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can you lift your voice and ask the lord for a marvelous visitation tonight go ahead and pray father give me a visitation tonight in the name of jesus someone is praying with faith in your heart [Music] again [Music] foreign brothers and sisters please i want you to pay attention for every time god gives us the privilege to converge like this it is not the advancement of a man's agenda it is the progression of your accessing the mysteries that will cause you to command dominion let me tell you something there is a dimension of light that we are going to project to the world that will confound principalities and powers yes a dimension of light young people will rise up with a level of strange prosperity that people will say no no no are these guys cameras are they fraudsters we say no we found an ancient secret that can allow men to be blessed and focus on their assignment you see that you will rise with a strange level of the anointing that will make even her valleys to wander and say i may have ballis but this is strange [Music] it will happen i am an archaeologist i search it i don't read the bible to finish it i read the bible to find what i'm looking for and sometimes you can find one verse and stay there that's where the goal is so if you are all you are doing is just to finish i read psalms 5 today you came close to the gold mine and carelessness took you away and you go somewhere it is scripture but it's not the word of god the word of god is that part of scripture that gives you life [Music] so many people brag religiously i started studying the bible by january and now i'm in revelations 20 to call the person and say how many treasures did you find even one one the only thing they find is an accolade that i searched the scripture but someone come with an honest heart and open one scripture you heard what that gentleman said he used the way the truth the life alone imagine what else we can find i've shared with you my vision years ago when i was caught up in the spirit and i saw a big gate and that gate was made of small small doors you know they were opening and closing and light was emitting from every one of them and then i kept looking and i noticed it was zoomed to me and i saw scripture written on every door and the doors were opening and closing and i was asking the lord what is the meaning of this and the lord said every time you catch a revelation the light component that is the performer of that revelation anything you claim you have caught and you cannot bring it to the scene it's a lie you have not gotten it yet please pray and say lord by your mercy open my eyes today this kind of prayer you must add the mercy of god in it because what else will you say by what lord i cry by your mercy open my eyes to see you have spoken great things but until my eyes see it there is no possession it says as fast your eyes can see are we praying [Music] open my eyes show me where the anointing for the next level is open my eyes show me where the key to my lifting is open my eyes show me where the river is in the desert open my eyes oh god many people will be hearing many things but show me my own and the word of the lord came and the word of the lord came the word of the lord has always been around the word of the lord came let my word come the word of the lord came [Music] hallelujah listen let me teach you something about the mercy of god every time you want to access the spirit of revelation ask the lord to release it by his mercy there is no known formula i know for receiving the spirit of revelation it is by the mercy and the grace of god that the eyes of a man be open in scripture the eyes of a man was open when he said thou son of david have [Applause] it he said thou son of david don't pass me but he would have remained there crying till jesus that was the last time jesus would pass jericho but i saw a relationship between the mercy of god and the spirit of revelation is thou son of david will i remain blind like this forever have he never said i want to walk the walking is a subset of the mercy when illumination come oh i want to see i want thou son of david have mercy it's a language god cannot pass by no matter what you know to do at once god hears mercy he remembers the blood and he turns what should i do for you you didn't call me correctly i hope you know yes that's why i said mercy i don't even know your name i said son of david whether you are carpenter or jesus i added mercy to my confusion have mercy on me that's how you can see someone will be bragging around i went to theological school and teaching nonsense and dragons and someone would sit down and say lord i came from the village there was no light in our community but lord i know that i've been seeing myself in dreams ministering and raising the dead and watches can you open my eyes by your message and the spirit of revelation comes one scripture he may not be able to quote everything one scripture and with that scripture you will do exploits [Music] i'd like you to prepare your spirit because what i want to share with you tonight will bless you in no small way people come to the house of god for many years jimmy and you find out that they are not growing how do you grow there are two indices for growth no confusion number one is the degree to which you are conforming experientially to the image of christ number two your comprehension of the mysteries of the kingdom if you are not understanding the precepts of the kingdom you are not growing sir whether they ordain you pastor apostle deacon once you are not accessing the midst of the kingdom you are not growing it's as simple as that because that's how we read in this kingdom on the strength of mysteries what do you know now that took away fear from you the fear you had in january what entered you that can give you confidence to look at it and say no way not again if your fear of january is still your fear of today you made the word of god full in your life someone entered this year one drink and right now the person is just laughing at the same situation as they say no no no that one that was that was last year's challenge you won't talk that nonsense with me again because you know what to do not bold face for nothing for jesus himself knew what to do my assignment in this ministry is that by the privilege of god's election and grace i will continue to show you what to do the result you desire of us is the mystery that takes it that's my assignment to continue to show you that the kingdom is a compendium of possibilities but accessing them are predicated upon your knowledge of the mystery allocated for that result not the mystery available the mystery that is allocated you want to be blessed anything in the bible will not bless you anyway you have to find the one that is allocated for you you don't put rice in a pot and when it boils you lift it up and see beans you will see food but not beans if these beans you want to cook you better find out one where to get beans to how to cook it correct so anything in the kingdom is not what you are looking for there are people who are blessed financially but this sickness will kill you you go to the hospital and treat it to refuse to come brothers and sisters there is an allocation you have to find out there are pastors who are so anointed they can raise the dead but you they will never have up to 30 members there is a mystery that keeps men people are not stupid to just come and sit down sit outside and do all kinds of things no sir my assignment is that by the agency of the spirit that i communicate to you the mysteries when you gather them together like this it's like a chain that connects you in heaven when you move in life the moment a challenge comes you smile because you understand the key to address it fear and ignorance and pain is a revelation of your bankruptcy of the understanding of the mystery that is tied to a result you are looking for there are things i used to fear years ago i don't fear them again i didn't cast out the spirit of fear understanding took me out of that realm you see that yes so please i want us to focus when you see us cry for the spirit of understanding this thing is not just even this anointing because you see many people especially ministers this is what we are all looking for anointing anointing is not just a generic oil that comes on your head this anointing you see has dynamics it doesn't just work anyhow how many people are you going to lay hands on on your life won't it kill you there is a system [Music] there are many means of transportation there is bicycle there is jet if you want to arrive lagos with a bicycle you may die before you arrive there that's how the dispensing of the anointing is you will meet people there are knowing the vehicle is not just enough you must understand the system of helping it reach people there's somebody seated outside another overflow there's somebody online in another nation how do you if all you know is just to lay hands on people how do you bless those who are far [Music] please pray before i start teaching one minute and say lord change my level insist please pray change my level paul said i went up by revelation show me something lord where i am is a revelation of my limited knowledge i take responsibility and i admit open my eyes satan can't be that powerful there's something i'm not seeing [Music] lord have been falling under the anointing but that anointing has not healed one sick body there is something i'm not getting i have been sowing seeds but the harvest has not been coming what is blocking it what more do i need to know [Music] hallelujah please sit down the bible says when you read ephesians chapter 4 verse 18 it says having their understanding darkened paul is teaching here and then he says being alienated from the life of god through the ignorance that is in them ignorance alienates a man from the life of god the experience of that way life are we together now that their understanding is darkened that's the issue then it says that as a result of that darkened understanding they are being alienated from the experience of the kingdom so they may have semblance of what should be but never entering to the experience of it most people are not in ignorance of what their life should be they know what they should become but the power to make it happen that is a derivative of light you know you should be more anointed than now you know you should be more prosperous but what is the limitation it says having their understanding darkened and then alienated from the life of god on the strength of the ignorance that is in them [Music] i came angry my spiritual will be we'll pray i trust god for grace so that will finish fast and just have some few minutes to pray first peter 5 10 just one scripture there is a level of rest i began to perceive in my spirit that many of us were ordained by god to enter this year that we have not entered and my assignment is to insist must force something to happen the bible says but the god of all grace listen who have put us into eternal glory by jesus christ after you have suffered is endured endured with certain things a while what will he do make you perfect establish you strengthen you set to you give you stability these four things must happen to someone's life listen i really want you to believe me because believers are the ones who are possessors are we together it says after you have and you have put up with certain things for a while put up with poverty for a while put up with pain for a while put up with disappointment listen it can be forever no sir a book has many pages when you stay on one page forever it's a course after you have suffered a while the bible says weeping and joshua at night if you cry to the next morning cry in the afternoon cry till another night that crying has violated god's ordinances he allows people to only weep in the night after you have suffered for a while make you perfect establish you establish you then it says strengthen you all kinds of might financial might intellectual my denises said to you said to you you are unmovable you have gotten to a level where you are not afraid the lord declared that this is a year of triumph i believe this so when god gave me this scripture it entered my spirit and the lord began to communicate to me and said son you have not hit my expectation for the year this triumph there is there is something there is there is a dimension of testimony that is not yet rampant here and there like rain people are getting it but it is in a ministry of thousands of people if only four people testify as a man of god not failed four over thousands is zero round the top is zero so there is a dimension the services that remain for this year will be very strangely prophetic services i tell you there are services meant at pushing people to force the reality of this world because brothers and sisters god cannot lie god cannot lie god cannot lie god cannot lie so the lord showed me this scripture and it really really blessed me tonight i'm going to teach very briefly on the mystery of divine intervention the mystery of divine intervention what is the spiritual secret behind calling god in the time of trouble and let him show up and bail you out what is the system in the kingdom that has been built where men when you need the help of god when your life is faced with an emergency and you need to call heaven brothers and sisters there are emergencies in our lives that require access to this system the mystery of divine intervention the bible is full of [Music] near mere shame experiences where god got up showed up for individuals showed up for the nation of israel got the lives of people around overnight let me show you one scripture you will want to know 2nd peter chapter two verse nine learn this scripture add it to your spiritual arsenals you will need it i guarantee you second peter chapter two verse nine i want us to run uh tonight read it with me please one two three the lord nowhere how to deliver the godly from temptation or oppression or calamities and to reserve the unjust unto the day the lord knows how to exchange experiences that he looks as child and says for my name say come promise that he looks at this person who calls upon his name and watches that this guy is getting into trouble he says god knows how to exchange people and carry this person out and drop the wicked for the punishment that is allocated for the righteous is called intervention there is a system in god listen please there is a system in god where god can plug men out of the fire [Music] remember the story of the three hebrew boys the bible says they found the foreigners seven times that those who threw them inside the furnace listen they threw them inside the furnace and the heat killed them and when four of them were inside [Music] king was not a believer but the king had had strange encounters and he saw a face in that fire he had seen in his dream he said i look and i see four people and the appearance of the fault is like the son of god and the bible says they came out they could not even smell fire what of daniel that was thrown in the den of the lions because of his prayer life the bible says the lions were at peace with him and when he came out and they threw those other fellows the lions just before them brothers and sisters there is a mystery there is a hidden code of operation allocated to the saints in light to help them deliver them out of all of us around there is a way you call upon god for your personal prayer life but brothers and sisters there is a way you call upon god to intervene on a matter that if he does not intervene sometimes it may be that you are finished there was a time death was killing people in israel killing people there was a way they called on god divine intervention is real all through scripture we see that god is able to arise psalms 102 verse 13. he says doubt shall arise and have messier ponzio for the time that there is a time o there is a time to favor joshua salman there is a time to lift me and you see the bible says in emma chapter 3 verse 9 that god does not do anything but to reveal his secret to his servants the prophets so when god is about to do something in a territory he captures his thoughts in words in in similitude in in all kinds of expressions communicating to his servants to deliver to the people so that their faith will be connected to what he wants to do in the season and god has declared that it's a season of triumph i believe god it's not just a cliche that a man of god comes to move ministry forward no sir thou shalt arise and have mercy upon zion for the time the time to favor her time to lift her the time to honor her for god's sake the time to wipe her tears the time for zion to say i am also the bride of a good man he says the time has come thou shall arise and have mercy upon zion for the time to favor her yea the sad time is come many people want intervention intervention is the supernatural is a supernatural visitation over a man's situation that brings a radical transformation supernatural visitation of god supernatural visitation of god all of a sudden god steps in overnight and changes a man's situation overnight he says have you heard this proverb that a city was born in one day he said but as soon as zion travels in one day she shall put forth a song [Music] why do we need divine intervention because of our imperfection as human beings the first reason that necessitates divine intervention is that we are inaccurate as human beings our inaccuracy as human beings inaccuracy of understanding and obeying the precepts of god will necessitate god to create that provision [Music] are we together [Music] young man drinks and smokes and gets to a point where he now repents when his liver is quartered to die he has repented but the liver is still going chilling that gentle man doesn't just need a healing he needs a divine intervention when somebody repents in the prison and is supposed to say 80 years and he went there at 40 you see that he's going to die in the prison he needs divine intervention he's born again but he's in the prison our families are in desperate need for divine intervention is that true father not working mother not working 13 children 10 of them not working all of them graduates however there is need for a strange intervention how about human agents that will sit on your destiny and vow and save for as long as we are here we fraternize with darkness to jeopardize your confidence about god i wish there was no such reality but brothers and sisters the bible did not leave us in the dark as to the wickedness that lies in our world i was talking with a young man on phone who sent me a text i think they worshipped one kind of idol and the father has been calling him i should come back there's something he's supposed to do the guy said it's not coming back after graduating from school they are asking you to come they will buff you put something on your head and one kind of ritual like this after that they will say you can go the guy said it's not coming and the man told him that that thing whatever it is will pursue him and look for him with his blood father the boy was speaking to me and i said let me tell you my brother if you go there and carry yourself and go and sit down under that whatever it is and they buff you with the blood of an animal and do those rituals god is able rather than wasting your time paying transport use the money buy a book that reveals a mystery that you you keep the enemy at bay because what that shrine is trying to prevent him from will look for him if he doesn't have the mystery allocated he can make bold face and say i won't go but you will soon find out that it will happen to him first child dawn second child very tall third child very dull and the person i'm brilliant my wife is brilliant he sees that thing in the dream you say i told you 10 years ago you would have rescued your children see don't reject darkness without having the light component don't just say i reject darkness every shine in my village god forbid he's a joke you must have the light component otherwise i tell you to haunt you and tear you into pieces there are forces of darkness [Music] we need divine intervention because of our inaccuracy we need the intervention because listen the pace at which darkness attempts to destroy us versus our level of spiritual growth will require divine intervention at some point now look at me listen let me tell you something in the next 10 years there are things that i will know then that i don't know now but satan is plotting all kinds of schemes over my life based on the knowledge i need to know 10 years to come i need intervention by the mercy of god to give me victory before i enter that level of understanding if my victory is purely left to