Load securement with Officer Hoover and Steve with Speed binders

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alright guys officer Hoover's in town and he's going to take some time to go over some load securement and oversized load regulations with us and address a few of your guys's concerns in the comments the weather is not the best we're going to try to make the best out of it stick around [Music] all right guys it's official I have rounded up the one the only officer Hoover I'm pretty sure I rounded you [Laughter] anyway we're in a parking lot outside on the road but this videos for you guys we're going to go over some tips tricks to do some don'ts and I'm sure you're gonna spout off a few numbers of a federal regulations back at some point so alright so we're going to try to hit the Hot Topic items on load securement I know you guys comment on a lot of my videos about different things I do and different things you think that's right and wrong so first off officer Hoover let's talk about the equipment itself alright so when it comes to loading heavy equipment load securement ahead of heavy equipment first thing is that if anybody wants go factors check great federal regulations there's 393 133 93 130 that is a very important when that covers most of what we need them else most of what we need to do what 393 130 covers the loading of heavy equipment and this is equipment greater than 10,001 pounds so when you got any form of piece of equipment greater than ten thousand one pounds with tracks wheels anything like that first thing you have is for independent corners okay now can I can I can I jump in here real quick yes I this is one question always always I have it I got it right on top of my head can I attach to the track yes yes we can argue about this and that and Bolton and and you're exactly right now if I noticed the track is bent or in some cases you got your mounting bolts if those are starting to break or or there's an issue there it's just like if the the rub rail was cracked or bent or broken or anything like that it's where are you secure to so yeah now is that is that an Indiana regulation or is that a federal that is a federal now does the state have the authority to adapt something different they can but typically when it comes to something like this they don't because the federal regs are pretty tight and strange and with a lot of this stuff they can't they can do something similar or but they can't ever so if you're aggressive but they can't make it so if you're running in the continental United States you're telling me it's perfectly legal to hook my chain or binder to that per 393 133 93 130 so guys if you ever get stopped if you've got questions about that and if these attitude is everything different ways you know don't be like why I got a question or this Hoover guy in Indiana said this just say hey can I ask you a question on this you know what what do you see what do you guys like to see what's best practice because when you look at 393 130 it says minimum for tie-downs and of course when you read the whole 100 section if you're really tore up into this and really want to learn about it go to 393 100 and read it all the way through all the way through the this stuff but yeah because what it talks about you know whatever securement devices have to have proper damage free mounting locations all of that and that's the same way when it comes to equipment some newer equipment may on the inside have tabs or hooks that is a manufacturer rated manufacturer meant to hook spot you can utilize those as well but the bare minimum 393 130 says for independent corners so this is independent meaning it's not hooked to that side now there has been an update if in this case here it's taken and made some shorter chains that's just fine but if you got a long chain and had the slack going over and then had the other part of the chain there that's absolutely fine here in the last year so they've adopted that and they said yes that is perfectly fine it's gonna count as the two the two separate guys so it can be one chain it but it has to be used as two separate ones and that has to have slack in between which you guys see me chow down the way I used to tie down stuff that's what I did and that would be considered acceptance that would be considered acceptable now depending on what you got some of the big dozers or whatever say it's got that center pin you can bring two chains in and come down separate but you cannot run one chain up through and down even though it's coming down this way come down this way if it's still one chain it's still so you can tie off to a center point but you got to have two separate chains pulling either way so so this is over ten thousand pounds so we've got to have four corners and then we got to cover 50% of the of the load of fifty percent of the weight of the machine correct so for easy math let's just say this thing weighs thirty thousand pounds so we would have to cover fifteen thousand pounds with our working load limit okay what there's no bins no breaks the chains in good quality there's no bends twists bent links like that we'll show you what those look like here in just a minute I'm gonna have one on the truck yeah hey that you thanks for setting up the example so we've looked at this this binder here is raining at ninety two hundred