INSANE Update! | Choose YOUR Upgrade Mod in BTD 6!

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the most hype mod we've seen this year is back with some new updates and some pretty cool features now for those of you that don't know the upgrade monkey is a very unique modded Tower where it doesn't have normal upgrades as you can see all the paths are closed however you get the options to pick a new weapon a new ability and a stronger weapon for example you buy a new weapon you actually get to choose from one of three op options now these options can range from common all the way up to Exotic previously in the older updates of this mod you could actually buy a stronger weapon as well now the stronger weapon would just make everything better but it's been changed the stronger weapon also has a one in three options that you can pick so for example if I buy the stronger weapon now which makes all my current weapons increase in strength I get to choose from one of three things ranging from common all the way up to Exotic so you see we could get a damage boost here a pierce boost we can get a attack speed boost money boost so there's all things that we can actually choose from to making it even stronger which is going to add to the awesomeness of this mod where you can kind of choose your own Tower and choose your upgrad So today we're going to be giving it a whirl seeing how far we can get with this new mod now remember friends if you enjoy enoy this mod please subscribe to the channel because we're going to keep coming out with some more amazing content for this mod and of course hit that like button it changes colors when you do they apparently they've added some new stuff I love that the stronger weapon actually a lot cheaper I think it used to be around 1300 so let's go ahead let's see what we can get for our first weapon I think Tac is just so good for common because it literally gives you a tack shooter so look it just shoots all these tacks out and especially really good for this map which I love playing this map for this mod I feel that it just works really well now we can go ahead let's get a new weapon and HOH we could just let's just literally just get tack again so now we have double so you can see it actually has double TS now which is really good even though some things are trying to sneak by so I don't know how I feel about that let's go ahead and get another one ooh I think bomb shooter is the way to go allows us to hit leads allows us to deal with these any type of shenanigans that come our way now the the secret to this mod my friends is to not is to wait for as long as possible to upgrade your stronger weapons because it doesn't apply to the weapons that you buy later in the game so you kind of want to hold out for as long as possible until you get some pretty cool things that you can upgrade cuz this also increases in price every time you buy something we're getting a lot of common stuff which isn't too exciting here I probably want to just get Boomerang we have not gotten anything above a common which is not it never that great but I've notoriously not had very good luck with this and so it does come down into a bit of luck right you also have to have kind of a game plan strategy what kind of upgrades and weapons you want to be going for I can get a new weapon now all right come on let's get something above common you know I'd be happy with a rare I would love a form of money production ooh wall of fire I'll take a wall of fire I will definitely take that it's a very good rare thing to have I don't like that it's being placed here though we can hit leads but we can't hit camos yet which is a little bit concerning and by a little bit I do mean a lot of concernment all right new weapon let's go ahead in three 2 1 go another wall of fire uh man I guess I'll get it it's nice to have two walls of fire but they just puts it in a bad spot let's buy an ability I think an ability is going to be the best thing that we can get here and storm you can't go wrong with storm that allows us to hit camo balloons but not lead camos unless it's been changed no it's not it doesn't it's still just bike storm so that is not oh wait I used it right then when the balloon's going by that's that's kind of embarrassing do we just want to get one stronger weapon I'm kind of down let's see what we can get so let's get one stronger weapon so it's all common no damage boost no pierced I think I kind of want to get the attack speed right let's get let's get this one cuz it gives us Pierce and range ooh leads are coming out that's fine let's get a new ability summon Phoenix I'm very okay with getting a summon Phoenix summ Phoenix is really nice to have MIB is the dream right if we can get a hold of MIB I think we're really going to be in a good spot I really wish the fire was not right there that's such a bad spot whoa Heart Of Thunder I guess Hydra rocket pods is the way to go right hyra rocket pods are just so good it makes him kind of glitch out and he just has no idea what he wants to do but now we can hit camo balloons so that is really valuable actually all right new new one ooh Heart Of Thunder or hot shot o I'm kind of a fan of Heart Of Thunder I think Heart Of Thunder just just such a good job there I like I just think that's going to work