TIA Portal V17 - Exploring Visualisation with WinCC Unified V17

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my name's daniel smalley i'm the business manager within our factory automation business so i'm responsible for the winter sea product range uh within uh the uk and ireland so today uh it's our final session uh with the version 17 introduction uh sessions that we're running so we've run sessions tuesday wednesday thursday this week uh i'm going to introduce you to uh some more technical detail to ncc unified so we've already had uh an overview that we covered on on tuesday um and we're going to have a deeper dive in terms of some of the tactical aspects today i'm being uh very ably supported by my colleague my pixelated colleague there on the right uh colin street collins is our win cc tech call specialist here in the uk uh so colin's going to take us through a bit of a technical deep dive into some of the winter c unified topics so as a little recap uh in terms of our launch events that we've done this week if you haven't watched them you have a chance as you've registered to watch these back again so on tuesday we kicked off with an overview from myself and damien payton covering some of the high level features that we've introduced with version 17. we followed this on wednesday where we took a deep dive into some of the topics uh focused around the the plc's around the hardware so covering topics such as uh safety and security and taking a first view at things like the winter you see unified view of things and here we are today with the visualization section based on when cc unify so uh we're going to make all the material that you see available today available to you after the webinar so there's no need to go doing all your screen snips we're going to give you a copy of all the slides in in a pdf format and we're going to give you a copy of the full recording that you hear today including the the live demonstrations uh that we go through so these will be available within about an hour two hours after the the end of this webinar and so you'll get a follow-on email so you'll be able to have a look at this so without further ado we'll kick off um so when cc version 17 released on the 28th of may so if you've got your sus contract in place uh if you already uh purchased when cc then then you're in a position just to start working with it uh but you may not be familiar with some of the new features that we've introduced uh this is uh quite a big increase in terms of the functionality we have with win cc unified over above what we have with uh version 16 so you can see a whole lot of new features functionality as we continue to scale up within uh when cc unified so we get to the point where we are really a fully featured scada visualization system within within the tier portal so first of all without further ado it wouldn't be a launch without a a nice video to kick off with so we'll pass over to the video and start this session [Music] [Music] [Music] so there we go a nice uh intro video for you to to to get you introduced to some of the uh main topics we're gonna have a look at with winter sea unified so uh with the launch of version 16 we introduce you to a graphic that's quite similar to this that showed our common engineering environment for wintert unified based on tier portal and we showed how we can seamlessly deploy visualization systems onto common platforms for the winter unified comfort panels and the wind cc unified pc based platforms so one of the big changes we've made with version 17 is we've expanded the scope in terms of the supported platforms that we have for cc unified so when the first one we've added is the win cc unified view of things so this is the ability to deploy win cc unified graphics and visualization onto an s7 1500 controller so we touched upon this on yesterday and on tuesday we're going to dive into this in a bit more detail uh and also on the right there we can see uh on tuesday we introduce you to the concept of win cc unified for uh industrial edge so this is a new addition to the to the portfolio but as you can see in red down there at the bottom this this is the first release that we have so we're currently working with uh test customers at the moment so we're in an incubation phase but the idea is that we bring this into the mainstream portfolio uh towards the end of this year uh supporting the mainstream release for our industrial edge uh platform itself so big expansions in terms of what we can support on on the platform if it's visualization within tearport or it's windy cc and it's uh win cc unified across the platforms in terms of the highlights uh this is covering i guess some of the general highlights i'll focus more specifically on some of the version 17 highlights following this uh as we know from ncc unified one of the big big advantages is we've got this full scalability so a common platform where we can start very very small for instance within the s7 1500 controller itself and we can seamlessly scale up using a common engineering environment from the plc's to the hmis to the pc based platform and beyond we also support now zero installation clients uh so we have one one type of client it's all based on uh html5 so the clients are browser-based so there's no client-side in-store required with win tc unified and any html5 uh based browser will support unified we have uh very nice features and functionality in terms of the automated engineering of ncc unified projects so we'll have a look at these in a bit more depth so we'll have a focus on for instance cvark as an option for for mass engineering of uh wintert unified projects and we'll also take a quick look at the uh tip or openness that we support with unified we have the ability to expand uh when cc unified by uh open extensions so if we need to integrate for instance uh standard web controls from other systems be it maybe a camera control or you want to integrate some weather data or just another web page or a pdf or something like that we have standard controls that allow us to integrate third-party systems in terms of uh integrating into a common common visualization system modern user interface winc unified looks great you know this is a big driver it's a big selling point for the visualization systems that it really really needs to look great it needs to have a high quality uh and performance uh there so we we think you're going to like what you see on on the user interface side of things uh we covered this in some detail yesterday around security and access control security by default it is absolutely fundamental to the tier portal and of course