Time To Lean In | Touré Roberts

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hey family i'm pastor torre i'm pastor sarah and listen you're getting ready to hear an incredible word for the lord i believe it's going to bless you i believe it's going to be timely do me a favor share the message if it moves you share the message and then also you have an opportunity to be a part of not only helping to spread this message but to be a part of our outreaches we're doing a lot of practical things to be a blessing to someone so feel free if god so moves you to use the information here in the video to support what we're doing we're being a blessing not just people spiritually we're being a blessed people practically we love you get into this message and change your life hallelujah well isn't it wonderful to know that god is for you david wrote for this i know god is for me in another place he says god is on my side i will not fear what man can do to me paul said in another place in romans 8 if god be for us who can be against us it is important that we know that that god is for us and even in times like this god's got a strategy for us i hear the writer speaking on behalf of god in jeremiah 29 11 4 i know the plans that i have for you says the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you to give you a future and a hope these are words we can take to the bank and if you ever feel that god is not for you if you ever feel that god is not your support and your strength just know that you've believed the lie you know another translation of jeremiah 29 11 reads like this god says for i know the thoughts i think towards you thoughts of peace and not evil to give you an expected end hallelujah it's just wonderful to know i want you to know that no matter where you are high times low times on the mountains in the valley all of that is irrelevant here is the truth our god is for you and i got a word for you today and and i'll be honest this is not a very sexy word uh but it is a very true word and i believe that that as we unpack it it's going to bless you um i was going to to joke and tell you this is a very inspirational passage of scripture uh at face value it is not uh and quite frankly if you don't understand that there is a strategy in play these words could actually be depressing sorry you're like this is not what i give it for don't leave i promise you you'll get it's going to make sense you know there's some passages of scripture where you read and you're like man i i just wish that that wasn't there i wish i could just take that page rip it out and throw it away but jesus one things i love about jesus is jesus gives it to us real and i don't know about you but but i want a savior to give it to me real i want friends to to give it to me real i want i want leaders to give it to me straight because if you give it to me straight i know what i'm dealing with and what i love about jesus is not only does he give it to you does he give it to us straight but there is always a silver lining in it one of the things that i love about god is that god is always pointing me up he's always lifting me up he's always pointing me up if your relationship with god is a relationship well god is always putting you down or god is always put you know drilling you into the ground you don't have a relationship with god you have you have borrowed someone else's voice someone else's character someone else's personality and you have attributed it to god because they were the authority figure in your life but let me tell you right now god is always edifying he's always building up now sometimes does god have to allow circumstances to tear down in order for him to build up yes absolutely but as it relates to how god feels about you and i as it relates to god's disposition towards us it is never a disposition of destruction it is always a disposition of edification always remember that and so i want to draw your attention to a passage of scripture and it's in matthew chapter 24 and we're going to look at the third verse through the 14th verse we'll do quite a bit of reading and the context is this and we'll read it so you'll see the context as we read it but jesus has been teaching for several chapters he's just been teaching and he has been dealing with the hypocrisy of the religious leaders at the time and he's just breaking that down and and ultimately that one day that whole system you know is going to be torn down in fact he says the temple itself is going to be torn down and he is essentially talking about the ushering in of an age that will prove to be redemptive glorious more glorious than anything that has ever transpired but there would be a process to get to that glorious age and he's getting ready to define that process and that's where you know some of the let us say not so pleasant things are discussed but sometimes in order to get to the gold you've got to go through the valley and so let's go uh right to matthew chapter 24 and we'll start our reading at verse 3 and then we'll unpack it we'll have a conversation it says now as he this is jesus sat on the mount of olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age and jesus answered and said to them take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying i am the christ and will deceive many and you will hear wars and rumors of wars so that you are not troubled excuse me it says see that you're not trouble that's kind of crazy he's saying now now false you know leaders are going to be raised up saying they're christ they're going to deceive many you're going to hear wars and rumors of wars but don't worry don't be troubled kind of a strange thing to say but it gets worse not better then it says for all these things must come to back come to pass see that you're not trouble for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines pestilences and earthquakes and various places and all these are the beginning of sorrows just going all downhill and when you thought it couldn't get worse he goes on to say with this very inspiring dissertation then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake and then many will be offended will betray one another and will hate one another