TikTok Business Tutorial (Create Ads, Grow Organically, & Utilize Trends)

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so it's no secret Tick Tock is an absolutely massive marketing opportunity free business but even if you don't want to make organic content if you don't want to go out there and make your own content and build an audience you can still capitalize on this with your business in fact I would venture as far as to say if you have a business of any size and you're not using Tick Tock to some extent you're missing out on a big business opportunity so in this video I want to show you how to make a business account on Tick Tock and we'll talk about some of the benefits of this we'll talk about what you can do with it and we'll talk about the different approaches you can take from organic content to paid content and everything in between other ways to get business ideas because like I said the truth is so many people use tick tock for absolutely every aspect of their life now that you need to be putting your business out there on Tick Tock for example I went to a dinner party last week and every single thing the host made they found on Tick Tock for Christmas gifts people are always buying things on Tick Tock everything is revolving around tick tock people's entire lives are built on what they see on Tick Tock which is it sounds strange but just do an audit of other people around you and you would be surprised by how much they're using Tick Tock so with that being said there are different accounts you can make on Tick Tock of course the personal account is what most people have but you're not a person you're a business you want to have a business account and there are quite a few benefits that come with this one of them being the ability to see analytics when you have Tick Tock for business you can see insights on how long people watched your video how many views you got what the demographics were and this is going to help you to figure out who's watching them so you can remarket to those people but also figure out exactly who your customer is but like I said even if you're not doing organic content the second big category is Tick Tock ads because Tick Tock is such a large platform people are scrolling through for a really long time and eyeballs cost money right so you can run ads you can pay Tick Tock to show your content to specific people and make make it actionable and make them you know very likely to click on your on your ad and go and purchase or whatever you're doing or you know sign up become a lead whatever it is you're doing with your business the third thing tick knock for business gives you is access to conversion tools that can help improve conversion rates through tick tocks on business tools you also have the ability to set up Tick Tock shops to sell your products directly in videos and there are other things like the ability to go live and and the creative Hub as well which has a library of content that can help you better manage your business on Tick Tock now there are a couple really small drawbacks with having a tick tock for business versus a personal really the big one is that you won't be able to select just any audio you want instead the audio tracks will need to be copyright free but because you're running a business you already pretty much need to adhere to this anyway so that's a summary of why you might want to get a tick tock business account as opposed to just using a personal account so if we want to if I sold you on that if you're really interested in now then the next step is to actually go ahead and do this okay so now if you download The Tick Tock app you can simply open it and we can create a new account here by tapping on sign up on the bottom we're going to use phone or email we can select our birthday you can sign up with either phone or email for businesses usually email makes the most sense now we can create a nickname which I'm just going to go with the the name of the business so it's called Central shop now we can actually just skip all of this stuff and swipe up and now we will be on Tick Tock so I'm going to go over to so I'm going to go over to my account I'm going to go over to my account there and from here we can fill this out a lot more so you can see the username is kind of garbage right now we don't have a profile photo there's a lot that's not set up on this yet and again this is going to be great for organic exposure as you start to make content on here so let's go down here and I'm going to first tap on ADD we're going to add a photo so we're going to upload a photo all right so now we have a logo there if we tap on edit profile we can change the username because like I said that's absolutely trash right there let's make it central shop see if it's available sand Trail shop Central shop save it is available set that as your username and now we have a good username so we've got our URL there tick tock.com nice we can add a bio and then of course we can add our Instagram and our YouTube I highly recommend doing this just so you have other ways to connect between your Tick Tock and other social media platforms because there aren't a lot of options to link out on Tick Tock unless you go to a business account of course but for a non-business account you can't link out until you have over a thousand followers so either way it's nice to link to your YouTube and your Instagram even if you do upgrade to a business account which obviously we're going to do so before we go to a business account I'm just gonna share one random video just so I have something on here so if we tap on upload or you can tap on the Plus on the bottom we're going to say upload and I'm just going to