Tiktoks that got out of hand...

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happy dance and today we're going to watch a few things that got out of hand that got terribly horribly disgustingly out of hand or unexpected we've got the girl laughing and she staples on her happy face on the bright side she can take it off she likes to change faces depending on her mood and most of the time she has no face okay i'm actually weirded out i did not see any of this coming this is actually like beautiful art i was not expecting beautiful art today i love it it kind of reminds me of like what we're all like when we're just like at home how when most of us type lol in all caps we're like the only time i type something implying i'm laughing and i'm actually laughing is when it's full caps [Laughter] like that's the only time i'm like and then that's it on the topic of things that got out of hand i know you guys have probably all heard of this a million times but we're gonna look at couch guy all right so this girl is surprising her boyfriend in college she comes in here innocent enough does this cute little awkward bounce he notices her doesn't stand up to see her but he looks really excited nonetheless and then they hug everybody took very deep issue with this to the point where people are making parodies this is the best one that i found just the huge backpack and the balance is so perfect this is how all of tick tock saw it he just doesn't even get up oh wait this is the boyfriend my bad also this one oh my goodness he's putting his shirt on oh my goodness stop it okay so on one hand the memes that have come from this have been absolutely hilarious but on the other hand like everybody involved in this seems to be really upset that it's happening to them i did some like major creeping and my understanding of this is that the couch guy just seems to be kind of an unenthusiastic type person who isn't the type to be like oh my god oh my god but he still was like oh and got up and hugged her for me i'd be really upset if that was me but i feel like we're all reading into this way too much observe did like a body language analysis of it i just want to know what he said so everything that i will be referring to in this video is going to be based off of generalities a guy is coming in and he's carrying a bag of something it looks like a grocery bag so that might mean that maybe he was sent out to go get groceries and it was actually like a surprise thing where else okay smart smart smart smart okay this is the background that we need she's feeling happy about it she's feeling excited about it that's good to see that's what you would expect to see in a surprise situation like this so let's continue watching i want to get to the part with him on the couch with the girls people seem to be really upset that this man was on the couch facing inward with these three girls as someone who was fine with my significant other talking to girls i don't see why you would get out of hand about this we're running into an issue i have sharpened this image as much as i could to see if i can maybe pull out some details of people's faces and things like that because those are very telling areas of a person he hasn't started any bouncing gravity-defying gestures to indicate intensity no he hasn't she has and even some of the other people in the room have started doing that but he hasn't he has stayed very stationary oh my goodness is this guy like about to rip into him now this doesn't mean that he's not excited or happy or anything he's just not displaying it non-verbally that way i agree but it is also interesting that he has stayed completely stationary as she's walking in now this is an indicator of possible surprise it's what i would do if i was like frozen in fear i feel like all of tick-tock like the boys and the girls we all agreed on this that this is sus behavior but only because i feel like all of the sus people like came together and were like this this is weird but i feel like it was all of us projecting onto this and blowing it way out of proportion and this whole thing becoming something that it shouldn't have it's been really fun but it appears that everybody involved is like really upset with it and that's been like a really sad aspect of it this is a confusing situation that certainly got out of hand so i felt like i had to talk about it this girl found a little bear okay she rescued it this is 2019. this is 2021 and they're friends oh what is this white patch here that is beautiful why are they best friends how has this bear not ripped her face off why am i not surprised to see russian writing here like why is it always the russians i saw this russian couple who have i think a cougar as a pet that didn't have a home and like it had some sort of like uh mental issue so it couldn't be out in the wild and it couldn't be in the zoo either so they were like well you know what we'll take it as a pet and it's exactly like a dog why is this only in russia so this guy is sending a snap to his friends first time meeting this girl what the hell is this like she's just dancing to the crab song just like having fun and he's looking at her as if she did something wrong and my favorite part about this is that not a single commenter took this guy's side everyone was like why is it always that the most boring and undeserving guys meet the most fun and interesting people like if you can't get on her level get out of the house don't just sit there and act like you're better than it get in there that's what i would do oh my goodness she looks like a fun time uh hopefully she's just being hyperbolic and he actually likes her i don't know i'm scared this is crazy because the mom is 48 and the daughter is 18 and they i feel like they both look around the same age the comments were really rude and toxic saying that she looks older than her mom but i feel like it's obvious that she's a little bit closer to the camera which like makes her mom's face appear really small her face is pretty small too but don't have to be rude about it you guys both look amazing i didn't expect it her not aging ever is getting out of hand though like i feel like i need to press charges oh when you think you look cool you've got like the really awesome