"Time To Make Room" - Touré Roberts

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[Music] awesome to be here with you I want you to turn in your word to Revelation chapter 3 am I going to read a few verses there in God deposited this was kind of interesting this doesn't happen all the time this probably happens maybe 30 percent of the time as it relates to how I get words from God he just dropped the phrase in my spirit before he dropped it he scripture before he dropped any sub thoughts he dropped this phrase in my spirit and the phrase was it's time to make room it's time to make room now before I got too deep into it I shouted because when you hear preachers say it's time to make room you're like yeah make room in your life cuz a big ol blessing is coming come on somebody you start going immediately to Isaiah 54 where where it says enlarge the place of your dwelling because you who were once barren whoa you get ready to have more kids than anybody around you get ready because it's coming you don't tell mine you've heard that message before and it's a true message right it's true and so I got excited my all wow man I get to preach a fun message thank you for the good news Jesus it's time to make room I get to tell the saints of God your drought season is over God has been ready to move in your life it's getting ready to be crazy and it wasn't that that was not true but the Word was deeper and sometimes not you but people you know sometimes we all want that deeper work because the deeper word always necessitates a deeper work hello somebody so so I wasn't getting much more and usually I'll have my sub thoughts you know a day or two after the main thoughts and I wasn't getting much more and so then I take that and I know that that words come in seasons and so I begin to look at the world and all the things that are happening literally everywhere and I said oh man this is deeper and this is not I felt like I was to surface I feel the Holy Spirit I felt like where I was with it just speaking and talking about you know you know get ready cuz you know because expansion has come and giving it make room for what God wants to do in your life right the Holy Spirit said that is true but but that's not deep enough and sometimes we we are inspired but not transformed and when you are inspired and not transformed you got to show up again to get inspired again because inspiration without transformation is nothing it's crack I feel the Spirit of God in here inspiration without transformation is cracked I get my high and I go back out and function but because the word was not deep enough to change me I've got to come back and get high again are you tracking with me the word is not designed to get you high it's designed to lift you high it's designed to take you highs it's designed to elevate you to your actual place in Christ so that from that elevated place you begin to now do life but if it's just inspiration and that transformation you get high and then you come back down then you got the munchies I'm sorry why are you laughing you're not supposed to know what that means inspiration with no transfer with no transformation is nothing and I love you too much to simply inspire you I love you too much to live in the presence of God as often as I can to live with God to listen to God and understand the things that are coming and just feed you candy all day that get you high get your sugar wrench and so I said God take me deeper then because obviously it's not deeper it's not deep enough taking me deeper and and and I said give me text and the text that he gave me was this right here in Revelation chapter 3 can we can tree roll with it real quick all right let's roll through it this is Jesus speaking and he's talking to who are supposed those who are supposed to be believers and they were functioning they had what what other passage of the scripture says they had the form of God but they were denying the power of God so they look like they were believers but their life had no power and so so and you have to say that's a whole other message in and of itself and Jesus is coming and and he's going to say some things to them because what they didn't realize at the time is although they were having church their destiny was actually in jeopardy and if Jesus did not come and tell them that they must go deeper see this is not Jesus being upset or mad he understands that that if he doesn't come and give you heavens truth where will you find it so he comes and he has this conversation with these these several churches in each of those churches they were seven churches in each of those churches had had unique issues and then he basically comes here and he says now check this out Jesus says behold I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into him and dine with him and he with me and then he says in verse 21 he says to him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on my throne as I also overcame and sat down with my father on the throne so let's look at some of the things that he's saying what he's trying to do is he's trying to bring awakening to his people he in the text Jesus is talking to people who had become comfortable and content you know this is an interesting time we're in everything right now is big I feel the Lord everything right now is big no matter what it is there's nothing that is neutral right now everything is big the stakes and life right now are higher than they have ever been before these are both the best of days and the worst of days at the same time anybody feel that the best of days and the worst of days happening juxtaposed against each other at the same time has anybody had that testimony right now it's crazy the best