Running Up That Hill - FFXIV (GMV)

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- No matter where we flew There was only darkness and loneliness and pain We couldn't find the answers Hermes yearned for The answers he deserved - At the end of life's journey lies only death So I ask you, why live at all? If life is so sacred, so precious why fill it with such misery? - But do not avert your eyes See your life for what it is - No matter how many times we fall we must rise and carry on the fight for those we left behind - Yes, I can see them The memories of a long, long journey So many people.. the thoughts of them overflowing in your heart - I would save everyone! - The future you seek is not the past we loved - My people, my brothers - My ideals are inviolate, invincible. - My friends.. - I won't lose them! Not a one! This will be a brighter future! - It's the little things that make life worth living, don't you think? - What they live for, what gives their lifes meaning.. There was never a single answer - I'm sorry - She's just gone? - Look out! - What? No! Damn it, Thancred, put me down! Thancred! - I choose to believe in mankind's potential in his ability to find a way forward Lands that streched on forever Skies one could drown in The heartbeat of nature, silent yet strong And amidst it all a people Beacons of light and life Laughter that warmed my heart like naught else before They are my meaning and my purpose. My love.
Channel: Amalzia
Views: 216,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BgC-uGPdoUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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