Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker - The Final Walk

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I mean, we now have a spaceship capable of traveling anywhere in the Universe/Galaxy. I wouldn't mind visiting other worlds.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/That_Guy_in_2020 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

What do you think is gonna be next? I think Meracydia or New World. I assume patches will be reconstructing after the Final Days, but last 2 patches as always should be introducing the next expansion.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Historical_Paper4110 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Does anyone think the face on the moon means anything?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Internet_Rando_2 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
if you need a push i'll be right there behind you [Music] do not despair you are not without allies [Music] what we have in blood we have ripped in suffering and it cannot go on [Music] [Music] upon the souls of they who have sacrificed themselves to pave the way for peace we will never abandon our cause while it is true that man succumbs all too often to anger and avarice he may yet overcome his baser instincts through the forming of bonds with others [Music] such victories are really one without sacrifice but the prize is worth the price [Music] and we for our part are glad indeed to be able to welcome friends both old and save your tears for the morning you may be sure we will have ample cause to shed them be they for joy [Music] from tragedy and sacrifice we rise to greet a new dawn [Music] a future shaped by the choices we make in ways we could never foresee yet miracles do happen so let us pray and will our friends i won't stop praying until i know they're safe stronger [Music] look to the light within that you may continue to serve as a beacon to others [Music] let's finish this [Music] [Music] here the path ends there is no way to reach our nest [Music] i told you resignation and acceptance reign in this place the rejection of life by those who came to curse it those whose dreams were unfulfilled whose prayers were unheard whose labors were unrewarded hope cannot deliver you unto hopelessness our refuge is beyond you [Music] always has it been such is the nature of this place you should have remained on a theris [Music] struggle will avail you not nor will it grant your comrades peace come let me relieve you of your burden you've suffered enough [Music] so long as our souls remain you can use it to summon us back but you mustn't how do we make peace that's why it's too soon [Music] we shall remember these few days we have lost do not squander it the legacy i leave you [Music] [Music] i bit them remember but all this time i'm the one who had forgotten a right fool you've made of me hermes and to add insult to injury i've been denied a sound rest forced to watch this clamorous show [Music] oh come now it's been a gripping tale unbreakable bonds and noble sacrifice sprinkled with moments of levity to counterbalance the pathos it's got it all i for one would have been perfectly content to watch enraptured from the stalls but i won't say no to a bit part what are you half faded souls of the dead isn't it painfully obvious a worry not we haven't the power to defeat you nor is it our duty to do so not anymore [Music] that being said we do have a score to settle [Music] so here i am i suppose you needed me to tie it all together these frayed threads of our history but knowing you i suspect there's a joke in it too oh yes i can imagine you gloating over my forgetfulness [Music] were i feeling charitable i might assume you have left room for the possibility of this outcome even so you'll get no applause from me a single gesture will not liken the burden i've had to bear [Music] still you must be commended our methods would not have brought mankind this far and so as a show of respect to the last of us i make this declaration [Music] you will not end our journey that is our answer the answer of all lives of the theorists past and present [Music] as you've called us to the stage so shall we perform and creation magics never fail to please drawing upon the hopes of your comrades we will make for you a new path what form said park takes depends on you so focus focus and envision that which rejects the claim that you cannot attain your goal [Music] ours is the wisdom to weave the fabric of reality ours is the power to create meteon though i gave you these wings to soar the heavens i did not teach you how to walk the earth [Music] so loath was i to bind another living being in the course of your long journey you will learn from those you meet learn to walk and run and so much more [Music] a flower [Music] yes upon your return i will gift you a beautiful flower [Music] these albus blooms serve as proof that this realm is not utterly devoid of hope no more can you deny its power no more is yours the dominion of despair in case the practical implications were lost on you your comrades no longer need fight their fight so go on call them back to your side [Music] so [Music] may you ever walk in the light ugh how disappointing but even a single scar in the making to brag about you'll find a way regardless honestly this is far more than any of us could have hoped for let us be thankful indeed that we thus stand reunited is a gift let us not squander it and see that we all return to with eris [Music] i as soon as we've averted the final days [Music] good to see you again our heroic sacrifice paid off i take it [Music] come my friends let us carry on and finish it together [Music] can you hear me the voice is within crying in pain wailing in sorrow hurting hurting end it silence it silence our song of oblivion [Music] the way is open they can proceed [Music] so it seems you're leaving of course the encore is finished and i will not suffer myself to live again by heideling's magic but more than that the future you seek is not the past we loved that is why we fought and why i lost but though you defeated me my ideals are in violet invincible [Music] spare me your pity i have no use for it if you would do something for me save our star see this tale to a triumphant conclusion and with elation in your hearts bit the final curtain fall only then may it rise again and a new tale begin with new parts for all to play tell me have you been to the ruins beneath the waters of the bounty or the treasure islands beyond the frozen waters of blind frost in offered north the fabled golden cities of the new world the sacred sites of the forgotten people of the south sea isles what about maracidia the southern continent do you know ought of its present state of affairs i thought not even of your little eorzea you know precious little the true identities of the twelve for instance all of which is to say expand your horizons go forth and seek discovery some of the civilizations in the reflections will surprise you [Music] as the bearer of azem's crystal you may consider your duty to see at least that much [Music] i certainly did [Music] i pray we meet again if not in this life then perhaps another when so ever it should be i trust it will be a most joyous reunion for you maybe i want nothing to do with it cold don't be that way [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CGInferno
Views: 148,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ESLfobFPNhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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