things that I've ever happened to you are happening to you while at the same time some of the craziest things in your life and biblically and when you get a chance I want you to study Matthew chapter 24 because biblically that's exactly what Matthew 24 says when the disciples posed the question to Jesus when will we know that the last days are upon us and and let me just stop right think I said people get on scare you sucked up my last days they get scared you know because you're not okay in the last days what does that mean it should mean the same thing that it means any and every day I like sugar free I believe he was the Prophet if you stay ready you ain't got you ain't got to get ready so we shouldn't be intimidated by the fact that it's the last days one two the Bible says that a thousand years is like a day to God somebody the Apostles believed that they were in the last days and they were so it's not a day like you and I think a day it could be three thousand more years because that would equate to three days so it's not about that but it is about understanding and being able to discern the times that you're in so you can position yourself in Christ properly I wish I had about two hours with you to really talk about that but the best of days and the worst of days remind me of Matthew chapter 24 because it talks about it again is when the disciple says Jesus the question what are going to be the signs of your coming drawing near and Jesus goes into this dissertation and he starts talking about things that we were seeing today he says they're gonna be wars and rumors of war check he says nation is gonna rise up against nation check and take that even deeper that speaks to ethnic disagreement ethnic stuff right nation ethnos rise gets ethnos racial tension racial tension at at its Heights look at Charlottesville when I even seen and I you know I've been I've been around that long but I haven't seen anything that blatant and don't make me go there it says things like there will be signs in heaven check signs and the sky check it says that the love of many will grow cold check it says there'll be earthquakes in various places but then it also says and the gospel of the kingdom will be preached to all nations so with the intensification of negative things there is also the acceleration of positive things we saw hurricane Harvey horrible terrible but we're seeing the world come together in a way that I haven't seen in a long time so so it's the best of days and the worst of days and what's also happening is it is a time unlike ever before for purpose purpose I believe that that these seasons that were in this is God drawing out of us purpose because in the midst of the Great Tribulation purpose and greatness and the midst of great struggle and difficulty greatness and purpose is also emerging and so on Jesus is talking to people the people who were supposed to be the light of the world the people that Jesus ultimately would come to rely upon to be his hands in his feet in the earth but they had gotten distracted and so he says if we go back to verse 20 I'm just giving you context he says behold I stand at the door and knock there's so much there he says if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in to him and dine with him and he with me in verse 21 he says to him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on my throne and I also as I also overcame and sat down with my father in his throne this last verse is really powerful he who has an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches now what I want to look at real quick is I want to look at Jesus's invitation we go back to verse 20 he says behold that word behold literally means look check it out pay attention and see this don't miss this and then he says I stand at the door knock and that's interesting because Jesus is saying behold look this is where I am you ever want to know where God is this first tells you where he is God is standing that Greek word has the idea of to abide so it's not like you stand at the door knocking he's gonna move this door that he's at he literally he's postured at this door and I'll tell you what this door isn't just a second he's postured at this door and all he is doing is knocking I feel God he is not going to beat down the door but he's not going to leave the door he's right there and he's knocking he's knocking he's knocking I stand at the door what is the door that Greek word for door there can be translated portal we translated portal and I believe personally that as it relates to us our heart is that portal because that's what God speaks to he speaks to the heart he he he speaks to the heart and so when you think about a porter a porter a portal in technology is a site that gives access to multiple things access and links to multiple things and so so it would be one way to look at this would be to see to think that Jesus is knocking on our door trying to get in and that is true but that's only half of it that our heart is a portal and so not only is Jesus knocking at the door trying to get in he's knocking at the door trying to get in so that he can also bring you out oh I don't want to come down there with you I don't wanna mess with the camera on to come down there with you see see see Jesus he's at he's at our portal and he's knocking trying to get in but but when he when that door is open when that portal is open his world is opened up to us in other words in other words when he knocks on the door of your heart he says he says behold I stand at the door and I knock if anyone hears my voice I'll get into that in just a second if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in watch this I will come in and dine with him and