How to Load and Secure Heavy Machinery | HOTSHOT TRUCKING

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we're gonna pick this up and like with most equipment you get to learn how to drive it and it's cool thing about most these equipment places you can have them put them on if you want but they kind of leave you alone you know you can come out here and just pick up whatever you want to take as long as you want it's kind of nice is it's a it's a good pace change from the the go go go all the time so we're gonna go ahead and load this up we'll drive it around to where i've got the truck parked here to the ramp uh which is nice they've got a they've got a regular dock ramp and then they've got a low uh usually for step decks i'm still a little lower than that but you don't have it doesn't matter on this the tires are so big i mean i won't even notice that that dip right there so let's get this loaded up all right so first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna dump this bucket out because it's got water in it most these joysticks are typical up down with an attachment like that it's usually left to right to start moving the bucket so you just kind of figure it out as you go yeah i'll get that water out of there should be good so there we go so so so so all right put this back in granny gear all right go check this out see if i'm lined up all right should be lined up [Music] so so [Music] so all right we'll be good find out [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna have to come over looks like about a foot [Music] get that centered up there then we'll be good to go here's a good tip i missed here or i didn't miss it but that's why i look uh always want to get your bucket level see how it's just basically sitting on that point right there you want it flush so we'll have to get up there and knock that back down [Music] [Music] much better all right so now basically uh usually any implement with a bucket uh dlt wants you to put a strap or a chain over the bucket even if it's attached to it um so always account for that as far as points on this let's find them all right there's one there one on the other side so it looks like we'll be coming we'll be coming forward with those so we'll come away at the rear two let's go ahead and find the rear uh this weighs 13 uh 13 1 is what the paperwork said so throw four chains on it strap over the bucket we'll be good to go uh here's our other securement point right there one there one on the other side you can see right there so uh you see these stickers aren't always a guide uh they just show a a crane a lift and a tie-down point which are usually the same thing but on this one you can see it's just basically telling you it's it's straight underneath there so that's it let's get it tied down and we'll be good to go all right another thing i was getting ready to chain this up but and this happens a lot that's why i don't know if you saw in my um equipment i keep in my box in the back of the truck uh one of the things in the bucket was a big plastic box of uh cotter pins and you'll see why now because our chain hooks well well our chain hooks won't fit through the hole so we're gonna have to take the we're gonna so we're gonna have to take the hook off run the chain through put the hook back on and these wear out these pins wear out really quick when you're bending them back and forth so it's best to just replace them with a new one that's why i have a box of extras so let's take all these off and thread the chains and take the pins out replace the pins so so basically all you're going to do is just unbend these out [Music] see this is the reason you don't want to reuse these she'll gnaw them up pretty good getting them out yeah this one is in here there we go like that pop your bolt out pop your hook off take our chain thread [Music] now we ain't gonna need that much through but run through here and you can do this one of two ways um you can put the hook back on okay and make a teardrop right here or you can just run it straight through pull all your slack out that way hook your chain up over here and also hook your binder over here and pull it all as one unit that way you don't have to put this back on then take it off when you're at delivery and put it back on again save yourself time and cotter pins right so that's one way of doing it i'm not gonna do it that way because the chains are too long and it's just there's too much play i can't get it tight enough without stretching the chain yeah i'm gonna go ahead and put it in uh put the hook back on attach right here that way we've only got a short bit the binder will take up probably half the space and then we don't have so much tension in the chain we don't have so much slack uh it's a much shorter span so let's get all these off and we'll get back to hooking up [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so there we go that's all there is to it just finding tie down points and seeing how your chains are gonna line up so of course you didn't want it uh one more pocket over because it would have actually started getting into the tire there so that's it hit that never forget just strap her chain across the bucket we're good to go [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Load Mizer
Views: 11,911
Rating: 4.9326925 out of 5
Keywords: load mizer, load miser, loadmizer, loadmiser, load, mizer, miser, hot shot, hotshot, hot shot trucking, hotshot trucking, trucking business, business, owner operator, trucker, driver, trucking, flatbed, non cdl, cdl, load securemnt, chains, heavy equipment, chains binders
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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