Failed to repair - Laptop repairs gone wrong - Please be gentle :D

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hello so we're back and this time we have a we have a job which is coming from a computer shop kind of local but anyway this is a beautiful laptop yeah it's more than nice so check here Acer prator Tangen RTX Graphics 17in screen 240 HZ screen there is a proper gaming machine machine they have a turbo button what is is doing customer said he believing is the BIOS that's what he said pressing the power button nothing happen let's plug the charger we have the charger on screen plug in the charger no current pressing the power button no current this is no bio yes so it's taking nothing I'll check the charger I'm not sure about my charger see just want to be sure because you know it's confusing when uh they said something and yeah yeah the voltage is right so the laptop is not coming on let's open the laptop okay was some some uh things on the back I have to cover them but now I see some not here my customer made a mess replacing thermal paste and in doing some burnout a component I have done nothing and I have done not anything to this laptop I have not done anything about this laptop so looks like uh this is a CO fold a CO fold is different compared with like a regular fault when has a logic you know a regular fault always have a logic a logic but fault which is caused has no logic I mean you can have a knock out component from the board you'll never find it it does the thing So Co folds are harder to fix compar normal folds so the back cover it's out that's blow up wait it's a really mess I mean everywhere it's a mess on this board oh wait it's a sticker okay got it so he used a sticker to indicate that's a blow up thingy ha okay so maybe I misunderstood maybe this is this one is not with the BIOS no no no not this one he gave me more laptops okay clearly that's a blow up moset right I mean how blow up it is is shorted or just interrupted so let's check the main power ra it's interesting the battery is still plugged in let me unplug the battery yeah so let's see the main power l shter 22 ohms why the main power has 22 ohms H because this coil to ground has zero ohms L okay that doesn't make sense so this Quil to ground Z ohms so whatever it's on this coil can be vam can be GP no if it's GPU is fine but it's not the GPU the CPU probably is the CPU probably is the CPU because the CPU is next well let's take the Heat syn and have a look I mean just you know for our uh information okay so the heing is out let's let's remove that MOS quickly this is proper stuck here yeah yeah this is welded but still good okay let's check now so main power L is not shorted anymore and from here to here we have zero ohms yes whatever is here is zero ohms now what is there let's check the CPU CPU 1 ohm that's not good 1 ohm 1 ohm that's not good 1 ohm okay and this one 0.06 and this one is going where can't be the GPU but yeah this is dead this is this is dead dead dead you know what I mean dead dead let's see plug in the charger and it's taking check that 150 milliamps so most likely di ch is that shorted because uh I cannot see from where he's taking the current no he's not it's alive LOL it's alive but still curious you know what is taking that 150 milliam that's a good question actually it's a very good one let's put the heat sink and let try a small trick can we do tricks here okay so we put few screws now let's try one more time 130 milliamps you know how curious I am what is taking that power you have no idea because something is gone it's not supposed to take any current when it's off and the batter is not plugged in but let's press the power button and let's see what is happening so basically nothing happened right yeah nothing happened I mean it's dead good good good fine let me grab the original charger okay so I got the original charger let's try a trick yeah it is coming on with original charger which is good yeah let me pour off good let's come with the power supply with a power supply with 0.9 volts lot of current let's come exactly on that coil pressing the power button in St for wait no no the laptop is on the laptop is on it's taking four amps on that power 4.4 amps it's taking and the voltage like 0.06 and it's doing nothing because whatever is on that power L is dead H nothing so exactly on that Quil I'm coming exactly on that coil 0.6 volts 4.4 amps so I'm not even curious what is on that power probably is the CPU or the vram or the GPU whatever it is is dead okay can't fix it sorry nothing what I can do bye hello so we're back and this time we have a job from a local repair shop Lenovo so what happened with this one they said so he said that found a blow up blow up mosfet he replaced the moset the moset blow up again so what he did he bought uh you can see here from like another two mosfets and uh he sent it to me so we have to figure it out why the mosfet is blowing and uh how we can fix said I mean I can't see how the MOs can blow I'm sorry basically you are using a power supply obviously so with a power supply you have a current limit so it's no way a moset can blow right I mean that's how what we are doing we are working safe with a current limit power supply so let me open this quickly it has no screws and that's the board inside that's the allinone uh computer so one more moset is can you see any Moet around here where is the mosfet let's take out the heat sink and have a look there oh those those are like classic mosfets why anyone will buy something like that when you can get them from the board from any motherboard so if those mes looks like this yeah from where the M blow up you know what let's plug the power I can see this has like around normal uh toiba pin let's let's diagnose this first I mean I cannot replace like blindfold uh parts from a motherboard yeah it's Monday morning fixing aenova is not a good start I know that [Laughter] [Applause] you know what I don't have a charger for this the middle pin is very very big so I will get the power supply so with the power supply we have ground anywhere 19 volts and plus let's see so plus is going here yeah plus and the short you can see on the screen 3 amps the voltage get dropped to 2.5 so probably the short is after the first two MOS uh let me grab the thermal camera and have a look okay so coming with current and I can't see anything oh yeah oh yeah so what is there here here yeah this one is getting M hot this Square okay so I can assume the mosfet is either on the other side of the board or under the Wi-Fi cart now it's on the other side of the board so we have to take the board out let me take the board out okay so the board is out let me remove this so that's the board and on the other side I can see some flux here well I can't see which mosfet was replaced okay so I assume if this Quil is getting hot then must be those mosfets let's have a look on the microscope indeed looks like someone work here let's come with some current just to be sure so what do we have here here we have the big Power L this one yeah look a chip there so someone play with the current here you can see that chip yeah the resistor is chipped so the plus is coming here and it's coming here and here the voltage 1.7 okay the voltage is quite High uh let's check with the thermal camera so with a thermal camera indeed we can see that mosfet which is getting hle is the first one yeah this one yeah yeah this one now let's remove the mosfet and try to understand what's going on here so we remove the mosfet let's check with the multimeter so with the multimeter indeed the mosfet it is shorted now what about the other mosfet the othered mosfet has zero ohms you can see so the mosfet it is shorted now this will be an interesting case and I'll tell you why it's because the customer like he said probably he replaced both m ETS that's the reason why he send me two mosfets and the mosfets blow up so what is the reason why those mosfets blow up I'm checking the other power supplies they have the same mosfets so here is plus here is the common point where is the coil let's check the Quil to ground so testing the Quil to ground one oh so that can be a reason why the mosfets are keep blowing up what do you think can be a good reason so let's leave the mosfets on one side and try to focus what is on this power rail so what is here why this has under 1 ohm coil to ground 0.09 1 ohm yeah this is the output this is the output so we have to come in the power supply there and find out what is shorted always you know when you replace MOS just check the output so I will lower the voltage on the power supply down to like 0.8 volts now we taking 2.6 amps that's fine with 2.6 amps we should be able to figure out out what is wrong here I'm curious this is not the r power supply because it's close to the r yeah we don't know yet because the board is too hot no it's not the Wi-Fi car no no no no the chipset the chipset is there I can't see anything to get H let's raise the current to 4.4 amp let's see now I still can't see anything and when you are not seeing anything it's it's a problem because that can be something like CPU which is absorbing a lot a lot of heat let me remove the the CPU heat SN okay so the heat sink is off I don't think this have anything to do with the chipset I don't think that let me remove the round memory so we are pushing 4.5 amps the CPU is looking decent let's turn around the board and check on the other side I don't think it's the point yeah so check here yeah this truck is coming from the other side and is going straight to the CPU wow but I will come with current here still I will come with current here I will raise the current to 5 amps yeah and still I can't see anything I can see this area is getting hot because uh we are sending the carret through the coil on this point but it's nothing else let's go back to the other side of the board because that