Tiffany Haddish on Shaving Her Head, Drake Standing Her Up, Joining Scientology (Full Interview)

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tiffany hi tiff hey i'm really glad you're here we are the first female duo to do interviews for vlad but that's what that's what i'm talking about the female empowerment lady thank you for coming out in the midst of this pandemic and this race war and everything else that we got girl going on um i i know that you have uh done many many interviews and i know that um you told your background story many many times so uh but for the vlad audience they don't know a lot of stuff we'll just start by let them know like where you come from where you where you was raised and all that kind of stuff so i come from south central los angeles that part and i was raised all over uh south central and i was in pomona for a little bit colton back in la omanti all kind of places wheeled tomorrow my life's all over yeah all over the lower part of cali um because i was in foster care and moved around a little and um and after uh getting into the lab factory comedy camp i really started like doing comedy on a regular basis but your roots are from uh yeah oh my father's from eritrea is that how you say it that's how i say it eritrea uh er er eritrean whatever you're irritating trend from eritrea yeah eritrea okay i guess it depends on who's saying it mm-hmm i know where it's at but between you and nip you really put it on the map you wore the flag colors when you went to what you're watching well the emmy to the emmys i wore a dress to represent eritrea even though the lgbtq abcdefg community thought it was for them and you know if they want to claim it cool but what it was for was for my father's country i'm always trying to represent my people my ancestors the best way possible have you been there been there twice really i'm looking forward to going back again when all this stuff calms down uh it's very beautiful place there's so much like history and soul there and just the people are beautiful and kind and humble and i i'm pretty sure that's part of my inheritance now is the retria eritrea is it like ethiopia like the people look the same well it was all one whole thing at one point in time um ethiopia and eritrea was one country at one point in time and there's i believe nine to ten maybe twelve different tribes um they're both the same kind of tribes they are very much cousins uh but there was a war that broke out uh over 30 years ago now that uh where eritrea fought for its independence which they got and they got it they got it um what was it like when you when you went back there it was the most wonderful experience first of all it was to go with i went with um i went with my cousin who is eritrean and her son and i went with my best friend selena and her husband and my makeup artist and my hairstylist decided to tag along too and it was uh when i first got off the airplane the air was so fresh i hadn't smelled air like that ever so fresh surely not in l.a not in l.a ever and then when i you know stepped out into of the airport and like my whole family was out there people i've never met we've heard everybody crying because we know you're crying but they um they were like you know they were like welcoming me and the just the energy and the way like i'm standing on the i'm standing on the motherland where my father is from and like my whole soul felt complete it felt like oh wow this is where i'm supposed to be i'm supposed to come here and it was amazing it was amazing experience the food was so good like just so fresh peaches taste like peaches like in the watermelon had seeds it was delicious and i ate pineapple and didn't have an allergic reaction i'm allergic to pineapples and i didn't have any allergic reaction and i'm like what is what are you guys using on your own food and they're like we just grow it we don't put anything on our food we just grow it i felt that way when i went to seychelles africa like to land in the motherland to see everybody of african descent you know the hotel manager right the tourism people the waiters the everybody the cooks the everybody it was it's really something i suggest everybody try to go everybody should try and go everybody should just find out where you come from and just go there even if you don't know nobody just go experience it because to see people like i saw people that look like me with fingernails shaped all weird like mine feet that look a little funny like mine and like it was like wow okay and then my auntie my great auntie she's like this like she's like just like me and i'm like where where have you been all my life she's like quirky yeah that's uh that's a far cry from south central um very far very far over 8 000 miles so you got sisters and brothers half sisters and brothers but sisters and brothers yes two of each two sisters and two brothers yes uh-huh from my mother and do they do you are you guys close uh yeah all of us are pretty close except for one of my brothers he's like y'all can kiss moss there's always one but we love him regardless you know he's always welcome and how is your mother these days my mom is doing really good these days you know i pour a lot of my money into her yeah and it is working uh like she's getting her body together she's a she lost a bunch of weight since i got her out the mental institution her diet she was like full blown diabetic now she's to pre-diabetic um she might be not diabetic at all now um i got to check in with my sister i haven't talked to her in like a month well no i talked to her two weeks ago no i was on the phone with her when i cut all my hair off uh yeah we're gonna get to that okay so because um you have a book that they can find out all this backstory this audio and regular book your book is called tiffany haddish the last black unicorn yes yeah uh you know i'm very proud of that book it's on a new york's best seller list for a while uh the audiobook got nominated for grammy so that was kind of cool to be nominated for grammy for reading out loud when i couldn't read at one point in time in my life when i was in my teens and that that drama teacher grabbed me you're gonna learn how to read why were you having a problem reading cause i thought i was stupid um i literally believed everybody would say to me you're stupid you're stupid you're so stupid you're so stupid and i at that point in time in my life i took things literally so if everybody's telling you you're stupid my stepdad my mom everybody used to say grandma everybody would say you're so stupid so i believed i was stupid so i can't read i can't do these things because i'm stupid and then it turns out like once i turned 18 i realized i was at work uh working at the airlines and this girl was like girl you so stupid and at that point i was like tired of people calling me stupid i said call me stupid again i'll whoop your ass right here at this ticket count i don't give a damn what airline did you work for i worked for a few airlines at that time i was working for air new zealand at las la tom bradley yeah i think i've seen you in your little airline outfit before thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you but yeah she's like i wasn't saying you were stupid like dumb i was saying you funny and i was like all these years that people been telling me i'm funny but they didn't say funny they just said you stupid like you're crazy yeah and so i learned a lesson from that but yeah and your father jewish yeah eritrean jew yeah and jew and you recently had a bot mixed book silverman's sister um yes the rabbi yes yes yes she was my rabbi so the only other um african-american jewish person that i ever knew about was of course sammy davis jr yeah but drake is too yeah there's a few of us out here drake's jewish yeah drake is jewish she had a bar mitzvah and we'll talk about drake and man okay so now you went to school and you bopped around and all this kind of stuff and whatever started you getting into the arts um well a boy a boy is what started it a boy when i was in junior high school uh and i was getting bused out to the valley i lived in south central but i was getting bust out to the valley which is like 40 miles away and there was this boy who was so fine and he was black his name was adi i talk about him in the book and i just wanted i wanted to be his girlfriend right so one of the girls in school her name was leron she was like if you like ah you should get in drama you funny and stuff like you should get in drama you would be good in drama so i was like oddie's in there she's like yeah and i was like how many other black dudes in there she was like he the only one i was like that and i thought if i get in drama they gonna have to put us in the scene together and we gonna have to kiss we gonna have to be husband and wife or girlfriend boyfriend something but my that drama teacher was you know she was open-minded you know like you know she believed in you know mixing of