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[Music] hey everyone in this tutorial we are going to build a tie fighter um now this is not necessarily going to be a screen accurate tie fighter this is going to be more just kind of a kind of a loose interpretation of the tie fighter from you know from all the star wars movies and everything um this is just more for uh people who are trying to get a feel for blender you know people that are maybe new to blender or maybe people who have had some experience with it but maybe a little rusty and this is just kind of a kind of a nice little crash course kind of getting to know how to use the program just a lot of its features and everything but i'm trying to do this in kind of a you know step-by-step simple way and at the very end you know you'll have something kind of cool to look at and hopefully get some ideas as to how to approach some projects maybe you're working on anyway so we're going to go and get started so as per you know usual tradition in blender we're going to delete everything including the default cube even if we were going to create a cube we still delete the default cube because i mean that's just what's there for us to be deleted um however we're starting with the you know with the tie fighter we're going to actually start with a sphere so we're going to hit shift a to bring up our add menu go to mesh uv sphere i have our beautiful little sphere here going to go down to our add uv sphere menu and we're going to change our segments to 24 and we're going to change our rings to 12. and there it's already starting to look like a tie fighter isn't it yeah i know it doesn't um okay so what we need to do now is we need to rotate this guy um about uh yeah rotate it 90 degrees um and so we're going to do is we're going to start off we're going to hit r to rotate now as you can see it's kind of rotating kind of in a haphazard way so we need to get a little more control here so we need to hit x to make it rotate on the x-axis and then hit ctrl to give a little bit more snap to it all right it's kind of lining it up here looking good now we're going to go into we're going to hit tab to go into edit mode and what we need to do is we need to select some of these faces to define the front windows and so we're going to do is we're going to do an edge loop selection tool or i'm sorry we're going to do a face loop selection and uh i mean one of the ways we could do this is i mean we can you know just hold shift and start selecting that takes a lot of time there's a quick way to do this and what you need to do is in order to be able to select this entire loop very quickly is you have to select the edge between two faces basically the edge you select when you do an edge when you're wanting to do a loop selection in phases mode you select this line between these two faces and it will make it select this entire ring so just as an example deselect everything then hold over this edge right here hit alt bam loop selection now i mean you know if we want to go the other way i'm sorry we want to go the other way like if we want to select these you know this part in the loop we would do this um i mean that could be you know applicable to something else that you're working on but um in this instance we're going to select we're going to do select these right here so we have that section selected and we do it again on this inner loop of uh faces and then for this right here we're just gonna hold shift and click and drag over it and uh don't forget whenever you're selecting this inner set of faces make sure to continue holding shift as you're selecting them so okay so now we have all these faces selected we need to we need to extrude them outward so we're going to hit e to extrude just kind of bring it out and again we're just we're kind of eyeballing this this isn't you know it's not going to be screen accurate it's just going to be low poly and i mean this is just more about kind of getting to know to use how to use the program all right so we have the front windows you know area kind of designated for the for the tie fighter so we need to do is we need to divide this into eight sections because the front of the tie fighter has uh eight windows to it and so we're gonna do now is we're gonna hit two to go to edge mode and select these two right here what we need to do is we basically keep going in 45 degree angles so we need to skip these two lines and go right here it's kind of 45 degrees right there skip these two click these two lines right here skip these two click these two skip two click these two skip these click skip these get the idea so okay so we got those selected now we need to do an edge loop selection in uh um edge mode so what we do is we just select this edge because it runs along this circle and hold shift hold alt and we selected that loop do the same thing here we're going to skip this one and so if i hit uh alt z to go into x-ray mode you can kind of see that we've already we're already kind of you know defying the look of the uh the front windows for the tie fighter but what we need to do is we need to bevel these so we're going to do is hit ctrl b and kind of got the frame select our frames uh defined there and so what we're going to do now is we're going to invert this selection so we're going to hit control i inverted actually i'm sorry we're going to go back hit control z and go back because i need to go into faces mode so we're gonna hit three to go in the faces mode hit control i again we've invert our selection um then i'm gonna click on the x on my directional thing right here and so we're seeing our seeing our tie fighter from the side i'm going to hit alt z to go into x-ray mode and then i'm going to hit hit i'm going to hold down control that's going to deselect all these make sure and get this uh loop around the uh around the windows here so the only thing all the parts that are selected are the actual window panes themselves now we're gonna hit alt z get out of x-ray mode and then we're going to hit e to extrude and pull this kind of pull this back a bit and then we got kind of a sharp edge right here i don't like this so what we need to do is we want to deselect these inner