Thunder God Scorej-Oni 7 Lightning Rings VS Hardest Mode in Vampire Survivors

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welcome back to inverse mode with scorioni we started to move somewhat of a challenge lately where we try to figure out which weapons or characters can beat this mode it's the hardest mode in the game that triples the HP of the enemies which doesn't sound like a lot but they outscale you really hard we'll go for silent old Sanctuary which I typically do on weapons that simply can't deal with the enemies and I think what I have to go for is Max out empty Tome ASAP we probably also have to go for tiragisu just you know because we are dying and it will take some time to set in that we can kill all the enemies I don't remember this was quite a problem for now let's just focus on this that we can do that okay um this is looking uh really bad yeah this is looking very worse than I thought it would be uh wow that is without curse and we just died is that even possible what would it require that we could beat this I mean I I do have some ideas but none that I really like in particular now we got an additional lightning ring there on level 8 we got one okay um I I need to level up here to register very nice if we get to a point where it's just enough that we can kill the enemies we can see if we can do it but where's the last empty term why are you doing this to me just give me my final puzzle piece thank you thank you now we have maxed out cooldown reduction and the goal will be at this point I will just max out the lightning ring to hit as many enemies as possible and then we'll go for duplicator can Labrador to make everything bigger and yes we will not take the crown early on which would be nice to level up faster but there's not really a reason to do it because we are dying okay so we are still alive by the way that is a new record while staying alive that is great the weapon that may be able to do it well as you know I'm a ginormous fan of the lightning ring once you get it scaling it's so incredibly powerful but early on it's super weak especially against enemies that are just stronger than the weapon and this will be our main problem that once we get to a point where tougher enemies are around I mean assuming that we are not dead by then because this is not looking all the promising yeah they will pretty much just run through and may kill me and I have to maybe do some cheesy strategies though looking at this so so far it's going really well now this character is very very interesting because what he does is every eight levels you get a lightning ring this is the pop-up that happens there and shows us how many lightning Rings we have in this moment so right notes four as you can see on zero we started with one now we have three additional ones this goes until Level 40 and then each of them can be upgraded to I think level 8. yeah if you enjoy the content then please consider subscribing and giving the video a like so we can hit 69 000 subscribers this year oh no the way it works is every 12 levels they upgrade and at level 84 they are all maxed out so I assume even the ones that we get later they are maxed out or maybe the one that we get at 40 needs 84 levels afterwards to be maxed out I I honestly don't know how it works precisely but uh that's how I see it so right now we are doing incredibly well again these are the super easy enemies so I didn't expect that this would go all too wrong at this point there's taruna beautiful okay so we have everything Toronto it will be a bit of a problem I will take the 100 curse but it could be that we simply can't do it and I have to redo the entire thing which I'm not looking forward to because um I died a couple of times okay this is not the first attempt here I died a couple of times in the beginning and it all depends how quickly you get empty Tome up if there are chickens on the floor as you may have noticed we have gotten a lot of chickens and the problem is you can't guarantee that you get them like it's hard enough to hit the breakables that can spawn them with the lightning ring because the enemies have to be on top of it but then it also has to be a chicken now I'm really happy that we have a couple of chickens we don't have to move out we don't have to take on other Guardians I do remember that it was way easier to deal with the Guardians than I assumed it to be like we just had a super easy time with it for now we'll by the way focus on a mound and area a lot that we can make this bigger and then we just do random always there's also nothing too spicy in here which is great that actually makes the weapon better there's no speed there's no duration you just get raw stats area mind and a mound and that means they are way more likely the way this works in this game is that normal stats they have a weight of 10. so something like maiden area has a weight of 10 but that was insane wow okay interesting maybe we are already strong enough to deal with the guardian should I give it a try just for the rules well let's do it sure but yeah they have a weight of 10 that just means like you take a pool you put 10 times a might in it you'll put 10 times area into it and then it rolls a random number and wherever it lands on this is what you get offered here sometimes wiltable sometimes one there's a mount and a mound