Three iPhone 6/6s repairs from Friday. Unedited with juicy mistakes

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yes the time has come the time has come for me to record and long long-winded video without editing see this week has been absolutely completely totally crazy my job queue has swelled once again back up over gosh I don't know maybe 70 or 90 yeah I'd have to go look and see but I'm keeping a good handle on it however as thankful as I am for all of your referrals I feel like I'm I'm neglecting my YouTube audience so today I'm gonna record a video and I'm gonna post it I don't care what happens so hopefully these phones that I'm gonna work through are gonna work out okay I don't have anything specific because to be a hundred percent honest on my shelves right now I've got no power no image no power no image no image no image no touch no touch no touch no image no image no image no power back light no image it's just seriously it's all the same things over and over and over and over and over so what I've done here I've picked out a handful of phones here to do in this video I'm gonna do a 6s it's marked as image backlight I'm gonna do a six that's marked as image backlight and we'll see there's two of them and then I've got another six here that's marked as no power I'm not sure how far I'm gonna go with this because today is Friday it's early afternoon I have had the most profitable week profitable week that I have had in my entire life and I'm feeling pretty good about it if it wasn't for being so behind on the job queue let me take that back I'm not behind okay maybe on some devices I'm behind but if it wasn't for having so many devices in line for service I would be taking off work right now and going and playing playing something I'd be doing something else but I've got a lot of stuff to fix so I'm gonna go ahead and do this video and I'm gonna fix something I hope while I record this video so the first phone in line here is an iPhone 6s this iPhone 6s was sent here because it has no image and before I do something really really dumb I am gonna go pull up the history on this phone first and read what was said about this phone because that's where the repair begins so eight yes let's see here you know what I forgot a big step of this video so let me go ahead and see what's said about this phone then I'm gonna sidetrack you for just a minute there's a lot of you that won't like this but I'm gonna go ahead and do it anyways because this microscope has been driving me absolutely crazy and I have recorded a couple videos they just turned out so bad that they're just not not watchable like this thing was blurry the whole time and we're gonna fix that before I begin this repair let's see it is recognized by iTunes it had a cracked screen and I had a little puff of smoke okay so this is most likely gonna be FL 42:11 I bet you bet you but before we do that let me fix my damn microscope because I am absolutely tired of fighting with a blurry image and what's happened here over time is that the somehow either the eyepiece distance the focal I don't know what I'm talking about so just skip past anything technical that I say from here until about 20 minutes into the video this thing has drifted over time I did have it in sync pretty well to wear what I see with my eyes was that was the same as what you see in the camera but now when the cameras in focus my eyes aren't and when my eyes are in focus the camera's not so I'm gonna fix that first the microscope that I'm using it came with this crappy really crappy slide thing that would allow dust to get in and because of that I wrapped it up in tape should probably do this before I started my video but you know what I have not posted a video in almost two weeks people are probably thinking I gave up and quit so this videos going up guys I don't care if I open every one of these phones and they're all no fix I'm still gonna post this but what I can't post is a repair where the entire microscope is out of focus like the whole thing it's like why anyways so let's fix it I am gonna switch you over to let's see let's grab us a test specimen here this is a beautiful iPhone logic board and we're gonna switch this thing over to the microscope so that you can see the microscope and what good would this video be if you you couldn't see me at the same time yeah who's gonna want that so I am going to let's pick out something let's see should we use the battery connector the thoroughly burnt battery connector no let's pick out something that's a little more crisp let's grab this broken coil okay how am I gonna do this um let's see right now my eyepieces they are focused all the way in clock wise they are screwed down as far as they'll go and it's not quite enough I need to be able to back them off some so what I'm gonna do let's see let's I'm gonna back my eyepieces out let's see did they go a full turn I think they're actually a little more than a full turn so I'm gonna go all the way in and I'm gonna back on both out I'm probably doing this really really wrong is there anything to mark I'm gonna go say a half a turn there's something I can use so I'm gonna go a half a turn on my right eyepiece half a turn on my left eyepiece and I am gonna focus my eyepiece is clear okay so now what I see is crystal clear alright I know what you see see it's crap now I'm gonna loosen up this goofy-looking screw thing and I'm gonna let this trinocular port slide oh gosh I actually got to go higher I was hoping I was gonna be going okay now I'm not expecting them to get to match right off the bat because I cannot fine tune like this big o thing that came on this microscope that came with this microscope it just got this big set screw on the side and a slider that slides up and down there's not any sort of fine-tuning so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna lock that down tight and then I'm gonna do the fine-tuning right here with the eyepieces so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna switch it back over to the microscope so I can see what the microscope camera is capturing I am gonna focus this to the point where I believe it's clear on the screen okay and let's go I'm gonna go with the my main focal point here I'm gonna go do this I'm gonna go for these two caps and this probably inductor or whatever it is so let's focus it clear on those I've really got to upgrade capture Hardware I'm still capturing with USB this microscope camera I have used HDMI output on it and I just I think it's really really really crappy it's actually worse than USB it's really noisy I think the compression of the USB actually helps suppress some of the noise that's probably about as clear as I'm gonna get this so now that I've got the focus tuned in for the camera I'm gonna fix it for my eyes okay so now what I'm seeing with my eyes is in focus and what I'm seeing on the screen is in focus let's test it let's have a look at UM let's see here is there anything cleaner let's just go down here oh this is a lot worse all right I'm gonna zoom in and I'm gonna say okay this is where I would stop okay how far out is that we're fairly clear on the screen fairly clear my eyepieces I should probably clean it all but that is a heck of a lot better than what it was so let me cover up my dust crack here I have to say I like the the setup that Paul Daniels has quite a bit better I think he has maybe a little bit more or a little bit less reduction on his adapter and the way he has his setup let's see this other way he don't have what he calls this big rooster tail on top it's a really short assembly and I like that it's a miracle I've never broken this off by catching my arm on it so all I'm doing right now this adapter has a slot on the side of it and I'm covering up that slot because if anybody who is watching this has ever installed screens on an iPad if there is so much as even the slightest little bit of a hole open dust will find you and it will get in there and you'll have one little fiber from the front-facing camera lens that wasn't there right before you sealed it but once you peel all the adhesive tabs back and then seal the iPad that's when that piece of dust is gonna be right in front of the camera alright so I've got my microscope fixed should we fix something let's fix this iPhone 6's that was sent here for no backlight all right so let's grab the phone out of here scoot the microscope off to the side grab me a magnet pad and switch the cameras over to my hands so you can actually see what I'm doing and hopefully this camera will keep things in focus I've been doing lots of backlight rebuilds my bench is covered and backlight rebuild dust all right are we in focus are we set to autofocus we're not that's probably a good thing let's pull this phone apart this is an iPhone 6s that had no backlight after a screen replacement we are most likely going to be pulling this apart and replacing FL 42:11 well this is extra hard to do and to do in front of a camera don't anybody watch the way I just took that phone apart because that was excruciating Lisa what I'm gonna watch my mouth okay I'm not gonna I'm not gonna cuss there's a few things that I want to talk about that I'm gonna be changing on this YouTube channel one of them is categories I'm gonna be adding categories for different types of videos because I'm gonna start posting some short repair videos but another thing is that I'm gonna be cleaning up the way I talk just a little bit and I'm gonna experiment around with this not suitable for most advertisers stuff because I have gotten a couple videos flagged but they're like whenever I do file the dispute it's like resolved within usually just a few hours they resolve it really quick and you cannot count the number of times that I cuss on these videos and they're perfectly suitable for all advertisers so I don't know exactly what criteria is getting people flagged for that just yet but I have seen some pretty dang clean videos get flagged but let's not let let's move on with this repair you guys are here to watch me fix this phone and I don't know if you've seen what I just seen this lets get a handle on my focus here because you're you're gonna want to see this let's go to about right there look at the way these ribbons are oh that's terrible hang on maybe we'll just let autofocus run my life here okay I can't even really decide why that's like that that's actually that that's a little bit scary let's continue taking the screws out of this okay let's see how he's putting my pendulums up here just here and hopefully because I've got it something pointed at me recording I'm not going to do too much stupid stuff like forget to turn a camera on or record the whole entire thing with the microscope off some youtuber came press record on the camera alright those cables are folded in a really weird way can you even can you see this enough to appreciate like what in what am I even looking at any idea what I'm looking at I don't know what I'm looking at yet I really don't so let's go ahead and continue disconnecting this beginning with the battery yeah yeah yeah this isn't gonna be no fancy edited video because I am running very thin on energy