John McAfee's Final Interviews- "You are in the Matrix"

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don't you understand you have just sold yourself into slavery yeah and that's I'm gonna get a degree I'm gonna become a slave in order to do it and I will be a slave for there forever after we live in a system of brutality but I've been arrested 21 times in 11 different countries I'm white since Janice has been with me there are now four countries that Janice can never return to six for me did you think of consequences at the moment that you felt that surge of beauty and ah inside you [ __ ] no now if your heart leads you into jail be happy there because things will work out I promise you well how will I live hello trust me you have half a brain in two hands you'll figure it out your heart wants to love it once joy wants to express because your heart my girl you know what I don't yes I don't even like life school this hasn't been enjoyable for me well then walk the [ __ ] away do you understand those are false divisions they were created in your mind by the neural linguistic programming of the two-party system if not well you give me the goddamn name and phone number the president of the college and I will remain you [ __ ] so you have to not be afraid of life that's the most difficult thing to do but being afraid does not help you I miss happy as anyone can ever be hey welcome to the sixth episode of keeping Kenzi thank you so much for clicking on this video today we have really cool guests name is John McAfee you've probably heard of him from either creating the McAfee secure systems that may be on your computer but most likely you've probably heard of him for being an international fugitive so we have a really cool episode ahead of us thank you so much for clicking on this video and please be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe thank you again thank you so much for being on this program mr. McAfee and thank you for your time how are you keeping by keeping fine and thanks for having me on I'm pleased that you asked me so I guess my first question for you would be America is going through a time period of racial unrest and you are notably married to a woman who is african-american what are your thoughts on the black lives matter movement and everything going on in in America well I think that America's problems go far deeper than the racial divide the the problem about police brutality against Blacks is endemic and I'm not just a blacksmith to to all racists when they're when the the need or the inclination arises I think the problem is have been have been a system of brutality not just the police a system that brutalizes psychologically financially in every way its citizens so obviously the enforcement arm of that system is going to be brutal yes is there racial animosity between the police and blacks of course I've been arrested 21 times in 11 different countries I'm white I can promise you that when someone with minimal education minimal psychological training as given authority over another human being arrogance it's just a natural flower of that arrangement I wish it were we should were different I'm afraid it is not and then when we give the police the authority to act as they will without so much as a single reprecussions been problems arise yeah I guess going on that specific topic a conversation you're I guess a fugitive from the law what is it like you know what is your mental state like because of that and because of the targeting you feel like I've gone I've been a fugitive from the law from one country or another wasn't you know since Janice has been with me there are now four countries that Janice can never be 26 for me I've been a fugitive from somebody is my entire life because yeah yeah I I don't like a corruption I do not like people telling me as an adult what to do when I'm simply minding my own business and anybody with that attitude is going to be a fugitive from something yeah do you feel as though you're always on the outside looking in no no there's nobody more in than I am or Janice we are we are on the inside you folks are on the outside looking in what do you mean well let me go back to Henry David Thoreau and he was in he was in jail for civil disobedience and a friend which I one more thing I came and said what are you doing in there he said well what are you doing out there um because if you are living according to your heart fully well then you're living life as it's meant to be lived whether you have to run or are it doesn't make any difference you're living it as it's meant to be lived yeah so Janice and I are we are on the inside I promise you we are living fully completely those who are obeying mindless laws and regulations being told to stay in your homes and then you walk the doors you're on the outside people yeah do you feel like do you feel like you're an artist in that sense in the sense that you are I guess not conforming to these rigid stuff that's like what George Orwell defined you know what in his essay why I write she says that the artists and the business people and stuff like that they all can't confine to the steady laws of a regular life do you think that that's something you resonate with yeah I'm not gonna do what I should do which is force you to define art and artists because you will not be able to do so um but art what is art other than expressing fully your experience of reality or art is whether whether you're a painter that's in turmoil like van Gogh or a musician the heights of emotional pain like Beethoven from time to time whether you're a mime on the streets of negative work what you're doing is expressing what you see as reality in the way that you can and the way that you do most time on chair music art or literature but see that that to me is a very narrow definition of art you have to be either a writer musician painter a mime or something no I think that everybody is an artist who lives authentically and and expresses their perceptions on tentacley that's what well well my question for you would be is the expression you have to create something like like software or do you have to create an idea and make that