power ra is going straight to the CPU this one I mean for the CPU like five wats how much we are pushing now it's not a big deal it's not a big deal well from what I can see it's getting slightly warm okay let's remove the CPU and see if we can uh if Ste is getting current you see this is beautiful you can remove the CPU I can't believe actually this removable CPU comes from Lenovo coming coming with current here you can see so actually it's not taking current without the CPU so uh this removable CPU is shorted putting back the CPU check on the screen yeah short it five amps doing nothing yeah so that's the reason why uh this motherboard is that probably the most go short and send the whole power from the charger to the CPU now I don't know what to do let me speak with the customer but yeah he has to buy another CPU so uh see you soon probably hello we're back and this time we have a customer job this laptop comes from a computer shop this a nice Asus Vivo book I said Iris Graphics a nice keyboard anyway the problem with this one the customer is saying like the battery connector is ripped off from the motherboard and it's not coming on so let's open this quickly and let's have a look inside if we can fix it wow that that that looks bad I mean check that check that check that I mean what happened there what do you mean the connect was ripped off I mean is no connector on the battery this looks like a long job I swear now this is not my concern my concern is why the laptop is not working with the charger so let's try to figure it out let's check because you know if someone play with the wires yeah on this connector if they play on the data lines most likely the the EC chip is dead let's check the main power the main power really is good that's good news yeah let's plug a charger and try to figure it out we plug the charger in sticking 100 60 milliamps what do you think is taking 160 Milli huh just tell me 160 milliamps is taken 100% you know I'm quite 100% on this one uh is taken by the 3.3 volts uh uh power supply which is supplying ldo voltage for the io chip and the ioip should be shorted you have to trust me this time just because someone play on that connector so check that check there what is there huh why the chip is getting hot and you'll say sorry that chip is burn it's getting hot which one this one okay oh wow that's hot okay let's uh move closer to that ship and try to understand what's going on there so like how I said this is a 3.3 volt power supply so what we can check we can check with multimeter to ground yeah compare with ground whatever capacitors we have on those power power rails yeah so here is fine no short here is fine no short here we have 0 point 7 ohms do you think 0.7 ohms is fine so do you think the this uh Power Ra which has 0.8 ohms this one is good good good this one this one has 0.8 ohms why do you think that one has 0.8 that one which has 0.8 most likely is the 3.3 volts uh Power a yeah so why do you think what or what do you think is shorted there H just a wild guess huh what do you think let's see together so we are coming with a power supply ground I'm using low voltage let's see so on the same capacitor taking 2.5 amps and wait nothing is getting hot how this is possible one no something should get hot something should get very hot something is warm there something is warm there let's check that Quil let's check that Quil together Zer ohms yeah so this most likely is a 3.3 volts power supply and you know what happened you know what is happening when when you come with the current and nothing is getting hot what do you think it happen so when you come with a current and nothing is getting hot the heat is getting this press I mean the heat is getting evaporated because most likely the heat has a heat sink whatever is getting hot has a heat syn so check there yeah that's a dead chipset I'll take the heat sink out okay so the heat sink is out we are still using using one volt here taking 2.7 amps and what do you think is the problem H what do you think is the problem that chipset so uh this ship which is providing three volts ldo 5 volts ldo also is providing three volts and 5 volts 3.3 for the chips set and 5 Vols for the USB yeah so the 3.3 is short because the chipset is shorted yeah sadly I cannot fix uh I cannot replace the the CPU what can I say I'll say thank you for watching like And subscribe if you like the video like all always and see you on the next uh on the next one yeah bye hello so we're back and this time we have a different kind of job so we have a customer he sent me two things to repair I don't know what they are but looks like are some uh automatic ignition system I believe probably are from for heaters gas heaters yeah probably now how we can fix something like that does the question is like we have no schematic nothing we don't know uh how they work so they work with 24 AC good oh wait no way no I don't think something like that no no no so it's a ignition that's mean it's a spark so that's mean this thingy probably has over 20 Kilts in order to no no no no no I'm not fixing something like that no no no no I will get electrocuted 100% now this is stupid this this is dangerous now I understand what what the ah hello so we back and this time we have a customer job this is a nice laptop so check here check here huh 11 gen i7 iros Graphics this is a nice one tou uh touch display U HD screen this is a nice one let's open and see what's going on with this laptop wait it's another motherboard here one second I think I I I think I can't I remember the job one second okay so the customer bought the laptop from eBay for repairs yeah and the owner of the ltop said he tried to install a new bios update it turned it off during the update H now that Del is doing nothing he attempt to repair he move the bio chip try to flash it but after reinstall it it doesn't not turn on on power press orange light comes on and off no more response I also bought another bios ship from Poland tried to install it from the board but no luck same problem okay good so this laptop has like a long story yeah so we have two bios chips here I mean you know the this looks nice I mean the way how it's uh yeah okay so we have the laptop here we do have a motherboard for spars you know what is interesting check this board so probably the customer bought it from no idea from where but has no CPU you can see that and the ram is on board LOL and check that they stock the ram the same like the HP you can see with that red uh glue okay let's open the laptop okay so we open the laptop all lot of lot of flux here okay let's unplug the battery and do some basic checks before we are actually start doing anything on this board good 1.4 ohms I mean I done nothing I just start with the second coil 1.4 ohms that's not good 51 ohms do looks fine fine fine fine I mean what is that coil no no no no no no no no I I learn you know I'm learning from my own mistakes so I'm I'm not starting like blindfold uh to carry repairs before checking the Quil no no I learned I learned it you remember that laptop which I spend some time and on some point oh wait the what what was but the chipset is shorted okay no I'm not spending uh no I'm I'm testing this this should be like a rule on laptops yeah first you open you check the quilts that's that's the first step that should be the the first step always you open you check the coils okay then you move forward okay let's put the ground here somewhere yeah SD card so we have ground let's lower the voltage to like 0 something good now let's come with some cut on this small coil and it's taking 1.8 o wow now let's see what he's getting hot what is there no the CPU is there so it's on the heat syn of the of the I mean here do you think it's on the other side of the board let's see what it's on the other side of the board the r memories how RAM memory can get hot with 0.9 volts okay so this is the RAM memory power supply because on that case the ram is dead so we have shorted Ram here I can't believe yeah the ram is shorted what a waste of time I can't believe so that coil look look look look here on this board yeah so check here check here check here on this board yeah so that coil should have L the Ry shorted even on this board that's sick how is possible I mean you have the original board then you have this board and the ram is shorted on both boards I mean how 2.7 amps with 2.7 amps the r should be mat hot no it's not the r is the CPU wait it's not a CPU actually because the CPU is shorted okay I got it I got yeah this is fully shorted okay got it and the it's exactly there it's a solder on the CPU is here yeah it's a solder here yeah so now it's not short anymore okay so check here if after I we remove the short from the CPU it's taking like 240 milliamps and and on this coil we have like infinite res like 13 ohms still better but still looks bad I mean even 30 ohms looks bad yeah the laptop is dead so thank you for watching like subscribe if you like the video and see you on the next one bye hello so we're back and this time we have a customer job this is a nice Acer laptop i51 gen and uh Nvidia graphics 144 HZ display so what's the problem with this one well apart from the fact is that let's see what the customer is saying uh Isa Nitro 5 stopped uh working suddenly one star not charging light or either and the customer try removing the battery removing the BIOS battery still no luck yeah so that's all what we know about this laptop now let's plug the charger which is connected to the power supply and let's test so 19 volts so mom's there and let's plug the charger we plug the charger in taking nothing zero I heard a click on the power supply that's strange pressing the power button nothing happened you know what I'm concerned about that click that click means a lot let's show it one more time it's not clicking anymore it's not clicking but that click means a lot means that