then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many and because lawlessness will abound the love of many will grow cold but he who endures to the end shall be saved and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come believe it or not there's a lot of silver lining in there and i want to unpack it let's pray father we thank you so much for your word it is a lamp into our feet it is a light and to our path god i thank you for the spirit of wisdom and revelation i thank you that every person listening god every person watching every person who hears this lord god will have their eyes opened their faith will arise their hope for tomorrow and their clarity about today lord will go to a whole other place we love you we thank you for your plan it is a good plan it is a plan to prosper us and not to harm us to give us a future and a hope so as we navigate these truths god we thank you for strength that is arising in each of us and we will be better clearer and better equipped for not only today but the days to come because you god have prepared us through your word so we love you we thank you lead us and teach us in jesus name amen amen hallelujah hallelujah um you know to be completely honest i have been wrestling in my attempt to accurately interpret the times that we are in uh i i don't like surprises i'm not i'm not good at that um i like to have somewhat of an idea of you know where we're going i'm the guy that likes to drive all the time i have to be completely tired to let somebody else drive because i like to to a certain degree be in control i want to know where things are headed and so as i look at the world today and i look at things that are going on as you can imagine and there's so much happening in our world this has been a crazy year i've been asking god what is going on because if i at least know what's happening or at least trust that god has a plan in what's happening then i'm good and the reality of it is god absolutely has a plan and not only does that god have a plan but jesus himself actually prepared us for the days that we're living in thousands of years over two thousands of years before today see as i mentioned earlier sometimes we don't like reading some of those uncomfortable things but the beauty in reading some of those uncomfortable things is when they show up in life you are not taken by surprise or you are not you don't think that god has completely lost it everything that we are experiencing god has already foretold are you tracking with me and not only has god foretold these things that we are experiencing but god has already pre-qualified the generation that is in those experiences meaning that if you are alive today no matter how difficult the time it is because that god has equipped you knowing you before the foundation of the world god has equipped you with everything that you need in order to watch this endure these times and we're going to come back to that word endure in just a little bit and so this helps me to understand that god has a strategy one of the things that you have to understand about god is that god is a god of strategy meaning nothing takes god by surprise nothing all of us have been taken by surprise this year there are so many things that have just literally shocked us even as i prophesied about coming into 2020 i said there are going to be some very disappointing things that happened this year as god is in the process of revealing which is critical to god's plan ultimately but god has a strategy and when you realize that god has a strategy then you and i should begin to pray for our own individual strategy in the midst of god's strategy and that's what i want to do today i want to talk about god's strategy as jesus is laid out in this particular passage of scripture and then i want to give you insight into our strategy that as i sought god quite frankly in frustration about the times that we're in god how can anything good come out of these times as i sought god as i got on my face as i i you know pleaded with god as i pressed in the god as as i went through various emotions trying to wrap my mind around what's going on and how anything positive can come out of it and what should i do you know listen i'm called to the people but i have to say god what do i need to do first before i convince bring that information to the people and after much wrestling days of wrestling days of seeking god's face days of humbling myself i believe that god has given me clarity and i believe it's going to help you during these times are you tracking with me if you're tracking with me you know me just put it in the comments i'd like to know that that my tribe is tracking with me and so there are a few things in these verses that are the silver lining and that ultimately stand out and are clues to how we navigate these these these seemingly treacherous times in fact as crazy as these times are these are times that god actually wants us to lean into and not to pull back from and i hear god saying that as crazy as things seem you got to understand that this is your time you got to understand that this is your moment this is not a time for you to shrink back this is a time for you to fight back and we're going to talk about that as we unpack these things today and so uh we read it together i'm not going to take it verse by verse necessarily but again the disciples are asking god what are going to be some of the signs of the times some of the signs of the end of the age some of the times where where you you will be begin to make your way back and make all the crooked paths straight so to speak and he talks about that they're going to be many people that come along and say that i am christ and what's interesting there is some of them may not directly come out and say i am christ christ means anointed christ means messiah and so there will be some people that say hey this thing right here is anointed feel the spirit of god this is so so true the the anointing is going they're going to be counterfeit anointings and you're going to see sadly enough religious people calling things anointed that are not anointed let me tell you something i don't use that word loosely i don't my applaud and my applause and my celebration although i celebrate