select a random video on my phone right here we're going to say next you can give it some name uh give it like some description of the video at hashtags if you want and now I'm going to post it there we go just so I have something there I'm going to go back to my profile and once I reload this we should have one right there so if we tap on the hamburger icon the three bars on the top right we have some options on the bottom one of them is Creator tools so if you stayed as a personal account if you really need the other music options you can stay as a personal account and you still do have some access to like analytics and and some basic things like that but we want to switch over to a business account because we're running out of business so if we tap on settings and privacy we can tap on account and we can say switch to business account and they're going to tell us some of the benefits here so we'll say next like I said you can learn about your audience with more engagement insights and analytics we can reach more people by amplifying videos with ads obviously and we can access conversion tools all those I mentioned earlier in the video now we it wants us to choose a category this will show on our bio what we are so I'm just going to say we are a a clothing and accessories company we're selling so hoodies merch whatever and so I'm going to say next we have to add our email and we can say create now we'll say continue say okay say okay and we're going to post just another video right there if we tap on our profile on the bottom right you can see now we are a business account so we can edit our profile again and we should have more tools you can see email is now an option there so if somebody Taps on that when they visit our account they can email us so they now have more ways to contact us you also have the ability to have a little prompt like add yours so you can create a new prompt there and you could say like show us your hoodie or whatever and people can just like you know share that just another way to kind of give you more exposure now even if you do plan on going the paid route I still highly recommend trying to get as many followers as possible or at least up to a thousand so you can have that link in your description in your bio just another way that people can access you rather than being stuck only going to Instagram and YouTube and then linking over to your to your website from there so that's kind of one little thing I wanted to mention here is that you do need to have a thousand followers in order to get a link on there but let me sign out of this and show you my own Mike O'Brien account so you can see what it looks like when you have a link and what the analytics look like once you start actually getting some views alright so here is my other account you can see that I can add a link on here simply by going to edit profile and I can add websites we can add my own website I'll just do that right now so I'll just type in my beacons.ai Mike O'Brien it's kind of like a link tree so I'll add that right here and so now we have a website on my bio which is really nice now going over to analytics if we tap on the three bars I actually didn't switch this over to a business account I switched back to a creator for this video so if we go to settings and privacy again we can go down to the account right there and then we can tap on switch to business account we're going to switch over to a business account right now we can say I am a Electronics reviewer it's kind of I guess makes sense add my email now I'm going to say maybe later so a profile is now completed we can close out of this and you'll see that my regular bio is now a business profile I still have the link there I now have that email Button as I said and then below we have the Instagram which I already linked to before and we have a little add yours prompt if you want to kind of prompt people to show off like your your merchandise or whatever uh that's one way to do that so going back to the top right we can go to Creator tools and from here let's check out the analytics so we can tap on analytics and from analytics we have four tabs across the top and you can see the first one is the overview we can change the time so if we want to see that over the last 60 days we can see how many views we got how many profile visits how many likes and comments and we do have a graph down below so you can see generally like hey more people are viewing on Saturdays I should be posting more on Saturdays more people are viewing later in the day I should be posting at that specific time and then across the top we can go to content and you can see the contents or video specific analytics so I can look at which videos did the best over the last seven days so for example the first one there got 4 400 views just in the last week and I could tap on that and see all right what's going on with this video it has a 175 000 total views 11 000 likes and I can go down and see okay well what are people watching when are they watching it what's the retention what do people like about this video and so you can kind of go through and start to optimize your videos based on like for example the retention curve if you like sneezed or coughed halfway through and the retention fell off well make sure you edit out the sneeze and the cough next time you can also see a lot more about who the viewers are if you tap on viewers the gender split the age split the region where they're from so I have a lot of younger United States uh kind of mixed on the gender and that's that's going to tell me who is watching my videos who's watching that content now we can go over to followers and this is kind of my audience as a whole on