TikTok Viral Million Dollar Spaghetti

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] behind [Music] hey yo Latham and cook them boys up something real quick what's going on Bistro family and welcome back to my channel now today we got the most amazing Tick Tock spaghetti so the first thing I'll do is get you some 80 20 ground beef some Italian sausage and that's ground Italian sausage some cream cheese a whole yellow onion and your cheese of choice I'm using monterey jack mozzarella and extra sharp cheddar and then I'm using some good quality marinara sauce uh you've seen the marinara sauce there all right go ahead and get your noodles cooked up and I'm using Linguini um now you can use spaghetti but I'm using linguine and then get you a quart of heavy cream go ahead and reduce that add some Cajun seasoning to it your Cajun seasoning of choice and then season this thing up the way you would like it and I use some um garlic salt a little Italian seasoning and I also put some lorries in here as well some little seasoning salt but pretty much make this um alfredo sauce to your likeness whatever you want in there you add in there and that's me adding Alaris in there like I said this is not really a recipe pretty much a guideline for this Tick Tock spaghetti uh just make it yours when you um go to create this menu or this um recipe all right that sauce right there should be very flavorful before you even add the cheese all right once it's flavorful go ahead and add your cheese kill the Heat and mix that cheese in there you don't want to mix it um while it's still on because with the cheese and the cream it can begin to break so go ahead and kill that heat in the residual heat off of that cream sauce should go ahead and melt that cheese and then that is the perfect alfredo sauce or Alfredo blend sauce all right then go ahead and add your linguine to that sauce and mix that thing up you want this to be um creamy because you're going to place this at the bottom of your pan it's going to be your bottom layer so you want this thing to stay um pretty much loose um and once you have it sitting in that pan for a while it's going to kind of set up but you're going to bake this thing off too remember that so once you get your alfredo sauce sitting in the pan with the noodles go ahead and begin to cook your um ground beef in your Italian sausage and um you're gonna season that to your likeness as well but make sure you um cook it first drain the oil and then add your onion and then season from there um but yeah um and I did half of that yellow onion I didn't do the whole yellow onion but if you like onions you can go ahead and do the whole onion pretty much like I said your recipe your choice all right once you get that onion cooked and you probably have a little bit more oil and uh go ahead and drain that because you don't want any excess oil into the finished product here um but once those onions get good and translucent you're gonna go ahead and add your jar of sauce now use your jar sauce of choice um but I'm using some good quality marinara sauce um I think you saved the label there earlier um I'm not going to say the name um for the sake of the video but it's some good quality marinara sauce and then I added a little water into the jar and shook it up and got the remaining um soft side of that jar because we're not wasting anything around here all right once that marinara sauce get good and bubbly go ahead and season it to your likeness again uh that marinara sauce that I used didn't have any sugar in there so if you like yours a little bit sweeter you can add a Pinch of Sugar or two but I didn't I just went ahead and added a little seasoned salt and a little bit of garlic powder um that's what I use for that all right once that sauce is ready go ahead and place it directly on top of those Alfredo noodles and then from there you're gonna actually um we're gonna do like a million dollar spaghetti now that add some um pieces of cream cheese into this mixture um just for those little cream cheese pockets and like I said give you that million dollar spaghetti feel after you add the cream cheese go ahead and take that cheese of your choice and pop it on top like I said I'm using monterey jack mozzarella and extra sharp cheddar and that was my cheese of choice once you get that popped in pop this into a 400 degree oven for about 15 minutes until it come out golden bubbly like that there go ahead and place it I mean pop some parsley on top and there you have it man the most amazing Tick Tock spaghetti um I've seen this recipe throughout Tick Tock and it was very famous and so I was like let me go ahead and try this recipe and um I must say this was really fantastic it almost gave you like um a lasagna feel and then we added our cream cheese on there that was my little signature to this um it gave us a million dollar spaghetti field as well but all in all this was a fantastic recipe um and I said I'm gonna start doing a lot more of those little trendy videos um because y'all be wanting to see my take on that so I give you my take on those trendy videos as well but yeah man the most amazing Tick Tock spaghetti um that is influenced by the million dollar spaghetti from The Bistro I want to thank you guys for checking this video out like comment share subscribe look at this money shot right here look at the money shot get y'all this money shot um but yeah go ahead and like comment share subscribe million dollar Tick Tock spaghetti from The Bistro I'll catch you guys on the flip side I'm out
Channel: The Bistro Cooking Show
Views: 39,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 47wweaIfQKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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