"The Come Up" - Sarah Jakes Roberts

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greetings family pastor Toure here I'm excited about this message that you're getting ready to watch I'm also excited about the countless lives that are being changed by wholeness winning in life from the inside out in fact I want you to watch this short testimonies gonna bless you and then that message will be right after it I'm reading wholeness again because I need it again let me tell you when I picked it up the first time the very beginning caught me off guard when when I began to realize that I needed to be able to say I'm not okay and I wasn't okay with not being okay but as I read the book of homeless I started to realize that all of these patterns and being okay we're keeping me back from the life that I could really be living in a secure could become but now I have the tool to become whole and I hope you get this tool too because it is going to change your life [Music] is anyone grateful that they don't have to do this thing called life in their own strength can we just have a minute to thank God that he is our strength somebody came here because they needed a reminder we're gonna move on with the service but I want to give you some time to acknowledge the source of your source [Music] I don't know about you but I came for a glory encounter I came so that my strength could be renewed so that I could have clarity and vision and focus on how to move forward with this thing called life can we just lift up a praise one more time come on you can do better than that and let you can do better than that worship Him like you may not get another chance worship him like he's already solved the thing that was worrying you when you came into this room worship him like he's already healed your body worship him like he's already healed your heart come on [Music] because I lift my head god we honor you this is your house and we accept you come and sit right in this room you know every need every prayer requests every issue represented in this room and so God we ask that you would permeate this atmosphere that you would tear down our walls that you would remove our excuses so that all we have is an intimate encounter with you from LA to Denver to Zimbabwe it's for those watching online God your love your grace your anointing it knows no limits so we will not hold you to just this room God touch our families not even in this room touch our loved ones who aren't even in here because that's the kind of God you are we honor you in this service God and we say have your way in Jesus name Amen amen before you take your seat can you just acknowledge the person beside you how you doing you look good loving them you may be the only glimpse of God they see how you doing you look like la sunshine you look like didn't for sunshine if you're visiting for the first time can you just wave your hand at us so that we know oh wow if you're by your first time visitor make sure that you show them some love welcome welcome welcome welcome I see you in LA welcome welcome welcome on behalf of the incredible pastor of this church my husband pastor Terry we welcome you to our church this is not just a big church this is like a big family and so if you want to help me welcome our welcome our new visitors can you just help me welcome them to our big family if this church has changed your life can you let them know that they are in for a radical encounter in addition to our first-time visitors we also have people tuning in online some people have never even stepped foot in our church and yet they log in religiously they give religiously and we just want to acknowledge you and thank you for being a part of what God is doing can you help me love on our online family we're hoping that one day you'll be able to walk through those doors but until then know that the same anointing that exists in this place is available to you no matter where you're watching from I'm gonna get right into the word I believe that a God has given me something that's going to help at least one person and I said God if it only helps one person because I know you're reckless love will do that for one purpose person have your way in this place you'll note notice if you're visiting for the first time that people are standing it is our custom to stand for the reading of the word I'm going to be in Luke chapter one of course we'll have the text available for you but if you're like me and you have your sword with you or your phone we want to welcome you to turn to Luke chapter one while you're turning I want to take a moment and invite the women women can I hear you make some noise ladies [Applause] men can you make some noise that there's a woman you love in the room or somewhere yes I want to personally invite you all to come in a worship God with me at my conference woman evolve it's going to be taking place in Denver and we've got some little information cards for you to take with you and share with your girlfriends sometimes there are people who you want to invite to church but they may not be comfortable coming on a Sunday this is an opportunity to tell them we're not just going to have spiritual enrichment there's going to be practical tools and workshops and so whether you're in LA Denver watching on the livestream we would love to host you and to just share the love of God with all of the women who are important to you amen Luke 1 chapter verse 11 I