again beautiful now a mount only has a weight of one that means it's a 1 in 21 chance to appear which is not a lot okay that's a lot of level UPS let's just do this okay I think by now we have enough amount that we really don't need more wow this is um this is actually looking really beautiful to be honest I think we can actually take on the guardian now why would we want to do that 40 bonus area is quite a lot that's like getting 40 levels of area later on Just for free now I'm also noticing something do you see how difficult it is to actually deal with the enemies um okay this could actually be a problem for the tougher enemies but also the guardian because if they survive so long like the way we will be the guardian is oh no everything is maxed out beautiful the way we will beat the guardian is that we have to consistently attack the guardian you know to stagger him because every single time we take an enemy they get interrupted for a split second for just a split second but if you attack often enough like we do this is enough to take care of the Guardian but uh can we do this or should we wait until minute 11. I mean is there really a rush for the area does it look like we need the area right now the reason why area is good on the lightning is it makes more attacks overlap that you hit the same Target with multiple attacks where it didn't prior why is it still going up by the way those were six something 's weird here okay I think now they are maxed out though if you check out the damage numbers I have them turned off because trust me it's a pain but we have the 250s here and there should be other ones that have way less I think on the on this dude here you just saw it there were like other numbers as well yeah 200 where's the 250 I don't see it really didn't we just see a 250 there they're 250. yeah so pretty much what's going on we have the in well that doesn't make any sense wait hold on 250 the difference should be way way bigger I don't know should I just live on the damage stats by the way I think I'll just do it so yeah we have the 240 there doesn't make any sense I can't because you could say yeah it's a might level upset we've gotten but we have 210 might that means when we get plus one damage to plus one percent might as actually one damage then it gives plus three and we had a lot of them right so you would expect the differences way bigger than just 50 but let's see maybe these ones always stay at 200 that's just that damage and the other one started at only like 100 right so the difference is not as big right now but it will be big in the future do we still see the 250 somewhere [Music] okay well okay let's walk back I want to get the red gem is it in the back here there there's beautiful look at all the level UPS now one Arcana that I'm looking forward to is the one where you move around and then you cast faster it reduces the delay between the attacks it's not cool down reduction it's something else but that will be very very important for us now we don't have a Revival so I I honestly don't really want to take on the guardian I'm a little bit scared but I'm just looking for a freeze is there somewhere a freeze hmm okay so these are the tanky enemies this is by the way where I really don't want to take on the guardian because they will block my attacks because they take multiple strikes to kill them and that just means I'll end up dying against the guardian okay please don't do that please [Music] I'm so stupid I'm so stupid I'm so stupid I'm so stupid I didn't want to do that I didn't want to do that I mean it's like the best timing to do it but like it's it's bad because I didn't want to so what we can do is we can stay here and just hope that the enemies never bump him through this should work even with curse but I can't guarantee it so I will get a little bit of distance that I can maybe react please don't bump him please don't bump him please don't bump him do you see how far they get it and if they bump him he will get pushed through and just walk through the wall there okay okay this is fine I think oh okay we survived the curse that's a big one because now it's again way faster to kill the enemy so we hit him way more often uh why is there no 250 or 240 do you see how many damage numbers we have here and here's like 70 25 000 HP like I think the base version is 25 000 and this one here because it's tripled on inverse mode is a very very tanky we just defeated him it's seven minutes in which I bought is this a vacuum is it an nft or vacuum let's see that looks bluish actually I didn't see anything there I think that is a vacuum though yeah Mama I shouldn't have done this I shouldn't have done that for a simple reason that we kind of want to do that at minute 11 where we get Boogaloo of Illusions and we have way more area to overlap our damage and the final one that we'll take is the one where we move around and then you attack faster because this will be needed in the end game I don't think this ring can manage to survive minute 29 I think it's simply too difficult but I'll try my best and we'll see what we can do but we already see how it struggles Here and Now imagine the enemies were stronger tankier and would be able to just hit me yeah like this once in a while just hit me but now imagine a deal 20 30 40 damage per hit yeah that doesn't end all too well okay