the win cc unified as well so an important uh understanding is required in terms of the management for instance of certificates because we actually encrypt all the communications within nct unified we support distributed systems so we have a concept of collaboration so we can have disparate when cc unified systems collaborating with each other so it's very very easy to integrate uh shop floor systems into one visualization system and finally there we we see wind c unified very much as a an integration platform for all our shop floor systems into high-level systems so be an mes be it a cloud platform be it a scheduling system whatever that you're operating within your within your facility we want to make it as easy as possible to get this data up and into these systems so some of the version 17 specific topics that we'll take a look at uh there's a whole lot of updates in terms of the engineering of tier portal to be honest too much to cover today but we will highlight some of these as as we go along all about making your life easier in terms of working with uh the tearport and when cc unified so things like the versioning of objects very important within the library now included we've expanded the support for opcua connectivity over and above the support for the client and server based on data access we also support alarms and conditions as a server as well and we'll continue to see that uh functionality expanded we have expanded the parameter control so for instance you can support multi languages directly in the in the parameter control and we can support user data types nested within user data types so we can build up quite complex structures there on the user interface side we've included some new flat styles so we include a day and night switch and some flat styles and i'll show you these a little bit more detail on the connectivity side we've increased the functionality in terms of we now support the software controller and the plc sim advanced natively within tier portal and we've included a standard diagnostic control that you can easily integrate the diagnostics buffer of 1500 directly into the tear port or win cc unified visualization system on the user management we now include central user management for both the the panels and for the pc based system so again very very important and supports our concept around security and finally there under the options we'll have a look at a few options from the plant intelligence options like performance insight and we'll have a deep dive into the somatic visualization architecture option as well so our first deep dive topic we're going to have a quick focus on on the clients so one of the nice new things we introduced on the winston unified comfort panels is the ability to support remote web-based clients so we always had with previous versions of the comfort panels so pre-unified the ability to use what we would call the smart server so this gave us uh synchronous access to the hmi what it meant was you could remotely access the hmi itself uh but the the access was synchronous so you're really seeing a mirror of what was on the hmi screen and you couldn't get this this independent control we still support that because that's a very very nice option but in addition to that we've added asynchronous access to the hmi so we now support client server access directly from an hmi so that's supported up to three remote clients uh which require licenses so with these are the client licenses and then the same client licenses we use on the pc based platform and to get you started we include one full client as default within the hmi itself so you get one client operated included free of charge within the hmi panel so you can easily test this remote access if you want to expand it you can buy licenses for another two and then you've got effectively four independent uh hmi accesses uh based on the one physical piece of hardware so we think this is a very very nice option and really giving you new functionality on the panels so let's have a look from the pc based platform perspective so of course we always supported the html5 client uh but now we we've split the types of client licenses we we offer so the client itself is fundamentally exactly the same but we have two licensed options one is client operate so this is what you would have known from version 16. this is a fully featured client uh we can do everything we can do within when cc unified it's a read write client uh but we've added to that a monitor only client so this is a a lower cost client and it has some functionality restricted so basically the ability to write into the system has been restricted of course you can navigate screens etcetera but we can't enter variables for instance now this might be a nice use case it may be where you want to add for instance uh some kpis on an andon screen or something like that so you don't necessarily need a full client because you're not actually interacting with it this gives you the ability to have a lower cost client so these clients are additive so we can add as many licenses we want into the server and then we've got the options between the operator monitor and again like with the panel we actually give you some clients to get started so for the pc based runtime system you get one local client that's always used locally to the server and you get two additional clients one operate and one monitor included in every runtime license so you can try out the functionality for yourself and you can scale them up then if required so moving swiftly on uh to give you a quick look at the the styles i mentioned earlier we've introduced uh three pre-defined stars within uh wind cc unified so out of the box you've got the the default style which we think look very very nice and we've got these uh additional styles that are more flat uh style uh based on uh the look and feel maybe you're familiar with from like an ios or or an android operating system so one of the styles we include there is this dark star where we've got the dark and bright style and these stars can actually be interchanged in run time so for instance you might want to have like a day and night mode for instance so we've got some costas for instance that use our visualization systems for instance on the deck of a ship uh where they might want to operate the the system differently when they get lower ambient light conditions now we can seamlessly switch these in run time moving on having a quick look at connectivity so we support uh obviously very tight integration within the siemens devices for connectivity we support obviously twelve hundred fifteen hundred three hundred four