Through the Bible (Ezekiel 42-44)

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let's get to it ezekiel chapter 42 is where we left off last wednesday night ezekiel chapter 42. now last week we we saw mr measurement men remember him measurement man's running around measuring everything and he's giving dimensions and uh and we saw him both here in ezekiel we see him in the book of revelation the measurement man with his reed in his hand now um i didn't get too deep into the measurements but there's some interesting you know debate on what these various measurements are but largely uh the measurements of of the read and the span and the hand breadth and all this stuff it's generally agreed upon but there are some debates about that but let me just kind of review that a little bit uh tonight i don't know if you guys can see that from how far off you are there but but as you kind of zoom in basically this this shows a few things that are kind of important here first of all that the finger breadth is is a measurement that you'll you'll come across in ancient times you'll see uh the hand breadth which is just the width of your hand kind of in narrow but but then the the the span is as far as you can get your pinky and your thumb apart that's a span when you come across that in the bible um and so you also have uh probably one of the more common measurements in the bible you read all about the cubit and that's from the man's hand to his elbow so that's kind of a the definition now there's a few other terms that you should know about um see those little sticks that are next to the guy in that picture and if you're watching online you can see up close better than the rest of the people here sorry about that but the the there's there's a long read and a short read and there's debate on which one they actually used in ancient times but um all these have their various uh uses for building and construction and all measuring stuff but that's that's the kind of measurements that ezekiel's talking about here and that's kind of important to know if you're wanting to get a sense of the size of things now one of the things we're going to see tonight that perhaps the millennial temple is going to be massive i showed you a little bit of a picture of that or a rendition i should say but one of the things that i didn't really show was the possible size of the actual courtyard there's debate on that we'll get into that perhaps tonight but all that to say uh we're going to be back into that if you missed last week we we talked about the general buildings and the gates and the some of the quarters there in the new temple of the millennial kingdom but now we get into the chamber area for the priests and let's take a look at that it's chapter 42 verse 1. it says then he brought me forth into the utter court and the way toward the north and he brought me into the chamber that was over against the separate place and which was before the building toward the north before the length of 100 cubits was the north door and the breadth was 50 cubits over against the 20 cubits which were for the inner court and over against the pavement which was for the utter court was gallery against gallery in three stories and before the chambers was a walk of ten cubits breadth inward a way of one cubit and their doors toward the north now the upper chambers were shorter for the galleries were higher than these that the lower and that the middle most of the building for they were in three stories but had not pillars as the pillars of the courts therefore the building was straightened for more than the lowest and the middle most from the ground and the wall that was without over against the chambers toward the outer court on the free apparently the four part of the chambers the length thereof was 50 cubits for the length of the chambers that were in the utter court was 50 cubits and low before the temple were 100 cubits and from the uh from under these chambers was the entry on the east side as one goeth into them from the utter court the chambers were in the thickness of the wall of the tort against uh court toward this east over against the separate place and over against the building and the way before them was like the appearance of the chambers which were toward the north as long as they as broad as they and all in their goings out were both according to their fashions and according to their doors and according to the doors of the chambers that were toward the south was a door in the head of the way even the way directly before the wall toward the east as one entereth into them okay you guys got this there will be a test uh after this okay you say what's that all about well you know it's interesting because really this uh this is just a narrative of a blueprint um now i don't know about you guys but if you look at blueprints uh generally blueprints don't really intrigue me that much i've seen a lot of blueprints in my days as they call them or you know plans for houses or buildings and what have you but why in the world would anybody care to look or examine a blueprint well i'll tell you who if you're building a house you'll want to look at the blueprints if it's your house if if it's somebody else's house whatever you can look at blue blueprints so you're blue in the face uh but it's not gonna really do much for you if it's not your house well you see this house will be something you and i will have a part of in the millennial kingdom um we're not going to live here we're not even really going to serve here as much that's going to be for a different group of people we'll meet tonight who those people are but we will be involved here and and the question is will you know what this building is that we just described for you um and uh and so all that to say the the interesting thing about this this little thing that we just read is the two words in the king james they're in verses three and verse 5. the word gallery or galleries there is an interesting word it's really only used in this portion of the bible it's an ancient word uh the word atuk is the hebrew word which is is is basically a stair-stepped building um maybe you saw my little chicken scratchings from my bible up there on the wall uh that that basically here i'll show you maybe more of an up-close version of that as we look at the temple that we looked at last week this is that stair-stepped building that is described here in this chapter chapter 42 and it's the southern chambers for um these priests the the dokie and the sons of zadok and we'll see the zadokian priesthood here in a few minutes but this this stair-step building the word a tuk that we just looked at means like a building looks like a stair step it's in a very specific word uh that's describing this kind of a building so when you're in the millennial kingdom and you see this building i know what that building is when you see the stair step building you'll know that's where the priests go and where they serve and what have you um so all that to say that's the the took now um that that's my drawing from my bible there it is i i just clicked through it really quickly there but uh accidentally but all that to say um now you say brad again this is this is kind of a weird deal i'm not sure i understand what the importance of this is well why is there a place for the sons of zadok to get to go it's it's a little bit like a locker room if you would where they're going to go and change and cleanse after working in the temple and there will be a sacrificial system in the millennial kingdom and some people wonder well why will there be if jesus is in jerusalem ruling and reigning from jerusalem what in the world will they be doing the sacrifice system we talked about that a little bit last time that remember um you know the old testament time period was where they did a sacrificial system from the temple to look ahead into future when jesus the lamb would be sacrificed on the cross the whole sacrificial system of the old testament points to the cross of jesus christ during the church age right now we have communion where we have the bread and the cup and we do the the lord's table and jesus said do this when you eat and drink of this you know you do show the lord's death until he comes again so when he comes again that means that's the end of communion it seems well brett i like communion yeah but what's going to be interesting is they're going to reinstitute the sacrificial system in the millennial kingdom and it's going to be here at the temple to look backward into history or past history of when jesus died on the cross and rose from the grave so all that to say um you know there's going to be the lord uh you know ministering in that temple now with all that said um this this idea here is um this this gallery or this this quarters for the zadok priest it's going to be where they you know do the work of the ministry they're on the in the inner court they'll go into this stair step building and get kind of freshened up changed and all that stuff and that's the quarters where they're going to do that um now uh all that to say um the sanctuary um um by the way uh was