so there we go I think what I'll do now is level 214 how are we level 214 wait a moment what is going on here and so do we just want to take a break now and wait until we get Google of Illusions to make their attack as big as possible the represents so imagine a strike happens here and this is like the area that it strikes in okay if you had Google off Illusions we could make this as big as this but do you see how frequently we strike no so now Imagine One strike would hit here one here one here one over there and here in the middle the same unit gets hit four times instead of just once you know because the area is way bigger but I think we should still keep going for the level UPS maybe um it's really a difficult question because we get a lot of benefits from Level UPS we get growth here from Wicked season do you see that 189 that was like there was no growth we're at 74 that is a lot okay and we also scale up the ring which means we become stronger kill the enemies faster and we also spawn more enemies since we get bonus curse so maybe I should just keep collecting it this is always like a split argument in my head which one is better I don't know to be honest ah come on there's only one minute left we can do this I'll just wait now and not take the experience and then we take it with Google of Illusions welcome minute eleven okay oops I'm typing in a different window where is is it just already done there's a high chance the boss just gets knocked away all the time ouch I don't like this okay okay can you not okay I'm seeing the boss wait wait wait wait text you're stupid just do it as you know there we go where's the boss person I need this right now no no it's too late is it too late I think it's too late okay roll roll there's Google Evolutions is this the big red gem please be the big no it wasn't oh we have to wait until the next cycle so right now we have 157 area let's wait until we have the growth doubling again and see how many level ups are in here how so many Hills do we have what 145k wait that is above Center water level I'm pretty sure there we hit 100K at 11 minutes oh my God so this will not only depend on how much damage scaling we have I see 300s here and the rest is still 200 okay so we know we have two types of rings the one on the character that deal 200 and then our main one that is right now at 320 or so but let's see oh yes yes keep going keep oh that was worth it oh look at this how much damage should we have now I wonder I mean it's always a 360 okay it's also a good problem to have that you don't see the damage numbers because that means I already die to do weak attacks but um yeah there we go 350. that is uh that is solid and that keeps growing but is it strong enough to outgrow the health growth of the enemies this shouldn't be underestimated because for most of the enemies in this game their Health Works in a similar way that it has a base value of like three or five and then it's multiplied with your HP so tough enemies later on like on the final wave they have the base value of 5 multiplied with your level multiplied by 10 if I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure it's also multiplied by 10. yeah because everything gets multiplied by 10. the damage and the HP so it's 50 times 300 that's 15 000 HP that they have so if you would face them right now be able to have no chance at all but the problem is that they outscale us and so we just calculated it's 15 000 HP right that's tripled again because we're playing on inverse mode where the enemies get bonus 200 hp so 45 000 HP now you've seen how quickly we killed the guardian right with 75 000 HP so if this number sounds way too ridiculous to you like Texas just calculating the S here oh we got the the bunny here yeah I don't know why I said bunny I thought about the bow tie or what it's called and the bunny came into my head Playboy no I didn't I didn't think of anything stop that okay stop that uh what was I talking about something very important oh yeah if you think that 45 000 is out of this world like no way we could ever kill that so it can't be possible yeah the guardian had 75 000. so and we did that right it wasn't all too great but now imagine we go another 16 minutes or 15 minutes how fast we would have killed it actually I want to kill the guardian like I want to see if we can kill the guardian the other one I mean we obviously can but how far no I don't want to see it stop that Dex well actually it could be ridiculously easy now with the area that we have because we will have more attacks available for the guardian no I'm I'm just good I'm just good you know I don't need it maybe we do it at 20 or we do it at 21 minutes after we get the Arcana where we attack way faster because then we can really see a big difference compared to the first one not only the levels that we got right but also the Arcana where we attack whenever we move or attack faster I mean these videos have pretty much turned into an idol simulator where we just wait for the Grove and then we just wait for something to go wrong because eventually a boss will walk in and hit me like at 20 minutes 25 minutes very possible I think unlikely given we also dealt with the guardian but we didn't freeze him in the spot right so a boss can still walk up to me and slap my butt and I don't want that and also as I talked