Summer Empowerment Prayer Retreat - "Intercessor Arise"

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our second round of our prayer retreat and i'm telling you we are in for a great now high time in the lord jesus can you just stand and let's just give god some glory hallelujah every round goes higher and higher i'm excited about tonight i know that god is going to bless us amen through us being intercessors come on water to shout intercessor arise oh yes yes yes we do honor the lord for our great bishop bishop patrick l wooden senior our first lady she is in the midst she's in the building first lady pamela wooden and our guest on tonight prophetess callaway but it's time it's time it's time it's time it's time and i am so excited for what god is about to do for us here tonight we are going to have prayer by evangelist joyce pickett and the scripture by sister diane smith and immediately after we're going to have praise and worship receive them at this time [Music] i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continue be in my mouth oh magnify the lord with me let us exalt him together grace is thy faithfulness oh god you're wanting to be praised we find nobody like our lord and savior jesus christ tonight god we thank you tonight for being so kind and thank you for your compassion thank you for your unfailing love oh god we thank you tonight for your mercy for your grace for being our rock and our salvation for being our deliberate god we thank you tonight huh but keeping us all day long all week long but god you've been good to us because we've been to ourselves tonight god we thank you and we praise you tonight we give you glory and all it belongs to you tonight god will like david say david's i was glad we're just saying let us go into the house of the lord to see if god will gladly baby come into the house of the lord but in the house that joy in the house that the word in the house that deliver us in the house tonight god we're glad to be in the house of the lord we paint tonight god that we take heed tonight take heed tonight has been in assassin's creed big prayer warriors i got standards for god you say in your word that you searched for a man who would spill up a hedge and stand in the gap that you might not destroy the land but you could not find one but tonight god we are taking he as intercessors oh yes we are god we're healed to the cold oh god because we know that you seek for intercessors you seek for those who were going prayer on behalf of another one you told us in your word you told us to pray you said pray with season you said man shall always pray and not to thank god you told to love one another you don't want to pray one for another tonight god become tonight oh oh god she let the holy ghost have his weight tonight i'm leading god like the only you can't come we think you love every woman that have come out tonight and we pray of every woman tonight god we pray you bless every woman god oh god somebody may come tonight with a need tonight somebody may be desperate tonight aloha somebody has concerns tonight somebody come in doubt tonight oh oh god senator might have delivered upside in the mighty name of jesus for you know tonight god what's in their heart what's in their mind somebody may need a refilling of the holy ghost huh somebody needed me to be restored tonight we need to be renewed tonight oh god you know what to do hard to do that we call on you god that we move aside that we decree that you may increase to the glory of god tonight god we pray for those who may be sick in their bodies i no matter what it is tonight we pray for our mother deliverance tonight we pray for miracles uh we pray god you send miracles in the house tonight god somebody be wrestling with some kind of disease tonight somebody having thomas tonight diabetes heart problem now oh god back problem oh god oh god well the problem may be out the rise and those who did it with kovac 19 y'all and all these other verses oh god we ask you god just say america oh god to work america the older you can because you can send a money mighty deliverance tonight and god we thank you tonight oh god what you're going to do in this service tonight and our hearts tonight before to hear the word of god lord you use the woman of god tonight oh bless her for your glory thank you for the anointing that destroys every yoke failure with the lord and they lift up heavy heavy burden oh god only you came and we looking to you god we believe god tonight look how i passed that bishop oh god blessed in the lord come at him in the name of jesus we pray for first lady that god will continue to use her and cover her in the blood of jesus and god we pray tonight that we'll be what you will help us to be we pray for revival tonight even in our homes even in our towns even a city even in america even all the whole wide world we pray for revivals we pray for strong with our father revolvers we pray for holy ghost revivals god to help your way here we yield to you tonight and god will give you praise we ask you to bless everything that set it down for your glory and we say thank god thank god thank god thank god in jesus name we pray amen good evening scriptures will be the scriptures for tonight coming from romans 8 26-28 king james version likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know now what we should pray for to pray as we ought but the spirit itself make intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered and and he that searches the heart knoweth what is the mind of the spirit because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of god and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are the call according to his purpose the holy written word of god is blessed hallelujah hallelujah i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord is anybody glad tonight i know you are i see the smiles on your face how many come to lift up the name of jesus hallelujah god we love you we honor you we adore you lord hallelujah we're so glad to be here arise women of god arise hallelujah we're intercessors tonight thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah god is good and he's kind he's merciful hallelujah he allowed us to be here tonight hallelujah god we love you we honor you we adore you jesus we bless your name you're wonderful you're awesome god hallelujah your magnificent come on saints come on saints hallelujah hallelujah god we're glad to be here we honor you we bless you we adore you hallelujah we come to lift up the name of jesus we've come to live the name of jesus come put your hands together like this i can't hear you [Applause] [Music] oh yeah [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] we've got to do everybody is [Music] everybody do i dance [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] he is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you like jesus hey ain't nobody hey guys do you like nobody [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he's worthy [Applause] hallelujah [Music] the song says arise o god how many of you want the lord to arise hallelujah glory to god hallelujah put your hands together amen we say the lord arrives in this place in his house we want the lord's presence to be here tonight hallelujah [Music] let your kingdom be established [Music] you are good and your mercy [Music] oh and take your place [Music] we enthrone you with our worship we glorify your name cause you are good and your mercy lord [Music] [Music] we're standing on the promises of god the bible says the just shall live by faith cause you are good and your mercy lord yes come on put your hands together y'all wow all right oh god oh and take your place for we come to give him glory oh lord we come to give you praise cause you've been gone and your mercy lord yes [Music] yay come on everybody put your hands together like this we're gonna praise the lord hallelujah we're going to call on his name we want the holy ghost to fall oh you are good so good how many know the lord's been good you are good so good and we want to thank you lord you've been better to us than we deserve you are [Music] and you are good you are good so good real good still good you are so good real good and you're still good you are good so good real good still good you are lord you're so good that you're real good still good so good real good still good you're so good so good let you walk us up this morning and you're starting going our way new mercies we saw lord every day you didn't have to do it but you did you didn't have to do it but you did and we want to praise your name right now cause you're [Music] and we're glorifying your name lord we're hearing the sanctuary to bless your holy name we're calling on you lord because we know you answered prayer we're calling on you lord because we know you answered prayer you made ways out of nowhere you opened doors we couldn't open lord you saw our life and you pulled us up from hell and we want to thank you lord right now we want to thank you lord right now that you're so good that you're so good you saved our souls from a burning hell lord just saved our souls burning hell while we were yet sinners lord just died for us while we were in our sins did you die for us that you're so good [Music] can i get just one witness can i get just one witness that the lord is so good that the lord is so good has he been good to you has he been good to you oh i know he's been good to me i can't tell at all but i praise his holy name i lift up his name and i tell him lord you're good and i tell him lord you're good you've been better to me lord then i've been to myself you've been better to me lord than i deserve lord that you're so good that you're so good that you're so good you are you are and your mercy [Music] come on and praise the lord hallelujah the wonderful god we serve what a wonderful god we serve i'm looking at a room full of intercessors women of god are you ready to press into his presence today hallelujah are you ready to give god glory come on every intercessor lift your hands and let's worship let's worship let's worship come on let the lord hear your voice whatever is in your heart let it come out of your mouth yeah come on whatever is in your heart let it come out of your mouth glory glory glory we love you lord we love you we love you we love you we love you lord we love you lord come on tell him how much you love him if he's your god tell him that if he's the king of kings in your life tell them that hallelujah we give you the glory jesus we give you the honor come on upper room we know this song hallelujah glory to god with one great big voice hallelujah we're going to sing this as unto the lord hallelujah and i just want to praise you [Music] for you everything to me [Applause] [Music] one great big voice i just want to praise you lord i just wanna pray [Music] lift my hands and tell you how much [Music] to me [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah just want to praise you i live to my hands everybody lift your hands to the lord that's it and say i love you jesus i love you lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] tonight [Music] [Applause] jesus glory [Music] [Music] come on right here as well you just give the lord worship while you give the lord worship hallelujah come on and adore him adore him magnify the lord jesus he's worthy yes he is glory he's worthy yes he is come on what you put into the service is what you're gonna get out of [Applause] he's it awesome god oh yes he is he's the mighty god oh yes he is and we love you lord we love you lord we love you lord glory we love you lord we love you lord we love you lord come on for the last time [Music] oh come on [Music] [Music] with the voice of triumph put your hands together and magnify him he's the one that got on tonight [Music] he's a great god did you come to be in his presence did you come to lift up jesus hallelujah glory to jesus come on one more time clap your hands for the lord jesus if he's been good to you glory to god while you're clapping your hands for the lord jesus clap your hands for the shepherd of this house our pastor bishop patrick l wooden senior glory to god and come on and clap your hands keep clapping for our director women's ministries [Music] but if you were on the prayer call on thursday at noon day i think she set us up for tonight i said she set us up for tonight hallelujah and great things are going to happen will you put your hands together for our first lady as she comes at this time come on and clap your hands for the lord jesus one more time amen praise the lord praise the lord let's try that again clap your hands for the lord jesus give god a thunderous praise [Applause] for the lord on this friday night amen and we thank god for how he has blessed us to assemble ourselves together and we do give honor and respect to our great pastor and leader our mighty man of god amen he has given us uh this space to just carry on in the strength of the lord and we thank god for him we thank god for you you and especially you we certainly do i thank god for our district missionary god bless you woman of god amen first lady cooper certainly did our hearts glad to see her i walk in on tonight to our founding mother mother willa dean turner god bless this anointed woman of god she is a prayer warrior in her own right and we thank god for her and i tell you just bless my heart to see prophetess sophia mcbride come in oh didn't she bless us on last month hallelujah amen [Music] we thank god for all of our visitors and friends our beautiful mothers saints of god it is just a delight to see every one of you on tonight and i'll tell you i believe that you are here because you're hungry for a move of god you're desperate to get in his presence hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] was not going to keep me home i was determined that what was going on all around me was not going to keep me from getting in the presence of the lord with the saints of god on tonight i [Applause] oh there's no harm in his presence there's no danger in his presence and we have come tonight to get into the presence of the lord and i'll tell you we have a friend of this ministry we have someone in our presence praise god uh that we know that we're familiar with oh we know uh her anointing amen and we know that god has anointed her oh she can preach pray prophesy and sing god has anointed her to do it all and but one of the things that we respect so much about her when we looked for people for our prayer retreat we wanted people we asked god to give us people who had a prayer anointing people who uh had a relationship with him uh weren't looking for nobody that had a had a name or you know a name only we wanted somebody that could get in the presence of the lord somebody that could touch the heart of god that could lead us into worship and i tell you this woman of god that we have here with us on tonight in the person of prophetess prophetess barbara callaway is that type of woman amen can i get a witness in the building tonight amen we thank god for her we thank god i tell you um last month prophetess the lord moved in such a mighty way i mean he just blew our minds if you remember last month we were all all on the floor we were just you know expecting a little something and god just came and just oh just we just had a mighty move of god and the women of god have just been so on fire ever since and i'll tell you we took this thing a little bit higher on this week we said we're going to friday night to give them a little break from the uh convocation and we're here on tonight we're not in a hurry but we don't have a whole lot of preliminaries we're going to put the woman of god up and however the lord chooses to use her i just want you not to allow anything to distract you on tonight oh look at your neighbor and tell them you're not going to distract me amen no not tonight oh no not tonight whatever that problem is at home is home so leave it there and by the time you get back there you're going to be another person you're gonna be able to deal with it a little bit better than you were able to before you left all you need to do tonight [Applause] [Music] and i believe that god is going to meet us and god is going to bless us uh he's going to meet us at our point of need on tonight uh those of you who are not standing we're going to actually stand to your feet and receive this mighty woman of god i want to thank god for the men of god who are present we thank god for the minister of music uh elder clarence rayford amen we thank god for the sound technician he's working over there amen he's going to have it right by the time the prophetess get up amen we thank god for security in the house we thank god for everyone who is present we thank god for the men of god who have taken out the time to be a part uh and to be here to serve uh us on tonight we thank god for the chairman is even here in the back working and serving oh we love our men of god don't we amen god has blessed us with the best right here at the upper room praise the lord are there any intercessors in the house hallelujah praise the lord we thank god for you you and especially you it is my pleasure and my delight for those of you who are in the sanctuary and those of you who are viewing uh via facebook or youtube live it is our pleasure tonight to present to you this awesome and mighty woman of god all the way from dallas texas properties a barbara callaway receiver [Music] [Applause] come on oh clap your hands all you people and shout unto god with the voice of triumph come on let me hear the women shout come on come on throw your voices come on lift up your voices and give god praise come on clap your hands and shout unto god anybody got victory tonight come on lift him lift him lift him lift him lift him come on lift him it's another day that he has given us another opportunity that he has brought us together he said if i be lifted up i draw men unto me come on take ten more seconds and lift him he's brought us through this week come on he deserves the praise he deserves shia he deserves the glory he deserves the honor who are we praising we're praising the god of the bible who are we praising come on we're praising the god of the bible from genesis to revelation his word is true he's the one and only true and living god all love of gods are idols hallelujah and we bless him tonight and we honor our great god what a mighty god we serve heaven and earth adores him angels bow before him what a mighty god we serve i just wanna i'm just taking a survey right quick just to make sure that i'm in the church and i'm in this place with the right women of god tonight don't y'all fool me now i want to make sure that i'm in the right place tonight with just a few women that came to get in his presence tonight why don't you just check down your row and make sure that the right women are on your own tell them hey sis if your wig is too tight i give you permission to take it off tonight if your shoes are too tight i give you permission to kick them off tonight come on i want you to make sure that you're connected with the right women there needs to be some fire on you there needs to be some fire on your road huh anything can happen on my road anything your sunday anything can happen in this place come on come on come on anything i have great expectations i have great expectation and i will not be denied somebody shall glory [Applause] i feel something brewing tonight i feel something stirring up in my soul tonight i feel a break out in this place and i know shia i feel miracle signs and wonders that are being released even in this place right now and for that we give god all of the glory and all of the praise how many of you are glad to be in the house of the lord tonight [Music] glad to be saved tonight come on anybody got the holy ghost tonight that with a mighty burning fire anybody still got joy regardless of what's going on the joy of the lord is your strength come on holler back at me anybody glad about jesus he's been good to us hey i said he's been good to us i said he's been good to us oh he's been mighty mighty good to us hey hey hey hey hey hey he brought us through danger scene and unseen i'm telling you god has been good and he deserves every shout every holler every run every kick every scream he deserves the best of the praise he deserves your best praise we're not gonna warm up tonight we we ain't gonna go through the motions and trying to warm up he destroyed uh he deserves your best praise you could have been in a casket kobe could have taken you out sickness and disease could have claimed your life but you made it to the house of god one more time hey one more time one more time glory hallelujah i tell you to give him a pre-advanced praise i tell you to praise him tonight i tell you to glorify him he's been born to us he's been gone to us he's been thrown to us he's been thrown to us he's been good to us yes go ahead and praise him my sister he's been good to us i will enter into his case with thanksgiving i'm coming to church with thanksgiving i'm coming to church with praise i'm coming to church with a hallelujah i'm coming with a damn come on take 20 seconds clap your hands do something hey he's worthy come on come on let me hear the saints let me hear the women [Music] i feel the holy ghost tonight he's breaking out he's breaking out he's breaking out come on let him touch you while you're praising give him what he wants [Music] give him what he wants kenneth wanted he deserves the prize if [Music] [Music] this is what i would do [Music] one more time if i couldn't say a word come on help me come on help me what would you do women [Applause] [Music] worthy worthy worthy is [Music] worthy is our god worthy is our god worthy is our king and let me tell you something i'm not mad about being saved i'm glad to be saved come on and i'll get my own praise in come on he's been good to me and i just can't help but praising who he is he's worthy of the praise and worthy of the honor i consider it a joy to be here tonight in the house of the lord with the women of god on this very special night that god is already moving can you just tell somebody he's