pounds and you can see that right there all right this chain here is a great 70 we've looked at it and it's gonna be sixty six hundred pounds but in in the codes whenever you've got something mounted to the trailer to the item you're securing like this setup right here it gets 50% of the weakest working load limit so this chain would only get 3300 pounds so that in that configuration that tie down goes 3300 pounds towards my 15,000 towards your 15 pounds okay and then so if we looked at all four of the corners and they're all matching same chain same binders all good tight everything's kosher then you'd have four times 3300 I'm not good at math are you now so these four times four times three is 12 other so we're getting closer we're getting all 15 so we're not quite there yet let's just say let's just say we're at 12 and we got our four corners yeah so if anybody what's check the math that's fine I'll come around this side over here so we get a good so again we're match it up now another requirement of 393 130 is any accessory equipment like this boom shovels front-end loaders anything like that has to have a separate tie-down on the accessory equipment now there are some exceptions like you got backhoe stabilizers those can be stored in the upright position you got the the blades for trenchers that come down those can be up you got some smaller equipment less than 10,000 like your smaller I'm sure it's got a safety latch to it latch that up you can do that I'd say back hose and trenches are probably the most common to have a transport loss transport walk now with that being said you can see this chain goes up and over and comes down so it starts there all the way up in there from and over and down to the passenger side that's the key this outfit here gets a hundred percent of its working load so we get the full sixty six sixty six hundred of the chain because remember we got to look at the chain the binder we've got these big heavier binders which is great not a problem but it just makes her chain so you're gonna be judged off your weakest link is the simplest way to put it whether it be a binder whether it be a chain so that so the four corners gets me to twelve this gives me over 15 yeah which gets me covering my 50% of my weight now for one of these if one of these chains is damaged or one of them's loose I'm in trouble absolutely so that's where throwing that extra chain comes in handy sometimes because you got wiggle room for a possible failure exactly and and I love my little phrase when in doubt throw another chain because it never fails you get stopped by one of us for d-o-t inspection you get back there the machines kind of moved settled a little bit we come by oh man now we got one loose you know so that that helps you with that additional chain so we'll talk about we'll talk about some other possible equipment scenarios but another thing people have a lot of questions about is attaching to this rub rail and how we attach the trailer so this we got a couple good examples right here how I done it so what's what would be considered proper and what can be considered on prop okay so the first thing is the big question will knock this out of the park on the first go the big question is can you secure something to the rub rail and can it be outside of rubber oh yes you can't there's you can utilize the rub rail as a means to submit but along with that you need to go through and you need to be ever vigilant on these pocket welts where it's attached the rub row itself so you know you got to make sure these are good adequate strengths there's a little bit of a bin but if they're starting to be any cracking that's a no-go so watch that and then the way this chain is hooked on the outside here in the continental lower 48 to United States we allow it to be outside again is this an Indiana regulation or is this a federal regulation so if you're in the lower 48 states or the continental 48 states this is a federal reg now if you're in Canada if any Canadian viewers they don't want anything outside the rub rail now a few years ago back like 2006 2007 it was in the regulations that nothing could be outside of the rub rail but they have removed that from the federal regs things are always changing and so never assume that you you something you read or you knew about ten years ago don't don't assume that it's still the same way always be willing to learn something new and like said having a good attitude about it if the inspector says something say hey that must have changed you know even ask for the code say hey what code is that or you know I love it when when drivers ask I'll print it out for them give a man information education education and attitude or King it goes it goes because ultimately at the end of the day I want this equipment to stay on this trailer I want him to go home safe I want the motoring public go home safe so that's just something something to consider if you got a question ask that inspector tap that resource and you may be surprised alright so a couple others a couple other types of equipment I guess people tie down I guess the one big wooden hit would be articulated equipment you got two options on to equipment one is you got to use the secretary provided transport lock and he's like an articulate or you have to throw a change yes chain and so let's just kind