my level of understanding alone it means that i will be punished on many grounds before i come into that knowledge you need divine intervention [Music] is god speaking to someone here let me tell you this i am very outspoken about results i'm not man of god i would like to say results don't matter i say lie is a lie if results don't matter why do you go to work why do you wait for salary at the end of the month is that true results matter to god matter to the devil matters to everybody on earth whether we agree or not results are consolations to your christian experience whilst it is true that we do not serve god just for results but brothers and sisters let me tell you even jesus saw a fig tree that was receiving nourishment from the principle he programmed in the earth and was not yielding the result you cast it in annoyance [Music] so god wants us to bear fruit but there are keys that we must understand please look up there are many of us here and there are many of our family members here had they known that there is a mystery that controls divine intervention many tragedies we now whip over would not have happened listen carefully are we together now yes somebody looked at you and vowed and said pastor alpha i would destroy you you said no problem you wouldn't destroy me but you did not understand the component the revelation component and eventually it caught up with you i pray for a lady she probably may be following now online married loved her husband all of a sudden the husband just changed and became a very very funny man doesn't even stay in the same room with her and all of that and she could not take it again and she called it you know i prayed with that lady and just this morning she sent me a text she said she woke up in the morning and just saw her husband sitting by her bed something brought him listen listen this is what you see men are slaves to the mysteries that control them you can program things like a bomb in the spirit and just go and watch it the same way i can put a bomb and i program blow by eight o'clock and then i just move somewhere and i'm laughing at everybody around here because it must blow except another agency superimposes it this is how you can program results in the realm of the spirit and watch like a movie as they unfold in the ethereum using things you call circumstances coincidences but you know that they are intentional results that were programmed by mysteries this is how i want your life to be that you can sit down and program growth program speed program breakthrough and watch everything like a movie and day after day you watch someone get up and say sorry elijah i i hope this is a new keyboard i bought for you and you laugh something was programmed your house that has been 10 years refused to be completed you program something by understanding and someone sam i don't know do you mind me complete this house and you will say yes because it was intentionally done you don't say i'm surprised you are coming i'm not surprised you were called that are we together that's why when people die in the villages the herbalists don't cry have you ever seen them crying no something they programmed [Music] they programmed somebody from london and tell him where to come and die when he dies other people are crying at the guys as well just to let you know that we are not children you can program things from the foundations of the earth some things were programmed and the intelligence of the father he watched everything unfold through redemption no power could stop it satan tried he entered he went when jesus was fasting and entered peter now came and entered when he entered judas i'm sure satan thought he was smart paul was watching it like a movie and saying had they known this so this was the caricature that god was making out of satan he thought he was smart but he was god was using him as a slave because you see when you killed him to scripture his blood will haunt you so god made sure it was satan that killed jesus [Applause] now go and read your bible blood is a mystery it remains on the head of the killer forever paul was watching this whether he was in the holy may gave him prison i don't know but paul was saying satan couldn't do jesus casted you out of peter and left you in judas you didn't ask why you just continued until you became a fool that's the reason why when we in the blood something really happens it happens to whoever was the killer when ken killed abel blood cried against him cried against him [Music] i need divine you need divine intervention samaria needed divine intervention please sit down they got to a point scripture says come to a point where women can you imagine brothers and sisters that you get to a point where you are not just eating goats you are not just eating clothes women you have your child i'm telling you there is a strange grace this year for fruitfulness and miracles in this ministry we have seen very dramatic manifestations and and all of that their mothers all around with their children moving right and center now imagine pastoral alphas that little baby imagine annie holding this a child and saying look there is so much poverty passover travels somewhere to go and look for food and she lashes with a jimmy's wife two of them they carried jail and carried david and two of them stand and agree and they say we're eating jail this night you eat it what sort of hunger makes you eat a whole human being now watch this then the bible says they ate the first one then the next day it was the turn to eat the other one and the mother said no and the woman said no you ate my child listen while that confusion was happening the king started passing and they went they said king you can't leave us like this and when all of that happened the king said look for elisha for me look for elijah for me because he had that elijah program for me he said i'm sure elijah has a hand in this trouble go and look for this this this guy was mentored by the troublemaker of israel go and look for elijah watch this while all of this suffering was happening the bible says elijah and the sons of the prophet where he didn't say they were hungry when he saw the king coming he said this son of a mother wants to now come and kill me oh yeah you should stop him and because of that it's okay now it's called my attention let me casually do something about what is killing a nation by this time kabba koto sakatya by this time tomorrow by this time tomorrow listen he didn't tell you how it will happen if you understand the superiority of the realm of the spirit you will never ask how results manifest you see let me tell you something when people argue and say how did this thing happen they are not wise the raw materials that create the earth are resident within the realm of the spirit [Music] he said by this time tomorrow by this time i'm hurrying up i would have given you scriptures but i really want us to pray that by this time tomorrow please help them this will cause this and that and then a foolish man like many doubters that insult men of god he said what are you saying i mean i'm the minister of this and that i read this and that even if the windows he knew that much that heaven had a window with what did they build the window he never asked if god will open the window will these things be and the prophet said me you will see it all but they will kill you in front of that breakthrough then look at how the miracle happened the prophecy had been programmed in the spirit now it is up to the world this is where the wisdom of god starts is that searching for scenarios in the earth that can bring what is in the spiritual manifest are you seeing how prophecy comes to pass watch this look at this let me teach you something watch this look at me and let if i prophesy to you a mecca and say by tomorrow if it is really by the spirit i say by tomorrow money is coming to your account i have placed that word in the spirit hold on the word manifest by the wisdom of the spirit let me tell you what the wisdom of the spirit is it will start searching the earth to look for the scenario on it that is capable of bringing that word down then connect it to the individual listen the wisdom of god will move to a rich man if it's not open it will move to somebody who god had instructed to suit if he would keep moving like that that's how the anointing god to mary to be the mother of jesus the bible never said the name of the mother of jesus would be mary the prophecy started searching for a virgin when he found one and she said i'm available he brought her listen there are too many activities on earth that can mirror what is happening in the heavens for god to be bankrupt in terms of manifestation when god says i want to bless you cohen is already speaking to millions of people to sow it's just that he has not told them who to sow the wisdom of god can just connect one of them you see how prophecy works i'm helping your faith so that when god says i will do this you now sit with your limited mind and say i only know uncle a and b and i already know a promise you will never see man god is saying no we are talking about the wisdom of the creator look at what happened four lepers everybody said four lepers four lepers were sitting quietly and the wisdom of god the spirit of wisdom because the word of god must come to pass the man of god had declared it and the anointing came on the lepers they thought they were just tired but they didn't know that at that point they were under the influence of a man of god and the word started programming that result they say why sit here till we die even that talk was by the spirit they thought they were existing and they said look let's just get up and go to the camp of our enemies and tell them kill us but let's eat first the bible says the moment they began to go god changed their people they began to hear the sounds of chariots and all of them listen where they're not warriors is he no fight they fought to get those things couldn't they fight again when god wants to bless you he will move your enemy in a way that you will not even know how things happen i know i should not graduate but there is a mystery that can be programmed a man is watching your result 37 over 50 you need 50 something comes on him and he writes he does not even know listen listen people some people hear the testimony of some of our some of the people who wrote jam here that jam changes from 100 and something to two and you hear them talking nonsense talking stupid things and saying how can it happen and i said look at this foolishness how does a boil come out of your stomach where did the mass accumulate from that projected out did any part of your body reduce for it to come out didn't ask where it came from then when it disappears you say where did it go to you see how we think [Applause] [Music] son of man can these bones leave again immediately or not after 10 years not gradually can these bones leave again he said god i've seen many miracles but i've not seen this time that a dry bone is not like a dead human being i believe in raising the dead but dry bones and he said okay i want to show you something that when i show up i compress time and make things happen and he said prophesy prophesied and things began to shift listen it is too late when mysteries have been programmed in the spirit take it from me the moment a man program something in the spirit you better find a way of countering it in the spirit otherwise it must manifest [Music] this is what herbalists do they conjure things they conjure spirit and then they tell the person go it is done at the point they said go it is done you didn't feel anything go with cheby we put your husband in a bottle and you saw it go it is done the woman will go home and still see her arrogant husband come back and she'll be laughing here already in a bottle two days later physical things start happening in the earth to force him to conform to what has been programmed after one week the man becomes a toy to her because the realm of the spirit must so you look at a woman who is boring it may look like you just touched a stomach but it's more than that mysteries were programmed in the spirit they said how shall these things be seen that i know not a man he says the power of the highest brothers and sisters i came to prophesy to someone it would be a quick walk or it would be a quick walk it would be a quick walk i tell you except it's not the god i told you that the remaining services don't miss them there will be help them please there will be strongly prophetic services strongly prophetic services it will be a quick walk there is a mystery that can push man false prophecy push man [Music] that in one day something can happen to you and you will turn and say god i'm sorry for doubting you when it was time for the animals to enter the act of noah he didn't call one of them something was manipulated in the spirit all the animals started lining up regardless of their hostilities they lined up and came quietly listen let me tell you something the day i learned the vanity of the physical realm compared to the spiritual realm i stopped wasting my time about physical things trust me i really mean it i saw how helpless the physical realm is that a body without a spirit is dead i stopped wasting my time those who do business do it in the spirit realm they program spirit realm and just watch like strangers how things manifest you program favor and you come and see strangers bringing blessings and people say how is it happening [Music] you see what is happening in this ministry submit to you it was programmed it's not a coincidence something took you from where you were and brought you here it's not just that you like a man no it's a mystery that is the same thing that will put a baby in the barren womb it's not when a man meets his wife that she gets pregnant to a man meets his wife to give the child physical form [Music] do you believe what i'm saying because let me tell you something one of the things we are going to do tonight is to change some things there are results that are wrong something programmed it it may be our ignorance it may be something i bring you a message of hope the realm of the spirit is still there that means there is still an ability to access it please sit down i'm just trying to compose myself my spirit is boiling this night listen listen i have experimented this thing too many times too many times too many times you can program favor you can program breakthrough listen you can program judgment on the wicked you can program speed the word of god is an instrument of creation you can create realities that were not there when you hear people testify it's not like the testimony was waiting somewhere a word created it [Applause] [Music] when you are programming mysteries you don't attach a face to it the wisdom of god will create the actors of that mystery in the physical realm you don't say god bless me through my uncle i have access the principles that brings the blessing it is god that will start sourcing for the men that will act the movie that will bring your breakthrough he can use a donkey he can use stone it doesn't matter the most important thing is that let it come [Music] [Applause] are we together [Music] i tell you believe me brothers and sisters when i tell you there are more angels on this ground than people sitting there are more angels angelic presence i don't know if it's because of what i'm teaching tonight but i prayed for strange intervention angelic interventions and the lord is just opening my eyes and i'm seeing that there are numerous angels battalions of angels every time god opens do you know why when i speak like these people start manifesting under the anointing because you see when you are open to the realm of the spirit bottle is created immediately do you understand and when that portal is created there must be an effect remember when paul saul now saw jesus those dead did not see but there was an effect from the realm of the spirit i'm explaining it because it's nothing strange but i stand and i see angels inside outside like this i'm even on that fence you are seeing i'm seeing all kinds of things happening and this is by the power of the spirit i believe that not all the angels are the same they are according to their ranking and their functions according to what kind of intervention must manifest because see our challenges are not the same i know some of you may not have issues but let me tell you there are people the issues you have require recovery restoration judgment on somebody so there are angels that are allocated for that kind of thing was he not an angel that used hailstone and killed hundreds of thousands of people overnight please help them [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] decaturs i release angels strange ministry of intervention by the authority of the most high angelic interventions over lives and families it must end tonight in the name of jesus is the year of triumph it must end tonight [Music] upon zion thou shalt arise god is arising over a family god is arising over a family [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah listen brothers and sisters let me tell you something you see but when you come before god's presence the bible tells us that upon mount zion many things happen the innumerable company of angels these things are not fables the bible is not a book for religious people it is life it is true it is our own belief that has made it look like a storybook that you come to his presence and there is a strange intervention i say it again in the name of jesus as i begin to teach i have not finished but in jesus name i release the ministry of angels i release the ministry of angels that whilst the teaching is going on let intervention start in the name of jesus christ strange interventions strange interventions please sit down if you can [Music] please help those outside very quickly i will give us four keys let's use ten minutes sorry i will not be explaining it in depth i want us to pray i want us to pray i want us to pray i feel the spirit of prayer here scala brothers cardiac also there are four keys to provoking divine intervention every time you are in a situation where you need the help of heaven urgently do these four things and you will change the tides in a way that will surprise you listen brothers and sisters as you lend these mysteries please use them don't be too big to use them be childlike and apply them you will be surprised these are not corningly divine fables these are things that i do myself they are not necessarily things i'm just telling you just for for you know just the sake of it the first thing to do when you are in need of strange intervention is engaged in the ministry of prayer number one please quickly prayer i will give you two scriptures and then we will be able to look at two write it down please acts chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 talks about peter don't don't project it i just want to hurry up in acts chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 the bible tells us how that james was caught by herod he was beheaded and when it pleased the jews he now caught peter unlocked him and then the bible says the brethren began to pray whilst they began to pray an angel came into the prison brought peter out peter even thought he was having a vision until he took him out and then peter was free we see that prayer was part of the instruments that were used was used to bring strange and divine intervention acts chapter 12 from verse 5 to 11 please write this down acts chapter 16 from verse 25 to 34. it's a long reading don't project it just write it down acts chapter 16 from verse 25 to 34 this was um a scenario where paul casted out the demon from the lady that was using divination to prophesy and then the people got angry and they mobbed them you know and then the bible says that they chained them and they were kept under the custody of a jailer then the bible says paul and silas prayed and they sang and the bible says everyone in the prison had them all of a sudden there was an earthquake and then the bible says the thing's broken all doors open i like that all doors it is in some doors when the chain broke all doors the doors of the prison of other people connected to them also open all doors open prayer can open doors james chapter 5 are starting maybe you can project that he said is any of you afflicted let him pray prayer is the biblical recommendation for affliction if any of you afflicted he said let him pray so whenever you are afflicted the key is to pray you may not know what to do i'm teaching you what to do now but regardless of what the situation is pray especially engaging in the spirit the most the most sound way to engage warfare prayers especially is to pray in the spirit first as you