was also uh there's hints of of the you know king solomon temple there's hints of the tabernacle era but this this one this temple is going to have extra buildings uh unlike the temple of solomon or or the temple of zerubbabel remember we talked about that or king herod the great uh who had a re building of the temple this one's going to be different one of the things we're going to see is how much bigger this one tends to be than those other ones what have you so the first thing we see is the chamber of the inner court uh where these priests are serving in and they have this sort of stair step building now verse 13 then said he unto me the north chambers and the south chambers which are before the separate place they be holy chambers where the priests that approach unto the lord shall eat the most holy things there shall they lay the most holy things and the meat offering and the sin offering and the trespass offering for the place is holy when the priests enter therein then shall they not go out of the holy place into the utter court but there they shall lay their garments wherein they minister for they are holy and shall put on other garments and shall put on other garbage that shall approach those things which are for the people now in just a minute we're going to talk about what the priests are supposed to do and the kind of clothing that they're going to wear and what have you but but all that all that said the clothing that they wear is different from that which they were wearing in their normal everyday life uh that's that's something to note here is we're gonna come up to that uh in in the future so you've got the the the you know chambers of the inner court here which is really important really good but you also then move to the second feature here in verse 15 the outer walls of the temple and this this this is where it gets a little um little uh question mark what are the measurements uh here because i already showed you the picture of the guy with the reed uh there's the hand breadth and the cubit but the reed uh is quite a bit taller like twice as tall as a man in the long read measurement so the big question is how how big is this outer court well let's read in verse 15. it says now when he had made an end of measuring the inner house that's measurement man he brought me forth toward the gate whose prospect is toward the east and measured it round about and he measured the east side with the measuring read 500 reads with the measuring reed roundabout he measured the north side 500 reads with the measuring read round about and he measured the south side 500 reads with the measuring read and he turned about the west side and measured 500 reads with the measuring read he measured it by the four sides it had a wall around about 500 reads long 500 broad to make a separa separation between the sanctuary and the profane place now this uh this you know outer court the outer walls of the temple by the way when you go to jerusalem today you can see the outer walls of the temple mount but they're nothing close to the size that this uh description gives to us this is an interesting thing now minimally if you take the most conservative measurement of what a reed is you know like the minimal size would be about 875 feet by 875 feet square which would be a lot of a lot of space but that's the most conservative if you take the reed as it turns out of the longer version it makes it about a square mile now some of you might say well brett i've been to jerusalem and i don't know that there's enough room on the temple mount for a square mile outer courtyard well maybe maybe not um question what's going to happen to that whole region of the temple mount and the mount of olives when jesus puts his foot down on the mountain what's going to happen anybody massive earthquake there's going to be a huge splitting open of the temple mount does anybody remember what else happens there water will flow from the temple mount both east and west to the dead sea and to the mediterranean sea and it's going to bring the dead sea back to life during the millennial kingdom um this this little graphic of our temple that's been drawn up um there's a little tiny stream flowing through there you see a little little stream uh that's i i think it's gonna be more flowing than that you know coming from oregon that's like a mud puddle we but i do have to say you know one of the things when we go to israel uh one of the things people from oregon are kind of shocked at is what what they call mountains and what they also call rivers um uh you know like the tualatin river flows more beautifully uh than the jordan river i mean like like seriously it's it's a very small there's a one place in the upper uh galilee region where we go across the bridge over the jordan river like don't blink you'll miss the jordan river because it's about you know 15 feet wide and it's just kind of going through this little section there now in in bible times the jordan river was probably bigger than it is now um but even still it's nothing like the columbia or the uh even the willamette river like that's the the little water but what kind of river is going to flow from the temple mount out we don't know but i believe the topography of the temple mount is going to change drastically now did you see in conjunction with the changing of the temple mount did you see how there's going to be a separation made between the sanctuary and the profane place hmm this is an interesting thing what is the profane place and what's going on well do you remember the temple before this temple has still yet to be built there's going to be another temple before this one and we were calling that the tribulation temple and that tribulation temple do you remember what's going to happen there during the tribulation period it's going to be profaned it's going to be an abomination of desolation as jesus called it as daniel the prophet called it and one of the things that i think is going to happen is this newly rebuilt temple in jerusalem that's going to be built during the tribulation from the very beginning of the tribulation they'll start construction according to the bible because at exactly three and a half years into it the uh this coming world leader antichrist is going to you know commit that event where he's going to go into the temple and commit the abomination of desolation set himself up to be sort of worshipped as god and he's a total poser he's got like a poser trinity you know you got the the beast the false prophet uh you know the dragon these are the the three unholy trinities if you would or three part that he's sort of duping the world during the tribulation period but during that time that temple will be defiled by that event so when christ comes i believe that's going to be part of this destruction when he puts his foot down the temple mount splits wide open that temple from the tribulation period will also be demolished which will leave room for a new need of a temple for the millennial kingdom and that's the one the lord will build here or that ezekiel's plans dictate well brett how is he going to build it uh you know who knows do you ever wonder that like how is this going to be built will the lords go built like snap your fingers it's over that'd be great uh um but but maybe he'll use the some of these um zedokian priests to help build this this temple i don't know how that's gonna shake out but notice it says here that um you know he's going to measure this out and it's going to be um measured out with these reads and so as it turns out at the biggest measurement it could be one square mile in size that that could be the largest if you're taking the more you know some of the more popular views believe that it's going to be a whole square mile on the temple mount which could could happen especially if you change the topography of jerusalem a little bit now why would it be a bigger perhaps uh you know outer gate you know or temple mount um it would make sense right now the temple mount's pretty small and when the muslims who have the temple mount as we speak when they have their special you know holy days around ramadan and stuff like that the temple mount is just packed full of of muslims do you remember a few years ago they were worried that all the muslims going up there were going to make the temple mount collapse because there's some open caverns underneath the temple mount and they were worried it was going to collapse and so they had to do some reinforcing under the temple mount so that it didn't collapse on those days where thousands of muslims came to worship there at the dome of the rock shrine and also the al-aqsa mosque there but all that to say the muslims will be long gone when this temple is built uh that uh only the lord will be there and uh he'll be worshipped on this temple mount so that's why you when you read about this ezekiel temple and different authors and scholars most agree it's going to be massive this whole temple mount area is going to be much larger than it is today by the way this description of this the river that's going to come comes from zachariah the prophet it says there