the laptop got more current than the I set up on the power supply okay let's open this quickly and have a look inside So based on that click I suppose we have a shorted power supply or a shorted power a remember I always told you follow your power supply yeah and keep an eye on the power supply also of course on the linear one linear linear one is clicking because has a relay a digital one doesn't Okay so the back cover it's out and it's looking nice look it's like a classic board yeah it's a classic board now let's remove the battery that's the first thing what what I want to check is the main power L yeah let's remove the battery batter is removed let's get the multimeter now we have to find a power supply we cannot yeah I think even those check on the screen zero ohms yeah I mean 0.8 but my probes have 0.6 so the main power has 0.2 ohms remember that click from the beginning yeah now if the customer is lucky it's a shorted capacitor if the customer is not lucky it will be like a CPU uh mosfet shorted okay so we removed the heat sink so what's the next step Next Step let's get the thermal camera let me grab the power supply we have the plus and we have the minus from the power supply we need the ground and with a plus we are coming on the same spot I mean on the capacitors on the on the M Power Ra let me lower the voltage yeah let's be safe like 0.8 we have some amps there uh yeah that's fine that should be fine let's see the CPU or GPU yeah place of your but place your but there is something very hot and I believe does the vram power supply right let's see so vam has Zer ohms you can see gone forever yeah we have that V so one one mosfet is shorted the high side mosfet actually shorted not not like any is shorted um let's remove the short like how I said the laptop should still work on the on the Intel graphics wait those are dual mosfets oh okay got it got it so the mosfet is removed do we still have short let's check no not short no short no short yes I will show you I will show you so coming with the multimeter you remember those capacitors it's not short anymore now plug in the charger let's plug the the screen let's clean a little bit yeah we don't need the heat sing no no it's fine yeah laptop it will be fine with my thermal pad and let's try to power on the laptop and see if we have any picture uh 19 volts lot of arms now let's try and power power on power power on what power on let's check the main power rail let's check if we have any short on the main power rail if we have voltage sorry if we have voltage we have like five volts 5 Vols 18.8 on the first mosfet and after the first mosfet we have zero you think because of my charger okay let's do something else let's come with the power supply coming with the power supply kind of you know at low voltage yeah I still want to be safe so on the main power L yeah after the second mfet and he's not sure no no no no no no no he's not sure no he fine he's fine let's go with 19 volts on the main power L Let's see we 19 and it's not sure no no no um this is the this is a charging thing I believe yeah let me grab the original charger okay so we have the the custom original charger let's plug it good and let try to power on and I can see the keyboard is coming on let's wait because probably the customer res the BIOS and we have picture you can see on the screen and it's loading the windows proper hot proper hot so so you fix it yeah this is a working laptop with Intel Graphics doesn't work with uh with with the Nvidia Graphics anymore what we can do wow the GPU is still getting hot I mean it's getting hot for nothing but yeah we can um actually remove the qus from the GPU just you know no point taking power if it's not working so what we can do with this one let's see maybe we are lucky to have like one dead but no it's nothing one dead 19 volts around 10 amps goes on the on a power ra which is supposed to be around one volt but let's see let's let's try let's try and see let's see which one which RAM memory is short so let me lower the let me lower the voltage I'll come your thermal camera yeah it's still hot because we power off it's still hot because uh the laptop was on yeah let's come with current here on the output of the coil and is taking wow let me raise the current take it like three arms oh so check that check that you see that one yeah but you know how it is I mean I tried before you remove that one which is very shorted and after you remove that one you'll find another one and another one and it's never story trust me let me see if I can if I have here check here check here so what you'll do what you'll do what you'll do is okay we have only one uh only one video RAM memory shorted and you'll start removing one by one you remove one and then you see okay it's not taking three arms it's taking only two arms and the next memory and you remove the next memory you see oh it's taking only one amp because this is getting hot and you remove this one then oh this one is still taking like nearly one amp okay let's remove it and and uh like how I said on the other videos people seeing short yeah you see short okay 19 Vols came on the this power L and those are short to ground no one is seeing wait what about short to data lines huh no one is seeing that but the short is working on the always ways so if 19 volts came to you you know those chips and goes to ground short them to ground also the 19 volts goes to the data lines which they are going to the Nvidia Graphics yeah so uh it's not like okay the shorts are always to ground no most likely the shorts are always uh B directional yeah it's going on everywhere but still we are delivering to the customer a working laptop so we can still you know charge something we help him we can uh he can use this laptop a little bit more so I'll stop here I will say thank you for watching like And subscribe if you like the video so you can see if you have Aur like a GPU vam you remove the short and the still will be working on the Intel Graphics I'll see you on the next one bye hello so we back and this time we have an allinone computer to repair these jobs come from U came from a local repair show was booked in today and this is a Acer Aspire c22 D600 can we fix all in one computer I mean they are like laptops I mean even the charger this is like Acer charger like a classic charger you can see it here probably you can't yeah okay great now how we are testing exactly like laptops yeah so what it's important and I said it many times it's important to check with the with uh with the power supply or with an adapter like how I'm using but many years I didn't have this adapter so I was coming with a power supply and you know just check to see what's happening inside okay let's leave on one side the adapter I mean yeah yeah we can try with the with the multimeter it is important to see what's going on inside of the computer yeah so based on this just plug in the charer I can figure it out what is the problem is dead it's shorted is responding to the power button yeah you have few things you can you can test so plug in the charger LOL wait I had like Max current on my power supply okay so what we can see plug in the charger and taking he taking what limit you put yeah it doesn't matter you can put five amps it's taking five amps and the voltage is getting drop to under one volt I mean we can clearly see this is shorted this is so easy even even on a computer shop a customer come and it's important to okay I know for sure this is 100% a motherboard fault and does the price that's what you want in a computer shop you know that's you know just to be Pro it just tell the customer 100% it's a motherboard fault you can say that just based on this you see plug the charger short it now this will be a short video I'm curious how we can open this I can see some screws here you can see them yeah let's try and open this now another think what we can check and I uh you remember that video this is my secret you remember that video yes so what you can say more about this desktop here is the screen L here is the screen you sure has to be open from here yeah yeah has to be open from here that's good okay yeah you remember that video this is my secret and was about current and yeah let's uh let's let's let's uh apply that here so let's check now we have low current we have like 750 milliamps that we can make it one amp yeah one amp so it's very simple you know based on the oh low to figure out the internal resistance the voltage is like 0.06 not a big deal and you will say yes for it is possible this short to be on the charging port uh straight on the charging port or somewhere on the charging port line yeah can be assured there because the voltage is very low even with one amp but going up with the current yeah check here with four amps yeah I have like two volts there yeah so this is telling you a different story like I have two volts if you will be a sure here I will not have two volts so the short is not here actually the short it's after the first to moset most likely most likely yeah so let's try to open this I just explain you know just following what the resistance is doing when you come with high current when you're changing the current with the resistance actually see the voltage is going up okay steel oh okay yeah yeah I think I open I think I open the how huh you know I don't want to crack the screen that's the problem why is not getting over oh yeah yeah I found it I found it okay so we open the computer so check here check here what computer is this one I can't believe it's like a tablet board you know what I wish I wish when the manufacturer is selling a Allin one U computer I want a picture with the board that's all what I want so what do we know we know this is the charging port and I can't see you can see like first M second M things like that oh I can't see anything I don't think it's on this side of the board what do you