pray in the spirit the holy spirit begins to construct the scriptures in your mind you will not alter them just as words you will alter them as prophecies that's what we live to bring the result so the first key is not just to start talking uh you take out time and pray in the spirit that's why it is important to be filled with the holy ghost with a clear evidence of praying in tongues it's not a phenomenon for pentecostals there is a dimension of victory you will never be able to command are we blessed is any among you afflicted has any of you received a bad report has any of you been told that you have so so so time to leave has any strange spirit appear to anybody and said you will not see christmas so when others are rejoicing don't join them the key is not to get up and cry has any stranger come to you while you sleep and try to molest you and you just got up and say this thing has come again no sir [Music] has the door foreclosed towards you so the people who used to help you suddenly have changed the people who used to like you suddenly have changed the doors that used to bring you blessings have changed something is suddenly happening to your spiritual life prayer zero word life zero you need an intervention prayer the scripture i want us to read now is psalms 18. never forget this scripture is one of the arsenals that i have for my personal um is a scripture that has blessed me i have prayed this scripture if if this scripture was a shoe by now i would have maybe the soul would have eaten into pieces i'm giving you a piece of my secret place psalm 18 don't ever forget that scripture don't ever forget it for as long as you live if you are a leader going far this is a chief tool that you need we are going to read from verse one to six then i'll pick for you the verses we're reading is a long verse ready please give it to us one to six i will love thee oh lord my strength the lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer listen my god my strength in whom i will trust my buckler and the horn of my salvation and my high torah i will call upon the lord i will do what call upon the lord in prayer who is worthy to be praised so by calling upon him shall i be saved from my enemies verse four the sorrows of death compass me this a man in trouble and the flood of ungodly men made me afraid the sorrows of hell compassed me about the snares of death prevented me in my distress hallelujah i didn't discuss it with people who cannot help me i caught upon the lord and cried upon unto my god he heard my voice from out of his temple and my cry came before him even to where even to his ears there is a kind of cry that enters the ears of the mighty god let's jump to verse 14 then to 17 then 40-45 say quick reading verse 14 yeah he sent out his arrows god has arrows so he is look up i learned this i was checking arrows you know arrows that fly by day and then i found out that it's not only the devil god the bible says yeah this is him intervening for me these are part of the forces from his cabinet of judgment that he can release he says he sent out his arrows and scattered them and he shot out lightnings and discomfited them 17. please give us 17. he delivered me from my strong enemy and from them which hated me for they were too strong for me [Music] verse 40. [Music] thou has also given me the necks of my enemy that i may destroy them that hate me they cried but there was none to save them even unto the lord but he answered them not 42 were really reading to 48 then did i beat them small as the doors before the wind and did cast them out of the dirt in their streets 43 oh dear media thou has delivered me from the strivings of my people and that made me the head of the hidden a people whom i have not known shall serve me pastor you need this for your ministry when you open a branch in a locality that you don't know there are people who need to comment as soon as they hear of me they shall obey me the strangers shall submit themselves to me 45 [Music] 45 the stranger shall fade away and be afraid out of their close places now 47 to 48 is a scripture i don't want you to ever forget ready go ahead give us what go to 47 go to 47. it is god that have vengeance me and subdued the people under me who did it who did it he says it is god that avenged me and subdued the people under me 48. he delivered me from my enemies yeah thou lifted me up above those that rise up against me thou has delivered me from the violent man divine intervention as a man of god there are wicked forces day and night to destroy you as a leader there are wicked forces but when you catch this and catch the revelation you will walk through the valley of the shadow of death and the lord will be with you mysteriously you will not travel and sit down be shaking will a cat jump me will he break my leg will he break my head no sir rest and quietness on the strength of scripture everybody say prayer we need to learn how to call upon the lord listen do you know most people don't know how to call upon the lord they know how to lament you are not calling upon the lord you are shouting a lamentation a a strategy for lovation that you inherited [Music] he said unto dear lord do i lift up my soul oh my god let me not be ashamed though let not my enemies triumph over me there is a way you can pray with god sometimes like anna you can't even shout it's not something you you just lie down and say oh god oh god deliver me from the shame of the wicked there are enemies that are waiting to see you fail so that it will be their prophecy fulfilled lord confound their counsel and god will say go to my ear i had it i'm on my way coming [Music] prayer number two the second key when you want to activate the mystery of divine intervention is to engage praise with understanding praise praise [Music] praise as an instrument of warfare and praise as an instrument of faith praise as an instrument of warfare but that you are blessing him in advance listen this revelation is first becoming a national anthem in the body of christ people are suddenly coming to the realization that praise can work wonders you know people don't know why the presence of god is still mighty in africa is because africa is a prison continent yes yes sir yes sir they laugh at us and think that when we are dancing is nonsense praise is a mystery you want to turn around your situation no matter what you do if you have not praised there is no lord believe me lord give us understanding psalm 22 verse 3 it says toward only doubt that inhabitants the praise of zion god makes the praise of man his habitation but thou art holy all thou that inhabitants the praises of joshua sermon listen i've taught us how to praise you don't praise god without dancing that is nonsense you are you are singing a national anthem is when you are reciting national anthem that you stand and put your hand on your chest moving your body is not a sign of is not you are not you have problems you can cry but still praise are we together this this is a it's a powerful mystery i want you to learn [Applause] our father bishop david when he almost had a few weeks ago he almost had a plane crash that would have taken his life as soon as that happened they declared praise i said oh dear spiritual intelligence let me tell you what other people would have done they would have organized a cocktail party and said you know we and the devil said that i'm coming back praise praise is one of the most powerful ways to disgrace the devil because you say let me tell you one of depression is the absence of laughter and joy satan using when people are about to die there are few people who die smiling most people are depressed then they keep quiet he says that the joy of the lord shall be your strength so when there is no joy your spirit becomes broken and the bible says a broken spirit dry yet the bones [Music] you don't praise god when things are going well you praise god to make them go well listen you don't praise god when when things are going well and you praise god it's called thanksgiving thanksgiving is the dance you give and the testimony you give when things have manifested but before they manifest it is called perfected praise praise with understanding lord you are so good you are worthy of all my praise lord you are so cool you are exalted as the lord most high hold on listen let me tell you what satan will tell you the moment you sing that he will tell you is he not your sister that just died [Music] is he not five carryovers were seen oh god did they not just suck you ah the gentleman that has been promising to marry you is you know by 8 am this morning he says not doing again the devil brings it because he knows you see satan knows that we function in the realm of the flesh the senses are we together now so he brings things that resonate with your senses when you see them you are now depressed but that's the time any time you are praising god satan says why are you praising him no reason i'm praising him to create my testimony you see that listen corporate dancing and praising is good but you must learn to do this thing alone if he means you trusting god to get one small room for yourself for the purpose of praise is what it will is worth it reserve the 40 000 for shoes and use it to pay for a small room put worship wake up in the night because there is personally me i don't have time to do that dance and praise in the afternoon all kinds of calls distracting in the night oh dear oh dear ask god what i do in the night yes yes sometimes i carry coin on your documents drop it on the ground turns before it and shame the devil i carry my phone put it there i'm not dancing before them [Music] i say lord you are great i dance before you people are coming from everywhere rain or no rain publicity or no publicity and god says you are doing this for me i said lord who else would i do it for and you are celebrating him lord you are faithful and you are worshipping him you are sweating like a fool and while you are doing that god is dispatching angels okay make sure you wake that guy to transfer money to his account that hundred thousand i gave you i didn't tell you who to send it to send it to you oh his mother is at home for giving back to him send an angel there too my innocent mother is lying down she'll wake up in the morning and say mama where are you say who are you say just come take my praise this our big monism has cheated us beyond imagination this pride that you don't have results and you are still talking you know ah okay i agree that you can you think i can dance look at me you think no no god i don't have that gift of dancing it's not a competition this is your destiny this is breakthrough if a thief puts a god and say you should dance won't you do something [Music] some of us when we were in the world you know the kind of dance demonic satanic dance that you did for the devil for free that destroyed you you got drunk dancing it a spirit entered you dancing it i'm not saying you should dance lines of nonsense dance in the house of god what i'm saying there are times you need to learn to sing and dance alone wait listen listen most people dance you can't turn your dancing time to a nightclub and god will look at you and say you're wasting your time it is the revelation that makes the singing and the dancing profitable don't just move your body around just because you are happy that's that's entertainment brothers and sisters there is the kind of dance that you dance with tears in your eyes but you are doing it with understanding don't think you will only always be laughing are you hearing what i'm saying yes no job for you no job for your wife no job for your five children they are all graduates you have prayed oh nothing happened brothers and sisters try singing and celebrating god everyone in their room rejoicing jesus you are full and you are just dancing let me tell you what will happen the lord will start bringing testimonies remember when a cow would have killed you in 1995 and you say lord i remember and you start dancing it you are you are compressing doubt because something is about to be created you would dance and dance till you fall under the anointing there and get up and clean yourself and be tired and sleep and wake up and drag yourself brothers and sisters you have programmed something in the spirit you will get up in the morning and just dress and say father thank you and get a phone call who is this i'm seeing a document that has been here four years on my table who are you so i finished what did you read anyway it's not what you're aware you come quickly i like you you just know that praise is working praise is walking let the people praise me psalm 67 verse 5 to 7 let the people praise me it's an instruction the earth has been programmed to deliver certain results but let the people praise thee oh god let all the people praise thee verse 6 then shall the earth yield her increase and god even our god shall bless us you can stop there zephaniah it may be difficult for some of us to find but just right media please give it to us zephaniah chapter three let's read 14 to 20 i hope we can just quickly hurry up zephaniah [Music] chapter 3 zephaniah chapter 3 and verse 14. we're reading 2 verse 20. listen it says sing o daughter of zion he's not talking about a lady he's talking about human beings you must read the bible prophetically when he says daughter find out what he means there are times in the bible all people are sons there are times all people are daughters are we together so don't think he's talking to ladies sing or daughter of zion shout o israel be glad and rejoice with all the heart or daughter of jerusalem we're reading to verse 20 the lord had taken away thy judgments and has cast out this enemy the king of israel even the lord is in the midst of thee thou shalt not see evil anymore in that day shall be said to jerusalem fear thou not unto zion let not thy hands be slack we're reading to verse 20 give us 17. the lord thy god in the midst of thee is mighty he will save he will rejoice over thee with joy he will rest in his love he will join over there with what singing singing [Music] i will gather them that are sorrowful for the solemn assembly who are of thee to whom the reproach of it was a burden verse 19. behold at that time i will undo all that afflicted and i will save her that haunted and gather her that was dripping out i will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame at that time i will bring you again even in the time that i will gather you for i will make you a name and a praise among all the people of the earth when i turn back your captivity before your eyes say the lord you read that scripture and say lord whether i understand it or not i am dancing with this revelation that you are turning something i can see everything [Music] [Applause] i can see everything one more time i can see everything turning around please sit down when you go back home continue continue continue apostle i don't have a house find a tree find somewhere it is a place that will give you a house my brother i'm staying with neighbors i don't want to disturb them find somewhere behind one rock you don't have to shout and disturb the neighborhood just engage in praise glorified you may be tired but it's called a sacrifice of praise brothers and sisters do this and see how things will turn in your life there's nothing the devil can do with someone who is full of joy and glory this gloominess that you see people tied your face around it doesn't bring breakthrough it adds to your sorrow you loosen up and say father you are faithful you are tying your face around and people say why are you why should i not tie my face how will you pay my rent for me my brother is praised i will pay that rent so you turn everything and rejoice let me tell you what many people will say who see you engage in this because they don't mind all these men oh god there are 20 people to be stupid you see that but when you meet them for rents they won't give you [Music] if you want god's results follow his methods number three quickly third key to activating the mystery of divine intervention is called seed faith self-time is seed faith listen i know that giving has been abused listen carefully please outside online listen carefully i know that giving has largely been abused because it has looked like some manipulation and journalists and bloggers have not done justice because they have mixed everything and made it look like giving and sacrifice is some gimmicks to corner money and give a man of god brothers and sisters let me tell you something something i do all the time including today [Music] every time you are in a situation listen please every time you are in a situation that only god can step in with understanding haven't prayed package a seed speak to that seed and give it an instruction and so that seed release if you just saw money is bribery it's not the money revelation the bible is full of the potent power of seed faith connecting your faith with a seed and a sacrifice to provoke god's hand for intervention i've done it countless times on behalf of this ministry i've done it countless times on behalf of myself my family my friends people i love seeds the seed that is in your hand can create a destiny that will surprise you if you know what to do with it please listen to me don't think i'm asking you to give me money no there are people who when they hear this they just frown their face not at all not at all god has been faithful to me are we together listen there are people who have turned their lives around overnight if there is one thing i know in my little walk with god is that your seed can bruise the head of the serpent i promise you i have seen people quarter to shame everything was against them it was obvious they are finished and they used their seed and torn the hands of life in a way that you cannot imagine [Music] my life is full of sacrifices [Music] psalm 126 don't turn there verse one to six you write it that when the lord turn again the captivity of zion he said we were like them that dream the first six verses the la the sixth verse ends by saying they that so in tears the whole verses are connected verse six is connected to verse one god turning away the captivity of zion like a dream he says that day that so in tears will rip a joy heat that weak path bearing precious seeds the bible says shall doubtless return rejoicing bringing in the sheeps it's not every seed to be cheerful does not mean to laugh to be cheerful means that there be a merriment in your heart there are some times you will cry for the seed you sow hallelujah someone came over to my place today and the lord instructed him to bring me a seed and quite a very serious seed just you know a military officer just came dropped the seed and when i saw it the seed was in dollars i said wow in this recession this seed and the lord told me no no no no make sure you don't touch it this is your seed for something and the lord told me i started dancing i said thank you jesus this is when god gives you seed to sow is interventional getting the seed to sow is an act of god's mercy that you say lord i must provoke this but i have no seed then he gives seed to the sower those who know only know how to eat anything plus their destiny they keep getting bred but those who want to create a future brothers and sisters i have created realities in my life with seeds i believe in the power of a seed listen don't let people because of their cynicism the imbalance when a man creates an imbalance in scripture you don't avoid that truth because it has been abused you bring it to context and teach people brothers and sisters a seed can change your life believe me i have done crazy things in my life i thank god that is only god that reveals that is only god that knows the heart of men there are things if i tell you that i have done with seeds some of you you are not related to me but you will be angry you will remove your swans turn me with it and say you are very stupid in this recession seeds there will say yeah i've shared it again and again that god gave us an instruction we were just resuming coinonia and god gave an instruction he said so everything everything everything i don't mean small so everything let it go i said thank you jesus you are ready to lift us that is revelation by faith a bell offered you offer by faith you don't offer by by tricks and all kinds of no no no and we release it brothers and sisters eating seven days seven days more than ten times that amount see i'm not saying you should give carelessly no but brothers and sisters the seed that is in your hands can silence a spirit that has destroyed your destiny for years nobody is moving forward in your family you are just sitting down and god is saying look you have to provoke heavens with a sacrifice one day