in zechariah 14 verses 9 through 11 it says and the lord shall be king over all the earth in that day shall there be one lord and his name on all the land shall be turned as a plain from gheba to ramon south of jerusalem and it shall be lifted up and inhabited in her place from benjamin's gate under the place of the first gate unto the corner gate and from the tower of hanonil to the king's wine press and men shall dwell in it and there shall be no more uh utter destruction but jerusalem shall safely be inhabited that's a time coming this millennial kingdom that's being talked about here um so you know here in chapter 43 we basically move on to the next description of uh of this temple period but now we move from the building a little bit more to the actual glory of god coming into the temple now if you recall in early in the book of ezekiel the first couple of chapters we saw the glory of the lord leave the temple and really never to return in the same way that it was in the times of like solomon uh and what have you um but the glory of god and by the way um let's talk about the glory remember the word glory it's an important word when you're studying the the old testament the hebrew word is kabad which is that weighty tangible touchable presence of god that's what we're going to read about here in chapter 43. it says in verse 1 afterward he brought me to the gate even the gate that looks toward the east and behold the glory of god of israe the god of israel came from the way of the east and his voice was like the noise of many waters and the earth shined with his glory and it was according to the appearance of the vision which i saw even according to the vision that i saw when i came to destroy the city and the visions were like the vision that i saw by the river kebar and i fell upon my face and the glory of the lord came into the house by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east so the spirit took me up and brought me into the inner court and behold the glory of the lord filled the house and i heard him speaking unto me out of the house and the man stood by me by the way you'll hear some bible you know christians who have a very different view of end times uh you know none of this is literal this is all figurative which would make it kind of meaningless like what's the reason for all these measurements i i think that there's a reason why we're literally talking measurements if it's all figurative why would we get out a ruler you know as you see this glorious temple where god comes and fills with his presence you know if he was talking about the temple of our bodies like for example why would he talk about the measurements of the gates and the measurements of the the chambers for the zadokian priests like why why would that even be there if it was just talking about our temple see there are some that make those arguments that say yeah no this is literally going to happen anyway so forget it and they really blow off this section of the bible whenever you're blowing off any section of the bible you might want to change your doctrine just a little bit because every word of the scriptures is inspired by god and it's good for instruction correction and reproof um these are the things that the whole bible even ezekiel chapter 43 it's good for instruction good for you know correction so if we're not seeing those things we might be missing the whole meaning but if you take a literal application of this it makes perfect sense you know some some people say the preterists some of them will say hey this has already happened in history the only problem with that is there's no other time in history where the glory of god came back into the temple in jerusalem the glory of god left remember in 586 bc ezekiel the prophet when he was at the river key barn chapter one of ezekiel he saw the glory of the lord depart from jerusalem now when did it come back well you could argue the glory returned when jesus rode the little cult of a donkey you could say the glory of the lord came back to jerusalem there but not in the same way wouldn't you agree jesus in his humble servant form came to die on the cross and again the glory if you would was driven out of jerusalem if you if you look at jesus's coming as the glory of god coming jerusalem we know it was in the sense that jesus is god who came in the flesh emanuel god with us but this description is very specific and he says it was just like when he saw the glory of the lord depart so too that's the way the glory of the lord's going to come back he even says just like the vision i had at the river key bar there in verse 3 talking about you know the previous prophecy of when the glory of the lord left jerusalem so one of the things we need to understand is when this millennial kingdom temple is built there's going to be a dramatic moment where the glory of god returns by the way um one of the things you should know about is after the temple you know was rebuilt by zerubbabel and ezra nehemiah and those guys there's no description in the bible of the glory of the lord coming into the temple when solomon built his temple the glory came in to the temple um uh you know when the tabernacle was even built they saw the glory of god descend upon the tabernacle you did not see that in nehemiah or as arrubables i'm told by the way i pronounced severable wrong uh it's like um something like that but i like bubba you know we call him shark um anyway zerubbabel's temple he he was the one who came and sort of rebuilt that temple um but there's no record of the glory going into that temple that's kind of interesting um so this is what we're seeing here is the glory of the lord verse 4 comes back into the house by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east the eastern gate and it's going to get that which means it's going to go in the same way it left back through that same gate that's why the east gate is so important and what have you now there's a few other things that's that's kind of cool here one thing that we learn a little bit about again and we're reminded is that the lord has the voice look at verse two it says his voice was like the noise of many waters that's that's a description we see in isaiah but also the book of revelation talks about the voice of the lord three times it says his voice is like the noise of many waters now what does that mean i'm not sure some say it's it's like many waters like niagara falls if you've ever stood next to a huge waterfall it's just like this powerful sense of of noise but power uh the big waterfall you know crushing that that could be the voice of the lord others say well many waters means it could be niagara falls or it could be a little trickling spring in the woods that you can barely hear the trickle sound because remember the lord says in isaiah 30 i will be a still small voice and i'll whisper whether to turn right or to the left uh the lord tells us that i think the lord speaks to us in various ways in various volumes some of you you think you brett are you hearing voices again does the lord talk to you well i've never heard the lord speak audibly to me could the lord do that of course if he wanted to he's done that in biblical times remember uh charlton heston ten commandments that's the way that's the way they they make uh god speak in that movie i'm not sure that's exactly how he sounded um but uh but we do know that he has the voice of many waters so so so some of you have heard the lord's still small voice that could be you're getting ready to do something the lord puts a check in your spirit and says i shouldn't be doing this that's the holy spirit the lord's voice just tapping you on the shoulder saying don't do it don't do it have you ever had that how many of you guys have had that yeah almost all of us that's great that's that's the still small amount but some of you have had the huge loud voice of the lord stop like like some of you said that too and thank the lord for that because that's what it takes for some of us uh to to not go the direction that we're going but it's the voice of many waters and it's an interesting description of the voice of the lord i love that whether it's niagara or just a still small little drip that the lord wants to remind you i love that the lord is the voice of many waters but that's a common theme throughout the bible well all that to say this is the glory of the lord coming back into the temple it's going to be a glorious day when the glory of the lord returns do you remember when the the glory was taken by the philistines and the ark of the covenant the woman that called you know her son ichabod which means no glory and it was there was a real sense in jerusalem that god's presence had departed one of the things i love about being a christian is i believe that your body is a temple to the holy spirit and there is that glory that kabod i think that can rest upon your life and your house and your church um it's not the same as when the glory lord you know shown in the temple of jerusalem but it it seems to be a little different but it's it's the same in the sense that you sense god's presence i've been in