don't know about you but I woke up this morning and I was excited to be in the presence of God and the text begins it says then an angel of the Lord appeared to him standing on the right side of the altar of incense and when Zechariah saw him he was troubled and fear fell upon him but the angel said to him do not be afraid Zechariah for your prayer is heard and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son and you shall call his name John and you will have joy and gladness and many will rejoice at his birth for he will be great in the sight of the Lord and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink he will also be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb and he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God he will also go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just to make ready a people prepared for the Lord and Zechariah is said to the angel how shall I know this for I am an old man and my wife is well advanced in years and the angel answered and said to him I am Gabriel who stands in the presence of God and was sent to speak to you and bring you these glad tidings but behold you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place because you did not believe because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time my subject for those of you who like to take notes is to come up to come up the Spirit of the Living God we came here to hear from you we came here because our lives depend on hearing a word from God a word that will radically change our life a word that will give us a vision in restoration God we cannot afford to hear from man we can only hear from you so god I ask that I may decrease that I may become nothing at all but a vessel for your use God you will stop at nothing to reach one person and because you are that committed to reaching just one soul God we make a demand on the anointing that is available to us and we say God don't let one person leave this room the same way that came in may this be the answer to the prayer they have been waiting for God I can't do it without you I can't think without you I can't speak without you I cannot articulate without you but with you O God I've seen you do it I've seen you break generational curses I've seen you send demons trembling God I know that with you the power of God will fall in this place and marriages will be healed and purpose resurrected that's the kind of God we serve so God we're asking that you would saturate this place so God as only you can do when we are gathered in your name no nerves no fear no anxiety just you standing tall in me in Jesus name Amen you guys can be seated my husband and I have been traveling for the last few days and we were coming back from Boston on Saturday Friday Friday they start bleeding in when you travel we're coming back from Boston on Friday and we're eating at a restaurant and while we're eating at this restaurant I noticed that our waitress the lady who's serving our table seems a little bit down and I tell my husband I said oh she seemed sad I have to preface this story by letting you know like my husband has never met a stranger anytime he meets someone they're like instantly friends from CEOs to Busboys there's nowhere we go where he's not asking someone about their family and their children and how things are coming along me on the other hand I'm like um head up the Deacon board and mind your business ministries I Amen okay it's not that I don't necessarily like you know want to talk to people maybe I'm just a little socially awkward I don't know when I'm in the grocery store and people strike up conversation I just don't know what to say beyond how is the weather you know so I have to preface this story because my husband says well you should check on her and I'm like you can't just randomly check on people you don't know you know and he goes well when she comes over just if the spirit leads you just you know check on her so she came over and I was like okay so about that chocolate cake you were talking about earlier because chocolate ought to be a level playing ground everyone should be able to connect on chocolate and so I asked her about the chocolate cake and then I go how are you doing you know you're doing a great job with everything here but how are you doing and she says I'm a little sad and I was like man that something told me that you weren't feeling well and she explained that she was having this issue with funding in her school and she wasn't going to be able to get the money and it was going to push graduation back for her to graduate halogen and so my husband and I decided that we would help her meet the tuition demand and so we were able to bless her but I couldn't help but notice how sad it must have been for her to be serving while disappointed I couldn't help but notice how much weight must have been on her shoulders there was nothing wrong with the way that she was serving you see there are some things only the spirit can tell you because if you look at a person's actions you may never realize what's going going down on the inside of them because some of us know how to keep on moving even though the weight of the world is on our shoulders I have a feeling there's a few people in LA who know what it's like to be serving while disappointed I have a feeling that there are a few people here in Denver who know what it's like to be serving while disappointed I mean still coming into the