Tie Down - How ADOT&PF Operators Secure Heavy Equipment for Transport

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[Music] [Applause] the securing of heavy equipment onto a lowboy trailer is an important process that should not be taken lightly whether you're an experienced operator or new to hauling equipment remember that you are responsible for securing your load in accordance with the commercial vehicle regulations please remember that safety is just as important as getting into your car so buckle up before you load your piece of equipment onto the trailer few things to keep in mind are the load rating of the trailer the weight of the equipment you are moving and the load ratings of the chains straps and binders that you'll be using all this information can be found on the equipment in their manuals or on their identification sheets please remember that each piece of equipment that you Hall will have its own securement specifications know what these are and always meet the minimum requirements there's General requirements such as just tying down anything normal and then there's commodity specific which is 393 130 for heavy equipment equipment that is over 10,000 lb so what happens is you need a minimum of four tie downs for a track vehicle such as a bulldozer or five tie downs with an excavator it would be a track vehicle you have to have four tie downs for the vehicle but then for the appendage you would need an additional tie down when you lower that to the deck first thing you do when you get to a job site you want to make sure your truck and trailer is on flat level ground make sure your deck as clean as possible and make sure you have all your chains and tie down gear ready to go make sure your chains are semi straight you don't want them all twisted up and then you want a decent pull that you're pulling forward and then with your ratchet binders you want to make sure you're screwed out all the way to start with so you always end up with enough uh threads to get a proper pull it's also important to get as much slack out in the beginning prior to tightening so you don't run out of threads and these turnbuckle style chains like the turn so I'll either grabb a uh an old binder bar or grab another a pable wench put that in like such and then now I'll keep this turn buckle from turning now I'm just going to repeat what I did up front to the back here as far as tightening down there are two common types of binders that can be used when securing your load a lever binder or ratchet binder both are frequently used in tie downs but a lever binder can be a potential Hazard if not properly used ratchet binders have the advantage of having a greater mechanical advantage over the lever style ratchet style chain binders are much safer remember to always secure the handle in a fixed position to prevent accidental release during the transport so I'm chaining down this backo a couple more chains to go some pointers on it why I make sure implements are grounded going to chain to the body of the machine in this case the manufacturer has tie down points so we'll go ahead and use those another thing is my angle of the chain I have the front going out this way the one on the back is going out the other way so I have opposing forces pulling Against the Machine old merchain to put on on my grounded Implement another reason for grounding your implements is a helps take some of the the bounce out of the tires solid down since this machine does have tires they tend to want to bounce or loosen your chains up during travel so it's a good idea to check periodically and make sure you're still tight we're looking at a properly loaded excavator that meets the minimum requirements required for what's called heavy machinery heavy Machin is defined by greater than 10,000 lb then if you look further into the chapter it requires a track vehicle to be minimally tied down four times so we have two on two here in the back and we have two more in the front now this piece of Machinery has an appendage and that appenine is required to be lowered to the deck and secure independently so besides being the track vehicle you're required to have the four tie downs and then the appendage lowered to the deck and tied down independently when we're looking for safety factors we're looking at the chain and the binder one the chain we're looking at the size of the chain and the working lower limits of the chain if the chain is not properly marked like it's supposed to be with a tag we go to the minimum standards in the book so this is a 3/8 in chain and we would look at what's required for this type of grade and proof of chain and then we would do the math for that and then we would also look at the binder and the binder is marked and we would do the math for that and we would meet the minimum standard so if your binder is less than the working load limit of your chain we would then uh take that into factor and use the lowest of the two so then when you tie it down from one point you use a proper tie down and you're going to a tie down on the excavator here so where he used the normal tie down Point by the manufacturer so then as you're looking around you got the chain secure you're looking at the um the bucket is lowered and when it's lower to the deck you also have the height requirement and the maximum is 15 ft and Anchorage and then north of the foxway station is 17 ft we also have more rules and regulations the track is hanging greater than 4 in over the side so it's required flags and lights at night so anytime it hangs the state law requires 3 in a flag the the Federal Law requires 4 in and a flag or a light always be aware of the road conditions as you drive road hazards can present many Danger to those hauling heavy equipment bumps potholes and dips can potentially shift and loosen your load so always be prepared to pull over and check your load as an operator you are responsible for the load on your trailer so please secure it properly and travel [Music] safely
Channel: AlaskaDOTPF
Views: 295,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VTH16hiQZ4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2015
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