this Friday yeah this got these cables out of order that's what it is they get the whole entire screen assembly put together wrong and so we'll correct that in a minute we're not gonna use that crap anyway so let's throw the screen assembly aside and let's slip over here and have a look under my newly calibrated microscope and see if I can put this in focus for you we're gonna go right down to FL 42 11 because FL 42 11 is blown okay I think I might have actually reduced my reduction or something up I don't know all right so four FL 4211 the first thing I do is strap the board down to the table just a smidgen so we got the board the whole entire phone you see what I'm doing I don't have a camera here to where you can actually see this but I'm gonna record it anyways so that I should probably buy me a little dispenser for that stuff all right I'm gonna get a couple of things out of the way here I'm going to disconnect our front camera I'm going to disconnect the back camera I'm gonna go ahead and remove this entire sticky pad because I will be doing this with hot air you know you can probably skip this step and just do this with your iron like I have did these with just the micro pencil but I don't know I like to switch it over to let it solder and then do it with hot air okay so the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm I'm a damn blade go all right I'm gonna take a piece of captain tape and I'm gonna slide it right over the top of this mess leaving FL 42:11 open now I only use captain tape like this if I'm not going to be floating everything and that's my intentions here is to not float everything and the Kapton tape it'll keep it keeps me from singeing the connectors and making this just kind of look overall bad newly calibrated microscope what the what's going on here it seems to change this in ways I wouldn't expect it I think I've got some lighting changes to make you know this channel is approaching twenty thousand subs which I am really really really grateful for but I'm gonna have to make some equipment changes because it's time this pays my bills this keeps repairs coming in and it's largely repair shops that are sending this business here I didn't I didn't lay my finger on this here until just recently but I would say 74 75 percent of the business coming in from YouTube is due to other repair shops that watch my channel and they wind up with customers in situations that that they need micro sorry and they wind up sendin people here it's like it's a really big deal so thank you thank you all for your referrals that is very very very much appreciated let's see you just about got this dug out of here I'm trying to get this out of here without tearing the pad that it's dangling from off so let's stop right there I'm gonna add oh it looks terrible what what's going on is this thing all the whole thing is crooked Oh all right so let's tear FL 4211 off the board and let's try to do it without destroying the pad and to do that I like to raise the temperature up just a smidgen with hot air and then I'm gonna stick my micro pencil to one side of it the side that's still stuck and it'll pop right over there with my micro pencil and I'm gonna put a little more flux down in there and I'm gonna fluff up these pads a little bit with some let it solder and also see if there's anything else hanging around down in there it ain't supposed to be there okay and with that like that I'm gonna grab me a backlight filter 1 0 1 0 0 5 yeah get a lot of people asking me where I order these small components I season things I primarily get on a light Aliexpress unless I need them quickly then I would buy them from somebody locally here in the United States such as Rossmann supply whenever it comes to stuff like this backlight filter that I'm installing right here I would order these from digi-key and you don't there's no minimum order on a lot of this stuff so it's you know anybody can order from my last order had 600 components and I spent about 60 bucks so it's really really really reasonable to go that route okay and I did get a little air there on the connector so let's let's just ignore that pretend like you didn't didn't see that okay you see just at that spot where the connector is exposed is where it's singed yeah we'll tell you we're just gonna leave it like that that was sloppy as hell and I will tell you it's that sloppy because I'm recording a video no two ways about it so let's clean that up a little bit that's really really bad huh ah yeah so when you're sending things here for repair and you feel like I have half at something just know this I cannot live with half-ass it drives me crazy I nitpick I clean I scrub and I nitpick and I make sure things are right and this filter installation that I just did looks like complete total garbage it'll most likely I mean that right there would most likely be completely electrically functional and not have any issues at all but it's just it's it's supposed to be even with this other chip and this other filter or whatever up here is and I just I can't I can't live with this I'll have nightmares okay there it is on the pad I think there was a piece of debris or something in the way before and it you know that's probably a really really really tiny job to be using hot air on but seriously it is tough to get down in between other stuff that's around this and it's really just not not something I want to do a little more hot air on that connector than what I would care to see let's get our fuzz off of it I seriously lose like all all self-control and things whenever I know I'm recording like this week has been the best week that I've had in my entire career I've never had a more more successful week as far as income goes so it's really really really awesome and still with the level of confidence that I'm floating around here with I still have issues doing this on camera it's it's ridiculous it screws everything up now while I was doing that just now I accidentally floated this little doohickey up here at the top left corner it's like an antenna you know it's some sort of a connection I tell you it's not ground I'm not sure what it is so let's go ahead I'm gonna sit it back down on its pad with hot air when I also broke it loose here as well am I getting all this on camera am I getting all my nitpicking on camera watching me screw up a phone and then and then fix it yeah maybe just maybe maybe if everybody if everybody begs me enough I'll post the video where I install tristar 90 degrees out fixed it the phone still didn't boot and then I figured out that the problem was a VC C main short all the whole entire time now I'm not just somebody sitting around here fixing phones I I just crossed over a job ID 4140 or something and whenever I started taking mail in repairs which is all logic board repairs I was at job ID 2000 so local business stopped at 2000 Mahlon only started at 2000 and I'm at 4100 so since I started doing mail in only I'm at like you know I've done I fixed I have Pross I can't say fixed I have processed more than 2000 devices so for me to sit and install tristar ninety degrees out on a phone that had VCC main shirt yeah yeah I did that now I don't know if I'm gonna post it or not that's pretty bad that that that's really bad let's see so I straightened my screw up here we've got the filter replaced I am gonna go ahead I'm gonna put this screw back in the phone you know we're on autofocus right one day one day whenever I start making more money on YouTube then I do fixing phones I might actually buy a camera okay Auto folk this camera's not there's something wrong with it I'm either way out or not far enough I can't focus this thing even manually so okay I'm gonna go ahead we're just gonna put this phone back together really quick and then I'm gonna see if I can get this thing maybe after it sits there for a minute it'll fix itself because now we have to fix the screen assembly before this repair is done yeah this is the really of really the end of a really enthusiastic week it's been an awesome week I have felt like I'm neglecting my YouTube viewers which I I do apologize for because you guys are the reason why I'm able to sit here and fix phones all day long which is totally cool let's see let's grab their screen assembly and see if we can't see what went wrong here can I do anything with this stupid camera see if I can see if we can fix the screen assembly hey that's not bad so I think what's going on here is they just got their flex cables they're folded out order and they're folded out of order in a way that they are on top of each other so in order for this to work we need this one should have been on bottom right or the next one yeah it should have been below this flex so if we just fold this up like that and fold those around then that actually puts all those in the right spot and being that I do nitpick quite a lot it's I'm sitting here questioning whether or not I'm gonna take this entire you know take this apart pull the bracket off and put this under the bracket the way that it's supposed to be or if I'm gonna leave it just like it is I'll tell you what let's test the screen assembly first let's test this assembly and and see so I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna hook let's do it up here yeah yeah battery and no smoke no smoke right no smoke okay no smoke and then the next thing I'm going to do the next thing I'm gonna do let's plug power to it bet you we get a buck okay so this screen assembly is most likely gonna be fine let's check touch almost shipping cutoff time let's wait for this phone to boot you can see it boot here yeah it has been tricky territory for me to try to record videos and I am thankful that the YouTube platform seems a little bit geared toward the way creativity works like you don't always feel like doing it you can't always do it and one thing that I have noticed is like I haven't posted a video in about two weeks and one thing that I've noticed is that my stats are just like completely totally flat there's no fall there might even actually be a little bit of a climb so I guess what I'm trying to say is that at a time whenever I feel like the YouTube world should be falling out from under my feet for not posting in two weeks it's not the case at all it's just it's right there where I left it and that's that's totally cool why did this go off oh cuz it fully booted sweet oh no touch wait all right we have touch yeah emergency yeah can we save touch yeah we have touch okay so we're gonna go ahead and slide to power off and because I am a compulsive idiot I'm gonna fix the screen assembly whenever this really came in just for a backlight repair so I'm gonna go ahead now we're gonna disconnect the screen or should I just leave it like that it's not gonna hurt anything there's nothing wrong with that being like that right nothing wrong with that being like that oh meditation oh I've been trying to get myself a little bit of therapy when shit really don't matter to just move on and that's part of the reason why this has been one of the best weeks I've ever had as far as money goes so let's put this phone back together okay we're gonna go ahead now we're gonna