center inner circle of uh panels as well as the inner circle here so now we all we have are these outer ones but again the uh the frames aren't selected and we're gonna scale this down so hit s scale it down there that looks good and better i'm just going to let's see let's do go to edge mode do an edge selection here edge selection i'm sorry we're going to get a little repetitive here we're just basically so we have we have kind of a chiseled edge here and we just want to kind of pull that out in a bit i'm just going to kind of go around until we have all these sharp edges selected holding holding alt and shift okay so again make sure you got all these selected and then i'm just going to hit g hit the y-axis just kind of pull it back a bit there all right looking good so far it's starting to kind of take shape looking like a tie fighter now we're going to start adding some detail to it adding some more detail like the arms or you know for lack of a better word that extend outward to the the wing panels um and so what we need to do is we need to divide this thing in half cut it in half essentially so we're going to do is we're going to hit one to go into vertices mode and going to this center panel right here or center uh frame right here we got a little triangle right here we're going to click the uh top vertices of that triangle we're going to go all the way down here to the bottom of this triangle the bottom point likewise we're going to go to this triangle right here click the top point and then this one right here click the bottom point and then we're gonna hit j which should split a line through them done and now we're ready to cut this bad boy in half so what we need to do is we're going to hit go to little directional axis right here click the y then we hit 3 to go into faces mode hit alt z to go into x-ray mode or to select everything to the left of the z plane which is this blue line right here looks like we didn't quite get all of our triangles so i'm going to hold shift to keep all my selections previously and select some more stuff okay delete all these faces okay so we got a half uh we got half a tie fighter now um just to make sure we're gonna kind of look at it again make sure there's nothing sticking out or anything like that looks like we've got a good clean cut across it now we need to do is we need to mirror it so we're going to go over here to our modifiers panel i'm sorry modifiers property remember modifier properties click on little wrench there i'm gonna go to add modifier and we're gonna go to generate mirror bam now tricky thing with uh mirroring is uh we need to make sure and click this uh clipping checkbox right here otherwise just a little little uh demonstration here what happens if you don't click clipping is if we select all these and we hit g to move this around as you can see it splits in half and it you know just doesn't look right it kind of looks like a monty python with the coconuts where'd you find the coconuts we found them anyways ctrl z go back um so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and hit clipping so now if we you know hit g and move this around as you can see it kind of stretches because what it is whenever you hit clipping and make sure that the center line um that the objects on both sides always stretch to continue to hold to that center line if that makes sense okay hit escape undo that okay alt z go back out of x-ray mode so okay so now the great thing about this is if we select something on the geometry on one side hit g and move it around it's reflected on the other side so now we have a little flappy bird tie fire isn't that like isn't that cute yeah looks great all right escape put that all right so now we're going to start defining the little little arms that stick out away from the tie fighter that attached to the wings for lack of a better uh name for them some of you guys have probably read the technical manuals probably know the correct designation for these if you want to feel free to leave that in the comments um so we're going to do is uh we're just gonna very freely kind of we're just gonna kind of cut out a circle here um we're gonna use the uh slice tool so we hit k and that brings up well this looks like a little looks like a little butcher's knife and uh gonna go right here just kind of eyeball this kind of cut it in the middle just click and then uh let go of the left mouse button good right here let it snap click left mouse button go up here kind of try to get right in the middle here and then left click again and get in the middle pan around here left click again cut in the middle snap right there all right so we have just kind of you know kind of have a little circle cut here and we're gonna do is uh hit three go into faces mode actually right there and then we're gonna select all these faces they're within this little this little shape that we kind of cut out of here i mean it's still it's still part of the geometry or anything it's still part of this object um anyway so we're going to do is we're going to extrude this outward so we're going to hit e to extrude hit x so we make sure it extrudes only on the x-axis just to kind of demonstrate you as you can see it's done the exact same thing on that side as it has on the left side or on on one side it has it has done the same thing on the right side as on the left side or by i'm sorry yes on the right side on the left side and uh hit g if we you know move it outward as you can see it's mimicking everything so we don't have to go through and do everything on both sides twice that would be annoying and um you know there's better ways to do that of course and i'm sure there's better ways for that you guys are seeing that i'm doing here and um i mean yeah everyone's kind of developed their own way of doing things i mean i'm not saying that my way is like the perfect way i'm just showing you guys a way to do this so anyway so uh we're going to continue extruding this out just kind of just kind of adding some miscellaneous details um hit e to extrude again scale it s the scale i'm sorry and then g x move on the x axis then we're going to hit e and then x to extrude along the x-axis now one thing we're going to do