Million Dollar Spaghetti | Baked Spaghetti

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hey y'all you ready to make this million dollar spaghetti baby these ingredients are indeed affordable but it's called a million dollars because the flavor is so rich baby you gonna feel like a million bucks amen now if you love my recipes go ahead and check out my ebooks in the description box and let's go ahead and get started first we kicking this off with the double meat first I'm going in with some Italian sausage and then a pound of beef now if you don't patronize the pork then go ahead and use some turkey Italian sausage or double up on that beef but you do want to add extra spices if you just use two pounds of beef because you know that Italian sausage has that good flavor I'm gonna go on the potato masher to help break everything up and then I'm gonna cook it until it's about three-fourths of the way done I'm then going to put in that Trinity half of a stalk of celery an onion and a bell pepper then I'm going to saute this for about three to four min it's just until it gets a little flavor and that moisture gets released from those vegetables I'm going to season this with a tablespoon and a half of beef bouillon as well as some garlic powder onion powder pepper red chili flakes and Italian herbs then I'm going in with the Pope aka the garlic and I'm going to let this saute for about one to two minutes I am using all of these seasonings because I am going to be using plain tomato sauce in the can instead of like that Jarred spaghetti sauce that already has spices in it when I was comparing the prices of the spaghetti sauce as compared to the tomato sauce I found that this was a lot more affordable however if you decide to buy a really good brand of spaghetti sauce I would say to skip a lot of the spices and maybe just go for a little bit of beef bouillon I'm going to add in a tablespoon of tomato paste to help my sauce get a nice body out of yachty you know and thicken up and then I am going to adjust the flavor to my taste with about half of a cup of dry red wine and a little bit of sugar okay if you put sugar in your spaghetti sauce go ahead and put me a heart emoji in the comments cover up your spaghetti sauce and let this simmer on low for about 35 to 40 minutes while that's simmering we're going to put together this cream cheese mixture with half of a block of cream cheese one cup of cottage cheese and about three-fourths of a cup of sour cream in total you can adjust these measurements as you like if you want to use a whole block of cream cheese and then less sour cream do so really the proportions don't matter all that much in my opinion okay this is just something to give a rich taste to the noodles I'm going to season this up just with about a teaspoon of Vegeta that's going to add a great flavor and really you don't need anything else did I ever tell y'all one of my least favorite kitchen tasks is grating up some cheese y'all it is like just the most irritating thing to me but I don't I wanted a nice cheese pool so I did grate up a pound of mozzarella and then I just added in some Italian cheese that I already had left in my fridge I have some water boiling into this I'm going to add some bouillon and as much salt as the deep blue seed baby and then I'm putting in a pound of spaghetti noodles and I'm going to cook them according to the package instructions now do not break that spaghetti or an Italian Grandma will come up from the braid and haunt you okay so you just got to let it cook down and then push it in that water all right when it is ready you're going to drain it off and then you are going to put it back into the same pot and put it back on the stove okay now the Heat's going to be off but we're going to let that residual heat really help us mix in this cream cheese mixture you could layer this in your casserole dish but maybe ain't nobody got time for that okay and plus I think mixing in this mixture into the noodles gives the noodles just a great taste you can actually taste the noodles after you mix it together and if you feel like they need like a little bit of salt or a little bit of extra maybe chili flakes or something like that you can add that in at this point at this point my sauce was indeed ready and it was so delicious this would just be great even on its own just on some spaghetti but I didn't do that now I know y'all see that grease layer I went in with a spoon and I took off any excess fat from the top and I just adjusted you know the seasoning to my taste added in a little extra sugar don't tell nobody okay now into a 9x13 casserole dish I'm gonna put in all of my spaghetti at one time I'm gonna spread it out into a somewhat even layer and I'm gonna put just a little bit of cheese onto this layer I just like to mix a little bit in because the cheese will melt In the Heat of the noodles then I am going to add on all of the sauce now initially when you start doing this you're gonna think come here this too much sauce baby but trust me okay do you trust me if you add all of it it's going to really soak into those noodles and give everything a great flavor so just go ahead and put it all on there now I do suggest you putting a baking pan under this because it might overflow just a little bit and we don't want the oven to get dirty I think this is such a great easy family meal especially for a weeknight when you ain't trying to do all that extra let me know in the comments what is your favorite like weeknight meals or just easy family meals that you like to put together and something else I can certainly tell you is that the leftovers are fantastic because the flavors from that spaghetti just really develops and y'all it's just so good have it with some garlic bread and you gonna be eating eating I am going to put this in the oven at 375 degrees for 30 minutes at that point the top of my cheese was nice and golden brown I had on a little parsley flakes just for some cuteness and then you know you should really wait about 15 minutes before cutting into this but baby I did not Right Out the Oven I had to go ahead and get me some so I went in here with a spatula and cut me a square and served this up when I tell you that ooey gooey okay when you saw the cheese pool from the mozzarella as well as just all the seasoning on those noodles honey and I tell you this is so good baby I love you and Jesus loves you and let me know if you're gonna try this goodbye God bless
Channel: Camirra's Kitchen
Views: 18,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WWtfzuTK0ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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