already moving oh yeah come on come on tell him catch up with him catch up with him now tell some i'm not yoda tell somebody catch up with him now he's all he's already moving he's already moving and certainly the presence of god dwells richly in this place i'm telling you god has been so good to me since the last time that i have seen you physically god has been good to me covet attacked my body but god brought me out oh come on come on come on come on come on sickness and disease all around me but god covered me and he did not allow the death angel to take me out and so i'm so glad to be here anybody got that testimony oh it could have gone another way but by the grace of [Music] oh oh oh by the grace of god we are here tonight i want to echo first lady wooden and i want to give great honor and respect to the set man of this house can you help me give god praise for bishop patrick l wooden senior we honor him we honor his life we honor his tenacity and just what god has given him to do even during this pandemic how he stayed a watchman on the wall come on a shepherd indeed and i thank god for him i do honor this beautiful dynamic anointed first lady first lady pamela wooden come on women let me hear you tonight i salute you woman of god and all of you district missionary all of you first lady cooper all of you this great prophet is here and all of you in your perspective places look at your sister on the left on the right and say girl you got it going on [Music] come on say that say that say that it's all right to tell them you got it going on you're here tonight and you got it going on and i'm glad to be here i want you to grab your bibles i want to minister just a little bit from the word of the lord and you may be seated i want you to meet me thank god for this anointed worship team and musicians and minstrels i'm telling you they make our job easy easier and i love that god has given first lady wooden uh this theme intercessors arise we know like never before mother turner that we have to arise in intercessory prayer and god has called us together uh to reiterate the importance of prayer now here is and and you know me so i don't have to do the interview process tonight right all right i just want to make sure we don't have to go through long preliminaries for you to say something back to me tonight uh here is the thing that i was just saying to first lady wooden if you don't have a prayer life by now something is if all of the things that we have gone through have not brought you to a sense of urgency to pray i doubt your love for god your commitment to him because you cannot see what we see and sit by silently and not pray now i know i'm starting off strong tonight but that's kind of the assignment of the prophet and the prophetess is just to go ahead and just skip all of the red tape and just go ahead and get to the punch if you don't have a prayer life by now something is wrong with your spirit so tonight i want to take time and awaken and even cause us to go deeper and have this greater hunger for intercessory prayer i want you to turn your bibles tonight and those of you who are watching online thank god for you if you have not shared this service please take a moment and share it right now there is someone that is on the other end of your timeline and they need to experience the power of god and it is just one share away we thank god for the streaming audience tonight jeremiah the ninth the ninth chapter and i want to look at a few verses in 17 through 24. jeremiah the ninth chapter verses 17 through 24 if you're there would you shout with a loud voice i'm ready for the word thus saith the lord of hosts consider ye and call for the morning women that they may come and send for cunning women that they may come and let them make haste and take up a wailing for us that our eyes may run down with tears and our eyelids gush out with waters for a voice of wailing is heard out of zion how are we spoiled we are greatly confounded because we have forsaken the land because our dwellings have cast us out yet hear the word of the lord o ye women and let your ear receive the word of his mouth and teach your daughters wailing and everyone her neighbor lamentation for death is come up into our windows and is entered into our palaces to cut off the children from without and the young men from the streets speak thus saith the lord even the carcasses of men shall fall as dung upon the open field and as the handful after the harvest men and none shall gather them thus saith the lord let not the wise man glory in his wisdom neither let the mighty man glory in his might let not the rich man glory in his riches but let him that glorieth glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth me that i am the lord which exercise loving kindness judgment and righteousness in the earth for in these things i delight saith the lord i want to preach to you and uh deposit this and impart this into your spirit from just a simple message the power of a praying woman can you shout that back to me the power of a praying woman not the power of uh necessarily a fashionista or a woman that knows how to dress which is absolutely wonderful and not the power necessarily of those who are skilled in business but i want to focus tonight on the power of a praying woman it goes without saying that when god made us as women he formed a mystery that only he truly can understand these things as women i want you to hear me that when god created us he gave us a sensitized spiritual aptitude that when used in prayer creates incredible power it is proven if you would ask anybody if you would ask any man it is proven that we as women we are more inclined to emotions sometimes than reasoning and we rewind and say that again as women sometimes we are more emotionally driven than we are through reasoning and that's why i believe it is not wise for us to make decisions when we are emotional oh i'm going somewhere it's not wise for us to make drastic decisions when we have a lot of mixed emotions that are going on we are so emotional that we laugh when we're mad y'all might as well talk to me tonight and we cry when we're happy now you know i'm telling the truth you know that laugh when you're mad and it's that huh y'all acting like you don't know what i'm talking about it's just us tonight we might as well go ahead and be honest then that laugh right there when we are upset and so we are sometimes not settled in our emotions and this is the thing that the enemy would want to use to his advantage to manipulate our emotions i want to submit to you tonight that we must learn how to govern our emotions how do we do this we do this by building spiritual discernment and endurance spiritual discernment and endurance as women i want to submit to you something that you already know we are not weak we are not helpless as a matter of fact when god created us he created us to be an answer to humanity he created us to be a help meet he said to adam out of all of the things that i've created the ants and the flies the roaches the birds he said to him that there is no helper that is suitable for him so he pulled out of his rib and created a masterpiece come on talk to me somebody i i don't know if you forgot who you are and this is not a motivational speech but when god created us he created us and shaped us with his own hand i i i i just want to remind you tonight that you are a masterpiece oh come on look at your sister tonight and say you are you are a masterpiece he shaped us he shaped us every part of our bodies he shaped us whether you are a 2 or 22 whether you are 12 or 18 come on whether you got a big nose or a small nose come on come on whether you got short hair or bought hair come on he shaped us i need to find some women in here to understand that when god created us he calls us to be something special in the earth he formed us and he presented us back to adam and adam looked at us and said whoa man he he had not seen anything like us i want you to tell another woman on your road that you haven't talked to yet say you are a masterpiece god created us he created us to be special i'm going somewhere he created us to be unique don't nobody have the strength that we have to be able to manage children and ah come on cook the meals and uh uh make sure that the house is in order y'all ain't talking on this side over here uh it takes something special come on talk to me somebody ah to be married and still have your own business it takes something special to have all of the things that we manage and sometimes we go through things and you can't look at us and tell come on because we know how to keep it together i wish i had oh y'all ain't talking to me you making it hard for me tonight we know how to keep it together on our worst days you you you got to really know us to know that everything ain't all right we know how to put the concealer on we know how to comb our hair we know how to put on a nice pair of high-heeled shoes and strut into a situation and sometimes never let them see a sweat because when god created us he put something on the inside of us he put something oh i feel like preaching this now because somebody tonight you have lost your identity you have forgotten who you were you have allowed the enemy to trick you and make you believe that you don't have what god said you have but this is one thing i know when the devil starts talking that the devil is alive and the only thing he can tell is a lie and i came tonight to tell you what you already know you were on the mind of god and when he created us he made us to be an answer in the world who can give birth to babies who can carry babies in our womb for nine months and go through the contractions that you went through come on you know when your husband went to the hospital with you he almost passed out who can carry human beings in our wombs and come back and get snatched back again god created us i'm glad to be a woman crystal come on talk to me now i'm glad to be a woman i'm glad to be a woman i would not trade in being a woman for anybody else i don't want to be masculine i'm not trying to take over the man's role i'm glad that he created me a woman [Music] i'm afraid of women who say i don't need a man oh y'all ain't gonna talk now i'm afraid of women who have become so bitter who have become so hurt who have been traumatized that the enemy would try to put that in you and my question is if you don't need a man then who is the woman that the enemy wants to pervert you to need i'm gonna find just a few more people to talk back the enemy will use that i don't need a man i can do it by myself and yes some of us are single but i have never said as a single woman come on i don't need a man come on i have never said as a single mother i don't want a man come on as a matter of fact my prayer is god whoever you got for me come on single women i want you to cause him to find me for he that findeth a wife [Music] pine's a good thing somebody shout i'm somebody's good thing if you already married we ain't talking to you right now but for the single women right here somebody shout i'm somebody's good