uh humanity i don't applaud something as anointed without truly knowing that it is anointing because the scriptures say in the last days that false prophets will rise up and false things will rise up and it says that these things will be so convincing that they will even be able to appeal to the very elect so deception in these times are going to be at an all-time high and so we have to be so personally close to god and so personally aligned in such a way that we walk in the anointing that we'll be able to identify what is truly anointing and what isn't so that we don't end up being deceived are you tracking with me he talks about that there's going to be wars and rumors of wars and he talks about how and we're seeing this already he talks about how nations are going to rise against nations and nations rising against nations does not necessarily mean nations as in countries it is ethnos which means ethnicities and so jesus spoke about there being uh some some division and really some racial tension in the last days or in days that will precede a great move of the spirit are you tracking with me it talks about how there's going to be famines and plagues and earthquakes and various places all these things are happening and he says all these are the beginning of sorrows that word sorrows literally means birth bangs and so something all these things are happening and jesus in that passage says that these things must come to pass so in other words on the way to birthing what god is birthing all these difficult things have to transpire so watch this so many of the things that we are praying away and i'm not saying that we shouldn't pray away things we should but just know that it is possible that some of the things that you and i are praying away are things that must come to pass to create the appropriate birth canal for the birthing of what god wants to put in the earth are you tracking it with him it is what it is my friend bishop kenneth omer would say is tight but it's right and then he talks about how they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you and some of this has already happened before of course we know many of his disciples were persecuted even persecuted to death and and in many places uh you know around the world we see great persecution and people being killed because of their faith in fact here in america i think that we have it good as it stands so he talks about that he talks about how many people will be offended and that word offended is a pretty interesting word because it can mean you know personally offended but ultimately the idea is bigger than being just offended or bigger than being upset the idea there is that you are either causing someone to stumble or something is causing you to stumble one of the things that i know about offense and being offended is offen being offended oftentimes causes you to stumble your footing is not what it needs to be when you are offended when you get offended you are taking off of of the appropriate pudding you you footing you can't walk in ordered steps when you're offended that's why that's why one of the things that i do is i try not to make a decision when i am angry because when i am angry my footing is improper i'm stumbling and anytime even when you throw a punch you have to plant yourself before you throw a punch because if you're all wobbly you can't get that punch off in fact as you throw a punch you might get knocked off because you're out of balance when you're offended you're out of balance that's why it's important to have the type of relationship with god and the type of relationship with yourself that you recognize where you are at all times and if you're offended you have to learn how to release that offense so that you can see clearly in order to move forward in a way that is productive and not destructive are you tracking with me if you track it with me just go ahead and put it there he says many are going to be offended it says and people are going to betray one another and it says that they're going to hate one another and as i mentioned false prophets are going to rise up and deceive many and because lawlessness will abound the love of many will grow cold so because there will be you know people who cannot uh control they don't have any hope so when you are offended and you don't have any hope you become lawless and you become reckless and you start doing things that are unreasonable uh two los angeles sheriff department uh employees officers were sitting in their car uh minding their own business from what the reports say and and and a gentleman came up to them and fired at them point blank trying to kill them that's lawlessness right it's it's it's unthinkable things and the challenge with lawlessness is that it offends people deeply and and and you want to react to it and so it says because of lawlessness and there's all sorts of laws there's lawlessness on the other side of that conversation as well we saw lawlessness with the police officer in minnesota with his knee on george floyd's neck and then soon after we saw riots and so what happens is when there is lawlessness people get angry people get upset and watch this and it says because of lawlessness and that lawlessness abounds the love of many will grow cold so so if anyone whether they're a politician or whatever want to attack lawlessness it can't be one-sided lawlessness it has to be lawlessness wherever it is found i just want to slide that in there okay and so it says that as this lawlessness abounds the love of many will grow cold the worst thing that can ever happen to anyone is that their love which is supposed to be hot hot enough to consume offense hot enough to to consume unforgiveness hot enough to to withstand accusation and insult the last thing that we want to do is have our love go cold but it says that's what's going to happen that the love of many watch this will grow cold i feel this for some of you that's why you have to be careful with the vents because notice it says will grow cold it may not start cold but if you don't deal with the fence that's in your heart watch this the love particularly for those of us who are believers the love that god has given to us which is a reflection of god