house even though you're upset about what's going on in the marriage I mean still coming up to the job when you don't know how your co-workers are going to act that day it takes a special kind of purpose person to serve while disappointed I'm still serving I'm still showing up I'm still clocking in but if I'm honest I'm a little bit disappointed I'm a little bit stressed I don't know how the ends are going to meet but I still keep showing up I'm still singing in the choir stands I'm still volunteering every single day and nobody knows what's going on on the inside of me and as I was studying and preparing I realized that Zacharias and Elizabeth they know oh so well what it's like to be serving while going through disappointment you see they don't have this relationship with God where they are serving God because God gave them everything they wanted I know that's a little bit counterculture because we have this mindset that we praised and thank God and worship Him because he answered our prayers but today I want to talk to the people who have had too serve God when he didn't do what you wanted him to do when you prayed that God would heal somebody you loved when you prayed that God would give you the job and you got passed up you see some of us don't have this roody-poo relationship with God where we can lift our hands because you did everything I wanted some of us have learned to worship even God when you don't do what I ask you to do even when it doesn't turn out the way that I wanted to god I still worship you because you're not my genie you're my Savior and if you don't give it to me the way I act is because I trust you've got a greater and bigger plan for me this is a mature walk with God so when you keep serving even when you've got Church hurt and you don't just leave and start up another church you don't just leave and and start going to another church I stayed here I stayed anchored right where I was even in spite in spite of the fact that I was disappointed and I was hurt because God you don't have to do it my way for me to still show up I know that's not popular because everyone wants to believe that if God does what I ask him to do then my worship is going to increase but I'm here to tell you the true true Friends of God are the ones who don't mind when God disappoints them I was studying and you have to give me liberty I'll you had to give me liberty because this may sound a little bit odd but have you ever been in a position where you have to forgive God for disappointing you I know it doesn't really sound popular no one ever talks about having to kind of come to terms and reconcile that God you didn't you didn't do what I thought you were going to do yeah you didn't you didn't fix the marriage you didn't save me from the jail time you didn't show up the way I thought that you would and if you aren't careful you will become if you don't take a moment to reconcile with God that this didn't happen the way that I wanted it to happen I'm still coming to church but me and God haven't had this encounter we haven't talked about this area of disappointment god I need to know I need to understand why it didn't happen the way that I wanted it to happen God I need peace in spite of the fact that I pray to you I thought that you were really gonna do it I fasted and I cried and I prayed and I gave and I sow deceit and yet it still didn't turn out the way I wanted it to God please help me help me understand how I ended up in this situation help me to trust you even when you don't show up the way that I wanted you to yeah he's in one time God but he's on his time and not our time and we're all clapping now but when God is not on your time we don't clap like we just crapped in this room when God is not on your time it makes you angry when God is not on your time it hurts you when God is not on your time it makes you question whether you were doing the right thing in the first place can I talk to some real people in this room because I want you to understand where Zacharias and Elizabeth are at this point in the text they have continued serving God in spite of the fact that God didn't answer the prayers that they wanted him to answer when they wanted him to answer it and they still served God I think there's a special kind of blessing I know that even when you don't serve God that His grace is sufficient but I think there's a special kind of blessing for people who learn how to serve through disappointment I think it makes you more like God if you think about it he still serves us even when he's disappointed in the things that we do so to then turn around and say God if you don't do it my way I'm gonna turn my back on you makes us unqualified lover but when you are in real relationship with God you start saying even when you disappoint me I try that what's on the other side of this disappointment is something greater that I didn't even know to pray for God I'm serious about this thing with you God if it works out or doesn't work out I'm gonna be okay because this is about me and you it's not about what I'm praying for it's not about what I think will be a blessing this is about me and you and I cannot do anything without you so I'm not gonna let my disappointment separate me from the love of God I'm not gonna let my pain separate me from the love of God I'm gonna take that pain I'm gonna take that disappointment and I'm gonna serve it to the one who makes all things work together for