Three Irish Youtubers destroying Irish culture in Minecraft

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where are we live yeah well okay hi there's no real intro or anything we're just here to morning to you please come on every Irish person says that why is there like a really raunchy topless picture of waluigi above this one yeah that always happens I don't have a weird thing for waluigi III didn't see anything he's not actually topless the sea oh he's topless all right wait he might know I thought his suspenders might act as sensor bears his nipples but no they're on full show just think like if you hear what are these sentences out of context when you wake up and you just be like how is that gonna come up today really hard to find you guys when you yeah I'm almost afraid to leave the main area because I know I'll get lost immediately what's your name again Sean septic pooper I'm not gonna lie when he join a doll of a septic boomer please call me septic boomer for the whole stream who did the mods bill DS leprechauns and tato manners that [ __ ] wrong with his hand which Tatum oh that is what my sleep paralysis demon looks like mr. t no with this this is how you know it's a bad monument because the three Irishmen here took ages to figure out what this was I fixed it I put someone on the top as a gym just rage it's worse than dead this is the most cursed thing I've ever seen Kirsten ever basically he's just spewing at the top of the spire splicing our names together so we have call RTI some time alone potato everyone sacrificed potatoes to the topless Luigi Waluigi mistake build a monument of each youtuber and we will judge you harshly geez I want mine massive and then just the tiny Jim Pickens head I want mine to be the topless waluigi recreated with interesting this case just built a pit of fire he's put heads in it this isn't Irish at all very Irish this Irish flag has a ring of fire around it like this it's a ring of fire yes I like to find something that I can vaguely connect to me because I've seen stuff for you guys must be something for me it doesn't spread you go quiet for five minutes then ten questions this fire not work after I asked that a mod teleported to me and like I know it's just a Minecraft face but he looks so disappointed okay I built a tower of Jack heads with TNT at the top Oh where's right it's very safe I promise that it's gnarly beautifully you're a bit of an interior designer I'd say area have a texture pack on because the TNT is weight doesn't work I hope so oh yeah what I want down below it's near there like tree spires the eye and the Leprechaun now if you hit the fire pit at the paint again this you've gone to I hate that direction because it's what's the point telling me when I've gone to fair like tell me when I'm just before it tell me like follow this road when you see the river you've gone too fast if you see the rocks turn off before that exactly carry accents it's kind of thick I'm sure you can contest it thick wood four C's dude I love it was going for us I mean me Mina and I someone just wrote potato famine in the sky lovely its back you and you I could smell blight there's someone building a big Jim Pickens and I just came over and replaced the pupils with like smaller Jim Pickens heads and he just turned around and nodded at me well he's a village on fire our Kevin I'm sorry look they'll stay warm forever nice guy see you warm for the rest of their lives yes which won't be very long why are they putting out the fire someone just said something terrible in chat but that Kevin just set fire to Northern Ireland because this is just outside the Billboard er oh I was gonna make that joke but not to say it you're ok we joke about that kind of stuff here ok this is the internet joke about Kevin you can't just do that to the Norse look I burn everyone I don't do it because they're the north I do it because I have been bastard why are you like this he doesn't discriminate burns every country this is nice this is nice finally summer warm it does look fantastic to be fair that's a lot of thunder and lightning going on yeah God is angry at me most of the time God hates the Irish just near I want die and the potato field the directions are starting to make sense yes in about an hour we have to recreate the 1916 rising oh I can't wait well I'm getting the fire out that it's ripped from its enemy I would say thanks Pam no they're all just working together it's actually quite refreshing they are you're sure notorious for being nice and friendly but also lazy so I didn't really expect it to be build so we built half of America and we were like well [ __ ] I'm not gonna build Ireland now that's a fair point I don't even live there anymore I'm a foreign invader now Oh God I mean I can't talk I was living in the UK for a good bit this year I'm the only truly loyal Irishman I am a hundred percent Irish after all I took a DNA test name your favorite potato potatoes Kevin did you say you're a hundred percent Irish yes so like it's probably incest if you could I'm only 64 percent yeah I looked up your results immediately like actually in the video I did the DNA test I looked up your one that first I'm very exotic I have a bit of British in me Wow oh I think all Ireland had a bit of British it's the septic eye and like half my character is worn in the past that looks amazing where's my pet here Kevin here's your parrot perfectly okay what are you in I don't stop he'll what are you talking about I need more support they're bullying me I think someone's making the Vikings very upset they've landed here they've kind of realized the weather's choice that's what Ireland is people didn't like the weather shite and some people like [ __ ] this and other people just said an ad grand but that's like historically like why some people didn't invade us isn't it like they say the Romans didn't invade us because