the races which i was like so you didn't end up with the boys never got the kids where is he now have you reached out you know he came to my show at the staples center and he came with his wife and i used to give him these candy grams all the time it's all good he's still fine he still looks very handsome and i think he does like real estate or something like that now but it was so funny he came and i was i wanted to see his teeth like because i used to buy him candy with the candy grams like every week and i put snickers in there and stuff and i thought like man i'ma mess his teeth up he gonna have to be with me these things look really good well that's good yeah and he's married and happily ever yeah yeah he's doing good i'm proud of him i knew he was gonna turn out good too okay so now um the foster care situation did you did you know i was adopted no i did not know you was adopted i was adopted within the family oh really we'll talk well we got to talk so that wasn't always the most pleasant experience i want to talk about that a little bit i mean i talk about it extensively in the book it was you know it was hard because i was after the accident after my mom had a car accident uh maybe like three years after uh and i was i was playing the role of mom to my brothers and sisters and i obviously was not uh prepared to be a mother at that point in time but i i did the best that i could well you're still not a mother but you still a mentor a bunch of kids yeah i still think i was with you two weeks ago three weeks ago you were talking those crazy kids on the phone yeah and where we went there was a bunch of kids yeah so you know you about ready tiffany oh you're about ready i think i'm gonna adopt i'll probably adopt a bunch of kids i'd probably do like josephine baker and get me like you know a rainbow tribe give me a little white baby a little black baby a spanish baby an asian baby and raise them all to be strong black angelina jolie too yeah angelina yeah okay well she gave birth to her white babies though oh yeah that's right with brad yeah yeah and they are beautiful okay that's cool now um okay so you got into the arts because of the boy mm-hmm and then what did you find that you excelled at best i like how did you know you was quirky or you had a comedic were you always like you know crazy and quirky like this i didn't get crazy or quirky till like probably when i was about 10 or 11 when i saw who framed roger rabbit oh yeah and and i'm probably always was because people was calling me stupid all the time right you gotta remember people's always calling me stupid and they were always smiling when they said it but i you know i believed it so and they were saying it because i was funny and when i saw that movie who framed roger rabbit there's a scene in there where the detective says why are these people doing these nice things for you roger and roger goes because i make him laugh eddie if you make people laugh they'll do anything for you and i was like that's the ticket that's how i get kids to help me do my homework maybe let me copy their tests and be my friend and give me extra coffee cakes at lunch and stuff like that so um yeah that's when i discovered that i had a knack for comedy and i was getting put out of class for talking too much and things like that sure and i was getting in trouble a lot in um school and the social worker was getting tired of coming to my school and she was like this summer you got two choices okay and at that point i had already won like two drama competitions so i was in school we had these um competitions where like all the schools of la unified school district in southern california would get together and we would do monologues or you do shakespeare plays and stuff like that and and i won one time for a macbeth play then i want another thing for doing a monologue of what you did macbeth yeah i did macbeth do you remember any of it i was a witch in it one time and then we got second place when i was um the uh lady macbeth but uh i do remember double double toiling trouble burning boiling that's funny that you were able to uh memorize your lines and stuff like that especially in that dialect and everybody's been calling you stupid and you didn't think you yeah but i was super good at getting someone to read something to me and i could memorize it instantly like i might not have been able to read but you could say something to me and it sticks yeah you're like and that's on audio yeah and i was like always on some uh like i had all these techniques on how to cheat like i could completely write a book that would be amazing on the on how to cheat and get away with it when it comes to school work and whatnot and how to like motivate your friends to give you the answers so how did you get into the live factory school with jamie masada yes so my social worker was getting tired of coming up to the school because i was getting put out of classes because i make everybody laugh and do all this stuff and so um my social worker is like you got two choices lab factory comedy camp or psychiatric therapy which one you want to do this summer and i was like which one gonna have me on drugs she said you're definitely gonna be on drugs if you go to therapy so i went to the comedy camp and that's when my whole world opened up i was 15 oh i was 16 15 almost 16. jamie still have that he still has a comedy camp but this is the first summer that we have not been able to do it um but you participate every year i participate every single year i come and mentor the kids every year talk to them motivate them show them how to construct a joke like and and you see them open up like because they are usually really shy or they're the class clown and it's like ah i don't know somebody told them they were stupid yeah maybe somebody told them they were stupid but that changed my world because it was the first time a man told me that i was funny and or that i was smart that was the main thing they kept saying you're so smart and i would slack i would be floored cause and then they would tell me i was beautiful and i didn't feel like anything bad was gonna happen and and it was like my first time really feeling safe like yeah in a very safe place and safest places on stage and that's i fell in love with that feeling and that's why i love to perform i love to get on stage it is the safest place because you have witnesses if something happens and the love you get back yeah even the hate sometimes people don't like it some people sometimes people don't like it but the fact what i love the most is that i'm able to evoke emotion right to be able to evoke emotion in someone whether it be positive or negative um most of the time the emotion i evoke is positive or concerned for me like people are concerned for my mental being but um it is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world for me personally um the only rally i did besides the one i did on mother's day with chaka khan after my aubry got murdered the only rallies i did was at the laugh factory because i felt like that was our we were there together i felt like that was my community that i would be saved and that's right and it was a rally not a marx now it's easy no no no no we just stood outside the club and talked mess well speaking of the funny so you got into the camp with jamie you were doing the comedy camp so how did you decide i think this is what i really really really want to do well because then came movies little television so how did that journey go from inside the life factory to outside the live factory well uh i was doing comedy until i got emancipated uh once i got emancipated from the foster care system i became homeless and so then that's what how i got into working at the airlines and then i really got depressed and basically had a breakdown like yeah it was like right after i boo booed in the shoes in the shoes i had like a full-on breakdown and i ended up in psychiatric therapy and the therapist was like what brings you joy what makes you feel good and i was like well hearing people laugh and seeing people smile makes me feel good when i used to do those comedy shows that used to be the best feeling in the world and she was like why don't you get into get back into stand-up and do it as a hobby and so i did like two shows and then uh like open mics and then uh on that second one somebody saw me and was like yo you need to do this event for us we paying fifty dollars for fifteen minutes i was like fifty dollars for fifteen dollars i'm there i'm there i'm there right so i went and i bombed terribly it i didn't read the room i i had no idea what kind of show i was doing it was a show for like a whole uh room of lesbians and they were there with their girlfriends whatnot and all my jokes was like dick jokes and my boyfriend and my boyfriend and they was like i got your boyfriend i got something for you in the drawing they were heckling me and i mean they were laughing but they were laughing at the heckler and