Log Cabin Build in Montana in 6 Days / With Joas & Sons

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[Music] well good morning welcome to montana haven uh today we're once again on the road we're driving about uh two and a half hours to our next job that we're doing we if you've been following us you've noticed that we wrapped one up on flathead lake that was a pretty good sized home with an attached garage if you haven't go back and watch it i actually did three episodes on that uh but today we're doing a smaller home i've got justin ethan along as well it's a beautiful morning it's really cold this morning we left uh the at home it was three degrees now it's warmed up to about ten but it's gonna be chilly but we're setting logs today and uh we've gotta put the set the logs put the roof on and install the windows and doors so uh it's gonna take us i'm thinking about five or six days so we're working today's wednesday we'll work wednesday thursday friday go home for the weekend and then come back monday tuesday and probably wednesday and finish it up so should be a good job we're looking forward to it so enjoy it here we go [Music] [Music] all right here we are we're pulling up to the job site six below zero but thankfully it's supposed to warm up a little bit first thing we gotta do get this snow off the deck right here we had the guys come uh last week and put the subfloor on [Music] so now we just gotta set the logs [Music] all right what you're looking at is we got row one down in this freezing weather i set my water bottle down a little while ago and it's like a block of ice already but we're making it work [Music] all right it's 3 30 and we're working on row nine i got the boys out here hooking the logs got to use a weed burner because there's ice on the logs on some of these ends and stuff putting on foam gasket i'll take your eyebrows off [Music] okie dokie well there's the house we got everything up through row 11 done tonight so we're heading out here hungry for dinner all right driving up to the job site this morning i'm surprised how dark it is at 7 30. so the crane guy will be here shortly we'll get it fired up and get going hopefully we get this thing wrapped up by early afternoon [Music] gotta get all this snow off the logs here heavenly father we just bless you this morning we thank the lord for each of our uh guys here thank you to the boys these boys over here we bless you lord did we just pray for favor over us today as we work pray for safety on the job lord we pray for uh that this house would be a blessing to the people we're building it for we're putting the gables in now we got one in and we're lifting up the other one in place we put it together on the ground and we lift it all up into one big piece makes it easy that way okay so it's lunch time and that's the last purlin that we're putting in over on this part and then we still have to do a rafter up front that'll take about two hours probably and then we should be wrapped up with the logs and we gotta start on the roof there it is right in the notch oh we're struggling a little bit on that side need some gentle persuasion there we go perfect final log coming in right there last one it's gonna go right here for what we call the pork cheddar [Music] longest log in the house probably about 40 feet long it's the end of day two and we got all the logs set now and we're just knocking off getting done for the day we got this tongue and groove on over here about just a little over half of one side and we're gonna call it a night [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right it's lunch time and there's what we got done so far uh we've got uh all the tongue and groove on on the other side we're almost done on this side and we got our some of our rafters up on the the porch there so it's going good this friday we started a wednesday morning so this is two and a half days later this is really fun because this small cabin is almost like playing compared to the last job we did and that was a really really big house if you haven't watched that go and watch that i did three episodes on that one and it's just a few videos before this one in order so if you click on videos and then you can go down the line you'll see those videos that i posted so hope you're enjoying this and uh it's a lot warmer today it's like 25 degrees so that was really nice so we're gonna have some lunch work a few more hours till close to dark and call it a week well there you have it that's three days of work with three teenagers and one person aged 60 and then a 20 year old and myself so got a lot done it's looking good thankful it's friday and we're heading home for the weekend so we'll be back monday to finish it out [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we're cutting out the windows here we got our first window pretty much cut out that's matthew's first window actually he's doing a good job there and uh we've got the electricians here they're running some we wires this uh some of these windows cut out here let's go outside and see what the boys are doing oh yeah we got those you saw we got these filled in right here they're putting all these screws in the deck it's a lot of screws at least i think that's what they're doing at least i think you're putting in screws okay okay let's brace okay