out really well for us we should be able to annihilate most balloons that are coming our way do we want to get a stronger weapon cuz we do have some pretty good stuff but I don't have any money-making stuff still which I would love to get some money making ooh another heart of Thunder ooh okay we're actually starting to get more rares and epics and stuff as it seems to as we spend more money on it it seems that the chances of stuff are going way up which is really nice ooh overdrive no way oh that's epic okay that's really good I think we're going to save up for an ability cuz if we can get our hands on MIB oh man oh man oh man oh man Moab about to come up I think we we have everything we need to do with a MOAB I don't think there's going to be a single problem for a MOAB right I don't think we're going to have any look at this yeah that was super duper easy that was super duper easy new ability a summon Phoenix again summon Phoenix is very powerful ability and the fact that we got it for $6,000 is definitely worthwhile I'm buying a new another one though I really need MIB blade melstrom is so bad I do not want blade melstrom everything starting to get so expensive all right new weapon let's go and greater production nice okay we're actually going to start making a little bit more money now oh I'm in I'm so in for being able to make money right cuz that just helps in the long run another greater produ o but a double shot no greater production definitely greater production a little expensive but being able to make this much money is just so valuable look at this we're actually rolling in the money now all right new weapon RI crossbow or laser blast I'm going to get okay I know it sounds crazy to get crossbow instead of laser blast but it's another thing that can hit see camo cuz otherwise I still can't see camo might have been a mistake to get that but let's go ahead and get stronger weapon all common any money boost this one gives me more money I'm going to get the money boost one look at that it gives us $25 now look at that see instead of 20 we get 25 definitely worthwhile to get bonus money for that I love that you can see what upgrades exactly you're going to be getting when you get the stronger weapon and you can make the decision yourself like oh I would rather have like this upgrade or this ability speaking of new ability let's buy one Tech Terror nice very nice all right summon Phoenix new weapon double shot yeah definitely anything that can like anything that can give us any form of camo I think I'm all four right banana plantation let's go oh we're we're making we're making money now look at look at this we've made two it's not a ton of money but I think that it will exponentially go up right and then the more we can get ooh another double shot yeah more camo detection the more camo I love that we're actually getting way more camo detection stuff we're actually making so much money we've already made $5,000 it hasn't made it money back yet but I'm very happy with this let's get a new ability cuz I'm if I can get MIB I'm just it's always a battle right MIB seems to be really rare to try to get it but if you can get MIB it feels like your run is just set once you're able to get it this is going to be the last ability we buy for a little bit of time cuz they're starting to get really expensive and we've got a lot of abilities so I think it'll help us out for now and another snowstorm not not what I was hoping to get to be honest with you guys I think we should honestly I think we should get anything that gives us more money right ooh wall of fire I think laser blast is just better to get the wall fire is just kind of let down just because it puts it in such a bad spot it's just not good ooh greater production I think we just keep getting the money stuff things are getting really expensive let's get one more weapon and after we get the one more weapon I think wa okay I do not like how far this round 63 is going to get it's it's trying to get a lot further than it deserves to go thank you and new weapon tack Zone oh my gosh we just got T Zone holy cow oh my gosh yes this is the perfect map for T Zone too all right now we can start getting stronger weapons all right anything that gives us money boost nothing gives us money boost but damage boost really good because it gives the tack Zone more damage we want damage and money I think that's really the things that we want to be working on right now let's see rare what does this give us two Pierce man but this gives us 1.4 money I think I'd rather get the 1.4 money I think I know that that sounds crazy but I'd rather make more money it sounds it sounds kind of outrageous but look they make $35 now any more money boost no this is the same one I think I'll just grab that then okay nice oh my gosh wait the money is starting to get unreal all right more money boost oh they're they're too rare four damage boost and then range boost yeah let's do that oh my gosh I love how this works now this is this is brilliant this is actually brilliant new weapon no uh another times three damage boost for the rare oh my gosh this is so cool this is so cool all right let's get a new weapon ooh ooh I guess Heart Of Thunder I'm really hoping to get MIB we're make so much money yeah you can see that some of them