is we're going to scale this what we're going to do is we want to flatten it so we're going to hit it we're going to hit s to scale x-axis and then hit zero and that flattens all these faces because base what you did is you set the scale to zero on the x-axis and makes all these flatten out to the x-axis this is very useful um it's one of the most one of the most useful things i've learned in blender it's just i mean instead of trying to go through and trying to make these all snap to each other or something you just plan it out and i mean i've found multiple applications for using this uh this technique anyways i'm going to go ahead and right click on here with these faces selected we're going to dissolve faces um notice how so far i've managed to keep these all in quads all in squares um we want to try and make sure to keep everything to squares or triangles i mean really and at the end everything becomes triangles but if you start to get to having uh polygons that have like five sides or six sides to them and everything it's going to cause some issues with uh rendering and how the light hits it okay so get back to work here gonna hit s to scale just kind of bring these down and kind of make kind of like a kind of a cone shape in a way skills up a bit okay hit hit i actually this time we're gonna do an inset inset is kind of similar to extrude except when you hit i it just automatically makes it basically makes an inset that has falls the same shape but it doesn't move it outward or anything it just basically shrinks it within um on like on the particular axi that's that the plane is on if that makes sense i'm not sure if i'm explaining but i'm not explaining very well either way i think you can't get the idea here it's okay we got that can hit e to extrude x on the x-axis x on the x-axis bring this out a bit hit uh we're gonna hit e to extrude as to scale kind of try to match right here and then hit e to extrude x-axis and then we're going to just just kind of keep extruding and scaling as we go e and then move along the x on the x axis looking pretty good looking like a looking like a tie fighter okay eat extrude scale now we're gonna start to kind of define uh the part that joins onto the wing here but then we're going to stop here in a second okay either extrude x-axis let's scale this upward a bit and so right about here is when it's going to join onto the wings but first what we're going to do real quick here is um i need to define some more details onto the central section under the cockpit section of the typewriter so we're going to do is we're going to go um we're going to go into vertices mode so we're gonna hit one what we're gonna do is we need to cut kind of a little canopy on top of here um the old kenner toys would um had a canopy on top and you could that's how you put the figure in but i don't think that's how it works in the star wars lure i think the the door is on the back here which we'll get to that here in a bit okay so now we need to kind of cut like a little circle out of here so we're going to do is we're going to bring up our slice tool by hitting k and first thing i do is just start making some some cuts here so we're going to start right about here i'm going to cut make a cut there trying to keep this kind of a little at least somewhat uh on the same um trying to keep the vertices uh kind of the same level of z plane or anything i mean um like i said we're kind of doing this very quickly and everything it's more for time constraints um you guys can go back later and uh do this again but try to be a little cleaner and everything this is just more to show you the tools that you have at your disposal within blender let's see how we do it okay okay okay so those are pretty clean it's a little little messy but um looks pretty good so we're gonna select go to face selection mode we're gonna select all these faces now just note that you know we have four sides four sides square four sides square four sides square square square at least four sides i mean not they're not squares i'm sorry guys um and we will we'll fix these later on all right so we're gonna extrude hit e and then hit z actually i'm sorry we hit z twice so sorry on the z plane move this upward okay and then we're going to hit e again to extrude we're going to scale it one thing that's weird about scaling whenever you're working with a mirrored object is it doesn't quite do this all symmetrically so i'm just going to hit g and an x to kind of scoot this over just we're kind of eyeballing this little rim here make sure it's kind of equal thickness all the way around and then on top on top of the tie fighter there's a series of little windows that the i guess the pods can look up out of so we're going to do those really quickly here say deselect our our faces we're gonna go to vertex mode and we're gonna bring up our slice tool again a little butcher's knife hit k and we'll make a cut here it's gonna make some cuts kind of try to keep parallel to these lines or edges as they're called make a cut and a cut hit enter i'm gonna do the same thing over here only just to make sure we're keeping with uh four side objects gonna make the cut starting here and then cut and there okay then we're just going to select these windows now another q a another nice little trick is if you want to select this line of uh polygons i mean you could could conceivably line it up and then select like this to a you know click and click and drag selection another way you can do it select the first one and then hold ctrl and shift and select the last one bam got all four selected right there um there's only two actually i think there's about three that maybe we select right here and so these are going to be our top windows um looking up out of the tie fighter so we're going to hit eat extrude and z i'm sorry with hit z twice drag those downward a bit and we hit g and go on the x axis and just kind of pull them inward a bit there looking good and maybe do a little scaling and i just scale them on the y-axis a bit pull them inward a bit okay so we got the top top windows of the of the tie fighter um on the bottom there's kind of a similar setup i mean not not windows or anything but just give