into reality or could you be an artist who just does nothing who lives authentically there's no one who does nothing I mean every every person that you meet on the street with a smile or a frown is an expression of your reality yeah every hand that you shake the clothes that you wear of the words that you say this is your expression there's no such thing as not doing even if you're alone in a cave meditating you're doing that is your expression and anyone who wanders by and sees the stillness of your body in that darkness is moved by that do you understand so there's no such thing as creating or not creating what you need to do before you create some thing is to create yourself that means to strip away all of the veils of perception that you have about who you are because most people do not have a clue who they honor they deny they deny their if they're experienced college students how do people who are like me who are in their early 20s or late teens start to get rid of those false perceptions according to you drop your fear because if you think about it most people who live in fear certainly most college students do you have a fear of failure you have a fear of not belonging you have a fear of the future what will happen even with your hopes there was the fear of not achieving those hopes and dreams so you have to not be afraid of life and that's the most difficult thing to do but being afraid does not help you yeah when you when you do get out into life and you get a job and you commute to work every [ __ ] day you get to work at 9:00 you spend 8 hours and a windowless airless off and commute back home when you do this every [ __ ] day for 40 years and you don't love it why do you do it because you're afraid of what might happen if you quit yeah so no one appears first that here's a simple formula since you were young children and have not been told properly perhaps by the society around you how to live first and foremost do only what you love not what your head tells you to do if your mind says you want to get a physics degree because you want to be a physicist or you want to get a finance degree because you want to be an accountant with a large firm or whatever that's your mind talking to you ask your heart what your heart wants and it does not matter if you're her cousin I just want to make shoes within [ __ ] make sure this I just want to wander and see the world longer and see the world well your fear goes well how will I live hello trust me you have half a brain and two hands you'll figure it out don't be afraid of life well this is where I think the financial like fear of not being able to afford it comes in right and I guess one question for you is you're someone who's earned hundreds of millions of dollars before and lost hundreds of millions of dollars how do you view money money people think Oh money's gonna make you make you happy it won't I promise you the more money you have the the more fear you're gonna have because you have more fear of losing more so the the issue with money is you think you must have it in order to do something and it's all [ __ ] people [ __ ] follow your heart your heart doesn't care about money neither does it need money if your heart says walk the world then walk the world your heart says go down to Miami and be a beach foam than being a beach bum if your art says become a professional surfer buy a [ __ ] surfboard does it take people what if what if your heart says you want to go into space and you want to take it on like Elon Musk's SpaceX program I don't think that any heart wants to do that I think your mind wants to do that I think your mind says oh that would be wonderful but why don't you sit quietly with your heart and see what it wants your heart wants to love it wants joy wants to express most hearts would go I don't know I mean it sounds kind of cramped up there and only four or five people and how long I'm gonna be up there and I think your heart wouldn't want that I think your mind wants those things here's the problem people you don't know whether you're listening to your thoughts your intellect your rational self whether you listen to your heart you understand there's a huge difference I don't think any heart wants go to space most hearts want to love and to to feel touch experience whether it hurts or not the life around you you don't need to go into space people space surrounds you an infinite space in all directions yeah that's it try picking a direction and walking you'll see in America alone and I've I've spent seventeen weeks traveling off-road off-road completely in America mountains deserts rivers green forests - [ __ ] oceans totally different Atlantic Pacific the Grand Canyon standing on the lip of that you won't know the difference between your heart and your mind because your heart senses your insignificance and the grand infinite us of what before you and isn't your head before that's your heart yeah yeah no I I guess I haven't particularly spent too much time in that meditative state to understand it's not a meditative state it doesn't have to be it's just a state of stop your thinking for a while and just follow your heart no and don't be afraid because your heart my girl you know what I don't yes I don't even like like school this hasn't been enjoyable for me well then walk the [ __ ] away do you think a degree is going to change your life it won't it will not what changes your life is courage you're in simple people so your advice for college students is just to follow your heart despite the consequences yeah because you're not gonna know what the consequences are here's the thing the mind anticipates consequences the heart doesn't when when you fall in love if you've ever done that or if you're 20-something of course you know or you thought you did somebody um did you think of consequences at the moment that you felt that surge of beauty and awe inside you [ __ ] no you just followed it it's the mind that looks at consequences well [ __ ] me you don't have a crystal ball inside your head people you may think you do but you don't and the best laid plans Shakespeare says of mice and men off to astray people not just offed all the time