They Let Me In The Back DOOR -Thrift With Me For Vintage Treasure!

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you know [Music] a whole compound here and [Music] so no it's okay I'm I'm a pro I have yeah I know how to do that stuff it's okay but and we're here and I have this this is where I keep all my tools I got my goggles my diamond tester my acid test kit my presidium my gloves my magnet all of it is in here I'm heading in there right now and I'm gonna get to go through the things before other people do so very exciting and I want you to know I do I have no intention of taking advantage of the situation I want no special prices nothing of that sort I want them to do whatever it is that you usually do and if anything is going to go out into the thrift store counter I would like first dibs on it for their normal price that's it that is all I'm hoping for and if they don't want to do it that's okay too I love this thrift store I love what they do I actually love their mission they have like a whole compound here and I'm fine with it either way I do okay anyway but if they want to give me dibs that's also great so I'm getting in there and let's see what they have foreign this is what it looks like when the door is open to the public the other day it was closed so I'm just gonna sneak in here and oh God it's so hard not to get distracted by all the beautiful things and the space this is what it looks like with the daylight it's a beautiful space all right probably not that fun in Winter though okay so this is supposed to be closed I think yeah is this oh No Maybe not maybe it's open already they just brought me through here through the back door everyone and they I want to show you this table this is so beaut this this set is still here this is really beautiful they just put it down look at this beautiful antique table still with cobwebs so gorgeous and this is the real deal and she doesn't know how much it's going to be yet but look at it the naughty the Knotty wood and the carving really stunning this is a this is a magical place there's my toolbox the old ironing board is exquisite this right here they're asking 25 for this new guys you're smart you know what these go for online look at that line uh to die for actually I might get this I just realized I could use it just buy it don't talk about it it's a video so yeah so and that might that might work out for me it didn't come together but we found it wow oh and it has the thing oh my God I'm dying I am dying I mean I carried it in by myself no I can't I just put my my tiny apartment it's I have to remember our tiny apartment I am overwhelmed with my storage units which look at the mirror they're putting up that is a gorgeous mirror this reminds me of a mirror that my mother had not yet that's Italian Gorge wow what a beautiful mirror no it's okay I'm I'm a pro making me a size four I have yeah I know how to do that stuff it's okay believe me have you seen my videos I don't look like this in my videos okay this couch is so beautiful and these end tables why do these end tables look so good the quality of this from the old Hardware what is this Marine tell me about the end table oh this is immerseman uh end table we have a pair it's got a single drawer in it clearly marked these are very high quality and the conditions and in great condition and there's two of them 125. what's the usual going rate if it wasn't a thrift store um I believe they're about 490. wow so this is score so and these just went out everyone so if you're in the local area these are available these are really beautiful and fine conditions so I brought everything I brought the gem Tester the acid Tester the diamond tester the gloves the goggles the magnet in through the back door in through the back door oh boy costumes two hours later I love these just need to sign for them where am I signing just anywhere oh all right they like me no signature thank you very much love love love well that was so enjoyable for me you know I I missed the retail experience it was really nice to kind of be in the shop and see the other people that worked there and volunteered there and talking shop with the manager was really great you know being in the back and looking at the stuff and I managed oh and and I turned it off you will not see that because as we were going through the door she said don't tape in here um which is totally understandable because you know that's the back room that's where their security is etc etc so you don't want the public to see that but I did manage to identify some diamonds some tiny little diamonds some gold some silver and they have a place they put they have an um they have an eBay shop and I'll put the link to that below so you can see what I identified um there was a really cool Mexican Sterling eyeglass pen very very cool but I did get dibs on these these are not Sterling these are either silver plated or alpaca and they I got dips on them because we found out together that they weren't Sterling and I kind of like them this way yeah these are really beautiful so and actually they're probably and they're they're large right now but they can be changed to fit anybody they're actually they're really great together this ooh baby this was nice that she let me have dibs on these so I'm off to the next thrift store let's go see what we can find two hours later there you go perfect that little woven bag is very cute oh I like that one too okay I have some things I want to look at it isn't it weird it's very weird it's almost muggy yeah a little bag I don't know are you free to show me some jewelry sure yeah oh hi nice to see you thank you everything going all right yeah you look like an extra extra small my jacket's killing me I'm just gonna put it on the floor okay so I'd like to see the pearls in the back corner yep the gold chain with the earrings yes uh little they are we might find something else over there anything else yeah it's this one on the bust no this one on the bus this it's like doubled up yes and then maybe some things here but we'll look at those first oh