hook up we're gonna hook up the display connector here thoroughly crooked before we hook the the power up just to be sure that we get as much smoke as possible we're on there straight the cathodes and anodes are conveniently directly next to each other and it's like if there's any way other than perfect that you connect the screen you wind up with smoke okay so let's go ahead now we're gonna put the battery Dicky back on there yeah this is at a point in my day here on a Friday where I could just I could just quit and not do any more but there are so many people that would like to have answers from me before the weekend that that is excruciating ly difficult to do you're probably not gonna learn anything from this video I don't have any insightful rant or words of wisdom other than keep track of your screws and stay focused focus is a big big big big deal but I'm not gonna go into anything like that today I'm just gonna fix phones I'm gonna finish out my Friday and then this evening I'm gonna go eat steak I am gonna get me a juicy steak from somewhere and I'm gonna order it medium-rare they are gonna bring it out cooked medium well and I'm not gonna gripe about it I'm gonna sit and eat it anyways because it's gonna be good I don't care they always asked me to cut into my steak could you cut into your steak like that's like did they mistake me for an asshole like when they asked me to cut into my steak it's like I always tell them I don't care if it's cooked wrong I'm still gonna eat it coming out of that I'm not an asshole I have been to the restaurant with assholes and it is no fun okay well there's our screws back in this one you didn't watch me do that I always used proper proper nothing but proper cleaning solution my phones here oh that's nasty alright my breaths not gonna do the trick we're gonna use isopropyl ninety-one because this phone has got some really really nasty funk on it I just almost splashed that bottle in my eye I got a drop that hit me right here just now that would have been smooth okay so that phone is now fully reassembled the flex cable little folding issue there is not a non-issue it's a non-issue this phone I do not have a passcode for it however I'm gonna recommend on full testing that's what I do whenever the passcode is not provided like I don't demand that you do give the passcode over but I do I do strongly suggest it before sending it back that way if somebody gets it back and they say my front camera didn't work I can go back and look and say the flex cable was replaced and I suggest that that we really needed to test it now I'm not gonna be a jerk I'm still gonna fix it if you send it back to me but it cuts us out of this back and forth time and then you're without your phone for a lot longer so push the power button next up for this phone is a charger so we're gonna sit this on a charger right over here out of the way charging staging area here before the customer gets billed to make sure okay and let's move on to our next repair the next repair on the table here is an iPhone 6 that says that we have no backlight or no image I'm gonna do the I'm gonna do the same thing for this one I'm gonna pull them up I'm thoroughly thankful this for this ticket system I have had a lot of people try to get me to switch to repair shop er but I feel like if I did I would wind up spending a bunch of time directly communicating with people because this thing really really it really helps me a lot this past Monday when I got up I had thirty nine open tickets so it was like coming into the shop and having 39 people standing in a line already to have their service as soon as the doors open and if I had to sit and respond to 39 people it would have been it would have taken me all day long and I wouldn't have made I would penny because out of 39 people I'd only issued 13 job IDs now a lot of people are confused as to why they have a ticket number and a job ID well my ticket system you'll notice it says requests well that's like requests that's that's like a phone call that's a direct line of communication and I look at those requests and we see what it is that you're asking for and if it's something that we can help you with then we give you a job number to put on it and then and then send it in and I do ask that nothing gets sent without a job ID and that's because there's a lot of stuff that I have to turn away and this this really really really works out good for me we quit taking phone calls a lot of you might not realize this but I quit taking phone calls December of last year we started kind of letting things fizzle and go to voicemail because it was all hey dude I'm watching your video and hey dude I'm on your YouTube channel and it got to where I was on the phone all the time and I'm not the type of person that would just say look I'm busy and hang up you know these people they're calling me because they're my fan they they like me they're looking up to me and they're calling me for help so whenever they'd get me on the phone a lot of times it would consume a half hour an hour and it just it got to be a really big problem and there got to be so much coming in that it was difficult to pick out the legitimate work from from YouTube fans and the same is still true now my email box is totally flooded with stuff and if you do need to get my attention if you've got something that you want me to work on I highly highly highly suggest that you use the ticket system because emails are becoming they're getting overlooked more and more often I've got filters and things set up to be sure that I don't miss important ticket notifications and things but if you're somebody that's wanting me to like talk about something on the YouTube channel or manat sure where I'm going with this but email is a really really really bad way to get a hold of me I read a lot of them but there are so many that I just I cannot possibly respond to them all and it's it's it's really awesome I'm not complaining I really like what YouTube's handed me here and if it wasn't for everybody clicking like and and recommendations and stuff I wouldn't have all these devices piling in and I wouldn't be sitting here doing this so okay this is an iPhone 6 that came in for backlight and image I'm gonna click over to his original request and see what was said about this thing because I don't have that transferring over to the job just yet but I will this thing worked after a screen replacement for a half a day and then it died so this is an iPhone 6 it went in for a screen replacement it worked for a half a day and then it died so let's see what we were up against did I just repeat myself oh no hey at least you're not seeing me sit around mukbang huh you you just wait and see if if everything goes to crap if the iPhone X rings everybody's life then I'm gonna be left with muck banging and sit around mukbang let's talk about another youtuber for a minute Eli the computer guy oh this is annoying what am i doing seems to be turning things around the guy went through a major major major crisis where everything just started falling around I gotta say I really look up to this I like what this guy has done I like that he's been able to take and form his channel around one type of video you know tech tech genre but I feel like he has you know his videos were about his living he was making videos about what he does for a living but you reach a point where your YouTube income might out way what you do for a living so you stop doing what it is that you do for a living and you start doing only YouTube and I think that leaves you in a position where you've essentially taken away the thing that it is that you that was the very essence of your videos like for me I'm not making a lot of money off of my YouTube channel I make between 500 and 800 dollars a month that's 250 on YouTube ad revenue and I make oh my Amazon revenue fluctuates between four and six hundred it's actually pretty decent decent money for somebody with just under 20 thousand subs so let's say my YouTube income starts to be so great that I say you know what screw all this I don't want to work on phones anymore I'm making good enough money on YouTube well if I do that nice short screw that's for that I am thankful if I do that then I don't have anything to make videos about like this very thing that has given me this inner fire this inner spark that makes me want to show the world what it is that I'm doing this very thing that made me have the most successful week this week that I've had in my whole entire career I I don't know where I'm going with this but if I quit doing this to do that well what am I gonna do with that what am I gonna record I guess I could just start muck banging and that is sort of what UI is done it seems like and for that I have got mad respect I sat back and I'm still sort of watching quietly I've watched this dude's subscriber count for a month just tumble into nut-like not nothingness but like just serious subscriber losses and the social blade stats don't even know what to do with it but then all of a sudden there's a floor and a rebound and instead of getting 75 likes or 75 dislikes and 25 likes it started to shift so he's like he's got rid of this excess baggage and not excess baggage but he's gotten rid of the hater and the people that want to sit and watch him mukbang and talk about things they've stayed on board so what's happened is the number of likes are going down but dislikes are going down and the number of likes are coming up and this dude is like changing gears for his channel and he seems to be doing it successfully at anyways I I don't want to rile up any hornet's nest because I've got mad respect for this dude and I know him and Rosslyn they've they've had their moments and I want to stay the hell out of that but I can see things in the way he has went with his channel in his career that could be comparable to what I'm doing with my channel in my career and it's given me some red flags to sort of look out for and I really really really love repair I love fixing smartphones I am not intimidated intimidated by the iPhone X and the sandwich board design I get I cannot wait for you to send me one of those send me your iPhone X I can't wait to look at this thing it looks like a work of art so enough about Eli enough about Lewis let's fix another backlight filter let's have a look at this iPhone 6 this iPhone 6 had the screen replace and it worked for it was actually replaced at a shop and it worked for half a day and then it quit so let's see after a half a day let's have a look at the backlight filter FL 2024 okay FL 2024 is going to be fine says my eyeballs and now I am going to I'm going to turn on the meter here and we're gonna check and see if we have a short to ground and because I'm not prepared for this video I don't have anything ready so we're gonna check and see if we have a short to ground I still use continuity mode because I think in continuity mode electricity works in continuity mode whenever you are talking about electricity and figuring of circuits and load you're gonna use Ohm's law and Ohm's law is it's the way I think if I look at something and I know that there is a there is 2 ohms worth