you cannot predict your future and you will learn that very quickly by predicting it and going goddammit ever thought that what happened yeah so I think going back to this like anxiety or fear that people have about the government the future is largely tied into I guess government and things along the lines of that you ran for the Libertarian Party nomination twice not successful but you are someone who I guess that means is relatively interested in politics how big do you think I'm not what I'm interested in is showing the absurdity of politics you are all smart enough to understand the following the people that you elect our elected officials presidents Congress whatever the true power in the government is not those people with the people who are career people do are the CIA calls presidents transients transients because that's what they are they're there for four or eight years are gone they are insignificant they know nothing and they have no power if you think they do how much of the wall did Donald Trump built and even if a president does get to do something like Obama and got Obamacare we all knew why are you bothering because it was destroyed are the next administration nothing changes people if any of you were old enough they're saying at least two or three elections you will know one thing not a single hair on your head was wafted by their change in power yeah presidents have no power people why do you care who the president is by the does Congress the deep state which is the career 99% of our government rules everything yeah you can't fire them presidents can't Farrer those people you think I was gonna come in and clean house no can't be done I wish you could but it can't it is an immovable object no matter how big the force is it is not moving people yeah and how so this is the problem why why do you spend time concerning yourself with politics do you understand that we have a two-party system here that has divided the country we wouldn't have any parties one of America started it was America you voted for president no parties there weren't a divide there were than this side that side and the parties create a division in your perception gun control no gun control immigration no immigration on and on and on all the way down the line do you understand those are false division's they were created in your mind by the neural linguistic programming of the two-party system yeah that's the first thing that has to go the next thing that has to go is we just stopped paying the taxes that pay do you understand 25 percent of the country is the government do you know what it wants to begin with one tenth of one tenth of one percent which is what it should naturally be yeah the government was created to serve us when's the last time the government served any of you students you served the government when you get out with your degrees and get your job the government's gonna save 25 percent of your money yeah that's illegal that's not part of the Constitution prior to 1913 we had no taxes and we were a vibrant nation we were the industrial power of the world but have any industry anymore taxes have destroyed it yeah have taken all the energy that we used to apply to creating to pay for a government that no longer serves us yes most of our servant is it it's your masters listen do servants tell you the boss go home lock yourself in the door no servants don't do that what we do is tell the government okay you guys shut down for our cause we're busy do you understand what has happened there has been a complete reversal of intent yeah what what breaks my heart is you guys in school are allegedly very smart kids and you can't figure this [ __ ] out on your own yeah and Royce drives me mad I think the anxiety for most of us is just you know like we're all gonna graduate with probably some level of debt that we have to repay to either our parents or to the government and then you know in order to be amend a functioning member of society the way that we see it you need to have a job that pays a certain salary and I guess you kind of alluded to you how dare you say that don't you understand you have just sold yourself into slavery yes and that's I'm gonna get a degree I'm gonna become a slave in order to do it and I will be a slave for there forever after your slave to the economic system structured by the US government let me tell you some stories maybe maybe they don't teach history anymore are you kids familiar with a thing called scrip a CRI a peak in the late 1800s and a turn-of-the-century all over the world large corporations didn't pay in cash we didn't have such a system in 1800 there were different monetary systems everywhere throughout the West a bank would issue its own currency whatever script so scrip you worked for let's say a coal mine the coal mines are usually in remote places or a lumberyard remote places or whatever and you were paid in script which could only be exchanged at the company store and you lived in company housing think of what this did you understand it it cost corporations nothing I want to pay you know font back then $5,000 here was a lot a 5000 yen script but you gotta pay gotta use it at our company store and we get to decide what the [ __ ] prices are you guys do you understand the US dollars just script it's the same thing only from a bigger entity called the government yeah you gotta free yourself from that before you're gonna be free people yeah and you have the tools you've got cryptocurrency you've got I mean good God Almighty there are people like myself runner Janice and I don't have bank accounts we wanted a credit card yeah we don't need money because we use cryptocurrency yeah everything we buy everything we sell everything I'm paid all the people who work for me are paid in crypto we don't pay attention anymore to what governments demand that we do yeah and before we get on to crypto the one thing I want to ask you a little bit about is you have done a lot of stuff against data surveillance from big tech companies like Facebook and Google and the thing I want to ask you about is don't we benefit from using their products like I'm benefiting from posting this video on YouTube