a little more detail um so you bring up our slice tool see how we do it up here it looks okay hit k um i divide the middle here and then snap in right here divide the middle a little higher okay select all those get e to extrude hit z twice go down i think we'll do just uh get e to extrude scale it pull it inward hit g move on the x axis hit x okay so we just have kind of i don't know if that's maybe for ejecting or what or what the purpose of that is okay so we've got we've got all this and everything and now we need to define this uh little hatch on the back i mean i guess that's what it is it's probably the hatch that they you know climb in out of the tire part with maybe with the ejector maybe this is where they eject out of and this is where they climb in from uh when they're you know getting onto these on the star stories of death star and everything so okay what i want to do in this instance is um i just go ahead and apply the mirror um the mirror modifier um one note is that if you're in edit mode it will not allow you click on this drop down menu will not allow you to apply it so what you do is just uh hit tab to get out of edit mode and then go to your drop down menu hit apply and you can now really modify all this geometry however you want um although what we're going to do is we're just going to select deselect all those we're going to do another loop selection so i'm going to hold alt and click this line right here select all these select the circle inner circle right here just by holding shift and clicking out click and dragging over it now we're going to do is do an extrude pull it outward on the y-axis and we're looking okay then since we have this existing right here it's going to select this inner series of triangles here and scale it outward we're gonna hit actually one thing we're gonna do real quick is we're gonna scale y hit zero to flatten it we're gonna hit g y axis pull this out a bit okay scale this a bit and um one thing i'm going to do is i'm going to give this edge a little bit of a bevel so i'm going to go hit two to go to line mode do it hold alt and click on this line to do a loop select on the uh on the edges and hit ctrl b give that a nice beveled edge now gonna hit three to go to face selection mode select these let's do an inset hit i bring this inward so we're gonna define a little window here i'm going to hit e hit s to scale and then hit g press y to go on the on the y axis and do another extrusion hit e y axis and then we're going to do and then we're going to do another inset hit i scales are kind of scaled in inside inward this is going to be our little back window i'm going to hit e to extrude y axis and that's our back window all right so starting to look really good here or at least i think it does but i mean you guys may have other opinions um and again yeah this is supposed to be low poly and i mean this is kind of a you know a quick rough tutorial on how to do this um you know not gonna win any major awards or anything um okay so i think what we can do now is we can uh let's go ahead and uh um delete half of this guy so we can bring back our um our mirror modifier so we're going to hit y to go back to our y axis going to hit alt z to go into x-ray mode gonna do a click and drag selection to select all these faces looks like we've got everything selected looking good hit delete faces okay we've got half a tie fighter here i'm gonna go to add modifier make sure make sure your modifiers panel is still selected with a little wrench add modifier generate mirror looking good all right make sure clipping is selected so now we can add details because we got some laser cannons on the front as well as uh we're going to add our little i think i think there's a little iron engines go right right here on the back on the sides of this little this little back door here i think we'll go ahead and do those so um hit tab to go into edit mode three make sure we have uh face selection mode up i'm gonna select this right here and we're gonna do an inset interesting thing with inset is if you hit i it brings you know it in sets like this but if you hit i again it insets the individual panels if you have individual faces selected it will it'll um and set them individually but we don't want to do that in this case we're going to hit i again go back to uh just the both in setting both uh both faces at the same time all right and i'm going to do just a little bit of uh kind of kind of moving these around everything so we don't have this exact curve here and or anything i'm going to hit hit 1 bring up our vertices selections select these this top one's bottom without selecting this middle one hit g x move it over to the left a little bit i mean guys i'm just kind of eyeballing this so don't judge too much the g y bring it inward just kind of look at how the light's hitting it see if uh looks pretty good looks decent move them in just a bit more do the same thing with these two these two vertices right here except we're going to scale them on the z axis hold z or press z hit g we're going to bring them out a bit okay hit three bring up your face selection now we're going to bring up these ion engines the e to extrude y axis real quick we're going to hit s to scale on the y axis zero okay as you can see we've got these i mean they're either they're either ion engines or uh brake lights um figure if uh imperial storm troopers aren't very good at aiming uh imperial pilots so probably aren't very good at uh stopping on time um all right so we're going to hit uh i to inset and then e to extrude hit the y axis and we have our ion engines right there now we're going to use kind of a similar we're going to use a similar approach to making the laser cannons on the front here um although i think what i'm going to do this time is i'm going to go into vertices mode and i'm going to select actually we already had those all selected so let's do it again got all these selected i'm going to hit j that's going to divide all these up let's see make sure make sure nothing weird happened there yeah looks good hit k all right and then real quick let's go to faces mode is all faces so we have just a square here we got squares or we got you know