churches where i did not sense the lord's presence you're like man is the lord even here i'm not even sure they'd let jesus into this place if he walked in and knocked on the door um there's also people that have group you know that have jesus in their homes now this might sound a little weird and uh but i i just have to say it i grew up in a home where jesus was all over my home man when i got home from school my mom had worship music print playing we prayed before school every day we did family devotions we sang songs my family we sang songs and played music and did worship services in our living room um we just we just it was jesus everywhere and i didn't realize until i was older what i actually had there that my house was glowing like where i lived if you would have walked into my house as a kid you would have said man there's something special about this what's going on here i didn't realize it until i went uh to some of my buddy's house there's a couple of people i remember one sean thompson went over his house and uh i'd never seen anything like it i was so excited because we i got to go over to his house to play with with him after school we were in like fourth grade i was so excited my maiden voyage away from my house my parents were a little tight-fisted when it came to you know we lived out in the country so it's not like you had neighbors you could go over to and stuff as much but but i remember going to shawn's house and it was within walking distance of the school so we were gonna single-handedly walk from school to his house and i remember thinking oh that's gonna be great and then when we got to his house he did something that i'd never seen before he reached into his shirt and pulled out a a key which i had never seen that before why do you have a key oh my house is locked well why is your house locked we never locked our house but also i realized that his mom wasn't home she was at work dad was at work the house was lights off heater was off you walked in and you saw a chili frost when you walked into this i i just didn't it was so different than what i was used to and and see i had a house so full of jesus that when i walked into a house that didn't really have that it was just kind of a different in your breath you're just saying you know the working mom or no i'm just saying when you walk into the house it just felt kind of cold and and unwelcoming and it didn't have the warmth of the holy spirit that my house had i've walked into churches that are just about that chilly you can go into them in downtown portland if you want there's lots of churches down there that somehow they left the real faith and now they're just more of a feel-good political sort of thing when we were trying to years ago we were trying to do a service downtown and we finally got the museum the art museum down there uh some of you guys maybe remember that that was kind of we had you know 150 people going to downtown service um but uh we asked like eight churches if we could rent their empty buildings you know they sit around empty these beautiful churches at downtown and uh they're just empty uh and we thought man we got good money we can pay you guys rent for these like what are you guys gonna do literally this one this is a true story i walked in vera katz who was the mayor at the time and the pastor she was sitting next to vera and and i just we were talking to him we said well we'd like we'd love to rent this building if it's available on afternoons on sunday and they said well what are you doing and i said why teach the first vibe verse to my oh no that's what they said like and i wasn't shocked if you remember the politics of that but anyway um eight churches shut us down and said nope so we had to go to the art museum uh uh all the naked statues we put anthony creek football shirts on them it was pretty funny but long story short uh i i think you can still sense the presence of the lord and and if you have your sensor on you're going man this this this house this family you can just smell the fragrance of jesus here um others you don't and the reason i i put that out to us is because the glory of the lord that's what the world is like right now the world is no glory ichabod his presence is lifted up and gone except for in his church the church of jesus christ but as the church seems to be waning in some ways which by the way the apostasia of 2 thessalonians chapter 2 i think we're seeing some of that happening where the church is losing its its strength we've become so you know progressive in our spiritual you know theology that we're losing our light our light is dimming but that shouldn't be a shock because we're right now you know the church of jesus christ is holding back the king james says letting but once the church is taken up out of the way the rapture of the church what's the rest of the world going to do man there's going to be zero glory no light of the lord when the church is gone and that's when the darkest time in history is going to happen the tribulation period but then christ is going to return and his glory is going to fill the temple that's what this is going to be about it's going to be a glorious time read revelation 19 that's when christ returns it's going to be quite the event but that's what this is describing here for us well verse seven and he said unto me uh son of man the uh the place of my throne and the place of the souls of the of my feet where i will dwell in the midst of the children of israel forever and my holy name shall the house of israel no more defile neither they nor their kings by their whoredom nor by the carcasses of their kings in their high places in their setting of their threshold by my thresholds and their post by my posts and the wall between me and them they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed wherefore i have come consumed them in mine anger now let them put away their whoredom and the carcasses of their kings far from me and i will dwell in the midst of them forever this is when it's a done deal throughout all of history you know as soon as they built solomon's temple it wouldn't be long solomon himself would be defiling that very temple and solomon would worship moloch the god where they'd sacrificed babies on the arms of moloch solomon did that it didn't take long for the jew the jewish kings to do horrible whoredoms as it's called here against god in the temple this is finally in in the world's history where it's not going to happen ever again it's when the lord says when i put my feet down here on this temple no more of that stuff those guys are toast history curtains literally uh gone and he says no more and i'm going to dwell here forever nobody's going to replace me ever you know with any idol or what have you by the way which sort of implies that maybe during the millennial kingdom and i believe this is the case that you sort of lose your free will have you guys thought about this in the millennial kingdom one of the things i've wondered about lord why didn't you give us a free will switch on our side of our head i'd take a nice little switch right here free will no free will free will no free will why do you want that brett well have you ever noticed how humanity we use our free will horribly you know you're free to do whatever you want you can do horrible things you can do nice things you can do living things you can do horribly perverted things you can do like but but human free will we've we've proven ourselves to not know how to use that very well but god nonetheless gives us that free will to choose whether we're going to follow him or reject him obey his word or disobey and man sometimes you just kind of think of what you do and your attitudes your actions your sins you're like oh lord just turn off that free will i want to i my heart's saying i want to follow you but my mind is saying i don't and i have this battle of the flesh and the spirit it's that free will but in the millennial kingdom one of the things daniel 9 tells us and even here nobody's going to challenge god during this time period it's like god puts his foot down on the earth says okay the end as far as people messing around and doing sinful stuff now do you remember at the very end of the millennial kingdom there's going to be another chance for people to have a free will there's a whole reason do you remember why satan is loosed for a short time at the end of the millennial kingdom does anybody remember why to deceive many why would satan be released at the end of the millennial kingdom to deceive many it's because those people of the millennium that live in literal bodies not us once we are raptured up to be the lord we're given our new bodies we'll be there forever with lord we're locked in wherever jesus is that's where we get to be we're locked in but there will be people who will survive during that tribulation period who won't have been raptured and they will not have died during the tribulation period so they'll make it through the millennial kingdom that's who by the way will be serving uh along with other humans that'll be alive in sort of a human form it will be different however