do want to put in like a 60 or something like that then i can still get plenty okay cool the box going to the main breaker that's all the wire you'll need you'll need a ground uh rod ground wire uh and then the wire from the transformer to here okay we all know okay the only conduit you'll need you'll need three inch coming out of the bottom of your meter base going into the ditch with the 90 on it and that's where you stop we'll run two down the pole to here that three inch two inch will be where your water gap is so your mood doesn't uh fill up water okay okay sweet sweet and then for the house wire itself the feed through is just the regular heat through you really want to buy that the big old wire no all right sweet sweet pulling right off the uh feed through so you're getting the whole the whole service to that beater that's where i was like trying to figure out how i'm going to wire this guy up and get it to where work we've got water constantly instead you can put your meter base over here too if you wanted to put anything i can put it closer well i mean so what's the depth because we don't want to try to lose too many trees not one tree not one tree you put it right over here if you want to do this i was gonna tell you seriously okay okay guys i'm like wait a minute gary get closer to your area dude dude that's where i was like trying can we come through this tree and we don't have to worry about these trees oh my okay sweet get it close with yours yes yes well that's what i was worried because of the trees and i didn't want to so you said 180 right 130. 130 i think i can go i go to 130. that's probably 130 right there probably about 100 100 yeah you're looking at probably 100. probably right back in between here right here well no i know but this would be nice right here shane you just saved me so much money man i swear dude i swear to god all right now i know where my meter box is going to be i can run up there and do all that i'm going to be laughing man i swear you were so awesome as i am funny all right i will get that meter box done here and i will call you to come and say yeah and get it going because sweet yeah i just wanted to make sure before i put that thing in the ground and then how to rip it back up right there yep and i got got the water in already and everything else so all right so now i got a game plan we're gonna get ronnie back out here after i get my rack up and then i'll have him doing my trench needs to be two feet deep as well as a foot wide i need to get my rack in as well as the three inch pipe coming down into a 90 and yeah so it will be good i'm pretty happy oh so that's planned out i'll be able to run the well i'll be able to get that going as soon as i get that in a lot of stuff going on this week stay tuned [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] man with weather like this it's hard to believe that we uh are possibly going to be getting a bad storm yeah i can't believe it it's uh absolutely beautiful yeah we've got a nice uh warm front coming in from the gulf area and there's a huge cold front coming in from like the north colorado area so it's going to be interesting yeah yeah we're going to get a lot of rain a lot of rain uh yesterday we had a lot of interruptions we didn't get a full day of block work in they were very pleasant interruptions we were happy to have them out here it wasn't a bad thing no we needed to get those things situated and squared away and i'm so thankful that they both came out here because now we have an idea for the actual power and nick was able to come and see whether or not we screwed everything up or if we did it right and he was able to give us a good pointer out for the actual headers and everything else so yeah so it was really nice that they came out and they were able to be here but it definitely did slow down block progress so today we're out here we're going to be hoofing it as much as we possibly can gary did get to complete the row right here you can kind of see the mud is a little bit darker because it's still drying the 12 inch block so gary why don't you let them know what your plan is and how we're going to be working this going forward so basically what we're going to do so we're going to do the 12s but as i get the 12's done we're going to be tying in the center as well as the front as well so that way all of it will be completed at the same time getting up right now he's working on row number eight for the twelves we're going to hopefully complete eight for the twelves by going this way and that way connecting it and then gary's gonna work on row eight here in the middle and then row eight in the front which is literally just a tiny little block right there and a tiny little block over there you ready i'm ready all right let's get it [Music] [Music] [Music] if you guys noticed during that time lapse mr jeff bobblehead homestead popped in oh yeah he helped us out quite a bit actually well he helped me out with doing all of the joining i actually showed him the uh the joiner and the broom and he got two so what do you think about using the jointer yeah it's yeah it can be delicate work yeah that's for sure yeah but it it's a good skill to know yes yes happy to do it and of course when you're doing it and you're scraping it off you're making a mess on the floor i can i can use a broom to help on yes and he did you did you helped out a lot with uh brooming with joining um just being an all-around helping hand especially even with abe keeping abe occupied too yeah mostly with a it was a great it was a great great workout for both of us yeah worked out for all parties involved so um if