Tim Henson taught me guitar

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today I'm going to learn guitar from Tim Henson now just like every other aspiring metal guitarist I started with wanting to learn how to do chugs now pinch harmonics and messy Guitar Center sweeping but even though I've been playing for like oh my God math almost like 18 years now I've never actually learned how to finger pick or thump and Tim Henson just released this video how to finger pick a thumb and I'm like all right let's finally learn how to do this also oh God it doesn't did you know that only 51 percent of you are subscribed hit the Subscribe button hit the notification Bell come hang out we do fun metal things here all right I'm excited to want to throw away all my guitars after watching this [Music] okay so like I don't like can I do that is that what I'm about to get taught cause what my name is Tim Henson and today I'm going to be showing you how to thump as well as finger pick okay I'm using my signature Ibanez Tim Henson tod10 it's a hot guitar fish influence Tim Henson Signature Series pickups we're going to be using in a tube that I made for myself so that I could practice this technique on Loop endlessly and mindlessly because it is a very difficult technique and the more you're able to I well that's encouraging that's it's easy no this is easy I got this okay so before we get into the thumping I just wanted to give a quick shout out to tosin Abbasi he is the one that taught me this big true tosin is the is the thumb Master every single note is going to be a quintuplet quintuplet means that each beat is divided by five equally okay I I processed that so on your right hand you're going to have ppima five now it's that's thumb thumb index middle ring thumb thumb in index middle ring okay so for the thumb part basically what you're going to do is make a fist take your thumb stick it straight out open up these fingers just a little bit because you're going to be using them later you're then going to cover the strings at about a 45 degree angle and okay so like this I'm get up I broke my guitar okay I'm getting it ride your thumb straight through the string and oh that hurts it's it's supposed to be lighter [Music] I think okay okay wait that makes sense land on the string directly below it so the part that's going to be hitting the string is going to be right where the thumb meets the nail so right there okay right there this is helpful oh okay I'm actually learning how to do this today uh it only took me 18 years and that's the part that's going to strike the string so that looks like [Music] the thing that helped me the most was to think of it like a pick because a lot of the times people like to think that it's like a slap or a pluck true and really it's like a pig and like a pig laughs whoa what you can do a down stroke you can also do an upstroke so once you have this motion you're then going to bring it back that's hard [Music] that like hits my nail okay and so now for the finger picking part oh this is going to be hell is that it's less of a pluck where you're individually going in and out and plucking the string and more of sitting on the string already and pulling off [Music] so when you put all of that together you've got t-p-i-m-a oh well we're too fast with the pp here okay I'm still on finger picking part [Music] yeah I've lived with a pick my whole life so just [Music] and you're going to want to do it really slow at first [Music] okay and then once you get the hang of that motion then you can gradually increase the speed [Laughter] yeah I'll get I'll get right on it Tim yeah just just minutes Jesus [Music] did it and that is what the right hand is going to be doing the entire time this was only one of the hands okay let's go ahead and get into the left hand these are all the chords that the left hand will be playing okay at least I know how to use my left hand [Music] just give me the tabs bro we're gonna start with this first chord it's going to be seven on the a five on the D open G and then eight on the B and you're gonna do ppima on the a d g okay so that's I can do this what the you're gonna play this chord twice and on the second time instead of hitting seven on the a you're going to do open E so it looks like wait am I getting it I did it it sounds like a little uh a little doggo but I'm getting closer it will be it will be wolf soon [Music] do I could do that [Music] easy but now I have to use my PP here [Music] well instantly the third chord is going to be the X chord has two parts to it you're gonna do of course that's going to be seven on the low E 9 on the D eight on the G and seven on the B the chord wise this is not crazy uh yeah that was open [Music] kind of yeah except you're not supposed to use this thing which is basically a part of my hand after 18 years if there's more you're gonna come back up to this word okay okay okay I got this okay okay I'm starting to get the vibe of it um what huh everything I've been going at it for 20 minutes this is it right here all of the knowledge all of the trial and errors 18 years have all come to this moment right here thump finger picking peepee time oh all right yeah I'll take it I'll take it oh my God I missed my pick right hand p-p-i-m-a left hand learn those chords once you have that memorized then you can just mindlessly run through that a million times and eventually this technique might feel natural to you um it took well yeah that was cool I guess I'll I guess I should actually practice that um but besides that I'm gonna go back to playing drop Omega LOL breakdowns that take no skill and just hit the low note with the pick thanks for watching subscribe
Channel: Nik Nocturnal
Views: 729,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tim henson taught me guitar, tim henson, guitar, guitarist, tim henson nik nocturnal, polyphia, how to play polyphia, tim henson cover, tim henson lesson, nik nocturnal polyphia, polyphia goat, polyphia playing god, metal guitar, metal music, metalhead, nik nocturnal metal
Id: WM8ejY9M1KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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