four side objects all around it get e to extrude y axis bring them outward hit scale y axis zero and we're gonna do an inset then hit e to extrude y axis okay looks like the tie fire's got some little little angry eyes underneath it all right now we're now we're ready to add the the wings the signature wings to the tie fighter okay now we're gonna hit tab to go into edit mode select this face right here okay we're gonna hit e to extrude scale bring these outward kind of like yes like that okay eat extrude x axis all right got our wings look great huh awesome all right just kidding okay so here right here we're gonna we need to flatten this out right here so what we're gonna do for that is we're gonna go into our vertices mode um hit one go into vertices mode select these two vertices and while we could bring this down and kind of eyeball it a bit there's a little bit better way to do it what we're going to do is go up here we have this little magnet icon up here at the top click on that to activate it and on this drop down menu we're going to set it to vertex now we've got these two vertices still selected hit g and then hit z for the z axis and as you can see it you know moves along the z axis but if you go to these points right here it's going to snap it to the same height as these two vertices right here and to do the same thing on the bottom select these two hit g z axis snap okay get the idea okay now real quick let's turn off our mac or our magnet select these two bottom faces same thing with these two these two up here now we're gonna do a scale we're gonna scale these and you hit scale z-axis bring them upward okay looking good all right now time to make those wings gonna hit let's see hit e extrude scale oops wrong way make sure i did that the right way scale okay got our wings i'm gonna scale and why bring them in a bit i'm going to hit eat extrude x-axis pull it out a bit tell you one thing i'm going to do real quick going to alt z vertice mode select all these it looks like i think it needs to be a little wider make sure so you can kind of see what we're doing here g bring this outward and you know guys you don't have to copy exactly everything i'm doing i mean the point is that you're you know you're seeing a lot of the you know the key commands that i'm telling you to do or just you know some of these techniques and everything and i mean you know this isn't the only way to do all this i mean this is just me kind of sharing kind of how i do a lot of this and some of you may have better ways to do this and if you do please feel free to leave a comment in the comment section i mean you know we're all here on youtube to learn from each other and i mean i've learned a lot from everyone with all the videos i've watched and i mean this is just me kind of giving back to everybody so um so again i mean yeah you don't copy and you know exactly everything i do because i mean this is just more for show and just kind of you know hopefully hopefully give everyone some ideas as to how to do this or that or maybe possibly answer lingering questions or uh answer any lingering questions or anything that anyone's been trying to figure out for a while i mean that's that's how i learned a lot from you know it's from youtube from uh just going to you know various videos and learning different things okay so uh quit rambling get back to building our tie fighter here because we are almost done here um so let's see real quick this is looking pretty good only i feel like let's see i want to select this uh this loop around here so i'm going to select this line between these two faces i'm going to scale it outward one thing i want to make sure of is make sure these planes are staying flat so i'm going to do a circular selection here make sure all these phases are selected i'm going to hit scale x 0 same thing here scale x 0 make sure that's all staying flat i'm actually gonna select these all again flatten this out a bit then i'm gonna turn on x-ray mode again got this i'm sorry got this out of this larger polygon selected it's all just one flat polygon um hit x to go to our x-axis turn on x-ray mode hit e scale make sure see how this is all kind of there's this you can see this through the x-ray mode and everything this line right here i want to try to line these up as best as possible okay looking good extrude x-axis okay just trying to just kind of adding some miscellaneous details here scale it bring it out bit extrude scale it whoops scale scale this y-axis b skill can i get a little little loop here going scale x-axis i'm sorry y-axis and extrude outward on the x-axis and then inset whoops too much do much then extrude x-axis don't worry we're gonna we're gonna start adding some uh some shaders and some uh lights here pretty soon so we can kind of see what we're see we're working on a bit more um okay now it's time to add the uh what i believe are solar panels which power the power of the engines of the tie fighter so this is a little tricky here what we're going to do first is we're going to select these two faces these bottom two ones and then the opposites on the other side we're going to leave these all unselected on around the sides here and then we're going to do is we're going to do an inset i'm going to inset bring it in a bit okay then we're going to select these and select the ones on the opposite sides then we're going to hit inset again we hit i we're going to hit it twice so we inset these two these uh panels individually so now we get our six solar panels so we're gonna select these these make sure that these thinner faces are not selected and then we're going to do an extrude and scale and then x and kind of bring them inward a bit turn on our x-ray mode so we can see what we're doing scale it x spring it a bit more okay so now we've got our we've got our uh i mean pretty much got our tie fighter you know the geometry of the tie fighters uh set up uh one thing i'm gonna do real quick i almost forgot to do is um i want to flatten this front window here so i'm going to select all these scale y zero oh oh my god what just happened escape something happened here oh okay i got some back facing going on here always check and make sure you don't have