give 35 but some only give 28 so that's just proof that the more you buy stronger weapons you really need to wait to get stronger weapons right like that is is what you need to do and once I get MP I think we can just go it's just go time right all right $16,000 come on come on Friends Mi it's such a rare thing to get but come on no teleportation oh my gosh oh it hurts it hurts my soul we have tag zone so we're actually set we have so much damage uh that's such a good legendary to get on here and the fact that we can actually get it Buffs and be able to put more and more stuff on it man so very good new ability $18,000 I've got a good feeling about this one friends I think it's going to be MIB it was not MIB I lied I was now I'm now my feelings are hurt we're putting so much money into getting these abilities we have to have Mi or else there is no chance that we're going to be able to defeat all the ddts that come our way we're making a substantial amount of money though like a crazy amount of money though like how long do I double down until I realize like I can't keep doing this right I don't know I don't know what the I don't I couldn't answer that new ability overclock okay over wait overclocks actually where's my wait where's my overclock I don't have overclock where did it go no way my overclock disappear wait I just used all my abilities there it is okay I can overclock now and I'm pretty sure over oh well I can't overclock now just because it's I want to overclock it so it makes more money right when it's overclocked it helps make way more money 22,000 and Mi let's go we got Mi it's over it's actually over we have everything we need now now we can pop every single type of balloon we actually can get so far now I am I'm so ready more laser blast let's go now that now we just buy more weapons I think we just get as many things as we can I'd love to get some form of crazy money making I guess Hot Shots Hot Shots is probably the better thing to get here not too exciting I'm not buying any more abilities we have every ability we need we even got overclock which helps us make more money and then new ability laser we have so many laser blasts actually we actually are getting a a lot of laser blasts which is quite nice actually new weapon ooh cluster bomb yeah cluster bomb's really nice new weapons are starting to get very expensive they're starting to cost almost $22,000 each more each time right so sometimes it's doesn't feel like it's a very good investment right $14,000 greater production I'll get a greater production it doesn't seem like that's good but once the money starts increasing and you start getting more money for it it's definitely worth it 15,000 I I'd love to get another legendary or even an exotic cuz if we can get one of those do double shot or cluster bombs probably cluster bombs right we're on round 91 oh wait but that means we've already gone up against ddts which is kind of crazy to think about cuz this is where we normally ooh icicles epic epic we have icicles now let's get a stronger weapon let's see if we can get I'd love to get some more of these get some more money boosts Pierce a five five Pierce boost wait no I'd rather get ooh let's get more Pierce Pierce is kind of an underrated thing stronger weapon legendary a two times money boost oh my gosh a two times money boost wait how much money do this me they make $76 now wait look at how much more money they make wait every time you get money okay we always got to get money boost wait so if you get wait this is a time four so does this mean you get more money every time no cuz if it's times one it doesn't really do anything so but I think I should always go for whatever makes more money right cuz look they're making $95 a pop now so we're actually getting it's getting crazy okay new weapon double shot all right a new one another overdrive I'm so down we're doing so good right now each new weapon costs $20,000 though $20,000 my goodness ooh LGE caliber seems really good we have 1.8 million pops all right we're going up against the bad boom boom we can just use all our abilities scoo nice all right new weapon Moab glue nice I will take Moab glue I don't need to actually get any other stronger weapons yet recursive cluster nice we're getting a lot of epics but we're not getting I think I'm going to need to get some stronger weapons soon and try to get a little bit more money making because we do not make a ton of money right now ooh an epic why is it epic a four Pierce I'll get the Epic one I feel like we got to get the Epic stronger upgrade right we actually get oh wait that was a huge range bonus okay maybe that was the play new weapon Plasma Blast thank you I will take that we are shooting so many laser beams out of our eyes we've become an absolute monster we're at Round 107 with no plans on stopping ooh balloon trap I don't actually want balloon trap do I want a balloon trap I'll get balloon trap but it always puts balloon trap there so maybe maybe I shouldn't have gotten that stronger weapon ooh any money boost no but a times three damage boost getting damage boost multipliers definitely seems like cheating that seems a way too good legend of the night we got oh my gosh we actually just got legend of the night oh my gosh we actually got legend of the night that