himself will over time grow cold i feel that some of you need to stop watching things that make you upset i'm not saying be in denial but i think that the the purity of your heart is more important than you staying updated on current events particularly the current events that offend you greatly you got to keep your heart solomon the great wise one said we have to keep our hearts we have to guard our hearts we have to guard our hearts because if our hearts are to ever if they were to ever grow cold then we will be less we will become less than who god has created us to be because what makes us like god is not blood running in our veins but love are you tracking with me but he's talking about all the things that are happening and if we look around we can literally see these things taking place but silver lining is right here it says but he in the midst of this cray-cray in the midst of these things that quite frankly if there is no silver lining you would have to ask yourself why live who wants to live earthquakes plagues you know we're seeing fires we're seeing floods we're seeing hunger we're seeing uh you know pandemic we're seeing unrest we're seeing you know love growing all these things this is not a sexy passage of scripture at all but we have to be real these things are happening right now jesus prepared us for it he talked about he says listen i'm not gonna just give you the good i'm gonna let you know that things are gonna get crazy there's gonna be a season where things get crazier than you ever thought that they can get you're going to see hate and vitriol on a lever that you have never seen before i'm telling you i want to prepare you there's going to be a time where it gets hard but buddy says but he that endures to the end shall be saved there's so much in that one sentence the he that endures the end so let's talk about for a second first of all it talks about the fact that there is an end there is an end and in other words this thing is not spinning out of control and is ultimately going to end up in destruction that there is before watch this before the trouble ever started god ordained an end that that's what you got to know because i can tell you right now sometimes it's hopeless it appears hopeless sometimes you're thinking yourself well how's this wait wait how's this going to end it's just like it's going down it's going down it's going to go down but you have to understand that god is in control remember god's got a strategy and it says he who endures to the end shall be saved so there's an end watch this it's not over until it's good remember travis greene has a song called intentional and and in one of the versions of that song it breaks out and he breaks out in this prophetic part and he says it ain't over until it's good and you have to understand no matter where you sit whether it is in this corporate thing that we're talking about or in a personal situation that you're in you've got to understand that there is an end and it's not over until it's good the word of god says that god causes all things to work together for good and if you would endure if you endure to the end you will be saved that is basically galatians six and nine be not weary in your well-doing for in due season you will reap if you don't give up if you're committed to enduring just put right now i'm gonna endure put it in the comments i'm gonna endure or just that one word if you want to in fact i command you right now in jesus name i command you to endure if you're in it there is a grace for you to endure put it in the comments i'm going to endure do it right now do it right now endure it endure it that word endure that word endure is one of my favorite words in the scripture and i've talked about it before it's made up of two words hupamoni hupo moni hypo moni under abide under abide so under abide and it talks about how watch this tribulation develops the ability to watch this abide live thrive strive while under god is getting ready to give you the ability not to faint when tribulation comes not to be knocked out of the game when offendable and offensive things happen to you god is getting ready to develop your inner man in such a way that you are going to be good at hooper moaning at abiding oh god at functioning even while under fire even while under pressure god is getting ready to make you a spiritual navy seal navy seals and i am completely somewhat totally ignorant to what it means to be a navy still have the utmost respect for the men and women who are seals and other special forces but but there's one thing that i know about them and i'll tell you right now they are not trained for good times they're not trained to fulfill their mission when everything goes right it's actually the opposite they are trained in adversity the reason why they are so held in high regard it's because they don't get weary in their well-doing they're trained to still abide while under difficult circumstances are you tracking with me put it in the comments just put endure it endure it endure it and so to endure it says the one who endures to the end shall be saved that means that if i'm in it i've been prequalified to endure we've got a lot of ground to cover but let's talk about what it means to endure it to to endure it means to keep getting up to not be so discouraged by the difficulties that have come your way personally or the difficulties that that you see around you in the world to not be so discouraged that you don't get out of the bed anymore or you don't you don't rise with hope and expectation anymore to endure it means to continuously get up it is to wake up every morning those who endure what do they do they wake up every morning expecting to see god i'm going to see god today david said i would have fainted unless i believed to see the goodness of god in the land of the living this is what endures do it is to not quit and it is to never watch this it is to never surrender and never forfeit hope there's a passage in hebrews chapter 10 verse 35 it's one of my favorite paths of scripture and it talks about it says therefore do not cast away your confidence wherein there is great reward it says there's there's a reward in your confidence whatever you do don't cast