Three Reasons to use break apart in Inkscape

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everybody this is Logan Holdaway with Shepherds branding and today I want to give you three reasons why you would use the break apart path function in Inkscape first of all what is break apart and where you find it it's a path function within your path menu right here at the top of your screen and break apart is among the many it is ctrl shift K if you ever wondering what the shortcut is it on the keyboard so three reasons why you would use the break apart path function in Inkscape the first reason would be if you wanted to make a single object into separate objects so let me explain what I mean by that this is a single object but you wouldn't be able to break this apart so I'm going to go ahead and draw some lines over it create a stroke over it just like that and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the stroke down here at the bottom right click and I'm going to make it 32 so it's nice and thick for us then I'm going to go to path stroke path and if you see this is no longer a stroke if I undo it by control Z that's a stroke now control Y that's a path so now what I can do is holding shift while having this selected and I also have to have the Select and transform objects tool I on hand I also have to hold shift and click on that red object underneath go to path difference now let me show you if I click on it you see all of these are selected because they are still a single object now in order to make those separate objects that would go to break apart and now they are separate objects that you can manipulate individually just like that so that's the first reason why you would use the break apart path function second reason it is one that I use fairly often say you had some rasterized version of a butterfly like this I can zoom in real quick you can see this is rasterized I want to make this into a path and the way that I would do that i will i would go to path trace bitmap and what you have to do with these is you kind of have to play with this threshold here in order to get it just right I've already pre adjusted it to be what I want but then you can go to update and it'll show you the preview and then you can hit OK and it actually does it for you so that now you can see there's actually a path that's been created out of that rasterized version and i can manipulate that path just like that so now say i want to go ahead and still have this orange underneath it let's go ahead and get rid of that the way that i would do that is i would i'm going to go ahead and over to this guy too so he's out of our way the way that i would do that would be to go to let's go ahead and select him ctrl D for duplicate and go to path break apart now you can see all of these little tiny objects here are selected individually and I would go to paths Union now I've filled in this object I have filled it in and I can set it down to the bottom and I can make it orange and now this is a rasterized version or excuse me a vectorized version of what I just had before including the color underneath it just like that now a third reason why you would use the break apart path function is to create an object out of what is missing inside of another object for instance I've got this heart missing outside or missing inside of this now say I just wanted this heart I would go to path break apart I can take this guy and now I've got just the heart here something you need to be aware of with this is that if you had just had a tiny part that I I don't know exactly how to say this but easier difference you can see here it's not fully inside of this object now if I go to path break apart it's not going to do anything at all because it's not fully inside of that so that's there's something you need to be aware of if you ever try to create an object out of what is missing inside of another object you can't do it in this scenario here but these are the three reasons why you would use the break apart path function in Inkscape and so I hope this helps you if you have any other reasons why you have used break apart in the past I would really like to hear about them in the comments thanks for watching
Channel: Logan Holdaway
Views: 63,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Break Apart, Inkscape, Tips, How To, Path Functions
Id: iq7-0SWOwU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2017
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