you get angry and say lord i am tired of this anna did not have money to give but she said lord let's do it give me the child i've given the child already as a seed and god said he said don't deal there was a king in the bible who they wanted to slaughter and defeat it was very clear the nation of israel would defeat them and he carried his son his future and slew the child the bible says an indignation rose up to heaven but who ended when god wanted to redeem man it was an issue of urgency god carried jesus the lamb upon the throne slew him jesus cried and god said that's not the issue man must be saved this greed over the little we have is what has destroyed us get used to money leaving you to go and wait for you in your future get used to it you may not have a seed but brothers and sisters let me tell you there are many ways to give money is not the only seed it's just the seed that can easily be exchanged that's why there are times that people have made radical sacrifices [Music] [Applause] do you believe what i'm teaching you principles of divine intervention [Music] trace your life at the moment where god gave you specific instructions that you did things that almost brought tears from your eyes and watched what happened you just did not study it enough to know how to keep it going [Music] i hardly share my testimonies i stopped because i found out that it annoys a lot of people and i'm not ready to attract unnecessary um you know people once they hear preachers talk there are people who just get angry just like that it's nonsense brothers and sisters learn to sow seeds but the most powerful part of sowing seeds is to give them instructions this is the mistake many of us have been making you package the seed some of you come and join the line apostle here is a seed i'm sowing i always ask people what is this for and we will say for nothing just i just feel like seeing you that's a donation that's a donation brothers and sisters all seeds are not the same there is a seed you give to the poor there is something it does to you there is a seed that you give to widows and orphans there is a kind of result there is a seed you put on the ground because you are tired of where you are [Music] if the word of god were alive i would have died since because the risk of taking with this word he would have killed me since but i believe him i believe him when i saw that seed today i was happy the joy that filled my heart i await the testimony that comes from it wanting a harvest that you have not scheduled to sewing is a waste of time it's imagine now somebody who didn't go to the farm he has a land somewhere he just carries his wife and his children and carries a truck and he jumps to an empty place he will find wheat there but whoever saw january february down to april he's smiling right now because he knows his harvest time [Applause] brothers and sisters i pray for us may god kill greed from our life this attachment to money listen this many people think wealthy people are the ones who are attached to money is a lie wealthy people in the kingdom have become wealthy because they have conquered it your seed is an instrument that creates your future [Music] hallelujah learn to release it learn to release it learn to release it i'll never forget a gentleman who sent me a text he saw the seed i remember it was when he sent me the text truly speaking i remember they saw seats and i was opening the envelopes most times it takes it honestly it's a while maybe some days before i even open the envelope to see what is there and pray on it and i open the envelope and i saw five naira and a letter the guy said these five naira was his isaac i know you will laugh and say hey this stupid boy no i respected that because that that thing i knew would create a harvest and the guide i opened it and wrote some things like that and then i just felt like to pray for him do you know he did reach two weeks the guy sent me a text and said i have never in my life seen favor like this five naira it's not about the money it's about the heart somebody was tired of where how many jobless people have not shown anything and they keep moving around with cv what must tell you the devil is fighting you you carry a seed and say god please i'm married with three children no job this more criminals end i drop this and tie it to my job [Music] and then praise around that seed place around the seed [Music] and your brothers and sisters say so this is what they are teaching you this is how these stupid men of god keep eating your money and all of a sudden the heaven opens breakthrough upon breakthrough you are praying to buy land oh lord please give me two millionaires to buy land i now have 150 000 just stop it up for me and god says you mustn't buy it just learn let me show you and all of a sudden someone stands up and blesses you [Music] i think it was you jimmy i was showing you was it yesterday i was showing him the document of a property that was given to me recently i said god what is this what is this [Applause] for as long as you whether you like it or not the law is that you must reap so if you have not sown anything stop stop saying god where is my harvest and he said what are you saying a woman who does not take in is she expecting a child no sir no shall do seasons of breakthrough in your life your seed is a weapon not just your prayer your seed is a weapon your seed is a weapon one mama called me one time i was led by god honestly i felt so i didn't know how to talk to her because she sounded like an elderly woman and she was praying for divine financial intervention i said mama please i want you to sow a seed not to me i idea i would never have the f1 tree to tell that woman to sow into my life i'm sure that woman will be older than my mother i said please try connect with a seed and the woman says she doesn't have anything i say it's not true mama there is something you have what do you do she says she farms yam i say carry four or five two bars of yam find any church i say which church is close around your area she said there's living faith i say go there find four two bars of yam diet and be praying singing any song in your language you know while you match to the pastors um what do you call it the pastor's office whether the pastor is eating the yam or not is not his business only a stupid man of god resents the seed of a desperate believer it's not whether you are more than 50 percent of the things people saw into my life i don't need it it's not for me i recognize what it is it's god speaking to someone seek faith learn to connect learn to connect learn to connect learn to connect it first king 17 when our time is gone just write it we don't have to project it first king 17 from verse 7 to 6 from verse 7 to 16. first kings chapter 17 when you read from verse 7 to verse 16 the bible talks there about brook cherith when he dried during the famine and the bible says that the lord told elijah to go to a place called sarafat and he said there was a widow there god wanted to intervene in that widow's life when the prophet got there he said give me water she was running to go and bring water and he said please and make some bread for me and the woman said i'm sorry man of god i respect you but honestly this is the last one i'm about to eat with my son so that we'll just wait until we die and the prophet said no no when you give it does not end when you give you extend the life of whatever it is the prophet was teaching her he said make it for me first in our generation they said that's a heartless and weakened devilish prophet but the moment she did that the bible says she lived off what was there until the famine was over [Music] you can change your life november december is too short a time no november december is too short a time brothers and sisters god can step into your life and do something in your life that you cannot imagine don't be surprised that you'll be celebrating new year in your own house whereas right now you don't even have land i'm talking to believers don't be surprised that you can give away up to 510 million by december whereas what you have in your account now is not up to ten thousand listen i'm not talking nonsense i'm not stupid [Music] [Applause] don't be surprised that after 10 20 years that your wife has been buried that she's going to celebrate new year two months pregnant you do every calculation you know it's not up to two months but she's two months pregnant don't ask where the child came from [Applause] that right now you are not even sure where your certificate is because you are tired you have thrown it somewhere but don't be surprised that you will be managing a business by the end of this year is it not god we are talking about is he not the god of heaven we are talking about number four the fourth key is the power of prophecy the power of the prophetic weapons of supernatural intervention the power of prophecy second kings chapter seven verse one to eight we've already discussed it just write it down second kings chapter seven from verse one to eight the story of elijah and samaria and the abundance that came to an entire land because there was a divine intervention by prophecy hosea chapter 12 and verse 13 please give it to us the bible says and by a prophet listen carefully and by a prophet it says the lord brought israel out of egypt how did they come out of egypt by a prophet not by god you would think god would say oh by me yes it is by god but the instrument that he used was a prophet and by a prophet the lord brought israel out of egypt and by a prophet was he preserved listen there are challenges that people go through a life that is totally needless if only they can locate a genuinely anointed prophet of god you can come out of a situation overnight some battles are totally needless they are products of pride and ignorance take note of these things i'm saying pride and ignorance some battles are totally needless there is enough grace and anointing to bail people out of it the gentleman had been writing i think it was why i called neco i can't remember for over maybe six seven years i remember one time he came and he was crying i didn't even align to finish i said that's all right let me pray for you it is done and he just went and the guy testified that truly speaking he answered nonsense in the exam because his brain had he had stretched the thing he has passed the age that he should be concentrating to be reading for work and yet it came out he had all credits like that and he said truly this is my result i say of course it's not your result god gave you to help you move forward of course it's not your result when other people are celebrating their intelligence you go to god and say thank you this one you give me there are things when other people are saying i got you turn to god and say this one came from you prophetic intervention brothers and sisters god still has anointed men [Music] yes an anointed man is not a man who speaks well an anointed man is not a man who trusts people under the anointing there are people who are privileged by the election of grace that god has put ancient ancient possibilities within them for the sake of the body your own price is to believe they may not look like it but they carry it what you have you have it was given to you are we together i truly believe that someone tonight i told us the remaining services for this year will be very strongly prophetic services and it will start from tonight just the five minutes or so we have to pray and then i speak over your life when prophecy comes receive it receive it you can reject it but you can receive it do you know i listen to every coin on your message this message now that has been preached it's not joshua salman this is the man of god teaching joshua sermon will listen to the man of god later in the week and when it's time to prophesy i will lift my hands and receive and pray in tongues otherwise i will keep blessing and the anointing that came from the throne through me through me i must also receive it by faith [Applause] [Music] prayer point number one father i am tired of where i am i am tired [Music] [Applause] will change our people's lives lift your voice and begin to pray father i am tired of where i am truly speaking lord this year will not end like this i have not yet seen any notable testimony in my life and the year is about to end oh god of heaven arise arise [Music] lord the faithful you said i will walk in i am yet to see it manifest and it is november the prosperity that you said i will walk in lord i believe you i still believe you [Music] in the name of jesus shout it say in the name of jesus i decree and declare over every mountain that stands between me and my resort hear the word of the lord be crushed into pieces lift your voice and pray in the name of jesus hear the word of the lord i speak over every mountain mountain of witchcraft mountain of delay i crush you by the god of heaven [Music] shake it take it take online i decree and declare hear the word of the lord who are down-mounted before joshua salman i command you become hallelujah say in the name of jesus i decree and declare that every promise hanging in the realm of the spirit i prophesy by the mystery of divine intercession you must manifest now lift your voice and pray find expression i give you a body my breakthrough find expression my lifting find the expression my advancement find the expression i give you a body manifest in my life pray find the expression i've seen you in my dreams i've seen you in my visions i command you to manifest [Music] hallelujah self-time in the name of jesus everything i have lost say it again in the name of jesus everything that should not have left me but was taken away from me i decree and declare return back to my destiny lift your voice and pray please be serious be serious pray every relationship that should not have left every finance that should not have left every faithful every breakthrough i call you back every access every platform in the name of jesus the son of the living god [Music] foreign [Music] please lift your hands in the name of jesus i prophesy to you i decree and declare by the anointing of the spirit of god i push you to the next level of your life i push you to the next level of your life and hear me i decree i don't know what stands your way i come tonight in the name of jesus and i crush it into pieces the same way the red sea was divided i command every obstacle to be divided in the name of jesus [Applause] hear me every physical scenario that must be created in the headrest to force what is in the spirit to find expression i schedule that event now in the name of jesus [Music] hear me i decree and declare in the name of jesus christ the son of the living god what has tied you and let me tell you that's how you thought breakthrough will come last year it didn't come i declare to you in entire rest your rest enter your rest entire rest [Music] lift your hands i want to prophesy by your finances there is there is the power to prosper listen there is a grace that helps men prosper in the name of jesus believe me as i pray this prayer for you by the grace of god who has shown me mercy and grace i prophesy to you beginning from this night faithful after favor strange financial favor i speak it to your life i speak it to your destiny i speak it to your life in the name of jesus any man sitting on your glory shackleton in the name of jesus i declare the earth opens up tonight and swallows them [Music] the spirit that eats your blessings when it's almost coming to you it comes to others when it's about your tongue something cuts you off this is not for everybody but i'm prophesying to someone if your eyes saw it in the spirit i command your hands to hold it if you saw it in your dream i command your hand to hold it if you saw it in your visions i command your hand to hold it [Music] hallelujah now listen [Music] i pray for everyone here who is a student and you are not you have already celebrated graduation but the truth of the matter is that what is in the faculty will not graduate you i stand before my god who myself and i decree and declare strange intervention for you now [Applause] [Music] listen if there is anyone here god told you that by december you should have a job until now no job has entered your hands in the name of jesus the son of the living god wherever your job is from the realm of the spirit i connected to your life i connect it to your life and if there is anyone sitting there now i overturn i overturn until it gets to your tongue [Applause] listen there are people god has instructed to bless you but they have been disobedient i take sleep on them tonight they must obey god on your behalf in the name of jesus christ please hear me i don't know what has not been working in your life i'm prophesying to you by the anointing i decree and declare is a master we have toiled all night some of you you have told from january you have submitted the same prayer request miracle service after miraculous service it comes to an end now in the name of jesus it comes to an end now by the anointing of the spirit [Music] give me one minute to speak over your family members i don't know what is plaguing your family members that god must step in if not you will still cry again i change that situation now please help them help them [Music] i changed that situation now made the angel of the lord's presence in the name of jesus go to every home and begin to correct things now i command correction correction correction if there is anyone here with a health challenge that has refused to go i don't care what it is i stretch my hands to you and i command that the power of god comes upon your body now john chapter 1 and verse 1 very quickly the bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and he said the word was god it says the same was in the beginning with god so the bible starts by telling us the word was with god in the beginning now listen even though jesus the person is called the word there is the word of god as the compendium of the methodologies of the kingdom the word of god has the compendium of the principles and the mysteries of the kingdom so when i talk about this third encounter i'm not just talking about an encounter with the son of the living god that leads to the new birth experience i'm talking about an encounter with the logos of god the word that is translated word is the greek word logos and it means the thoughts of a man the thoughts of a man that seek expression hosea chapter 4 and verse 6 the prophet began to lament and he said my people are destroyed they perish for the lack of knowledge for the lack of knowledge ephesians chapter 4 and verse 18 i hope you're writing the scriptures down ephesians chapter 4 i just quoted quickly for times sake paul was mentoring the church in ephesus and he was attempting to diagnose their spiritual condition and he said this having their understanding darkened it has been alienated from the life of god through the ignorance that is in them hallelujah as important as being saved or born again as we know it to be is when you are saved and you just stop at that realm you will never be able to attain stature and maturity in the kingdom in fact the bible says it is because of god's commitment to our maturity that he gave unto some apostles he gave unto some prophets evangelists pastors and teachers he says for the perfecting the word perfect india is the word maturing of the saints that the saints now being matured would do the work of the ministry to the end that we all as a corporate body will come into the fullness of the statue of the measure of christ it says not toast toward and fro by every wind of doctrine and the slight of men wherein they lie to deceive are we together so an encounter with the word of god is an encounter with the mysteries of the kingdom please say after me the mysteries of the kingdom one more time can you shout it say the mysteries of the kingdom in matthew chapter 13 and verse 11 jesus is teaching teaching a crowd just as this and he was introducing them to the lifestyle of the kingdom he began his discourse in what we know theologically to be the beatitudes opening them up to the way the kingdom functioned and he said that verse 11 matthew he said because it has been given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven so in this kingdom we excel and we reign on the strength of the principles and the mysteries of the kingdom that we know there is a dimension of jesus called jesus the way he said i am the way i'm not only the truth and life i am the way god's authorized method jesus the way and if you do not encounter the word of god you will never be able to understand the principles listen carefully the patterns and the methodologies of god let me tell you something about the glory of