of connected continuity then I know what 5 volts is gonna do do through that it's it's it's predictable for me I imagine with diode mode once you got experience enough with it you would know what sort of a voltage drop you would develop the same sort of way of thinking but I have learned entirely in ohms mode and well not in ohms mode but I think in Ohm's law like up my brain is hard coded for Ohm's law because this device this device works based entirely upon Ohm's law that that's the way electricity works and if you get a low level understanding of Ohm's law then you wind up being able to understand how to troubleshoot pretty well anything so I'm not gonna go into that I'm actually gonna save that for a different video I'm working on we're gonna save that for a different video let's go ahead and look at this phone here so we should have the meter up on the screen if not we're getting ready - yes I love continuity mode although I'm afraid because of worldly data I'm gonna be stuck learning differently so ok so let's see the first thing I'm going to do is check and see if we've got a short on backlight anode I bet you we do all right we've got a 2 ohms short to ground on backlight and mode which means that this phone is going to require a full backlight rebuild because the backlight anode is shorted I'm not gonna go into I'm not gonna pull up schematics and go very deep into this if you wish on your own time pull up the iPhone 6 schematic PDF is freely available on the internet all over the place before this is gonna be a lengthy one I better check and see what my message is from life harsh oh ok soo well SIM card out I guess it's ok and focused the white balance is all over the place let's try not to do anything I'm just gonna continue wearing mine funky nasty gloves with my phone sticking out ok for those of you who seriously keep telling me to use a plastic pry tool because I'm going to short out the motherboard if you have disconnected the battery the way that you should have please somebody I'm begging you tell me how you can short out anything without any electricity da-da-da-dah yes I have develops quite a bit of respect for Eli and to see his determination and to charge forward whenever seventy-five percent of people are saying no is really really very inspiring I have got a fly here that's driving me crazy how come every time I go to record a video I wind up with a fly picking on me okay we've just about got the board out of this thing we're gonna try to do this back like rebuild here in about 20 minutes we got the board out of it slide the screws out of the way now the next step for me on a backlight rebuild is to pull these shield off now what's happened here is that one of the a output caps on the backlight circuit is became shorted and when that happens it doesn't blow the backlight filter out by the connector it blows everything else it like it blows everything but the filter now you can get away with leaving the driver on the board but I don't feel like it's worth chance in it I'm still waiting on my hot air to heat up alright there's 300 si 325 330 alright let's move in and take this shield off yes so rather than blowing the filter it smokes everything else and the iPhone 6s still does the same thing because there's ceramic caps and ceramic caps short I mean it just it happens so I'm gonna anchor this PCB down to the table and I'm gonna switch you over to the microscope and as you can see here right away the coil is things see we've got coil usage we've got a smoke diode and if you look really close a lot of times you can find which cap that it is you know it's one of these three caps one two three one of those three caps is hosed and shorted and when that happens it blows out the rest of the backlight circuit so look at the schematic I'm not gonna go into schematics right now because I'm just gonna fix this when I run into this the first thing that I do is start to tear it apart I'm gonna make sure that you've got the camera here just as I do and we're gonna start picking away at this thing so I'm gonna clear back this rubbery stuff now I do have my temperature set ridiculously high for what I'm doing I never lower it I just pull the nozzle away a little farther and if you're listening you can hear the salts that's that's me working the temperature and you get a real good feel of this stuff sit around do this all day long you get an excellent temperature if you feel your temperature now one thing I am going to be very cautious of here is that over here nearby under this little blob of goop is the is a power supply for the fingerprint sensor and if you refloat that dude you'll wind up with a phone that doesn't have a fingerprint sensor and you have to take that off where you ball it and put it back on so I'm gonna be trying to do this without floating that little dude alright we've just about got the caps cleared back I'm gonna go ahead and pull the coil off and once in a while I can get this off in one piece usually not now I'm gonna cover up our little fingerprint our touch ID supply over here different shield because I really don't want to have to reball that thing or replace it probably be replacing because I seem to always crack them that's probably good all right now we are going to remove the coil aw seriously serenity now we have to say serenity now I love Seinfeld all right so let's bake the shit out of this and let's pop that coil up yes the CPU can CPU stupid as CPU CPUs are always getting in the way of my hot air who put that CPU there all right let's get the driver off the board I'm shit my LD O's came on shielded huh I should probably just put a piece of tape over it yeah okay so we're gonna put tape over the LD e oh now we're gonna remove the backlight driver and I'm gonna take my blade here and I'm a poke at it until I feel a ball melt very carefully now there are pins under this backlight driver that will ruin your life when you have to run a jumper to them so just don't don't tear any pads here I'm waiting until things are thoroughly melted and I'm gonna lift it up there we go barely yeah a little too hot a tiny tiny too bit too tiny bit too hot you know we've got a CPU as a neighbor here so let's be careful of the CPU as much as I would like to show you this in better focus I have to do this while the board's still hot so at this point I'm going to go ahead and add some flux to this and I'm gonna clear off the pads for the driver and I'm doing this first because what am I feeling so debris on my tip let me kick off my tip I'm doing this first because I don't want to accidentally tear any pads and there are some of those lines that you'll have to wind up hold and touch I seized off the other side of the board and run a jumpers and crazy stuff if you tear them don't ask me how I know that okay so I'm gonna add a little bit of flux over here to these caps and I'm gonna pull all of our backlight caps off the board I don't know which one shorted I just know one of them is so we're gonna get rid of all of them we're gonna go one two three all right so there's all of our backlight caps off the board and now we're gonna add some let it solder to everybody now I figured out that little if you can use solder more sparingly here on these caps they'll give you less grief and you'll also notice how easy they're melting now and that's because they are let it solder now instead of lead-free and it has a significantly lower melting point all right so let's add a little more flux to our other stuff and we're gonna get some leaded on the pads for the diode here and then some let it on our coil pads now we're gonna clean it up and we want to make sure there's no obstacles we don't want anything sticking up that's gonna block a ball on our driver we don't want any any goop over here that's gonna stop us from sitting the cap down on the board straight I am planning to post this unedited so this will probably be fairly long okay so we're fairly well cleaned up there the first thing I'm going to do here at this point I'm gonna put the caps back on the board okay let's see I have got I've got to make time to organize was that all that was overpriced 6s diodes alright so these are gonna be twenty five volt caps there are two point two micro farad 25 volts so there are backlight caps while we got this out I'm going to go ahead and grab these which are my backlight coils I wound up substituting backlight coils because I was not able to get an exact match from digi-key so I only ordered just a few of them these are my substitute backlight coils and they work really well so let's set those aside we got our caps coils these are diodes we're gonna grab our backlight diodes oh this this is embarrassing I show everybody that all the time like I'm actually gonna change the way I do it one day I'll probably always keep all my crap in a basket like that okay so there's our we got our our coils diode caps what are we missing off drivers okay let's grab our it's funny I put a smiley face on my Tristar package I love getting Tristar I sees in the mail right here is U 1502 now these I order from Aliexpress unless I need them quick I'll order them here inside the United States but I gotta say I have had one hell of an issue with three bald backlight drivers here in the United States they're like 45% bad almost half of them are always bad whenever they come and they re bald and nasty I don't care if these are rebuild they look really good they work really good so let's go ahead and set those here we are ready for caps so I'm gonna take and I'm gonna open up my package here yeah I'm gonna open up my package people get your mind out of gutter peel this back we're gonna three of them because we need three and I'm gonna dump three of them out on the table right here okay so switch you back to the microscope and let's put these three caps on the board to do that I'm gonna add a tiny bit of tiniest bit of flux oh man and I don't like I don't know if you can see this or not because the Lighting's bad but I do not like for anything to block these caps these things will get you're getting a situation where they're dancing together and it is a pain in the ass it's alright for these three to touch just not on either side all right so let's grab our first capacity' 25 volt 25 volt arena's now 25 volts through a 1 amp ohm 1 ohm load is gonna produce 25 amps it's very very predictable ok so we're gonna set that there let's grab another one here a little sit right here yes I am hard-coded 4 ohms law I think in Ohm's law and I use that for like detective work okay we're gonna stop right that and we're gonna set our next one down that haha just as I was about to look like I've done this before okay that cap most likely got blown into the 12th dimension and we're just gonna grab another one because it's not worth two cents of my time to find it or my time is worth more than two cents so we're just gonna stick another one on here and hopefully I don't wind up eating that one okay yes let's mukbang anybody in favor of muck banging please tell me in the comments below all right now we're gonna be very careful here because I don't want to screw up touch ID so we're gonna float these caps one last