What is TikTok? AND How does it worK?: TikTok Explained for beginners

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so what is tick-tock and handing you music well in this video I'm gonna tell you everything you need to know coming up hey everyone steve here from one online video helping you master the art of online video production and today we're talking all about the app tick tock tick tock launched in 2016 and in 2018 the application gained popularity and became the most downloaded app in the USA Hey look before you cross the street tick tock is one of the most popular social media apps on the planet allowing users to upload 15-second videos that they can share with the world trends include lip syncing to an archive of popular songs dancing and collaborations allowing the user to do it with someone by replying to their video so look how does it work well it's really simple you just download the app like what you would any other platform and then create an account you'll have to come up with some kind of user name no different to the Facebook Instagram or anything like that now once you're logged in you can instantly start watching everybody's videos and there are so so many videos on tic toc this is one of the most random apps I've ever been on you open up the app on your phone and then it will take you to a 15-second video and that 15-second video will just loop if you swipe up it will take you to the next one so on and so on and so on and there's a bit of a lot o when it comes to what you'll land on when you swipe up because it really could be anything now the more time you spend on the app the more you will tap into the algorithm so we'll start to show you videos that are related to stuff that you've liked and engaged with but apart from that it really is just a smorgasbord of weird creative amazing bizarre videos I've ever come across ok then let's talk trends so look there are definitely trends on tick-tock and just to name a few there is the Adele trend [Music] there's another one when you use a finger gun no lip syncing is a huge part of tick-tock okay it's what a lot of people use it for whether that's lip syncing to a song or lip syncing to a quote from a film [Music] and there are also some really creative people on there there are artists there are people that dance it's just a really random app full of really random things so as a consumer there's plenty of content for you to sit there and watch but as a creator what can we do what kind of videos can we upload to tik-tok now they make it incredibly easy to shoot edit and upload a video all within that there's a huge archive of music to choose from and there are different video effects you can add to your footage but what's it like to use this app as a Video Creator well I thought I'd find out now once I SAP an account I thought I'd upload my first video now I put no thought into this just to be really clear I literally uploaded the first video that I found on my phone and within a week of that video had over 50,000 of views which was just insane to me but just as an example let's compare tick-tock to YouTube okay I upload a 15-second video on my phone and it gets 50,000 views look at the views on this video as an experiment okay but it's nowhere near 50,000 views right getting that amount of views is actually really difficult I mean I've SAP lights I've starboard camera a tripod of gone microphone I'm gonna have to edit this footage or not load it but with tick-tock I upload a video 15 seconds long which is just hanging around on my phone and I get 50,000 effuse so with the first video getting so many views are put on experiment and upload some more so in the last week I've uploaded six videos and as you can see they've had varying degrees of success so my first video as I mentioned did pretty well it got fifty nine thousand views I then uploaded two more videos videos that you would have seen on this channel before I used these as Facebook profile videos they didn't do very well one only got 567 views the other one got 147 I then uploaded another video that also did terribly 128 views and then uploaded another one that did pretty well that got over 8,000 views but then I created a video specifically for tick-tock the rest of these videos were just videos that I had sat on my and that video I used one of the trending hashtags it was the finger gun and that got over 23,000 views by being on tick-tock for just one week I managed to get there than 93,000 two views which is just mental so look I've got to say I'm really impressed with tick-tock I guess to sum up you could say minimal effort maximum results if you're looking to get eyes on your content and to grow a following quickly then honestly tic toc could be one of the easiest and quickest ways to do that so look I hope this video has helped if it has let me know by hitting the old thumbs up button and if you'd like to see more content just like this you can subscribe by clicking the icon below if you like to watch another video you can do that by clicking over there but that's it for me thanks for watching and I will see you in the next tick tock may or may not but it's at enough scale and it's young enough yeah to do to Instagram what Instagram did to Facebook
Channel: Learn Online Video
Views: 573,926
Rating: 4.806303 out of 5
Keywords: What is tiktok, How to use tiktok, how to make tiktok videos, tiktok tips, tiktok guide, beginners guide to tiktok, tiktok videos, tiktok online, tiktok website, Tutorial, How to, how to create a tiktok video, tiktok, video production, learn online video, tik tok video editing, Tik tok, what is tik tok, tik tok memes, tiktok app, funny tik tok videos, succulent, tik tok 2019, tiktok memes, ironic tik tok, tiktok cringe, cringey tik toks, how to use tiktok app
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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