god the glory of god is only revealed as an attestation that his patterns have been kept if you ever see the glory of god revealed in the life of an individual revealed within a territory a church a business the glory of god comes to confirm that his patterns have been kept and so if you do not understand spiritual patterns you will never be able to host or reveal the glory of god if you are with me please say amen whether it's in finances ministry career your influence every manifestation of the glory of god revealed in scripture came when his patterns were kept now look up please god is a god of systems that means in his character every time he's about to introduce a dimension of himself listen carefully he would demonstrate or simulate that experience once and create spiritual principles around that experience so that by engaging the principles you can make for continuity of that dimension are we together now so he made man and he made woman and he programmed a principle of reproduction are we together so that if you need more men you will not have to call on him and say come create new people you engage the principle are you getting me now so you can be born again and yet your life will never capture the riches that are in christ because you have encountered the son of god you have even encountered the spirit but you have not encountered the locals there is an encounter with the word of god the result of this encounter with the word of god is what leads to what we call dominion you may have heard me say it again that dominion is not an impartation there is no anointing for dominion dominion is the resultant effect of your comprehending the ways of the kingdom this gives you authority the greek word exousia capacity to legislate are we together now [Music] encounter with the word of god [Music] colossians chapter 3 and verse 16 paul was speaking to the church in colossae and by extension the body of christ he said it this way let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom that the word of christ dwell in you richly and in all wisdom the word of christ can dwell in you but if it's not in wisdom you will not be able to draw it out and apply it accordingly there are many people who have access to scripture many people study their bibles but there is no methodical approach to their spiritual growth so if and when situations demand the release of the word of god they do not know how to coordinate the word of god like a system of advantage to produce victory i give you an instance the average believer does not understand the forces of redemption and the dimensions of victory are located to them so if you have a challenge the average believer would pray at random pleading the blood of jesus calling the fire of the holy ghost touching and agreeing taking communion laying hands on one another somehow you just suspect that one of those principles would work it's dangerous to leave your spiritual life shadow boxing you can step into a level of accuracy where you know what spiritual principle is responsible for what outcome this is what is called mastery in the spirit and paul said he that strives for mastery is not crowned except he strives lawfully you are a blessing to the decree to which you can handle the principles and the keys of the kingdom are we in agreement this morning yes so believers have access to scripture but then many are not able to methodically study and understand the truth of god's word write this down please maybe i should just say this quickly scripture contains three things basically every time you study scripture you're exposed to three things number one promises every time you study scripture you are exposed to the promises of god tokens of his commitment to you number two every time you open up scripture you are exposed to principles these principles are hidden in stories these principles are hidden in parables listen to me if all you read in the bible is a story or a parable it has not benefited you the benefit from that scripture or that story comes when you uncover and unravel the mystery behind the story behind the parable so scripture contains promises scripture contains principles number three scripture contains prophecies we'll see you high and lived you are shining in the light of your glory [Music] pour out your power and love since we sing holy holy holy there is a prayer now listen open the eyes of my heart lord open the eyes of my heart i want to see you i want to see you hallelujah second peter chapter one from verse three second peter chapter one and verse three in fact let's start from verse two second peter chapter one and verse two yes what it says grace and peace be multiplied unto you so we know grace can be multiplied we know peace can be multiplied but the bible says through knowledge grace does not multiply through desire grace and peace grace in ministry grace in business every dimension of grace is knowledge dependent through knowledge of god and of jesus christ our lord verse 3 says according as his divine power have given us all things that pertain how many things all things that pertain unto life and godliness but it now comes through knowledge the knowledge of him that had called us to glory and virtue verse four it says whereby are given unto us great and exceeding precious promises that by this we might be the partakers of his divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in this world through lust [Music] the accent of the grace that we command in this kingdom is dependent on knowledge listen you have to pray for the grace to conquer ignorance in your life ignorance is deadly it will give authorization to the devil and his cohorts to destroy you and destroy your ministry john 1 verse 5 says the light shine it in darkness and darkness comprehended it not so the kingdom is a compendium of infinite possibilities but those possibilities depend on knowledge listen in this kingdom there is a principle that governs kingdom wealth and abundance there is a principle that governs restoration there is a principle that governs influence there is a principle that governs being anointed there is a principle that governs longevity it's not enough to just claim them arbitrarily you must understand the principles that lead to that outcome [Music] are we together i give you an example you are trusting god to live a meaningful life there is a principle that is responsible for a meaningful life deuteronomy 28 from verse 1 it says it shall come to pass if thou shalt diligently hack unto the voice of the lord to do and observe all that i command you this day it leaves you with a promise that you shall be exalted above the nations of the earth and that this blessing shall come upon you and overtake you joshua chapter 1 and verse 8 says this book of the law shall not depart from out of your mouth but thou shalt meditate here in day and night that thou mayest observe to not just to say to do all that is written therein he says then and only then you will have good success [Music] so to just claim good success arbitrarily is making a mercury of your destiny you must understand the request spiritual principles the encounter with the word is god speaking to us there are so many things that happen in our lives and we console ourselves sociologically by saying how can they allow sharia have you heard that kind of statement it looks very sociologically comforting but let me tell you god has no business with many things that are happening to many people and we we are receiving the fruits of our ignorance ignorance has a cost it can cost you your lifetime it can cost you your relevance it can cost you your influence the bible tells us in jeremiah chapter 29 and verse 11 the will of god for us is not left in the dark i know the thoughts that i think towards you said the lord he says there are thoughts of good or peace and not of evil to bring you a future an unexpected end we need to trust god for the grace to become like spiritual archaeologists searching for the mysteries of the kingdom the principles of the kingdom that are responsible for the outcomes that we desire i give you another example are you still getting blessed this morning many people sir especially at this time of you know recession across the globe and then the pandemic has brought a lot of um a lot of setback for many people especially financially now you're trusting god for increase wishing and claiming and complaining and getting angry at blessed people will not produce that result you have to go back to scripture the manual for effective living and find out god's idea the bible says it this way isaiah 51 it says look unto abraham your father and to sarah your mother that betty he says i called him and i blessed him and i increased him that means understood his life as my idea of what it means to be blessed are we together then you begin to study the principles of scripture and you see scattered through scripture the keys that control the blessing of the lord upon the life of an individual then you begin to study truths like there is he that's cutter it and yet increase it there is he that withhold that more than his meat and tends to poverty then the bible says a diligent and shall be made fat is that true you begin to study scriptures like he that walks with the wise shall be wise but a companion of fools the bible says shall be destroyed then you begin to learn that there is favor as an equation for success in the kingdom exodus 3 and 21 the bible says i will give these people favor in the sight of the egyptians and it shall come to pass that as ye go ye shall not go empty now when you find that truth you obtain grace to walk in keeping with the conditions that release the blessing [Music] apostle it looks like everybody does not like me it looks like all the helpers of my destiny are not here to help me i sympathize with you but that is not a correct statement because the bible says whoever wants friends you must sow that seed of friendship by becoming friendly are we together now there is a lot of ignorance in the body of christ please listen to me well-intentioned people sincere people respectfully speaking there are so many well-meaning believers across the plateau becoming victims of situations and circumstances and many people get angry and offended with god why should i have this kind of treatment i love jesus with all my heart i'm a believer you will say i'm a christian i go to church it takes more than going to church it takes more than getting born again you must encounter the word of god the methodologies of the kingdom then you will learn his ways in fact prophet micah prophesied that in the last days the mountain of the lord shall be exalted above all the mountains and above other hills and he says all nations will flow through it it says they will tell one another come let us go to the mount of the lord to the house of jacob he says and there he will teach us his ways that is what we are going to learn he will teach us his ways you know how the disciples became apostles it was not just by impartation services for three and a half years they were immersed in a body of spiritual information it took only one day for their impartation but it took three and a half years the anointing with you anointed my head not my cup what needs the miracle is my head [Music] and i see the result of what happened on my head through my cup we need knowledge we need knowledge colossians chapter one and verse 9 apostle paul again praying over the church in colossae he prayed to the father that they might be filled with the knowledge of his will number one number two all wisdom number three spiritual understanding and that from a child thou has known the holy scripture that is able to make you wise even unto salvation i'm trusting that in this first service the lord will plant in us and appetite for scripture not learning to preach not learning just to preach in a conference this is for your life they are life to those who find them the bible says and health to their flesh i detest ignorance and i'm not ashamed of any area where i'm ignorant in fact many times i pray and i tell the lord reveal to me the areas of ignorance in my life so that i can contend for light we rise in this kingdom by light apostle paul said i went up by revelation we go up by revelation not desire [Music] desire only pushes you to the place where you begin to engage revelation according to proverbs 18 and verse 1 it says true desire a man haven't separated himself secret and intermittent with all wisdom desire separates you but it is knowledge that gives you authority in this kingdom are we blessed [Music] there are three blessings that come to the life of any believer when you encounter the word of god number one the first blessing you receive is the blessing of understanding write that down please understanding the fortitude to comprehend luke chapter 19 and verse 42 when you read that scripture the bible says jesus stood and wept over jerusalem he said oh jerusalem jerusalem if only you had known in this thy day the things that make for your peace he says but now they are hidden from you understanding is a real miracle [Music] luke chapter 24 and verse 45 please give it to us understanding the bible says then open he their understanding that they might understand scripture i think we should turn this verse into a prayer in one minute lord open my understanding i'm tired of looking but not seeing i'm tired of hearing but not comprehending i'm tired of shadow boxing my way through destiny grant me accuracy of perception and understanding if someone prayed you came to church i was glad he said when they said unto me let us go to the house of the lord because you learn the ways of god you do not learn the ways of god in a bank you do not learn the ways of god in a parliament the church is the only authorized institution that can mentor and culture believers lift your voice and pray lord grant me understanding grant me understanding hallelujah look at me spiritual understanding is a miracle just because you are educated in as much as secular education is concerned does not mean you understand spiritual things do not confuse secular education and enlightenment with spiritual understanding isaiah 29 and verse 11 let me show you an interesting scripture isaiah 29 and 11. is it possible that we really together can you see from where you are seated all right let's try one to read and the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed read on which men deliver to one who is learned what's his reply saying read this i pray thee and he said i cannot why for it is sealed not closed sealed just because the bible is open does not mean that the seals have been broken it can be open and yet it is sealed next verse verse 12 and the book is delivered to him that is not learned saying read this i pray thee and he said i have not even learned it in the first place so there is a realm where both the learned and the unlearned have to depend on the holy spirit he is the one who opens you up to scripture interpreting scripture just from an intellectual standpoint will only lead to legalism and confusion because when you read the bible from an intellectual standpoint let me tell you what you will meet you will meet a plethora of confusing statements you will meet a plethora of statements that cancel out one another at the end of it you will hate what you are reading because what you see here is not just a book like a novel it's a mystery that is encoded in a book and the holy spirit will have to open your eyes that you may behold the wondrous things out of his law are we together yes so understanding number two very quickly as we prepare to wrap up the second blessing that we get from an encounter with the world is faith bible faith is a product of an encounter with the word of god romans chapter 10 and verse 17 faith [Music] faith romans 10 and verse 17. it says so then faith cometh wow look at me paul personifies faith faith is a life like a messenger it can come that means until it comes you don't have it faith cometh there is something that calls faith into your life faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god faith comments it can come to your life it can come to your ministry it can come to your business but it comes by hearing [Music] bible faith listen to me i submit to you with every sense of responsibility and every sense of respect many of the things that we practice that we call faith is not bible faith believe me when i tell you this this is an uncomfortable truth but it is true [Music] most of the things that we do the bible does not call that faith real faith works real faith produces results [Music] let me define for you what faith is based on scripture and my experience faith is the name given to the action that you take based on your conviction of who god is and the integrity of his word the name given to the action not the believing believing is not faith it is part of the process of faith if all you do is believe your faith is not complete you have to understand this most of what we do is believing then we speak no that's not faith faith is the name given to the action you take that action of obedience derived from your understanding derived from your conviction look at this let me have one gentleman can i use you sir come [Music] watch this please stand here everyone look at this as far as your eyes can see hold this up this is what you are looking for the handkerchief are we together now here's what many of us do in the name of jesus this is my handkerchief you are not lying it was seen to reach you in the name of jesus this is my handkerchief are we together now and while we are saying this the condition that was meant for receiving that handkerchief we don't find out what it is and we just said this is my handkerchief five years this is my handkerchief 15 years this is my handkerchief you are not lying but it doesn't mean you have it and someone comes out someone will come from behind and while he's saying this is my handkerchief he's walking and in two months he will pick what for 15 years you kept watching now you get angry and you say this is not fair for 15 years i've been seeing this no just believing and speaking will not give you your result this is a deliverance for someone until action is engaged you have not manifested faith every promise in the scripture has conditions attached to it until those conditions are fulfilled you have not committed god's integrity please understand this just the awareness of the possibilities does not bring its manifestation you must know the requisite condition attached to it [Music] there are conditions there are conditions are we together thank you sir thank you [Music] so it's not enough to just see what is yours in christ and speak what is yours in christ you must take it a step further to find out this is the benefit of meditation you are not done meditating until your responsibility your participatory responsibility is revealed if you do not find your responsibility you have not done meditating meditation is not just to make you aware that this is yours [Music] every dimension of results in the kingdom will require a role to play there is a participatory role that you have to play the cheapest of the blessings in the kingdom as far as receiving is concerned is salvation and even that one is not imparted to you automatically the gift is free but it must be received based on a condition that with your heart you will believe unto righteousness and then verbalize your commitment by making jesus lord so whilst an altar call is made for instance if you remain there and hope and wish you are saved you will still go to hell [Music] even though the substitutionary sacrifice of christ is a reality but it may not be reality in your life hear me the bible says forever all lord thy word is settled in heaven no not your life in heaven it takes faith and the operation of the word for it to become a reality in your life so jesus teaching us to pray said this when you pray say your kingdom come by your will be done in earth as it is in heaven we must trust god for grace if there is anything to take home in this morning service is that there is a responsibility component as far as dominion in this kingdom is concerned it is true that god can answer prayer but just believing you will answer prayer just because you are in trouble the bible says the lord is nigh them that call upon him not them that are in trouble just because you are in trouble does not mean you will experience his salvation you must call upon him that's the condition attached to receive his help call upon me he said and i will answer then i will show you great and mighty things if you do not call upon him he has to respect your will it's safe to assume you do not need his help [Music] are we blessed yes [Music] let me give