my good god show me show me how to see past this issue we have there's an issue between God and Zacharias and Elizabeth and when we find him in the text he's given up on the prayer of having a child he's buried it if you will I wonder how many buried prayers are in this room I wonder how many buried prayers are walking down Hollywood Boulevard I wonder how many buried prayers are still showing up on the red carpets and so acting like they've got it all together but nobody knows there's a buried prayer done on the inside of me a prayer that I gave up on because I didn't think that God was going to do it and so Zacharias and Elizabeth they're still serving God and they have a pattern and a rhythm and I got to show you in this text what I learned about Zacharias and Elizabeth that I think God is going to show us about our walk with Him you have to understand that in order for Zacharias to be called to come into the temple to light the altar of incense this was not just some routine just run-of-the-mill opportunity at that time there were over 18,000 priests serving the temple so for him to be chosen to keep the the fire going at the altar of incense was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I happen to believe that part of the reason why he was selected was because he learned how to serve through disappointment I think that's a word for somebody somebody caught it that what makes you choose abou what makes you qualified to be pulled up to the next dimension of glory the next dimension of grace the next dimension of success is not because everything went the way that you wanted to but because you didn't quit when it didn't go the way you wanted it to he gives this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to light the altar of incense and let me tell you this is a powerful opportunity because he is going to light the altar of incense for those of you who study in your theologians you know that the altar of incense is the most important arguably a mediation between the people the Hebrew people and God the altar of instances where the prayers of the Hebrew people are constantly filling the temple and being ascended up into the the ceiling or up and up into heaven so when he has chosen to light the altar of incense what God is saying is that I want to put you in charge of representing someone else's prayers even though your prayer wasn't answered Zacharias has to be a mature person in order to do this and so he's been pulled up and he's coming up in and God is blessing him too to have this opportunity and we know that God is blessing him to have this opportunity because he is going from he's going to be intimately intimately positioned intimately acquainted with the place he only once knew from a distance he's a priest everyone knows about the temple everyone knows about how you're supposed to handle yourself when you get into the temple this is not uncommon for him to to know the procedures but the thing is that up until this point he's only known it from a distance but because he put himself in a situation where his heart remained pure in spite of disappointment he was allowed access he was granted access to a place he would have only known from a distance but instead is becoming intimately acquainted with the temple and I believe that there are people in this room who have suffered from disappointment and they've been on the outside looking in at the next dimension of glory and they've been wondering if they're ever going to have that opportunity to access that dimension of glory and I hear God's saying because you stayed faithful you were going to become intimately acquainted with the place you only once knew from a distance don't worry I'm coming down your lane there's someone in this room who passed up on toxic relationships and Joker's because they wanted to have the real deal marriage and I hear God's saying that because you remain faithful because you kept your heart pure because you didn't give in to temptation because you didn't put yourself on clearance because you didn't sell yourself short I know it looks like you had to take the long way home but what I'm telling you is you are about to be intimately acquainted with the place you only knew from a distance I feel the presence of God in this room I'm telling you that you're only one step away that you're only one casting of the Lots away from being intimately acquainted with the person who's going to help you get your business off the ground you're going to be intimately acquainted with the person who's going to help you get the addiction off of you you're going to be intimately acquainted with the place you once only knew from a distance God is going to accelerate for you what it took other people lifetimes to do that's better than y'all clapping but that's alright because if you really let that get down in your spirit you would start looking at every day differently because you would be waiting on the opportunity where God said it's go time you would be waiting for the opportunity where God says now I can choose you I hear God's saying stay choosable I hear God's saying don't give up yet I've seen you praying I've seen you crying I've seen you showing up I've seen you serving even when it hurt I see you serving even when you were broken I saw you still going in the house even though you hated the environment I hear God's saying I see you I know you and you're about to be intimately acquainted with