about prior I'm really concerned with the witches that spawn later because I deals so much damage it's ridiculous how much damage they deal and if they just fly in like some random enemies you're hitting me you will see that from time to time that I lose a little bit of HP just a tiny bit but if they have a ton of damage right 10 and we only have 144 HP we will quickly go down to zero if this repeatedly happens okay maybe I should just take on the guardian and take the health item it also increases the healing effects of for example the chicken so instead of what do we hear right now like uh actually what do we do right now 45 it should be it doesn't show it yeah 45 instead of to 45 it would be a decent amount more I think it's 99 or so I might have that wrong was it 69 may also be 69 whatever it is it would be more so if something goes wrong it's more likely that we can out heal it well if you don't die on the way there but we also get bonus HP oh but the witches spawn at like 22 minutes that means we can go for the new Arcana first that one well the one that I've learned you know the next Arcana and then we can kill the guardian take his Arrow which is not an arrow but like a sword cross thing checking my leg okay whatever it is I don't care get a little bit of bonus and hope this will be enough also it's lagging like crazy I'm noticing wait our weapon is sitting 450 damage right now oh that's not bad the way I view the other lightning Rings is pretty much they well they all attack as fast as our lightning ring for egg so that means we have like 8 times 200 bonus damage on top that is 1 600 on top of our 400. it doesn't work precisely like this since I don't get limit break stats so our main lightning ring right now has a huge amount of area as well and just hits probably half the screen if not even more but yeah let's not just see we got 234 000 kills by the way how many do you think will be hit I think it will slow down a lot like where Santa water really kicked off once it started covering the entire screen it was just killing everything but I think the lightning ring will not be able to do it and I'm gonna say it I think we'll die on Wave 28. maybe maybe not I'm not too sure but it will be close no I didn't miss the growth doubling you missed the growth doubling next time say something okay yeah it happened okay not again I I think we got it in time like there were other red gems for all but I think they were newly created yeah I mean 432 that's a solid amount of levels I would say for 19 19 minutes 432 that's more than one level per minute well Dex how did you figure that one out you're so smart laughs it reminds me of SpongeBob how they went into this uh mattress how's it called the the the thing that you put on the bed you know it's like filled off them and SpongeBob asks Patrick like how many do you think they are and he says something I missed it again who cares and he says something like at least 10 or so yeah because one level per minute is level 19. duh we have more than that yes duh okay so this time I'll take the vacuum okay we get a bunch of level UPS hopefully I I hope for maybe 25 would be good well those were two cycles let's say 35 okay 467. the thing is look at our kills okay as good as they look prior when the enemies were weak this has um slowed down a lot like a lot a lot 467 I said don't touch my butt don't touch my butt level so this time I went for a little bit of a different strategy as you can see we have less kills it's actually not that that much but I didn't level up any further that now we have a ton of level UPS once we get to arcana that I can put all the levels into it that means we will roughly get a perfect we'll roughly get 100 bonus area I think like if I remember right we're at level 260 or so the the last time we did it and that means our lightning ring will be a lot bigger in comparison and maybe this helps oh I'm I should have still maxed this out though yeah I had enough chests around I don't know why I didn't do that um that would have been free area oh it's fine okay so let's see what level we end up on we're at 160 I think ish let's see if you also end up on 260. okay that's um that's yeah 260 perfect so now look at our area 258 just like that okay so I don't know if this will make a ginormous difference or not I kind of hope it does we definitely have less kills but it's only like 10 to 15K which is manageable now we did have way less growth when we took all of this experience but now it's back to normal right we're 260 so we have all the growth bonus here nice and I will just play until minute 20 and yeah then we get back together now for you to understand I will not reset every single time we die and we do it because the point was to see can we beat this but I do feel as valid for a weapon is if you freeze the boss if you use a rosary to kill them stuff like this right because well it's a boss they work a little bit different than if I would say the weapon has to beat the bosses then a lot less weapons could win here however if we just have to phrase through wave 28 29 to win sure you can do this as a challenge but is it a challenge if you just need six traces down and then you just freeze them six times that's it that's not a challenge that is actually ridiculously easy I did this in the past and I think it's boring because then you