it's a little bit different kind of like the human existence in the antediluvian world versus our present day antidelune and of course the the pre-flood before noah's day remember how people lived to be almost a thousand years old during the pre-flood years i believe the millennial kingdom will be backed more into that mode um because do you remember what isaiah the prophet said he said you know if a little if a person dies at like 100 years old that's like losing a little preschooler everybody really sad and death will be actually kind of rare in the millennial kingdom it'll be a rare thing and people will live to be old that's what the bible says about the millennial kingdom so it's sort of a new era but the people that live through that tribulation period they will live on this earth and they'll live for a long time but they will have a chance to choose only at the end of the millennial kingdom but during the rest of the millennial kingdom they don't have that choice there's sort of an enforced locked in righteousness that god will just make it happen um there there's there's even a hint of um uh you remember we'll talk about this later but if people you know don't do what they're supposed to in celebrating the feast of tabernacles for example during the millennial kingdom lord will just not allow their crops to grow their farms will fail like it's stuff you just got to do during the millennial kingdom but here the lord's saying nobody else will try to replace me or this temple with other false gods it's an enforced righteousness daniel 9 says an uh end of transgression and an end of sin that's what's going to happen during the millennial kingdom so it sounds kind of good to me it sounds a little bit like that time where we get to switch and everybody gets that switch of free will turned off and the lord's gonna say just just do the right thing everybody say okay and it's gonna be good it's gonna be a good time a glorious time well all that to say um that's what's being talked about there in verse verses 8 and 9. verse 10 thou son of man show the house to the house of israel that they may be ashamed of their iniquities and let them measure a pattern now now as i read these next few verses this is where i get a sense that there's something we're missing um here ezekiel says now all these dimensions i just gave to the jewish people may this be all these shows all these dimensions show these blueprints that i've given us here you know and ezekiel saying verse chapter 40 through 43 show this to the jews that it might be what well it says it's going to be something that brings sort of a shame to their sinfulness so he as we keep reading since i wonder if there's something deeper specifically for the jews that's kind of hidden here in ezekiel let him measure out the pattern verse 11 and if they be ashamed of all that they have done show them the form of the house and the fashion thereof and the goings out thereof and the comings in thereof and all the forms thereof and all the ordinances thereof and all the forms thereof and all the laws thereof and write in their sight that they may keep the whole form thereof and all the ordinances thereof and do them this is the law of the house upon the top of the mountain the whole limit thereof round about shall be most holy behold this is the law of the house now i've asked jews in jerusalem what do you think this means because that's an interesting question you know the jews they they take the old testament hebrew bible uh very seriously and they're saying oh ezekiel's temple is just the temple during that time like they they have this kind of funny answer about the this but but here's what's really interesting i've actually learned this um you don't see it as much today because they don't generally let jews on the temple mount by the way last week a bunch of jews went to the temple mount or a week and a half ago did you guys see this on the news um with and they had a little bit of security with them security meaning an army and the jews went onto the temple mount and that always causes trouble in jerusalem and and there there's stirring of trouble right now in jerusalem because the jews went on the temple mount but when i used to go to israel years and years ago like back in the 90s you'd see a few more jews here and there on the temple mount and these hasidic jews you know with the curls and the black hats and their black coats and stuff some of these guys would go up on the temple mount and they'd you'd see them it looks like they were walking on the huge outer court area but they were walking and looked like on a balance beam sort of like you know uh i was gonna say simone but she's not there anymore um uh you know like the balance beam in the olympics you know and these these guys would literally be like walking out like this and you say what in the world are those guys doing it's not even a balance beam it's the flat ground well what they're doing what they were doing is measuring out what they believed to be the holy of holies and the reason they wanted they wanted to be close to the holy of holies but they didn't want to step in the holy holies because they weren't you know aaron or a son of aaron but they were doing that for a couple reasons one to be close to where the temple really was back in ancient times two they were doing it as an act of repentance why would it be an act of repentance right here in ezekiel it says ezekiel measure out this temple and and have the jews look at these measurements and if they be ashamed of all that they've done then they need to show forth this house in the form of it you know and and and the laws that go with it and that's what these guys are doing is measuring out as they were walking the perimeter of what they believed to be the temple of the time of solomon so the jews kind of believe this is stuff for today but even still it's a funny thing because then you say yeah but when the messiah comes because the jews are still looking for the messiah they don't believe that jesus was the messiah so they're looking for the messiah and you say okay but but here ezekiel's talking about the glory of the lord coming back to israel and and there's there's definitely some messiah overtones um what's that all about and it's funny because you know some of the jews that i've talked to they have kind of mixed feelings about what this is all about actually but you can kind of spell it out say you know the messiah is coming and the temple will be rebuilt and and you can kind of start explaining and it's really interesting because they look at a guy like me what do you gentiles care about our temple in the in jerusalem and all this stuff and and and we get to say you know jesus is the messiah and he's the one who's going to come again and you can explain that this gate and that's why it's shut and you explain how the temple is going to be rebuilt uh during the millennial kingdom and and they're very intrigued but then you ask do you want to accept jesus they say what are you talking about um you know the jews have no evangelism there's no event they're not trying to lead other people to judaism uh this whole thing of us christians going around saying jesus is the way they're like whatever but the bible tells us why that is romans 9 10 11 says blindness in part has happened to the jews but that blindness will be lifted up and all of this will start to make sense to them but it's interesting to hear the way the jews interpret the book of ezekiel without the jesus part but there's some big gaps if you can only imagine in their understanding because they don't believe jesus is the messiah well that's why you see sometimes jews pacing off those measurements because they're really trying to be ashamed and repentant for the sins of the jews of the times past well verse 13 says there um it says and these are the measures of the altar after the cubits the cubit is the is a cubit and a hand breadth even the bottom shall be a cubit and the breadth a cubit and the border thereof by the edge thereof roundabout shall be a span and this shall be the higher place of the altar and from the bottom upon the ground even to the lower settle settle shall be two cubits and the breadth one cubit and from the lesser settle even to the greater settle shall be four cubits and the breadth one cubit so the altar shall be four cubits and from the altar and upward shall be four horns and the altar shall be twelve cubits long twelve broad square in the four squares thereof and the settle shall be 14 cubits long and 14 broad in the four squares there thereof and the border about it shall be half a cubit and the bottom thereof shall be a cubit about and his stairs shall look toward the east so this this altar here interesting the the word altar is ariel in the hebrew which has some interesting double meanings it's an altar but it's also the lion of god that's kind of an interesting double meaning word the lion of god and ariel uh being the the altar but this altar is where they will commemorate you know the sacrificial system of the old testament pointing forward to jesus on the cross then in the millennial