any back faces uh selected so i'm going to deselect those and try that again scale y zero done all right looking good so far okay so now we've got our tie fighter built out mostly and looking pretty good i mean you know recognizable from the movies and everything um george lucas supply would not sign off on it but even still um you know we recognize it now we're going to do is we're going to add some lights to the scene actually just for just for humor i'm going to select it and bring it up above the grid here leaving and leave the grid on and before we do that we're going to go over to i mean right now we've been in viewport shading we're going to go over to i'm sorry we're in viewport shading uh solid we're gonna go over to viewport shading rendered okay so um we're in your viewport shading rendered so we're gonna add some light sources we're gonna hit shift a go to light go to area and we've got this uh this is our um kind of our light soft box right here gonna hit g and hit the z axis to go upward a bit as you can see it's pretty faint um and so what i'm gonna do first is i'm gonna drag it out hit y axis drag along the y axis and then i'm going to hit r to rotate it rotate it along the y axis then i'm going to rotate it along the z axis towards the tie fighter itself drag it upward a bit now as you can see it's not illuminating it because it's like i said it's pretty weak light source rotate it so it's pointing directly towards it kind of see it's at a diagonal all right so we need to adjust our light so we need to go to this little light bulb with the light selected object data properties and we're going to set the wattage to a thousand boom bright light and as you can see we're having some weird shadow issues so i'm going to go through some settings here in a minute that will kind of clean those up a bit i'm going to give this this light just a little bit of a different color kind of give it a kind of a reddish yellow color to it and then under shadow i'm going to click on contact shadows that kind of just kind of gives our shadows a little bit more a little more distinction to them makes them a little cleaner i'm going to do real quick is show you some settings that i use some of these may depend on the machine you're running but we're going to go over to render properties i'm going to turn on ambient occlusion bloom screen space reflect reflections motion blur we don't really need that it's going to turn on just go and turn it on uh let's see open up android occlusion bloom leave those as is depth of field um actually high quality i'm just going to turn those on subsurface scattering leave those as is right now um samples is something you're going to want to mess with when you start getting the rendering um that just basically ups the quality of your render but it also takes a lot more time and it's more it's more stressful on your hardware uh tron refraction motion drawer we don't really worry about that right now because it's that's to do with the animation um volume metrics my understanding with the tile size and volume metrics is the lower but the more powerful the system you have the lower you can go on it so hit i put mine on two pixels because um i'm running uh i have a 3090 video card yay me i'm gonna turn on volumetric shadows under performance i'm going to turn on high quality normals here don't need to worry about that because um tie fires don't have hair shadows um cube size this is just basically like just determines how much shadow detail there is so i'm going to turn them all the way up you see immediately got better so if we turn it all the way down to 64 there's some weird blocky pixelization there so yeah i'm going to turn it up to and a cascade size turn these up as well so yeah as you can see we have some nice nice clean shadows on this i mean it's starting to have like you know almost like a plastic like look to it and everything because we're getting some good shadows and we're getting that um that ambient occlusion going let's just give some nice little kind of almost like reflected shadows around around objects just you know just defines the geometry a lot better um drawing high bit depth indirect lighting gonna not mess with that for right now film uh later on whenever we're doing the render if we turn it on transparent that'll be good for if maybe if you're animating this and you're trying to aim it on maybe a background in uh an after effects or another program or if you're just gonna render out this and then drop it on a star background in photoshop you can export this out as a png and it will allow you to you know just be able to use it like that i'm not going to mess with any of these other settings so let's see let's go back to let's see let's uh make sure our lights selected and we're going to go back to our little light bulb for that object data properties so now we have the slide selected or set up and everything i'm going to hit g hit x access bring it over here a bit and then we're going to rotate it on the z axis and g bring it over a bit more and then we're going to do i'm sorry and then we're going to duplicate it shift d and then hit g x axis bring it over here and we're going to rotate this on the z axis okay we feel like we have a you know two lights set up or i'm sorry rotate on the z axis again bring it over a little bit more and then this light i'm going to set it to more of a bluish tone and then i'm going to set it to i think i'm going to set it to 750. let's say bring it over a bit more to the on the x-axis i'm gonna turn this one up a bit more i'm sorry i'm gone back to my kind of yellowish light selected it i think i'm gonna set it to 1500. yeah looking good like in the way i'm liking the way that's looking okay select this light shift d hit g y bring it all the way to the back this is gonna be a back light and i think i'm actually going to actually let's see i need to kind of straighten it out a bit one thing you can always do is go up to this little arrow up here it's kind of tucked away behind the directional thing here um you can always if you have an object you can always set all of its values back to zero so that resets it back to looking to point straight downward so i'm going to