of use this for an example got your articulation you typically find a chain coming down and a chain coming down now where that would be useful instead of utilizing or in addition to utilizing that factory block is a lot of times those articulated dump trucks they're greater than thirty so we're gonna have two in the front two in the rear and you go through the middle the weight you need some additional tie-downs so throwing those in the middle is gonna get you past that that weight for your working load limit so and then the other thing that very equipment Pacific I guess would be the best way to put that is making sure your accessory attachments or chain down property you mentioned loader we have a trackhoe here as an example bulldozer blade yes and with the bulldozer you bring up a very good point because some bulldozers there their blades or a real permanent attachments to it and the discussions come up well if I attach to this blade is it the same as the front and Mike my word of advice on this is go ahead get your two we're in the rear hook your tracks and then also through your blade you're gonna have a lot less to worry about and a lot less gray area for that roadsign inspector to maybe see it a little differently so why not take that extra second throw an X okay you know and not have known about what you said before when in doubt though an extra twenty doubt throw another one exactly all right guys we come around here to the other side of the truck we actually had a truck a chain on the trailer that it's a good example of one that would not be acceptable for use alright so what we talked about was load bearing portion of the chain and what we want to stay away from are defects in the chain because you can have that chain just as tight and not gonna go anywhere but when you start to get defects like what we're seeing right here this is gonna make this chain no good so what that chains perfectly straight is - it's the water on the lens that makes it look perfect you know it may be may be but I I would definitely resort this - I would definitely resort this to a just pulling stuck stuck trucks out of the ditch I think what the important thing is here is just like you inspect your truck or pre-trip you're struck you need to pre-trip or check all your load securement from your boomers from your hooks because another big thing is and we don't have one hanging here handy as making sure has the the hook has the popper cotter pin in it yeah and the keeper the chain has the proper links and what you said there's a tool you can get yes yes in the all-knowing tool pouch of don't worry I will not litter a will pick that up all right so so what this is and I wish if anybody from brake tech tools is watching I love your love your stuff I'd love to be a sponsor so what this is break kick tools it's their chain gauge so what we got on the one side is we can basically size this chain and determine it to three-eighths the other side you see is marked OOS what is what that's marking is this whole is 20% less than this one so if I can fit any part of this chain whether it be a nick or gal yeah so see how this chain is gouged if I can fit that in there so see how it's fitting in there granite son hopes it but you can see the vast majority the pre-course that chains in there that means that the this basically if I was just looking at nothing but this that's gonna be enough damage to the genetic chain would need to come off now st. once you know we talked about what happens and I bet I bet you've used this chain that couple times the same spot around the pocket or whatever but on this you know you could probably see you know I bet if I had to that's probably been in a pocket for a while but now with this being said you see there's still a lot of good chain here you can still use other portions of the chain if you're using the chain from here to here yeah let's say here - here if this was your load-bearing portion or you decided to cut the chain down make sure you use good links and if this was in the load-bearing portion you can have this stuff hanging loose like like we said if it's hanging between you can have it hanging loose just can't have it load-bearing portion of the shape alright guys I hope out answers a lot of the load securement questions there's we could go on and on for days about this and bow everybody to death but you have a very good resource what and there's a way for people to contact you absolutely absolutely I am the Facebook administrator for the Indiana State Police commercial vehicle enforcement division sounds a lot but if you start to type in Indiana State Police commercial you're gonna find us there that's a facebook page that I administer and run and basically my goal is to answer these questions post helpful tips at no point are we trying to shame anybody or shame any drivers it's not what I believe there was but the thing is utilizing this thing because how many and it might make a good point you know I posted on there but how many people went on there and realized huh I never knew that or I didn't think about that or huh this is something else to think about well he also posed he just randomly posts up he may find roadside or he may think of and one on a moderate member is 5th wheel bolts you found the truck the loose 5th wheel bolts well I don't look at those every day