and reaching you a bit no question I mean that's your choice monetize that's your choice that's your choice shouldn't they be able to monetize with our data oh that's that's their choice I mean they got to pay for themselves so now yeah they pay by invading your lives that's fine Janice and I don't own phones neither should you people if you have any kind of common sense your telephone is the spy device no I'm not worried about Google trying to sell me something or Facebook I can choose not to buy it what I'm worried about is the bad actors in the world like governance that use that to track control and know everything about the citizens this is the one thing this is the Philosopher's Stone they the goose that laid the golden egg for dictatorships throughout time all dictators have been desperate to know everything about the people because if you do your god and now America is God because they know everything about you but not Janice and I we don't have phones have that phone for years we can't have phones because we had phones we'd be collected yeah yeah but I mean I guess my question for you is have you seen the matrix do you know the the the scene where I think it's cypher he says you know I eat the steak I taste the steak for me I know it's fake but it tastes good why should I even bother leaving the matrix what are your thoughts on on that it's your choice son that's your choice exactly I prefer reality even if it tastes bad yeah well because here's the problem when you see the steak and you taste the steak not your steak it's created by someone else who now owns you you lose yourself as an identity I'd rather be John McAfee free and taste bad stuff than to taste someone else's steak and be controlled entirely by the universe that they create around me and if you don't mind living in elses universe and please do that please yes but you're no longer human yes or no longer an identity and you no longer have the right even to have a name yeah yeah I guess I'm still contemplating most of these things as I you know approach the next chapter but you mentioned crypto currencies can you kind of explain for people who are who are you know college students and stuff who aren't maybe technical who don't really know what crypto currencies are yet and what the revolution that is going on will they know what they are but they don't maybe couldn't explain it to you super well can you explain the revolution going on from money in a bank to you a cryptic reversal that that's that's very frightening to think the college students don't understand crypto very well because this is the future people ok crypto currency what is it it is a new way because how do we start out we started out with water rice we started out with theft or most people stole from adjoining tribe killing people in the process and taking what they wanted and then we got more civilized and started trading I'll trade you two chickens for I don't know a pig or I don't know how much things were and then big markers developed and people started saying hey I'll tell you what I want to buy all these chickens from you and give you 200 shekels and those children shekels will buy you four pigs which is exactly what you wanted to trade them for my book well goddamn that's cool cuz I could trade these shekels for anything then right I don't have to go to Fred to get my Pig so I can go to anybody with the channels and I don't need to carry my chickens with me and so that was the beginning of currency now currency reads this it's pinnacles here in the US where you're living on script people the US government issues your money you work and you can only exchange that scrip as they tell you you can try sending script try sending dollars to north riah ram you can't do it they say no you can do it and they can arbitrarily say you can't send it here or you got to give us 25% of it do you understand yeah no cryptocurrency is first and foremost per mission less there's no permissions you don't need anybody's permission to do anything I can send whatever I want anywhere instantly instantly and no one else is even involved or has to be especially if you use privacy coins because no one can know what you're doing and far more important it is trustless you don't need trust anymore with all existing fiat currencies you must trust somebody the US government banks the Fed transfer agent Western Union somebody you understand and that entity that you trust controls you and for example the government you gotta trust it because it's they're saying let's arrest dollar trust is it's good um if they want they can issue two trillion more dollars which instantly makes the money you've earned and worked your life for worth fifteen percent less do you see how it works yeah they own you they own you they control you yes trust them and when they choose to betray or trust by issuing more dollars you can do nothing about it in cryptocurrency no one can issue any more this is it is what it is yeah and when it set out the math formula says there's gonna be 21 million of these or a hundred million or 1 million or whatever and that's it the mathematics of this system prevents it from being more ever and also the mathematics of this system guarantees everything is honest yeah no it doesn't mean it's if you buy drugs that the drug she'd get are gonna be good drugs I'm sorry but it does mean between you and that person no one's controlling it and that when you send that money to him they will get it yeah so then if there are cynics go ahead well what's the what's the need for decentralized platon decentralized exchanges and privacy coins going from just a cryptid but you have to have the ffz sense law here's the problem is centralized exchange itself lousy exchanges are becoming just like banks or the Fed they're under the thumb of governments I mean China for example two and a half years ago shut down every exchange in China overnight why well I know where they were they had address specific they had servers and employees decentralized exchanges have no employees there were servers they don't exist anywhere there's just a fluid mathematical system floating around the globe which can't ever be shut