don't see if the weapon can win or not and I want to see if the weapon can beat this stage okay okay okay okay are you ready are you ready I'll go down here I think the boss will just have curse for a little bit because we are laggy so it's delayed it should change at 20 minutes on point yeah it doesn't okay where's the boss there's the boss um well I think we could have easily dealt with the boss to be honest like the main problem was just that I was looking at our levels when I collected everything so I didn't pay attention to the boss I need another phrase oh okay there is set a phrase that looks like a freeze and yeah let's just take that that's not a freeze that's not a phrase um I mean we can stand block him but the question is what happens once the curse kicks in I may die here I'll gamble okay I'll gamble on our huge duration that it keeps going if the nft stops okay here oh would this have lasted entire time I think it would let's see [Music] always my experience well it also wasn't that long but it was long enough that is the only thing that I needed but yeah look at our experience gain I'm not getting a lot of experience [Music] can you just be a little bit more careful that would be good also just realized we could have killed the boss here with a rosary he's not immune but there was no Rosary over there spot but not here okay so we can already see a very nice chain there's a freeze in fact I'll just take a freeze now because uh I want to kill the well there's Arcana nice there we go so there's nothing here it's unusual we have to check all of these awake would be possible you know just like if something goes wrong but that's obviously not what we want to go for disc of gold could be possible but also not what I want to go for uh Gemini is it no that's a duplicates where's the one that makes them explode yet what at Requiem so technically speaking we could go for that but I think we did it in the past and it turned out to be absolutely horrible reason being the explosions just pushed away the enemies and didn't do a lot of damage so all that happened was that everything I pushed away was pointless this no and yeah tragic princess there we go okay nice so now I just have to keep moving around do we want to challenge the guardian in this very moment I think so let's just get the experience quickly okay I have to walk into the experience there we go let's trigger the guardian okay there he is um how do I do this though like I have to keep moving oh my god when I keep moving he can't move at all wow so I'm next to a freeze if I see him rush at me at curse I'll just take it in fact I'll just do it now that maybe that was a little bit too early yeah that was way too early but Okay so as long as he keeps being hit it's not a big deal in fact I'll just take the other Free Smell to make sure that he doesn't get unfrozen and just kills me there we go and I guess I can take this it's a little bit of bonus HP now if he walks through okay that double suit well of course easy peasy lemon squeezy look at the time difference this took this time I was so fast oh wow spicy uh we have some chest here but I do not pick them up I don't know there we go thank you and there's one more this is guaranteed to Max it out it was even a triple chest maybe we could no we didn't get the chocolate box nice how are the kills looking horrible absolutely horrible look at the kill counter hmm yeah I got really bad news for wave 28 and 29 in fact I think we'll even die before we get to the next boss because these witches they will occasionally hit me and they will drain my entire HP 69 nice yeah but they will drain my HP oh another wave that could be a big problem is 1 in 25 minutes because these enemies have knockback resistance so that is probably right now the only reason why we are still alive that we knocked them away all the time I can imagine that this will end very soon and honestly there's nothing I can change now I can change paying attention to a boss that I don't die to him walking in but I can't change when the enemies just overrun me I can't just dabble the damage off the weapon oh yeah okay I mean I could avoid taking the 100 bonus curse that I always take on Toronto but if I have to avoid that then I also feel bad about the weapon I don't know because the goal is not find a way how to beat inverse mode with the weapon like we would just not take Wicked season that would actually make it a lot easier we would have way less level UPS way less cars you know we would start probably with bloodline Arcana to scale up like crazy and nothing can kill us that's not the point because the game literally offers it to you to just do that you don't need skill for that so what I'm more curious about is to see the extremes that we can go to like how many levels can we reach how Bonkers we can become while still beating the game which always usually means I'll go for Wicked season now the good part was I actually didn't really take damage there I think once I got dinged but that was it and that looks very promising that is way too late okay please soak it in I need to walk towards the red gems nice we got all of them okay 505 solid levels and now we don't kill anything anymore do you see that uh that's a problem of them having too many level UPS okay yeah multiplied with our level I mean that is uh that is really