Emet-Selch reveals himself to the scions

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all seems well at the crystarium yes yama was plainly more concerned with finding us a flattering [Music] you certainly took your time I had half resolved to complete the task myself [Music] and you are I want to study the annals of garleon history one would find you on the village on many a page though by right since youth should long since have faded well well we have a historian in our midst that spares me a lengthy explanation I am soulless so Scalf as founding father of the Galleon Empire and under various guises the architect of myriad other Imperial inclined Nations as for my true identity [Music] I am Abid Sam Basia gaius spoke of you and native of the source [Music] equally ranked a la habra and you came all this way just to introduce yourself to us behold the sky restored to its former glory have you ever seen a more affecting spectacle oh it is truly deeply infuriating do you have any idea how much you have delayed the rejoining following the flood the first had been listing ever further towards the light towards stasis the end was in sight and her man and his indomitable spirit he would hold the world back from the brink and adding his lump and weight to the power of growth he duly tipped the scales if only by a fraction yet a fraction was enough to spoil the perfect imbalance needed to bring about a rejoining heart mankind continue to live in idleness under Voorhies rule all the conditions would have been met but you had to come and ruin it all thanks to your meddling lights supremacy is in doubt and our painstakingly laid plans are in tatters well I should begin by thanking you for confirming Orion Jays theories on the inner workings of the calamity he will be most pleased as for what happens next might I suggest you admit defeat and walk away happy to let me go are you because the murderous glint in your eye suggests otherwise indeed it is enough to make me think better of confronting you alone so it did cross my mind to simply side with War three and kill you all but that's no different from what llaha Bragg did and we all know how well that ended for him and so while it is liable to be troublesome I have settled upon a different approach [Music] cooperation I will not raise a hand to hinder your hunt for the light ordinance if you desire it I will even lend you my knowledge and strength since time immemorial you and yours have labored to rejoin the 13 shards at the cost of countless lives do you expect us to believe that your objective has suddenly changed nay how objective is the same as it ever was though I dare say you do not know our motive the war waged without knowledge of the enemies no war it is mere bloodletting just once might me not seek to find common ground [Music] for good or ill I am emote provided I have the inclination I can always begin a new scheme and conspire to my heart's content but this time I thought that I might instead try to see eye to eye to understand what drives the hero of the source to determine if our goals are truly incompatible so common shared your preconceptions see beyond the unscrupulous villains you take us for when all is said and done we may find ourselves pleasantly surprised the proud discoverers of a path of cooperation rather than opposition [Music] thou hast delivered that posle and we would not dismiss it outright if I may offer thee counsel however to make thy case via an illusion reflective poorly upon thy sincerity my apologies you will forgive me if I'm not entirely at ease in the presence of a famed esteemed Slayer I felt it only prudent to take precautions nonetheless your council is duly noted I take my leave friends rest assured we shall meet again soon
Channel: zirovanes
Views: 195,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy XIV, FFXIV, Shadowbringers, Final Fantasy 14, FF14, Emet-Selch, Emmet-Selch, Emet Selch, Emmet Selch, Solus Zos Galvus, Solus
Id: zk0SDu_Dp0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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