kind of fish eye style and what happened to your face oh my goodness that is so sad i'm sorry i'm so so sorry i i don't know why that happened to you i think it's because he's like trying so hard to jump that he's kind of like but the way that the camera warps his face makes it look like his face is a butthole like he's got a little butthole here instead of a lip imagine dancing with your man in the rain but look there's a girl here and she's freaking me out like i don't like how she's just standing there washing i'd be creeped out and i would be like terry we have to go we have to stop this is her angle wait this is the girl in the window isn't that so weird imagine making a tick tock you and your man dancing in the rain and someone else posts a tick tock and it gets 580 000 likes of their perspective of you dancing what would be even weirder if there was like another guy here and then we never saw the footage for it so major league baseball paid 20 dollars for an editor and this might be one of the best edits i've ever seen in my entire life [Music] hello should we have him do more you should absolutely have him do more this is this is the best thing i've ever seen me trying to relax after work and then there's the wife with the dogs at least he laughed at it at least he's not rolling his eyes because i know what the comments would do they would make like the crab dance girl and be like you know what you don't deserve her or her wieners that is a lot like i feel like this has gotten out of hand though that is a lot of dogs and this looks like an apartment then again i have a german shepherd so i don't know why i'm trying to talk i'm burning my vr headset every time there's something in there that he's trying to get out of his little vr headset because otherwise this is going to go right on his eyes yeah it's okay what is that why is it in there okay yo-yo stop stop stop two scorpion out of my head scorpion here goes nothing got him i got him i got him i got him i got him i got him stop crawling i got him i got him okay i can't watch this i can't watch this i can't watch this i can't watch this this is eddie vr oh my goodness what why are we still here if he didn't notice something off color in his headset then he would have put a scorpion on his eyes this is one of my worst fears and like well i mean not this in particular but one of my worst fears is putting on my shoe and for there to be a spider in there and i have this fear because when i was little and i went camping i put on my shoe and then it felt like i stepped on a knife what happened was there was a horse fly just hanging out in my shoe and then it bit a chunk out of my foot my foot swelled up i thought i needed a hospital and now like every time i put on shoes i'm like i'm like don't think about it don't they just just put on kill the thing in there if you have to this is siri getting out of hand tic tac where if you type yeah this can't be real like is siri malfunctioning what is like what is going on with siri right now like i i feel like they included just like the first three a's and then they just got a girl to be like because this can't be it if you type yeah there's no way there's no way that's real i don't believe it maybe if i do it in italian whoa she's out of her mind all right russian get it how is it i don't know what this is is this like ukrainian is this russian i don't know i'm ignorant but like what what is this it just what but there's so many a's what if i had like way more a's you just skipped half of this sentence yee stop it this is one of my favorite audios of all time that eat [Music] okay mr prettier than everybody so this is an unexpected consequence that got out of hand of having a a silicon like nose implant the implant is very slippery so they tend to slip around they'll frequently be slightly off center and when you squeeze it either at the top or at the bottom the whole thing moves in one piece oh my goodness very common with silicone implants but isn't a big issue can be avoided with rib cartilage that is crazy it moves i feel like i'd be so uncomfortable with that but at the same time anyone could punch her in the nose and it just blowing like it would be impossible for somebody to break your nose on one hand you're kind of chilling i'd just be afraid of it like to move like what if it like moves and like starts poking your eye i don't know i'm not a doctor so my fears are probably unfounded but have you ever been on a plane and had a horse alert thank you caution forces i don't like him so this guy here finds his air pods on the ground [Music] he's putting on some taylor swift putting it down and trying to find where the other one is do not this is out of hand this is devastating i hate this ashley i got a tattoo no way mom's gonna kill you it's okay i got them for you wait why butterflies i love it though because you loved butterflies so much and every time we see one we always think of you oh oh it's baby sister oh yeah oh what a powerful powerful message but that is devastating that's how i feel about this guy man steak oh that looks so good right now what is he [Laughter] just completely dissociate are you ever gonna come back yo oh my god this is so simple but it was so good so simple it's so good what do you think that millennials are doing today that are going to be detrimental on future generations uh what future generations we can't afford houses we can't afford children so the future generation is just going to be all of our pets dogs and cats will run this world and the world is burning so so i thought this was a beautiful message until the comp top comment was i agree with jim carrey and i was like okay please just getting out of hand i hope that you guys enjoyed this video please check out the creators who are featured in this video and if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,579,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, unexpected moments, unexpected memes, gone wrong, gone wrong tiktoks, tiktok, funny, funny videos, tik tok, fails, tik tok compilation, compilation, tiktok compilation, viral, top 10, tiktok compilations, awkward, moments
Id: cuXiRzrtjok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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