it away keep your confidence that word literally means expectation do not cast away your expectation maintain your expectation because remember god's got a strategy and if you're in this world in this moment you are very much a part of god's strategy if you take a hit i get it we all take hits sometimes you take a hit you gotta pause but after you pause you gotta recalibrate you gotta recover and then you have to re-engage you have to get back in the fight and so instead of falling into this posture to this state of helplessness family i need you to endure i need you to live i need you to function i need you to continue to abide in spite of it i think ultimately what what enduring means is developing what i like to call a fight back spirit a fight back spirit in other words as life continues to encroach upon you you got to fight back let me tell you a story so i had a birthday of the day i'm moving along in age glory to god right and there's some things that that used to be like natural that now i gotta work uh to to be natural in that area right so like now like like like i used to just be able to not get to get up you know and not have you know challenges with my knees or pain in my knees i mean this stuff is new now in order to keep from having pain in my knees i had to do various stretches every single day and various exercise rolling ball got all kind of electric roll ball i got these things now i can get to where i need to get to but where i used to just be able to kick it and not have to worry about anything i can't just kick it anymore now if i don't want to have pain in my knees i got to make sure that i'm doing my stretches that i'm on my rollerball etc but what is that that is about me fighting back because i'm saying devil you are a liar i'ma do whatever i have to do to maintain the good that i want to see and so being one who endures means that you've got to get your fight back what have you allowed simply because you lost your fight what's in your life right now right in this very instant that doesn't have to be in your life if you would just get a little endurance in your spirit a little hoopamoney in your spirit maybe it's not easy but the difficulty is designed to develop you and you will look up and you will be stronger than you were in the happy times are you checking with me you got to get a fight back in your spirit and so so the silver lining one of the silver linings is that god says now i know all these things are going to happen but don't worry i'm telling you ahead of time so that you won't be taken back i think the world is coming to an end he says a couple of times in the text the world is not coming to an end the end is not yet he says you just got to endure it you have to endure to the end and the beautiful thing is anything that god commands you to do god has empowered you to do and so he says you got to endure you got to endure to the end right but then there's something else that he says and this is kind of where i want to spend our last few minutes together and to be honest with you i i didn't read this right initially he says but he who endures to the end shall be saved and then it says and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come that that kind of like that hit me because i'll be honest with you obviously it's a beautiful thing for the gospel message to be preached but i didn't consider what happens when the gospel message is preached i i let me let me put it this way the gospel being preached to all nation is not just people hearing a religious sermon but but what is happening here is when the gospel of the kingdom is preached it is really an activating reality oh i've got to say this better when if you if you look at what transpires when the gospel of the kingdom's preached because because if if you don't understand this let me tell you how it looks if you don't all these bad understand are happening and oh by the way if you just endure you're going to be fine and oh by the way the gospel is going to be preached to all people and then the enemies come that's that's not that you you have to unpack what it means for the gospel of the kingdom to be preached because of the kingdom if you think about it jesus had one message and that one message was the gospel of the kingdom he came preaching and teaching the gospel the kingdom but you have to think about what happened when the gospel of the kingdom was preached he didn't just go about preaching the gospel of the kingdom and then you know he'd move on and go on his way and then and then whoever heard the gospel of the kingdom uh was not changed wherever the gospel of the kingdom is preached there will be transformation oh you didn't catch it so so so he's saying that as the world gets crazier as all the things that we're seeing today continue and in some cases get even worse with the same intensity and frequency the gospel of the kingdom is going to be preached when the gospel of the kingdom is preached it releases a countering dynamic to the environment in which it is preached in did you catch what i just said so in other words while all these crazy things are happening crazy good things are going to be happening on the other side i wish you would catch what i'm saying the gospel of the kingdom is the power of god for transformation so as hate is growing over here love is growing over here as wars are breaking out over here unity and togetherness is happening over here are you tracking with me there is a strategy in this whole thing and that pressure that is getting pastors and leaders and believers to begin to think differently alleluia the the trouble is creating opportunity for the gospel where there was no opportunity before because the gospel thrives where there is chaos the gospel thrives where there is need the gospel thrives where there is brokenness the gospel thrives where there is lack the gospel thrives where there is shortcomings watch this the gospel thrives where there is violence and so as i looked at that i said oh my god this is his strategy it's not just this cute little thing oh all these negative things are going to happen you know and he names 15 things or so these things are going to happen earthquakes pestilence hatred false prophets