we weren't worth to they just didn't want the land literally [ __ ] yeah we're awesome Kevin I know you're a hundred percent Irish nah but this is it take the pace so we birds to Union Jack's ow and Northern Ireland's been set on fire okay I'm gonna fix Kevin what bar is think of this Oh what are your thoughts on gun control let's move to religion do you think pineapples belong on pizza oh you said that the most amount of thunder ever happened I love pineapple on pizza and I will fight anyone to the death okay well well fight me I'm getting a sword like that's it Kevin how do you feel about pineapples on pizza I'm pretty neutral I only have margaritas I'm not big on anything else all right that's true actually yeah you know you don't have toppings on your beads yeah so I can referee the fight if you want I am 100% Irish I have to stay neutral so you guys do whatever you want as you know apparently Irish wee got a saddle this good use of a Saturday night Billy a pizza a YouTube read minecraft these three heads are looking really cool they're getting like a flag in behind them as well oh my god there's a big Jim Pickens being made where next to the near the pizza between the pizza and the castle I'm so sad that this is actually taking up space in my brain like the directions he's ripped six-pack yeah you should turn a six-pack into a secret doorway yes it just opens out and swallows you and your step inside I'm sure I'm at a nightmare like that before just some like pink like well it's just ham I guess disgusting you stay on your half and I'll stay on my hat where's my half guys Kevin you get the third half okay thank you what the hell is wrong with my map [Laughter] picture where the nipples how do we get his nipples on the map someone put Jim Pickens on this pizza oh my favorite I found the nipple guys Kevin where are you my treasure map I'm not telling you the nipple max the spot I'm sure of it I want died Oh out of context that sounded so bad like I won't die and then you go sometimes I have to get like a reference picture of I won't die so I just like popping into Google and then Google like it gives me like a reference number for the Samaritan do you've the right or the left I have his left auto I have his left as well god damn it we knew the other nipples are complete to map I have both nipples nipples akimbo nipple looking where I'm going I'm just walking along with his baby I think it's starting to build like the goose from goose game oh yeah I see it excited I was half a Patou costume that could be me that looks my legs my god and I can't believe I'm saying this but how do I get rid of waluigi's nipples like I have it I wouldn't mind get rid of it in my right hand but I can't get rid of it in my left someone has actually built a Catholic Church here pay respects I see it oh it's got Jim Pickens head on the altar maybe not that is a different type of church I'm afraid he wants to be in the cult come on in I think they actually are doing what you said they're re-enacting the 1916 rising there's a load of Jim Pickens in green inside of it and there's people with the Union Jack inside of it laid by what looks like jacksepticeye Pierce we got James Connelly and you got Spade I see the gay club under the grognak shrine is open for a business all right well I'll be there if you need me oh here's I think as we're all stuck in it is it because we're not gay somebody made an Irish sands holding up the Union Jack well do you guys have really either like compared to me just saying okay Kevin I'm the only one here with an actual Irish name it's true it's God as their queen hey Ian - you got a French fly again now I think people are confused as to like the Irish flag I think they tried to sneak representation for themselves in how dare you get cultural diversity in this stream oh we lost Jack he got angry because he saw the French flag you see what you've done maybe his internet went down or something I don't know no man he's just intolerant hey I can can you guys hear jack okay on the stream hello hello hello he's got a weird echo beyond that Kevin hello nice weather we're having does that all sound okay look I hate soup why do you hate soup I don't like like wet foods and it's the wettest of foods really all right I was gonna show you all over here but if your old life man I can't really deny that this wasn't as heated as the pineapple on pizza can someone build soup Oh spot there's a pixel-art waluigi in the works now too if he has clothes on I'll be very disappointed well I mean he doesn't have a body currently so there's still hope his nipples will be exposed why stop with the nipples you can keep going the picture leaves too much to the imagination I think Ireland has been represented you know that's accuracy I like to have some people just ignored the brief just build whatever they wanted the garlic sauce that they have at Super Max is the best garlic sauce I've ever had Oh bit too wet for my liking kill for some corn flakes do you just like eat ice because you don't want a glass of water yes you got to freeze it first just just ice just straight up yeah I love my solid water just scrape it with tea then people keep throwing soup at me and I don't know what to do just take the soup Kevin no I will never sip the soup Kevin what is it about wet foods that you don't like the really way I mean ask a stupid question get a stupid answer jacksepticeye with a septic eye an arty game with a la carte there's no sign of Kevin anyway I've heard it as sipped the soup that's what I've heard so much noise yeah so if you've sipped the soup you've done what exactly you basically because there was during the famine you took the soup from the British but you'd have to convert to Protestant to drop the O in your name and agree with their like occupation she friended Christ Irish people to British people by giving them soup yeah so we should all