i did what i had to say and i was scared i was like shaking like guys you guys are making me feel like a piece of meat this is not okay like but i would not get off the stage because i wanted to get paid for my 15 minutes right and so when i finished when i hit my 15 minute mark i was like all right that's my time good night and sorry i got off the stage and i just knew they weren't going to pay me and they were like good job good job sticking it out and here's your 50 and they gave me the 50 and i was like i'm doing this for the rest of my life like i didn't even do well at all and they still paid me i'm gonna stick to this and it's so funny because i've run into people over the years that remind me of that show and they're like you we saw you had something you had some potential you just weren't you were just fresh she was you were too new right you weren't ready and you didn't come through the def jam comic view era you didn't do any of that you made this just tiffany this is on my own on my own on my own be doing like open mics in santa monica at cafes doing open mics like the live factory and in it after i would say after about three months then the live factory started letting me host and uh which they don't let a lot of women host up there no they don't fyi people no they don't and um and i was doing really good at that and i would invite like my co-workers from the airlines to come and watch and stuff and um one day uh one of my co-workers was i guess at lunch with one of her friends and her friend was an agent and she's like i gotta find an attractive black female an attractive black female that's a comedian that could be on this big black comedy show and she's like oh tiffany out she take my friend tiffany that works at the airport women she does comedy she's really cute you might want to get her in so uh they call me uh get my phone number from 4-1-1 from information calls me 4-1-1 because i stayed listed in case my dad was ever looking for me he could find me that's that was my thought and so she calls me and i had just stopped working at the airline so i thought it was gonna be like a you know when they called and said yeah um you know this person told me about you and we're doing this show and so i'm thinking of doing a surprise like going away party or something right so i dress up like i'm going to a party i have my rock-a-wear jeans on my little cute top and little heels and stuff and i go to the office and i'm waiting for my co-workers to pop out of somewhere but nobody popped out and it was like a real agency and they were talking to me about my life and talking to me about what my goals were and they're like do you want to be a movie star or actress what do you want to do i say i just want to do stand-up i just want to make people laugh that's it i'm not worried about being on tv or anything like that and they're like well you got to get on tv and that way more people will see you and then more people come to your shows and that's how you're going to get paid and i was like well i don't really care about being on tv that much i just want to make people laugh like i just want to do comedy shows all over the world and make people laugh that's all i want to do i just want to bring joy and they were like i mean she's like you have to get on television you have to get on television so she makes me audition for a big black comedy show i was not ready i was not ready then and didn't get the job but i she started booking me on tv shows like that's so raven and my name is earl and like i started getting these small parts yeah cause we got your resume here it's quite extensive yeah things that people don't know or didn't know you then and then and they don't know that and i was doing background work for years like and i made so many friends doing the background work i would talk to all the pas and the you know ads director's assistants and i would make friends with everybody and i would invite them out of my comedy shows and i would get tickets from the live factory and pass them out to all the extras everybody and it's so funny because all those people are now executives or their actual directors or they're you know production managers or they're casting directors like there are people that hire people like me and they they always think of me they never forgive me like you were always so sweet you always invited me to shows nobody would talk to me and you was the only one that would talk to me so like catering and hair and makeup are my three best friends when i go anywhere i make them my friends immediately right and then i start talking to the grips and see what a macho single guys are with it yeah do you feel like you're you were a underdog do you put for underdogs i i prefer underdogs for sure because i understand the struggle i mean it was many years of struggling 20 years uh before girls trip came along and then like boom but i mean even before girls trip i had made a name for myself amongst the community and we worked together i mean presents bad girls economy and we worked on that reality bites back show together oh my god don't ever mention that again oh don't ever mention that again that's what you was like being a stripper or something like oh anyway okay um now where's this craziest place you ever did stand up at i feel like the craziest place i've ever done i've done it in some crazy places doing barber shops at baby showers and backyards with mud everywhere um yeah i've done comedy in the hospital the old folks home in the geriatrics homes that those have to be the craziest shows the craziest thing happened in one of those is a guy was sitting with this lady and they were older for sure in their like 70s or 80s and another woman comes in and she's like get away from my man in the middle of my set and a full-on fight broke out between the two women but it was like in slow motion like a slow motion fight and i was just like wow old people fighting this is crazy um but he must have had some fire in them diapers he had because then women was mad about it i did a comedy in a laundromat one time in san francisco it's called the brainwash and you could literally get on stage and do something and um run and put some fabric softener in this and then come back and get back on stage it was cray cray that is cray but i feel like that's wonderful like anywhere there's a stage anywhere people are willing to listen i'm willing to perform you know absolutely now okay since you mentioned girls trip we're gonna go down that road all right so did you have to audition for that yeah i auditioned for girls trip and i had to audition like four times i think maybe five there's a lot of auditions i had to pre-read with the castle director's assistant then i read pre-re pre-read again with the cast what agency were you with then uh at that time i was with apa yeah and it was so funny because i had just did keanu and a lot of the crew that was working on keanu was working on girls trip because it was shooting in new orleans and a bunch of the crew was that was working on it was sending me the script like you need to get on this movie i read it it's like when you were here last summer like you got to get get in this movie this is you this is you and um as i'm reading it i'm like oh this is me like yeah so i'm telling my agent like hey these crew members keep sending me this script like you got to give me an audition for this and they're like oh yeah tiffany they only want to see names they only want to see names i said well you tell them that i've had a name since 1979 and it's tiffany had it and let me get in there so i had to do the pre-read then another pre-read then the action the audition and then i went to the final one which was with the director and then it was on skype it was then there was so i was in the casting director's office but he was on a computer and then like i was a little uncomfortable because at that point skyping was only for like talking dirty to my guy so i was like i was like i'm gonna tell you right now if i started like undoing my button in my shirt i'm feeling some time leaning forward to start doing something like this just know that uh you need to reel me back in because that's what i do on the skype and so he was like laughing and we did it and he gave me all these adjustments he's like can you do it less urban can you do it this way that way so all these different ways urban lessons because you know i was bringing tiffany hotties to it so and then i would change it you didn't really get the less urban park because it was pretty urban in the movie right right i mean he he wanted and i was funny he was like funny because i usually say can you do it more urban right or something right he's like can you do less urban like more college educated and i was like yeah okay you want to like fast okay ooh this is crazy we're going to get wild tonight girls but he's like all right bring it back to this or like he kept giving me all these adjustments and um and he said