hundred we have native connectivity to third-party devices including modbus tcp ethernet ip for allen bradley and omron the seamless messaging protocol and the uh the mitsubishi tcp this is of course in addition to the opc support that we have so if you're using wincc unified on a comfort panel we support up to 16 plc's using the standard driver this has been increased from eight uh and we on the pc based platform we support up to 10 connections as standards that's free of charge with the runtime system if you're going beyond 10 connections you need a softnet extension license this can be up to 64 plc's or all the way up to 128 plc's and 600 000 tags on a single server so highly scalable as i mentioned earlier we support the s7 1500 software controller and the open controller uh as well natively within cc unified on the openness side we've got a lot of flexibility so in terms of the openness of the engineering of ncc unified we support tier portal openness a very very powerful option that's supported across the tier portal platform it comes free of charge and it provides you with an open api for engineering your entire tier portal project now including the visualization system for panels and pc based platform based on ncc unified so this externally to the tier portal allows us to create our own custom code where we can generate alter validate or even analyze existing wind cc unified projects for things like the generation of tags alarms archives screens the whole hierarchy so this is a very very nice option for system integrators for oems for larger end users that want the ability to also generate tier portal projects and have data-driven systems uh automating uh some of the repeatable actions that you might have within the normal engineering process very very powerful and something from here in siemens uk we can support you with in terms of getting a better understanding around a workshop or something like this so please take note of this next topic we want to have a look at is the win cc unified view of things a new option for uh tier portal introduced with version 17. we introduced with the overview yesterday we had a session on it yesterday with roberacco uh and something we're rightly proud of because it gives us a whole new level of flexibility in terms of how we configure the visualization systems within an automation project so what is it well first of all it's based on on tier portal we use the wincc unified screen objects and what we're doing is actually configuring the web server on the s7 1500 so we're not creating a new runtime we're just configuring the web server that was to be honest always available within the s7 1500 but previously you had to uh really get into the html5 code to actually program anything on top of this so we can create web screens uh based on the s7 1500 the et200sp controller so the s7 1200 for instance is not currently supported within cc unified view of things there are some limitations and preconditions in terms of what we can do so first of all in terms of the preconditions we need of course tier portal version 17 the step 7 professional option which complains these view of things features that we're going to use within the library we need a 1cc engineering license so as a minimum we would need the wincc unified comfort engineering license this is to give us the unified engineering environment but anything from the unified comfort engineering all the way up to the full pc based system would work we support all of the somatic s7 1500 cpus from the standard controllers the et200sp failsafe the technology cpus and we also support plc sim advanced version 4 which is new release with version 17. as a minimum we require firmware version 2.9 so you may need to update the firmware version in terms of the performance the the unified view of things is running on a plc it's not intended to replace a full hmi or a full pc based system but it gives you a great entry level in terms of using the system itself and i'll show you some of the some of the considerations in terms of the performance so in consideration this is uh very much a slimmed down view unified system uh very very nice in terms of maybe using it for commissioning screens diagnostics any quick test loop test or something like that you want to do so we don't run the runtime on the plc this is purely based on on the web server we only support a subset of the functionality and screen elements compared to a full win cc unified system and i'll show you what these are but the elements that we do support are exactly identical to the hmi panel on the pc based system itself so in terms of the functionality what are the differences so we can see the the list here and you'll get a copy of this in terms of the pdf and and the uh and the recording to view back in your own time so the things i would point out is uh we support the basic and objects and elements uh we support graphics and dynamic objects uh on the runtime system we have a full runtime system so we obviously support uh logging which we don't support obviously in unified view of things we support alarming we support faceplates and all of the controls trend control alarm controls on the view of things we are uh limited in terms of the maximum number of screens to 10 screens and the maximum number of tags to 100 tags so this is just to guarantee the performance of the f7 1500 its first priority is obviously the the automation tasks that it has not delivery of an hmi system so by keeping these limitations we can ensure the performance of the 1500 remains optimum in terms of the connection dynamics we support direct tags we support screen change system functions and scripting so basic scripting directly on the screen obviously not advanced scripting we don't have things like the database and things like that to take advantage of some of these functionality the user management for view of things is done purely on the management system of the web server the plc itself so we can't natively integrate these for instance into an active directory server like we could for the central management system of a full hmi or a pc based system so okay you can read these back in your own time at this point we want to have a look at view of things so i'm going to pass you over to our technical specialist colin street who's going to take you through a live demonstration of win cc unified view of things over to you calling thanks dan before we add the view of things application i'd first of all like to show you that i'm using plc some advanced so plc some advanced version 4 allows you to simulate the web server and also simulate the view of things as dan mentioned