kingdom pointing backward to jesus on the cross that's why this altar will be here um there's a few noticeable differences does anybody remember did they allow stairs around or near the altar in the old solomon or other temples no does anybody remember why there's a reason two reasons one they didn't want people going up the stairs pridefully uh there were there was meant to be a humility and something about going upstairs um was sort of haughty but also this is funny uh you know you can read about this by the way in um you know exodus 20 26 no stairs on the altar because they didn't want to look where the priests were walking up these stairs and guys could see under their skirt uh you know just a modesty thing and uh and that was part of the reason they didn't have stairs the millennial kingdom will have stairs on the altar that's a big difference um and you can kind of guess why it's gonna be a very different temple it's going to be a different different purpose and and jesus is going to be there ruling and reigning so it does change the purpose of this but um the idea of stairs that's one of the big differences in the altar of this versus the old testament version temple well verse 18 and he said unto me son of man thus saith the lord god these are the ordinances of the altar in the day when they shall make it to offer burnt offerings thereon and to sprinkle blood thereon and thou shalt give to the priests the levites that he of the seed of zadok which approach unto me to minister unto me saith the lord god a young bullock for a sin offering and thou shalt take of the blood thereof and put it on the four horns of it and on the four corners of the settle and upon the border round about thus shalt thou cleanse and purge it thou shalt take the bullock also of the sin offering and he shall burn it in the appointed place of the house without the sanctuary and on the second day thou shalt offer a kid of the goats without blemish for a sin offering and they shall cleanse the altar as they did cleanse it with the bullock then thou shall when thus made and end of cleansing it thou thou shalt offer a young bullock without blemish and a ram out of the flock without blemish and thou shalt offer them before the lord and the priests they shall shall cast salt upon them and they shall offer them up for a burnt offering unto the lord seven days shalt thou prepare every day a goat for a sin offering they shall also prepare a young bullock and a ram out of the flock without blemish seven days shall they purge the altar and purify it and they shall consecrate themselves and when these days are expired it shall be that upon the eighth day and so forward the priests shall make your burnt offerings upon the altar and your peace offerings and i will accept you saith the lord god so that's the big question why the peace offerings the sin offerings and what have you during the millennial kingdom um this this is kind of a question that some people have why is this and and either it's like i said to point backward or this idea of sin like we have to understand what's this millennial kingdom gonna look like and will there be people who still sin during that the millennial kingdom we won't because we're given our new bodies we're forever with the lord we're not going to be using these altars i hope you understand that only the people that lived during the tribulation period will be there with the the sons of zadok which are levites we'll talk about them in a second in chapter 44. um well they're they're the ones who will be using this altar uh before the lord um remember the horns there you know the horns of the altar uh there's some old testament stuff there that's kind of cool the horns that'd be where they'd tie these offerings these animals and the people would identify their sins upon that animal by placing their hand on the head of that animal but it'd be tied to the horns but the horns of the altar if you see altars they have these four horns coming out of the corners they were also a place of refuge remember when you used to play tag when you're a kid and you had free bass and they couldn't get you if you're touching freebase well that's what these horns were if somebody was sinned and had a sin even where they were you know guilty of something like manslaughter an eye for an eye kind of thing and you could kill that person as a retaliation they could run and grab hold of the horns of the altar and that would be a free base for them that's where they'd be saved and all that imagery points to jesus the blood of the lamb even as they put the blood on these horns to cleanse them it'd be that same blood that would save us from our sinful the things that we deserve death when you hold on to the horns of the altar or better if you cling to the cross of christ you're saved even if you've done death-worthy sins your sins are still forgiven that's all these images that the altar brings again pointing forward to to the cross in the old testament backward in the millennial kingdom well quickly chapter 44 it says this in in verse 1 then he brought me back the way of the gate outward sanctuary which looketh toward the east and it was shut then said the lord unto me this gate shall be shut it shall not be opened and no man shall enter it by it because the lord that the word lord there is jehovah capital l ord the god of israel hath entered in by it therefore it shall be shut now if you just stop right there you kind of okay so that's why it's shut because the lord was going to go through that we did a whole sunday on that but one of the things that's kind of confusing about this is is is who's the prince that we're about to read about because it's clear that it says the the the lord jehovah is going to go through that gate and we know that that's jesus um are you guys clear on that part yes but then it goes into this thing about the the prince and this is where it gets a little more confusing verse 3 it is for the prince the prince he shall sit in it to eat bread before the lord jehovah he shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate and shall go out by the way of the same the reason this is a tricky thing is we're not really 100 sure who this prince is some say well it's jesus could be but there's a few problems with that that we're going to see in the next few chapters this prince does some stuff that you might note and i'm just going to give you kind of a heads up before we read about this prince over the next few chapters first of all this prince that's talked about in ezekiel 44 and onward there's there's little to no priestly prerogatives that this prince has um we know that the messiah the prince of daniel chapter nine jesus is called the prince the messiah the prince uh we know that he does have priestly prerogatives this one doesn't really reference that um we're gonna see this prince if it's the same prince we're talking about here in verse three we're going to see him offer a sin offering is there any reason why jesus would offer a sin offering no but here's a here's an argument i've heard about this one if it is jesus offering us an offering did jesus need to be baptized he did it because he wanted to fulfill all righteousness but for us baptism is sort of recognizing your old sin nature burying it in the river coming up new jesus didn't need to do that but he did to fulfill all righteousness in some arguments i've heard they say this praying the priest of ezekiel's temple is jesus and he's offering us an offering in the same way that he was baptized to fulfill righteousness that's the argument i've heard but still this priest also has sons we're going to see now that starts to make you think wait that's not jesus unless you believe the stupid da vinci code and uh you know you married mary magdalene became british and had some tea and all that stuff um ridiculous ridiculous uh work the da vinci code i hope none of you were sucked into such stupidity if you ever want to doubt the da vinci code just read the book and then look at the bibliography at the end the names of the titles that is referenced makes you realize cuckoo for cocoa puffs man like it's the it's the craziest reference anyway i i digress um jesus did not have sons that's important to know nor will he according the bible um so that begs the question who is this priest and i've heard theories everybody from some some descendant of david but jesus is the son of david so um the truth is there's a bit of confusion about who this prince is and i'm not going to you know fight hard one way or the other but i do leave that out to you if you want to dig there's some interesting reads on various you know good theories about who this prince really is and what it will his role really be some say it's jesus others say nope it's a descendant of david that's going to come as a prince but jesus is going to be the king of kings but maybe it's david himself some say it's going to be david himself you know resurrected from the dead as the prince so keep that in mind as we keep reading verse 4 then brought he me the way of the north gate before the house and i looked and behold the glory of the lord filled the