I'm sorry why are you apologizing because it fell off the thing sorry oh okay and what do you think it is cute that would drive me crazy stuff like that oh yeah it's like going crazy yeah forget it I'll be going crazy too that's nice is it a braid it's got to be a brightness this little thing my eyes are even worse now than anywhere else I should have thought ahead and gotten my Loop out oh this is interesting this is like a scarf this is oh it has a bracelet too because you want to show off the scarf thank you you're the best oh well you really gotta hold me all right I gotta get my Loop out all right this is ridiculous yeah it's discounted we're together uh yeah together okay what is that dollars she owes you 17.50 yeah I wanted to check yeah oh there it is there's always cute stuff to be found you want me to put this back yes yes I'm sorry I thought I thought you heard me I didn't just I didn't just leave it there yeah this I need to check this is cute did it really you're old you know what just give it to me I'll just wait over here then you got tape you got tape down just tape it on and then um plastic this is like someone's Pottery project it's interesting take a look at the watches it's fun I have a place this is pretty I like the color of the band foreign not something I would recognize immediately yeah this is nice sort of The Craft piece this is still here something about it all right and take a quick glance down here [Music] same same anything new I'm not saying anything new [Music] glass is still here pink quartz is still here okay so that's it for the jewelry oh these are cute what is this oh it's a cat okay one more Loop just in case and this these are real pearls and this is hematite that forms like a slinky this is cool I like this a lot going at all um it's four dollars I'm not even gonna bother looking to see if I know what it is right now I know that I know that this is good this is a pickup for sure one more Loop this how did they mixed fish the first time this is weird it's really nice I love that that's authentic real Crystal this is here before oh no it's that plastic Crystal okay everything else I think I have seen like this kind of nice okay so I'm not getting the bracelet but this is nice this is a great thing for spending 10 minutes here you know and this I I loved the way this looked until I touched it I just touched it and it's very plasticky and cheap now let's do a quick glance of the scarves a little headband things just go to the scarves real quick this is maybe I'll take this with me I see a hundred percent cashmere over there and a vintage label we'll take a look at that oh it's so soft made in England wow it looks never used like it came out of the gift box and that was it this I love we're gonna get that seen that before see this is what the uh the cheaper ones look like this is that rayon acrylic blend this feels very thick and blankety so warm out today it's hard to look at these the color is pretty but it's nothing special Sparkle Sparkle these are cute all right let's pick up our treasure there's one more place to check for scarves it's nice So Pro tip don't forget to check the belts to Talbots all right but it looks like there's other things hiding in here what is this this is probably Chico's Chicos [Music] real vintage this is real vintage but the condition isn't great this is like a faux Escada fun I really like this actually this is vintage this could be like a Calderon and it's a larger size I like the detail with the scarf from England this is one of those crazy belts I'm very drawn to these but this one has seen better days for sure this looks like a liberty oh my God it's a land then I'm getting it okay seriously Pro tip whenever you see land in Paris it doesn't matter what it is you have to get it and now this is where I wanted to be there I love this color this is a really nice one look at the shine on this oh I wish I was alive I would ask you if you wanted it what does it say collection dry clean viscose none of you need it I know I know none of you needs that this however this is a score this is vintage now beautiful it's not wow okay what is this this is kind of a little cardigan it's in the wrong spot [Music] to go to Pirates you gotta put down this is nice doesn't feel very good okay thank you this you can always have a few more dishes this time of year it's pretty and this is vintage but not very pretty good come out now and as I suspected this is great we have on the Sony and a log bin and this is very wearable animal colors how great is that all right time to pay and I'll do one more loop around the housewares and stuff foreign box Eric candles this is cute I don't need it but I like it the pin cushions and now the duck basket is nice some great some Great China cat elixir of Hemlock Thanksgiving this is I don't need it Almost Famous McLean oh look how cute oh no I thought it was something else oh this is a lamp Bridge here this is so good look at the glass on this this is lovely this is lampers here um you you buy the yeah that's a lampers here this is great I love this I am definitely getting this these are expensive and valuable and good so if you're a reseller and you're learning this and it's complete they're all there anytime foreign I also like the cloud candle the best way to start something now the best way to get something done is to begin haha it's vintage it's cool right it's a basket which I need but I don't know which ones are the right ones the pumpkin is pretty definitely don't need a little pumpkin okay I'm like a little lampers here for three dollars and it's a gorgeous wine look at that shape this is a specialty shape chicken's great I'm so glad I checked the housewares acopia this is nice that's probably a George briard oh and that's mid-century too I just oh and that plate is gorgeous I just um there's a lot here look at this this pattern it's like diamonds and circles and it's heavy and then there's just so much here these are amazing this plate is incredible this is incredible the cold core anywhere this I'm sure is really good it