like and then i found out like two days before we had to start rehearsals he was like they called me and said you're going to go to new orleans you got the part you're going to be working with queen latifah jada pinkett smith and regina hall and i was like oh my god right right clothes upright had you made any of them before that hadn't met anyone so those relationships were formed on girls trips on girls trip we had like two days three days of rehearsal and then bam we're shooting and when i first got there uh in i want to call her by her name dana queen latifah she was on the same flight i was on and like i got i have this like thing where like i don't necessarily like putting my bags in the overhead myself so there was a man already that was sitting in the seat next to me so when i got on the plane i was like oh excuse me sir can you help me with my bag can you put it up for me he's like oh i can do it i'm like thank you thank you and then i seen her and i was like girl we gonna be working together we working together real soon and she was like uh oh okay weirdo i'm sure she thought i was crazy and then the next day i go to the director's office and i'm in there talking with him and i said well what made you want to hire me he goes look is a lot of people came in for the job and i watched everyone's audition tapes over and over he said but every time i watched yours i laughed every single time and i said with this this movie already has big names in it and then i need somebody that can make everybody laugh and he said every time even though i knew what was coming you made me laugh every single time so that's how i got the job and then in walks queen latifah she was like oh you need to volunteer i she was like oh this is going to be a mess this is going to be a mess regina seems amazing she is love regina she is and then you got very very close with little jada yes yes jada is my girl that's like i need to talk to jada since the entanglement i have not talked to jada since the entanglement i have not i have nothing to say about that people think i don't know how to keep secrets but i do i'm sure well yeah because that ain't none of my business you know that i don't have nothing when it doesn't deal with me i'm not really speaking on it mm-hmm because i didn't yeah i had nothing to do with that yeah yeah yeah but i watched it me neither i sat back and i walked and i ain't mad at a little august hey august holla at your girl hey hey handsome okay so now you're moving on you did girls trip it was a block buster still is can you um what was it like to you know everybody wants to get in that thing that puts them over you know so this was the thing that puts you over right right but in my mind you know it's funny that this you know girls trip was a thing that like made me blow up but in my mind i had blew up when i did the arsenio hall show in my mind that was enough like i could have right like when you did it it's like arsenio that's it i made it like to me that was enough for me and but god had other things in store what do you have to say to people who felt like you got put on for girls trip but not necessarily for your comedy and then you had a lot of comedy dates and do you feel do you feel you're a better actress or better comedian i feel well you know i don't care what anybody say to be honest i don't give a damn because people buy tickets right but i feel i'm i feel like i'm a very good comedian i wouldn't say i'm the best comedian in the world because i still have a lot of growing to do um and it's only going to get better with time and more experiences that i have my comedy i talk about me my journey my experiences and and i'm hoping people can relate to it or go on this journey with me right uh it's to some people that might not be funny maybe they just want to hear boom like i'm a storyteller and that's that's what i do so if people don't like that don't come to the show most people come to the show and they say they have a good time from my speech now i have had bad shows except for new year's eve and still you know still see here got a thing a majority of those people was they was upset right majority was upset but then there was still a lot of people that was like i have fun i thought that was great i thought it was funny but it's it's all in the eye of the beholder right and i would say if i was sitting in that audience i personally would say yeah tiffany was off her game she wasn't bringing it um i would agree with them but you always copped to that later about look it was new year's eve i had been in town for a day or so i had been lit i didn't get enough rest man i thought my kidneys was gonna fall out my body when i was up there when i tell you my soul left my body and was over here like i'm not i'm not playing with you today you need to be asleep this is stupid why are you even doing this and i learned a very valuable lesson that if my instrument isn't together if my body isn't ready i cannot push my i can push but it's not going to be the best it's not going to i'm not going to be able to deliver people don't realize the elements that it takes to really put up i came from literally came from doing a movie right working 17 hour days no vacation really that whole year been in my bed maybe 20 sometimes like i hadn't been in my house i had been able to be with my family like i was exhausted i really did not take into consideration that i'm older that i can't be putting myself through this like it was the best learning lesson but and i survived like i didn't die my kidneys didn't fail my literally got hired yeah and i still kept working and i would even if nobody in hollywood was like i'm not hiring no more i would still be able to do stand-up like um there's comedians i know for a fact that have done worse shows than the show i did that night and they work constantly okay so and nobody's perfect every day at work and i mean i even talked about that in my special that i got nominated for a uh she ready an emmy force stay ready yeah no they ready got nominated plus uh you know black mitzvah tiffany haddish black mitzvah got nominated for it what's that like to be nominated for it yummy girl it's nice it's nice because you're being recognized by your peers right by people that are in the industry with you and they're saying hey i see your hard work and i think you did a good job and i appreciate that when we were talking previously about underdogs um the people that you put on for are they ready mm-hmm um aydah and um ida yeah tracy ashley marlow williams yeah yeah uh uh-huh yeah those are those are what i would call underdogs as well they don't get but now you've unleashed them and that's the power that you can have to reach back and get somebody right i mean i've always told them friend to begin when i first met all of them like if i ever get anywhere in life i'm pulling you with me if i ever get on top i'm pulling you with me and i've kept my word and they all are shocked like wow you really you really came back for us i can't believe you you did this and i'm like believe it i if i say i'm going to do it that's what i'm going to do if if it's in my power to make something go i'm going to make it go period how was your experience on the last o.g you know i did an episode yeah did you see my episode yes i did you did very good very very good that was a star-studded episode it sure was everybody was in i was like wow everybody was there but me yeah yeah but um that was uh was that your no that wasn't your first series though right what was that the name and order your series that you worked on well i worked on a few series but it's been a few pull up the resume because uh it's been a few i mean i did the carmichael show i was on if loving you was wrong uh tyler perry series i was on uh how'd you like working with tyler i love working with tyler tyler has to be the fastest like like yeah and you get get home in time to cook yourself some dinner what do you think about that studio i love tyler perry studio it is the most monumental beautiful facility i've ever been to and to know that that place was all filled up with confederate soldiers and now it's owned by a black man that's creating all kind of projects i'm like you know we filmed coming to america on that studio that's what's up and on my youtube channel i got a tour of the studio but just to if you think about all the movies that halle berry has done for hollywood that aussie davis and ruby deep down for hollywood that cecily tyson has done hollywood and not now one of these studios would put their name on the building and tyler put like 12 like right studios even put spike lee name on the building and spike lee be talking crap about him and he's like look bruh it's business yeah you know and and and he what i love about tyler is he can cry and make you cry when you're going down the street i'm telling you because he recognizes people's struggle he recognized your hard work blessing tears and what you have done for the community