time the backside here is our hot anode side the front side is ground so the front side has not been floated yet let's get a little bit closer and photograph my finalizing move on these caps I could probably do this when I put the driver on but I like you know not too much it wants okay here we go yeah we are those caps are on the board we're not gonna go any farther than that because we don't want to screw up touch ID all right so let's go ahead the next thing I'm gonna put on this board is a diode try to use only one diode which means not losing any diodes go good enough for me all right let's get a driver on here that diode will set itself right where it needs to be here in just a minute so let's grab one of our beautiful brand-new looking backlight drivers which I'm gonna go back to the cellar immediately and order a whole bunch more of them because these actually wind up really good we're gonna line up pin one where pin one goes yeah we're gonna set this little dude right down in here where it goes yeah it carefully no I don't I should probably reball this with lit look okay that one gets thrown aside because I in overly-confident and I messed it up so let's go ahead and clear these pads off once more and we'll grab this one more it's getting close to seriously how many of these am I going to go through to get one on the board okay here it is it's getting close to dinnertime and I'm starting to think oh no what if I botched this repair I look so skilled at this point if I screw up this driver I'm gonna look like a jackass all right so let's get this remotely aligned warm it slowly go a little hotter than I care to see what life's gonna go on okay let's get a little bit more let it solder down here it's not that much okay and then let's grab our our backlight coil I was gonna do one more repair after this one but I'm starting to get pretty hungry and like I said I could have quit at noon today and like I said I set daily minimums and goals for myself and things that I want to meet before I'm done like I get out of bed and I'll say I'm gonna do this today and by this I'm talking about like a dollar amount and this is my goal this today that was smashed by like 9 a.m. so I like I could have quit a long time ago I think I might stop after this and we'll see so here is here's the coil I'm gonna be installing on here it is a tiny tiny bit different now to find this on digi-key I put in all the specs I matched current I matched everything the hardest thing that I had to meet was height I could get dimensions square to where it would fit on the board this way but I was winding up with a half a millimeter or a millimeter taller and that's just out of my comfort zone so in order to get one that was this tall I had to settle for like 10 milliamps less of overall current and that that's perfectly fine I have used now let's see this is my fourth one of these and I've had these in production for a while I let's see the first one was done almost two months ago and that phone has never been seen again am I on the right camera yeah okay there we go so what we've done here we have replaced our backlight driver our diode and one two three output back light output caps now while this board is still hot I'm gonna clean this thing up I am going to take my tub of alcohol here god help me I didn't brake clutch ID I imagine I'm gonna get scolded quite a bit for not covering up the CPU sometimes I do sometimes I don't one thing that I can tell you without doubt is that that CPU is hooked to a massive amount of copper and it is like they God of dissipating heat so we're gonna take some alcohol here I just kind of brush this off I'm holding it up on its side because I'm trying not to get alcohol over the back of the board and discoloring the sticker you know the guy the YouTube repair tech that's always worried about the stickers yeah that's me so just slap this all in there I'm gonna take compressed air and we're gonna have one more look at this under the microscope and there you have it that is my backlight rebuild you can see there's a tiny bit of flux left between those caps that's okay we're not worried about those caps the little bit of fluxes between them unless I stare at it too long and then I'm gonna sit here and convince myself to alcohol this one more time and so the next thing I'm gonna do I'm gonna take my multimeter and I'm gonna put this thing in ohms mode and we're gonna check and see if we have any continuity to ground on anything first we test it here so you can see that my meter thinks the dead short is 2 ohms so we're gonna use that as a nice floor one day I'm gonna have to get the front meter and we're gonna check back light output right here and we get back light output is at all over the place now if we were using an analog meter you wouldn't have this all over the place reading stuff but it is because this is a digital meter it's like it's like trying to come up with some sort of a digital reference I I've been tempted for the sake in YouTube to go all analog and use all analog gauges because analog is the way I learned electricity I learned alternating current literally learned alternating current sitting here with an analog meter that would swing both ways swing both ways get it get your mind out of the gutter I'm trying to get I'm trying not to get I'm trying to be suitable for all advertisers but I learned about alternating current by hooking up my both ways swinging forward reverse meter to a copper winding with a magnet and I learned that whenever this magnet is in motion approaching it you get a push as the magnetic field explodes like I'm gonna try to word this right and then as the magnet goes traveling away you get this this implosion it I'm not I'm gonna save that for a different video as well because I'm doing a really really poor way describing that but I learned about all this stuff in analog and I learned to visualize magnetic fields and electricity in a way that back in my teens I experimented around with like hooking alternating current in series and when I say that actually using alternating current in series to where the voltage is multiplied just like DC would be on a battery and to get that way I didn't use an oscilloscope I used my little push-pull meter to visualize where the waveform was and this is how I learned this stuff so for me to convert over to diode mode I have just everything in my entire world has always been ohms mode and I guess one day I'll have to catch up with the rest of the world and start thinking differently so I'm gonna stop criticizing myself and I'm gonna put this iPhone 6 backlight repair back together there are parts up huh and we're gonna put the shield back on so yes I'm gonna put the shield back on before I test it how ballsy is that right so let's put our shield back on right there I like putting the shield back on because putting the shield back on dries all my alcohol and liquids and things that I put on this board all right we're at 150 see ya I do understand the concept of diode mode I understand we're measuring a voltage drop to ground but almost modal lets you like adapt to anything I guess I'm gonna have to learn more about diode like almost mode will let you adapt to anything if you know that this section of the circuit let's say that you have a one ant one ohm one OMA continuity between here and here you can measure knowing what the continuity there is you can have a predictable voltage drop in such a way that you can use a multimeter in voltage mode to measure amperage so I guess I'm probably gonna plan to have more of a video that's just like an overall general electronics talk I'd really like to talk to people about how it is that I came to think about electricity the way that I do because it's it's it's really pretty radically different than what you learn in textbooks although we all sort of come to the same conclusions and we know if you put a hundred volts through a 10 a 10 ohm load that you know bad stuffs gonna happen I'm I should save this for another talk I really should because I am somebody that dropped out of school and literally learned this stuff on my own and my methods and way of thinking about it are considerably different although we all come up with the same thing because the world revolves around Ohm's law you know this whole entire circuit board here every piece of this is Ohm's law and when you have a short to ground you have a zero ohm short to ground and Ohm's law says no matter how many volts you put through zero ohms you're gonna wind up with as many amps as your supply can deliver so amperage is a product of resistance versus voltage and if you know what your resistance is and what your voltage is then you know what your amperage is without ever even hooking power to it and I just I just I don't know how to do that in diode mode I don't are we still recording we are okay we're still recording I would okay so we have put the shield back on this thing we did a full rebuild on the back light circuit now me and my infinite confidence without testing anything I'm not gonna do a full reassemble I'm not that ballsy it only takes a couple seconds to pull that shield off but if the if the actual rebuild itself isn't right and I put this thing all the way back together that's gonna suck so I'm gonna grab a known good screen here only the finest of donor strains huh and I'm just gonna hook their battery straight up to it and then I'm gonna take and we're gonna connect a lightning cable and see if we get and I almost bet you we do oh you piece of crap wait you know what that's current no wait is that the screen with the bad backlight do not make me look like a fool I'm trying to read oh trying to look smart and rebuild a backlight Shh all right so let's hook it up to the supply we're gonna switch you back over here so that you can see my supply I am gonna make it so that you can see that phone and I'm gonna hook four volts to the battery rail we get zero amps at four volts which makes me realize that I don't think I have a VCC main ball touching anything is not supposed to and let's push the power button it's possible I've got a faulty lightning cable nope we get a blip-blip blip-blip blip-blip maybe I tore this one up alright so let's take it back apart and what we're gonna do now I'm gonna pull the backlight driver off and see if we get anything more than a blip blip blip blip blip because blip blip blip blip can be bad news it can be not so bad news but blip-blip blip-blip blip-blip makes me very concerned about either that driver itself because I've had bad drivers do this crap but it makes me concerned that I could have something going on with the i2c line under that so before this board cools off from pulling the shield I'm gonna swoop it right over here switch it over to the microscope and we're gonna grab a hold of this driver and pull it out okay let's cover up our touch ID area over here there you go now we're not worried about the CPU we're worried about touch ID oh yeah look at that mess I made under that driver look at this look at this alright this driver let's throw in the trash look at his mess I made under this driver holy crap Jason's human look at this Jason with STS