the channel we can see we have a pretty even gender split a little bit heavier on the male again younger audience on Tick Tock which is to be expected heavy on the United States a lot of Chicago and La viewers I'm not sure exactly why those cities I didn't specifically Target them but this is what I was saying about the active time so I can look at this and say all right it looks like five six seven a.m like this younger audience is just they're not awake they're not on Tick Tock at that time but it looks like around noon and through the afternoon is really a good time for people to be on Tick Tock so maybe I want to start posting at around 10 or 11 A.M just before that wave really Peaks or if you really want to catch it early you can go to maybe 8 A.M and that way people are going to be or more of your audience is more likely to see your Tick Tock as soon as it comes out we can go over to live and if you have any live analytics that'll be showing up here I can go to the live Center and right now I haven't gone live yet so it's not really anything there but those are some of the Creator tools you have when you're running as a business this is only the organic half of it especially when you're getting started out you might not want to wait a long time to start building up an audience and build up that and in fact you may never want to do that maybe there's too much work and you're just not interested in doing that in which case ads could be a really great thing so if you're running e-commerce if you are doing like any type of really any business at all then marketing on Tick Tock with paid ads could be a really good route for you so in order to do that we want to go over to all I have an affiliate link down below you could either copy and paste that link on your desktop you could open it on your phone you could scan this QR code if you open up the camera app on your phone so if you're watching on like a desktop or or a TV right now you can scan this with your phone or you can go to centralmedia.com tick tock and this will allow us to set up our Tick Tock for business account and and The Tick Tock for business account is going to be where we can actually run our ads centralmedia.com so I can go to centralmedia.com tick tock and that will take us all to this page right here and like I said you can actually access this in other ways but if you want to use our affiliate link We Believe In free information this is how we make our videos free it costs absolutely nothing to you to use our link instead of Googling this but you know you do have the option to Google it if you didn't want to use our link so we want to go down tap on get started we can enter our email or we can sign up with Tick Tock because we already have an account that's probably the easiest way to integrate everything into one we're going to say sign up with Tick Tock but we first have to agree to the terms of service we're going to say sign up with tick tock and our Tick Tock we're going to sign in with our username and our email like I said so I'm going to log in and now it's going to ask if we want to link up the central shop Tick Tock with Tick Tock for business which is exactly what I wanted to do and it's going to tell me some of the things it's able to do that's all good we're going to say authorize and that will bring us back to this page here where we can tap on get started all right and then we have to review and accept their terms in their ad policy and now it's going to ask what we want this for so we could try to advertise for website traffic which would be ideal for if you are selling a product or something and you want people to land on a web page where they can buy said product that would be probably your best option the second one is to collect leads this would make sense if you don't have a physical product to sell but rather you are looking for leads you're Consulting your like lawn care you're whatever looking to offer quotes that would be where you'd want to collect leads and the last one is for engagement I generally don't recommend that one just because if you want to grow a following like doing it organically is way better than than paying to get followers like this like it just doesn't work out from my experience so I'm going to say website traffic that's the one that makes the most sense for what I'm doing right now and now it's going to prop it's going to prompt me to choose the media that we want so I'm going to go from let's just go with this one right here just a simple little video like me sitting here saying Sample video and that's going to be sufficient I can say a next and it kind of it's going to walk us through making this ad right here so promotional link enter the URL that we want to promote so let's just say I want to send people over to uh just my own homepage centralmedia.com so https Central media.com I can say submit that's the URL that it will be promoting then we have the ads preview it's going to look pretty much like a regular video but on the bottom we have that little button that says learn more we can choose what that actually says but if I just hit play right here we can see yeah just just me saying it's a sample video pretty terrible ad but you get the idea that that's your your ad would be right there and then below we have the call to action which right now is learn more but we probably want something a little bit like a little bit more enticing than that so maybe we could say visit store would be a good one maybe visit store for selling stuff and then select this box so we can actually get some analytics and one thing I want to mention as a little side note here if you're trying to make videos you want to edit your own ads