think because the charging port is going on the other side right here you have a diode and most likely a diode near to the charging port it's a DI to protect in a case you connect the voltage like an inverse yeah now let's see so the short is on the charging port is not you can see exactly what I told you the short is not on charging port and this diode check on the diode zero ohms so the diode has zero ohms you can see so what does me does can be a faulty Di and that's all because can can be something else and you get tricked by that diet no it's not a diet no no no it's not a diet if it was a diet the diet will get hot but it's not a diet but what it is okay that's a good question let's try again let me grab the thermal camera maybe we can spot something from this side of the board what do you think so plug in the current let's see so what is getting hot what is getting hot is my cable which is carrying current and something there here something right on the other side of the board yeah clearly it's on the other side of the board yeah so we spot the fault you can see here but it's on the other side of the board so we have to open the motherboard and check whatever is here now let's take the motherboard out so what is shorted based on the fact this diode show me short I believe that diode is on the main power and I believe the main power is shorted okay so we took the motherboard out huh it's not looking bad the motherboard so the heat was where here I mean somewhere here right yeah so how we can fix it if we are checking with the multimeter like any capacitor yeah like this zero ohms short yeah checking different capacitor like like where like on a power supply like this ones now this is the output and the can be this one okay anyway let's come with the thermal camera so I said this is the charge import but even on this side of the board I cannot see the first M and the second M I believe those are but not sure so let me plug the charger yeah let's plug the charger and check one more time plug in the charger is still uh staking current and what is that what is this this is shorted right huh now actually that moset is getting hot because it's good huh it's kind of confusing like okay sorry that's getting hot uh because it's good yes that's the answer yes it's getting hot because it's good uh you know the when you apply current whatever has like high resistance it will get hot like on this case the mosfet that's the reason why it's you know I always try to identify the first and second moset and come with the current after the first and the second mosfet so I believe this is our first mosfet and obviously probably probably is not shorted here on the input oh it is then maybe this is the oh okay it shorted on the both sides how H let's have a look together let's see what do we have here why why this mosfet is getting hot wait do you think it's part of a power supply LOL yeah let me check the Quil Quil has one ohm the other coil has one ohm LOL I mean this is looking bad you know it was looking so nice from the beginning so check now yeah this coil zero ohms this one zero ohms why is looking so bad was looking like you know like a shorted capacitor in the beginning but now we have like shorted mosfets okay let's start removing the mosfets I still don't understand what's going on here I cannot figure it out the first and the second mosfet but but this is getting hot so uh I'm assuming this most has Z ohms yeah okay let's remove the mosfet let's see what do we have zero ohms here okay so we remove the mosfet good let's check with ground do we still have short here we don't have short here we still have short like zero ohms okay let's remove the second mosfet okay this is the second mosfet let's check for short so here we have zero ohms and here we have Z ohms the coil has zero ohms this coil has also 1 ohm it's not even worth to move forward because we have what we have here a that CPU that chipset yeah this CPU most likely let's open before we are coming with the current check there what is there H what what's that that's the CPU yeah that's the CPU and the other side what do we have on the other side let's raise the current 4.4 amps that's the CPU right yeah that's the CPU gone hello so we are back and this time it's Friday the weekend is coming so what do we have here here we have a nice laptop like usual but this laptop has a problem yeah so check here ah ah now this is the most easiest job ever yeah this is like you know easy money I mean how much is paid this job to be done I mean here in England it's about 60 pound with 60 pound you can get this kind of fold fixed can we do it yeah probably we can so what do you have to to do first first you have to check the laptop be sure it's working you don't want to fix the hinge and actually have a broken screen or a broken cable so it is working the fan is not working so we have to fix the fan I don't know why the fan is not working but anyway let's open the laptop quickly and try to fix it because the weekend is coming and uh we have to have a coffee together Sunday you remember here is no screw so I can explain why the hinge got broken and now we can take the back cover out wait why the speaker is stuck on the on the back what is this liquid damage we have to charge double ah I'm just joking you know the laptop is working you cannot go you can tell them you know what the laptop has liquid but you can you can't just you know uh you can't just clean it and tell them you know what it was Liquid damage because they will say no the laptop was working fine you know I brought the laptop for a hinge repair not for liquid damage so yeah of course you can do it for free but we have to be sure this is working no it's a all liquid damage it's old it's a all liquid damage but why the what oh look it's inside it's something inside of the fan check here check here check here so here is something what it goes yeah this one it was inside of the fan so now the fan is working we fix the fan we fix the fan that's great so if we are powering up the laptop what will happen let's power on power on let's see if we still have the the error with the with the fun and no no fun error it's loading the windows you can see and the fun it is spinning you can see spinning so all we have to do is to fix the hinge this is broken I mean we have a lot of damage on the he so check here yeah you can see here the damage I mean everything is broken here and here this thing is broken you can see it yeah so can we fix that yeah of course we can fix it the problem is you have to understand how you can fix this let me power off the laptop you cannot do like things by yourself from you know from power from you you know what I mean like let's say like the people you remember on the the last video like sorry okay let's clean the fan let's replace the thermal paste let's clean the board from the liquid damage it's the same way you go the mechanic with the car yeah go on a service say please repair repair repair my door handle and uh when you come back to pick up your car with a fixed door handle you should expect to have a clean air filter huh no because it's a different job a different story okay good now in order this board board to be cleaned properly yeah we have take the board out take everything out uh clean everything with water with uh I don't know some earbud or something this is a sweet liquid has to be clean so that is like probably like half an hour 1 hour job you know what I mean the problem is what about you start taking the things out you start cleaning them and the laptop is dying on you what about then how you can explain that to customer to say look I try to clean your liquid damage I know you came here for a hinge I know but you know probably the customer doesn't even know about liquid probably bought the laptop who knows and you try to convince him wait your L to have the liquid damage you can't do it like that so let's say realistic speaking liquid damage job on a working thing on a working laptop like this one this will say prob like 60 overheating overheating it's a very good source of income on a computer shop and who has a computer shop they knows so overheating job usually is 60 pound you know what I mean uh you can't really do it for free if your laptop didn't didn't came with that uh with that specific fold now overheating have different meanings and uh you know I probably I will have to do again in a video uh a sitting CPU or GPU to 100° that's not overheating yeah that's that's a normal way the laptop Works overheating means you start doing something heavy like playing games or watching videos and your laptop is shutting down suddenly yeah that's overheating can be overheating if you feel it very hot now if you ask me I never seen never ever seen overheating because of the thermal paste no never seen something like that so uh you know always overheating comes from a cloged fan hello so where and this time we have a customer job this is a Lenovo laptop uh we don't know yet if it's a nice lapop can be Lenovo a nice laptop I mean it's I5 T now the problem with these laptops I check here I plug the charger you can see the orange light is taking 1.7 amps you can see that but pressing the power button nothing happened he just dead I mean nothing now what can what can be the problem here well based on the fact the laptop is charging the ECG most likely is good so uh I'm expecting either I don't know on the first place probably a faulty keyboard the second place uh bias issue can be let's open and check okay so we open the laptop I can see something there on the E pin but not sure if something there or not you can see huh wow omo RAM and the ram is uh stuck with that black glue you can see it yeah that's L noo they never disappoint never okay let's check the EC CH because that's weird let me unplug the charger let me unplug the battery the BIOS battery now let's see what do we have there