completely screwed up and botched this backlight rebuild trying to show off on YouTube look at this guy screwed up ah let's see can I get in there with the micro pencil I might pull the coil out of the way let's see if I get in here we just want to level these pads out okay good enough let's grab us a backlight driver wait blip blip blip blip blip remember that blip blip blip blip blip okay let's make sure it boots before we put another backlight driver on this so to do that I'm not gonna hook a screen to it I'm just gonna set the board in the housing that we're gonna wait for it to cool off hook up our power button and what I'm testing for here I'm gonna make sure that we get a hundred Billy amps boom booting and go I want to make sure we've got something here other than blip blip blip blip blip because if we get blip blip blip blip me and my showing off and not shielding the CPU might have cooked CPU but I sorted out it I've done so so doubt it you have to use a lot of heat to cook a CPU yet these things are shipped here constantly with cooked CPUs so we get 100 milliamps we get 200 milliamps this phone's booting so the only thing wrong with it is me nothing's tore up so let's put a backlight driver on this and this time let's do it without screwing it up okay so I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna anchor this to the table right across the CPU I'm gonna put this little piece of metal hat cross touch ID I'm gonna take some flux and I'm gonna take this little bird off the corner of this backlight captain because I don't want it to join with the cap next to it and then we are gonna grab us another driver how many drivers have I used on this now like three well at least that last one I could probably have rebuild it but since it was all shorted out wonky I don't spend enough money on these things to worry that much about it I just threw that aside all right so let's start heating the warmer let's heat up our warm air you know since I'm using an AoE station I got warm air and not hot air it should stick and it did I'm gonna add just a little bit more flux I'm probably not gonna nudge it this - I'm not going to nudge it again this time let's warm this up slowly I see the leaded around it starting to melt so this shouldn't be far behind it here we go okay we're gonna call that on the board and you can see how long it takes this leaded solder around here to Reese elyda fie it shows you just how much farther you got to heat this stuff with lead-free solder it's it's sort of ridiculous it makes it makes a lot a lot of sense to switch your piece or whatever it is you're working on over to leaded before doing rework because you can do some really cool stuff with it like one of the last backlight videos I posted was doing a backlight rebuild on a 6s and I did it without replacing the driver because the driver is fine and the only way I was able to do that is by switching the areas that I was working on over the lead leaded and lowering the melting point so that I knew dengan well that my stuff was gonna melt before their stuff all right let's not be a jackass this time let's test this before I put this phone back together I mean before I put the shield back on here it was still pretty warm with my alcohol I'm not too worried about that all right so we're gonna take and only hook up the screen camera just to keep it from shorting anything out and let's see if we get a boot this time I'm gonna do it through the power supply because I am now paranoid and we get zero amps of current at 4 volts which is a very good sign then we're gonna push the power button and we get okay I'm not gonna wait for a full boot because I'm impatient I'm gonna go ahead and pull the board back out of this and put the shield back on it now there are some topside repairs where I'll pull the shield and not pull the board out because surprisingly enough you can do that without melting anything around it when without blowing up the battery but a full rebuild that's just that is a level of hot air rework where I'm just I'm gonna pull the board let's get our shield back on here I know I'm gonna forget like half of the things I said in this video until people start commenting and I'm gonna be like let's put our shield back oh I just will I just whispered the f-word I'm just I just became suitable for less advertisers not there yet there goes hmm wait all right let's start her down this side wait make sure we get our tongue didn't hurt wait all right now before I put all this back together I'm gonna give touch idea because if touch IDs loose I would rather fix that now and not after the board's reinstalled touch I miss correct it didn't I nope we're good infirm everywhere you touch that you'll leave a nick and that's a little out of focus I was just making sure that little shiny chip there didn't move whenever I touched it because if that thing is moving this thing's not scanning a fingerprint so let's go ahead and reassemble this phone this repair is going to be complete and this one is not due to the output getting shorted by a technician this one was messed up due to a ceramic capacitor that all the sudden decided it wanted to turn into a zero ohm resistor or probably really really really low ohms I don't know about zero but low okay so let's get let's put our screws back in this thing I will give you this view because it's probably less maddening [Music] yeah for everybody that has been thanking me for my edited videos I'm really sorry about this one but I'm not that sorry it was it's either posted this unedited or let it sit in the pile of stuff that's recorded and not posted because I've got several things now that have been recorded in ways that require editing in order for it to be posted as one file and it's been a couple of weeks since you guys have heard from me and I would like to get something posted so here are repairs that you've most likely already watched me do before only in this video I'm gonna be publishing this unedited so that you can see me botch the backlight repair but I feel like people might actually learn something I've learned something from that when I started doing that repair I had a really hard time doing it without screwing up touch ID and you know getting into situations where the little row of backlight out put caps there get all accordioned together and start snuggling up to the VCC main caps and that can be a bit of a pain in the neck to clean up once you get too much solder there and everything pushed together so it's really helpful to have the nice little nice little fluffs on top of the pads and then I like to stick those caps in there dry and then and then flux and float them all straight that way you're only heating all the way up one time and you're doing that once you've been switched over to let it so you're melting point is significantly lower I should do this under the microscope normally would but since I'm recording my mind is alright so let's get the screen assembly back on this one until the time checking for audio source just remembered I didn't verify that my microscope and everything was recording my sound which can make it a real real bear to take the sound that's right here and put it on what you're seeing there which okay I am gonna edit I am gonna edit I'm gonna take this sound and I'm gonna lay it over the video that you're seeing otherwise it's gonna sound like I'm out and like out on the other side of the lot and I'm talking to you from over there so I am gonna add it on account of sound I'm gonna put I'm gonna put decent audio on this video or at least I hope it's decent okay so you don't we've got a battery hooked up let's go ahead and get our top plate on here being very careful to pay attention to the order of the screws it's really simple the top screws you can have a little longer but none of the other screws you can they they have to be short and by short I'm talking short you know when you're taking one of these apart a lot of you watching this channel already know but if you're just somebody like replacing your sister's screen or whatever there's a big difference in this screw and the top left screw to the untrained eye they look about the same and it would thread in there and it would feel just okay but it's not it's not okay man okay all right backlight rebuilding this phone am I ever gonna change my glove no I'm not I'm not gonna change my glove and since this was a VCC main short the battery is probably better than empty strangely enough it's like they get shorted out all the way and it trips some safety mechanism like some breaker or something and then once the short is relieved and the battery gets a little bit of boost from the charger it pops right back up and it's it's good so this phone is fixed I'm gonna set this back in our basket we're going to get it on a charger and also before I completely switch devices here I would like to show you alright let's set that aside the next phone that I had in my stack here and the last one that I'm gonna record before I call him into this video I should probably stop right now because right now I look pretty good two in a row right let's do a third one this phone is an iPhone 6 that was sitting here for no power let me put up pick up my backlight rubbish here I've been doing backlight rebuilds for the last two days it seems like every one that I open needs a full rebuild and it leaves a lot of debris on the table so how much time okay I've been recording video for an hour and a half and I'm gonna do one more and then I'm gonna call it quits and then I'm gonna just I'm gonna take and I'm gonna put this together with the sound and then I'm post them at the YouTube I'm not cutting anything alright this last phone just as an iPhone 6 that was sent here for no power and these other two phones that I just did they're pending testing but this video is already an hour and a half long so let's let's let's move right along here and here is our iPhone 6 let's go ahead and take it apart I'm not gonna read the history on this one not for any reason other than the mystery nope our phones there I so mysterious you never know what you're gonna get into it's always a big mystery and my last rebuild there if you really don't know what happened and why it is that I replaced all of those components like that just if you look at the schematic it'll explain to you I think I've posted a video before and explained all that but I'm not 100% sure like I said right now I'm just I'm just finishing out my Friday and getting some of these jobs off of my table so that I can sleep at night and also so that I can have a nice long weekend with my family and not have some of this stuff hanging over my shoulders so I'm happy to see that we have all short screws and all of our screw holes notice my lack of emphasis on screw holes because I would like to keep this suitable for most advertisers seriously I there is something that I have really learned to respect about this YouTube platform and I haven't posted a video in a couple of weeks in mice I like everything hasn't fallen apart like you guys are all still here still pulling in around 4,000 views or what-whatever per day still getting pretty regular subscriber