hate soup Reedy here's what I'm saying I don't think I'll ever drink soup again time to yeah apparently just a colonial thing that soup is now political if you're I'm so glad my movement is gaining traction it's quite cool that they're all like even taking their turns like they don't start just building where the other person's been a white flag you heard this one immediately yeah but like he's not building into his flag if you get me like you still oppressing him but in kind of a nice way Kevin you like wet pizza right duh you never listen to me that means you shouldn't like pizza cuz that's why you order it with light sauce and you get it nice and crispy and oh my god God Kevin dice come on just accept me I looked over to the chat there was something about either of you and in the middle there was just I think Kevin's a war criminal war criminal as an Irish person can get I guess yeah which is not very much I think a man with a large stick could still take me there well the part that we are they did right Kevin but they're ordered above party game jacksepticeye and happy wheels number 109 so happy wheels got represented before Kevin well the trees all finish I think they hit the sky live all my god oh Jesus how many trees have we got if we run the mats on this I know for a small forest I see it did you can see where this guy's so successful if you look over from the other side it's just II it's like our version of Stonehenge won't know why it's here how we got here but it's there oh my god well we'd all pay money to go look at it yes there we go I added an oar to the start of that statue so they were just as read it's just a massive read Oh God massive triggered science yes we just summon Jesus himself he was Irish wasn't he Jesus are you sure sure there's also just a sign that says soup in the ward ward that where's the soup I got distracted by the Irish Peter Griffin which is the most blurts thing I've ever seen you're already feeling a bit laughing good or is that the soup I don't know the cheeks fair why are you just staring at the sky with two crossbows old man yells at cloud you should just come to your Jim Pickens face this the statues faces they've done something to yours what is that it's using a beam or to shooting Oh someone made a pub for you jack they did they did yeah if you here I'm gonna TP you over to me it's a pump for you that's really cute sorry I can't read I get angry when I see books soup above your head what Oh you you've soup stuck in your head now get it off oh my god soup more like what's it say I have an idea what it would say as I typically what I do for like the highlights is I tried to find like a good screenshot that kind of like encompass everything for the thumbnail and I'm very well might just take the septic I honestly you don't want Peter Griffin yeah I was thinking the same [Laughter] look at the gym Pickens pollster he's making it out of so many different materials to get texture to it it's amazing yeah oh my god yeah since you've got like already like the Jim Pickens poster the Jim Pickens poster that you painted are you going to add this one to like the Jim Higgins poster lineup just keep adding them until they get worse and worse oh you're a genius I'm committing murder and I love it all this like we're just gonna class over that who is giving me soup there's no inventory yeah I either have beetroot soup mushroom stew or notes that say stuff like soup is magic and soup is eternal and I actually really want to go to Supermax now we're gonna do after popping the Dublin them I've never been is it only in Dublin or is it everywhere I assume there's one in core I know it's everywhere yeah it will be down there in Cork Kevin plays Kevin I've never been to one you gotta go how wet or dry is there food like an aviary cost I love Kevin above the goose oh I bet it's sarcastic before we actually started the stream in the recording Kevin was like guys I [ __ ] the looks they're just trying to like test their audio on everything just wouldn't shut off of it soon for some reason how he's done you need to go back fair to see the actual like the proper behind us now I don't have my glasses on and playing pixel waluigi complete with nipples is complete oh that is beautiful my rich but you know just pasty lanky man pickins faces most excited you've been on like great food at affordable prices if I gotta go see the 1916 rising I want to see how that panned out I think the boys actually really well drawn a jacksepticeye thing thank you it's very flattering I appreciated and of course the massive shadow goes to all your stance holding the burn in UK black and for everyone who didn't make soup massive shout out to you really appreciate ESCO who's taking the picture I'll be taking it but you won't have to be in it I know I always take the picture of Jesus jack is just completely buried I can say I'm here can you see me your mom I'm here just be taller come on YouTube history yes the most ambitious crossover shout-out to patreon soldier fortune Adam Cody Ruth almighty peanut amanda gold fair mber Yuans daughter anaconda Kiwi Andrew white angel Reyes anamarie and ed Kowalczyk Ariel Kalman Ashley Oh Morgan Ashley Murphy Ozzy demon Avery Morin Azalea bacon boy big spicy tuna 69 Birch Valley Bjorn blossom possum cosplay Brannon krobak Brandon Grenier and Bri
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,433,727
Rating: 4.9781961 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, minecraft callmekevin, minecraft rtgame, minecraft jacksepticeye, minecraft ireland, minecraft irish, minecraft server, minecraft funny moments, minecraft funny, minecraft callmekevin jacksepticeye, minecraft callmekevin rtgame, minecraft with viewers, minecraft twitch, minecraft 2019, rt game, jacksepticeye
Id: I0wzZNdLqxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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