he with me so if you invite me to your table I'll invite you to my table because your heart is a portal to deeper and greater things are we tracking I want to show you something a lot of us sometimes we can be small-minded and we think that Jesus just once in know Jesus wants to bring you in but you can't get into him unless you let him into you it's not even your little table is cool I'll come to your table and I'll fix some things but what this thing is really about is not your little table it's the big table the Bible says I'll prepare a table I'll prepare a table for you in the presence of your enemies and we're so protective over our little table that we miss the vast and glorious and endless and infinite table that God has that he wants to feed us from for the rest of our lives are you joking with me behold I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice hears my voice that we're here here's can be translated to this phrase gives audience to give audience - sometimes we've got so much going on in our life and we'll give an audience to everything else in life that even though he's there knocking we can't even hear because there's no room for him I feel it right there and it says he stays there where is God I'll tell you where God is right now he's knocking on the door of your heart I don't care how spiritual you are I don't care what you've done or how good you are he is still knocking because there is more where is he where is God right at the portal of your heart desiring you to make room for him there's a passage in the Psalms where he says open your mouth wide and I'll fill it in other words to the extent that you can open up and make room for me will be the degree that I feel you now as it relates to making room I kind of thought about a few things that are connected to making room sometimes God just allows things to happen to make room for himself in your life oh I feel the Lord sometimes God will remove something hallelujah and you cried and God is like I need you empty in that area so I can feel you I feel the Holy Spirit of God it is a gift from God when he removes things and you have to be careful about how you feel what God removes I feel that for somebody for like taking a turn you've got to be you've got to be careful big because we like to be full and some of us full of it now I'm kidding I'm kidding but we like to be don't kid I promise I'm kidding I think but but we we like to be full we don't like open space I don't like that and sometimes we would rather feel open space with unworthy things then to do the work that is required to let God feel that space I feel that for somebody god is cleaning your life out right right now he's he's clearing house some things are leaving your life God number two sometimes he'll allow things to be shaken in your life to create new priorities making room for himself man a storm come your way your priorities change what you had time for before the storm you don't have time for after the storm because because your life comes now into focus and you realize that there were things occupying space in you that were not worthy of the real estate of your heart or your mind or your life and God allows it all to make room and then sometimes and then sometimes it is a knocking sometimes it is a beckoning deep down I feel the spirit deep down in your soul that says things aren't quite right I mean I can do an altar call right now sometimes he doesn't remove anything from your life sometimes he doesn't allow challenging circumstances to cause you to reprioritize your life sometimes he allows you for whatever reason the grace to hear the knock at the portal the knock nom day that has been happening all the time since you were born what is that I don't know what that is my name is Samuel I what is that you calling me I'm not calling you let me let me you need me let me in you need me to let me in juvey let me leave with me yeah and He loves us and he loves us so much that he never leaves that place anybody ever try to run away from God try to run away from God I think you're turning your back on but he's still in front of you behold I stand at the portal I know how to get to you I know how to talk to you my sheep hear me and they know my voice they know my voice they might run from my voice they might fight my voice and now we're moving into a time we've got to hear because I can't not open if I do not hear and if I can't not open because I do not ear hear he cannot come in and sit with me at my table and make sense out of my life and show me what to do and show me how to reorganize my table where to put this boy I feel the spirit we get in this rhythm and we do things same thing different day and same place if we go to the same place and do the same things and have the same positioning but the world is changing and we can't do the same thing we've always done and be covered we have to hear from God and let him in and let him come to our table and organize our lives [Applause] and that's just the first level of it that's him coming into our space to organize our life in such a way to bring it into alignment so that he can invite us into his space I can't talk to you like this this morning I can't afford to not know what's going on I can't afford to to not be ready I think from a practical perspective I think listen we're in California when the earthquake zone I believe that we ought to do our part make certain we have plenty of water right flashlights all the things all the things you need you should have an earthquake I think y'all invest an earthquake kit there you can buy them now you can go to surplus store you can buy all that stuff I believe in that wholeheartedly but I will also say if we think