we need to activate the web server and we can see i've already done this and i've also added my user called simatic and give them them the correct or an access level of administrative so now what we'll do is we'll go to our web application and we're going to add a view of things application so just do a double click and add i'm going to take a screen out of my library and drag it across into the screen section so we'll take the view of things start screen and drag that into my screen section i'll then need to set this screen to be the start screen so we do that through the runtime settings and the screen's not quite complete we need to actually tag the system up so let's double click on the screen and we're now going to navigate to our instance dbs we're going to select the oil color instance db we're going to navigate down to intake red hmi intake and then we're going to drag and drop the open close onto the toggle button and then the inflow speed onto the slider and we're going to do this for intake green and intake blue one thing to notice view of things will only show the objects in the toolbox that can be placed on the screen so it reduces the the toolbox objects so once we've tagged up the remaining objects we can close the screen down and all that's left for us to do is to perform a compile so do a right mouse click and compile software rebuild all we then need to download this so go to our plc and select the download once the dialog appears i'm going to have to enter my password which i'll do and we also need to remember to enter the checkbox for the view of things application so under web applications we'll expand that i'll select the check box to make sure the view of things is downloaded and now select load we can now start our web browser and log into the view of things so let's start the web browser now log into view of things log in with the user okay now i can change the flow rate with the sliders and i can also change the on off control with the toggle buttons and with that i'll hand back to dab okay thank you very much uh colin so a live view there of the winter sea unified view of things so the next topic we're going to quickly uh touch upon is the concept of collaboration within wind cc unified so this is quite a unique functionality that we have so this is the ability for disparate uh win-cc unified systems to collaborate with each other so what does that mean well in the example we're showing here what we're looking at is two pc based systems each with their own clients and we're seeing two winter sea unified hmi systems obviously with their own local visualization system so collaboration allows us to seamlessly share screens between the devices so what that means is if we have a look at the first pc based system i have the ability to open a screen that's actually engineered and downloaded to one of the hmis for instance so it allows us to seamlessly integrate distributed shop floor systems in into one system so the distributed configurations currently with version 17 are supported across the unified comfort panels and they're supported across the pc based platform itself they currently support screens only in in future releases we are going to be supporting uh process tags alarms uh we're going to be supporting parameter data as well so allow us a really powerful option to integrate disparate systems into one fully functional systems without having to uh configure it all again within the individual projects so what might that look like well here we have a quick example where we've got maybe multiple oem machines deployed on onto a line and what we want is the ability for a single operator to walk up and down the line and have access to the full system so within the engineering of the projects we've just got screen windows that we use with the ability to pull back uh via collaboration different screens from different machines so for instance we may get an alert on machine b the operator is physically at machine a he can simply uh access machine b via collaboration and what it's doing is rooting the requests then for this screen pulling it back and displaying it directly on machine a so very very powerful functionality only supporting screens today but will expand quite significantly with future releases into version 17 and version 18 of their border so the next topic we'll have a look at is uh sivak so sivak is our semantic visualization architecture option so it's a a licensed option for tier portal it's an add-on and it's an option we've had for some time within tier portals supporting the previous comfort and win cc professional options and we've now included it for quincy unified as well what you with cvark allows us to do is via standardization within the tier portal so standardization of our plc programs our blocks and standardization of our hmi objects and library types we can create some rules within cvarc will allow us to automatically generate our visualization systems based on the unified panels based on the unified pc based uh platform so this is again for for oems for system integrators larger end users this is a really really important option so as an example we have a customer the uses cvark and they use it to generate in excess of 75 000 objects in less than 10 minutes so the full system completely generated using standardization in cvark which also means they can use it to manage change as well so if they change a single object they don't have to recompile all the projects and change everything they can just use sieve to auto generate that so this is going to be our next deep dive topic so at this point i'll pass you back to collin street he's going to give us a a live demonstration uh thanks dan uh cvark allows us to build a relationship between elements in our library such as this intake function block and this unified intake face plate and the plc call structure so these uh relationship is done using sievart rules so first of all we'll have a look at some cdot screen rules so we'll open the screen rules up we're going to split the window so we can look at the call structure as well so cvar works on rule triggers so this first rule here will be triggered when cvark sees the intake function block when it sees the intake function block it's going to use the screen object text overview which is in the library as we can see here and it's going to place it onto the template screen which is also in the library as we can see when the next rule is triggered again with the intake function block it's going to take the intake faceplate screen object which is a unified faceplate here and we're going to place that onto the template screen again