Danny Morel: Someone Has to Do It, so Why Not You?

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I remember my first year in real estate sales right you know I could have thought I'm too young I was literally 19 years old I could have thought I don't know the contracts I could have thought I don't even know how to open escrow I could have thought I don't even have a nice car I didn't think any of that I thought you know what I'm just gonna be happy at the opportunity that I have to live in this beautiful country to have a real estate license to be able to go fulfill my dream and I'm gonna have love in my heart and I'm gonna genuinely take care of people and if I genuinely care about people and genuinely take care of people everything will be okay [Music] hey friends welcome to another episode of the Empire Show this is an inside look my name is Pedro school Ian and you guys are in for a great surprise because with me today is Danny morale and he is not only the founder of a real estate firm that has over 400 agents he also gets off on coaching others and teaching them on how to build their own real estate empires and he's got a tremendous event where he does his coaching from called relentless Danny welcome to the show thank you they get off that's a great way to start I mean don't you get off on that I do I get off on coach exactly good welcome to HQ and what most people don't know is that you and I are neighbors I mean I'm right you know Hills your Rancho Cucamonga right maybe 15 miles away yeah right absolutely yeah I love that so thanks for coming out to the HQ you kind of got this really cool rags to riches story and I love when people come from adversity part of that might be because I come from adversity but I also believe that everyone watching and listening to this adversity is the human condition yeah and so whatever the adversity is whether you're a foreigner like I was or you lived off food stamps like you did right you let you went through challenges and you overcame right how was growing up for you in LA yeah well you know we actually first came from New York City ah yeah so we were born in New York City my parents divorced and so at the time my mom brought myself and my three well three of us three boys here to Rialto California gotcha and I like to call it the opposite of the Beverly Hills of California because we came to the hood it was it was bad what year was this this was jeez Louise I was 18 years old so gosh 19 yeah yeah gotcha and so we arrived I started in junior high here and I just found out really quickly that the good cozy family life with at least a little bit of money that we had in New York was no longer around Wow so you know mom was just a very timid personality she was literally you know 4 foot nothing you know she didn't know how to drive a car and so the first obstacle was in New York there's public transportation sure we had to come here we had to find a car oh wow so California spread out for those who don't know right yeah you you there's no trains there's no anything so if you don't have a car there's something wrong right well you know being that I'm a driver sometimes I don't pay attention to details so I convinced her to buy this car after she gave the guy the money we figured out that the car was a stick shift oh no so you've got a picture this timid little four foot not the hispanic woman that every time the car would stop at a red light and there was a hill and she'd have to pop the clutch forget about it she just panic cars would be honking so at the age of 13 I learned how to drive out of necessity because she was so afraid to do it that someone had to do it yeah and I guess that's like the story of my life is that I was put in a position where someone has to do it so why not me why not you you know what I love about that is earlier this morning I was having a little little workshop for my team here we've got about 50 team members here and I had a workshop and one of the things we talked about is building your emotional resilience and I always liken that to when you go to the gym and you workout the more you workout with weights the more your muscles grow absolutely the same thing applies to your emotional resilience or financial resilience your entrepreneurial resilience and at 13 technically is trying to be driving a car not at all and even functionally you probably could barely reach absolutely but you were a pillow right exactly but you were put in a position well we've got a stick shift my poor mom doesn't know how to drive it you already bought the damn car right I will do the mental work right to learn how to drive this thing and so you built those resilient muscles yeah and and and I think Beto's is so funny you say that I was just coaching a team earlier this week about you know the psychology drives our actions accidents drive our results and so when you talk about psychology you've got to look at what pressure does for you because pressure is pressure you know pressure is pressure that's all it is how you react to pressure what you make pressure mean how pressure affects you well that's on you you know so you do have a choice you know and so the pressure of having to drive us around at 13 literally I think I got caught one time by the police I'm curious what I even tell the cops at that point it was myself at that time I got I really messed up