you an assignment please go back home and write all the dimensions of the kingdom the dimensions of results and spiritual possibilities that you seek to step into and through meditation and prayer to study of the bible primarily and then relevant materials find out the conditions connected to that promise and then obtain grace from god to work in keeping with those conditions let me tell you this truly speaking when you fulfill the conditions are located for the manifestation of a promise there is no power in existence that sustains the ability to stop you from entering that truth [Music] are we blessed finally then we pray what is the third blessing that follows an encounter with the word of god stability write it down stability isaiah chapter 33 and verse 6 says wisdom and knowledge he says shall be the stability of your time your life is as stable as the knowledge and the wisdom that you have when you are perturbed by the vicissitudes of life is proof that you are not grounded yet in fact here's our apostle paul puts it please give us first corinthians chapter 15 and verse 58 first corinthians 15 58 [Music] therefore my beloved brethren look up please be ye steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord there is a dimension of spiritual stability that you must attain and it is knowledge that gives you that stability the bible says if you turn aside in the day of battle it is that your strength is small [Music] the wife of job came to him at the height of his predicament and said why don't you just curse god and die and job said no though he slay me i will trust him all the days of my appointed time he said i will wait i know something about god [Music] hallelujah understanding faith and stability but i think for many believers the challenge there is the faith part because we keep doing a lot of things believing we are manifesting faith and then we are surprised and then angry that our lives do not reflect what the bible says should be if it is bible faith i will say it again it always produces bible faith produces there are many young people today respectfully speaking do you know the reason why their lives are full of tragedies the bible says honor your father and your mother in the lord that it shall be well with you and you shall have the length of days the level of dishonor that it is almost marketable to practice this honor is a reason why many people are surrounded by eels they cannot explain because scripture cannot be broken you can be a prayer warrior you practice this honor and watch the plethora of troubles that stand before you hallelujah [Music] you must embrace the fool [Music] as far as producing results is concerned in your life and as we prepare to pray and wrap up this morning service in addition to your encounter with the son of god giving you life and peace then your encounter with the office and the person of the holy spirit giving you direction giving you guidance fellowship and then empowerment you need this encounter with the word of god [Music] giving you faith giving you understanding that translates into real authority in the spirit and then stability in your life so that after 10 years you don't turn back and tell us i've been pretending i don't i don't i'm not sure what i was teaching when you do not have knowledge your christian experience will frustrate you eventually [Music] you hear a lot of people tell you look this god thing i'm not in it again we used to be serious before we used to do this i'm willing you hear them say no but i know whom i have believed and i am persuaded that he is able to keep that which is committed unto him against that day an encounter with the word of god are you blessed this morning please rise up on your feet as we pray [Music] rise up on your feet as we pray everyone my life changed when i paid attention to the word of god i'm honored today to be used by god doing the things that he's doing through my life and our ministry across the globe because the word of god is a maker of man the word of god is the maker of destinies listen to me for many of you the holy spirit is speaking to you through this sermon this morning you need to get back to the place of the world you need to reduce your time of running around men you need to reduce your time of activities and stay with the world stay with the word let it build you i commend you to god he says and to the word of his grace which is able to build you and to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified two prayer points and we're done number one father open me up to the word of god grant me grace passion are you praying from the front to the back please pray passion for the word of god [Music] passion for the word of god not just religious activities i obtain grace grace to be a student of scripture i obtain grace to be knowledgeable i fight ignorance i fight ignorance from my life from my ministry i fight ignorance [Music] hallelujah [Music] i sat back whilst i stepped in i just sat quietly and such a burden came upon me and usually once the spirit of god begins to put this burden it is because it is a response to someone's pain someone's hunger the bible says we do not have a high priest who had not been touched with the feelings of infirmity this is second service and there's no intention to keep us long i believe that pastor is already so blessed and honored by our sacrifice standing through the weather but i assure you that every encounter that you have from yesterday up till monday will be worth any sacrifice the breath of anything valuable is painful press the name of the lord and so whilst you're standing in one minute i like you to cry to the god of heaven father that which you have for me this morning i pray that i will be a full partaker of it can we lift our voices and pray [Music] [Music] let me be a partaker of it in the name of jesus hallelujah praise the lord please be seated god bless you i'm wrapping up the last session that i started yesterday night on encounters and then we'll deal with something else in subsequent sessions but this is very very important [Music] this last segment for me was a revelation please listen let me have your attention it was a revelation that god gave me and the knowledge of what i'm about to teach you truly has changed my life it's brought me to dimensions that i'm not sure i otherwise would have been able to attain and so every time i have the privilege of teaching it across the body of christ i teach it with an unusual passion because it came i didn't read it from any book it came by the spirit of god and i truly believe that it sustains power and every time the word of god is communicated like this from such a depth of reality i want you to believe open up your spirit so that you can receive praise the name of the lord but before i do this something interesting is about to happen here and i want you to pay attention you don't have to stand but whether you are an usher or not please i want you to participate in what is about to happen there are people here the grace for speed listen it's coming upon them and what will happen is that the hand of god will come upon them and they will begin to run physically like you know someone running by the spirit i want you if you can please bring those people out this is a ministry of signs and wonders there's nothing superstitious about what is happening in the name of jesus there are people under the sound of my voice there are families under the sound of my voice it's a strange grace for speed i stretch my hands across the length and the breath of this auditorium please bring them out very quickly help them please bring them out help them the bible says the hand of the lord came upon elijah and he began to run by reason of this impartation you will be surprised that in one month many of you will achieve things that for decades if not been able to achieve there is a grace that sponsors this and i speak it upon your life please bring them up [Applause] [Music] please bring them and ushers please help them so that they don't have to litter some ushers should be here you prayed and you asked him for a visitation jesus is not theory the bible says now the lord is that spirit the spirit of delay the spirit of delay retrogression is breaking from lives breaking believe me believe what i'm telling you the spirit of delay age long captivities of delay breaking at the instance of this world i am under the shadow of young your influence is [Music] oh listen listen to me brothers and sisters let's listen to me in this kingdom there is a system of spiritual operation that if you do not understand you will consistently be shortchanged by the devil [Music] speed does not just happen the bible says samwell spoke to them and said it was the lord that advanced moses and era for all the lives and the families here represented in the name of jesus by prophecy i shift you to new dimensions and for all of you connecting in the name that is above all names whether in ministry whether in business i decree and declare be shifted to new dimensions spiritually financially step into new levels in the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah father i pray you have brought these ones to change their lives they represent themselves they represent families here at this conference this crusade we decree and declare that that which you have done remains so in the name of jesus that you will return back with testimonies you will marvel and wonder at what begins to happen to your life in the name of jesus christ sir this gentleman lift your hands where you are two of you there is a grace coming on you take that grace now in the name of jesus christ you will never be the same i'm seeing that increase in ministry and in your lives the lord is shifting you to new levels by the spirit please open your mouth in one minute and begin to pray father do not leave me the way i have come i've come to the house of god please don't be distracted don't be distracted you just keep your gaze on jesus look beyond the man keep your gaze on jesus [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah who is jonathan i'm hearing a name jonathan [Music] just i really wanted to teach and i still intend that will not stay long but i'm hearing a name jonathan who is that person jonathan you are holding a camera on your hand is there someone like that i'm seeing in the spirit you are holding a camera who is that what's his name [Applause] is is the mic working [Music] please help [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] what's your name my brother my name is jonathan where are you coming from it's all right where are you from i'm from plaza state please just sit for a minute if you can you're from this state yes sir i want to pray for you because god is raising you to be a light to your family this is what i'm seeing by the spirit in the name of jesus the christ of god i pray for you everything that represents limitations it answers to the name of jesus right now hallelujah please listen we are going to will be seated shortly [Music] agnes i'm hearing the name agnes you are wearing black with a necklace is it the necklace black this is what i'm seeing is there someone like that agnes [Music] lord you took my pain away and then you gave me joy you're my peace my melody in the center of the stone you gave me your brain hallelujah [Music] this is a minister's role there are two of you please be seated there are two of you the grace for the prophetic is coming on you while you are seated there i just saw light a strong anointing coming on a particular man of god here in the name of jesus i decree and declare truly may you drink of that fountain a genuine grace step into new encounters in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus your ministry your life will never be the same hallelujah hallelujah the lord is revealing to me that you are stepping into a new season of visibility this is what i'm seeing in the spirit and there will be such a display of signs and wonders this is a dimension you have so desired and the lord is saying he's bringing into into that grace i stretch my hands in the name of jesus christ marvelous light marvelous grace it comes upon your life in the name of jesus christ marvelous grace please don't think god is wasting your time god is answering age long problems at once just to stop this thing if this is what happens in this service it was not a waste we serve a living god please listen to what i'm telling you we serve a living god god is not a theoretical religious god we serve a living god hallelujah the lord is revealing someone to me i'm seeing your mother in jute that's the the josh university teaching hospital your mom i'm seeing a sick woman there please wish that person if if we're unable to if we're able to just deal with that then even if it's ten minutes we do with the word that's fine but i need to minister to someone i'm seeing your mother i don't know who that person is but i need to pray for that person madam what do you do [Music] what's your name you're a pastor i need to pray for you [Music] [Applause] or there are people in the overflow goodness it doesn't matter which overflow you are you just focus on your screen and believe god believe god the lord is still ministering to me there's someone your mother is sick who is that this gentleman where is she in the hospital what's your name huh who is japheth i'm hearing the name jeff yes sir what's your name jefferson because the lord wants to do a miracle not only for your mother but for your family yes sir in the name of jesus this is oppression oh the bible says how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power he says he went about healing all day that we're oppressed every sickness is an oppression and in the name of jesus here at this conference i stand in agreement with the pastor the angel over this house and i declare unto mama we speak let there be a miracle right now let there be a miracle and even for you my friend let there be a supernatural miracle for you in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus i'm seeing a gentleman you used to walk in a bank something happened i don't know if it was an issue and was it that you were relieved let me just talk to you you will be the last person you are wearing brown with a face mask a nose or face mask who is that make sure you don't please verify so that you don't think we're lying what's your name sir who is somewhere i'm the one somewhere yes what bank first banks first bank when were you relieved 2018 the lord himself is honoring you i'm saying that this is an oppression you are a very sincere person but there is something that comes on you and misrepresents you let me use him and prophesy to someone in the name of jesus anyone conspiring with dark powers manipulating your life and your destiny in the name that is above all names i declare them out of your life out of your life shall they believe in amen out of your life [Applause] [Music] sir the bible says believe the lord your god don't cry so shall you be established he said believe his prophets so shall you prosper i stand by the grace of god and i say it in the open not in the secret that of jesus christ may the lord restore your honor double fold in the name of jesus christ [Music] sir this man the man holding the mic i know you are holding a mic for someone but god wants to speak to you the lord is saying i should tell you that the book of remembrance is opened over you what do you do sir [Music] you are a businessman are you a businessman sir i'm seeing the month of may june july these are strange months of increase and this will come by the spirit of god it is the book of remembrance the bible says that night the king could not sleep i'm praying for someone in the name of jesus whatever has made you forgotten i stand by the grace of god and we open unto you the book of remembrance in the name of jesus christ i speak over your business and in the name of jesus christ so i'm praying that not only will god restore but god will lift you may june july these months will be strange months of increase for you in the name of jesus and our auntie the pastor may god grant you grace multiplied grace for intercession multiply grace in the name of jesus christ i'm seeing a woman here this is one two three four five years you are trusting god for the fruit of the womb your time has come who is that person five years the lord is showing me five years you're trusting god for the fruit of the womb let's just settle this please if they can go back to their seats god bless you ladies and gentlemen five years you're trusting god for the fruit of the womb who is that person please let me just pray for you quickly [Music] now the lord is that spirit where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty [Music] look at me my dear [Music] look look what is happening to her this is a a lady that has been out there i'm praying for you may you carry superior dimensions of his presence so that you can be a blessing to people listen the world is tired of noise the world is tired of noise we need to be careers of divine presence careers of divine realities i write these things to you all excellent your philosophy of all that jesus began to do and teach now you imagine please don't be embarrassed but you imagine what these families may be going through imagine some of the things that they you imagine what happens this is africa and you know what happens naysayers false visions people who come with all kinds of things [Music] but there is a name that is above every other name yes there is i want to pray for you my dear sisters listen to me i assure you there is a god that sits in heaven don't be too used to pain god is able to roll that revenge i pray for you and i want you to believe in this prayer i know that many people have prayed for you but you see every challenge is at the mercy of the grace that confronts it i pray for you in the name of jesus if there is any operation of witchcraft responsible for this as i'm speaking to you right now except god is not god those chains must be broken i declare now chains be broken chains be broken chains be broken chains be broken chains be broken chains be broken chains be broken chains be broken according to the time of life i prophesy to you return with your children return with your children return with your children by this time 2022 you return with your children in the name of jesus [Music] regardless the medical condition we featured by the power of the world and we decree and declare that only the council of god will come to pass in the name of jesus please be seated god bless you god bless you please do not miss especially tomorrow night i emphasize again [Music] the lord wants to bring us visitations and our hearts must be open to receive for those who can they can return back to their seats and then while i'm teaching please if anyone is under the anointing you don't have to bring them just help them so they don't enjoy themselves praise the lord i spoke about encounters and levels of encounters please do well to get the teaching for yesterday and then the first service this morning because the bible says to buy the truth money is not the only currency passion is currency hunger is currency you can use hunger to buy the truth you can use passion commitment to buy the truth in the name of jesus christ [Music] my dear just lay your hands on her just do what i'm asking you to do in the name of jesus i stretch my hands let there be peace right now and in the name of jesus christ let everything be over [Music] praise god thank you that's all right so we began to discuss the subject of encounters how that if you want to excel in this kingdom not only ministry but in the kingdom that you're excelling depends on the kinds and the levels of spiritual encounters are we together and then i began to share with us levels of spiritual encounters according to job chapter 42 do not forget that scripture on verse 5 job said i have heard of you with the hearing of the but now my eyes see at thee i have heard of you with the hearing of the ear but now my eyes see at thee and i spoke yesterday about the encounter with the son of the living god apostle john told us he said this is the record that god hath given us eternal life but he structured the administration of eternal life such that until you encounter the sun you cannot have that life you cannot bypass the sun and route through an angel or route through a man of god to have eternal life it has to be the encounter with the son that gives eternal life are we together and i told us the blessings that follow that encounter the life of god access to righteousness access to the grace of god then we discussed yesterday about an encounter with the person and the ministry of the holy spirit i told you that the holy spirit as a