as we can see that's in the library the last rule that's triggered is the tank tank mixing function block this will then place the button navigation screen object onto the start screen and again both of these are in the library also has tag rules as we can see here the tag rules allow a relationship between the program block folder structure and the unified pc runtime tag table so in our case our hmi tags will be placed into a tag table called function groups okay so what we'll do now is we'll close these editors down and remove the split what we'll do is uh open up our unified pc runtime and i'm going to copy the template screen into the screen section i'll copy this from the library so let's take the start at the template screen this template screen has a hidden text box just to aid explanation so we're going to make this visible now we're going to drag a few more objects from the library onto the screen as well for explanation purposes let's go to our libraries we're going to drag our button navigation and place it onto the screen and we're going to drag our text overview and place this onto the screen we'll now click the background of the template screen and select the plugins tab like so now we can see here the name is a cvark statement and this cmark statement will replace the name with the instance db name so for example it will be replaced by acrylic paint oil colour pastel colour watercolour if you click on the button here when the button is generated that will also take the instance db name and it will take the text as the instance db name if we select the text which will be the title that will take the text again as the instance db name and its name will be that also if we go back to the button and select the c mark events this has a chain screen event which will pass the instance db name to the plant area screen window and this screen window is on the start screen we're also going to select the property value on that screen window and change the caption text okay so we can now close this window down and we can delete the template because we don't need it within here so let's do delete and now we're going to open up our unified faceplate so the unified faceplate has got a title on it which is called colour that colour is going to be replaced by red green or blue the inflow speed will be connected to a tag and it'll allow us to change the inflow speed and we'll be able to toggle the valve on and off with this object the tag interface is connected to the plc udt and the property interface is connected to a string to allow us to dynamically change the colour if we click here this object has also got a hidden text box to aid explanation and here we have some more cvarp statements so when cvar sees this statement it will replace it with intake red intake green or intake blue when cvar sees this statement it will take replace it with red green or blue and when c-box sees this statement it will connect a tag to the udt of which these are an example let's go back to our visualization tab and compile a plc so i'll just do a quick compile we'll then select our unified pc runtime and press the cvar button at the top followed by generate this will then generate the screens for us and also the tags we can see it's generated all the screens let's look at the start screen that's now got four buttons on it if we click on the oil color button and select properties it's got a name of oil colour and its text is oil colour if we select the watercolour again its name is watercolour and its text is what's colour and they're the instance db names under the events we can now see the change screen has been changed so the oil colour will go to the plant area and the caption will change if we look at our oil colour template its text has been changed for its title as we can see here and now if you look at the instance of the face plate it's called intake red and if we select the miscellaneous tab or selection and then interface we can see the tag has been connected to the udt and we have a value of red this instance has a green tag and green color and this instance has the blue tag and blue color okay i'm going to do a full compile now so compile and software rebuild all once the compile is complete we'll then download to our unified pc runtime i'm going to do a full download and we're going to start runtime once the download is complete we'll then switch the desktop and start our web browser so now go to the desktop start the web browser and log into our unified pc runtime so we'll log in with our username and password like so now when we select the oil color button we can see we can open and close the valves for oil book our oil color and we can also change the inflow speed we can change to watercolor and we'll see the caption and title changing we can also now go back to our view of screens that view of things we can log in again and from here we can change the values also so we can change the value of the slider and we'll see it change here how we can also open and close the valves and now i'll hand back to dan poland so as you can see that was a very very quick demonstration but a very very powerful demonstration and and for those of us that liked were smart and not hard this is a real real time saver and ensures quality within within the projects as well so the next quick uh topic i just want to talk about is around the uh the logging concept archive concept within mntc one of the powerful options we've always had within our visualization system is the inclusion of archives so we don't need necessarily to have for instance a scada system and a separate archive we can always combine the two keeps cost down and and engineering down and we have the same concept but a lot more flexibility within wind cc unified now so as a as an entry level you don't get the full sql server for instance on the pc based platform we use sql lite so that means we don't have the cost of the sql server built into the runtime system of the pc based platform we only include sqlite as standard so if you want to do small to medium applications up to 5000 logging tags fully supported using sqlite on a pc based platform and on the hmi platform as well so exactly the same if then you decide actually you need to go beyond 5000 login tags you can scale up to an h microsoft sql server and because we use exactly the same schemas the exactly the same logging structures you you can just scale up from sqlite into microsoft sql server today with version 17 we don't support the the central archive but we will in future releases support a dedicated central archive separate from the hmi separate from the pc based platform