and what he did for all his cast members he gave them all stars like he's like hollywood might not give it to you but i'ma give it to you i know he was mad about coco brown i said damn damn coco no now i called her so you got a star huh but she earned her startups they all did yeah they all with did sometimes yeah tikka is everything i love that's like ah we became sisters she's so so so fun so smart so down the earth so real like and all her stuff knew all her lines like bam bam bam technically like cause i guess she used to that machine i was like i know my lines but where do i where do i go okay all right action let's go so then kevin picks you up night school yeah night school but see kevin i was on his series before real husbands of hollywood oh yeah me too yeah yeah we both were on there and i was a reoccurring character on there that's why i'm like i don't know which series but kevin always looked out like i mean i was homeless and we was doing that comedy playground up at the live factory where we just do sketches and do all these crazy things in the live show and he's seen all that stuff in the car and he was like what's going on with you like he actually cared and communicated with me and helped me and gave me a plan gave me a way to create a plan anyways then um voiceover you like doing voiceovers i love doing voice angry birds yes angry birds lego movie touca and birdie like yeah no you did not do pimp my ride yep i was on pimp my ride now i'm jealous i was gonna pay my right there they didn't pick my ride i'm like you got your ride primed not my ride my homegirl's ride and i was on there like as her friend saying why she need her car fixed oh yeah yep an exhibit i was in the exhibit music video which one x oh yeah and it was so cool because it was this huge crowd of people and he noticed me out of all the people probably because i had my airline uniform on and he was like come hang out with us come over here with us like i was like wow he's he wants me to be around i'm in an airline uniform like how'd you feel about doing kids say the darndest thing did you know my art linked letter definitely knew about art link letter i remember being a kid and watching like re-runs the art link letter show and then when uh cosby came out with his version i watched that too and i was just like dang why i can't be on that show i want to be on that show and i used to always say that like to my grandma like i really want to be i really want to be on kids say the darn this thing she's like girl you're 17. you want to be on that show like and now not teenagers say the times cause kids say that i know but it's so funny because now i'm working on this show right and i'm with these children and i realize how smart and how informed children are today to choose my two information i don't think they're too smart to talk about i think it's it's perfect because what they're saying a lot of times what they say is so true adults are afraid to say these things and children are afraid they don't have like a sense of they don't have that sense of fear yet of being saying what they think you know and i think it's so beautiful in the way that they think about things and and i just feel like it brings so much joy to people it brings me a lot of joy anyways okay so joy so let's talk about these men's and then i want to talk about her okay okay so these men's well you're in a relationship right now but uh some of the people like um what was up with you and drake what was this drake thing about i had no relationship with drake but she wanted to have a relationship that was cool like i would explore it if he was trying to you know i wouldn't see what it is like what kind of personality do we got was you know what's the t with him but um yeah he had slid in my dms i had no idea i ran it yeah and i ran into him at a party he was like man i was in your dms i'm trying to get you to do my music video i was like oh i didn't know he was in my dms like i don't even check that and then i look and i see that he was in there and i was like oh yeah here you are right here he was like yeah shoot me your folks number and like let's get you in this video i was like all right cool so then i did the video and then he's like i'm gonna take you to dinner i'm gonna take you to dinner because i wanna know right now he was like i wanna know who big beyonce my mama keep on asking me who did it who did it no i was like i'm definitely not going to tell you until you feed me and then like it was funny because we were supposed to go out but then he's like i got a family emergency and it was around the same time when when the whole stuff with the baby came out his baby and all that but the stripper yeah well i don't you know i know she's a woman who was making a living i understand that you're gonna make a baby yeah well and then she made a baby which is making a living and a lot of follow him cause he should've had all the condoms that part that part i mean i would have definitely made sure there was a condom in place i'd have had that baby i had 50 years old a lot of head drinks baby i'll risk it i'll risk it i'll risk it i'll probably die in childbirth no you wouldn't you're strong you're strong yeah yeah that would be something if you and drake had a baby drake likes the girls now he just haven't met me yet that part but when you meet me i'm sure he gonna live well his daddy probably would love you what are you thinking about his dad his daddy be trying to hide your daddy is a mac macadosius i like him i call him the black inspector gadget we have a good time we laugh a lot but yeah i'm not i don't want to date him and i told drake like you get your daddy i'd much rather be your baby mama than you than yourself yeah so what about this changi situation oh yeah so when i was in my early 20s like really getting my comedy career going um i had went to a concert and she he was performing at the concert and i was backstage with my friends and he came up to me he was like wow you beautiful what do you do and i was like i'm a comedian he was like you ain't no comedian i was like no i'm a comedian for this little country yeah yeah it did he was like come with us to this club come with us today so i went with him to the club me and my friends and we and then he was like if every time he come to l.a he invited me to hang out and i was like the like kind of like the clown of the group like always cracking jokes and stuff and then one night we went out and um we ended up hooking up but it was it was like that's that like we've been drinking and smoking some weed and like kind of tired so and it was kind of like sleepy sex like not really anything all that great and then um then he invited me to his uh music video set and whatever like maybe two days later and i go to the music video set and he's making out with one of my friends like he's looking up on one of my home you know you tried to deny this you know that yeah i know he he probably didn't remember because drinking and all of this and it wasn't that fantastic and so and then he hooked up with one of my friends and i was like pissed about it so then his brother had been pushing up on me as it was and so then i was like i ended up hooking up with his brother and his brother knew i was like you know i you know i already hit you but you know i did it too he's like i know you did it to my brother i'm not tripping and he he was like he met someone her and i was like cool and then she was pregnant too that was the other thing you know he liked the way she do it right there so he was hooking up with her so then i hooked up with his brother and then i was like kind of just faded away from them and like was like yeah i'm not really that girl that's like the hook up with the rappers not i'm not that chick like and so um i just got focused zeroed in on the comedy and then years later ellen's like what celebrities have you hooked up with and i'm like for the only one at that point the only one i hooked up with was changi what about um okay because i'm i'm all over the place right now i'm gonna come back to the relationship thing i met chingy in the marathon store uh-huh that he was you know they were letting certain celebrities in to get there and i had already ordered merchandise on the website and that's where i met chingy that nipsy thing really took us out didn't it broke my heart because you had a real relationship with family and everything yeah his dad was my dad's like best friend when they first came to america they was going to the century club today at least he met his mama yeah and and my like it's crazy because like me and cheney were talking about going to africa together and like trying to put together like a a show and like bring light to the country and um and we was like planning this whole thing out to go for independence and like really inspire people and you know bring awareness and then somebody took an old grown woman and i don't think i'll ever get over that until you know where i live