I mean know the E CH is fine yeah I was thinking some liquid damage but it's not it's no liquid damage so what can be the [Music] problem yeah RAM memory replace this RAM memory if you can okay we cannot spot anything wrong with this uh motherboard let's get the multimeter let's see let's check the quails most likely the main power is present the 3.3 is present because theop is charging so what do we have here here is good good good what wow wait good good good good good good good good I mean why everything is good on this laptop good let's plug the let's plug the BIOS battery and the main battery and let's try to focus on the keyboard connector because it's strange so the AC chip is not reading the power button or it's just ignoring the power button what do you think pressing the power button no it's not coming on okay let's check the keyboard wait a second I was thinking the 1.7 amps is going to the battery as we have the charging light but the CPU is hot wait let's unplug the battery let's see what this board is taking yeah 800 milliamps oh L and the power button is working so holding the power button let's see if the ltop is switching off yeah yeah it was switching off and switching on again one more time yeah it goes off and come back on L so this laptop is coming on H oh everything here is mat hot mat hot okay that's strange let's try a different RAM memory so what did you just said yeah Theo Ram Theo Ram huh okay let's plug the charger and he's doing exactly the same okay let's check the voltages so what do we have here here we have nothing oh wait no 1.8 0 zero H okay so if I have the V core zero how the CP is getting hot huh uh okay that's the charging coil 1.6 1.6 never seen 1.6 what can be wow wow that's M hot I can't believe so this thingy is M hot that one what I said you know 1.6 volts it's weird so let me let let me get this straight Yeah so basically we don't have V core but the CPU is getting hot and also this sare has 1.6 and it's getting M hot so from where the chipset is getting power okay that's V the CPU what about the chipset why that coil is M hot so let me unplug the let me unplug the chart this is you know what okay this is this is warm you I can keep still keep my fingers but this board here on this side is M hot and it's making sense because this coil it's insanely hot uh good let's come with the power supply and the thermal camera 1.6 so let me let me understand then there should be like 3.3 for the chipset so actually the chipset is gone that's what you're trying trying to tell me because doesn't make sense we don't have vord you know the VC is missing the CPU voltage is missing so how how the CPU is getting hot good let's lower the voltage yeah one volt should be fine and here it's taking like 300 Millions yeah check that check that check that the chip set you can see yeah that's the chips that's the reason why the CP is getting hot without having voltage so all the heat is coming from the from the chipset yeah no it's making sense so there is 1.6 but should be 3.3 okay so actually I was wrong but that doesn't mean it change anything so on the board we have pu 9,800 and the coil the coil is PL 9,800 right okay so that's the schematic so we have PL 9,800 is 1.8 volts uh Power a which has 1.6 which looks weird that's why I said you know this is looking weird so let's come with 1.8 just understand why that power supply has 1.6 1.8 and it's taking like 2.2 amps 2.3 amps doing nothing yeah without clock you know what I mean so this chipset is gone that's the reason why that power supply has only 1.6 volts what is the CP there the chipset good so coming with power check that I mean clearly we can see H what do you think do you think the manufacturer put all the components there in one corner in one side shorted shorted for good that's the reason why the co could not keep up with the output yeah sorry nothing nothing what we can we can do here I'm really sorry nothing what we can do hello so we are back and this time we have a nice laptop to fix huh it is a nice one or not acap predator i79 gen 144 HZ display and video graphics a proper nice laptop now what's the story with this laptop hi Sor purchased a laptop with no power from eBay wow I mean it's no it's nothing more risky than buying a gaming laptop a faulty gaming laptop from eBay I can't see you know I you know I just prefer you know just go on my motorcycle and ride with 300 miles per hour probably that's less risky than buying a gaming laptop no powering on from eBay uh I was checking the BQ chip with a multimeter plug the charger and in a blown missing component okay the laptop has been wor before inside nothing more worse than that okay so let's have a look let's open it's no point to plug this laptop in let's try to open and uh you know I mean the customer is saying he spend some time with the BQ chip that's no issue that can be restored but my concern is if you have like a main power shorted the shorted mosfet a shorted CPU GPU you know what I mean cheaps set why not so yeah I'm just curious to see what it's inside but that's that's risky you know what I mean no powering on buying a gaming laptop from eBay I I I think you have better luck if you if you you know just play the lottery so that's the laptop inside and it is looking nice let's check the main power that's the first thing what we have to check because otherwise there's no point uh spending time on this one 1.7 ohms I mean you know just say it just say it just say it you know what I mean that's the point I was trying to make the eBay seller yeah sent it up to for repair they they told him you know what it's a shorted mosfet and it's nothing what can be done shorted mosfet on the C and what the seller it will do it will sell the laptop obviously on eBay so try to don't fall on this trap yeah buying a let's say Okay I want to save some money so I'll buy a cheap gaming laptop from eBay broken so I can fix it I'm just saying you know I'm just saying battery screen let's take the heat sink out okay so we took the heat syn out h okay let's go with the power supply like usual like usual ground let's lower the current good one volt should be fine thermal camera if you don't have a thermal camera is fine you know you can just you know top with your finger and find exactly what's getting hot I mean I work so long without a thermal camera and main power L which is this one okay good and we have 2.3 Ms and what is getting hot the CPU the CPU shorted mosfet on the CPU it's even Point removing the short the short atos no oh wait no someone so okay okay okay I can see now so someone took out the coil you can see okay I can see now someone work on the coils you can see this on was took off you can see flogs there n sorry it's nothing what we can do you know that CPU took like it's a big Char like 10 amps 20 volts that's mean like 200 Watts now you know when you came with 19 volts on a CPU which is normally working with one volt let's say from 0.8 up to probably like 1.2 volts then bad things happen Okay I'm going to stop now because uh you know it's not point this is a dead CP this is a the CPU yeah hello so we are back and this time we have a nice laptop what do you think this is a nice laptop Lenovo can be a nice laptop no this Lenovo doesn't look nice and doesn't have stickers you know when you see stickers like you know Nvidia and Intel yeah that can be a nice laptop but not this one I'm Just sh it is a nice laptop yeah so what the customer is saying the laptop stopped working after a Windows 11 update sounds familiar it just shows a black screen and power light just repeatedly fades in and out slowly the laptop was sent back from Lenovo for a different repair issue the screws on the back panel are still missing from the previous repair what this is it surprised me you know it's not surprising me L noo is sending the the laptops back without the screws I Shi the laptop uh to you without the screws in okay okay so what do we know we know we have a laptop to repair yet there are no screws let's try to plug a charger first yeah let's just see from where we are starting okay so plug in the charger pluging the charger it's taking enough oh it is it is it is yeah it's charging right yeah yeah and we have the orange light 1.3 amps okay let's press the power button and nothing happened wait we do have check that check that check that you see you see the the LED on let me switch it off yeah now it's off oh oh and is coming on by itself H okay that's weird because I don't know if this current is taken by laptop or by battery let's try and open this and the laptop is open check oh you know every time when I see onam I'm I'm you know it's like something is clicking like in my brain when I see on boram especially from Lenovo okay that that that that that that fun it's it's it's very dirty and you can see here a lot of dust but that's not the issue here so what do I want to do is remove the battery it's mental you know from the last time when we fix that uh uh laptop with the with the RAM memory with on Bard arm short in the B battery good now let's plug the let's plug the the charger so pluging the charger and and it's like looping we the leete close why is looping like that check that check that check that 400 Z like five 400 500 Z why is doing something like that you know why because that can be a power supply protecting itself H so it is possible to find this F without a multimeter probably not but at least we can try okay let's see so we have a chip which is hot there we have another okay that one is coming going to goes off check there what is there okay that's a chip it's like you know like okay where you will find another dodgy person like me that power supply it's weird where is it where is it I lost it yeah you can see it now check there huh you see that's the behavior or a power supply which is going on over current I mean like something is shorted and the current goes up