so we can consolidate archives into one central point so a lot of flexibility uh the next topic we just wanted to quickly show you is around the uh status and diagnostics indicator so again it's something that looks quite uh quite a small update but we think quite a nice update so we wanted to point it out we include uh standard indicators using dynamic svgs that you can see here so these are out of the box so you can see uh these will indicate statuses automatically from the plc and we use a standard system tag for this so the diagnostic state indicator so of course if you want to create your own dynamic svgs you can do that as well uh in combination with this indicator we've included a standard control which is the system diagnostic control and this is supported for the unified comfort panel and the pc based platform what this allows us to do is drag a standard control at the library drop onto a unified screen and then we can seamlessly get access to the the plc diagnostics buffer within runtime so i will now pass you back over to collin street or give us a quick demonstration of this in action thank you colin okay so what i'm going to do now is add the system diagnostics control to the start screen so let's double click on the start screen and we can see the new system diagnostics control in our control section let's just drag this onto the screen and line it up to the left with a snap line and now what i'm going to do is uh just remove some of the editors to give me a bit more space and then i'm going to line the right side up with a snap line as well as we can see and change the height of it slightly we just do a quick compile and then we can just do a download to our unified pc runtime we'll go back to our web browser once what the web browser we just do a refresh and then we'll see the control and now straight away with the control we can see the cpu messages coming in for logged on users warm restart etc etc as we can scroll down and see some more messages from the cpu okay thank you back to down thank you colin so uh moving swiftly now on to the uh unified uh comfort panels uh just wanted to pick out a quick highlight so we've obviously looked at the remote clients which is an important addition to the the the panels uh another i guess unique uh piece of functionality that we have within the panels and this has existed since launch is we fully support our industrial edge platform within the panels so i talked to the beginning of this presentation where we've got the ability to run wind cc unified directly within a docker container and run on industrial edge here now we're looking at the the panels themselves that include this industrial edge platform this gives us the ability to deploy containerized applications based on docker directly to the hmi panels themselves on a one-to-one basis so for instance if you want to deploy a docker-based mqtt connector or maybe uh like a send mail application or something like that you can easily deploy that application directly to the panel and use that to connect into other systems or carry out new functionality on our industry online support if you search for the unified comfort panel and edge you'll see application examples you'll see free applications a whole lot of stuff to get you started so at the moment we support locally managed edge devices which means they're managed on a one-to-one relationship we really open the the edge interface on a one-to-one relationship based on a browser uh in a future release coming this year we will introduce a new build for for the panels where we'll be able to introduce the integration of these into our central edge management system so if you're using multiple panels for our facility you'll be able to centrally manage them centrally update them centrally deploy applications to the the the panels as well so giving there's a lot more functionality in terms of the overall scalability of the systems so moving back on to the pc based systems i want to quickly look at some of the plant intelligence options that we have so some of the options that we can add so licensed options for the pc based systems the first one of these is the audit option so this was uh something that was notably absent with the version 16 release but we've now introduced this with version 17 and we've introduced the first step of our audit capability with the audit basis option so what does this allow us to do it allows us to create audit trails based on uh changes on process tags and process tags only so we can look at doing a trace based on any manual automated or direct changes or script changes and the ability to comment and add reasons for these changes directly into an audit log we can detect manipulation of the logs and we can indicate manipulation based uh on the logs so if anyone's made any changes we can indicate a change or a possible change and we have the ability to obviously report on the audit trail itself and also include the potential manipulation of data with any audit reports that we produce so i've mentioned we're talking here about audit basis so if we're calling it basis it means there must be something beyond basis and and that's exactly right so the plan is to to release two further versions which is the win cc unified audit enhanced and the win cc unified audit max so the basis as we just saw covers logs it covers manipulation it covers process tags and it includes the ability to report on these the winc unified audit enhanced includes all of that functionality but in addition we can produce audit trails based on alarms and based on user management and it also gives us an additional audit uh control that we can embed directly into windc unified for the management of these audit logs on the win cc unified audit max we include the enhanced and basis functionality uh but in addition we support the plant intelligence options that we'll we'll cover in a second uh and this functionality is currently supported based on the pc based platform uh and it will be released for the unified comfort panels as well but as of today not supportive for the unified comfort panels so a lot of change coming to support our pharmaceutical applications here so moving on in terms of the uh plant intelligence options uh what we've got is four focus plant intelligence options uh two of which are available with version 16 so the calendar option performance insight option are available and that's what we're going to have a technical deep dive on with colin in a second and we've got two further options that i want to make you aware of one is a sequence option and the other is line coordination so first of all in terms of the