it was myself and my two other friends so I got a little cocky oh yeah next thing you know it's three 14 year olds at the time so gonna curb my parents had to come and get us out long story short my friend's dad wanted to kill me but you know whatever sure yeah so you just get in trouble but it's not you just kind of have to make it happen you know and I just feel like one of the greatest blessings of me you know being grown up with my a single mother and and in the situation that I was in was that I didn't have a choice it was either I was going to accept the pressure and make it build me up into who I was going to eventually become or I was gonna back down from it anyway it's as simple as that you know I love that you bring up the pressure because this reminds me of something that our friend Tim Grover says do you know Tim grab salutely right then of course speaking of relentless he wrote the book called relentless is the first guy at the first event we had yeah perfect yeah and so so Tim was here a few weeks ago and he goes pressure is a privilege it is and that's really what I'm hearing you say because depending on how you look at it it's either gonna break you if you look at it as something that's going to this is it this is where I draw the line and die or if I get past this line and I will write man I'm gonna be a bigger better stronger human right well you know Tony Robbins teaches the the ten stages of maturity of a business and he likens it to a human being and the first stage is birth right and then after birth comes infancy and then comes teenager and then comes out of lessons and then the zone of maximum maximization and so what tends to happen is we don't realize that at the beginning of a business there's pressure in the middle of the business there's pressure at the end of the business there's pressure there's always pressure you were sitting here saying congratulations you're great and I was telling you I don't think I've even started yet and I think that's the sign of a great entrepreneur the key is that guy or that gal that's starting a business that says you know what I've got to hire my first assistant or I've got to spend my first ten grand in marketing you know what are you gonna make that pressure mean to you and are you gonna be able to overcome that because if you can't overcome that there's bigger mountains to overcome ahead and and and I think sure that's the difference that makes a difference now you are fiercely successful and you're very you're being very humble here you're saying look I haven't even just started and I appreciate that and I could relate to it and obtain Tim Grover was sitting there he would go cleaner right we all know that and what's really cool about this thing is that while you're being humble about the fact that look man I haven't even started you've got a really successful real estate organization with 400 agents under you right you've got the coaching business you've got software technology like you've got your hands and a lot of things yeah yeah ed my let calls it blissful dissatisfaction yeah and I love that particular term because while you're doing well and I'm congratulating you on it you're like no no no man the best is yet to come yeah and I have a phrase obviously look never peek the best is yet to come for guys like you and me for the for the my lads and the for Silla and the tom bill use and Tim grover's the best will never come we will die chasing the dragon absolutely and I don't know what that's a curse or if that's a blessing for us but I'm always torn on that I'm curious what's your perspective on that you're like you're never gonna be satisfied you know that I mean I'm legitimately legitimately you know every time I'm around someone that is doing something great I learn something and I think you know what I didn't do it myself and and maybe we can collaborate and do it better I'm always thinking about growing in in my mind it's something that never stops I never feel like I've arrived and when I do I snap out of it really really quickly we we I remember we were doing half a million a year in sales half a billion a year in sales and the goal was a billion and then last year was the first time we did a billion dollars in sales volume right and the minute we did it I set the goal for 1.2 because we got to grow by at least 20 percent this year and it was literally like we didn't even we celebrate I was like okay 1.2 next year let's go and then that became the model 1.2 1.2 were high-fiving everybody you know because if you don't do that then the next year you drop by 20% you know and there is no in-between there's no gray it's either black or white in life it's either you're growing or you're not is you're happy you're sad it's either you're in or you're out what is that very polarizing position come from in you you know what's funny I you know growing up I was the oldest of three boys and when my parents divorce and no one's ever asked me that but I I just looked around I think it was the combination of my dad not being around and the fact that my mom you know wasn't the most outgoing entrepreneurial spirit so I was deeply frustrated because we were living in a little apartment and here I was watching the TV you know you'd watch Beverly Hills 90210 and you see all these kids revving her on all these nice cars in nice houses and he and here I