reminds me of a peacock and it's the gold but it's not my English cherub creamer look at this vintage look at this oh there's another one behind it wow oh didn't check over here did I have a proposal for two dollars this mannequin nope nope okay all done oh blue bird of Happiness it's so pretty look at that color oh it's kind of cool and it's a nice one is it a crystal in the eye there it is oh wow Thanksgiving now call me for TV perfume burritos yeah I got it from my family perfect what is this it's like a little purse I guess it's like an accessory you want both of them yes please bye guys be safe drive safe home and then another one at six dollars you should have fifteen dollars there yep all right I am truly excited okay let me tell you about this this is French it's made by lampergier this is one of the special shapes they're usually just sort of squares or rectangles this is a special one and and it has all its pieces you find them without the cap you find them without the wick this is a metal Wick this was originated in France they're called Lamp briziers they were used in funeral homes originally um you would put oil they sell the oils my favorite is the Verbena and the I think it's called cotton or linen or something like that but the Verbena and the Lilac is beautiful um I'm so excited like I can't wait to get home and order them but this piece you have to buy separately um if this is the wick see it's a piece of metal so what you do is you put the oil in you let it burn for five minutes and then you put the oil in you light this you let it burn for a few minutes and then you extinguish it and this wire stays hot so there's no fire and it continues to um burn the scent you know and then when you're done with it it lasts for about 20 minutes and when you're done with it you put this metal cap on it because it's hot so that takes care of it and while it's still warm for that 20 minutes you put this over it to protect it so it has all its pieces this gets lost these are special just by themselves I paid three dollars for everything and it's so beautiful look at the art glass look at the um can you see the iridescence it's beautiful I'm so excited about this and also not to be outdone by the Missoni I had a feeling I had a feeling this is also in brand new condition um really brand new condition this would be great for a guy even look Missoni right there it's a Telltale knit pattern right this is the famous masoni but these are the most wearable colors I have seen in a long time then not to be outdone by the old English Cashmere which is also brand new and look at the tag on this is it it's not Pringle it's ringing a bell it's really ringing a bell I'm sure I'll know what it is the second I stop filming but this is beautiful too and then not to be outdone Pro tip okay train your eye to look for Exquisite patterns when you see an Exquisite pattern like this just take a second to look at it and I turned this over and I wasn't surprised it's land then okay it's a beautiful one beautiful also in perfect condition and I will wear this myself I have a London suit that I think I'd like to wear this with that I got from the men's section this is a sleeper I think these might be Sterling this is an oldie you can tell by the way the cowhide is in the back and there is no marking but it's sweet and these are screwed on so definitely an adorable either way but I have a feeling it's something so definitely worth investigating for two dollars and it's a larger size then we have the jewelry I knew when I saw this that these are pearls these are natural pearls clearly and this is hematite and the design is um quite refined you know like it makes it look like chain so I like this um I don't know what these beads are I don't know what the clasp says it does have a mark that I will look at later but uh and it's you know it's cool look look at how it lays look isn't that nice I love this okay and then there's another piece of jewelry it's a four strander also extremely wearable colors black silver gray white beautiful great clasp the two purses look how cute these are I feel like these came from the same person honestly this is like the same aesthetic and it's kind of sophisticated accessorizing so these are sort of cozy Chic they're handmade they're sort of craft looking they're obviously one of a kind and I see these for holiday parties like if you're invited somewhere that's not fancy or formal you know you can put on your wine or your black velvet palazzos in a pretty silk blouse and something like this because you can't carry a regular purse you know and it's and it's it's a Chic accessory it's gorgeous it's one of a kind and this all of everything so far that you've seen me pick up so far will be in a proper haul video coming up tomorrow or Tuesday and then the auctions are Wednesdays and Friday days at 7 pm so subscribe now if you haven't already click the bell and YouTube will let you know when I make a new video or I go live and you can also text me if you don't want to depend on YouTube you can text me 917-809-7250 say hello Don in the text and then I will send you free alerts when I go live I don't spam you I don't send out alerts every time I upload anything to YouTube it's just for the lives it's for the auctions and the sales so if you are a reseller and you want to know what these things actually end up going for Hammer price or if you want to bid on them make sure you are subscribed and you have rang the bell or sign up for texts thank you again for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: HUDSON VINTAGE - How To Collect And Sell It
Views: 7,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thrift with me, thrift to resell, thrift to treasure, come thrift with me, thrift with a vintage expert, how to find vintage jewelry, jewelry, Hudson Vintage, vintage jewelry finds, hudsonvintage, Hudson vintage jewelry, hudson vintage youtube, vintage jewelry, antique jewelry, estate jewelry
Id: 97TywvW-acM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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