you know it's like every day every day murals and paintings and rings they got the victory lap thing over there about a movie theater that they've been not never taking they better never never take that down yeah yeah that was that was a hard one um but we used to talk about all the stuff we was gonna do in the community like how we gonna put south central on the map how we gonna put africa on the map like this is actually somebody that i was like we're gonna create something dope you know well the thing that you're talking about doing now is creating a black grocery store right right right in the community i want to do a co-op grocery store i want to go in with you on that okay would you definitely come on come on because everybody put all black you said black products in the i grocery store of nip's things about entrepreneurship in the community right and making sure the money circulates in the community and when you do that then you bring the community up people are able to get their children educated properly they're able to put money behind the politicians that really care about our agenda we're able to have some say so i keep hearing the police and when the whole like the marching and all this stuff and i hear police talking about well we're here to protect the owners we're here to protect the owners we have to protect the business owners if we open up this grocery store and make it a co-op and every person that's a member is a owner now you have to protect all of us so you would think well so i know i know this is going to happen i know well we're going to i believe i just said it it's gonna be done i'm i'm down with the minute you said it because i said we always got to go to the white grocery store to get our products but but every now and then you get a black market like buddha yeah like i love it i can't shout out yeah we need the grocery store for sure yeah and i want to have cooking classes in that grocery store and then also because i feel like why how are you selling something but don't teach anybody how to use the products well when they took um homemake out of school yeah there weren't that yeah well when they took home back out of school they removed the ability for people to know how to take care of their children then fast food companies go up because they don't know how to cook meals right now now the medical situation is inclining because people's health is declining because they're eating all this fast food it's like a it's like a good way to murder you without right now it's all a plot it's all a plot because if you go up there by where your friend lives now it ain't no fast food in his neighborhood no your only high class restaurant right it ain't no fast food no and speaking of your friends so you're in a nice healthy wonderful best relationship i've been right my whole life so far and common is not so common he's rare isn't he yeah he's special and i call him rasheed rasheed i had him actually observe you two together and i think that you know uh rasheed has been with some really heavy hitters in the past but they weren't funny and so i feel like yeah you've been with some funny women well well okay i think erica can probably be funny sometime erica is hilarious and regina regina's hilarious how did i'm not getting none of that okay anyway it's too late now but yeah yeah um i got a chance to observe you too and i just think that you bring a light to him that he's very appreciative of and he brings a light to me that i'm super appreciative of like i've never been in a relationship with a man where it didn't feel like a competition where it didn't feel like i need to dim my light i need to be smaller for him oh and then remember you were telling me about the commercial you know the commercial y'all did for the um online dating for bumble and that and he said that was sort of like what you guys were going through and she was out of town he was out of time going back and forth back and forth and he had to get your bumble on for a while yeah yeah get our bumble on so what does he think about your hair when i cut it all off and um he saw it he was like you look so beautiful that is that he's like tiffany you look amazing like a queen like you're so beautiful and i was like do you feel liberated now that you're not um well i mean you can still put on wigs for work right right i i feel like i've always felt liberated but now i feel like there's less stress get upstream two hours gotta do your hair i gotta do all this stuff to my hair i braid it down and it's super tight now i got a headache or they're pulling it in the bun and it's super tight like i'm loving my little fat head like i got in the middle of me head right on the street was that you did it for a movie but you really didn't i didn't do it for no movie i did it for me i did it because i've always wanted to like my whole thing is like god put us here to learn i feel like i put us here to make the earth better right and to learn yourself i feel like it's about like because about it when once i turned 40 i realized people really don't give a about you they really care about themselves everybody's in it for themselves and if they care about you is because how you make them feel it's about it's always about themselves and so if i'm if if i know me really well right nobody can tell me about me nobody can paint this picture about me uh because i know me and if i'm if i can wake up every day and look at myself in the mirror and be like i love you i'm so glad you're here i'm here for you then it it's a great thing but how do you like i wanted to know me from head to toe i know where all my moses are right i know where every single mole is every single ding scratch the bruise uh uh how i got this cut i got that and then i'm like but i don't know nothing about here i don't know nothing about my crown my head and i see these men walking around they'd be like yeah baby yeah like they they seem like chill relax and i'm like i want to cut my hair off and i want to see what my scalp looks like how many moles do i have i got two right one here one here and then i got in the back these gashes in the back of my head that i forgot all about and then when i looked at them and i'm looking at them i'm like oh my god i remember that i remember how this happened i remember how that happened and just like how you know my mom was just trying to make things work and she didn't have the resources for certain things i had i had i thought this like i had stitches over here right but i thought it was on this side of my head all these years i'm thinking this on this side of my head that's i'm like that's why this side is a little lopsided that's why i got headaches on this side because i got stitches over here no it's over here it's over here like so then i'm just like well i'm delusional why like you know i just feel you know of course i've been wearing my hair short for a long long time i've only been that short one time that's when i left the beach in too long my daughter has never seen me without blonde hair um but i just feel like you shave off a good like three hours a day of your life not messing with your doggone hair yes it feels so good it does and and you can you know a lot of women are cheating themselves out of a good life because of their hair you don't want to ride on the motorcycle you don't want to swim in the ocean you don't want to have rough sex you don't want to be in the rain when i tell you the first time i stepped outside so i was in mississippi when i cut it and i went outside and it started to rain and it felt like god was giving me a million little kisses all over my head it felt like i was being blessed or baptized again or like in all these sensations i'm like 40 years on this planet and i've never felt these things before how about i get like like you know they said the hair stand up on the back of your neck actually it stands up all on the back of my head when i like things people say things or do things or get those goose bumps although i'm like like it's the most amazing sensations and then they take and they take and and they take a situation like that and then they taint it by comparing you with britney spears when she had her little break yeah but i don't have britney spears money let's be honest okay nor do i have britney spear problems okay no none of those none of those issues is she got a mama and a daddy who are willing to take care of her and provide for her if she has a mental issue if i had a mental issue as a black woman in america whose mom already mental or whatever i see what they did to my mama they put you in handcuffs and they throw you in a mental institution first they put you in jail then they realize you got a problem then they put you in a hospital for some time then they put you in an institution and none of your family come like any if your family try to come it's difficult to get to you like and and i got a psychiatrist i keeps this brain in check because i watched my mom go through