was man secretly I had to stand in the free lunch line because my mom didn't have enough money to give me to like buy lunch so I learned very early on how to door knock and I would door knock all the kids and the heist goes hey can I borrow a quarter can I borrow a quarter can I borrow a quarter I was on a shame because I would rather go through the pain of asking everybody for a quarter than the pain of standing in the free lunch line that was too embarrassing for me I was not gonna let that happen and so to me I think it came from the fact that very early on I realized you know that old saying if it's gonna be it's up to me and I think that's it yeah no one's ever asked me that the process that right yeah you know what's funny is I got I got a beat on you very quickly because we're cut very much from the same cloth and so I've been done a lot of self work and I noticed that you've got a chip on your shoulder you were frustrated the dad wasn't around that things didn't turn out the way it turned out to be and the best thing you can have in life is to have raging your eyes a chip on your shoulder and fire in your belly and anyone who tries to take that away from you you should tell him to [ __ ] off absolutely and can I add one and I'm gonna add to a smile on your face and love in your heart agreed because I'm gonna say something I remember my first year in real estate sales right you know I could have thought I'm too young I was a little 19 years old I could have thought I don't know the contracts I could have thought I don't even know how to open escrow I could have thought I don't even have a nice car I didn't think any of that I thought you know what I'm just gonna be happy at the opportunity that I have to live in this beautiful country to have a real estate license to be able to go fulfill my dream and I'm gonna have love in my heart and I'm gonna genuinely take care of people and if I genuinely care about people and genuinely take care of people everything will be okay and here's what most people do Beto's most people go oh my god but I'm too new oh my god but I don't know what to say guess what I say it's okay people respect you if you say you know what I don't have the answer for that but I promise you I'll get right back know and people respect that you know and so yeah this is nuts white watch this so we've got three guys behind the camera here we got ash we've got Edie and we've got Primo and two hours ago we were in that workshop that I was doing for them I really believe in developing your team just like you do and we'll get people to come in here to help develop the team as well and time to time I like to do that and really guys isn't what he's saying is to have gratitude was one of the pillars of high performers we said it's gratitude it's to be in service of others yeah to help people yeah right and if you can stay in gratitude and help people and the last point you made was to problem-solve look I don't know the answer but I'll be right back with the answer to problem solves all of life can become successful if you live in a state of gratitude you problem-solve and you're in service of others but we are designed to be selfish that's when [ __ ] hits the fan right and and and the reason why we're designed this is a trip the reason why we're designed to be self is because we have this little thing called an ego and the ego wants to protect us the ego wants to make sure we don't feel pain or embarrassment you have no I'm sure you have an idea because this is what you do how many people have come into my life into our brokerage that they literally walk around like this suspect or suspect right like what's what's going on here you know and and like after two years of being with us their income has quadrupled their weight has dropped why because I believe that your physical body is a result of what's going on inside your your mind your heart and soul so if you're frustrated if you're suspect if you're if you're doubting if you're fearful trust me that's gonna come up with your eating habits you know and so you know we work to break people down and then build them up to see what's really possible so literally I like to see we help people smile more the real estate industry the reason why I got in the industry before the market crashed true story I started a coaching company yeah and I would go visit all the offices and I would do my desing coaching real City I would call broker brokers and I would say hey I'll come to a free talk for one hour you know I'm pretty successful I sell some houses whatever the case may be sure come on over Beto's if the talk was an hour it would take me 20 minutes just to get people to smile and laugh yeah because everybody was like this you know no there's no joy there's no passion and so as soon as the market started to turn around I thought to myself you know what can I do to make me different than everybody else and I said you know what I'm gonna do no egos allowed I don't care how big you are I don't care how many houses you sell I don't care how much money you make if you cannot care about the person to your left and the person to your right this is not the place for you and you walk in our building eight o'clock in the morning we're role-playing we're high-fiving we're chanting we're cheering each other on we're helping each other we're supporting each other and