Three Little Pigs Bedtime Stories for Kids

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[Music] today I'm going to be reading a monkey a bedtime story about three little pigs you guys ready yeah okay Once Upon a Time welcome to Ryan's world [Music] Mr Ryan I'll take it from here once upon a time there was a magnificent farm full of delectable animals sheep you name it to our Buffet if you ask me but d IP in the Farmland lived Three Little Pigs Emma [Music] Coco the fairest of them all a big bad wolf like me would be allowed on the farm so I spend my days relaxing in the in the woods next door and you know what elevating for me the Three Little Pigs decided they wanted to leave the farm and build their own houses nice but unfortunately I went for a dental cleaning so I had to wait for a few hours before I ate another meal [Music] I waited and watched them build their houses from the cold depths of my cave apartment and soon a chill ran down my spine no it wasn't from the Dank atmosphere of my home rather it was the chill of opportunity the three pigs were arguing look at all this strong says Emma they're so much strong we can each build an entire mansion with it Emma grabbed a handful of straw and brought it with her wait cake respond surely a house cannot be made of straw what's you refused instead Kate grabs a handful of sticks and places it down in front of her straw is easier Emma says no sticks are more useful Kate claims suddenly Coco walks over with a handful of bricks and drops them down a house made of bricks will be the most sturdy it's perfect come for your home Coco says Emma and Kate notice that there are far fewer bricks than straw and sticks to build a house Emma says I can build two home mansions with my straw Kate jumps in and working with bricks is too difficult building a house of sticks will certainly be faster The Three Little Pigs were all in disagreement so they went their separate ways and began Construction how interesting splitting the pigs up means I can have breakfast lunch and dinner but I must wait my favorite TV show just came on and clearly that takes precedence working so so hard Emma was the first to finish her giant straw Mansion Kate followed soon after with her stick Manner and finally Coco completed her small brick Cottage yeah the pig celebrated Emma decided to take a long nap after her hard work I couldn't help but giggle as I sneaked up to the door with the full weight of my wolf paws I knocked on the door knock knock Emma wakes from her slumber she says Emma looks through the straw window and sees the baddest wolf she's ever seen little pig little pig let me come in I stay with delight [Music] Emma says [Music] Dawn I inhale a large breath and then let it all oh Emma cry as her straw Mansion fell to pieces Emma quickly ran next door to her sister Kate's stick manner [Music] okay Kate nice place you got here Emma says thanks I told you a house made of sticks would be best Kate responds I finally managed to catch up [Music] knock knock who's that Kate questions little pig pig little pig let me come in I howl with Glee not by the hair on our kids then I'll hop and I'll pump and I'll blow your own I inhale get another large breath in a matter of seconds all the sticks fall to the ground let's get out of here Kate says maybe we could go to Emma responds [Music] will it even fit us Kate exclaims [Music] growled [Music] out of breath that I couldn't grab them as they scurried off off to Coco's they said [Music] what are you doing here Coco questions there's a big bad wolf that blew our houses down Emma and Kate cry well don't worry my house is made of bricks it won't be easy for that mean old wolf Coco reassures the twins suddenly a loud knock on the door Bang bang you guess who it is little pig little pig let me come in this is starting to get old not by the hair on our chitty chin chin and I'll puff hello I'll blow your house down still sounding huh I was surely confused I inhaled another breath and another breath [Music] you just couldn't see in the pool Coco's House Down I have a diaphragm of Steel you blow this house down the pigs cheered I guess making it off Emma says maybe we should all make brick houses from now on Kate adds oh no not like this this how will they ever get in my belly as the pigs celebrate and prepare a feast I decide to make the biggest baddest move of all I jumped to the roof if I can't blow this house down from the outside I'll have to do it from the inside I snarled as I reared another giant breath I blew a giant cloud of Wind Through the chimney oh no what comes around goes and an even bigger smoke cloud blasted Atop The Chimney like a violent storm I was blasted off the roof luckily I landed in some discarded straw the pigs came outside to check on me and as I stood up my mask fell off my secret was finally everyone laughs I just wanted to move out with all my friends so we could have fun and cook delicious meals together but I guess I took things a little too far it's okay the pigs responded let's grab some new material and build the best house ever seen and this time we won't take the easy way we'll work hard to make a house no wolf will ever blow down so we high five ready for our next bedtime fairy tale adventure the end [Music] the end did you guys like the story yeah that was so good I loved it okay guys thank you for watching The Three Little Pigs with me remember always stay happy and rise up bye foreign
Channel: Ryan's World
Views: 385,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan's World, Ryan ToysReview, three little pigs, the three little pigs, bedtime story, bedtime stories, three little pigs bedtime stories, 3 little pigs, kids bedtime stories, read kids stories, bedtime stories for kids
Id: r1S_TS8KBSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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