house of the lord and i fell upon my face it's always the result of the glory of the lord coming as people falling on their face um uh you never see somebody standing pridefully in front of the glory of when people well when i get to heaven i'm going to tell god no you're not going to tell god anything you're going to wet your pants then you're going to stand fall down on your floor and you'll get the smell of the floor that's about it that's according to the bible i'm just telling you it's not going to be i'll tell god a thing or two no exactly what happened to ezekiel is every time in the bible when you see the glory of lord everybody's falling on their faces verse 5 and the lord jehovah said unto me son of man mark well and behold with thine eyes and here with thine ears all that i say unto thee concerning all the ordinances of the house of the lord and all the laws thereof and mark well the entering in of the house with every going forth of the sanctuary and thou shalt say to the rebellious even to the house of israel thus saith the lord god o ye house of israel let it suffice you of all your abominations and that ye have brought into my sanctuary strangers uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh to be in my sanctuary to pollute it even my house when you offer my bread the fat of the blood and they have broken my covenant because of all your abominations and you have not kept the charge of mine holy things but have set keepers of my charge in the sanctuary for yourselves now you can easily say well this is what israel did do they brought in gentiles and pagans into their temple and defiled it but here's the thing that's kind of interesting some argue that ezekiel's talking about the tribulation temple specifically here when it says you've brought into my sanctuary the uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh to be in my sanctuary to pollute it some believe that ezekiel's seeing the the forecoming or forthcoming of the the abomination of desolation when the jews invite this coming world leader they're going to remember make a peace treaty with them some believe from daniel 9 that peace treaty is going to include the giving of the land of the temple mount back or at least part of it back to the jews for that that temple period and and see that's going to be an interesting problem because the jews can't really have jerusalem right now uh they can't have the temple mount it belongs technically uh to the muslims but it's gonna it's gonna change and we're gonna see that change so this could be the antichrist coming there in verse seven well it says in verse nine thus saith the lord god no stranger uncircumcised in heart nor uncircumcised in flesh i'll enter into my sanctuary of any stranger that is among the children of israel and the levites that are gone away far from me when israel went astray which went astray away from me after their idols then shall even shall even bear their iniquity yet they shall be ministers in my sanctuary having charged at the gates of the house and ministering to the house that they shall slay the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people they shall stand before them to minister unto them because they ministered unto them before their idols and caused the house of israel to fall into iniquity therefore have i lifted up mine hand against them saith the lord god and they shall bear their iniquity and they shall not come near unto me to do the office of the priest unto me nor to come near any of my holy things in the most holy place but they shall bear their shame and their abominations which they have committed but i will make them keepers of the charge of the house for all the service thereof and for all that shall be done therein so basically the jews that make it through the tribulation period they're going to be serving the temple we're not going to be doing that by the way we have a different role in the millennial kingdom we rule and reign over the earth with the lord the jews are specifically uh serving in the temple but there's a specific group of jews mentioned here in verse 15 what we that we saw in chapter 43 the priest um it's verse 15. but the priest of the uh um but the priests the levites the sons of zadok that kept the charge of my sanctuary when the children of israel went astray from me they shall come near unto me and minister unto me they shall stand before me to offer unto me the fat and the blood saith the lord god they shall enter into my sanctuary they shall come near to my table and minister unto me and they shall keep my charge who are the sons of zadok you're like man that's a weird name the zedokian ministry well first you got the levites who are just generally the ones to serve in the temple and by the way the temple institute in jerusalem they're collecting information on all the jews with the last name of cohen and there's a reason why you can't really trace generally what tribe you're from if you're a jew it's really hard to know most jews have no idea what tribe they belong to today but if you have the last name of cohen you come from the tribe of levi and that's one of the known factors so they're gathering all the cohens around the world saying you know you could be a priest in the temple because they know that they're levites but you've got the levites they're going to generally serve in the temple but then you have the sons of zadok who are going to do something very different they're going to serve the lord himself and notice the language here in verses 4 15 and 16 you know they'll they'll come near me they'll minister unto me they'll stand before me they'll offer unto me verse 16 they'll enter into my sanctuary come near my table it's all about christ the messiah that they're going to minister to so the the sons of zadok sort of get the next level and they're going to do the higher form of ministry by the way i hope you understand the highest form of ministry always always always is to serve the lord himself to worship him to serve him to love him that's the highest remember mary and martha you know mary was the one who was there at the feet of jesus martha was the one who was serving the tables and busy serving survey serving but mary had chosen the better of the of the of the various ministries there you know she was serving jesus and that's what the sons of zadok get to do in the millennial kingdom verse 17 it shall come to pass that when they enter in at the gates of the inner court they shall be clothed with linen garments and no wool shall come upon them while they minister in the gates in the inner court and within they shall have linen bonnets upon their heads i'm sure that's going to look lovely and they shall have linen breaches upon their loins and they shall not gird themselves with anything that causes sweat now this is where we learn about these priests and what they're supposed to wear and how they're supposed to minister and what they're supposed to to do um and the word bonnet is an old king james word uh that we i mean the british they call you know they call the hood of your car a bonnet so or for crying out loud that's uh uh this is this is just some kind of a hat that these guys are going to wear um but but notice they're not supposed supposed to put on any wool or anything that causes sweat so um you know the sons of zadok these guys are kind of special by the way i didn't tell you why the sons of zadok were so set aside for such an important role there's a few things you should know and you can maybe jot these down in your notes the first reason the zedokian ministries is set forth here higher than the levites zadok was the faithful priest to king david if you remember the story he stayed with david through the whole conflict especially during the you know the rebellion of absalom second zadok was chosen to basically anoint king solomon during his uh coronation uh zadok was kind of famous for the crowning of solomon but also thirdly and most maybe importantly the sons of zadok kept themselves from idols unlike all the other priests and kings and stuff of ancient israel they the sons of zadok were known to keep themselves pure and that's why these guys get to do such a high level of ministry in the millennial kingdom it's amazing how the lord has a long memory uh and he's he's using these guys that were total studs in the in the old testament so um what are the the things they're supposed to do in ministry well the first thing that we list here in verses uh you know 17 and 18 is a ministry of simplicity where there's no sweat uh they just wear linen garments and not put on wool i like that i'm not a big wool wearing person even in the dead of winter i like i like i don't like being hot uh and sweaty some of you guys notice the sanctuary's a little chilly um oftentimes it's number one to keep you awake uh number two uh for a lot of us guys we run a little warm and so it's nice to have coolness in the sanctuary but no sweat ministry by the way i think there's a lesson there i remember my pastor teaching us this when i was younger saying be careful not to do things that cause sweat you know ministry should be stuff