thing god created us according to the will that he had for our lives and with all that god created us to be and with all that god has created us to do i want to tell you that we can't do any of it without him paul tells us in acts 17 and 28 it's in him that we live it's in him that we move and it's in him that we have our peeing and if you know tonight that you need god i want you to throw your head back and shout i need him oh come on come on that has to be a sound of desperation i don't want you to say it because i ask you to say it if you know that you can't think without him glory hallelujah i can't manage my life where they don't show nobody i can't breathe without him i can't do what i do without him he is not an afterthoughts ah but i need him i need him i need him i need him [Music] the song says i need him oh i need him every hour i need him oh bless me now my savior i come to these somebody throw your head back one more time if you're not too shame to say it i want you to throw your head back and shout i need him i need him and i'm sure i can't do nothing without god i have some wonderful friends and some wonderful connections i have a wonderful family but i can't as a matter of fact i just heard that i heard myself say this i don't want to do nothing without oh come on come on come on come on i don't want to make a decision without god and so as women this is why there is a great need to pray i i want to take a survey and make sure i'm talking to the right church has anybody over the last 15 to 17 months the last three weeks the last week have you experienced any life-altering situations oh come on come on things that literally rocked your world things that literally left you scratching your head and these are situations here it is now that has caused us to have nine one one prayers oh god i i i i can't i can't i can't wait for the prayer call to pray these prayers are the ones that you find yourself on the way to work on the highway glory to god hallelujah this is a state of emergency and aren't you glad that prayer is praying to god anywhere about anything aren't you glad that you don't have to wait honda shia to get to church aren't you glad you don't have to wait for prayer partner aren't you glad you don't have to wait for prayer meeting prayer is talking to god anywhere about anything glory to god some of you have had to pray at work you've had to pray concerning managers you've had to steal away in your prayer closet and right at the beginning of this pandemic the lord said to me he said to me he says i want you uh to develop a prayer closet he said i want you to go into your closet at that time i was living in a much smaller house he said i want you to move all those clothes out of the way move all those shoes out of the way and i want you to meet me here and oh don't y'all get me started he said i want you to meet me here in prayer and over the last year and a few months he says now i want you to put pictures on the wall glory to god he said i want you to put specific pictures that i give you on the wall and every time you come into this closet whether it is to meet with me or it is to pick out your clothes i want you to send some timber glory hallelujah some of y'all don't know that language i want you to stretch your hands towards your prayer war and i want you to call out names and so i put yes i put president trump when he was the president i put first lady wooden and bishop wooden i put the saints on the prayer wall and i'm telling you since i made a decision hi you didn't hear that i said since i made a decision to prayer it's not haphazard it's not when i do it i do it but since i made a decision to prayer some of the people that i prayed for they didn't call me but they had a need of prayer come on and if the intercessors are going to arise that means you've got to be selfless now and you can't keep praying for just your stuff but the job of the intercessor is to be an interceptor i need you to hear me tonight i came to do war against the enemy i came for the intercessors to get back on the front line i set interceptors are intercessors are interceptors what does that mean that means intercessors they stand in the gap oh some of y'all you gonna miss this cause you waiting for somebody to keep praying for you but at some point or another you should be strong enough and oh let me put my glasses on so i can look at you in your faces you should be strong enough at some point or another to say listen i know i've had my name on the prayer list for six months but by now it's time for me to carry somebody else in prayer come on come on women come on come on come on you cannot be selfish right through him there are too many people that's losing their minds there are too many children that's been gunned down in the streets there are too many women that are having abortions some kind of way when you really become an intercessor you spend most of your time calling out the name somebody shout of others [Music] the lord said that i need more people to stand under the weight of somebody else's burden i'm not getting a whole lot of help on this side i'm i'm gonna find just a few more people he says i need some women to become selfless enough here it is now that when god puts that person on your mind at three o'clock in the morning when you slobbering that's that real good sleep come on ah when you wake up and he puts that person on your mind that you don't call them the next day and say i thought about you you came to my mind but when god put somebody on your mind he brings them before you for you to lift him up in prayer and the kind of prayer intercessors that god is looking for right through here is that you don't stop praying until the change comes oh who am i talking to tonight you stay on the wall until that child gets off of crack you stay on the wall until there's another report at the doctor's office come on women you stay on the wall until god turns it around [Music] somebody shouts you gotta stay on the wall ah come on come on come on somebody shouted like you really believe it you gotta stay on the wall where would i be without a praying mother where would i be without a praying mother somebody prayed for me ah they had me on their mind they took the time they took the time they took the time and prayed me through and i'm so glad they prayed when i was in my sin i didn't want god but my mother pulled me back from the grips of the enemy and she did it through prayer somebody showed you [Applause] we we're in we're in a dangerous day we are right in the middle of biblical prophecy being fulfilled and there is not there is not now that there is no time let me say this for you to be pretty and not powerful i'ma rewind the tape and say it again i said this is not the time for you to be pretty and not powerful we know what your weave look like we know what your waist look like we know what your makeup look like you took a real nice picture and put it on facebook but i want to know right here what does your prayer life look like i don't care nothing about makeup i don't care nothing about these shoes ah when it's time to pray we roll up our sleeves we put our hair back in a ponytail we tell the devil i wish you would try it come on i need some violent women here i need some women here that ain't scared of what the devil is trying he has kevin us power in prayer somebody shall power oh what is this oh i feel the holy ghost uh what is this prayer prayer is a solemn assembly prayer is a solemn request for help from god it is an expression of thanksgiving prayer is so important that we see it in the bible over 367 times and god gave us prayer because here it is he knew joy that we could not make it in this life without talking to him we cannot the created cannot make it without talking to the creator and some of you have tried it but i want to ask you how is that working out for you the creator cannot manage our lives without talking to the creator throw your head back and shout i've got to pray i'm hurrying through here because i feel an anointing to pray i just want to give you just in this scripture just maybe three minutes jeremiah in our text he is called the weeping as a matter of fact he is facing calamity in our text the children of israel they are in a condition that they have gone so far away from god they are in a crisis the bible says and we read it that there is a voice of welling that is heard out of zion the bible says in verse 21 that death is come up into our windows and is entered into our palaces the bible says that its job is to cut off the children from without and the young men from the streets and so when god says to jeremiah i want you to call for the cunning women and he says tell them to make haste tell them to pick up the pace tell them to hurry up and get here and you know it because this is a bible teaching church that in ancient israel there were a group of professional mourners these women they were hired to cry and weep at funerals and the louder they would cry the more popular and patronized they were their objectives as mourning women was to heighten up the emotions so that more people could weep i'm calling for the morning women tell them to come tell them not only that they cry but to teach their daughters lamentation so that the business can keep going and so the lord begins to say to jeremiah call for the cunning women the land is desolate famine is in the land the inhabitants are scattered and the enemies are killing them in the streets this was not the time for the pretentious because this was a real experience death hadn't entered into the windows to kill the children just as we see today when the lord begins to call for women glory when the lord begins to put a prayer burden on women there is an immediate need for intervention i need you to hear me tonight god is advising the prophet that the present emergency did not just call for prayers but for tears and not tears from everybody but from tears for these women he said i want you to call for the calling somebody shouted back the calling this means that they are skillful this means that there is dexterity that this means that there is the ability to produce something conning speaks of mental skillfulness in handling things it is it is resourceful in dealing with problems and what god is saying in this text is that he needed cunning women to stand in the gap and to cry out so that the people would understand the severe danger that they were in so that it could stir up weeping in the land no when god put this prayer retreat on the heart of first lady women a first lady wouldn't it was to call women together tonight not just to pray but to cry out so that the world hallelujah how would begin to weep for the condition of the land i'm standing here concerned tonight that in the body of christ not this place because i know you have a balance of word and praise but across the body of christ as i travel the breadth and width of this land i am seeing people who have wonderful praise breaks with no prayer life oh god help me to preach this tonight give me five more minutes i'm seeing people who are eloquent