Tik Toks That Ended In DISASTER

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hello friends it's me and today we're going to check out some tick tocks that ended in disaster okay so she got a new car for her birthday parents taking her outside oh my gosh what on earth what did you wow new car how do i reverse i feel like i'm about to throw she has to answer [Music] oh oh my gosh i thought she was gonna say she wanted it in red but no new car no complaints only literally dropped to the floor uh yes i'm grateful but also lightheaded this was a viral video of these dudes dancing carrying a coffin and i've only seen the memes of this not the actual video oh hell no the remains came out they fell out and everybody was like oh no no no no this ain't my job this was not on the syllabus ah come on guys we got to we have to it's literally our job we dropped it horrible frog instagram be like would you try this oh i don't know the swing kind of look a little sketch ah i have to do some research on this they are somehow magically fine probably will never swing on another swing again but they're fine how'd you survive this yo fell off a cliff oh they turned off fall damage smart behind you oh my god what i'm the only one at my house what are you talking about looking again look look what there's literally nobody there sir what do you mean there is a whole entire entity standing in your doorway but go on go back there and check yo i do not believe you guys that here yeah yo i do not believe you guys at all where no they rip open the wall no no no no no no no why are they screaming they're not even in the room they're safe from the comfort of their own home so am i whatever happens to people who leave their doors open ain't none of my business room might be too loud are you kidding me oh my god um you gonna pay for that imagine smashing the tv screen and the sound still plays because you know we got some round sound speakers just because the screen broke doesn't mean the sound broke too so this is somebody's dash cam at a stop light and this truck goes and turns and takes this car along with him the person in that car like hey let me out let me out it just took it and just screwed drag it out too much junk in my trunk what y'all carrying an airplane y'all got the entire southwest airline on the back of that truck and it just did a little oopsie you be crushed alive what you do spaghetti with [Music] oh my gosh at least the nails are okay i can't say the same about that can of prego also this however she dropped it happens to me way too often like you think you pick something up you think you got a farm grasp on it but you don't is there something wrong with me so they made a tick tock horn went out for the homies are those vapes that is a lot that is too much yo they better not be what i think they are whose are these whose are these these are not yours are you kidding me are you kidding me are you kidding me mother i was just trying to record a tick tock at least they're empty if you're watching this it is my moral obligation to tell you don't vape wash your armpits and stay in school this is gross ah no throw it away throw it away throw it no no way this is the real person who actually did this she picked up the dookie with her mask and put it back on did she put it on dookie side up no she flipped it she flipped it i think she flipped it i believe she flipped it but still i still wouldn't be walking home with the aroma of doggy dookie in the vicinity of my face you feel me wait for it [Music] everybody ran dipped he's out out of there and this dude imagine being this unlucky still got smacked headshot with the bucket like you would have been fine standing right there looks so fun like you got a whole lot of reach to yourself you got the sand you got the the leg and then a swan combine oh that's right running full speed bro whoever holding the camera if you don't keep still and steady i'm gonna knock that phone out of your hand that's wrong with her [Applause] grab it [Applause] what's going on you better climb up those stairs so good thing that swans can't go upstairs okay it went back to binding this whole business how dare a human swim in my lake do you know my children swim here the audacity of that bird just you see it goes it turned the motor on it stepped on the gas to get all the way to her i thought they kind of just like float paddle a little it was 60 miles an hour she knew exactly what she was doing when you got that influencer friend i'm just trying to look good for this tick tock and she does oh yes i'm gonna be taking notes on this one yes the rumors are true my ice cream does have a cowboy hat why i was going to compliment him like he has very nice cowboy hats but before i could even say anything my dude was disassembled on the pavement why how satisfying would it have been to take a chunk out of the cowboy hat and it just lay there like all my hopes and dreams oh she launched a watermelon with a watermelon cannon so you like yank it up real quick it's like when you launch a rubber band but it launched back the force of the blow it was too powerful that i flicked it right back instructions unclear i now have a face full of melon this collection represents 35 years of my life oh careful our journey began five dave left the microphone [Music] just kidding at least the camera guy did his job uh 35 years of your life shattered what do you do roll up in a blanket and pass away this dude was like i got the biggest rat in the mouse trap right last night when it snapped it was still moving that was huge we even got the fishing pole on it please be dead please be dead he's gotta be dead damn he's dead bro oh my gosh leave him alone throw it away what in the pow that ain't a rat he's a paid actor the way it just screwed that was his soul leaving him i don't know if i can trust anybody do my eyebrows yes she got her friend just yeah trust me i know what i'm doing just skirt just a little too much a little too much you know you're missing a chunk out of your eyebrow now but it's okay you're still beautiful and i still love you but your eyebrows all right i don't know about y'all but i've been seeing a lot of people walk down the stairs with the whirlpool filter walk down your stairs with the inverted filter i'm gonna show y'all because my legs look backwards this is not a good idea so that's not a good idea she got so far up i was like she actually gonna do it look how high those pillars go are these like olympic mushrooms so this was done with the inverted filter where it's like you think your left foot is your right foot and like i already have trouble distinguishing the right from the left no this is enough always patch test before dyeing hair oh on my way to the er with my bubble balloon face imagine taking your school id picture like this allergic reaction felt cute i might go to the er later but also i thought this was really weird because she's dyed her hair before and no allergic reaction but she used a certain type of black dye that she did have a reaction to so always check your hair dye just because you haven't gotten an allergic reaction to hair dye doesn't mean you won't get one they're riding that bike right and then oh you know a good thing they stopped the video because this could have ended very badly y'all could have been run over or you know if you double tap x real quick you could do a little double jump then we're trying to have a fun summer and then a ton of news articles reported they just floated out into the sea oh man i cannot trust this they had to get air lifted out of there because they were stuck in the middle of the ocean they were stuck in a pink flamingo boat this is how people get like lost in the ocean i would not trust myself y'all really blew up a floatie and just set sail wherever we go we go go wild for that this dude was sitting on a stool and just like oh at least it didn't come out brown okay just a little oopsy and that's how his virginity was lost the craziest gender reveal of all time from a plane i guess it's a girl no it's an ac-130 so when there's a forest fire they call in the ac-130 so they got a plane to release these chemicals put out the fire which got all over this family's yard and on the people too y'all better hurry up and shower i don't think this is good for you i mean they did kind of save your house but those chemicals cannot be good for you i better go in the shower shower your entire house while you're at it there's this video of a skier and look you see that you see that thing rolling down the mountain that is a dog how was the dog is the dog okay i'm genuinely concerned for the dog's health and then he goes over to it my dude is fine he's chilling he did a fourth of a mile 360 flip fall spun him around like a dang fidget spinner a poor dog oh it's so camouflage i'm like was there a cat i saw something move you know i love cats but i don't trust them they really out here doing whatever they want they got no respect for you or your household but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that like button in the face and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe join the wolf pack i still suffer i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,504,822
Rating: 4.9444113 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok meme, memes
Id: _vgJDa1FHEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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