you guys don't know jeff is a good friend of ours he's a neighbor he actually lives just right down the road and fun fact jeff was our first friend that ever visited us out here on the 41.36 like we didn't even have camp life set up yet we had only been here for just like a couple days and yeah jeff came over you saw the road in the beginning right oh yeah before the road well yeah when you guys came up like after the first time you bought and we did it live at my place yeah and so yeah i was able to come over here and that road was yeah that was scary facts man facts we actually did get eight rows high all the way around from the 12 inch block going all the way this way all the way that way all the way over there gary was able to make his cuts to fit in and fill the slivers yep and then we started working right here on the 8 inch block which we gotta get connected over there too yeah jeff did that we gotta get that connected over to the 12-inch block and then we can move the string line up again yeah so it's getting there closer closer every day all right well we're gonna wrap up for today but we're gonna be back at you in three two one well it's a new day out here what's up guys how's it going well we are getting that nasty storm as you guys can look around us you guys can see we've got the cloud coverage today and tonight it's supposed to really hit right babe yep it's supposed to possibly start at like six o'clock tonight um but it's definitely gonna be hitting at like 12 maybe even closer to like six o'clock in the morning tomorrow yeah we drop off the kicks yep so in between that time we'll see how much rain actually comes i hope it doesn't come sooner we can get some of this block work done yeah because we're uh eager to get it done yeah so today is literally our last day of this work week that we're going to be able to work because tomorrow is supposed to be super nasty and then friday more birthdays our kids uh julia and abraham they're having their birthday so we're going to be doing their birthday party on friday there's no school for the kids and stuff so we're going to be doing it all then um and then this weekend we might be able to get some work in but if we do you'll see that on monday if we can't we'll show you some other stuff on monday it's neither here nor there right now right now our big thing is we got to finish going eight rows high right here on the eights finish that off eight rows high here on the eighth and then after that what are we going to start doing so we're going to start on the ninth course itself and we'll be on the 12s again yeah yay i got the mud mixed already gary's got um his checks already done for the line we've already mutted his pan we got the blocks up here everything's set and ready to go so it's go time [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so when you guys first started watching this video we still had this area door framed in the window framing the front door framing and we were only seven blocks high here so you guys can see we are all the way 10 blocks high we finished the eight and we are working on the nine on the twelves going all the way around but we got a lot of work done man i'm pretty proud of us it is a huge accomplishment to be at this point um as soon as we get some more really nice days of work we're going to get out here and hoof it the finish line is so close now i can hardly wait i just want to be done with the block work start waterproofing and get on to the next few steps because man block after block after block it's a lot but you know what i think it just speaks for our commitment to this project as well as our commitment to each other man i mean we're making it happen it's getting little by little done and uh a it's a lot of work and it's a lot of teamwork like knowing tomorrow and it's been great building it in doing it with you baby thank you guys i don't know if i could do this without anybody else well i know i couldn't do it without you so teamwork makes the dream work yes indeedy yes indeedy so i hope you guys enjoyed this video i hope you guys enjoyed the special guest that we've had in it um it's been a lot of fun this one's been jam-packed with a lot a lot of stuff so i hope that you guys have thoroughly enjoyed it we're gonna get back to this as soon as we possibly can we'll keep you updated um new videos should be out on monday so until the next one guys we love y'all and we hope you have a good one we'll catch you on the next one bye you guys later later storms are rolling storm is rolling in that's for sure big weather it looks good though baby you rocked it it's kicking it's kicking my butt that's for sure but it's coming i can't wait till be done with all these twelves eights aren't too bad twelves twelves they take forever you got this baby i got it you got this you got this oh my shoulder's hurt sorry [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Simple Life Reclaimed
Views: 201,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MBF Off Grid, life uncontained, good simple living, time lapse, wild wonderful off grid, trent and allie, red poppy ranch, martin johnson off grid living, country road cure, simple life reclaimed, timelapse build, time lapse build, time lapse homestead, couple builds, cabin build, cabin in the woods, building a cabi in the woods, young family, young couple, diy cabin, building a home, building our own home, couple builds cabin, cabin basement build, block basement
Id: lTaCm-d5Y4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 4sec (2284 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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