I think as a result of that the culture attracts the right people and repels the wrong people once again polarizing absolutely which goes back to saying folks if you want to see and understand the blueprint of a successful entrepreneur it is to be either black or white right or wrong because polarizing and I don't know who was here someone was here we were interviewing them and they said look your culture has got to be like a magnet and it's got to attract the right people and just like a magnet push away polarize everybody else who's not a great fit and so you're an intense personality obviously you you kind of process through it when I asked you that question you're like you know what look I was watching Beverly Hills 90210 I I was frustrated about the fact that my dad wasn't around to to be the dad to be the shining armor's I'm supposed to look up to so I took on that role as the older son was the guy right you're it you were it and now you're like dude I don't want to go on the free lunch line that's embarrassing yeah so I would rather deal with the potential rejection of can I borrow quarter can I borrow a quarter so that you can go on the regular line that's right and in life I always say that you're always going to suffer from pain right the pain of effort or the pain of regret absolutely and you might as well take the pain of effort and that's what you were doing because the pain of regret is meant I regret being in that free lunch line I look like a chump well now check this out and I will say this I think that has a lot to do with our standards because somewhere down the road I had set the standard that for me sitting in that free lunch line or standing in that free lunch line was unacceptable I think that you will only accept and as a result receive in your life what you see is acceptable and so for a lot of people they're not achieving the results that they want in life because they have very low standards or very low than living in mediocrity and they don't even realize it it's because of their upbringing it's because of the people they've been surrounded with I mean I remember the first year I did a hundred thousand dollars in income I think I was twenty twenty something like that and I remember looking around thinking you know all my aunts and uncles make like 50 or 60 and I became like the bad guy is the weirdest thing like culturally speaking in the family unit I was like why do you think that is why do you think that happened you wanna I do want to because that was your family treating you like the pariah well it's not just the Fitz anybody it's society here's why it's because people do not like admitting that the problem is in here and in here it's easier to blame right it's easier to blame the government or Trump or the system or the economy when the economy crashed and I lost everything at the same time that that was happening there was people making millions of dollars it wasn't the economy's fault it was my fault sure that was my responsibility I had to accept it and so sometimes when you see an example of what possible right and you are not living what's possible you've got a choice that's pressure right there the pressure is either a excuse me sir I will do whatever you say please help me and coach me and and I don't know how I can repay you but I will listen because I want to be successful or something right and that's what people do that's it so I'm curious now you've got the successful company we figured out a lot of things about you already about the frustration and about the fact that you've got kind of had this chip on your shoulder and high standards by the way smile on your face love in your heart I love that where does someone like you who didn't come from privilege have high standards like someone watching or listening to this is probably saying right now dude why do I need such high levels of standards that's a lot of pressure it is so and this can backfire so I want to kind of walk into it but I remember being in at the time it was junior high and I remember the brand new Air Jordans were out brand new we couldn't afford the Air Jordans there was no way we could afford majoritarianism somehow I got the damn Air Jordans I convinced my mom to get me the Air Jordans right now I'll take that example second example I'll use I remember being brand new in the business and I went to a seminar and I realized that there was a coach and that coach was saying that he could help me grow the field was like a thousand bucks a month I didn't have a thousand bucks a month but guess what I figured out how to get the thousand bucks a month I went to my mom I said mom let me borrow your credit card and in three months I'll pay you back and on top of that I'll give you 20% for trusting me let me fast forward now to eight years ago I wanted to build my dream house because I felt like my kids deserve that I saw an acre of land the a guy was asking I don't know back then it was cheap was $300,000 I didn't have $300,000 I had 40 grand though I said mister seller here's what I'm willing to do take my 40 grand I will pay you the entire 300 thousand by the end of the year and if I don't keep my 40 grand guess what he did deal you see possibility thinking what that allows you to do is it allows you to take a circumstance right and find away to make it happen versus what most people do they see an