and the protection kicks in and dro the voltage oh L okay okay okay so check there yeah check there what do you think is flashing under the heat SN so I want to pay attention under the heat SN not sure if you can see it what do you think is flashing under the heat syn the chip set the chip set you're right right the chip set let's check the resistance with the multimeter 36 ohms 28 ohms it's not looking that unusual good good good good Z ohms okay this Zer ohms is not good it doesn't matter from where it's coming this Z ohms is not good zero ohms again 1.6 ohms okay so on this point I believe we have a dead CPU you can't have zero ohms you can't even on the gaming laptops the CPU still have like around four ohms but this one is just you know zero ohms it's just dead Let's uh take the heat syn out so we took out the heat syn let's come with some current like 0.8 volts on this coil and it's taking 1.6 okay I don't have C threee arms check that free arms what is getting how the CPU is dead we have two spots on the CPU you can see H so this is a dead CPU probably even the probably even the chip set probably even the chipset it will be dead let's see 19 volts sorry 19 yeah that's good oh yeah and uh yeah even the chipset is dead check on the chipset it's coming hard like in one corner you can see so that's the chipset which is coming hot in one corner and the CPU which is coming on and goes off on one side yeah nothing what we can do nothing what we can do you can't have a zero ohm CPU zero so we have 0.7 total resistance but my probes have 0.7 0.6 so the resistance of the CPU is 0.1 ohm which is impossible yeah sorry it's nothing what we can do nothing what we can do I'm really really really sorry hello so we are back and this time we have a very strange job and a very strange laptop yeah I can't say if it's nice or not so this is a laptop and the brand name is PC specialist that's what the customer is saying okay so what this laptop is doing we have a picture from the customer this is a strange fold yes so that's the picture we have from the customer so check that you can see here around the the M2 drive or what is here what is the battery connector not sure but you can see the black mark So something is burned there so very possible we are dealing with burn layers now let's open this one quickly and let's try to have a look before we are plugging the power in okay so that's the laptop inside and we can see the battery is disconnected you can see the chipset there oh look yeah you can see the you can see the burn mark yeah you can see it's there here let's check under the microscope so what is that looking for you liquid H it's a big hole on the motherboard okay and someone put plastic okay yeah got it so it's a hole on the motherboard and someone put plastic there but the hole is still the other side of the board I can see on the other side of the board you can believe that so this one is to the other side of the board ah ah that sucks you know let's check the main power rail which probably it is shorted but let's make it clear so where is the main power here sorry so the main power rail one ohm I mean 0.3 0.4 ohms you know what the battery connector doesn't have anything to do with uh with the burn motherboard because from the battery you have a mosfet and then the battery power is coming to the main power rail but in this case the main power rail is shorter do mean that truck it's actually the main power rail itself so I'll say let's take the board out to have a look on the other side and uh see if we can do anything good let's uh leave the laptop on one side and let's try to focus on the motherboard wow okay so someone work hard here on this board yeah okay I can see now yeah it is looking bad so what's that moset is doing let's see now we can't see on this side huh I believe this have something to do with the charging right must be the charging uh Power uh power supply I mean don't get me wrong I'm not looking to make this laptop like new but at least if the customer can use it you know with the charger plugged in without the battery and we still did something not sure what is this is plastic I believe what you see here is plastic is not flux and the board you see the hole you see this hole is going on the other side of the motherboard this one I mean it's nothing what we can do here I'm just trying to remove the short from the main power ra and I'm curious from where it's coming so this probably is the main power L let's check together and it shorted you can see it's 1.8 ohms uh I should remove it so how this is going to coils one second L then this is the charging coil yeah this one this one is the coil that is charging the battery does mean this coil must be a power supply this one and the problem is we don't know what this power supply is [Music] doing [Music] huh so how is it that's a nice hole [Music] right so how is looking to you like a you know the rock on the mountains let's go with Curr to see if we still have sh so coming with current in the same spot here 110 Millions okay we are close but not there yet we are close you see any alcohol movement because I can't okay let's H the voltage where where where on the other side or here here right oh yeah there there yeah you can see little between the layers [Music] there [Music] just F if if he cannot fix it how do I send a motherboard with a hole back to the customer pretty weird to explain something like that I you can explain something like that to someone who knows but someone who doesn't know it's kind of strange so what do you think we still have short let's check he taking no power check that sure is Gone Gone Going I mean not sure what to say I don't know what that power supply is doing n not sure so I will say let's see let's see right so I have to PL you know what this motherboard check how how how small it is I mean obviously when you put everything very close even the power rails are closed the tracks are closed and the probability for something like this to happen it's extremely high let's plug the charger so 19 volts a little bit of current right pluging the charger short L what is that what smoked this was semiconductor this was not the board was a semiconductor so something blow up what is that that she blow up really that she has a hole on it check that this one has a hole you can see that's a hole BQ chip so the B chip has a hole on it do you really believe this chips is still good is here any hope on this repair so what is smoking the board the board is smoking Lord L something there so he's not done yet [Music] he's taking 160 Milli so what he taking my de BQ chip were for the h probably the de B CH is taking that power right why the E chip is is hot why the E chip is oh that's sick has zero OHS so the AC is dead the B CH is dead and we have a hole on the motherboard but at least it's not shorted anymore no it's nothing what we can do here I mean I can't I can't really be that crazy to replace the AC cheap and the BQ Chap and I hope actually you know I mean if there was a power supply okay I can uh we can do some we can we can add a power supply yeah like external for but I can do it but when we have so many problems yeah sorry I mean it's not even Point let's use alcohol yeah we can check so the io chip has two ohms you can see on the screen two ohms two 5 ohms two ohms the E chip is that the AC chip is De the big chip has a hole on it and we have a hole on the motherboard so what you'll do in this case indeed the motherboard is not shorted anymore but the motherboard is taking 150 mils which we know and we learn actually is very bad so I'm going to stop now because uh it's kind of pointless right now hello so we are back and this time we have a c this is a nice laptop the noo yoga i7 IRS graphics and the customer is saying it poers on but never gets any picture on the screen or to an external external monitor the battery charged fully so uh he think it's a corrupted bias so what do you think we can help this customer the charger is plugged in is taking around 2 you can see that pressing the power button and you can see the lights on the keyboard yeah you can see the lights on the keyboard so the laptop it is coming on but no picture on the screen nothing cops lock is not responding that's mean probably the system is frozen so what do you think about this uh this laptop huh no it's not working can be a bias not sure but let's uh open the laptop and check a little bit inside now what do I want to check is the quails yeah because no picture on the screen can be e chip can be RAM memory can be CPU can be chipset uh are a lot of reasons yeah I can feel the heat sink warm so so how you will approach a repair like this someone is trying to save the termal paste here is 1.8 it's 1.7 but why the CPU is getting that hot let's check with the thermal camera now check the chipset that's not supposed to happen so you understand this laptop is off I'll turn it on now the laptop is on and clearly the CPU is hotter than than the chipset so the CPU looks fine it's shutting down because uh of high temperature but the chipset is no normal to take that kind of current when the laptop is off but this is a dead chipset it's nothing what you can do you can clearly see it's taking a lot of power like what like 42 degrees there and it's on one side that's the thing I mean even if I cool down the chips set I can cool it down now check there it's it's getting hot so as I take the hits you can see the chipset is gone nothing what we can do in this case that chipset hello so we're back in this time we have a customer job this is a nice laptop now check here check here yeah Acer ryzen 7 and radio and Graphics I mean you know those laptops like small laptops powerful you know like a beast this is a nice one I told you yeah so what is is doing the customer saying is taking no power it's not coming on nothing yeah let's try to press the power button pressing