with speech i'm seeing preachers that know how to exegete the texts they know how to move the crowd but the presence of god is not there because where there is no prayer there is no call oh you got to hear me tonight and so god said to tell the women tonight to tell the women to begin to pray to begin to seek him to seek his face and not his hand to seek his face and not his hand for if you seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness you never have to seek for his hand because all of the things that you need come on shall be added unto you if you get down on your knees and seek his face god show me where i am show me what i need to let go of show me where i'm falling short show me another level of your glory show me something more that i have not seen reveal yourself to me in a stronger way take me come on some of you are so shallow ah you're still praying the same prayers that you were praying 10 years ago but god said right through here i need you to call people i need you to pray into your breakthrough i need you to pray until you pray through i need you to pray until you see a change in your family if you don't like what's going on in your marriage change it in prayer if you don't like what's going on in your community stop waiting for your mail stop waiting for the governments stop waiting on the presidents if you don't like what's going on somebody shouts it's time to change it in prayer oh i don't have the right people in here now you can't wait on the outside to find and to help what's going on in the church what's going on in the world and can i tell you this that it's going to get worse before it gets better can i tell you this that like never before you better turn your face to the wall like hezekiah and you better call on him until he answers you open up your mouth and shut its prime it's [Applause] i'm getting ready to get out of here we're getting ready to go into prayer in four minutes the lord said tell tell my women that just like hannah you've got to make a decision to stop pouting stop complaining year after year hannah goes to the temple year after year she goes with the wrong disposition year after year she wants something from god but she is murmuring and complaining i heard the lord say this just in this moment he said tell the women stop all of that complaining oh i gotta i gotta give you this now and i'm done on my shoulder i'm done because facebook every day asks you what's on your mind and if you are not careful you spill all of your complaints in front of people that are waiting for your demise oh god you spend all of that time venting and getting it off of your shoulder and i believe that you need trusted sources where you can release some of the things that you're going through but if every time you turn around you complaining you i'm talking about and you can't pick up the phone and talk everything that comes out of your mouth is a complaint god says take those complaints and bottle them up hey shawn know that behind and tell me about your problems hannah for years powered paladins until one year she realized ain't nothing changing peninnah's still walking around here pregnant ain't nothing changing she wouldn't eat she told her husband that she she was she was so bothered nothing changed until she went into the temple hallelujah she went into the house of god she she went into the secret place and she said to him she said god if you give me what i want if you give me this son i'll give it back to you and the thing about hannah she didn't pray cute prayers she didn't pray these now i lay me down to sleep i pray to god my soul to keep it i should die before i wake i pray to god no no what she needed was to importance the bible says that she prayed she prayed so much so until the priest thought that she was a drunk woman and i don't know if you've ever prayed like that before now i don't know if you've ever prayed until somebody looking on the outside would say what's wrong with her but when something is going on in your soul you don't care what you look like on the outside hey when you need an answer from god you don't care what nobody thinks if you think my prayer is getting on your nerves stick around for 10 more minutes and it's really gonna get intense somebody shouts i'm willing to pray through i'm willing to pray through i'm willing to keep on coming i'm willing to keep on knocking i'm willing to keep on seeking somebody shot his prior time we're getting ready to go into prayer hannah look at your neighbor and say neighbor it's praying time come on if they ain't talking to you just look at them real stern now say that you hear me it's praying time come on find somebody find somebody that look like they want the spirit of prayer glory to god y'all in the back i need y'all to come on now find somebody and say hey sister it's praying time these kind go not out but by fasting and prayer and not only are we going to pray right through here but god says we need to turn our plates over i know you got coveted pounds and i know we were quarantined but you gotta turn your plate over because there are some things mother that won't happen unless you put some fasting with that prayer come on seven of you seven of you seven of you seven of you need to understand that god is calling us into a time of prayer and consecration the lord said tonight that we are going to pray as intercessors that means that when we pray tonight you are going to pray for somebody else's problem and they are going to pray for yours are you hearing me tonight they are going to pray because there are sometimes as believers we don't have the strength to pray for ourselves i told first lady wooden i said i know the women need this but i need it i need it more because as ministers and preachers those who stand on the fir on the front line of ministry ministering tonight with a broken heart sometimes you need somebody to pick you up in the spirit and pray for you the lord said tonight that we are also going to pray the prayer of binding and loosing it's found in matthew 18 18 through 19 where jesus says assuredly i say unto you whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven again i say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask it will be done for them by my father in heaven and the lord said that we're going to pray the prayer of praise and worship what does that mean that means that before we ask him we praise him and when we're done asking him we praise him prayer is also praise and worship but most importantly the lord said tonight we're going to pray desperate prayers desperate prayers for our nation desperate prayers for our communities we must pray and we must lift up our families we've got to lift up the body of christ tonight we've got to lift up the government we've got to lift up every leader that's standing tonight and we're going to pray that god would save our loved ones and bring them in and so tonight i want you because here's the thing about prayer prayer has many forms but prayer is active tonight we're not going to think prayer we are in a corporate prayer meeting come on now if it was by yourself you could meditate but tonight in this corporate setting prayer will be active and so for those of you who want to walk for those of you who want to kneel for those of you who want to lay out in the presence of god prayer will be acted tell your neighbor tonight is active tell your neighbor tonight it's audible come on and so as we begin to pray i want you to get into a posture of prayer now i want you to get into a posture of prayer whatever your posture is whether it's standing whether it's kneeling whether it's walking everybody get into a posture of prayer tonight and as we go into this time of intercessory prayer the intercessors are going to arise the intercessors are going to seek god the intercessors are going to call upon his name the intercessors are going to get a ushaya we're going to get a breakthrough tonight no prayer will be wasted no prayer will be wasted tonight oh come on come on get your mind on him get your mind on him get your mind on him get your mind on him tonight those of you who are online make yourself an altar get your mind on him tonight father we bless you we honor you we glorify you we worship you we adore you and we say that you are god and beside you there is no other oh god how great you are in all of the earth you're mighty and you're worthy to be praised oh we honor you tonight we lift you up we thank you for your goodness come on let's hear the prayers now we lift you up tonight we glorify you we worship you and we love you your holy you're strong and mighty there is no god like our god ah your jehovah and we bless you tonight come on in to enter his presence how we extol you tonight you've been faithful to us you've kept us hallelujah you've been mindful of us and we praise you come on women we bless your name hey we bless your name worthy are you [Music] there is no god like you in all of the earth no god above you no god beneath you no god before you have no god after you you are god in your god alone come on let's bless him hey our mouths are filled with praise our mouths are filled with adoration from the rising of the sun and to the going down of the same your name deserves the praise also we give you praise tonight before we ask you for anything before we ask you for anything we thank you for everything thank you for keeping us thank you for saving us come on intercessors come on intercessors oh you've been cool you've been merciful oh god you've been our peace in the midst of every storm you've been a refuge over us you've been empowering over us you've been a shield over us and we bless you tonight [Applause] thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you kept food on the table thank you jesus how you going to root bother our heads thank you jesus you kept money in the bank thank you jesus you supply [Applause] come on give me glory from your soul bless him god bless you at all times your praises shall continue to be in my mouth we praise you we praise you for keeping us from danger seen and unseen we praise you for keeping us up oh god can't nobody be god but god you're wonderful you're majestic [Music] [Applause] [Applause] jesus and we love you tonight and we love you tonight and we love you tonight you're faithful to us you're the lifter of our head you're the keeper of our souls we bless you tonight you are way out of your way you're the will in the middle of the wheel you're our palace and we bless you tonight you defend us arise in praise arise in praise arise we embrace you oh we praise him you did not allow the enemy to come in hong kong but you kept us through paul the 19th you us through sickness and disease you've kept us call god we bless you thank you for your presence thank you for the better of your name jesus we thank you for your name we thank you for your name we're not suffering come on come on come on come on let your praise [Applause] he inhabits the praise we praise your father you've been better to us than we can ever be to ourselves we praise that things are as well as they