but after I seen that post I went by and looked at mine just a double check and that's so in exactly right Mike because that sort of warning because I'll post something and and I'll have one or two guys go hey you know I never thought about checking that look what I found on my truck or look what I found here or I was looking at this because what I'm trying to promote is doing a good thorough pre-trip am I saying that you have to spend an hour on your preacher each and every day no no I'm not I know you got to be busy and you got to get going but it's kind of break it down throughout the week you know one day really get around your 5th wheel next day really get in yeah good in section you know check the front axle one day you got you know I know this is going to be a little bit more Indiana Pacific than federal Pacific but while we got this load on here let's start the front of the truck and just quickly talk about oversized loads permitting in Palakkad e alright guys we're going to start off here at the front of the truck I guess the first thing here in Indiana I should mention as I carry an annual oversized load permit which gets me up to twelve foot six wide with the exception of inner the inner loop of Indianapolis it does not give me any overweight and it does not give me any over height correct okay so now that I have the permit how do I properly set my truck up to haul that alright so if anybody out there gets an Indiana permit and this is a word of advice is if you get an Indiana permit make sure you get the provision sheet because if you read it real close down at the bottom it says do you have the or basically this permit is void if the provision sheet is not kids up with three ninety seven ninety seven sheet I think it is three yeah three thousand seven or three yeah three 302 or something but make sure you got that that provision sheet with that because in the provision sheet it's gonna outline all these specific requirements and within the specific requirements we're gonna see the requirements for the wide load sign the size dimensions the parameters what it has to say the flags as far as the size of the flags colored flags position the flags amber lights what what vehicles are required amber lighting for oversize no in Indiana the only ones that are actually required is a mobile home mover correct that's mobile home transporters which we kind of allow anybody with oversized loads if they're loaded we don't get too picky on that because we've also got buried in there we may say our required signage may say oversize load but some states may require wide load we we go with whatever so if the load is originates out a side of the state of Indiana same thing with the lighting requirements as far as amber lighting if another state requires something a little more in-depth we're pretty lacs on that we'll let that slide as long as it's meets some sort of that requirement okay so we've got the front of our truck why load we got our Flags marked up here I think these are supposed to be 18-inch red squares is that correct I don't remember the actual dimensions but I do know that has to happen to inch block letters and I think they have to be twelve inches tall yeah yeah so if you read in a permit technically it would say oversize low yeah I mean guys if we want to get picky about this I am probably illegal because my words are split and they do not have the right verbage but is officer Hoover stated I did a professional job about it if I have a good attitude I'll probably be all right so all right so we're gonna skip all the way to the back of the trailer at this point and I guess it's pretty similar back here as well isn't it and a big question we get to is is the flags required on the rear like this well technically it can be placed on the widest extremity of the load so now see that I learned something there he's always thought I had to be the rear and the widest point yeah technically it can't be the widest part this is just an additional plus it kind of provides traffic hey heads up there may be something sticking out so and again if you want to flag both go right ahead but yeah okay it can be and then like I said so we're looking at it oversize loads the proper banner properly displayed something might get a lot is concerns about blocking light blocking the lights don't try not to obscure the lights okay and my through a little bit of research with everyone else basically came down to what about the plate I kind of go you know what you're running loaded banner I'm not nearly as worried about the license plate the lights are very important not to this is kind of the what this kind of defeats whenever I'm holding the track hoe these flags actually end up being the widest point from side to side you've guys seen me haul the 850 dozer the blade sticks out there father actually got magnetic Flags I put on the blade and I still run these back here I guess flags ain't gotta be like James more the merrier more than more the merrier more than so you're never gonna get in trouble for too much just like change we're never gonna get you for too many chains unless you get them for overweight for too many chains all right guys I hope you found that useful huge thanks to officer Hoover friends for a few questions for us don't forget I'll put a link in the description of this video to his