the thing you've been praying for you got to turn me up in the microphone cuz I'm not leaving this stage until the glory of God falls in this place you got to turn me up in the microphone because I'm not leaving this place until somebody realizes that I'm gonna be intimately acquainted with the place I only knew from a distance I wish you would grab up and reach it from heaven I wish you would come up and say god I hear you talking to me about my situation I'm not gonna be on the outside looking in any longer I'm not gonna see everyone else doing it any longer intimately acquainted I'm gonna put you right in the room I'm gonna put you right in the room you saw everyone else doing it now you're gonna get your shot I'm gonna put you right in the room because I can trust you because you stayed faithful because you didn't give up because no weapon formed against you prosper because you kept worshiping even when you were weary because you kept praising God and treating people well and being kind even when they were turning their backs on you yeah that's how y'all want to do yeah yeah God I hear you talking to me God I hear you resurrecting prayers God I hear you reaching down on the inside and grabbing those buried prayers and breathing on them again god I hear you I'm in the right room because somebody's been serving disappointed for too long I'm in the right place I'm in the right text I got the right story because somebody needs to know that heaven is calling you higher I hear God's saying it's time to come up I hear God's saying I sent a word that was gonna reach down and pull you up outta depression and pull you up out of disappointment and to pull you up out of your routine I came to pull you up out of your routine God comes to Zacharias and he has him chosen he the lights are cast and he is chosen he got pulled up to the next level I got pulled up into the temple I got pulled up how did I get here I got pulled up I wasn't supposed to be here but he pulled me up it was by chance that I got in this room I got pulled up I got pulled up God you sent a word and it pulled me up and I had to walk differently and that differently because I heard heaven pulling me up and as my text continues thank you Jesus Zacharias is in the temple he was in the temple doing what earned him a spot in the temple and that's serving and as he's serving can you imagine the reverence and the respect and the caution and what she conducted himself and this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity you know why some of us haven't had that opportunity yet it's because when we get in that temple whatever that temple is we're gonna be taking selfies at the altar of incense some of us are so glad that we got pulled up some of us see is being pulled up as the cure to our insecurities so much so that we can't even serve the way that we served when we were first chosen because we want everyone to see that we finally got pulled up but that's not what Zacharias is doing Zacharias is serving and he's taking the coal from the altar of sacrifice and he's taking it over to the altar of incense incense and he's making sure that the smoke is constantly ascending towards heavens the prayers other people's prayers I'm watching other people's prayers that's into heaven with my own prayers I'm still serving other people's dreams and I'm watching them ascend to heaven and I don't mind doing it because if they win I win because if your faithfulness overflows into my life then we all win we all come up I don't mind serving someone else's prayer God even though you didn't answer mine because I know that you were still a prayer answering God and when you do it in their life it gives me courage to keep pushing that you didn't just ignore my prayer just wasn't time and so I take someone else's dream and I serve it like it's my own and he's doing it and verse 11 begins and in the middle of him doing it the angel of the Lord appears by the altar of incense and when the angel of the Lord appears at the altar of incense Zacharias gets afraid and can you blame him it's one thing to be chosen to be in the temple it's another thing for an angel of the Lord to appear you see this is uncommon because if the angel of the Lord was appearing every time a priest went into the temple then he would have known to expect that but there was something about the angel of the Lord appearing in the temple that put fear down on the inside of him I wonder if he thought that Jesus was calling him home did you let me just get this far into the temple and now it's over y'all laughing but some of you all get a promotion and then things start getting shaky at the job and you start wondering if God promoted you just to embarrass you oh yeah I don't want to talk to me today has God ever blessed you with an opportunity and you're walking out the opportunity and something happens in the midst of that opportunity that scares you and you don't know what to think any longer I god I knew it was you when it was happening but now for some reason there's something that's making me question whether or not it's still you the angel of the Lord of hearing is not what I expected I didn't expect to have to do anything other than what you asked me to do and now you're upping the ante again so the angel of the Lord appears and he tells him don't be afraid for your prayer is heard this is powerful because earlier in the text it tells us that when Zacharias and Elizabeth