bad I mean I could just freeze them then we would kill them eventually because they are frozen but that also doesn't feel right oh wow well but can the weapon protect us for 25 minutes 25 minutes next 25 minutes boss okay okay here there we go okay and I'll freeze the boss we'll only freeze as long as the boss is alive once the boss is dead we have to deal with the enemies uh where's the boss okay this is like really important that I find the boss to attack him there she is maybe she can't even get to me uh there are a couple of freezes down there it's so laggy it's really hard to move into time where's the boss there she didn't move at all okay let's just keep moving let's just keep moving let's just keep moving let's just keep moving you know what I want the vacuum over there there we go thank you okay there there's a witch we can easily just fire her butt there we go almost said the wrong word there we go nice one okay that was good so now the question is can the enemies kill me let's see so what I'm doing right now is I'm actually walking you can't see it because nothing okay now you can see it because it's too laggy but I am walking against the wall here which still triggers the effect that we attack faster okay I have to turn off the damage numbers because otherwise I keep walking through walls hopefully it doesn't happen anymore now there we go oh let's see if we can win this uh we are getting zero kills right now no don't do this to me game oh but yeah this is kind of expected when even Center water struggles and that's the reason why I always say Center water is the most broken weapon in the game I mean if you casually play it's probably labora as in how strong it is versus how well it protects you there are the weapons that obviously become way better like Karachi it hits outside of the screen so where the enemies spawn right labora doesn't do that because it's around you Center water also hits on there with enough limit break stats but for that you need a lot of limit break or in the area so but that's the main reason why I say well either Center water or laborer are the strongest weapons in the game because well they just exceeded everything no matter what you want to do with them really even get a single kill I don't think so I think that was it it may happen once you switch to 27 or 28 minutes that you get some kills on the weaker enemies yeah do it there okay good good they are I think the spinach heads they are super weak and easy to kill but we only kill the easy enemies not the ones that give a lot of experience oh there's a lot nice thank you I say it's really nice of you yeah great that's so helpful like we are getting zero kills here so can I do this without picking it up knives or good job perks oh what a good boy what a good boy there we go okay the 521 I think five level UPS okay that's pointless so I guess at this point the only thing left to do is check can the weapon actually win does it attack fast enough to knock away the enemies and kill them in time before they hit me or just kind of pull them out to the d-spawn that's what we'll do so curse is fine yeah even with curse we kill them because a part of the enemies are super easy to deal with but 28 minutes is why Zed I think we'll die let's see okay okay okay okay okay we are not killing any of the spinach heads anymore by the way we're only killing the witches otherwise you would see red gems on the floor the spinach heads they drop red gems and that's just accumulated experience that is not from the spinach heads yeah okay well I mean ah it's something it's not something good but it's something are you ready to rumble five four three two one go okay can we beat us do we knock away the enemies enough right now yes what is what about the cars though what's up I'll actually take one Rosary here just to get some we got like five kills there the enemies get pushed pushed hard that we didn't get any kills from the rosary oh it only kills what's on the screen not what is alive but yeah I I mean I mean credit to the weapon credit to the weapon I think we made it I still believe that inverse mode should only double the HP and not triple it I think tripling is just way too much and it makes a kind of boring in scenarios like these but hey that's just my opinion welcome Reaper how quickly will he kill us because yeah he may just be dancing around us and constantly gets hit okay well that didn't take very long five seconds so how much damage should we deal I'll say we did 600 million oh wow okay that was a lot more than I thought it would be and you kind of have to add the other ones on top as well but that was it I hope you enjoyed the video and if you did then don't forget to subscribe and give the video a like see you the next time
Channel: Dex
Views: 247,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dex, vampire survivors dex, vampire survivors update, vampire survivors gameplay, how to unlock, vampire survivors, vampire survivors legacy of the moonspell, vampire survivors dlc, legacy of the moonspell, vampire survivors legacy of the moonspell review, vampire survivors kill reaper, vampire survivors legacy of the moonspell wiki, vampire survivors gold farm, vampire survivors challenge
Id: YacC3DVhH8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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