you know all these sort of things he just names these things off and then he just says one thing he says you endured oh and by the way the gospel of the kingdom is going to be preached in all nations in all the world as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come and if you just graze over that you will miss a very powerful truth that the lord is saying he's saying when the enemy comes in like a flood i'm going to raise up a standard i'm going to raise up sons and daughters and there is going to be a counter culture that is not political that is not religious that is not hypocritical that is not judgmental but is powerful and it is the opposite spirit it is the opposite spirit of what's taking place in other words the best of days is going to create the worst of days and when i i have this mentality this kingdom mentality that i am a part of the kingdom i have access to the kingdom i am a part of the abundance of the kingdom it changes the way that i show up in life because i no longer fear death because the kingdom is in me and if the kingdom is in me there's too much life in me for me to fear death see when i have the abundance of the kingdom in me i love in the face of hate because i have no shortage of love oh i feel the holy ghost see you can you can love on someone even even someone who hates you well you know you've got love to burn i'm talking about a counter culture what are you going to do with somebody who hates you that you refuse to render that hate back to because don't i become just like the person who hates me when i all of a sudden allow that spirit to jump on me and i hate them back and ultimately become less than god that's why the word says don't be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good when i have an abundance mentality i can throw love out there when i have abundance an abundance mentality i continue to build in the face of things being torn down i feel that see see this kingdom mentality understanding that first of all god's got a strategy and we're part of the strategy means that i don't you know get afraid of what's getting ready to happen in the economy and start storing up my money for the winter no i start building now because i have an abundance mentality there are opportunities out there right now i'm not sitting back waiting for the storm to pass i got news for you the storm ain't going to pass you got to learn how to dance in the rain build in the rain because jesus said these things were going to happen but even as these things are happening the kingdom is happening too and we have to bury our lives in the kingdom are you tracking with me i'm gonna because i have this kingdom mentality i'm gonna give abundantly in the face of scarcity because i'm a part of a different system see what you're going to do is you're getting ready to create your own ecosystem in your own life and amongst those who believe the kingdom is unstoppable we are not going anywhere i don't care if the earth shakes it doesn't matter i am a part of an unshakable unbreakable kingdom that is gonna remain the bible says everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that that which cannot be shaken shall remain that means that things are going to shake but the righteous are going to still stand things are going to get crazy but god's people are still going to be standing i wish i had about a thousand people who are willing in this season to do business i am abundant i have a kingdom mentality no pandemic can stop me no race war can stop me no bad politician can stop me nothing can stop me i'm a son or daughter of the kingdom and i'm not putting my trust in the white house i'm a vote yeah i'm putting my trust in god's house if that's you say i'm trusting god put it in the comments see see we got to endure you got to make up your mind today that you're going to be an endurer that you're not going to run from this season watch this that you're not gonna pray that god will deliver you out of the trouble right there's a space to pray for deliverance and then there's a place there's a space to lean in god jesus as he's telling us this as he's telling us this he's not telling us to run from the trouble and he's talking to us about these things that going to happen he doesn't say go and hide he didn't say go and hide he didn't say leave the country although there have been times where i thought maybe canada might be a better situation he didn't say that he said endure because there's an end and if you quit or ultimately respond in a way that disqualifies you then you will have given up before your due season there's an end this is still your year this is still your time this is still your season but i believe that you've got to get a kingdom mentality he says this gospel of the kingdom listen what he's saying he's saying all these destructive things are happening but there's one thing that can't be destroyed it's the gospel of the kingdom it's the kingdom that cannot be shaken and so family i'll be honest with you as i sat with god i wrestled with god because i couldn't see the silver lining god you're telling me all these things are going to happen and i just have to endure it i missed it and then he said you got to keep reading he said the gospel of the kingdom was preached see see the problem with our mentality is we don't associate preaching with transformation the problem with with our and i think this is why why some people think that that whoever is elected in office is the savior no they're not that's foolish neither candidate for presidency can save us neither either yes vote absolutely vote and you don't tell anybody you're gonna vote for him make up your mind look at the facts make your decision vote shut up you don't have to post about it just shut up and do it but understand that no matter who you put in the white house there is no salvation there there is no deliverance there in fact you can be greatly distracted by your political leanings god is the savior there's nothing in jesus didn't say anything in that passage of scripture about it and for those who vote in the right candidate will be saved no endure i'm going to vote i've made up my mind none of you know i made up my mind quite a while ago because at