it i keep my mind in check and that that's why i'm always like so honest about how i feel and what i'm going through because i don't want to have i don't want to end up that way and if i do end up that way i want to make sure i have a good support system around me yeah and i do got a good support system but i don't got no mama and daddy to be no conservatives for me and she i'm my mama conservative yeah my my sister my mama because maybe my sister will look out for me too i doubt it though well yeah well you know you just really never know you don't know until you go through it you don't know until you go through it and i've had some mental issues and when i had them cutting my hair off was not not something i wanted to do you know that was that was not anywhere in there but i just think that it's so like i've i've had to do movies or shows where i had to wear wigs before it drove me in sane i could never be one of them church ladies with the wig on so i'll be done flung it across the chair child because i get too hot yeah i get to out just imagine putting that wig on and you ha i have a lot of hair like right and it's thick and they have to braid it down and they got to pull it super tight it's super little so now i got headaches and there's pins and needles stabbing me in the head and it's all these things combs and like it's just a lot and now when i put a wig on it's like putting on a comfy little hat and it's like nice and it's and it looks really real growing up my head because my hair doesn't have it rising up looking like i got a hard hat on right you know and i call wigs hard hats now because i wear them for work what do you want what are the some of the things that you want to accomplish in the next let's say five years in the next five years i want to open up um a studio which tyler has been teaching me how to do i want my grocery store open well it'll be the community's our grocery store our grocery store will be open uh which will be enhancing the community and hopefully it spreads across the country and you know everyone has some ownership in there where their food comes from and um you know i want to be happy and i am happy right now and i want to continue that feeling of joy and i would love to be a part of something that um enhances our people you're gonna uh produce more projects oh yeah i'm producing many projects right now multiple projects we might be in why oh we definitely gonna be we definitely lou when i tell you we working together we work in together that's really great um okay kids what do you feel about kids i'm probably gonna adopt um oh yeah yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna most likely you don't wanna birth no baby [Laughter] you got to do it once listen if i could squeeze out a baby which i didn't i got a c-section so my vagina's pristine like 17 years old but um don't you want to maybe just try it one time just once i feel like that's not my purpose i think you should do it okay you can you can try to push me into that but i've watched i've seen too many i've seen so much pain and suffering um and kids are beautiful they're a wonderful gift from god right and tell them double digits but even when the double digits here you still love them you're still happy that they're here on this planet right and you're looking at the mini version of yourself growing up right that's what i'm that's what i'm scared of and i used to say it i used to say i used to say when i get a million dollars sitting in a bank and i don't have to worry about it i'll have a kid because then if something happens to me my kid will be taken care of but then as i'm watching you know as a teenager i watch my few of my friends be killed by you know incidences that they have at the police just random shootings that happen in these streets and they weren't committing crimes they weren't they just look like somebody you know and i just feel like man if i have me a little black baby how like i already worry about my brothers like i'm always so concerned about my brothers and i'm concerned about my sisters and my cousins and like trying to figure out how to how do i protect them and oh if i get to a certain status of celebrity that will protect them but it doesn't really protect you that much and so i'm just like i don't know if i would be emotionally strong enough to give birth to someone and then they've been taken away from me like and i've been doing my research on the history of our people like there was slaves that would get pregnant have their baby and they would be coming to take their baby to sell their baby and they would kill it immediately they would kill the baby before they could take they were like i'd rather kill my own baby so they don't let somebody sell my child right or take my child away and i saw how my mom responded to when they took us from her and how her whole mental just she was already messed up and then it destroyed her it destroyed her and i'm just like i need to make sure that whoever if i had a baby whoever i have a baby with is so there for me and i'm so there for him and we are really working as a team and even if we didn't want to be together no matter what we are a team for this person and we are protecting this person and putting all our knowledge in this person it would be amazing right but i don't know if that's possible i don't even know if that's possible how do you feel about but i do know that if i was a foster parent or if i adopted there's so many children out here whose parents have been put away to jail and they're never coming out parents who've been killed and slaughtered like and there's so many children out here that i know i know because i've done it already that i would be an excellent parent so people will adopt a dog before they go adopt a child yeah and there's more there's more animal shelters and there are homeless shelters and there's so many foster youth that are homeless there's so many kids that want to love and want to be loved and if i can pour it in here and i'm not the smartest person in the world but i'm i'm not no stupid person either i wouldn't be sitting here right now i wouldn't be where i'm at wouldn't be nominated for no it means i wouldn't none of that would be possible if i was really truly stupid like i believed i was you wouldn't be talking to me sure it wouldn't because you know you you wouldn't talk to me yeah oh she's stupid how do you feel about what's going on in the world right now do you feel like the um racial uh war that we're sort of in right now is going to result in the future changing or do you think this is just gonna pass and we talked about how do you feel about what's going on i'm pretty sure in my gut things are gonna change it's gonna be a different world i feel like in the next like four or five years we're gonna look around and be like what like this is different it's way different and i'm praying that it's different for the better um or that the aliens really show up and they give all the black people superpowers and we all could fly and then white people be like damn we up we should have been nicer to them yeah because we want to fly too now they probably be like i got two percent black in me i'm black too like i don't know but that's just a that's a joke but i really feel like uh things will get better it's gonna get worse when we were up there at the live factory and we were this is the first time i have ever in my life seen streets full of white folks sitting down listening to black person after black person after black people you remember yeah and you talked for a while i had talked i said to myself that i said i don't think i'm gonna go back because i don't think i was helping i was just taking out my frustrations but and y'all did this and y'all did this and y'all did this but that is helping cause they sometimes they don't know it's not like they teach the struggle of the black man in school it's not like they teach in our history in school like all the things that i've learned about our history i did not learn it in school right i went and looked for it i searched for i read which is why we got to i think we have to reconfigure the educational system right well you know honey that's a whole that's a whole nother agenda because education let's be honest there was not a whole lot of school houses in the 1800s you know it was against the law it was yeah that's how to read right because if you have the power of knowledge if you can read then that means you can get information hey we're freezing yeah we've been free yeah that means you can have power you can have if you have knowledge if you can read you have power straight up like because then you can get information and as long as you have information and knowledge about something you can make changes you can make which is why it's so crazy to me now with the social media everybody's typing like i don't even know if they still teach cursive in school girl you gotta sign your contract you gotta learn how to and then everything