that you do that kind of comes naturally um and if it's causing sweat maybe you're doing the wrong thing uh you know i i think that i see that did you know that that 39 of pastors in this past two years of the pandemic and and this you know current culture we're in with you know all the struggles of society that 39 of pastors are have thought seriously about uh hanging it up during this season um and the reason is because they're freaked out because people are just mad they're mad at them if you if you wear a mask and make people wear masks people are mad if you don't wear masks people are mad if you get a vaccination people are mad at you because you're taking the mark of the beast if you don't get a vaccination they're mad at you because you're killing everyone um like people are just mad and pastors are wanting to bail according to the statistics um but i'm i'm always marveling when i even you know over the many years of ministry um when i see pastors that are kind of struggling and think oh i don't know about this and these people and they're mad at everybody all the time and stuff it's like maybe you really weren't called to the ministry like if you're doing something that causes a sweat do something else but i do love ministry and i feel like i i'm getting away with something all through these years it is hard work but it's the kind of work that i don't even feel like it's work it's it's fun doing what i get to do and um and uh and i i think that that's kind of the idea these priests are supposed to keep it simple light uh not putting on wool or anything that causes sweat so number one ministry of simplicity number two a ministry of humility verse 19. and when they go forth into the utter court even into the utter court to the people they shall put off their garments wherein they ministered and lay them in the holy chambers and shall put on their other garments and they shall not sanctify the people with their garments in other words they're supposed to blend in with all the people as just normal dudes they're not to wear their fancy priestly duds out when they're with the people um isn't that funny that you know the church you know we kind of done the opposite historically where the churches were the fancy robes and the pointy hats and glorious you know regalia of living in the ministry and stuff i think that's a goof i think we're supposed to just kind of blend in what did jesus do did he have a point if anybody should add a pointy hat if you need to point out like jesus should have got a pointy hat but jesus is like no i'm gonna just blend in and he only had literally one change of garments like like jesus wasn't a flashy person and somewhere along the way i think we've been very misguided but it was a ministry of humility and then thirdly on the list of things here we see a ministry of moderation verse 20. neither shall they shave their heads nor suffer their locks to grow long they shall only pull their heads which means kind of not shaving not letting it grow long but right in the middle just kind of keep it medium length moderation nothing too radical as for the priests here but also a ministry of sobriety neither shall they verse 21 any priest drink wine when they enter into the inner court why why is that um you know i believe it's what proverbs 31 reminds uh us there's uh where solomon's mother said it is not for kings o lemuel not for kings to drink wine nor prince's strong drink lest they forget the law pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted give strong drink to him that is ready to perish and whine to those that are of heavy hearts let him drink and forget his poverty and remember his misery no more like that's a pretty strong word there and if you're doing ministry these guys were not supposed to be drinking they're supposed to keep their faculties sharp and not be given to that you know indulgence but rather sobriety that's that's number four and then number five on our list we see here in verse 23 purity pardon me verse 22 neither shall they take for their wives a widow nor her that is put away but they shall take maidens of the seed of the house of israel or a widow that hath a priest before so the lord had them set very much aside for a specific purpose and they were to be very careful about that in their purity verse 23 brings us the sixth of the ministry rules of the zadokian priesthood and they shall teach my people with the difference between the holy and the profane and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean that is just giving them discernment they were to teach discernment they were to have discernment uh number six and then uh finally number seven they were to be biblical um biblical verse 24 i didn't put that one on my list sorry but that number seven and in the controversy um they shall stand in judgment and shall judge it according to my judgments and they shall keep my laws and my statutes in mine assemblies and they shall hallow my sabbaths that's all the word that's the scripture the them knowing what the bible says that's what pastors need today and verse 25 they shall come at no dead person to defile themselves but for father or for mother or for son or for daughter for brother or sister that hath no husband they may defile themselves after he has cleansed they shall recognize him seven days and in the day that he goeth into the sanctuary into the inner court to minister in the sanctuary he shall offer his sin offering saith the lord god and it shall be unto them for an inheritance i am their inheritance and you shall give them no possession in israel i am their possession now this makes some people like huh what's this about god being their possession well they're serving god they're living amongst jesus who's there he's like they get the privilege of being at the foot of of of the throne of god like this is an honor and a privilege and this is what the lord's saying and verse 29 they shall eat the meat offering and the sin offering and the trespass offering and every dedicated thing in israel shall be theirs that's the stuff that's going to be at the sacrifice the bullocks and the meat that comes from that with the salt that they put on it sounds pretty good to me they get to eat all that and verse 30 the first of all the first fruits of all of things and every oblation of all of every sword of your oblation shall be the priests you shall also give unto the priest the first of your dough whether that be dough with you know flour or dough with dollar signs on it at all that he may cause the blessing to result in thine house or to rest in the nine house um the priest shall not eat of anything that is dead of itself or torn whether it be fowl or beast in other words it's got to be fresh it can't be like a raccoon they found on the side of the road and then uh you know roadkill grill it up you know um by the way did you see on the news there there's a bunch of red tides i think over in florida the red ties are killing all these fish but the fishermen are just going into the red tidings scooping up all the dead fish that the red tide killed it and they're going to sell that to you so delicious dead fish that they got out of the water i don't know i'm not much of a fish fan i'll stick with the the rib eye with the salt that the priest get to eat now you say brett i don't know man all this stuff about the temple and stuff and obviously we don't know everything about this time period hey this speaks of several things but one of the main things is god's faithful he's going to do what he says he's going to do this is all going to come to pass and when you see it when i see it we'll know this is god being faithful to do what he said he was going to do this will only be confirmed like i remember that tedious wednesday night when we were talking about the sons of zaydork and and all these uh steps and buildings and all this weird stuff like oh but look now this has come to pass like you will know it when you see it why because you put the time in this wednesday night to study this section of the scriptures that's pretty cool i think good job lord we're so thankful for your word we're thankful that it's living and powerful lord i do pray that you reward each person here watching online or here in the building would you just reward them as just going through your word lord is a good thing and there's so many benefits that we know come from it so take these these this time lord for uh for some i pray that they dig even deeper that they do the homework lord because there's so much here that i know we're missing but we do look forward to understanding this in its fullness someday when we see you we'll be like you look forward to that lord and pray your blessing on these are people as we go our way tonight in jesus name amen
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 10,033
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Athey Creek, Athey Creek Church, Athey Creek Christian Fellowship
Id: fRhfWoMNKfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 16sec (4576 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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