obstacle like I want the air jordans but you know what it's okay I don't want too bad bad and that's where standards start to develop it's either you want it or you don't it's either black or white and if you want it it's okay to want it sometimes you're gonna get it on day one sometimes it may take you a little bit of time don't stop wanting or loving or caring for what you know you truly want and I think that was the gift that I gave myself back when I was a little kid warning them what a great way to message that Danny I love the way you message that there's nothing more to add to that let me ask you this as you grow in business as anyone grows in business and we've got a pretty diverse audience the idea incubators who want to turn their ideas into businesses and then the business owners who want to turn their business into an empire sure they know that with every level of growth there's gonna be some feedback because the first level of growth they experience is hey I want a big Instagram following so they launched an Instagram or Facebook or YouTube account and before long they might have a couple hundred followers and someone leaves a comment that hurts their feelings and it's so sad when they're when their feelings got hurt right now fast forward that to the big boy League yeah where we're talking about whether it's hundreds of franchises like we have or hundreds of agents that you have and the 1.2 billion dollar goal that you've set and in sales someone's gonna be like dude you know what you're greedy you know what you're asking for too much dude you know what you've lost your weight right when people criticize doubt give you negative feedback how do you accept that and process it okay so through time you learned that not someone everyone the bigger you get the more it happens I mean literally I'll give I'm gonna give you a perfect example of this true story Christmastime comes around and I walked into one of our offices we have seven seven offices I walked into one of our offices you know the company essentially runs itself I lead certain trainings so forth and so on but organizationally it's running right so half the time I don't know what decisions the leadership team makes I empower them to make those decisions right I walk in and I notice that there's a box with toys we're doing a toy drive I didn't know we're doing it right off yeah that's awesome I grabbed my cell phone and I am just proud of the fact that we're doing a toy drive and then I remembered that we were doing it in all of the offices right because I remembered a memo came by hey guys guess what man I'm so proud of the team look we're doing a toy drive if you guys have any toys please just bring them by one of our seven locations that's it I didn't think anything of it next thing you know I get a message from one of our people why do you always make everything about you Wow whoa did I did I miss something yeah that you didn't even plan the toy drive you know we've been doing this forever you've never been a partner and in say that I planned a toy I just said I was happy that we were it's just constant you know this funny how that happens right funny how it happens but again you'll never be able to brush that off until you realize that that's just part of the game human psychology is always looking for drama is always looking for something wrong there's only the top tier of people that understand that not only do you want to stay away from the drama and stay away from what's wrong you only want to focus on what's positive yeah and you know this as well as I do that's why you have to constantly evaluate your circle of influence and unfortunately eliminate some people while you bring in good quality people that could push you and make you better that's funny how that works isn't it and here you are you're just trying to do something good obviously Wright was oblivious yeah yeah now do you think that person was just reacting to them having a bad day and they just took it out on you like you think you were the dog or the cat that just got kicked because they were having a bad day like what was that person's issues well to be honest I think a because here's what happens a story had been created about me maybe I'm too big now maybe I don't care all of it is complete the gossip wheel yeah whatever you know the the biggest gossip wheel happens in our own head though you know and you know again Here I am just trying to help and just trying to bring more toys to people but when a story a negative story starts to create it's pretty tough to get past that and that's why the for agreement is such a great pocketbook you can't assume things you can't assume positive you can assume negative I think in sales you want to assume positive but but stay neutral stay neutral I'm curious who are people in history that have influenced you dead or alive Eve Jobs I love Steve Jobs why huh damn cuz he because he wanted to change the world and he was hell-bent on that and I know else I love about him because it wasn't about the money I think too many people nowadays we make it about the money and we make it about the money because the money is inherently a survival instinct because we need to pay our bills and that's the biggest thing that I learned is like once you get past making it about the money you make it about the purpose the the the vision the desire to compete