are we praise that we still have our right mind we praise oh god that you're seeing us through you're seeing us you yeah you're seeing us through come on come on come on i've got to praise him my soul makes a boast in him my soul [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on praise him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] peace [Applause] thank you for being sovereign thank you for being sovereign you know all that you see oh nothing catches you by surprise thank you yes thank you we praise you we will not keep silence but if we hold our peace the rocks will cry out we praise you tonight you've been better than good we praise you tonight you've been our healer no never messiah you've healed us from all manner of sickness and disease you killed us from all manner of sickness and disease you've healed us you gave us our life back and we praise him yeah hey hey come on come on come on come on come on come on do you have another place do you have another place do you have another praise you've kept our children you kept our children you kept our children you kept them from the rapists you kept them from the pentepile you kept them from the molester you've kept our children you've kept them from stray bullets you've kept them from drug activity you've kept our children you covered them with your blood and the enemy could not find them you kept them you kept them you kept them you understand oh you kept not children you kept them in the school room you kept them lord when they made decisions they should have landed them in prison you cannot children you cannot children hold the music for just one second hold the music for just one second to hold the music come on come on let's hear the sound of the praises you've kept our children and we give you glory tonight come on intercessors arise with grace you've kept our families glory to god it wasn't the security alarm glory to god it wasn't the locks on the door glory to god but you've kept us with your mighty hand glory to god come on intercessors praise him tonight you kept our families glory to god and know y'all about shine from the trap the traps of the enemy you kept our families glory to god when the enemy wanted to divide our families you kept us together come on women you got more praise than that come on you got more praise than that come on let praise be heard tonight we praise you we praise praise you oh god we praise you tonight hey because you're worthy because you're worthy oh because you're worthy glory to god if you never do anything else for us and we know that you will you've done enough you kept us from nervous breakdowns you kept our mind in peace you kept us oh god hallelujah [Music] come on come on come on come on lift him come on shout come on shout with your praise that means make it loud come on shout with your praise come on get on one accord now come on shout with your praise glory hey [Music] it comes from my heart tonight come on come on hey we sound the praise alarm we let the praises arise yeah we give you your glory we're giving your two praise we give you your due praise we're getting your two praise thank you for watching tom thank you for what you're doing and thank you for what you're gonna do thank you for watching tom thank you for what you're doing and thank you for what you're gonna do thank you for past present and future hey hey hey hey hey hey hey come on come on clap your hands and praise him come on clap your hands come on clap your hands come on clap your hands sir paul god we glorify you yeah yeah yeah just two more minutes just two more minutes of praise just two more minutes i praise you i praise him i praise you and i praise you and i praise you again and i praise you again he'll shut that down and i praise you again and i'll praise you again come on out of your belly let the rivers of praise let them flow tonight and i praise you again and i praise you again and i praise you again and i praise you i can you're wanting you're worthy you're worthy come on something something is shifting in praise come on come on he's inhabiting your praise he's sitting down in your praise the more you bless him the more he comes in the more you bless him the more he comes in the more you bless him come on intercessor come on come on come on forget about yourself and focus on him come on put out more and focus on him some of you need to walk some of you need to be a little more active come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on we're warring in praise we're warring in praise we're warring in praise we're pushing back the plan of the enemy and praise we're confusing the plan of the enemy in praise come on saints praise is a weapon come on saints praise as a weapon glory to god glory to god come on son hey thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you messiah thank you thank you thank you thank you i don't deserve your mercy but you gain it to me anyway thank you thank you come on come on come on the ground is breaking the ground is breaking the ground is breaking the ground is breaking hey hey hey glory glory please yo [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on you got to lift it now come on you got to lift it now come on you got to lift it now you can be healed in the praise you can be healed in the praise you can be healed in the praise hey you're worthy of praise yes you're worthy of praise [Applause] come on come on come on come on something is happening come on something is shifting in praise glory glory glory [Applause] we give you your chlorine we give you your claw right we give you your glory come on lift up your hands let's do it together we give you your chlorine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're giving your glory we're giving your praise oh jesus sit up on my lord here we are tonight here we are tonight lord jesus first and foremost of all we repent before you lord we repent before you and you alone oh god we ask you tonight that you would search our hearts on this becomes personal we ask you lord that you would search our hearts and try the reigns of our mind see if there be any wicked way in us oh god whatever's in us that's not of you tonight lord we repent come on women come on come on come on come on come on god we ask you tonight that you would cleanse us from all unrighteousness cleanse us from all unrighteousness wash our minds wash our motifs oh god wash our souls go down deep deep deep on the inside and bring those things to our remembrance god tonight we give you permission to put your finger on stuff that's in our life that does not please you oh god how we repent we repent tonight we repent oh god for the sin of omission and the sin of commission we repent oh god ah for the spirit of gossip we repeat all god for backfiring we repeat all god for division [Music] come on come on come on come on wash us wash us wash us tonight wash us with his purify us oh lord we want to be more like you in the way that we talk in the way that we think in the way that we act in the way oh god that we go in and out we want to be more like you come on reach up to him and ask him lord make me more like you oh make me more like you lord i give up everything for you come on women of a bubble shy i didn't have the right attitude with dealing with my husband i didn't have the right attitude with dealing with my children i haven't had the right attitude glory my temper has been too short god make us more like you hey when we lift up hands we want to lift up clean hands come on [Applause] i want my heart to be right i want my heart to be right ah forgive us for pride forgive us for arrogance forgive us for a hearty look oh forgive us oh god forgive us for spreading rumors forgive us oh god for putting our mouth on our brother and sister forgive us all god for becoming lukewarm forgive us wash us wash us tonight wash us again you're not nobody wow i dare you to cry out to him wash me lord it's not my brother it's not my sister but it's me standing in the need of this prayer wash me lord [Music] wash me father create in us a clean heart we don't want to just go through church motions ah but god we want to be right no no no no no shy we want to be right we want to be right we want to be right we want to be right oh come on tell them tonight i want to be right here [Laughter] [Music] lord not just us but sin revival in the body of christ wash our churches [Laughter] [Music] we want our first love back come on intercessors get up under the weight of this prayer come on get up under the weight of this prayer hey purify our churches purify our churches every spirit of perversion purify our churches in the name of the lord jesus purify our churches start from the top and work your way down purify our churches oh god let holiness be the order of day let sound doctrine be the order of day ah let love be the order of the day purify your churches are you still in here are you still in here are you still in here send now revival come on i need you to contend for this i need you to walk for this i need you to walk for this send revive back to our churches send your glory back to our churches just the voices rocky send revival back to our churches send revival back to our churches come on women come on women come on women come on come on come on come on come on come on oh that we would pray for revival revive our churches cough their ten huh god glory to god oh they become money hungry oh jesus they become consumed ah with the aesthetics of church oh god send revival in our churches oh from the north the south the east and the west let your glory return back to the body of christ god we repent for serving gods that don't give you glory we repent for serving idol calls god send your glory back yes lord pour out on us again until we see miracle signs and wonders pour out on us again pour out on us again do it for the body of christ come on intercessors would you pick up a wailing for this oh oh glory glory glory glory glory glory glory come on would you pick up a wailing for revival send now revival our churches are in trouble sin now revival hey our preachers are in trouble so now revival oh there's a perverted gospel sit down revival glory to god until the drunk man comes off of the street sin now revival until the prostitute comes off of the corner send now revival until the drug addict put their drugs down sit down revival glory to god you've called us to be a lights huh but it's been dim in our churches god send revival and let it break out like wildfire come on women come on can you get up under this prayer come on can you push this through send revival and let it break out without a flying without marketing without a famous preacher let it break out come on saints come on silent sin revival save save save the lord save come on come on come on save save heal and deliver set free again set free again only you can revive will you not revive us again that your people may rejoice in you god we need you to revive us touch us again touch us again touch us again touch us again come on women touch us again touch us touch us again touch us touch us okay and we