could have children she was barren and then when she wasn't barren they were older in age so they had given on the idea that they would have children so when the angel of the Lord says to Zechariah the Lord has heard your prayer I had to wonder if they were still praying for that particular miracle because for all accounts and in Luke it tells us that the season was over and they were still serving God and they were fine with the fact that it hadn't happened but the angel appears and it says the Lord has heard your prayer and you're going to have this child you have to know that at that time and it was not uncommon for the Hebrews to be praying for the return of the Messiah that the Messiah would come in that finally they would have their Messiah and so it stands to reason that what Zacharias and Elizabeth would have been praying for now that they had given up on the idea of having their child was that the Messiah would come work with me I promise you we going somewhere and I heard God as I was studying telling me that buried prayers still reach heavens ears that's a word for somebody because in that moment that's not what Zacharias and Elizabeth are praying for read the commentary study that things by theologians they had given up on the idea of having a child and yet the angel of the Lord appears and and he says to him a God has heard your prayers I don't know who that is for maybe this is the one that I was praying for maybe this is for someone who's given up on the fact that the child may never know God maybe this is for someone who has decided that they're never going to be able to start the business that they waited too late that they should have written the book ten years ago and now they've seen everyone else doing it and so they don't think that they can do it any longer someone has buried a prayer in this room and I heard I heard buried prayers still reach heavens ears there's this story about a woman's son who was resurrected in Luke and Jesus is walking through and as Jesus is walking through he sees the funeral for the procession and he sees them carrying the body down to where they're going to bury the body but there was just one problem and that is that the coffin was still open and while everyone else was planning a funeral God was planning a resurrection and because the coffin was still open he still had access to touch the body and bring the body back to life I didn't switch sermons I'm just letting you know that buried prayers still reach heavens ears that you may have taken that dream and put it in a coffin you may have taken that purpose and put it in a coffin you may have decided to give up on it all together but I hear God saying the coffin is still open that I still have access to that dream you have buried down on the inside of you I hear God's saying don't give up yet you're too close to quit I am NOT a man that I shall I I didn't put that thing down on the inside of you so that I could walk away and embarrass you the coffin is still open I hear the presence of God somewhere down in this room your mother is going to be saved that addiction is going to break off on that child can I have a minute to talk about the things we've buried in this room the coffin is still open resurrecting power is still available to that book resurrecting power still available for that vision thank you and the angel the angel of the Lord says to Zacharias you're going to have this child he tells him the child's name there's so much here in verse 15 I love this it says he will also be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb if you want to know whether or not you're buried prayer is still reaching heavens ears ask God whether or not that buried prayer can be filled with the Holy Spirit if it can still be filled with the Holy Spirit that thing can still come to life that means for those of you who some of you wanted to do things like me and be a rapper that can't be filled with the Holy Spirit all right I want to go ahead and qualify some of these prayers because some of your prayers need to be buried but there are some prayers that you know the Holy Spirit gave you there are some prays that you know would radically make this world a better place you know that you have some Kingdom ideas down on the inside of you and I came here to tell you if it can be filled with the Holy Spirit it can be resurrected and come back to life is your child still breathing it can be filled with the Holy Spirit is your dream still alive can it be filled with the Holy Spirit can I look at it and see God or do I see you and your ego and you proven people wrong if I can look at your prayer and see God's glory you gotta keep praying you gotta keep pressing and start praying that God's glory would start being revealed in that thing you're praying for God I don't want you to save my child so I can prove my grandparents right I want you to save my child so that my child can show this world that God's glory has no limits god I want you to give me the million dollars so that I can go out and get homeless people off of the street I'm talking about a Holy Spirit I'm talking about a Holy Ghost filled blood wash sanctified dream down on the inside of you I'm sorry I just turned church girl for a minute but at the end of the day only what we do for Christ is going to Lance can I feel the Holy Spirit and what you're praying for can I feel God's glory and what you want to do in the earth yeah yeah god