the desire to win then like the money is a byproduct of that you know today I post it I posted something like this I posted you can be passionate about being famous or you can be passionate about changing people's lives not both it's one or the other and I said I choose the latter and if you think about it man if you're passionate in what we do like I'm sure you are about changing the lives of your franchisees you know success money fame that's a byproduct right and I think too many people have it have it backwards oh Tom Brady I mean great example cuz he gets it done yeah do you think it's the ego that drives people is that why because the ego wants Fame cuz the ego wants notoriety I you know I think some of us want that a little bit more than others you know and I think that as we mature like I'll be honest when I was young that's all I wanted all I wanted was to drive the best car and two were the nicest suit now I kind of could care less to be honest you know I'm just at a different place in my life I'm right you know it's what do you say that last year Lewis house was kind enough to ask me to come back to his show for a second time to promote my book man up and he's just always been good to me and so I always need to give him a shot at our show but he goes hey man so like what's your definition of success and even a few years before that on his show it was like you know to be able to like leave a legacy and to be able to help organizations and causes and all those things still matter and just organically what came out of my mouth Danny was just a sleep peacefully at night I just want peace of mind right yeah and that means that I'm not gonna do things that I wouldn't do in front of my wife and kids yeah you know and there was a time that I might see things a little gray when I was younger well if I get this done it's great it's not completely black right now it's just I just want a peace of mind and it's a funny way to look at it because true success true happiness I believe is exactly that it's like I can care less about what you're driving what I'm driving are you a great guy to sit down and break bread with and if that's the case I just want that experience in that company well you know it's funny made rules so let's let's you know I guess I'm gonna talk about me here you know we'll just talk about you do well well when I weigh in this example when I when I had to have the nicest car back then yeah what I didn't realize was there was an issue inside of myself that needed the approval of others and and I didn't realize that until I lost it all and when I lost it all I made me realize that you know I was just emotionally immature its immaturity as word of it was that a humbling experience it was it all oh my god it was humbling Israel I mean you're talking about you know losing your cars losing you're losing absolutely everything there people treat you different when you lost it all oh my god people talk look that's the thing people are always gonna talk you know I'm just I'm thankful that I'm able to just bite my tongue and I just let my numbers do the talking you know the real estate industry is kind of a small place no and people love to hate me oh they love it but we just do feed off that I think back then I did now I I feed off of winning I just want to win man I just want to keep growing keep doing better keep doing bigger and I'm kind of I've insulated myself from it now you know I did so I can't say it bothers me because I don't even hear it because maybe I choose not to hear it ya know I feed off of winning that's what I feel what our winners made of so let's talk about what I think success is I think success is truly knowing yourself I think a winner is someone who truly understands themselves I understand my strengths I understand my weaknesses I know what I'm good at I know what I'm not good at and as a result of that I try to master the most important area for me in being an entrepreneur which is the thoughts that are going on in my head because pretty soon what starts to happen is as you get better and business or get better and whatever it is that you're doing you just start to realize that business truly is is a reflection of your soul it really is so the soul is jacked up the business is gonna be jacking you know and so I say that success is mastering or understanding yourself because the more that I know myself the more that I can learn to control the negative self-talk or the more that I can learn to control the doubt or the fears or the worries or the anxieties or whatever it is that you feel and you can turn that into something positive and create something positive as a result I love that definition that's a great definition why do you think people lose in life how many word the economy is great the unemployment level is as low as it's ever been yet you see people constantly losing and complaining I know your DMS are full my dams are full I know your dams are full this happened that happened I keep losing things aren't working out why are people losing Danny I'll tell you okay but I don't want to get in political I'm just gonna just kind of get out there baby get political of people are waiting for a rescuer people are waiting for someone to save them people are waiting for a handout it's like I'll be honest like this this this this senator from New York this lady Ocasio or whatever