hit g z axis bring this down and bring it down below the tie fighter and let's see kind of position it just kind of right behind it on the x-axis then i'm going to rotate it on the x-axis and bring it upward this kind of gives a tie fight a little bit of illumination as if it's being maybe it's being lit from a planet down below and then i'm going to make this one super bright maybe two thousand not two hundred two thousand and then i'm just gonna give it a slightly different color now we're going to start adding some uh we're going to start adding some materials to it um go to our little materials panel right here i'm going to click new so right now this is uh set as material one we're gonna set this as oops sorry turn my caps lock off we're gonna set it as paneling and we're gonna try to get to that nice imperial grayish color drag this down a bit a little more blue in there okay looking good all right now we want to let's let's go and define our solar panels okay so we're going to select our solar panels make sure you're not selecting the other frames of them and again you guys don't have to make this look exactly like the stock the you guys don't make this look exactly like the thai starfighter um you know you can make your own variant of the tie fighter or you can make the tie interceptor or the defender or any one of those this is just you know basically a technique just to show you kind of how to do this or just a way to do it okay now we're going to add a new material we're going to call this one actually i'm sorry we need to we need to click new click little plus sign okay we have new material here let's click assign so you can see if we look at our mirrored side you can see we've added a new new material to these panels here and we're going to change or double click and change this to solar panel paneling and then we're going to bring this all the way down make these panels dark i'm gonna go and deselect these so you can kind of see what we're doing here make these a little darker and i'm gonna bring down the roughness a bit on these uh these are all these values you adjust um can make basically you can determine whether you want the you know your your uh um values to look or i'm sorry let's see it's referred to as materials um you know if you want your materials to have more of a metallic look i mean we turn this all the way up then it looks really shiny um i mean so i mean this is basically what you can just pretty much define just about anything i'm actually going to go and leave those shiny just for fun uh may not be exactly film accurate and everything but then again this tie fighter isn't necessarily film accurate as i said from the beginning um so okay so now we need to define the front windows so we're going to do the frame first the frame of the front windows so let's see make sure make sure we don't have everything selected this is going to be a little tricky a little tedious here we're going to do a loop select so we're going to select this line between these two faces got those selected select here the center part and we're going to select these these little triangles we have to go back and select those individually a little bit of a pain in the butt but not too big of a deal oop nope not that hopefully you guys aren't too lost at this point hopefully you know you're you know a lot of you may have already turned the video off and just kind of doing your own thing with this or or you're leaving me a nasty comment saying dude you don't know what you're doing man um i kind of don't and really my entire career as a graphic designer and everything i've never never really believed i knew what i was doing i was just finding a way that i did it right and people were liking what i was doing and somehow they keep paying me all right so we've got got everything selected the entire frame around the window is selected and remember where we have we still have a mirror modifier going so all this will copy what we do on this what we do over here is going to copy over here and so when you go back up here to the top and we need to add another material click new gonna call this framing or actually we're gonna call it a window frame it sounds kind of silly window frame i'm gonna hit assign and then this is i think this is a dark gray typically bring it down a bit i'm just going to go ahead and give a little bit of a bluish tint to it trying to give it purplish okay now we need to select our windows so select these six these six right here and those and those okay we got those now let's not forget these up here i want to select all these and then our little back window for the escape patch or i think i'm sorry this is the escape hatch probably i really don't know you guys have probably read the technical manuals probably know so like i said leave a comment tell me i'm a noob even though i was uh i think i was let's say i was three when returning the jedi came out yeah i'm old and i realized i have a face here i don't want to select so i'm going to deselect that make sure i haven't selected anything i don't want to actually turned turn to x-ray mode looks like looks like everything's good i think yes so turn it off so we've got all of our window surfaces selected so we're going to create another material click new assign and then we're going to set this to flat black i mean one thing we can do is we can actually just turn the roughness all the way down i'm not going to go all the way but as you can see we have kind of a kind of a glassy look to it i mean we don't it's not quite exactly the desired effect um but you kind of get the idea i mean you can kind of you can basically define a glass kind of a glass reflectiveness and um you know if we really want to go into crazy detail we could actually put a cockpit in here and have these glass panels be see-through but that's that's for another time if you guys really want me to do that leave a comment tell me that you want the interior of the tie fighter and uh maybe i can make that happen for you i'll be i'm actually be happy if uh if everyone's actually still watching at this point and if you're still watching this point go and leave a comment let me know all right so we've got our cockpit glass i