growth shit I should have kept the screen on this let's get a spring back on this and I'm not just gonna gonna completely stop cussing you know I can't do that I don't think that's what YouTube wants you know some of my videos are like I cussed a lot and they're still monetized when videos where I didn't cuss at all or not monetized I almost wonder if it has something to do with quality like right now I'm recording this on a really low quality camera that's pointed at me I don't I wonder if I have something to do with that now all of my videos are monetized right now I don't have any of them well some of them are not monetized because I chose not to monetize them but I don't have any that are not monetized because they were flagged by YouTube's every last one that I have they've accepted my dispute like I said no that is that that's suitable it becomes Ramana tais so whatever now first step on this phone this phone does not look I'm sorry I left a big part out I opened this phone this is the factory screen I can tell that by just the way it looks this is the original factory screen this thing is not had a screen replacement so I'm not expecting to see technician damage there's not a bunch of fingerprints all over this thing it is absolutely literally squeaky clean see it's squeaky clean so we don't have anything going on there I'm suspecting a cap shorted on this one because it as I'm indict with it hasn't had a screw drilled into it it hasn't been smashed it hasn't been dropped in a lake it looks fine it just quit working so what I'm expecting here is I'm expecting a 5 amp load I bet you anything this thing has a heavy load whenever I hook it to the battery rail and we get 5 amp load whoa right in the eyeball different season the sun's in a different spot let's just ignore that for now because my video is almost over now what this means is that this phone's gonna have a short to ground and it's gonna have a short to ground on VCC main and what that means to me is that we have to find it we don't know where it's gonna be there's a good chance that it's on the bottom of the PCB very little chance that it's on the top although I have had it on the top I've had it all over the place like VCC main just this this is going to be sure that anywhere it's anybody's guess so my first step in troubleshooting a VCC main short is to remove the PCB always more tricky doing this in front of a camera everything's in the way and I'm bumping into things and doing things in the wrong order maybe this one will just be soo 5202 RF and I can I can call it a day well this is probably gonna be a two-hour video so something tells me I'm gonna be very glad to have this computer new computer here to encode it I'm not sure what tool I'm gonna upgrade next honestly I think it's gonna be my power supply either power supply or a quick hot air station I'm doing everything with my micro pencil now I just I hardly ever hook up my 2027 handle I used the 2032 for almost everything so I just I can't really justify buying a multi-channel station like can I afford it yeah but am I gonna feel like I'm getting my money's worth like am I gonna feel like I made a wise investment I'm really not I'm I'm not gonna feel very good about it at all that my screws confused they're just a smidgen alright we're not concerned about screw location anyways you can just pound these things in any hole you want to that aside let's remove the board go what is out I'm gonna kick the customers housing aside and I'm gonna switch leads I'm gonna go with I like using my little ground lead and I like using a pretty fat anode lead here and by this point I'm getting really hungry that's all I forgot my audio is wireless I'm gonna get the Sun out of my eyes this is my zoom h1 recorder I love this thing it has superior audio over any computer that I've ever recorded sound on yet but the one downfall I plan on putting it in my pocket and had I realized that the audio input was on the side of it and not on the end I would have got something different because I'm not putting this in my pocket alright so we did not check VCC main for continuity to ground and the reason for that is is because I know it's shorted a crown this is like my fifth one today and to troubleshoot this I'm gonna take and I'm gonna hook my ground probe right here on ground I'm gonna go ahead and set my voltage up to about 4 volts because I don't want to be here all day I want to get some wattage running through this thing yeah I think power supplies the next thing I'm gonna update because this thing is just it gives me grief all the time it costs me time and if we direct short it's gonna pull 5 in 5 amps and let's see for this next process I will let you see under the microscope I'm gonna lay my hand flat across this entire PCB and then I'm gonna touch my anode here and I'm gonna pass 4 volts into VCC main at-sea 5202 RF and on this side of it it's pulling my supply down to one and a half volts at 5 amps so we're getting what seven and a half watts and what I'm doing here is I'm feeling where the heat comes from right now I'm saying topside I mean high up on the board hey you know I'd like to know at least generally where it's at and that's it's high up on the board it's not like down here it's gonna be up up higher a front we're back let's have a look through the crack it might be these caps right alongside the backlight circuit mmm don't see any balls popping out let's go ahead and peel the sticker off the bottom and I'm looking for anything visible and I know there's gonna be a dozen people that tell me to use a Fleur cam I probably should but I'm not all right so let's hook I'm hooking my ground back up here and I'm gonna lay my fingers all in here on top of everything and I'm gonna put current back into V CE CE matin okay this is not at the bottom of the board it's high up on the board hello hey oh I think there's only one or two of them how far are you from here okay well then I have time then I'm okay well I'm finishing up my repair video and then and then I'm calling it quits for the day oh I'm so done after this but I've promised my youtube fans that I'm not gonna edit this video so I better let you go before I say something that I have to edit out are you there are you there hmmm I think she hung up I mean uh-oh better not ever prioritize my YouTube fans above life okay so I'm not convinced that we have a short here on the bottom of the board I think this might actually be topside and I think it might be very similar to the last one that I worked on now I'm not I'm not doing this for any like right now I'm going on gut like I don't have a definitive reason as to why I'm gonna pull the shield off of this other than I suspect that the shorts gonna be under the shield and I suspect it's gonna be one of the caps right next to the backlight circuit but I'm not sure let's go ahead and pull shield we're at 280 380 you should drop away any second there we go okay now I'm gonna spin you right on over to the microscope and we're gonna have a look here at c15 something and see fit and see something else I am concerned about these caps here just because of where I felt the heat at on my thumb these caps here are really really common to be shorted but they look okay doesn't have the look of a shorted cap okay hook my ground up okay that's a really bad way of doing that and I'm holding the board in a way where I can feel heat all over the place heat is definitely forming right here in this spot so we are going to grab zxw tool I'm actually out of free spray at the moment and if I need free spray I'm gonna use some of this crap but this bit urgent agent they put in here is disgusting I mean it is just absolutely disgusting I don't like getting getting it on my hands I don't like getting it on anything so let's pull up the iPhone 6 we're looking for top side VCC main connections because we're concerned that one of those two caps that are shorted and it most likely is Oh since I'm recording a video it's not gonna load right Oh Jason's gonna post a video without editing it better lock up quick come on well I guess we're gonna finish this without zxw I wanted to get like I'm pretty sure it's one of these two caps right next to the CPA like right next to the backlight circuit but I wanted to pick out a VCC main point a little farther away but easy accessible so that I can watch that spot get hot and not so close to my probe so what the heck let's do it anyways okay so what I'm going to do I'm going to put a little drop of alcohol on this area of the board I would just like another VCC main point like writing you're close by I know it's right in front of my face but I don't want to make any assumptions like I'm pretty sure we can grab PCC mane on one side or the other of the student and stuff but let's just not let's let's not okay so let's put four volts right here in on this cap over here I think it's this one you didn't see that one do it again okay so I'm gonna take and put alcohol there and I'm gonna put four volts on right here oh yeah yeah see that I don't know if you've seen that or not I'm gonna do this once more okay and then whenever I touch the cap on the right you can see the volt the current on the left I don't know if my quality is good enough to show you that or not but what I've narrowed this down to is that this cap right here is shorted this one right here alright so to fix this I'm going to anchor this to the table just a little bit we're gonna put a little bit of flux on it start warming up the whole board now we're gonna do this without screwing up the backlight driver without screwing up touch ID and we're also gonna do this without screwing anything up right right right we're all gonna mess anything up today right alright so to do that and to be sure I'm not gonna screw up anything else I'm gonna start heating this board up and I'm gonna heat it up to the point where I feel comfortable I'm almost there and at the point where I feel comfortable I'm gonna insert my tool right here and I'm gonna grab this cap fling it out of there just like that now I did that without melting anything around it the whole idea here is temperature control and to keep this board from melting anything else around it so now we're gonna put some LED in here which is going to lower our melting point of these pads there we go and now I'm gonna take my blade and I'm gonna trim out anything here that could cause me to have trouble putting this cab in place including one ball being way too big I don't want this thing just to squeeze out and touch something that's not supposed to okay now our site is ready the next move is to grab us a VCC main cap that is gonna be a 10 micro farad 6.3 Volt is that right it might be a 15 micro farad but you know what today on this very day if that's a 15 micro farad it's getting a 10 micro farad in its place and I'll tell you why because I'm hungry and I want to be done this is my last repair today my last repair and I'm done other than throwing these recordings into Adobe premier laying the audio over it I am NOT editing you didn't miss anything i soldered it down yet okay now I'm gonna solder this down without floating anything else around it and I can