then rather than using like you could use this like you do it on a desktop which is which is great but there's also this great free tool called cap cut which is owned by the same company uh bite dance that makes Tick Tock and so it integrates really well everything goes seamlessly there's a great Auto caption tool on there so if you're just talking it'll automatically caption everything super easy super free editor that you can use it's called cap cut you can download it on Android or iOS and I've used it many times it's so useful so now we can tap on next and we can it says great job now select your audience so our audience right now is only United States so we can say yeah United States is fine but we could edit the targeting as well by tapping on edit targeting and this is going to be something if you know who your audience is then you definitely want to narrow this down but there are so many different uh really you can do a lot of testing with this and figure out what ads run better on what audiences I'd recommend making multiple campaigns with smaller dollar amounts and just kind of testing and figuring out what makes the most sense for your brand what's really converting the best but just kind of showing you what parameters what the sliders we have that we can move are and so we've got age so right now age limit we don't need that but you know what maybe I want to say I don't want anybody under the age of 18 maybe less likely to have disposable income so we could say 18 to 44. maybe that's like the range of who I think would be most interested in buying our stuff the gender I could just leave that unless you know for certain that maybe your audience is predominantly female then maybe you'd Market more towards females so you don't waste ad dollars on mail bills then we can also see the languages I do want to limit languages just in English I think if I'm advertising to someone in Japanese but I speak English the whole store is in English like it's not going to be a good experience for them and ultimately they're less likely to buy interests we can choose what they're interested in as well uh which I think is super useful here and we can go down and say all right maybe anybody who's interested in let's see if they have like marketing would be a good one maybe Tech and electronics would be a good one we could say apparel and accessories we can say clothing anyone who's interested in clothing maybe you would be interested in this probably not actually but marketing and advertising would be a good one professional consultation and so you can go through these obviously dependent on your business and choose which interests make the most sense for you so once you choose that it tells us the audience size on the top is still huge it's 65 million to 79 million people so that's a ton of people out there but you can you know see how that changes as you select different age groups and things like that so now I can say next so let's just say my daily budget is thirty dollars and it'll say estimated daily clicks right now this is not updating for some reason so I'm going to say next now we can choose our business address add a payment method say next now I personally like doing this manually at first just in case I missed something I don't want it to run wild and rack up a credit card bill it's all manually deposit say like a hundred dollars or thirty dollars for you know some small budget just to get started and then we can scale it up from there so I'm going to start off with thirty dollars just for the example in this video we're going to add a balance then I can confirm my payment details now that the payment was successful we can tap on confirm or it just automatically does that so I'm just going to not tap anything right now there we go so now the final step is to submit so we have a daily budget let's just say of let's do twenty dollars honestly you need some data to get reasonable information to make decisions on this you can't put five dollars in and and really get any meaningful data out of that I'd recommend higher budgets uh maybe around like at least thirty dollars that's that's pretty low even that but I'm gonna do that because this is just a tutorial so I'm going to say submit so when we get to the media you can get something from your camera roll or what I'm going to do is go to tick tock posts and we can actually make sure that it is linked to our Tick Tock which it is and I'm just going to promote one of those just by tapping on let's just say that video right there now what I recommend doing is actually tapping on this right here now what I recommend doing is actually tapping on the campaign tapping on the pencil icon next to it and actually renaming this campaign so we can call this um website website campaign website campaign number one submit and now we have a campaign name change so if we run multiple campaigns it's going to be easier to track which one is doing what just by actually naming them we can also go over to settings see what our balance is see what uh what's going on with our account and so just settings at home pretty basic if we tap on plus that's actually how we can go and start some more campaigns and it's going to again ask if we want what you know what the reason for that is and of course we can go through and repeat them repeat the entire process again so that's everything I have for you in this video I hope you found it helpful thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Santrel Media
Views: 54,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, mike o'brien, santrel media
Id: yQ0ilWlSbS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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