need to just add a few more details i think i'm going to go ahead on the on the laser cannons and select all these panels and same thing with the ion engines just to kind of differentiate them a bit we're going to set these to the same thing as the uh window framing so we just click those and click assign now we need some we need some nice little red glows on this thing i think that would be really cool so looks like it looks like an angry frog right there or something okay so select those and select these inside the ion engines we're going to create another material i think this will be a last material um click new click assign and instead of a principal bsdf we're going to go to admission shader and the thing with a mission is uh basically there is you know these are not affected by lights or shadows so these these are basically a good way to define um lights or glows or whatever you you know whatever you want to call them i'm gonna go to our color and we're gonna put this on red and deselect oops not that deselect them so as you can see got a nice red red glow to them and if we turn the strength up to like maybe five we actually get a nice bloom off of them let's see just kind of go around and add some more details to this i'm going to select an edge loop here scale that up a bit you know you guys can just go around start adding your own details or if you want to add more laser cans to these or if you want to make it into a tie bomber or a tire interceptor you know feel free so you go back to faces mode select these these two things except maybe set that to window frame it's kind of anything that just kind of kind of helps separate sections and gives a little bit more detail but otherwise yeah we have our we have our tire our tire starfighter guys um looking pretty good and we can always let's see i'm going to go back to let's see go back to our render properties i'm going to go ahead and turn off transparent and i'm going to go to our world properties and go to our color this adjusts this is just the background color i think just for fun i'm going to select our tie fighter hit shift d hit g y axis bring this over it's kind of sinister looking i'm gonna bring it up a bit select this one shift d g x axis bring it over a bit bring this one down i'm gonna copy one of my light sources shift d g bring it over rotate this guy towards this one bring him forward a bit just so he's a little more a little more illuminated i think i'm going to add another light i barely see this line right here actually not that one i'm going to select this one shift d g y axis bring it over here rotate him around on the x on the z axis bring them upward you know a lot a lot of blender is just really learning how to learning how to work within the 3d environment go to our light bulb down here i set that to 5 000. bring it over a bit i'm going to go and just pump that up to 10 000. okay so now we need a camera in order to do a nice little render of these guys a little a little trio here um so we're gonna go ahead hit shift a bring up a camera camera drops in right there um now i mean you can you can position the camera around however you want you can move it along the xs x's like any other object hitting g and then you know hitting x or y or z moving up and down or one thing you can do is go over here to the camera icon right here and that automatically aligns you to the camera and the cool thing is is that you know if you have experience in photography actually one thing we do real quick here let's go over here to our our objects over here right here is kind of like our kind of layers in photoshop we need to go to our filter and we need to turn on our selectable icon um disable in viewports and hold down i'm not sure because i'm actually no don't mess with that right now okay click that off and um let's go ahead and turn off all these area lights as being selectable make sure our camera is selected um in our camera control pro or i'm sorry object data properties for the camera as you can see it's changed from a light bulb to a camera um let's go over here to our focal length and this is basically like uh lenses and photography um if you have experience in photography that's going to really help you out with setting up render properties in in blender so i'm going to change the focal length to 24 millimeter and then so one of the things that i love about blender is with the camera selected if i go over to view and go to navigation and go to walk navigation i can basically move the camera around with my mouse and use the wasd keys just like if i was playing a video game or like a first person shoot or something and move around with it freely in blender and then using q and e q moves down e moves up just basically just position the camera very freely so we have we've got our tie fighters here guys we're almost done really i really really hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial if you have please leave a comment down below um let's see we're gonna hit f12 to render it bam there you go we've got some tie fighters guys um looks like a scene from one of the movies or one of the animated versions of the films star wars rebels or something um but yeah so again yeah hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial and um yeah if you enjoyed it please let me know and i'll continue to make more as time goes on anyways guys thanks and have a great week
Channel: The Captain's ImaginaShip
Views: 642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, tie, fighter, star, wars, craft, george, lucas, fun, process, learning, help, 2.93.3, software, instruction, creative, design, space, engine, ion, twin, solar, panel, course, lesson, howto, beginner, intermediate, ralph, mcquarrie, imperial, empire, darth, vader, emperor, fan, pop, culture, hollywood, teach, how, to, build, concept, create, make, step, by, stepbystep, train, training, force, flight, fly, flying, light, lighting, shader, material, emission, 3d, modeling, model, wing, arm, camera, view, fundamentals, skill, challenge
Id: B5cFqf6yJ10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 3sec (3663 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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