it's wise to do that in the natural how much more does it make sense for us to do that spiritually and that's why he's knocking he's knocking now if we look at the next verse it's interesting because he's talking about basically letting him in and as we let him in through that portal he has access to us and because he has access to us he gives us access to him hallelujah he says I'll come in I'll dine with you I'll sup with you but he doesn't leave it there he's like n I'm gonna let you sup with me I mean that's exciting it's one thing for God to come into your space is another thing to have God bring you in his space whoo where he lives and how he operates and how he thinks and how he rolls and he calls this he calls this dynamic overcoming because he go to verse 21 he says in the same context of the same breath he says to him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on my throne as I also overcame and sat down with my father on his throne he's basically telling us that giving him access that responding to his knocking on the door of our hearts is overcoming that that that's overcoming wait-wait-wait-wait making room for you is overcoming and he's like yeah so let's talk about what he's overcoming overcoming what overcoming yourself see the reason why he's knocking on the door saying let me in and make room is because we fill our lives with sometimes unworthy things I remember I was uh I have I became recently single not recently I'm giving you a point in time in my life you got to say it and make it plain there was a time in my life where I was had become recently single and I hadn't been by myself for a long time right God was making room and I didn't like how it felt I talked to some real people he practically I don't like I felt and even though I was completely unfulfilled out of purpose and unstimulated in the former relationship something appeared to be better than nothing I just want to take my time with that one because you know I keep coming back around to it for two or three of you you okay I didn't know how to be alone I didn't know how to be empty enough to become full the right way you understand what I'm saying and so and you know because sometimes it's hard and you got to do the work and I would feel like man I need to I need to just really press into the Lord you know I really need to press into God and in because God will fill you I promise know that God will fill you up if you really press into him and and let him come and start talking to you and telling you how beautiful you are and and start talking to you about the plans he has for you and destiny God is a Mac his words man just drip like honey you but I don't talk to me boy Jesus I mean he will make you feel good man you you feel like you know David said I can run through troops and leap over a wall got a Mac you up but it's not game it's true for I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you to give you a future and a hope fear not for I am with you be not dismayed for I am your gut I will comfort you if I am for you who can be against you eyes have not seen ears have not heard the things that I prepared for those who love me o our God is a map mm-hmm mm-hmm your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light into my path all I need is your word does anybody in here have that testimony God you just speak a word just say something to me I know it's gonna be true I know it's gonna be all right just talk to me that's the truth but we don't want to position ourselves sometimes and that was me so instead of doing that I did this were you at what you doing what you doing don't look at me like I'm crazy hey by myself and as long as I as long as I was unwilling to be empty I could never get fooled for real I could never get full for real and all the while he's knocking behold I stand at the door knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and dine with him I'm a-coming to bring word and we'll come in and bring truth i'ma bring him I'm just along I hooked up your situation I'm gonna hook your table up and then I'm gonna bring you to my table he calls it overcoming overcoming what we're almost done overcoming one overcoming myself making room for God as me overcoming myself it's overcoming temptations some of us are full right now some of us right now our temptations not you somebody you know right I might be looking at you but I'm not talking to you okay just because I'm looking at you right in your eyes does not mean that I am talking to you okay overcoming our temptations overcoming the enemy's counterfeit alternative destiny oh I feel the Lord for the Lord counterfeit alternative destiny and I'm not gonna call him out but there's an young man he's my brother now I'm so I can't I almost I see his Instagram and and I'm so proud of it it's crazy and he is he could be doing anything one of the most accomplished people in in the entertainment industry right now and he is using his influence and his talents to go from prison to prison and ministering to men and women in prison and spreading hope all over this is the end I just and I just I see it and I just and I text them and in it because he didn't subscribe to the lie you don't let me tell you something counterfeit is real and there are counterfeit destinies there are counterfeit destinies that you have to overcome especially here in this town counterfeit destinies when God puts his hand on you for greatness it is not for your fame fame is not an end and I know you know this and I'm preaching to the choir but I feel like saying is frame is not in some people just want to be famous so the only one no money this would be famous and that's exactly what some people are getting famous but broke