caesar's i'm rendering the seasons with caesar's that's my business not yours and it's also not god's business and i don't like it i don't think it's right when when when we mix faith into politics and try to you know that's mixture god said render to caesar's what is caesar's and to god's what is god separated separated if you get both wonderful but when when have we ever gotten both in one the only way we would get both is if jesus was on the ballot it's kingdom time our deliverance is in the kingdom a breakthrough is in the kingdom i'm already past november whatever i'll vote but that's it i don't trust anybody not up there i trust god and to believers i want to say this i digress a little bit i'm getting ready to land the plane though to believers don't turn on your brother and sister in the faith because of your political leanings that is of the devil that is of the devil that's divisive that's the vision a house divided against itself cannot stand don't do that don't put your political party above the ecclesia and i got news for you everybody in the ecclesia doesn't vote the same way but they love jesus and they want to see his kingdom come [Music] don't be afraid in this season family don't get offended so that you're disqualified in this season you got love to burn the verdict is in the kingdom still wins oh and pray for you i want to pray for you you know we're fasting right now or we've we're celebrating the the biblical holiday the biblical new year and and we've got about another seven or eight days left in our fast we'll finish on the 28th we started on friday sundown the 18th or however you you got in there and we're rededicating ourselves to god and rededicating ourselves to the things of god and and if you weren't privy to that thursday night message and i encourage you to get in on that too but i want to pray for you now is not a time to shrink now is the time to lean completely in to the season to this moment it's not one of those messages that you shout at and hallelujah and all that kind of stuff necessarily jesus when he preached she didn't always have those types of messages in fact the majority were not they were challenging and they were inviting the listeners and the hearers into a dimension of grace and reality that is what the scriptures call a narrow way and only few find it i want you to be part of the field i want you to to be a part of the kingdom that cannot be shaken i want you to be a part of the kingdom that covers you that keeps you that protects you i want you to rise above the fray of division and animosity that is so prevalent in our time i want you to rise above the shroud of confusion calamity and i want you to to embrace the kingdom which is a kingdom of peace which is a kingdom of power and it's a kingdom of true progress so i want to pray for you father i thank you so much for this time you've allowed me to to spend lord with your sons and daughters i just believe that you're touching hearts i just believe that you're revealing strategy to your sons and daughters i feel so honored that you would allow me to teach this god yes there are wars and rumors of wars yes ethnos is rising against ethnos yes there is confusion about who's anointed and who's not anointed yes there is division even in the church yes there's division in our world yes offense is great yes there is recklessness and lawlessness and yes the love of many is growing cold yes yes yes yes but you said don't be troubled for the end is not there you said in spite of all those things that if we would simply endure to the end then we'll be saved thank you that there is an end that it won't always be like this thank you that you've given us grace to endure and thank you that while all those things have taken place something that is greater than each one of those things and combined is also happening and that's your kingdom which is counter to everything negative is also growing and expanding and with that is transformation healing blessing and widespread breakthrough thank you that that's our portion in the midst of this dysfunction we love you god i thank you for everyone watching if you hear when you say i want to be a part of the kingdom i surrender i i surrender i've been i've been caught up in the world system and i've run out of options i've been i've been caught up in trying to do it my way and i don't see my way forward but i want to be a part of the kingdom that is counter those things the kingdom that is counter everything negative if that's you just say i want to be a part of the kingdom i want to be a part of the kingdom to say i receive the king of the kingdom just let us know we're going to be praying for you our staff is right there in the comments we're going to be praying for you just say i receive i receive i receive and here is the thing god says i'll give you keys to the kingdom and whatever you bind shall be bound and whatever you loose shall be loose god says i'll open doors for you that no man can shut yes the kingdom comes with keys that's access to deep and powerful things if that's you just say i want i receive i receive and father for those who open up their hearts to you and those god who are pressing into the kingdom and i know there are many they're pressing into the kingdom right now this is not religion notice it said the gospel of the kingdom it didn't say the gospel of quote-unquote christianity the gospel of the kingdom it's higher than titles and terms and it's higher than sex sex c-s-e-c-t-s is higher than that it's higher than divisions and schisms it's higher than arguments and bickering is higher than politics it's the kingdom of god [Music] and god says i invite you to that because heaven and earth all this stuff will pass away but my kingdom will stand forever to say i received the kingdom god bless you god keep you let's spend some time together in worship i love you you
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 28,457
Rating: 4.9364519 out of 5
Keywords: LA Churches, TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla
Id: mlXCdlsuzGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 41sec (3281 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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