the power button nothing happen let me plug a charger okay ready so I got the charger plug in the charger so how much current is taking this laptop yeah check on the power supply and you'll say s it's taking zero it's taking no current at all right that's what you'll say you see that's why linear power supply is good I can't show you I don't think I can show you no I can't show you but I can do I can record with my phone yeah so check here yeah check here all I'm try to tell you how you can diagnose a laptop just you know by checking the power supply you can see so basically what you see there is the current LED is flashing you can see it you can see the current LED flashing but it's showing no current at all but it's flashing so what does Flash means does mean the current goes over what you set up on the power supply on my power supply right now it's about three amps so the current goes for a very short period of time you can't see it there yeah goes over 3 amps and you say no sorry it's zero no I am I'm telling you it's over three amps but you can't see it because it's too fast it's like a spike he taking currents in spikes so what does mean does mean it's a power supply or a input power circuit which is in the circuit is trying to push the power forward but it's a short forward and on that moment it will cut the power down it will start the power the current sensor it will sense the current is going too much and the the mosfet it will cut the power down that's the explanation of that led from the power supply yeah good now let's open the laptop quickly and try to figure it out why something is getting over 3 amps okay so the laptop is open and check here it's a nice motherboard someone opened the laptop because I can see Prints but can you spot anything wrong on this motherboard that cable is not plugged in properly so I believe someone opened this laptop check that cable you can see that cable you think that's the problem probably not probably not probably that's not a problem yeah so now the cable is plugged in properly yeah it's intered no one took out the battery okay that's interesting but someone play with that cable so we disconnect the but let's plug the charger is doing exactly the same thing exactly the same thing okay so what we are checking first we have the multimeter on screen right yes so first thing what you will check is the main power ra because every power supply is connected on the main power rail so if one power supply is shorted all power supplies it will be shortened okay so uh ground a main power you can see the capacitor you can see moset you can see capacitors here you can see them zero zero the main power is short to ground that's the reason why you seen that led on the power supply okay so how we can find a f like that very simple with the with a thermal camera it's very simple if you don't have a thermal camera you you you do exactly what sain did like for about 10 years yeah you come with some current the same way and try with this side of the finger because it's sensitive yeah and try and yeah you'll get burned but you know it is what it is but don't worry you don't have to spend money you can you know just tap it and you'll find what is getting hot now I lower the voltage on the power supply because uh it is possible to be like a short atmosphere can be yes so low voltage some current there and I will come with the power supply same on those capacitors from here so here we have check on the voltage yeah so here is ground and here is plus and it's taking around 300 milliamps so the short is not very short I will uh raise the voltage yeah 700 MMS so the short resistance is very high so possible to have like a MOS uhuh I can't see anything you think I I I can be wrong that's interesting what is that wait what's that so that thingy is taking 700 Milli this one okay that's bad that's bad I believe that one is the 3.3 volts uh power supply but let's have a look under the microscope okay not sure what happened here yeah so pay attention so someone work here right but also we can see liquid damage you can see the liquid damage there I mean clearly that is liquid damage so what you see here on the motherboard this is liquid damage you can see it okay okay I think someone got it wrong uh so this is a resistor right and here I suppose has to be a capacitor someone use a resistor instead of a capacitor no sure about that but first let's clean because we can see here is some liquid damage okay so we clean no actually it's not a capacitor it's a PL yeah so PL stands for uh inductor so this inductor is right okay let's see what this chip is doing let's see the output of this ship so we have the input here and is like zero ohms okay and we have the output which is like 1.4 ohms and that's bad 1.4 ohms okay that's bad okay so let's remove this chip first and let's see what's going on there so we remove the [Music] chip but my problem is what is on this Quil and has one oh you see that's my problem so even if I replace the if I replace the chip and it will still be one ohm there yeah so the main power is not shorted anymore you can see I mean I can go back to those capacitors here oh wait so someone remov the capacitors because I can see flux so someone actually remove every capacitor okay yeah so he not short anymore yeah so probably someone removed the capacitor and uh they found out wait here is a short on the output of this chip so even if we are replacing the chip it will still be that okay what that chip is doing that's a good question so what that chip is doing we're going to find out together what the chip is doing let's see the CPU yeah the CPU is gone the CPU is gone yeah the problem is I can't fix this I can't fix the CPU I'm really sorry for the [Music] customer so basically everything started for a drop of water yeah that what it was there a drop of water on that chip and from that point uh the CPU died the chip died and yeah hello so we're back and this time we have a nice laptop we have a Alienware a new one i7 huh what do you think about this one this is a proper nice laptop the laptop has been open before I can see on the screws you can see so someone opened this before so what the customer is saying about this this laptop the customer is saying sorry and I have like three laptops I want to send you can I send them and uh I said yeah you can send that that's all what we know about this job yeah this is the old customer I believe it's a computer shop now let's plug the charger plug in the charger and it's taking like 30 milliamps you know what 30 milliamps is a little bit too high I mean I can understand 10 I can understand 20 but 30 is kind of high now pressing the power button nothing happened okay nothing it just dead now let's open the laptop quickly and have a look inside okay so the back cover is removed disconnect is not plugged in the battery is unplugged that's okay I mean this is a small board or are multi boards we have boards here boards down this is liquid you can see some spots here okay let's check the main power ra that's what we are checking first yeah I me they have strange color check here I mean it looks like you know like some liquid damage you see the color of this capacitor look at the color of those capacitors yeah so probably this was a liquid damage job mosfets mosfets everywhere we have n 19 volts L okay so those are the input mus you can see they have like two in the parallel mode yeah so you have two and two the gate yeah the gate is high so the main power is present okay so we took the board out and even on this side was Liquid damage I mean I can see it without microscope let's have a look m is blow up l so here it was probably a capacitor right dodgy people like don't understand why they don't replace the capacitor they didn't replace it they just remove it this most is blow up you can see has a hole on it you can see it so this moset is gone check here he has a hole on it which is bad does mean the laptop was working when it was the liquid damage let's see the output of that qu 4 Ohms why 4 Ohms is near to the chipset if it's the chips set we are wasting time you know what I mean we have four OHS okay so we took the heat syn out wow that's a serious GPU you can see it check there okay so let's see what the forums Power Ra is doing I mean expect like four ohms near to the CPU but not here so let's lower the voltage yeah that's fine we have some current L take like five amps that's crazy check that the chip set is taking five amps that's crazy what a waste of time yeah it can be replaced kind of easily but you won't find another another chip set okay I'm really sorry I will stop here because nothing what I can do with this one um I was hoping you know to do like to have like a good video with this new new alen alen where where is iief yeah the iip is here yeah the chip is here hello SW back and this time we have a nice laptop repair so check here i7 no I didn't see that i7 Nvidia Graphics looks like the customer left a cheap here let's open the laptop quickly and have a look inside okay I just checked the the customer email he said he replaced that chip that's the original Chip he replaced it and the chip is still getting hot okay so we open the laptop so the chip is here you can see the customer made a mark now the customer say replace the chip and the chip is still getting hot now the easiest way before even replacing the chip is to check the of that Quil so what is the output of the Quil it's not sure 34 ohms okay let me plug a charger so this is a HP okay we do have a HP blue pin let's raise the voltage so plug in the charger and it's taking 20 milliamps let's check the output of that coil and this zero volts so why the customer is saying the chip is getting [Music] hot I mean what is here h oh this is just something which Lear here okay okay so let's focus on this power supply the customer said he replac it and he still getting Hur I try