she's popular Christian wants to tax me a new seventh year yeah I I just don't understand that frame of thinking because if you really get to the net-net bottom line we all in this country we're all human beings we all have the ability and the possibility to think act make the decisions and work at whatever capacity and create whatever it is that we want to do what's the difference people's mindset some people are losing because they're waiting for someone to help them win and others just decide I'm gonna [ __ ] win period in the story it's on me because there's no one coming you know what I'm saying there's no one coming and that's it so on this show we have a saying we say there's no man on the white horse that's going to gallop in and save your day and the exam the husband you know it's money and so when I started when I started fifth body bootcamping and I talk about this often when I started Fit Body Boot Camp in 2009 2010 we franchised in 2011 you know I don't know what franchising meant I didn't know that the Federal Trade Commission was gonna oversee us it's big it's a big thing right yeah and so I was like oh man I better hire like consultants to come in and help us and save us and guide me and cajole me that we were paying them twenty two thousand dollars a month to consult us during this process of turning Fit Body Boot Camp from a licensing program to a franchise right are you okay alright if you need anything I can be more than happy to help you so so in that way we're paying 22 grand a month in about four months and my wife's like hey I have a feeling that every time you ask them a question they're just googling it and giving it to hey we need a franchising attorney who's a good one Orange County right it's costing you $22,000 for a Google search each month right and at that moment I realized there is no man on the white horse they may seem like it but as the horse gets closer you realize there's just a [ __ ] on a donkey that's limping you know at best at best and that is absolutely the truth that the losers are waiting for a handout and the winners are going out and making it happen and I'm gonna tell you another thing because because again I deal with human psychology all day long you know you can take two people two people and one person gets their real estate license and ends up making a quarter million dollars a year in two years 24 months and the same person who got the same license the same day it's struggling making 50 grand a year and and I'll tell you the other thing is that the people who are winning are comfortable within themselves and our understanding of the fact that they may not know at all well what they do know is enough to at least get started yeah the people that are losing are very uncomfortable with that proposition they're very afraid of letting someone down they're very afraid of having the wrong answer they're very afraid of not knowing what to do and that's what stops them I would tell your audience is that if you really want to win at some point in time I know it's scary you got to learn to trust yourself and you got to learn that what you have your god-given resources and abilities are enough to get you to that next level and then as you're working to get to the next level guess what it's kind of crazy but God kind of blesses you with a little bit more knowledge a little bit more tolerance a little bit more resources and then that gets you to the next level and then and that's how you become a winner that's how you win in business right and I think that the winners understand that and they just kind of go when they take a leap of faith well the people who are losing they don't want any part of that business you know they don't want to be risk takers do they they look they look at the small risk as a bigger risk I'm convinced of that yeah it's really a small risk to get to that next level it's a small risk yeah tiny but when we stack those wins on top and look back a decade two decades right holy crap right yeah so let me ask you this as we get towards the end of this this episode I mean you just spent a great cast to articulate so well I believe you're a gifted man and I appreciate you and I've interviewed enough people from many different cloths of life to be able to tell you that thanks if a young entrepreneur doesn't matter the industry real estate fitness finance young entrepreneur says look Danny I want to start I want to make money I want to be an entrepreneur how do I do this step 1 let's just this is and people dismiss what I'm about to say because it seems so simple but it really is the honest-to-god truth and I know you'll validate it you got to decide if you're gonna live by faith or by fear period in the story you've you've got to decide if you're gonna be fear-driven or faith-driven because that's an entrepreneur an entrepreneur is a human being who wants to manifest in the real world what they see in their head that's faith that's called faith right right so that's step number one you got to decide to live by faith versus fear step number two you got to get crystal-clear and decide exactly what you want so once you decide okay I'm gonna live by faith now you got to know okay what do I want so my first goal was buy my mom a house I got fixated and I got to buy my mom a house right decide what you want maybe I felt be able to sometimes maybe it is a