ready three on your mark even though they're okay you how many do you do thirteen thirteen three count they're racing [Music] okay [Music] nothing winning [Music] spray foam and maybe even covered we got all our rim on and all our bcis up there tgi's tongue and groove i-beams the electrician's running his cam lights and uh yeah it's a beautiful evening pretty windy this afternoon but it's nice you can see how these windows are beveled back or of course everything is going to get sanded and made to look pretty but that's how we get them done all right we're going to call it a day and come back in the morning what a beautiful sunrise look at that we're driving up to the job site and we got to go through this gate and under these power lines but that sunrise is just absolutely magnificent so beautiful glorious day well what a pretty cloud right above the cabin here our goal today is we're going to finish screwing the deck floor and we're going to put fascia up here along this uh rim right here all the way around the cabin uh we're going to work on cutting our windows out and we're going to finish the electrical up on top and get the spray foam in got matthew and justin helping with the fascia here looks good with fascia how's it fitting and that's the last piece of fascia and you gotta check this out this is our brand new spray foam trailer first job we're using it on pretty awesome their own generator air compressor spray foam in here pretty spendy machine but we do a lot of projects so we're going to be using it all the time get the spray foam up in there [Music] um [Music] okay we are going to try to wrap it up this morning the foam guys left last night and the first thing we got to do is get up there and get the roof on so we got to put osb up there and then we're gonna put uh roof underlayment on it ice and water shield and a product called titanium so that's what we're working at this morning get that wrapped up and then uh work on some inside stuff finish the window bucks which is basically the sub box the frame of the window so we can attach the window to them when they come in so a few of those things get the log railing on and we'll see how how far we get today and hopefully we can get everything wrapped up that's our goal [Music] it's 11 o'clock and we got it done now we're ready to start on the inside got the boys putting in this railing right here [Music] [Music] okay it's pushing six o'clock and this is what is today wednesday yeah so we we forgot uh wednesday thursday friday six days in this cabin is that right yep six days and uh this is the crew that did it mainly we had last week we had a couple other guys helping but uh this is matthew matthew's amazing he's a right-hand man he's really awesome of course you know justin and ethan and this is my nephew jethro and the guys did really really good let me just take you inside and show you a quick once around because uh turned out really really nice all right let's take a look at this front here you can see the log railing that's going around here and this model is actually called the green river rancher and i believe it's 24 feet by i'll have to check i think it's 32 feet yeah 24 by 32 i believe but it's just a really nice little uh little cabin let's go inside and check it out these these uh openings here are now all ready for the windows and you've got a half arch in here with a vaulted ceiling and again it's not huge but it's a nice little uh getaway cabin it's about 768 square feet i believe the kitchen will be going along this wall this is going to be the kitchen window and of course the entry door right there and i'm not i think they have a bathroom going in right here and then a master bedroom in this side right here and then of course a kitchen right here and then a little uh dining and living room over here so there you have it a lot of work the guys did awesome and so excited to be done excited to head home and um done with the project so let's look outside for just a minute this will be the side you see when you pull up and he's got it's on the crawl space so a couple items when we come back we're gonna have to put the windows in the doors in and we ran short of our uh fascia for the bottom there so we're gonna have to finish that there along the porch i just love how the railing looks along the the two sides it makes it look so good and of course this floor here is all rough cut lumber from our mill so we cut this stuff right here it's a full two inch by eight inch material but there you have it i hope you enjoyed this video and we'll see you on the next one god bless you and thanks for subscribing and watching all our videos we really appreciate it so we'll see on the next one god bless bye and as we're heading out of the job site god painted the sky for us [Music] do [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Montana Haven - Alaska Edition
Views: 1,009,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Miller, Joas, Amish, Farm, Family, Homestead, Montana, Montana Homestead, Homesteading, Log home, Log homes, Montana log homes, Montana log cabins, Meadowlark log homes, Amish Meadows, Log cabin, Log cabins, Green valley Rancher, Green river Rancher, 24 x 32, 24x32
Id: 3_5ctPE6QEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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