I don't want it for me I want it so they can know you I don't want it so I can look good I don't want a big house and I don't want a fancy car I want someone to look at me and maybe the answer to their prayers God fill my dream with the Holy Spirit God fill my dream with the power of the God that I know who makes all things work together fill it up God fill it up God fill it up God fill it up and till they grab the pin fill it up until they write it Oh God fill it up until they go to the studio fill it up until they go to counseling fill it up Oh God fill it up Oh God until they're arrested to be saved anyway you got to do it I'll be satisfied fill it up fill it up fill it up Oh God fill it up oka with your spirit not by might not by power but by your spirit is this thing gonna come alive god I gave up on it but I hear you telling me that your spirit can still touch it the coffin is still open the bed is still order fill it up fill it up fill it up I don't deserve it I'm not worthy but I know you'll fill it up anyway because my heart is in the right place I didn't do everything right but I know you'll fill it up anyway God fill it up until it runs over on the Melrose God fill it up until the industry is shifted God fill it up until the mountains and the rocks are crying out your name fill it up Oh God when Elizabeth and Zacharias were first praying for a child they weren't praying for a prophet they were praying for son but God said I want to give you a prophet I want to give you a prophetic dream it has to be prophetic because it needs to speak in the culture it has to be prophetic because it needs to withstand warfare it has to be prophet it has to be for me I can't do it because you want it I have to do it from heaven because if I can do it from heaven I know that it will shake up earth and so maybe I had to bury it so that when you resurrected it it could be full of the Spirit and it wouldn't be about my flesh in my name and my needs and my wants and my desires it would be the ultimate come up because it would be about you and so I guess I'll skip to my last point and all of that is to say that when Zacharias heard this from the angel of the Lord he asked the angel how are you how are you going to do this how was this going to happen and the angel of the Lord says to him he has to remind him who he is he says I am Gabriel who stood in the know he says I am Gabriel who stood in the presence of God no I'm standing I stand in the presence of God I didn't just get a word from heaven and then bring it down to you I didn't leave the presence of God to deliver this news to you I stand in the presence of God even when I'm talking to you right now I'm standing in the presence of God and all I ask God to do this here Sunday is that he wouldn't make me like the angel Gabriel that he would give me the opportunity to cross through heaven and to bring you a word to earth that lets you know that he heard you I'm standing in the presence of God and I'm telling you that if you're going to lay hold of this thing that God is telling you that you can't make the presents fit where you are you don't have to come up to where the presence is you're going to have to come up to the realm where it's already done some of you the only thing that has been keeping you from manifesting that idea is you keep asking God hell and I hear God saying it's not about hell it's about when you're going to finally come up to the realm where I said it is you want to know what to come up is about to come up is when we live in the realm where it's already done I know it doesn't look like it on this level but that's because I'm standing in the presence of God I see millionaires in this room I see people in LA who were called to create a different culture how do I know this because I'm standing in the presence of God I didn't receive this word in Denver I didn't receive this word on the airplane I received this word in the presence of God and I make it demand on every prayer in this room that you come up to the realm where it's already time I make it to man on every dream in this room that you come up to the room it's already done [Music] I gotta come up I gotta come up I've been thinking too low I've been thinking you had to do it in a way that I understood I need to come up I can't break this generational curse on this level I gotta come up I gotta come up I gotta come up come up God take me to your presence help me to see it from the place where you declared it help me to see it from the place where you wrote the end from the beginning help me to see it Zacarias had to go mute because if you can't come up you gotta shut up but if you can come up if you can come up you can declare the works of the Lord I hear God's saying I want to open up somebody's mouth that I shut your mouth on that dream because you didn't believe but I want you to start prophesying over that dream the way that she used to prophesy when I first told you it would happen if you can't come up you gotta shut up but if you can come up if you can come up I can give you the plan I can give you the strategy I can give you the wisdom I can give you the insight I can give you all of the practical things but the most powerful thing I'm going to give you it's the power to take that prayer and then manifested on earth I want to know if anybody in this room if anybody in LA is trying to get Holy Ghost power over their prayer I want to give you 10 seconds to worship