sequence option this allows us to process or manage sequences directly from within win cc unified so we can look at an overall process from a step transition uh perspective so this something that you may well be familiar with if you work with for instance dts systems so the sequence option is based on an s8 model and and it allows us to integrate obviously somatic systems uh but also third-party systems as well so we can control overall sequences in this step transition manual method based on an s8 model the line coordination option allows us to integrate disparate systems from siemens or third-party suppliers so we can get overall systems actually integrated into a full line so this can be for orchestration of a recipe or batching systems across a process line where maybe the equipment or has been provided from from different suppliers so maybe you've got a siemens system maybe you've got a third-party system maybe you've got an in-house system we can integrate these with with this line coordination level based on wind cc unified so we can get the whole system to act as a line and also then report back in as an overall line as well so these are as it says they're uh these are due for release these are with test customers at the moment if you think you've got an application that could be a good fit please let us know we can have that conversation the two plant intelligence options that we're going to have a little bit of a deep dive on now are the calendar option so calendar option allows us from a winter unified perspective to start working with a time model so we can start building up calendars within our production facility so we can start looking at shifts day shifts night shifts so we can start looking at working weeks maintenance times bank holidays all these sort of things um so the the final option there is performance insight so this is the ability to actually work with um uh kpis and analytics uh so we can calculate these up based on win cc unified uh tags uh so maybe we can start looking at things like oee we can start looking at a uh for instance a an overall gantt chart or something like that so we can look at the uptime downtime of an overall system uh so at this point we'll have a technical deep dive and i'll pass you over to collins street or maybe not okay we're not passing to colin at the moment so we'll we'll include the uh recording for the plant intelligence option in the in the video that we sent out now we're into the final wrap-up slide so in terms of the um just finishing off this section we've got a whole load of information available to support your projects within cc unified so a whole lot of getting started information we've got a whole lot of uh tutorials uh whether there's an active community around mtc unified and we can uh include a whole load of tutorial centers uh for um things like the videos that we support so let's have a quick look at that uh so this is what we can provide to you you'll get the links to this you can look at it afterwards a full tutorial uh including videos you can get things like the hmi template suite and there's also a guideline so if you're working within things like wincc unified uh now when you previously worked with comfort for instance you want to understand how to migrate up we can we can support that as well maybe john if we've got time to pass over to colin now for the final video on performance insight okay before we start looking at the performance insight configuration let's just have a quick look at the plc so look at our program blocks and i'm going to open up my machine data under my machine data block i've got three machines i've got one called infeed one called main and one called outfeed they're all based on the machine data udt and they all have the state the product total the product rejects and the maximum throughput of the machine we're not actually calculating the good items within the plc this can be done in winston unified and also in performance insight so as i said these machines are exactly the same let's close this down and we'll go and have a look at our pc runtime so the project is based around the hmr template suite so if we open this up and look at the screens this is the screen structure for the hmi template suite we select on the screens these are all my screens that i'm going to use so i've got things like an analyzer control bar control calendar control etcetera performance insight is actually configured under the plant objects tab and the first thing we're going to do is look at the time model so we'll double click on the time model and then we can see here we've got the total time so the total time is broken down into running stopped machine planned down time unplanned down time production etc so we can see all the different states here if we expand the running timeout that's also split into starter pun automatic so if we click on startup and automatic if we select the startup here we can see this on this is a value-based machine state so when the state of the machine is between 20 and 29 then we're in startup when it's in automatic between 30 and 49 etc okay we'll close this down as well the other element of performance insight is the performance indicators so let's open this and the first thing we do is look at global operands so global operands come in the form of counters and numeric operands i have two counters i have the total items and total rejects the total items is an incremental counter and its unit of measurement is pieces and i have total rejects again which is an incremental counter in pieces and then i've got my numeric operands which are basically going to use my items produced and max to calculate my performance we now click onto our global kpis and select accounts area we select total items we can see that the kpi formula is based on the sum of the counter items so when we calculate the kpi it will totally count up the sum for us again again with the rejects it will count across the time period and then the good items is derived from the total items minus the regents so you can see here we can use kpis within kpis so we can add kpis and we can also use the time model to create our kpis as well so running stopped etc to create an instance of the kpi we place this on upon object type so we'll just delete this one and then we'll open my machine plant object type so the machine plant object type has got an interface and the interface is linked to my plc structure so we see state product total product rejects maximum etc all of the elements associated with this part object type are also logged so each element here is also logged within the system within the database and