person you can have an encounter with him hallelujah it says not by might not by power but by my spirit the possibilities that we command in this kingdom are a product they are a derivative of a relationship i did say yesterday that every other religion and every other spiritual practice does not demand relationship when you go to a harbor list he does not need to know your name you do not need to know his name you do not need to know the tribe all he needs is what are you here for and if he can give you what you're here for that's fine that's all right but when you come into the faith life god demands a relationship and that the power and the possibilities that you command are out of that relationship are we together now yes and that we stand to benefit guidance direction and empowerment i did tell you that the holy spirit is the revealer of the word i have many things to tell you the bible declares but you cannot bear them now jesus is speaking he says how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth [Music] the spirit of god the spirit of grace the spirit of truth hallelujah that the holy spirit is also the confirmer of the word the bible says and the lord walking with them confirming the word with signs following then i said the holy spirit is the custodian of the anointing the administration of spiritual power resides in the office of the holy spirit he is not only the custodian of it he is the administrator of the anointing praise the name of the lord yes and then this morning we spoke about the encounter with the word of god not just as the person jesus the word of god as a compendium of the mysteries of the kingdom the methodologies of the kingdom jesus the way there is a dimension of encounter that reveals it exposes you to the principles of the kingdom i told you that the bible primarily contains three things number one promises number two principles number three prophecies so every time you study scripture and that from a child thou has known the holy scripture which is able to make you wise it says unto salvation that maturity in the kingdom depends on your encounter with the word dominion in the kingdom depends on your encounter with the word knowledge of the methodologies of the kingdom and i told us in the first service that the challenge with most believers is that we have random spiritual informations that are not sequentially arranged in a way and a manner that can produce victory in our lives so we know that the blood of jesus walks we know that the name of jesus walks the fire of the holy ghost we know about communion we know about the seed and we engage them at random with no mastery of what spiritual principle is responsible for what outcome paul admonishing his son in the gospel timothy said if a man strives for mastery he says that man is not crowned until he strives lawfully every outcome in this kingdom has spiritual principles that lead to it god is a god of systems and what he does is that he introduce that spiritual reality and then he creates systems around it for continuity are we together praise the name of the lord so we challenged ourselves in the first service that we must contend for specific spiritual knowledge if your church for instance as a man of god is not growing just arbitrarily believing that i'll just pray i'm fast at random no no no no no that may not be the solution the bible says proverbs 18 and verse 1 through desire it says a man haven't separated himself his secret and intermittent with all wisdom we must be able to study the spiritual principles that are responsible for what outcome are we together and in this final session here at the second service i want to teach on the last encounter this man has changed my life and i pray in the name of jesus that it will affect you like he did me in jesus name encounter with the body of christ the fourth encounter that every one of us would require if you must excel in this kingdom is not only an encounter with the sun it's not only an encounter with the spirit it's not only an encounter with the word you need an encounter with this mystery entity called the body of christ [Music] the body of christ is a very mysterious entity jesus himself began to speak the first the church will be mentioned in the bible the ecclesia he said who do men say that i am so the revelation of the church was a strategy to end confusion they were not clear about his identity who do men say that i am some said you are a liar some said you are one of the prophets and he said okay you've worked with me what is your verdict who do you think i am and peter the bible says speaking by the spirit he said i know who thou art thou art christ the son of the living god and he said flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my father who is in heaven and he says thou art peter and upon this rock the rock is not peter the rock is this strategy upon this strategy i will build my church and i will build it in a way and a manner that the gates of hell will not prevail against it so the church is not just a building please listen carefully the church is not even just people the church is a spiritual strategy the only strategy that is able to fulfill the agenda of the father is called the church the church is more than a people the church is more than a building the church is a spiritual strategy invented by the intelligence of god himself the only platform that is able to host god the only platform that is able to advance the kingdom the only platform that is able to communicate this global harvest is called the church and you need an encounter with the body of christ walk with me let's look at a few scriptures number one [Music] first corinthians please chapter 11. first corinthians chapter 11 we'll begin to read from verse 23 but the verse of emphasis is 27 down to 30. a little background please paul this was at a point where paul was on his voyage carrying out his apostolic ministry and the church in corinth at this time was experiencing such an outpouring of the holy spirit there were signs wonders baptisms miracles administrations of several dimensions and there was a very big confusion in the church there was a mix of several things people who were taking the wine for communion and they were getting drunk people who were prophesying arbitrarily people who were having all kinds of things and paul needed to come and bring decency and order are we together now that was the whole idea behind first and second corinthians to the end that all things be done decently and in order and in order for him to do that he now had to sit them down in a conference and then compartmentalize the operations of the holy spirit and give meaning to the experiences they were having because they didn't know the name of what they were having was called word of knowledge word of wisdom it was paul who began to define to give names and compartmentalize these operations he was an amazing man and in one of his discourse please back to the scripture he now brought a mystery of the lord's body the table and the cup for i have received of the lord that which i also delivered to you so we know where it came from that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed he took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take it this is my body take note which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me 25 and after the same manner he took the cup when he absorbed he said this cup is the new testament in my blood this do he as oft as he drink it in remembrance of me 26. for as often as he eats this bread and you drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he comes now the mystery is unveiled from 27 wherefore is a caution now whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily he shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the lord understand what he's saying here 28 but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup 29 the bible says whoever eats and drinks unworthily he will eat and drink damnation to himself and the sin that he has done is not discerning the lord's body as a result of this verse 30 he says many are weak look at this now as a result of this sin of not discerning the lord's body many not few are weak many are sickly and many do sleep if the bible says many it means many that means there are lives today that are limited there are lives today that are weak there may be ministries that are weak simply because they could not discern the lord's body now he was not talking about bread waffles and wine those were just emblems he was talking about his body are we together now that even though i am the head i have a body that you must discern and failure to discern the body of christ it would cost your destiny it would cost your church it would cost your ministry what is in the body of christ the body of christ listen to me is the only entity that can host the possibilities of god the body of christ is not a church the body of christ is the collective group of believers together you have to understand this now i'll explain a few things and i pray that god will grant us the grace to understand please look up the way god works with us is that he reveals himself dimensionally you have to understand this god is almighty he is i am but when it has to do with the revelation of himself he fragments himself into dimensions and reveals to people are we in agreement on that so if you are oral roberts you will reveal that rougher dimension as the healing god are we together if you are benign you will know him as savior several dimensions and the way god deals with us is that when you begin your spiritual journey you usually will begin on a neutral ground but as you progress god will now begin to shift you to the area of your call and the area of your calling the area of your commissioning will demand certain trainings are we together so say for instance there are two gentlemen can i use you again thank you let's have one more person we have to hurry up so we end on time thank you watch this thank you watch this gentlemen let's assume that these gentlemen began their spiritual journeys together are we together praying maybe fasting if this man has been ordained to be a prophet and this man has been ordained to be an evangelist somewhere in the course of their training the holy ghost is now going to begin to customize his dealings with them you will find out that two of them will not be able to work together again because the context of their trainings will change this man is calling to the prophetic chances are that an unusual release of the grace for prayer will come upon him even more than what this man would experience so there will be problems because when they pray after three hours this guy is tired he wants to go home but this guy is just about to start because he will need to label to be able to obtain that grace are you saying now something is happening to their trainings at the end of it this man will get the prophetic grace this man will be an evangelist but now here's where the problem is there is a side effect to the way god trains us and he left it intentionally the side effect is that when god is focusing on your area of call he usually will not introduce you to other dimensions that are there but it does not mean those dimensions will not be needed in your life listen carefully so while this man is learning the prophetic the holy ghost will not tell him anything about administration the holy ghost will not tell him anything about excellence the holy ghost will not tell him anything about leadership the scope of his training is prayer fasting warfare the prophetic revelation are you seeing this just as an example if this guy starts a ministry only with that dimension very soon the area he has neglected will start showing in his life are you getting blessed now [Music] while god is building him in the area of the prophetic there is another person who god is building in the area of administration and excellence if this man is not careful all he will have is intellectual knowledge and a passion for excellence he would downplay prayer he would downplay fasting he would downplay the prophetic he will also start an organization that is excellent but full of demons excellent but full of sickness excellent but full of all kinds of failure so here's what god did he will fragment himself and reveal to you but leave you with an assignment to connect with the larger body for the other part of what you do not have are you getting that now you have to understand this so if this man acknowledges that as powerful as my dealing is that is not all there is to god he can now honor this man for learning administration now administration has been added to his prophetic he can now have a healthy church that prophesies and is still excellent hearing is where the devil has deceived many of us because because of the strength of the result that comes from your training and the pride of men we usually find it difficult to acknowledge all the dimensions that are not captured in our lives why because eventually come sir eventually you are going to have mentors mentees who are learning under you and they are only going to learn what is your dimension of reality are we together now and so when they see a level of excellence like this it is your assignment as a mature spiritual leader to be unashamed to tell them i will teach you the dimension given to me but don't you think that is all you should learn when you find another dimension don't fight it embrace it and add it it is the body of christ please sit down so the administrator mentors young people and tells them if you see all these guys praying and fasting don't mind them the only devil is the one in your mind you may be right until the real attack comes are we together now oh yes i assure you there are real attacks the realm of the spirit does not play games is a real attack now at that point you are confused the people you are raising come to meet you and say pastor you taught us to be excellent my books are intact i did my job well i submitted the proposal why is it not working the answer is here and yet because you have not connected you will have to create a theology to explain a way and tell the man maybe you are not serious many of the answers we look for are not in heaven they are already in the body of christ if only we have the eyes to discern the graces that god has put so i'm here now with a prophetic ministry prophesying but people are stealing money because there's no excellent administration you are prophesying but there's trouble you can't raise leaders are we saying are you saying that now yes so i go to god and say lord why is ministry not working even though i'm a genuine prophet of god the answer god will tell you he has already sent the answer the answer does not have to come to you directly but once the answer is in the body of christ it is still yours are you getting what i'm saying now yes this has been the eighth long explanation of the limitations that are in the lives of very great people because for some reason and i'm saying this passionately again because this is my own state there is something called the unity of faith unity does not mean uniformity we're never going to do the same thing let me just tell you the truth however there must be a recognition and we must be unashamed to mentor the people that god is bringing to us to acknowledge the fact that we do not have all of god as far as the dispensing of truth is concerned for we see in part and we prophesy in part so when i come here so please can i use you sir i am able to hold reverend aquila's hand yes even though you call me great apostle joshua salman and i am grateful but there are dimensions that if i want i must have to come to him and acknowledge the dealings of god on his life if i ignore the grace on him i will still be anointed in my area of call but suffer in other areas let me give you an instance within minutes i spoke to people here who had problems do you know there are many voices that in five minutes can end the captivity of families but because you have not descended many of the problems that we have the answers are around the body of christ god bless you sir thank you in the body of christ there is a woman who did not go to school and yet raise 12 children and all those children are responsible you think it's just motherhood there has to be an anointing making that happen and yet there is someone else please don't feel bad struggling with two children if only you can discern that the answer it doesn't always have to be preachers this is why the gathering of the saints is powerful because you are not only receiving from the man teaching the person seated next to you may be carrying a grace that is the answer to your age long problem is why pride is a destroyer an encounter with the body of christ you've heard me say i'm a product of many anointings it was right here in jos that i traveled down to attend one of reyn had bonkers crusades i was in that crowd when i saw this man doing great things i would have said i'm a man of god too that's what we say that's the deception that keeps us small [Music] preached a very simple message and you know to those of us that god has helped repeat with the spirit of revelation there is this pride we usually will not listen if it's not deep i don't listen unfortunately reynard bunker shared a simple story and he was about to take water and then minister the baptism that was the first time in my life i had a visionary encounter of the holy spirit something happened to me in that meeting that i would never forget today he's going to be with the lord if i had stayed in my pride that man would have gone today and i would not receive anything please listen to me when you receive it does not demean you you are only equipping in fact your openness to the body of christ is proof that you really love your people because it means you want to bring dimensions to them now you see what reverend aquila is doing by creating a platform even though it is house on the rock boy you know that this program is not really housed on the rock this is the body of christ please hear me men and women of god especially respectfully speaking we must get to a point where we have a healthy acknowledgement and a communication of mutual honor for the sacrifices of one another it is true that we are not at the same spiritual level it is true that our hunger and our press is not the same but we must have a healthy regard are we blessed a woman i'm sure she may be here yesterday after the service while i was in the office she came to greet me with her two children two adorable children and i have never seen two children memorize scripture like this in my whole life she was memorizing the scripture with them they were praying for me the children i said what is this i know how long it took me to lend those scriptures and those kids were effortlessly reciting it someone is here flogging their child every day to learn john 3 16 and the child is not getting it whereas there is a grace that resides in a woman that through honor and discernment you can receive when you learn what i'm teaching you tonight no challenge will live in your life for a long time because you will search for there has to be a grace in the body of christ that can solve that problem if your problem is prayerlessness there is a grace already a sign i know what many of us want we want the credit to our name we want god to give you directly so you don't give credit to anyone but even if you are soul and you meet jesus you will still go to the house of ananias for the continuation of your training not even an encounter with jesus will ignore an encounter with the body of christ [Applause] for this course many are weak for this cause many are sick for this cause there are people who have died today who should not have died don't feel bad have they met the graces assigned to them there are weak people who are not supposed to be weak today there are politicians who should never be down if only they could discern let me answer one question and we pray let me tell you why it is difficult to receive and i will start with an admission the admission is that the vessels that carry this grace are very very ethnic and imperfect this is where the problem is because of the imperfection of the vessels are we together now yes [Music] moses was a temperous man i hope you know that very temperance man yet the spirit that was in him as his tamara came on 70 elders and none of them could keep quiet yet that's what was in one man and he was quiet part of what was on him came on 70 elders and they could not keep quiet yet one man was carrying that grace elijah was an angry man you need to really clap for elijah and don't blame the sons of the prophet the sons of the prophet were being mentored by this harsh guy for disturbing him fire