Facebook page I actually got Steve from speed binders here he's gonna go with these binders with us real quick and show us the professional way to use them and give us a few things on them and stick around for that yeah I think that's it I think we covered her I think so thank you very much sir now you guys have seen it a good do t bear never gets wet or hungry yeah the weather has not been cooperating with us today but we're we're sticking it out for you guys yeah all right thank you guys all right guys we just did the load securement video with officer Hoover and I have found Steve mr. speed binder himself and he's going to give us a quick demonstration over the binder so first off I'll let you take it away but these are the 9205 inch binder we are do t approved fits three eights and a half inch chain also fits 5/16 chain two so there's pretty neat but basically what we'll do is unwind it for you we're tight right now [Music] let's just give everybody yeah give everybody a quick glimpse of the drill we're using is recommended it's the DC d99 one right and this drill is pretty awesome it's obviously at the wall this has 880 power watts out which is a lot of torque and it actually has more torque than the impact impact you are allowed to use an impact I have approved this and this is lighter it's more maneuverable you do it one hand so the drill you're gonna get a little bit more twist we're gonna go down the first speed and I'm gonna cradle battery pack with my butt that is tight yep I mean that's bone tight I think one thing important to explain is how the arm stays in contact with the trailer yeah can vary compared to a conventional boomer which also helps them keep them tight yeah that's a great point what's happening here is the arm is actually a reaction bar so these are placed so that they're against the floor of the trailer they're against the track of an excavator a dozer blade but properly tensioned you're gonna have some you know effort to lift this up off the trailer but that's what keeps them tight so when you go over a bridge abutments railroad tracks exedra these aren't lifting up off the trailer and the typical ratchet binder you get to a point in time where your chain twists and then you go to get more clicks to get it tighter a chain untwist and you're just you're done and that's that's the real deal we've I was explaining I think the first video I did with these was holding a man lift and you guys see me say in there I can't believe these things are still tight because it never is that's why another key to that is making sure the short side of this is towards the trailer correct yes that gets your handle towards the end so if you have more of a vertical pool on the this is gonna hit the floor of the trailer better and quicker but yeah you are correct without the twist because we don't twist we just do a total torque to pull 25 to 1 gear reduction no chain twist just gets it really tight we have had no issues at all getting these things tight or keeping these things tight that has not even been a concern one time with these it's they've there's just his foundation I don't know how I said it's just not an issue well thank you very much and I appreciate it now we've been using these things for about three months now I guess yeah and we did start off of the drill and this is just my review on this the drill works really well and it may get them a little tighter with less effort but it's not quite as convenient as the impact I do believe the impact is gonna be our tool of our choice especially now that we know they're pretty but it seems to work really well it's a lot more convenient works great you guys seen help I got the truck set up I highly recommend them guys they I wasn't for sure about when we first got him after using them we're sold I've already Gordon more from them they've just been they've been awesome we've had no issues whatsoever I still think this is one of the greatest things yet isn't being serviceable yeah yeah it's and all parts of replaced boy if this breaks or something happens it's serviceable yeah Drive bolts replaceable take about five or ten minutes I got a video on my website speed binders not calm I will get a link to that in the description okay and that's how to replace that and just one more thing on impacts please don't use the big half-inch impacts the wall makes the half-inch about as big as this teaches cool that's fine three-eighths quarter inch actually works but they're really neat they're not a lot more money that's probably the biggest surprise is a good quality binder 60 70 bucks you can get these picked up for $87 that's for the big 190 200 that is more than reasonable especially for what you're getting so well thanks Steve yeah thank you appreciate it thanks for taking the time to demonstrate awesome product I'll get the link to the website the few videos Steve hazard descriptions as always guys thanks for watching don't forget to like subscribe to comment we'll catch you on the next one [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 538,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: office hoover, speed binders, binders, load, securment, trucking, dot, dirtperfect, letsdig18, chains, how to
Id: 46hKizooXDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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