Three tips I wish I knew earlier in Davinci Resolve

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so as you read from the title there are three things that I wish I knew earlier when using resolve that would have saved me a ton of time whether it's editing multiple cameras or knowing some audio settings that are going to actually make you match other YouTube videos I didn't know you needed to change that before hopefully these tips will help you from the pitfalls that I experience when first getting used to the program first on the list is changing your audio settings so I believe that DaVinci Resolve starts off at negative 24 left whenever you open it which is super quiet for YouTube so you want to go in and you want to change that to negative 18. that way your meters are going to read out accurately and you can actually get your audio balance the way that you need to whenever I first started editing I had no idea why all my videos were so quiet compared to everyone else's so now you know second is multi-camera editing whenever I did that video for Onyx initially we just had like four layers of different takes and we would go through each layer and figure out what we liked best manually and manually make those cuts but there's a multi-cam option where all you got to do is press the number of the track and it'll automatically change and make the cut for you so much faster than doing it manually the last one is grading on an adjustment clip so with grading on an adjustment clip you can just grade an entire section of video rather than having to go through and copy paste with each clip it just makes it way faster and then if you do that before editing you can move the clips with the grade and change them if you need to and one quick additional tip is using a mask and making a blur to add a little bit more depth if you didn't quite get the out of focus look that you wanted how do you really careful doing this and only try it with like interviews or things where people are assuming still because if someone moves around too much then they're going to get blurred inside of the background and it looks a little weird but yeah that's all I wanted to talk about just three quick tips that helped me a lot and I hope they help you thanks [Music]
Channel: Road To Film
Views: 17,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WsHxgcLQoVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 23sec (143 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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