new car maybe that's where you're at in your life and that's what motivates you go for it maybe it's a new house for yourself maybe it's a new clothes maybe it's to vacation and and you know maybe it's the flying a private jet I don't know what it is but you got to decide what you want you know maybe it's to leave your job but decide what you want and have faith that you're gonna get it step 3 you gotta make a plan you know so I remember I figured if every single day I could ask somebody for a quarter to eventually raise three bucks to buy myself a little cheeseburger and a milk well then every single day I could knock on doors and ask people they want to sell their house that's gonna be my plan because nobody else has a better idea so from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 in the morning every single day for three years that's what I did success is simple it's not easy but it's simple it's so simple it's so semi literally like the Sun comes up you start knocking on doors when the Sun Goes Down you're not for two more hours and then you go home Beto's I don't care about it if I opened a restaurant I would knock on doors if I had no money if you drop me off on a deserted island and I opened up a restaurant if I opened up an ice cream parlor if I opened up whatever business a hair salon hey babe listen you look like you get a haircut every two weeks listen your next one come by I'll do it for free and if you like it become my customer what do you think yeah if you would bring a friend and just make it up at the beginning make it up right use your god-given ability and your intuition and your gut to make up what you need in order to get going which goes back to your first step half hey that's the net-net bottom line because when you have faith it's likely they say the entrepreneur is someone who jumps out of the airplane and makes the parachute on the way down out of faith look you didn't get this or that or that or this happens because you didn't say oh no I wonder if the show doesn't happen what if guests don't come no you said you know what no I'm gonna go and I'm gonna have faith and I'm gonna make it happen and as a result of that guess what it's kind of crazy great people come up that want to contribute and help your audience you know yeah what a great way to define that so let me ask you this if someone wants to get ahold of you on social media as their preferred social media platform to connect with you on I have fun on inspect yeah Instagram is fun got it it and if someone wants to learn more about your relentless event where do they go to learn more about that relentless event calm well that's an easy one it's a simple success is simple exactly it's simple but it's not easy it's right and I want to end up on that one note because you did such a good job probably the scariest thing to do is to cold-call which is to knock on doors as you did and you said I don't care if I have to be a barber an ice cream shop a mechanic or a real estate agent I'm gonna go knock on doors and you said something and I want to make sure this didn't go past on deaf ears for our listeners and viewers here you said hey Bader looks like you get a haircut every two weeks looks like you're due for one come on over the next one's on me Yeah right why would you ever if you're starting a new business give anything away Danny well because because I because I don't have nothing to lose I'd rather what if you're just getting started I'd rather have humans come see me to try me out to test me out to give me an opportunity to show them what I got versus not have that opportunity exactly exactly guys I don't want I want to make sure this doesn't fall on deaf ears when you've got nothing to lose you've got to give away what you have for free that is the best demonstration of proof that is the most easiest way to advertise people say I don't have advertising dollars I don't have a video team like you do I don't I don't know Facebook ads you don't can you give away your product or service for free until people become evangelical about what you do and that's really the method that you follow right I love that well Danny thank you so much for being on the show guys and gals listening to this show thank you so much for listening if you've gotten value out of this please make sure you take a screenshot of this episode make sure you tag Danny you tagged me and of course you tagged people with the Empire podcast leave us a five star review and some comments and as always tell your mama hey thanks so much for being here for today's Empire podcast show we would love for you to do a quick little favor for us just go to iTunes and give us a five star rating leave a comment share it with your friends and if you're interested in growing your business faster go to bait row school Ian comm forward slash Empire fill out the application to see if you're a good fit for our Empire mastermind group
Channel: Bedros Keuilian
Views: 4,596
Rating: 4.9767442 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, business, ceo, success, manup, decide, leadership, mindset, entrepreneurship, smallbusiness, savvybusinessowner, motivation, businessstips, personaldevelopment, productivity, onlinemarketing, hustle, creativeentrepreneur
Id: aFLiGH5_g2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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