do that now because we've got leaded solder on the pads real stop see what we want to be sure of is that we don't melt the solder under the backlight driver because if I melted the solder under the backlight driver and that means I'm gonna be stuck REE bawling or replacing the backlight driver and that would just that what's that would really suck so we're gonna take some alcohol here as usual and I'd like to do this while it's hot because it does a much better job right off I want to show you what that looks like under the microscope after a quick cleaning nothing special and see here here is where it gets the best of me I'm like alright I'm gonna show you what it get much it what this looks like there is no way in hell I'm gonna clean this one more time just because I'm an idiot and it'll keep my competition on their toes because I'm compulsively clean like it'll get into their heads alright we're done here we're not cleaning this anymore there we go we everyplace see something something something something I don't know because the XW tools not loading and was the XW tool don't load I'm like I started getting all nervous and I start shaking and I can't I can't even function because the XW tool don't load all right so let's make sure our shorts going I'm gonna take and I'm gonna hook one probe here to ground and I'm gonna take my other probe and I'm gonna touch it right to V bat zero ohms zero amps wait wait no no no no a bunch of ohms zero amps alright so we're gonna put the shield back on this I was not wrong and assuming where the short was see this is when repairs go like this this is what makes it profitable and I'm telling you my entire week has been like this like one after the other after the other has been predictable known repair routines I have had some rabbit holes to dig through but for the most part a lot of my repairs this week have been completely predictable just as we're seeing here on this this video here I'm gonna do these three back to back to back to back to back and I'm gonna call it quits I'm gonna go get me a bloody steak to eat and on the right you can see one of the yes I'm gonna try to continue to keep it real on this channel folks I be honest I I've went back and I've watched some of my older videos and I am very very surprised at how much things have changed in just a year because I've really I've really only just started posting videos within the last year I know my channels been up for a lot longer than that but it took me a while to grow the balls to start posting so while the board is still hot we're gonna put our sticker back on here it's really actually really hot and then lay it on itself so it can cool on that sticker but let that cool for just a second I have got a mess here to clean up I've got I've got a mess to clean up just we'll leave it at that let's pop the board in here I'm looking forward to taking off this walki globe let's put all of our screws back together oh wait they say that right put all our screws back in I'm so done done done done yesterday by the end of the day I was just I was complete total mush the income looked nice for the day but as far as the way I felt I was so done you know it would be different though if like I had a really wrong hole if I had like a really really really crazy income like really good income but didn't feel like I had worked for it that would make me feel bad but the way I felt at the end of the day yesterday I pocketed I'm not gonna say how much how much I made yesterday but it was it was really decent it was enough to make me go wow this is like this is really really really awesome but if I had made a significant amount of money and didn't feel any stress at all I just I don't think I would feel right about it I work my butt off yesterday and I made eleven hundred and fifty dollars there I said that's pretty dang good money for one person being the only one turning screws running the microscope around the iron that that's that's pretty good money for one person yeah could could I be greedy and make and make more to be completely honest eleven hundred dollars of the day that like that you know that that made me feel a little bit greedy but I worked from four o'clock in the morning until you know 10:00 p.m. or whatever it was a really really long day and not every day's like that there are other days where I can work twice that hard and make half as much money that's part of the downfall of being in business for yourself it doesn't always go that well okay yes I really really really love my repair life I do and recently I had a dear friend try to talk me back into the IT world actually a really good friend somebody that I've been friends with for 20 years now and he called me up and wanted me to come on-site and help him with one of my old clients help him set up a site-to-site VPN for these people and I just I can't without skipping a beat I said no no no no way I'm backed up by you know I I've got a hefty repair King here this is this is all I do I sit and fix phones all the time well this is all I do for money I mean I do a lot more than just sit here on this at this bench like this weekend I'm gonna spend some family time man I need it but I had to shoot him down and before this all started I would have not been capable of shooting him down I would have felt obligated out of felt like he was my friend and I and I owed it to him but knowing what I know now and being who I am now not the same person I was a year ago I've become somebody completely different I did not feel obligated in any way in any way whatsoever because I know what the end result of that would have been I would have lined up set in the whole dang thing up and I would have been on-site for the duration and I would have also wound up being one call and that would have put me right back into the same lifestyle that I so desperately have worked to get away from and I love what I'm doing now so if you are one of my old local customers and when I say old locals I'm not talking about like a screen repair of local I'm not you know I'm not talking about somebody that just walked in and got your laptop fixed I'm talking about one of my regular customers some you know one of my people that I worked with for a decade or so or one of the businesses that still runs on the equipment that I set up for you if you're a business it's it still uses the the queries and in code and things that I wrote so that you get the information out of your system the way that it the way that you need to see it in order to know which items you're losing money on items or not and which items people have made mistakes on if you're my old clientele I'm truly sorry but I'm not coming back and for those of you that have not moved on you need to move on I've done IIIi I'm totally done like this is me this this is what I do I produce videos I put them on YouTube and I fix logic for words and this isn't a big company this is my wife and I I keep trying to lean my face out of my pitcher in pitcher box this is my wife and I we started this together we do this together we're not planning on growing and expanding and building more locations and building a multi-million dollar company now we are I will I will tell you we are planning a move really really really soon I need more space for STS my freaking we've reached a point where you know our initial move away from the walk-in business to mail in only that was one thing but now I've reached a point where we've we've just we've just outgrown and we are actually seeking a larger location not to allow walk-ins or do the or to do the old IT thing but just a larger location I'm just I'm starting to get pretty cramped and I need more workspaces I need to be able to leave things out and open and move on to another device and leave things sitting the way they are because sometimes with data recovery data recovery especially I'll wind up with this monstrosity going on right here and then a cable going up and running a backup and I can't breathe on it like I can't touch it until it's successful you know so that ties down this spot and I just I don't we are currently seeking to relocate and do so into a larger larger building and because this is largely became a in existence of YouTube we're gonna relocate to some warmer client it's a client climate it's starting to get pretty cold here in Missouri I think it's like 45 degrees or something today and I feel like I've all the sudden walked out side of the Arctic Circle and now that I'm not so heavily bonded and tied to all these local businesses and local networks and servers and things that I'd set up and cash and point-of-sale systems now that I'm not so obligated to babysit and maintain this stuff 24 hours a day seven days a week including holidays it gives me the type of freedom that I need to be able to live anywhere in the country so here in the probably the next year or so we're seeking a larger location and we are most likely going to move to move it to someplace warmer so let's see that was my last repair but does it work it was a VCC main short so I assume the battery is actually in good health it is just stuck in a state of deadness which means when I plug this charger in I bet you it boots right up Oh char geing icon rats seriously ah yes okay quick main camera hide this before anything crappy happens cuz I'm done if this thing boot loops or does anything stupid I'm still still done so guys dead it's gonna be the it that is gonna be the it for the end of this what time is it it's like it's time it's it's time to be done so that is going to be the end of this video and I really thank you guys for watching I thank you for all your subscribes your comments but most of all my job queue right now is floating between 70 and 90 devices and this is largely due to repair shops and other repair people that watch this channel there are a handful of people that have single-handedly sought out they left the repair shop disappointed being told that they couldn't get it fixed and they single-handedly sought out and found me however the majority of the mailings that are coming in I figured out that these are coming from repair shops flies these are coming from repair shop referrals repair shops that have customers that come in and they have an issue and that shop says you need to get ahold of SPS go to their website and I am immensely grateful you know just in the last few days I realized that that is the bulk of the business coming through here so for all you people that keep referring people this way thank you I really really really greatly appreciate it so alright that's it for this video thanks for watching everybody have a good day this was my last phone see it works now I'm going to eat
Channel: STS Telecom
Views: 123,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electronics, repair, shop, iphone, logic, board, microscope, microsoldering, pcb, hot, air, smd, hakko, phone, iphone 6, backlight, image, filter, driver, diode, capacitor, hot air, logic board, iphone backlight repair
Id: -WQJQ8q8H7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 18sec (7758 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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