need your touch we need your spirits we need your power we need your anointing your destroying anointing your destroying anointing we need it in the music we need it in the music we need it in our churches come on shout lord sin revival launch in revival lots and revival lots and revival lots and revival break break break break the strongholds break break break break every opposing enemy break break break break break break break break break break break break everything that's holding up a move of god break pride tonight to break pride tonight london send revival send it on us send it through us yes yes come on clap your hands come on clap your hands and shall revive [Music] at the count of three i want you to open up your mouth all over this church those of you who are online tonight and i want you to shout this word breakthrough i want you to shout it because as we go from glory to glory and prayer glory to god do you have 10 more minutes do you have 10 more minutes come on i know this is not your five minute prayer service but sometimes you gotta plow up the ground come on women come on i need to have some warriors in here sometimes you gotta plow up the ground sometimes you gotta plow up the ground i want you at the top of your voice to shout breakthrough at the count of three and as we go into another realm of prayer god is breaking some things through tonight i need you to keep your prayer fervent some of you have a move you haven't clapped i need you to keep your prayer fervent there has to be faith and expectation in this place and the count of three shall break through one two three shout it shout it again shout it one more time now come on clap your hands and give him glory come on what do you what what are you expecting for him to break through come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on don't be quiet don't keep silence come on come on come on push push push push push push push push push push push push push push push push push we need a breakthrough we need a breakthrough we need a breakthrough we need a breakthrough we need a breakthrough we need to pray through come on come on come on give us our touch give us our touch give us our touch give us our touch heel heel heel heel heel heel heel he'll he'll [Music] oh [Music] receive your breakthrough receive your breakthrough receive your breakthrough receive your breakthrough receive your breakthrough come on come on you've come too far you've come too far you've come too far not to get it tonight you've come through too much not to get your breakthrough come on it's breaking it's breaking it's breaking it's breaking it's breaking it's breaking the whopping the whopping the whopping [Music] i don't hear you i don't hear you we please [Music] this last prayer and i don't know how comfortable you are but this last prayer is the prayer of intercession i want you to find somebody that you're close to somebody that you feel comfortable connecting with if you sit and bomb you must be pretty comfortable and i want you to find somebody tonight and ask them how can i pray for you i really hope that you will get into a circle of two or three if you're on the road with somebody just connect right there with those who are on your own we're getting ready to go into intercession and you're getting ready to pray your neighbor through [Music] there's an anointing for prayer tonight there's an idiot messiah there's an anointing for prayer tonight you getting ready to pray i need some i need some intercessors for real like like woman of god i need you to come on down here i need just maybe two or three intercessors to come stand up here with me glory to god hallelujah there's a there's an anointing for prayer there's anointing for breakthrough and i come against tiredness i come against fatigue i come against you being overwhelmed tonight you not leaving out of this place the same way you came in glory to god i said you're not leaving out of this place the same way that you came in and i'm amanda glory glory glory glory glory glory glory go ahead and ask that neighbor how can i pray for you go ahead and ask that neighbor how can i pray for you how can i pray for you [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Applause] and once you get that prayer knee once you find out what that need is go ahead and start praying for your neighbor one of you pray for the person and then the other person start praying for the next person go ahead and start praying come on pray like it's your child come on pray like it's your husband hit on my mama mind the osha those of you who are online put your prayer need in the comment section where there are two or three touching and agreeing on the oshaya in his name whatever you pray for in his name come on come on come on come on pray like it's your situation i cover you my sister i'm praying you through my sister they're talking about my messiah come on pick up that burden yeah yes sir pick up that burden pick up that burden you're not by yourself pick up the ocean remember he got my mind the ocean come on pick them up in the spirits praying through tonight's praying through tonight i pray you're into joy the joy of the lord is your strength the joy of the lord is your strength hey hey come on come on come on intercessors arise arise arise arise come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yeah i'm not going to let go until god does it i'm not going to let go until it gives you your peace back i'm not going to let go until it gives you your joy back i'm not going to let go until he gets you your answer come on saints come on zion come on sign come on cyan come on sign come on hey hey hey hey yeah i got your back tonight i got your back in prayer i got your back in prayer i got your back [Music] i got y'all back in prayer and i back up every devil i back up every enemy i back up every plus i back up every plane i back up every evil way come on there it is there it is i got your back i got your back i got your back i got your back one can put a thousand one can chase a thousand but you can put ten thousand of lights come on yes yes yes come on come on come on come on come on come on don't you let them go until you feel victory don't you let them go until you see a side of victory don't you let him go until you see a sign of a breakthrough don't you let him go until you see a sign of a turn around don't you let him go until you see [Music] he's doing it he's doing it he's doing it he's [Music] hey victory in my house victory in my house victory in my house victory on my top come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yeah yeah yeah yeah yes yes victory is your portion victory tonight hey hey hey hey there's a turning there's a turning there's a turning there's a turning there's a turning dead of messiah that's returning be healed be healed be healed in the name of jesus every stronghold be broken in the name of jesus glory to god well if you go praise him everybody ought to praise him everybody ought to keep it glory everybody ought to magnify him why am i praising him cause my neighbor just got victoria why am i praising him cause my neighbor just got a breakthrough why am i praising him cause i just turned into [Music] [Music] i'm done first lady i heard the lord say tell every woman tell every woman that if you're gonna praise me i want you to do it together he said and this praise that you get ready to give god the lord says i'm giving you your fight back [Applause] your fight your strength [Music] i'm giving you your fight back um i'm giving you your straight back i'm giving i'm giving it back to you i'm giving it back to you everybody ought to praise him i'm giving it back to you i'm restoring unto you the years that the cancer word and the palmer and the locusts have eaten i'm restoring you i'm restoring back the years i'm restoring the years i'm restoring the years i'm restoring the years i'm restoring the restoring the years i don't know what's wrong with y'all maybe you didn't lose nothing maybe you didn't lose nothing but he says i'm restoring the years somebody praise him on this side somebody praise him on that side somebody praise him on that side i'm restoring the years it's joy night it's joy night get your joy back catch up shine get your child back get your joy back he's restoring you he's [Music] you restoring a few more seconds you got a few more seconds to praise him right here raising children praise him praising my sister he's restoring you he's restoring your soul he's restoring your soul he's restoring yourself he's restoring your soul [Music] he's restoring your soul my soul needs to be restored a soul needs to be restored he's restoring my soul he's restoring my soul [Music] come on get your soul restored come on get your piece back come on get your joy back the joy of the lord is your strength the joy of the lord is your strength some of you lost yourself some of you lost your days but the joy of the lord is your strength yay [Music] [Music] god is delivering somebody god is setting somebody free right here in this praise lift up your hands lift up your hands i prophesied to you tonight that the spirit of prayer is coming on you [Music] i prophesied tonight that the burden for prayer is coming on you it's coming on these babies in the last days i will pour out my spirit upon the sons and daughters the burden for prayer the spirit of prayer and in my mind the spirit of prayer be upon our daughters [Music] the spirit of prayer lift up your hands and say lord i want a praying spirit teach me how to pray [Music] come on receive that receive that yield to that yield to that yield to that yield to that i'm making time for prayer tell them lord i'm making time for prayer on tell him that tell him lord i'm making time for prayer [Music] would you receive that would you receive that would you receive that i'm making a commitment to pray i'm going into my secret place i'm gonna stay in your presence i'm gonna pray more i'm gonna pray more i'm gonna fast come on come on lift your hands up one more time the spirit of prayer be released in this place tonight the spirit of discernment to be released in this place tonight the spirit of discernment god we thank you that our spiritual ears are open now that our hearts are more sensitive to you we thank you lord jesus that we're going away from this place as intercessors you can count on us come on i need somebody to tell them lord you can count on me to stand in the gap lord as we pray tonight we pray that father this delta variant would turn heedamaman come on i need a few i need a few more women right here lord turn it up [Laughter] lord turn this thing around turn turn turn turn the death angel around and i need yeah come on come on turn turn the death angel spare god come on space fast we plead for your mercy oh turn it turn it turn and turn it turn and turn and turn it cover the saints cover the saints cover the sage cover us in the mighty name of jesus and we give you praise and we give you glory and if you believe that we have received the answer to our prayer i want you to clap your hands as strong as you can come on