Thou Must Live, Die, And Know [LV87 MSQ CUTSCENE]

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[Music] from this day forward i shall strive to bring honor to the seat of vandana is is even now i remember standing there locked in a moment where the sky is a flame where stars fall as tears and screams darken the seas where resignation rots the trees where terror twists magics into abominations such as the lament of they who have gone before the song of they who tried and failed to create a better world the song of the end [Music] that which hides at the edge of the universe is no longer hope's creation it is hopelessness incarnate [Music] that day mankind saw half of its number sacrificed to bring forth zodiac [Music] and covering the star in a shroud of ether we forestalls the final days [Music] [Music] so believe yet the cries echoed still we wept for innocence lost wailed for death inevitable [Music] a reality too terrible to bear and for too many who sought comfort in gilded memories of joyful days and tranquil nights this is all wrong why must we suffer so [Music] it needn't be like this no there must be a way to restore things to the way they were to reclaim the perfect paradise we once had no my friends suffering exists and we cannot pretend otherwise no civilization however great could eliminate it if we would live we must accept it as our constant companion let us not seek to forget this tragedy let us carry it in our hearts that we may grow stronger and know true happiness [Music] we can't accept it we won't accept it it will be ours again a world free of sorrow no it will not for there has ever been sorrow mankind was but spared its biting sting for a time so please open your eyes to try and reclaim those lives we lost by sacrificing yet more isn't wisdom it is weakness [Music] no paradise is without its shadows if we cannot accept this truth and learn from our pain then our plight shall be repeated [Music] oh mighty zodiac god born of our boundless faith [Music] we bid you hear our prayer accept this offering of lives and deliver unto us the lives we once had deliver unto us the days of old the days when the star was a font of love and we knew naught but bliss [Music] you would destroy it a beautiful world [Music] lands that stretched on forever skies one could drown in the heartbeat of nature silent yet strong and amidst it all a people beacons of light and life laughter that warmed my heart like not else before they are my meaning and my purpose my love in spite of or perhaps because of this i choose to believe in mankind's potential in his ability to find a way forward so let there be no way back from that temptation i sunder us more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise henceforth he shall walk uh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is excruciating pain i breathe fire and torment i birth a world of suffering to mire and plague [Music] [Music] tell us [Music] [Applause] in one fleeting moment lives come and go ever moving towards the unknown and in that fleeting moment they cry for the answer to the question [Music] why given life are they meant to suffer to die [Music] as fragmented imperfect beings yours is a never-ending [Music] a quest to find your purpose knowing your end is assured [Music] to find the strength to continue when all strength has left you [Music] to find joy even as darkness descends and amidst deepest despair light everlasting [Music]
Channel: The Razielim
Views: 319,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: razff14
Id: SwTcMt6k8FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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