Tik Tok Pranks That Will Get You In Trouble

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hello friends it's me today we're going to be watching some pranks where is she hiding no way there's all these tick tocks hiding from her cop dad i didn't even know you could get up there wait is she in the cabinet how is she hiding up there he was not prepared for this no amount of training at the academy could have prepared him for this moment dad you gotta watch your six at all times y'all gotta make her the cop this dude ketchup and his girlfriend's disassembled brush so then when she's brushing her hair oh no am i bleeding nope you're dipping you know the dude probably thought this was a harmless prank but i can't tell you how infuriating this would be she just washed her hair nice and clean blow-dried and then she see the ketchup and then she smell it yeah she got to do her hair all over again suddenly it is no longer harmless trolling thirsty guys i know meagle as a girl oh man i would love to do this if i was a dude thank you brother i know i look fit as that damn damn damn brother dude just end it immediately logging off for the day after this hey hey [Music] it's brother damn horrendous oh man i miss omegle hit that like button if i should start making those videos again this has gotta be one of the best pranks i've ever seen i'm sorry i didn't know it was your boyfriend no i'm sorry you want to fight me okay i'm wearing black boots and a gray and black cardigan i wish you realized instantly like uh oh better get in your fighting stance she's just walking around the mall pretending she about to get into a fight with somebody and then just random person it was her she stole your boyfriend not me gotta go fighting a pool noodle to surprise my mother oh no he's gonna get in trouble bro grounded for months oh my goodness my parents would have just disowned me right now i would have taken a spell if my son was not tick-tock famous he would be dead okay i will admit that was a good one pool noodle whipped cream i ain't never seen this one done you gotta give him credit for that one egg prank oh my god come here how weird there's nothing in this egg what literally nothing in the city literally [Music] ah there it is no yolk good joke hey what are you doing you can't just go up to random people and cut their hair especially when it's as voluminous as his it's like well the damage is done suddenly i don't want to drink my sprite anymore poor guy she just did a little snip she didn't actually cut it [Music] this dude's like i ain't never got much hair will you take just take it yeah okay i'm gonna go do some voodoo stuff with it oh all right okay okay cool i guess what oh no is this what pretty privilege is like somebody just cut your hair i feel like if it was someone else there would be a fight more hair cut off perhaps a broken bone her and her stolen hair strands just walked away scotch-free [Music] the dude started taking food out of this guy's basket [Music] this is so funny like oh she's like no actually defends her basket you know that dude was a pushover look at this dude he's wearing a suit he looks like he has his life put together you know i'ma just shop out of your basket she won't let him no i got the last toilet paper i may not have much but i do have something to wipe with i will not let you take that away from me let's modify my boyfriend's car pops googly eyes on every single cobra on the mustang how many snakes we got that's a lot of snakes for one car i gotta let everybody know that this ain't a regular mustang this is a cobra and now it is a cobra in a silly goofy mood this dude is just walking up to random people like hey could you just hold this how do you tie my shoes i'm sorry the way he just hold it it's so good this ain't the blizzard drive through handed it upside down like and that just takes it like like nothing happened and she's loyal she a real one she didn't drop it or anything yeah that's what i would have done instantly this dude just you won't put something cold and sticky in my hand we gonna have a problem putting ketchup on my pasta to see my italian grandmother's reaction i just want to put a little bit on mac and cheese she already made socks what's the crisis what are you freaking kidding with all this food around honey it's so good your chocolate i heard it okay grandma probably spent hours on the world's best tomato sauce but it doesn't matter because ketchup on pasta poops on grandma's special sauce i don't care how good it is i love my pasta with ketchup and mozzarella put it in the microwave so it's melted put some basil on it i'm not kidding when i say that's one of my favorite foods mom have you heard of george have i heard of george yeah george bush that was me to apologize right now that bushing never saw it coming coca-cola no then why isn't my coke coming out this isn't coke oh it's so messy she thought she was drinking soda she's laughing because it's her diarrhea just kidding it's actually slime is this expired this dude set up an alexa in his attic to scare his roommate so they put all of their boxes in the attic and they just got a brand new 70 inch tv set it up yeah i can work on the sound if you want to put the box upstairs oh what the hell what is that oh i mean at least there's light up there imagine if it was dark and you start hearing these sounds so y'all go into your attic with like no fear just put boxes up there i would have shot myself down those stairs when he cancels for you for another girl so she had her friend dress up as a guy and take pictures with her on snapchat to make it look like another guy and then the dude that canceled on her started texting her back who the f you win what are you doing where are you bro chill that's not even your girl why mad well now you know what it feels like let's do the upside down coffee prank on his sister those are right side up where's the upside oh that's what he's doing now okay and do the little flippy flip there's no way she's gonna notice i don't care how much whipped cream you put on that thing it's gonna drip down the sides and he ran out of whipped cream i get this he used yogurt look at that look at that it's ugly that looks sussy af stupid i can't believe she fell for this and this dude immediately like busted all over the camera as soon as she picked it up all over the camera i didn't even see what happened next someone got hurt every year i dye one raw egg and put it in with the hard-boiled eggs and just wait [Applause] grandma chill it's a harmless prank you waste one egg i waste you making my mom think i found an egg and then ate it it's just the chocolate mini egg ah what do i do with it is there an egg in it it's you you've killed it now because you touched it you touched an egg whatever was in there it's dead now because you touched it do you think you could use it i don't know like cook with it oh my god no there's a little egg there's a chicken in there uh chicken still chicken stop it stop it ellis decided to eat it mother think is she eating an egg with a baby chicken inside mmm snack for later stop it i brought home used espresso grinds from their coffee shop i work at and told people they were brownies okay but they look like brownies and they smell really good like why wouldn't you take a bite if i didn't have a coffee maker where i had to like make my own coffee and i knew what an espresso brown looked like i would have taken a bite too i don't blame them not one bit they look and smell delicious [Music] so when you make a shot of espresso the used up grinded coffee beans are packed together in like a little cake kind of look like a tart and when you throw them away it looks like a brownie ain't nobody knew what it was none of y'all ever made coffee before yeah it has coffee she knows what's up this dude goes up to random workers at a grocery store asks them if they need anything can i help you find anything uh what do you mean like can i help you find anything no okay do you need anything no i'm good okay what do you mean i literally work here i should be asking you as the customer if you need anything why are you asking me i bet he's never been asked that before are you finding everything okay yeah i'm just i'm just looking to see how much this chicken was how much is it 7.99 are you finding everything up here yeah no i'm good i'm asking you if you need help i mean you are the one working they were so confused like did this guy work here why are you asking me if i need help oddly suspicious this guy bought a card for his grandma at target and was like i don't know how to write can you write her a note i have a blue pen did you want to try to find a black one somewhere that's fine blue's fine man what do we want to write here just like happy birthday grandma let's hope this isn't your last can i just like write grandma up here yeah that's fine are you sure you want me to write that yeah like it probably is or whatever you know what i'm saying poor grandma oh no no no no no no just like this anything actually can you open up can you open it back up can you draw a sad face a sad face yeah where do you want it to go right here you got it this guy was more than happy to write this no grandma's last birthday yeah say less sad face oh you got it oh yeah i also dislike grandma's what is this the chick-fil-a my dude going above and beyond here's your card my pleasure but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that little like button in the face and come below which one of these was the best prank and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,524,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, pranks, tik tok pranks, funny pranks, tik tok pranks that went too far
Id: O6_riAceMrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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