fame is not an in Fame in God if God purposes you to have fame because Jesus was famous fame is not a sin right if God purposes you for fame it is not the end it is the means to the end you have to ask yourself the question God why did you make me famous and now that's why you should never want to be famous what you should want is purpose uh-huh oh it's the truth I want purpose and if Fame will facilitate my purpose then so be it but give me an anointing to not allow this fame to wipe me out and to make me think for five minutes that it is about me because I don't want to drink this stuff oh my god Fame will kill you it's like alcohol on the outside it will treat a room if you're ingested it will kill you I don't want to give me the antidote for it not trying to be famous Jesus wasn't trying to be famous when Jesus was moved then and people would like ot come here he'd move on to the next city he didn't stay there and bask in the fame because that's dangerous it's not about me it's about my father and if you don't get it that's okay I'm gonna keep pointing you to Jesus because without him I am nothing I am nothing and this gift that God gave me is not for me it's for others and if I use it for others I'll be able to eat - I feel God I don't have to work my stuff to eat all I've got to do is seek first the kingdom of God with my gift with my stuff and His righteousness and all other things I [Applause] feel the spirit of God I want you to win in this age I want you to be a force in this age I don't want you to be tossed to and fro it's a time of purpose unlike ever before because it is on right now all it's all like never before we got through one hurricane and there two more back to back it's on things shaking in Mexico it's on it's on overcoming counterfeit I feel the Lord I think I need to land overcome counterfeit alternative destinies I remember and if you've been around his church any left of time you heard this story before us are you gonna hear it again I remember family when the church was beginning to grow it was in North Hollywood I was on the radio and I was starting to get popular and I would go and because it was radio people know my voice it's not gonna have a distinct voice and hear the guidance in the radio and I said yeah you know god bless you I'll come to church and I remember I remember I remember God coming to me and he saying hey ray you're getting pretty popular said I tell you what why don't you water down your messages I think still preach the gospel people get say you know it's okay just just water it down you know you can water down or he said you can water down your messages he said if you do that you know you preach you know whatever it's kind of a simple basic message he said in your church will grow at the time probably about 500 members as I and your church will grow he said and your church will prosper and he said and you will prosper too and then it was like and you'll be like and it was kind of interesting like one of those guys and I know what he meant he was talking about people who are very very visible in the faith world and there was something now I understand it better but there was something about what he said that didn't sit right because that was a surface level thing but I felt Jesus knocking I fed him knocking and I could have because of my own a youthful ambition or whatever I could have not allowed room and just took it took the deal but but I felt him knocking I felt him knocking and I said or what that was me opening the door and he said or son he said you can do it the hard way he said and it's gonna be uphill he said and you're gonna lose members I felt the Spirit of God he said you're gonna lose member somewhere there's gonna be lost I'm gonna make room he said and you will say only what I tell you to say only what I tell you to say and then he said and I will be with you now it seemed like the easy decision y'all they're lookin all spiritual and stuff like that seemed like an easy decision but let's do the math you still get to preach your church will grow the true church will be prosperous successful buildings all that kind of stuff right and he said and you will be successful and people will get saved okay we'll do the man that's on that hand on this hand it's gonna be hard it's gonna be uphill people are gonna leave it's gonna be rough but the one thing that tipped the scale what's him saying but I'll be with you that's it that was it knocking so I said I'll take the one where you said you'll be with me and you know what he said he said you answer well he said I'm gonna give you the other stuff anyway and he has he has but it was just as hard as he says in moments it was just as lonely as he said it was just as discouraging as it said but it was just as blessed as he said I think I want to close this message with prayer I uh I came in here man I was thing about this message God gave you to me Tom I really wanted to like I preached you down like preach the house down and have you leaving out of here all inspired so I'm ready to make room for for my blessing are you ready hey yeah you don't say some of y'all know that song but but but but I've seen too much I've seen too much to leave you there that's coming it comes with purpose a promise she increase multiplication harvest abundance blessing all of that it comes with purpose but it's not the main thing in fact it's not even a thing and when your heart is right God brings all that stuff to you and you don't even care you give it away you're not hearing me you give it away because you realize what true wealth is true wealth is in your relationship with God true wealth is when you have access in and out of the portal so you can have whatever you