that's not strong enough for a prayer answering god come on that's not strong enough for a prayer answering god peace say that's not strong enough for prayer answering god peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's still moving he's still moving and when you get back home you will find that he has moved in your house hey when you get back home you'll find that he has moved in your house hey you're my shy he's moving in your house come on women come on come on he's moving in your house the prayers are going from this place to your house oh thank you jesus thank you jesus and we give him glory and we give him praise and we give him honor would you clap your hands one more time and let's seal it with praise we started with praise come on let's seal it with praise can you open up your mouth and praise him for being a prayer answering god hallelujah [Music] some of you haven't been able to sleep at night when you leave this place you're going to sleep like a baby that stress that worry that anxiety those burdens has been on your back check yourself the peace of god is on you now somebody give him one more praise tonight just one more hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah i heard the lord first lady wooden and i want to do this collectively tonight because you have provided this oil and as you come tonight to sow your seed i want to put it personally in your hand i want to personally put it in your hand i will not lay hands on you but i want to make the connection through this oil and through the seed that you're gonna sow tonight there are at least 12 and i'm the first person softly pleased brother rocky there are at least 12 people tonight i'm the first that will sow a seed of 208 208 and i want you just to stand right where you are if you're one of those persons that will sow the seed of 208 tonight glory somebody shout glory to god somebody shout glory to god i see you two women i see i see just a few more of you you will stand and you will join us first lady wooden i see you woman of god i see you woman of god i see you woman of god there are at least 12 that can sow this seed of 208 i see you woman of god glory to god come on would you get it and stand tonight if you can trust god with this seed i see you two women of god thank god for you and those of you that are online i'm not sure if we're still on tonight but when they're providing the information to sow the seed tonight you can sow as well glory to god i want every other person and i'm not going to be up here long i want every other person that will say i want to sow this seed of 208 if you would hold up your hands they're giving you envelopes tonight as you would hold up your hands we're still in worship glory to god hallelujah the giving information you can text urc give to 4577 to give tonight there's a sweet sweet presence of the lord in this place i see you first lady cooper i see you in the choir stand thank you jesus you can go to upper room and select the giving tab thank god for the ways that we can give digitally if you want to write a check you can write it as well thank god for the waste bless you prophetess bless you i want every other person that can tonight to get a seat of at least 108. i can't give 208 but i can give 108. i want you just to begin to wave your hand at me i see you woman of god i will sow this i see you i see you women of god there is a sweet presence i see you my sister i see you i see you woman of god i see you tonight i see you women of god glory to god i see you all the way in the back god bless you woman of god thank you jesus the presence of the lord the presence of the lord is here tonight every other person that you can get the closest thing to that seed of 108 you can give 88 you can give 28. i want you to get those seeds of a sacrifice tonight and just wave at me i want to give something i'm giving something tonight i see you i see you come on wave your hand i see you tonight i see you over in the back i see you tonight i see you i see you tonight i see you tonight glory to god we thank god for his faithfulness i see you those who are giving those who are trusting god even in this god is doing something for this baby glory to god he's still moving hallelujah he's still moving this sweet presence is going home with us tonight i want you to get your seed as the giving you the offering envelope tonight you're giving digitally you're giving online you're sewing into what god has done tonight i trust god not just with my life but i trust him with my finances come on come on i trust him with my finances i trust him you can go to forward slash urc and you can give there as well those of you that are online i challenge you to trust god tonight when you have your seat in your hand would you just stand all over the building glory to god we're going to do this i want to do this and i want to be able to keep some type of cdc protocol and the distance and all of that kind of stuff but get your seed and just lift it up before the lord tonight father thank you for every person that's trusting you with our substance we thank you lord that you said in your word that as we give to you you would give it back to us good measure press down shaken together and running over you will cause men to give into our bosoms and so we thank you that every seed is blessed every offering is blessed we trust you even with our finances and we thank you that you would give it back to us in jesus name it is so amen somebody shout amen i want to be able to do this and as you're coming [Music] i want you to be able to come from maybe this side and around and i want to be able to put the oil in your hand as you're coming with your seed you're coming with your offering tonight glory to god [Music] as you're coming i just want to be able to put this in your hand glory to god come right on come right on this oil is blessed [Music] the oil is blessed come right on thank you father [Music] take this oil and anoint yourself anoint yourself anoint yourself with this oil thank you father bless you god bless you bless you thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you father oh i'm looking at some of your countenances and they look different than what they what i saw when i first started ministering thank you father thank you lord jesus thank you father thank you thank you receive this oil anoint your homes and your cars and your children anoint yourselves thank god for the anointing thank god for the anointing hallelujah blessed be the name of our god blessed be the name i know but thank you father thank you jesus he is a waymaker thank you lord jesus bless your lord bless jesus [Music] thank you jesus [Music] thank you father thank you lord jesus thank you [Music] can you help me sing it worship [Music] my god [Music] [Music] that is [Music] he's alive my god that is who you are [Music] my god [Music] he's a promise [Music] that is who you are oh [Music] my god [Music] would you keep a worship in the house would you keep a worship in the house tonight glory to god thank you father my god thank you [Music] this side just come right on over absolutely way back up [Music] anoint yourself with oil anoint your homes anoint your children anoint your cars glory to god hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] my god [Music] i love you jesus i love you jesus [Music] can you keep a worship in the house i just want lord i love you [Music] [Music] come on lord i worship you hallelujah hey i just wanna tell you lord i love you [Music] come on can you just sing that to him [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] lord i love you [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] just wanna tell you lord i love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] has everyone been served tonight as everyone received [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] so [Music] has everyone received [Music] bless you i want you to take this oil i posted the other day on just keep playing minnesota el dorado i keep i posted the other day how many you still believe in the anointing oil we gotta annoy ourselves and our homes and they used to anoint their cars when the cars wouldn't start and it started we've got to do this like never before father thank you for every offering that's been given tonight thank you for your people that's trusting you even with our finances and we bless you in jesus name amen so i want you to take this oil thank god for first lady pamela wooden when i requested this she made it happen can you give god praise for your first lady for this dear woman of god that made this available to you anoint your children anoint your doorposts come on anoint yourself those of you who are dealing with different sicknesses and disease we understand that the anointing oil is seen all throughout the bible for healing of all manner of sickness and disease are you going away tonight with a praying spirit you're going to away tonight as the intercessor that's been arise and arising in us can you help me give god praise for what he's done and this incredible first lady that has led us in this charge tonight bless you woman of god come on and clap your hands for the lord once more and let's clap our hands for this woman of god lord we thank you for this prophetess we thank you for the word that she has brought to us tonight we thank you for the mighty outpouring of your spirit and god we pray that you will restore this woman of god pull back in her in the name of jesus as she arises early in the morning to travel back home god go with them go before her once she gets there bless her to find all his will be with them on god as they go through the funeral and all the many things that they have to go through be with this woman of god we pray that you will add virtue back to her in jesus name amen and amen oh if the lord has blessed you tonight give him one more round we thank of applause uh for what we have experienced here tonight and we are going home in the strength of the lord and under the anointing of the lord and i want you to know that the intercessor has arisen in you tonight oh you're gonna experience it in the days and the weeks and the months to come oh at a time when you used to get upset and angry and depressed you're gonna find yourself calling on the name of the lord god bless you as we lift our hands to what heaven let us all say god first and if you're like me you've given it all to the lord and you need a little refreshing praise god so we do have refreshments over in the fellowship home god bless you we're yet trying to social distance because of the times but if you're willing to stay please go and get your summer sister darlene's chicken and some something cold and refreshing uh and enjoy yourselves god bless you we love you all with the love of the lord god bless um you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 2,522
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: OEs9hrcOKP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 51sec (10431 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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