like the hem of His garment is touching this place I want to give you 10 seconds to worship [Music] [Music] I just want to hear the sound of worship I know some of your praise only works when you have a keyboard behind you but the kind of praise that this requires means that somebody is going to have to be willing to go in all by themselves somebody is gonna have to be willing to be elevated with no help god I don't need to come up from anybody else but you I don't need to come up from any man I don't need to come up from any network I don't need to come up from any job my body is not to come up my clearance rack is not to come up but only God what you have declared in heaven God wants to hear you coming up God wants to hear you coming up I want to hear you worshiping over that place that's been buried I want to hear you praying over that thing that you gave up on this part is not on me this part is on you I'm finished with all my notes this is your time to have a moment with your savior to talk to him the best way you know how you don't have to shout you don't have to dance you don't have to holler but you ought to open up your mouth like you want that buried prayer to be filled with the Holy Spirit you better open your mouth like generations depend on that buried prayer coming to life God I'm not giving up I came close but I'm not giving up I almost closed the coffin over there dream but God just in a word and I can't give it up I can't give it up now I can't give it up I can't give it up I can't receive this word and walk out of here like I like I'm just gonna go back into my routine got the angel up here got your word showed up and manifested itself God I need you to take this this prayer this buried prayer on the inside of me and teach me how to come up to the level where you've answered it not so that I can be a satisfied er but so that your glory can be magnified in this earth and in my life sit down I want to pray with you man I feel the presence of God in this place I feel like something took place in this room that is gonna shift the trajectory of somebody's life I feel like God finally broke through that wall that you built around that dream around that prayer around that hope around that desire and he's finally pulling you up to the realm where it can happen if as I was speaking and you know that you know that you know that you know that that buried prayer that God gave you needs to come up but it needs to come up in a way that only God can do with every head bowed and every eye closed I want you to lift up your hand I want to pray for you amen I see you I see you LA I see you I see you all over the building there's a buried prayer down on the inside of me and only God can bring this thing back to life lift your hands like you can touch heaven lift your hands like you're coming up I feel the presence of God in this place if you're in this room and you know without a shadow of a doubt that you need an intimate encounter with Jesus that you need to know who God is because you know that that's where all of your power is we want you to lift your hands to spirit of the Living God I felt you I thought you and I know what happens when you invade an atmosphere I know what happens when you sit down in a room I know that this is the kind of atmosphere where chains are broken in strongholds are coming down I know that this is the atmosphere where hell gets nervous god I am decree in declaring that this was just not a temporary praise break but this was the beginning of a new normal god I ask that you would open up the dreams of every person in this room that the prayers that they had buried would begin to be resurrected by your strength and by your power alone God we heard you and God reacts that you would forgive us for not trusting you for not trusting your timing and for not trusting your plan there's been this blocking this barrier in between you and some of the people with their hands lifted but as you give them wisdom and insight I declare that that blocking that barrier was necessary so that your power can be manifest God gives them peace that you didn't answer what do you want what they wanted you to answer when they wanted you to answer it and instead God help them to see that even that delay was not denial that you're working all things together for their good we received that blessing in that impartation in Jesus name in Jesus name I pray amen amen amen can you just take a minute and celebrate your God can you just take a minute and thank God that he sent a word somebody didn't even want to come to church I don't know who you are but you dragged yourself in this room and when you got in this room the king of glory was waiting on you the King of Kings that come here and let me talk to you and he sent a word god we thank you for that word
Channel: The Potter's House of Denver
Views: 248,567
Rating: 4.8815536 out of 5
Keywords: Sarah Jakes Roberts, Pastor Sarah Jakes, Touré Roberts, Pastor Touré Roberts, Bishop TD Jakes, Bishop Jakes, TD Jakes, Praise, Come Up, Potter's House, The Potter's House of Denver, Denver, Colorado, California, LA, Los Angeles, Purpose, Minisrty, Awakening, Purpose Awakening, Wholeness, Journey, Don't settle for safe, Journey to Wholeness, Settle, Don't Settle
Id: hqBnuIMo47I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 38sec (3338 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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