need I want to pray for you let me just make sure I said everything that I wrote and come on and stand with me if you would you know there are times as we close at times the times on a ship where things get very what rough the water gets rough things get very boisterous and in that ship they have to make a determination on what is worthy of staying on the boat and what is not they have to lighten the load and if you brought that stuff on us on the ship it meant that it had some value to you you would just bring something on the ship that didn't have value didn't mean anything to you but yet when the Seas begin to rage in such a way you have to stop and pause and say do I want to be comfortable or do I want what I want or do I want to get to my destination and in those moments in the natural you have to throw some stuff off I love that Louie suitcase yeah but do you love destiny more I'm wondering if it's time to make room it's not so much God saying what he's gonna do for you but I'm wondering if it is more about what you are willing to release in order to be closer to God and more importantly available to God I feel the Spirit of God on that I think that there are some people in this room and you're hearing this message because there are certain things that you can't take with you into the destiny that God has for you I put something on Instagram a few weeks ago and I said destiny is for those who travel lightly destiny is a light journey and you have to know when to throw unprofitable things overboard for the sake of the ship even Jonah knew that he said I'm not profitable to this ship throw me off they're like no we can't do that we humain he said if you don't throw me off this thing is gonna go down bye Jonah I want you to be clear in this season I don't want you to be afraid I'm not an alarmist because I said when we first started this service when Iced we're not afraid of anything because of God is for us who can be against us our foundation is sure a solid my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness you tracking with me we do that one time God I trust you I believe you I believe that you became everything that is broken everything that is weak you became my sin I believe it and you killed it and you were raised up victorious and now that I'm in you I'm no longer bound there and there are no limits on my life in you and I'm gonna keep going higher and higher and higher as my outer man perishes in you my inner man is gonna be renewed day by day I'm gonna go from glory to glory to glory to glory and the one day we and you are gonna be perfectly won because there's nothing to separate us are you tracking with me that that's that's my foundation and death not even death can get in the way of that because he put death in his body and then killed it so he put to death death so I'm not afraid of earthquakes I'm not afraid of hurricanes I'm not afraid of floods because nothing can separate me from the love of God nothing can separate me from the plan of God nothing can separate me from the purposes and the destiny and God so I don't walk around here afraid I walk around here with purpose he's knocking and will you make room if you're here and you say pastor I think I think you were talking to me and your message I need to make room I feel the Holy Spirit of God you can come while I'm talking I need to make room for God in my life I need I need more God and he's saying and I need more room and you're saying I I need more favor and God is saying I need more room and you're saying God I need more of this and God is saying I need more room on standing I'm standing at the door of your heart I'm standing at the door of your heart I'm standing at the door of your heart and I got you and I'm gonna come in and I'm gonna dine with you in other words I'm gonna come in and I'm gonna take care of you I'm gonna come in and I'm gonna take care of your heart I'm gonna come in and I'm gonna take care of your mind I'm gonna come in I'm gonna take care of your life I'm gonna come I'm gonna sit at your table Jesus says I am lowly I am meek I'm humble I'm not so high that I'm not concerned about things in your life I'm gonna come and sit at your table that's one of the things that I love about Jesus he would go and he was sit at people's table he wouldn't say come to the temple and schedule an appointment hey say why y'all doing that religious stuff over here i'ma walk down here to this tax collectors house I'm gonna walk down here to this thugs house walk down here and I'm gonna sit with him because I'm real just like him I want you to touch me feel you I want you to understand that I see you and I got you and I got you covered and I know all about you and thank you sir for letting me in and I'm gonna sort your life out we'll come and sit at your table and I'm gonna sort you a lot out for you I'm gonna heal you I'm heal you the things that happened in your past and you did not process them properly and they're affecting you now because you didn't know I loved you you didn't know I had a plan I was gonna use even that for my glory I was gonna even gonna use those things for you he didn't understand that because you didn't have me in your life to teach you and explain to you why you had to go through what you had to go through you were not a mistake your life was not a mistake that was all part of my plan a part of my masterpiece to make you who I need you to be in this hour that's what it's gonna happen when I sit at the table with you and then once I sit at the table with you and I ministered to you and I'll let you know that I was always there and I let you know that I covered you I had you in my hand the whole time even when you fell you didn't fall all