down also these centralized exchanges ask no information if you want to get on to a centralized exchange you have to give your name your address sometimes send them a photocopy of your driver's license or passport bank information decentralized exchange is like our ghost exchange nothing we don't ask for anything cuz we can't you don't own it we don't control it nobody controls it you just go on and do your business anonymously no record of any person no documents need to be given though email address known that nothing you're anonymous completely anonymous and private and the privacy coins Bitcoin the theory and and such a great coins but there's no privacy and if is if you send me four dollars in bitcoins or I sends you for forever after I can look in your wallet and see exactly how much you're worth where every penny comes from and where every penny goes and when and to home now most people don't like that I don't privacy coins you can't do that like Manero or ghost coin the difference between Monera and ghost is monaro is an old I was a coin and its architecture will not allow it to be exchanged on a distributed exchange so we built ghosts just like when they are very private but you can use it on a distributive exchange therefore number one no one ever governments nobody will ever know what you're doing financially and when you exchange it no one will know who is exchanging do you understand yeah if there's a there's a beautiful symmetry in this system of trustless privacy and permission less transactions so here's a question how do you is this one specifically only for people who are tech-savvy could artists and painters and people like that be able to step into this realm or is this something that at least for the next ten years is gonna be kind of early adopters to the internet like circa mm or 1990s it's gonna take you a day or two - yes I'm sorry but then I don't know why they're not teaching this in school I mean didn't you learn in high school how to open a bank account and what a statement look like did that take you there to learn that this is your well someone taught it I mean everybody knows it by the time you're in college right yeah if you got a bank statement and they have your balance at the bottom and and your credits at the top and all of the transactions someone had to tell you how to do that your parents somebody why don't they doing that for crypto cuz that bank statement is gonna disappear that there won't be any banks in ten years this is me crypto you think you know someone Shirley has got to be teaching this stuff if not well you give me the goddamn name and phone number the president of the college and I will read him a new [ __ ] yeah well I mean I don't think any particular school focuses on teaching crypto literacy yet I don't think no it doesn't have to focus on it a good god almighty if it's the up-and-coming technology that without it you're not gonna be able to survive in ten years because really in ten years I'm not gonna be a dollar anymore we all know that yeah they're not gonna be a yen won't be banks good god I mean everybody knows that in the band schools I'm not teaching it well then there's something wrong with your school administrators that's all I'm telling you yeah well so I guess I guess the question is how do we how do people who want who are watching this right now get involved well there's this thing called Google I'm sorry but you know it people ask me it would you know what degree should I get where I'm going why you're going to college I'm sorry to be saying this or bunch of college kids but I'm gonna ask you why are you because let's you're smart people you're sitting in a class and you have a professor with a finite mind who studied them as brilliant and knows a lot but he is not the universal repository of knowledge in the subject that he's teaching but sources like Google and and so on are I mean the internet will give you access to everything and we're near in class and the professor is explaining this you oh whoa excellent would you branch to here please I'd like to know more about that No the possible it's a human finite mind trying to teach other finite minds good God Almighty in one day if you apply yourself you could learn more than an entire [ __ ] semester in physics or mathematics or anything it breaks my heart to see the sadness of our educational system when at your fingertips is all to acknowledge now you have to have a brain and got all this is garbage or that's fake or let's see isn't that the beauty of it if you question it giving a research system that reference someone so let me go and read that paper you can't do that in a [ __ ] college class people good God Almighty you're wasting your young lives and paying money to do so no now having said that let's get back to reality you all are in class and we Lobby your administrators to teach cryptocurrency at the least they're gonna waste your time and money please teach you something about you okay well I guess the final question would be are you a happy guy I miss happy as anyone can ever be and every day I get happier what do you like five I think happiness comes from accepting what you got wherever you are I mean Janice and I just got out of jail in the Dominican Republic less than a year ago and she was kind of mad because she heard me laughing all night long I mean why that's where I am I'm in jail in Dominican Republic by the way I don't recommend Dominican Republic jails are at the very bottom of my list but still um no it could God be happy with whatever you have wherever you are just follow your heart now if your heart leads you into jail be happy there because things will work out I promise you anyway thank you very much for having me honored enjoyed this thank you mr. McAfee [Music]
Channel: Jacob Kozhipatt
Views: 759,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mcafee, college, antivirus, computer virus, money, follow your heart, john mcafee, crypto, red pill, fugutive, Millionaire
Id: b0pxnTXECwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 52sec (2332 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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