has to be the best one we literally got oh it's over it's over do we even we won we actually won the game I didn't know you could beat it but you can definitely Beat It epic Destroyer all right we can just get stronger weapons now look at this an eight Pierce boost that's so crazy so we basically have infinite Pierce now infinite Pierce new weapon oh my gosh we got an exotic 11 Piers an exotic stronger weapon what I love this all right I give me more money I want an exotic one that increases the money by a times 10 or something could you imagine another stronger weapon oh money boost wait this o this gives us more money we're going to go with the Epic it's less money but it gives a way way more damage we're spawn camping we're actually spawn camping the game all right new legendary nice all right look at this 12 Pierce nice we have so much Pierce it's not even funny okay it's a little bit funny new weapon banana plantation it's definitely worth it because they make so much money do we just keep buying new weapons I think it has to be kind of a mixture now right cuz we do have the legend of the night so I don't think there's any real real problem with it ooh more Plasma Blast sure is literally Global rage this is out this is insane I did not know that the update was going to be this powerful greater production sure I'll take more money he's made $200,000 so that is quite a quite an upset I think anything that just increases damage is probably the best option for us right let's see good another one Epic this is all Pierce I don't really care about Pierce I'd rather just have get money multiplier cuz they the money just keeps multiplying they're making $200 each I kind of want to just keep getting money multipliers until it gets so oh look at this money boost yeah one point so this is almost like a half multiplication again so each one gives us $322 so it's definitely way better to get money multiplication so this is epic but I'd rather just get the money multiplier and just get the money boost because it starts getting so powerful o an exotic 13 damage boost okay I got to get that we got to get the Exotic right a 13 damage boost oh my gosh yeah look at how much money we're at $200,000 okay this is good this is very good more money uh none of these give us that so I guess I'll just go do do another range we're Global range now we are literally Global range no balloons are spawning I can't even see them we're on round 132 oh oh look at this wait is this the same one yeah 1.6 times money boost the fact that you can just multiply your money see I'm not even caring about the Epic cuz this gives me more money I'm just going to keep getting the money one because it's giving me thousands of dollars now it's literally we're going to make more money than we know what to do with in a moment cuz it's just stacking look $1,300 for every single new money ooh a legendary nine Pierce uh but none of them I'll just get the legendary cuz I feel like I got to get the legendary oh a times two money boost a legendary money boost oh it's over it's so over oh another legendary no but this epic gives a 1.8 times money boost I'm going only for money okay I wanted to do this from the be wait wait 1.5 times money boost okay look at how oh no our money is getting way too out of hand way too out of hand and none of these give money i' just go for the Epic then another one point we're oh my gosh look at how much money we're making and we have over a million dollars 16 M damage boost it's over it's over we can't lose now all right let's just buy new weapons because we have so much money let's just buy whatever we can just buy an exotic XXL trap sure another legend of the night we have two legend of the nights now another legend of the night we have three legend of the nights now no way we have three leg all right greater production more money cluster bombs dragon's breath Moab domination sub Commander bouncing bullet Plasma Blast sticky bombs oh we can just buy we literally have infinite money now we literally super brittle sure why not uh Plasma Blast let's do it okay Sentry Champion okay now we can't lose we have $3 million now we've actually beat the game my friends this is it what this is it we we can literally just infinitely get stronger now we can just constant a banana research facility oh my it's over it's over guys this I can't we beat the game we beat the game let's just go to round 200 I want to see what happens okay all right let's go round 200 let's see all right here's round 200 that was it that was round2 200 we have $15 million that's where we're going to end off this video If you guys enjoyed and you want to see more updates and more awesome content on this this mod hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications and we'll see you guys tomorrow
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 375,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, Bloons, Mod, Hack, Upgrade Monkey, Upgrade Monkey Mod, Ancient Monkey, Pick an upgrade, Choose an upgrade, random upgrade, mod, random, Exotic, Exotic tier, Epic, Legendary, Best upgrade, top upgrade, lucky, challenge, Update, Choose you upgrade update, upgrade monkey mod
Id: PmELPlbmKf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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