is a video because nobody wants to read books i like to touch a book i like books i have a very extensive black library at my house and i think that um at some point you know we really really you know you know that old up saying they say about us i want to hide something from them black person put it in a book for that to even have ever been said is a shame you know but it's the truth it is i mean i used to hide money from my ex and they would i would hide them in the books but you know i ain't gonna look in that hell these kids don't want to read i like text messages how to make comedy books like how to write comedy how to do this i will hide money in those books and that's that's how it like has one i know where to look when i come to your house yeah well now i don't live with that person no more you're gonna have to look at some different places i look in your underwear nope no no because i've been looking in the freezer nope not in freezer either ah not at all freezing i don't i would never hide nothing in my underwear drill because i feel like people that's the first place they looking because they want to smell your panties that's what i think people want i caught somebody smelling my panties i had to let them go that's that's kind of cool though you know well um last last but not least okay so if you were to have a dream cast right i want you to name me five chicks and five guys that you would put in your dream cat okay me that's one i will um that i haven't worked with or that i have worked already okay that you haven't worked with that i haven't worked with okay so i would put meryl streep cicely tyson i would put um denzel i would put uh michael b jordan i would put uh that michael b jordan right right i would put jessica bill cause i just always want to work with jessica bill james justin bill and she was she wasn't not jessica wait no that's jessica no that i forget her name oh well not the flash dance oh another one that's married to uh uh justin timberlake right okay um i believe her name is jessica bill yeah and then um i would put uh who else okay i already work with her um you know you work with that person uh oh eddie murphy um i've worked with david chappelle in comedy but as far as a movie goes dave chappelle um i didn't move with that i know you did such a blessing such a blessing yeah who else um morgan freeman uh oh oh betty white i always wanted to work with betty white and carol burnett oh yeah i was yeah and then maybe brad pitt or leonardo dicaprio you know brad pitt was in the hood giving out food today did you know that no no i did not know that he has him and flea from the red hot chili peppers they were bagging up food and where uh somewhere i saw it on the news this morning uh yesterday i was giving out laptops to a bunch of foster kids they had to drive through all the foster youth then like the groupon things and stuff and we was giving them our laptops do you have a you have a real affinity for group home kids right i have a real affinity for foster youth for youth that feel abandoned yeah because i would because i know how they feel like i have a non-profit organization she ready foundation where we give suitcases to foster youth because you get when you get moved around uh they make you put all your stuff in trash bags or like grocery bags and it's like you're garbage and doesn't it blow you that there's nothing for the kids to do when they age out like i used to work with care foundation my friend brandy's foundation that was a organization specifically for when you age out if nobody's adopted you then where do you go you got nobody and you got to get out there but there are a lot of programs and sometimes you get those social workers that don't know about the different programs that there are available there's like the independent living program that teaches you how to pay rent how to like pay your light bill gas bill they help you teach you how to grocery shop and stuff like that because man so many kids don't even know how to cook a basic meal for themselves bacon and eggs they don't even know how to do that like and then there's there's um there's other programs if you end up going to college that will help you pay for this school pay for your books that if you get a car they'll help you pay for your car insurance there's so many programs program turn me on and now because i know i'm paying too much money on my damn clients hey what is this one more thing didn't you dabble in the little scientology for a while when i was homeless when i was homeless i was standing in line at central casting to be a background worker right and i was living in my car and this scientology guy approached me and he's like hey this you can come and take these courses and it'll help you with life and all that stuff and maybe we can help you find housing and i was like i'll go like and so i went and took a couple of courses and then after like my third course and it was like i really they were really helping me read better like i could read but it's still not at a really good level and they were helping me read better and i thought oh this is cool and then they asked me to join and be like a worker there be a part of the flagship and uh i was like oh uh well i'm homeless so that mean and they said they would give me a place to sleep i have my own place and they would give me fifty dollars a month because they would cover all the food and clothing and everything and so only i would need fifty dollars for that's enough to buy a little weed hello we need some maxi pads right yeah and so then um i say okay and i you had to sign this contract like billion year contract and uh and i signed it and then they had me go into these barracks and there was bunk beds and i don't do bunk beds i don't i don't with bunk beds because bad things happen bunk beds i have had too many incidences with bunk beds i don't deal with them right so i was like i'm gonna make a pallet on the floor i'ma sleep over here they're like no you gotta sleep in a bunk bed i was like i'm not sleeping in no bunk beds so they was demanding that i sleep in a bunk bed and i went on this rampage i kind of like lost it and was marching up and down the hallways and yelling y'all nothing to have me and no bunk bed y'all not finna have me out here like that and then they probably opened the door for you let me get on the the cans they call them the cans and like talk about the experience i have at the bottom oh i saw that yeah and my energy never changed on it though they said if you keep talking about it talking about it it changed but my energy never changed on it was on there for like three hours for us my energy never changed on why i'm not dealing with no damn bunk beds i don't do it ain't gonna do it don't want to do it and you ain't gonna make me do it white man and white lady and all these and i was scaring all the little white girls that was in that room they were scared as hell and i kept on marching and yelling and stuff and then finally they was like they got fed up with me and they tore up my contract and told me to go you got out you're lucky you want a lucky one because you did the the jehovah witness stint as well yeah well my grandmother is a jehovah's witness since to this day um well she's she's she's bedridden now so and like we take care of her but we read the bible to her and everything and witnesses come and check on her but um yes she used to take us in field service and all that stuff and like knocking on doors it's funny how a lot of comedians kind of grew up in that world in the jehovah witness world we could talk to you imagine prince doing field service because he girl i would be looking forward to him coming to my door like you never get out again if you come to mind i'm like come on in put a little coffee like i recognize him after you guys misery because i've seen him at a convention before his hair was like different and everything was different about him i didn't recognize him at first really [Music] yeah there's like that's prince right there i'm like that ain't prince oh wow well you know i i tell you tiffany um i want to thank you for doing this interview with me specifically yes i want to thank us for being the two first two women to do vlad together thank you i'm looking forward to uh the grocery store information i'm looking for whatever projects we may have in the future yes and um is there anything you want to say lastly in your departure and my departure all i want to say is uh i wish everyone joy happiness prosperity and success and if you ever want to accomplish anything you need to do one thing towards that goal every single day and you will accomplish it there it is hey girl i want to thank you again all right thank you take it easy
Channel: djvlad
Views: 1,490,049
Rating: 4.8293076 out of 5
Id: eRoKvdabm6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 15sec (4335 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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