to find out what he's doing what this power supply is doing and U you know with 20 milliamps I can't see how this more Supply it will get hot maybe can get warm but not hot pressing the power button and the laptop is coming on and he's taking only 50 millions and the chipset is getting hot in one corner okay that makes sense the chip is not getting hot it's getting War 3.3 I mean the chip is working fine one [Music] volt 3.3 okay that makes sense if that chip got burned then probably the chip burn the chip set that's the reason why yeah you can see I check yeah and clearly that's a hold the chipset hello so uh we are kind of back we have a nice laptop to fix this is a customer job so check here Nvidia Graphics wait Nvidia AMD R they are switching Graphics possible and Ryon 7 the problem with this one if is coming on you can see but it's not picture on the screen you can see the back light on the keyboard not sure if you can see it yeah you can see it now but it's not picture on the screen I did check with the charger it's not working with my uh universal charger but obviously looks like the laptop is charging and it's coming on onto the battery so let's quickly open this laptop and try to figure out what is wrong there that's a nice board the customer said he TR already the bios so not sure what we can try okay it's not looking bad let's check the coils here let's unplug actually no we don't have to unplug the battery it does the vram then it's good that's the GPU CPU boosting coil okay all looks good know let's try let me grab the thermal camera maybe we can spot something one second what is on that connector let's check together I just see now that connector what is that huh you know the ribbon cable is looking L the ribbon cable is broken check that that's the ribbon cable someone snap the ribbon cable so how we can fix something like that I we can't because this is broken the thing is what if if we are you know replacing the cable the connector how we can know if the CPU is still good or not how you can obviously this is a ass short on the on the connector yeah on the screen connector how you can know if it will work after we are replacing the screen connector because it's not working on the HDMI that's what the customer said I mean not sure if someone burned it or what I mean someone clearly broke that cable but who broke that cable didn't see the connector or or what happened here this is not shorter than 19 volts this is shored probably on the 3.3 yeah check here so you have the 3.3 power line which is coming here the problem is all I want to see is uh here we do we do we still have picture because if the if the GP is dead you know it's nothing what we can do but I cannot be sure if the GP is dead till the moment actually I'm checking what's going on here we don't need back light so don't get don't get me wrong where is the ribbon cable broken I don't care I care about the 3.3 and data line so basically this part of the connector if I'm able to see you know the picture without the back light then I know I will be fine on the other hand you know any you know soling wires it looks Dody I'm not sure if the C customer to understand this kind of doess you I'll speak with a customer for Aran cable I don't know what to do because need the connector also let me think a little [Music] bit hello so we are back Saturday and it's a beautiful weather outside you can see the sun shining nicely there so what do we have today we have a nice laptop and when I say a nice laptop check here yeah ACA Predator i7 engine Nvidia Graphics 144 HZ display this is a proper nice one so what's the problem with this one not coming on so that's what the customer said not charging and not coming on okay let's open this laptop quickly and let's see what do we have inside I mean on the gaming laptops we can have two things yeah short Atmos shorter capacitors only that yeah if the customer is lucky can be like a shorter capacitor if he unlucky mostly unlucky uh it will be like a shorted mostos that CPU that GPU you know the story with the gaming laptops not charging yeah have in mind yeah let's say uh okay maybe something else maybe it's not a most of the capacitor okay but it's not charging yeah does mean probably the main power really shorted and that's a good reason why the laptop it will not charge okay so the laptop is open someone fixed it before for some reason he's looking like someone tried to fix it let's disconnect the battery let's take the multimeter because now is the moment you can't see because of the sun better now so clearly someone opened this laptop before you can see now let's get the multimeter now let's check the main power rail the main power rail yeah we can check we have capacitors Zer OHS we have here a test point so this is the main power ra Z ohms you see exactly what I told you now let's get out the heat sink and see what actually shorted here okay so the heat sink is out uh let me grab the termal camera let's get the power supply let me lower the voltage yeah 0.9 should be fine we are coming with the voltage of the main power L you see we have here two mosfets after the those two mosfets it's your main power L and it's taking 2.5 amps and what do you think is that the CPU yeah you're right and check out the check the CPU it has like a dot dot in the in the CPU so which one is shorted uh which mosfet this one so this mosfet is gone this one is like I can see on the thermal camera it's uh you know War okay let's quickly remove the mosfet after we are removing the mosfet the laptop should come on yeah you can see clearly check here yeah someone already play here you can see looks soer and actually the mosfet has been replaced yeah so we removed the mosfet yeah someone already removed the M this MOS before so about now the main power is still shorted let's see no short on the main power you can see let me unplug the Buttle you now it's [Music] fine pressing the power button and the laptop is coming going check that one amp and he going off right on yeah dead he's still taking one arm but no picture on the screen it is coming on but no picture on the screen hello so we're back and this time we have a customer job here yeah so this is a nice ni laptop check here I3 aent the problem is with this one is dead let's plug the charger with a charger plugged in check here on the meter 90 volts so is negotiating the voltage but it's only 0.1 like 100 milliamps 130 milliamps which is not really a good current pressing the power button nothing happened okay good let's open this quickly and see if we can spot something okay so the laptop it's open and it's looking good inside okay someone disconnect the battery disconnect the BIOS battery no hard drive okay let's plug the charger and what we are checking first the main power ra right we should have 19 do we have 19 we have zero no we have 9.2 9.2 [Music] 1.2 5 Vols zero 1.6 wait why did why this main power has like 9 volts I mean it's making sense if you have like a special power supply to create the main power area because you have two types of laptops the laptops they have uh you know the main power is coming from the charging port 19 volts and the second type you have has a special coil which is creating from the that that 19 volts is creating the uh another another main power L with a lower voltage usually the battery voltage why the battery was unplugged oh let's plug the battery so plug in the battery nothing changed oh yeah it this look 0.2 0.3 it's going up it's charging L the battery is charging 1.9 amps check here 1.9 and the battery voltage 0.7 10.7 so the battery is charging fine 10.8 10.9 yeah yes so the main power is present the problem is the laptop is not coming on that's the issue with this one nothing is not coming on okay let's check uh the 3.3 clearly is present because otherwise we will not have 19 negotiated on the USB port wait the laptop it's on we have light on the power button can I switch it off yeah I can there not switching off wait but the laptop is still off what is not it's coming let me grab the thermal camera because I don't understand what's going on here let me unplug the battery because it's confusing with the battery so without the battery we have 100 milliamps and this is on let's see okay that was from the charging oh what chip is that this one okay the one I think is creating the 5 Vols and otherwise it's looking good go let's unplug the charger let's switch to beeping and let's check the coils so here we have L three volts how we can have three volts here oh sorry three ohms good here we have 19 here we have five six yeah six ohms and here we have seven so those are the VES uh this is the boosting the V core this no idea and this one most likely is the is the chipset so the chipset is gone on this model 3.2 1 second this has 3.2 also 3.2 which is the r the r power supply so I have a problem with this one with 3.2 ohms and this one with 3.4 ohms yeah so let's take the heat syn out and uh see which one is the r and which one is the chip set so I'll come with the power supply low voltage yeah 0.8 should be fine so coming here he's taking like 2.4 arms l that's crazy what do you think is taking 2.4 amps the corner of the chipset ah can you see it yeah what about this one 3.2 ohms is taking same amount of current and this is the cheap this this is the cheap set this is this is actually the probably this is the cheaps set power supply and this is the the other part of the chips set yeah it's gone what a waste of time I seen that from the moment when I seen the laptop on but it's not taking current you know how she does the chips set
Channel: Electronics Repair School
Views: 274,397
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Id: olc13ew86Ms
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Length: 158min 11sec (9491 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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