comes and what kind of a man is that god can't you replace him and use another one the strange thing about god is while you are hoping god does not use those vessels he has covenanted that i will still continue so if you must if you must get onto that dimension you must tap into that grace why would god not replace elijah if you want to be elijah get ready for insult from elijah and be prepared to enjoy it the bible may not record it but we're mature enough to know that you cannot work with elijah it's not just good morning every day the sons of the prophet were angry and elijah said do what you would do i will still follow quietly so when the mantle came upon him he said finally i have it what do you want a man is living you are living and then you're the one person who has stayed with you shouldn't you be wise enough to say i love you my dear son you have served me he said quickly i'm going what do you want a double portion of your anointing you have actually heard things wouldn't you be angry and go back and say carry your grace and go to heaven with it the mystery of receiving from the body of christ i wish i had time is hidden in the riddle of samson [Music] samson was going to go and see a woman and while he was going a lion attacked him is that true and he tore that lion with his bare hands and then after a week he was passing again and he saw something mysterious he saw that beast left every tree and came to a carcass and put honey there why will bees not look for fresh trees with green leaves what are bees looking for that they come to a cackass and put honey there so when he met the philistines he said i have a riddle out of something strong has come something sweet and the people could not think they could not unravel it let me tell you the mystery of receiving from the body of christ you will only receive the honey if you can enjoy the smell of the kakas even though the kaka smells the horn is right there if you can endure the smell of the honey hear what i'm telling you this is why many people do not receive oh this pastor is a tribalistic man i agree you are not wrong but that's too small a reason to allow your destiny so far that much adaptation is proof of honor you must lend the stamina of endurance is the reason why many young people never receive mantles because they want to be successful at their own times listen to me many of us young people today have not been able to receive graces from our fathers even in the flesh because of our anger my father was a sad person but he was sad and still wise in his lifetime you saw his honor and yet we cannot endure and receive it we live in a generation that is obsessed with pleasure we want success to come and meet us at our own times no sir your prayer is the person who serves your food every day called mama you have traveled to lagos you have traveled to ghana you have traveled to london looking for an anointing that mama has right in your house because she's not educated that woman wakes up 12 o'clock every day to pray till two she has studied for 25 years that is more than physical discipline there is a grace that makes it happen now you are a preacher and you sleep and wake up by nine o'clock in the morning even if you sleep by eight you will still wake up by nine it's an attack if you go to mama and say mama even though i know i'm a celebrity man of god but i come to you recognizing that the grace i'm running around looking for you may not be educated but you have this grace mama can look at you and say my son i met a missionary in 1975 i cooked food for him and he blessed me he said you will never go down spiritually and that's the great speaking do you know there are mantles and anointings that swim across our environment every day but our pride and lack of discernment is what has kept us small there is no reason why anyone enjoys should be prayerless there are enough graces and options and mantles to solve that problem if you have the opportunity to discern there is no reason why anyone in this state should be mediocre there are exceptional people that have been raised from the plateau to the ends of the earth have you discerned their grace there is no reason why people should be begging for food up and down there are people veterans in business men and women who understand the economic system of the kingdom i'm not just talking of people who are cannot no no no [Music] for this cause many are weak this is the reason why there is a lot of prayer maybe in your assembly but there is no establishment because it is a prayer ministry but there is no communication of doctrine you have ignored the teaching ministry and laughed at teachers and says because they don't have signs and wonders that's why they teach from morning till night now you see people pray and there is a side effect to praying without the word because you'll be exposed to the realm of the spirit then you will interact with all kinds of spirits your hunger will drive you to the realm of the spirit but the word of god is not there to coordinate you so you find out that people fast for seven days and return back with strange spirits they fast for seven days and they admit them in jute because they are supposedly praying in tongues without control it is doctrine that gives balance to spiritual experiences [Music] what do you benefit from your encounter with the body of christ please sit down we have to wrap up i forgot this a morning service this kind of teachings happen with night vigils [Music] three or four hours of solid prayer another two or three hours of solid word you back it up with a serious demonstration of the spirit and even the gate of your destiny knows that you spend time with god we must trust god for grace to take god seriously in the name of jesus christ number one the first blessing the first benefit of encounter with the body of christ thank you gentlemen thank you so much is access to the multifaceted dimensions of god write it down god operates dimensionally [Music] acts chapter 18. please give us the last four verses acts chapter 18 access to the multifaceted dimensions of god god operates dimensionally the dimension you have may not be all there is he is not only rapha he is not only gyra he is not only el shaddai he is not only sikenu there is more even in heaven he said come up here there is still room for more [Music] are we together praise the name of the lord okay we just write it this was the story of apollos the bible tells us that paul haven't passed through the upper coast well he came and met this man in ephesus called apollos are we together and the bible says he was mighty in scripture he was eloquent he was fervent in spirit but he knew only the baptism of john now if you if you were to be the member of apollo's church the only thing you would know is the baptism of john not wrong but incomplete so here's how the devil has deceived us we believe that single-handedly we are the ultimate custodians of all there is in god and we discourage people from embracing from the body now listen to me let me balance something i know that administratively and from the standpoint of fatherhood and leadership as a spiritual leader you owe a responsibility to make sure your people are secured your people don't vacillate around into confusion you have a responsibility john 17 jesus was praying and he said all you have given me i have kept and none is lost except the son of petition he had to explain why john why judas was out of the 12 jesus had to give the father an explanation what happened to judas [Music] so as a man of god is not just to say okay because the body of christ is there so you allow your members and your people to just vacillate and roam around no no however there must be an unashamedness whilst doing ministry or leadership or business to let people know sincerely that i continue to be an effective servant of god growing and exploring the riches in christ however i admit to you that all i have is not all there is there are dimensions beyond this horizon and that i will not under guidance i will not hinder you from tapping into those dimensions it is selfish to allow your ego stop people from tapping into other dimensions of supply in the body and it is dangerous to consciously or unconsciously make yourself the ultimate reference no sir the best of us is only an effective member not no one individual is the body of christ [Music] house on the rock today has been used by god as that donkey that we have all had that access to [Music] and i am so honored and in the secret and in the open sincerely reverend aquila has said it again and again that this is beyond the body of christ that's why they took the pain to go through all of this and set up the stage so that the body be blessed i have preached there are few churches in this nation in terms of denominations that have not preached him and sometimes i have my personal convictions as a person doctrinally speaking and based on my work with god however i submit to you and i say it with all humility there is no city no denomination that has consciously or knowing me say no no we're not interested in you it doesn't matter which one do you know why because when you approach people with honor knowing that you acknowledge there is a dimension of god they have they will also reciprocate by respecting what you carry but when you downplay people imagine that i came into this city with a mentality to outshine i saw the man of god in this city are just playing games you will be disappointed even though you love me we're never come into cities to push down and demean what god is doing rather we come by the privilege of the election of grace to be support systems to lift the hands of those who label in doctrine day and night unity does not mean teaching the same thing that will never happen [Music] based on our work with god we have been exposed to different levels of light but is it possible that a house on the rock program can be happening and a pastor or a ministry that is not housed on the rock says this is kingdom come how can i provide bosses how can i provide shares you don't even need to announce my name i am a member of this church but i know that what god is doing is a real visitation and i will shelf my differences and sit with that crisis lifted if we do not listen to this the generation of the children coming will hate god will fight god and the devil will give them coordinated alternatives coordinated alternatives are we blessed the vessels will always remain imperfect and eating many of you love jesus because you have not seen him in principle men always love those they have not seen i assure you if jesus walks in the flesh after one week many of you run away from him you read about the jesus you so love are you aware of the people he flocked in the temple you're jesus are you aware of the names that he called people [Music] jesus you love god's generals oh i love them go and find out those who witness some of their time they were persecuted and hated you love archbishop benson idahosa and the people who work with him i i wish you were his secretary or his pa you may almost be tempted to say finally he has gone and yet this is the man we celebrate today [Music] most times we have this seem something it will really happen if you can respect it you can get that grace and add it to your enlightenment are we together this is what i learned in my life i have received from several people [Music] graces i'm not just talking of preachers alone no i discerned i was ministering in cano i'm wrapping up now ministering in canada at a pfn crusade some years ago and then i'm prophesying and mighty things are happening people are just looking at me apostle joshua salman and here comes this woman that i called out by the spirit and she came out to hide was an honor to see me and yet god opened my eyes and i was seeing the substance of power this woman carried in the spirit she could not even speak english very well and she told me she said every 15 days she finishes the bible every 15 days in hausa house of bible genesis to revelation ah i would be stupid to still remain a man of god at that point mama can you is it possible to pray for me [Music] a woman that can read the whole bible every 15 days i assure you no matter how diligent you are it has to be a grace a solid praise from heaven [Music] i remember i met a gentleman who fasted for 400 days i've not fasted for 400 days many people tell lies that they fasted for this and it's only god that knows the truth but i met a man who genuinely fasted for 400 days six to six i wrapped up the last day with him and yet he was still following me for impartation i said this this this body of christ is mysterious here is a man fasting for 400 days and yet he's still hoping i will lay hands on him who have you ignored who did god send to you as a prayer and answer to prayer are you ignored my mom may not have been a businesswoman but all through your life you never saw her beg quarter to shame there is a grace on her that will force blessings to come from anywhere do you not know you need that grace in the wicked world we live today everything you have you got it yourself nobody is willing to invest in your life something is wrong in this morning service we are going to pray and you are not just going to look at god and look at me you may be sitting down close to someone that you do not know the kind of grace that he or she carries let me wrap up before we pray with a very interesting story many of you may have heard who listened to my teachings this story i attended a conference many years ago and the man of god was sharing a very touching story mighty miracles happening in his church and yet he was dying in his home poverty lack failure yet people were coming to testify every week and he was one praying for them and then one time while service was going on the wife got up and walked away imagine like the woman of god just gets up and walks out of this place people began to talk i hope everything is all right and he finished his counseling and rushed back home my wife what is wrong she didn't utter one word he sat down a table to eat did i offend you i can apologize she didn't tell him anything the first thing he noticed was that the plates that she brought food for him was not the usual one she took her time got some of the best plates [Music] and she was serving him he said what is this please go on we've been married for long let's not do this children's thing bring food for me and let me eat she didn't utter a word again so the man became concerned and when she brought the last item and dropped it she looked at him and went down on her knees and said servant of god my home is in trouble you see [Music] when the man climbed the stage he was a man of god but she did not tap into that dimension of the man of god she tapped into husband so all they had was children not solutions [Music] the person you may need whose grace you have been praying for may even be your younger brother in one year he got five jobs for 10 years you are still looking for one there is a grace on him but i bring you the instruction can you unravel the riddle of something this morning [Music] don't cry some of you are crying god is speaking to you man of god you would have been greater than this if only you saw that the great man you had that guy prays for five hours every day can you endure the smell [Music] so that you will receive the good in them many of us young people when god grants us grace especially on the plateau for healings of prophecy we go back to our local churches and we insult some of the pastors no revelation this man doesn't have any revelation he's not even filled with the holy spirit yet he has stayed for 30 years in ministry and you are full of the holy ghost you are just four years old that you are about to collapse there is a graceful stability you can receive that baba preached before you were born and he is still standing today he may not know all the greek and hebrew but there is a grace for sustenance he will not suffer my food to be moved i carry your presence everywhere who am i your mind is so full hallelujah from the day i learned this i made up my mind as a covenant that i will never talk against anybody i made up my mind as a covenant that is not only preachers i will honor i will honor children i have learned more from children i have learned faith from children you tell a child you will buy him a toy there is no demon that will erode that memory from his mind he will come to meet you with confidence and boldness remember uncle you said you will buy me a bicycle and he puts pressure on your ego till you guarantee and buy that bicycle [Music] apostle they make too much noise in that church i agree can you endure the noise and receive that prophetic word apostle they don't spend time teaching they teach all kinds of things can you endure and learn other things learn fellowship [Music] hallelujah are we together i don't like that traditional ruler he does not like smiling can you learn leadership i don't like my mother and my father they would have given back to me in america or uk i would have had dual citizenship now look where they came and give back to me you keep talking like that while the gates of destiny keeps shutting over you we're going to pray the first prayer is repentance lord i repent for my sarcasm over the body of christ i have programmed wars over my life i have talked about men of god i have talked about business people i've talked about people in government listen without genuine repentance you would not see the power of god please pray now i have learned that more than an encounter with the son of god more than an encounter with the holy spirit more than an encounter with the world i need an encounter with this mystery entity called the body of christ are you praying lord i obtain mercy i have criticized excellent ministries i have criticized prayer ministries i've criticized prophetic ministries i've criticized teaching ministries i've criticized exceptional business people i've criticized young people who made it early life i've criticized homes with well-cultured children pray we're wrapping up [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] for a very long time every time i would come to this city to just visit my family in a very strange way i discovered that the moment i got home it was as if i was not a man of god again that cloak of power and grace i would no longer feel it again and one day my biological mom she was here yesterday she got angry and she got sad and said no this one is just not this is not just my son you are a man of god and will tap into that grace there are men today the solution to your problem is with your wife but you are just looking at as a woman you've paid dowry over and she's blessing others and prophesying to others and yet your life is not rising same thing with women some of you your children some of you your pastors there are some of you here this man of god reverend aquila you have seen what god is doing with him and some of you may just trivialize that oh he's just lucky that's the statement of arrogance nicodemus came to jesus by night and said rabbi we know that thou art a man sent from god for no man can do these things except god be with him do you know that i came late yesterday into this city and even whilst the program was on i was shocked and amazed i'm sorry for having to say it but rebrand i don't know if he left here he had to come to the hotel to come say hello just check up before you would run back i said pastor in my mind i said you didn't have to do this and then i remembered honor is the key for access who have you dishonored in the secret and in the open many of you listen to messages of men of god in the secret admiring what they carry and you come out and pretend you did not listen and criticize them that's why the teachings don't work because honor must be genuine it must be sincere there are politicians in this city who god has helped they have helped to build the plateau to what it is today we criticize them left right and center tear them down yet in our heart of hearts we desire a bit of those graces can you endure the smell so that you will receive the grace prayer point number two lord i receive forbearance and endurance forbearance and endurance i know that there are men of god who are silly respond respectfully speaking i know some of them may be arrogant i know some of them may be but do you have the grace to end your there are many business people who can be very sarcastic are you willing to endure [Music]
Channel: KelFusion TV
Views: 4,015
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: Pu7BbAElU40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 44sec (13904 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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