the way because I was upholding you by my hand and once we work that out at your table once I dine with you that I'm gonna say now do you trust me enough to come to my table let me show you where you're really from you ain't from watts you're not from Brooklyn you're not from the southside of Chicago I know you started there but that's not where you're from you know where you're from before I formed you in your mother's womb I knew you and I ordained you and you are just a pilgrim you just pass through those things to pick up some things you're from me you're from me I'm your daddy I'm your Pappy you're from me now let me show you who you really are and let me show you how you really roll man I wish I had more time you see God wants to he wants to elevate some of you so you could see where you're really from if you hear you don't know the Lord I want you to come and meet me here behold I stand at the door knock maybe you hear and you say I'm not religious but man you said something today it touched me in a place I'm not really religious like that either to be honest with you right I'm spiritual because we are spiritual God never told you to be religious he said know me he says I'm knocking at the door of your heart if anyone any man any man any man any man any man any man any man hears my voice and opens the door I'm gonna come in and dine and I'm gonna invite them to dine with me if you're here and you don't know him and you're here because maybe you're in that third group I talked about earlier where where you know God didn't take nothing from you and nothing to shake it in your life for you evaluating priorities but but you hear knocking I want you to answer that knock and come and meet us here at the altar for pray if that shoot we're gonna wrap this thing up in one and a half minutes but I just have that's you I just want you to come just come to here and you say I don't want religion God but I want you I want you to come I want you to come I want you I feel you knocking on the door of my heart I want you to come if that you come thoroughly if you know the Lord but you need to rededicate you need to recommit you need to make more room for him if that's you I want you to come you say God I know you but I gotta make more room for you I'm so busy and I've got all this going on in my life but God I'm committing I heard this message I hear you loud and clear and I'm gonna make more room for you if that's you I want you to come as well as you praying come on just come just come that's you just come just go NIT that world care we've made it seem like we have lives that are worth in being on the outside but the truth is we're empty we're empty where it really matters where we need you the most God and so we surrender our lives over to you and we ask that you would feel each and every soul represented at this altar that they would no longer go about life wondering where they fit in and if they'll ever really have authentic confidence that they'll never have to search for validation from other people but that they would be so fulfilled and so complete and who you've called them to be that if no one ever picked up the phone and called them that if no one ever likes a picture that if no one ever validated them that they would be so sure or who you've called them to be because they made room for you god we make room for you in our hearts we make room for you and our souls we're asking that you would dig up and uproot everything that we place there and instead you would put your touch on our lives your vision in our eyes your words in our mouths God we need to be more like you than ever before fill us with a purpose Oh God fill us with your spirit Oh God help us to understand the strength that has always been available to us that we never had to pretend because you had given us true confidence and true courage Oh God so I declare and decree right now that the drought is over in their lives Oh God that they just tapped into a well Oh God that they just tapped into anointing that they didn't even realize that they had Heavenly Father help them to have an encounter with you that outlast this service that they would begin to commune with you and dine with you that this is their normal Oh God yes this is their normal that they would sit with you that they would allow you into those dark secret places so that you can change us and transform us we want to be the real deal we want to be the real deal we want to be such a force that the industry is shaken up by how focused we are about our purpose we want to be the real deal that demons start trembling when we start writing our movies because they know someone's gonna be saved as a result of what we've gone through we want to be the real deal we want our music to change culture we want our fashion to raise up a standard we want to be the real deal not Fame not followers not like so karma we want to change the world so God we ask that you would make a room for us to become the world changes that you already knew we were we want you to make a room oh God until generational curses are broken off of our families we want to make room Oh God until shame no longer has a hold of us make room until depression has to flee make a room until suicidal thoughts can't exist make a rule until addiction no longer exists make a room make room make room make room make room make room and let there be an ogre in Jesus name Amen [Music]
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 29,802
Rating: 4.8837209 out of 5
Keywords: Potters House, Potters House at One LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 1sec (3541 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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