that's to allow us to calculate the kpi over any time period we wish this plant object type could also have discrete analog alarms but it doesn't have any we have performance indicators so here we've got our total items total rejects etc these kpis are basically dragged from our global kpi section and i've added them already so i have all our kpis so we now need to link our operands to the kpis so if we select operands and we look at the counter we can see here that total items is connected to product total and total rejects is take connected to product rejects we can see there tax from the interface the machine state if we expand it out is linked to the state tag that we can see let's say and then we also have calculation settings so calculation settings additionally allow us to calculate a kpi on a regular basis we don't have any visualization so this plant object type can calculate the kpi every minute once we've got our plant object type we create instance of it instances of it by dragging it to our plant view like so i already have the infeed and main and outfeed so i won't drag it on or drop it let's open the in feed and we can see that this interface of the infeed is now connected to my machine data in feed tag and the same would be for outfeed that's sorry for main and outfit let's go back to our devices and we'll double click on our bar and pie screen when the graphics editor opens we'll see more controls available when we install performance insight so we can see here we've got a performance analyzer control performance bar chart control a performance control gantt etc and pie chart let's have a look at the pie chart i already have configured if we scroll down to the interface section of the properties we can select the kpis and we can see here i've got five kpis for that instance of pie chart you just open this out slightly and select the button to select the kpi we go to our plant view then we go to line and then in our case we can go to infeed and now we can see the kpis are associated with that instance of the object type let's have a look and see what that's like in runtime so first of all we'll go to machine data and our machine data we can see the different states that the machine are in so we can see we're in cleaning and we've got a yellow light on our light stack uh it's now operator failure so it's red we've got the number of items produced the number of rejects and with javascript we're calculating the good okay let's go to our bar and pi screen so now we've got our bar and pi screen popped up if we look at the settings we can see the indicators that we can turn on and off we have our general settings and then we have our time ranges and in my case i've chosen to say i would like to calculate a minute kpi based on a minute ago i've also set the controls up so they have a 10 second update so every 10 seconds i'll recalculate the kpi and this would be great for like an and on board or something like that let's have a look at our hierarchy control which basically uses the plant view so as we click on line one we can then select main infeed and this will open a screen window companion and populate the pie chart and bar chart for us the next thing to look at would be the analyzer control in our case what we use in the analyzer control is to show our kpis calculated on a minute basis so total items total rejects quality and performance so we can see that the graph being highlighted as we move along with this button over here we can actually add more indicators so now we'll just add the in feed counters total items and just add this it makes the graph a little bit busy but then also we can see this has now been added to the bottom but we can also zoom so let's zoom in on it to see the data we'll now have a look at a control and this control allows us to look at um machines or items across two time ranges so i'm going back two minutes for one minute and then another minute and here we can then compare between the two different time ranges so between the two different time ranges we can see that the performance is identical but the quality was better at this point here we then have an overview control the overview control allows us to show count data in the tabular format so let's turn some of the indicators off so we'll just show the in feed so we'll turn main and outfeed off like so and this is now showing us the total items count over a period of time and the total rejects count over a period of time on all of these controls we can also export the data to csv we'll next have a look at the gantt view the gang control allows us to look at the stakes that the machine is as defined in the time model so here we can see we're in startup etc from here we can see the frequency of the number of occurrences that we've had within the time range and also the time that we've had within that time range we can change the view so it's an equipment view this makes it a flatter view so there we can then start comparing the machine states if we wish to cross time and we can also just show one machine so we can go back to the infeed and show out the data here we can also access the controls using script so let's populate the in feed control on the two items here so we can see we've got in feed and that are on the bar and pi we'll put main on as well and what we can see from the pie chart the pie chart can only show one element at a time whereas a bar chart can show the three elements and we can then compare them so we can see we compare gourd and rejects etc whereas this only shows one we can click this button here just to remove the data or remove the window sorry remove the data we'll then use script to remove the window we can then resize and we can also change the styles so we can turn the pi into a donut and we can change the bar chart as well okay and backs are done okay thank you very much colin so uh that's it from us apologies we've gone a little bit over there but as you can see there's there's so much to talk about with wind cc um unified uh there's a whole lot of things that we had to cut that we wanted to show because we just didn't have time um so if there's any questions please post them in the questions box we'll we'll get back to these separately you're going to get the pdf you'll get the recording of this session and uh any more questions you've got to contact details please please get in touch thank you very much for your time abroad
Channel: Underwoods Ltd
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Id: P6bkVMfptVM
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Length: 65min 15sec (3915 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.