Thor Vegas 24.1 Mods, Repairs & Upgrades

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hi everyone so i think this video is going to be interesting for both like uh thor vegas owners and our potential renters because i want to show you all the mods the upgrades the repairs that we did to this camper to make it better make it rental ready you know have our renters uh as comfortable as possible so i just gonna walk around and show you what we did so right off the bat up front we changed the wipers because the original one probably they were back from 2014 they didn't do any job also replace the windshield water pump it didn't work up here we did very cool light strip this one and we also put a um it's a bluetooth speaker and a light combination very cool so because original from the factory there was just a tiny light out there it was just not enough it wouldn't do any job in here we are actually labeled all the compartments so renters can know what it is here we installed one of the two levelers so renters can see how leveled or unlevel they are also in this compartment we made a griddle hookup so this is a propane hookup and down the line we have a griddle we also include a toolbox uh grilling utensils broomstick uh let's see what else we did here so like i said labeled everything this compartment perfectly fit the griddle so and it's just a quick disconnect plug it in and you're done one major upgrade for this camper i think you can see how reflective it is so when i bought it it was literally matte it was clean maybe not so clean but it was literally matted would not reflect anything uh probably the previous owners just either didn't know how to wash it or never washed it so we put eight layers of gel coat on it all right and now it's it's as shiny as it can get we put all new six tires and the front tires got the alignment and according to guys from elmira spring works this was the first alignment ever done to this camper so here's this on the back we installed this cool gadget and now the unit has a spare tire believe it or not the manufacturer of this rv decided that spare tire is not needed and yes we do have roadside assistance but guess what roadside assistance doesn't come with tires it's just the technician who knows how to replace a tire bicycle rack actually was was the camper we just had to rebuild it in the in the way it works great we drove it over to myrtle beach and back like this worked beautiful all right moving on electrical cord actually ready fix it on the other end uh inside let's see it's already stocked things that we now include was the camper we got ramps picnic table two sewer hoses um matt uh silver line support is right here okay moving on this is funny it's actually in every rv so you can see there is actually like a thumb block and a key lock all right for some reason the sewer the uh sorry the outdoor shower and the silver axis had a like a key lock and this just annoys the living hell out of me it's like what what's going to happen someone's going to steal your shower or dump your black tank so i actually replaced them with a thumb box so here's this one here's this one i did some work on the sewer um well we labeled it and we actually there was a broken pipe in there we fixed it and i still gonna add a third valve here um but we did some reworking here because it was barely accessible here all right so this is done uh maybe last but not least we coiled all the like drain hoses uh i'm sorry freshwater hose electrical it perfectly fits in here we put some clamps for adapters so here is this um let me walk back a little bit and i hope you can see it from here yeah so we did replace the antenna it's right there it used to be a very old-fashioned ugly looking antenna that you have to crank the handle to lift it up we also put the skylight covers you can see them right there so when it rains people don't get water inside the camper all right let's go inside let's see and i probably missed a couple things well right from the get-go this is very handy uh upper handle bar for the door because when you walk in like i'll try to show you but if this is your only handle you kind of have to like duck down to close the door versus now you have this and before i go in so this is the light strip by the way and actually this one has a separate button right here and here you go okay inside there's tons of mods this little sensor shows you that we have 110 in the camper again all switches labeled nice ikea trash can up here we put a matching um clock that also shows the temperature on the command center i do it on all my units so by the manufacturer this is how you see your battery level cool right imagine your phone would just show your battery just in increments of four right so instead of that we put a digital sensor that shows people the voltage and also shows the health of the battery and then actually programmed to start buzzing if the battery goes really low so that's another upgrade um let's see well that was a big one uh from the dealer from the manufacturer this loft bat on this you know back when in 2014 this unit was worth like around 100k it will come with a calm and air mattress and not the highest quality so we ordered the custom foam memory or memory foam mattress it's it's pretty expensive and it's really cool i slept on it for a week it's is it's as good as my home mattress so we replace it with a nice looking mattress up front the driver theory very important phone holders so we have one we have two phone holders magnetic ones right because you gotta put your phone somewhere uh we also did a this is actually very very cheap android phone and we programmed it to be a tire pressure monitoring system how cool is that usb charger that also shows me the state of the car battery very important actually because if your generator or alternator gives up and you don't know that that usb port was in stock the only one i added one more on this side right there all right so that's always on every camper labeled to show how high is your unit so you remember right um we threw those throughout the unit those are like little cool phone glasses keys holders they're all over so there is that roku tv instead of a regular one so this is a roku tv and it also has a thumb drive with 40 movies pre-loaded so if you're completely offline you can have those all right moving inside this ladder so the manufacturer just when they make this unit they just throw it on the bed in the bathroom like yeah whatever let people figure out so we made a mount it's very nice you just pull it and it comes out so that was another mod we also went through all the drawers and kind of reinforced them because believe it or not all these drawers and cabinets they they put together with staples literally they're like stapled together so i actually we took everything out and stapled it and now it's all stock so i can kind of show you that's what we have for our ranchers all the cool stuff and we kind of you know now this is our fourth or technically fifth unit so we're actually using same brands um of like utensils it helps because if something gets lost or misplaced or broken we can easily replace it so here's this uh paper towel holder why not because you don't want you know this is very little space in here and if you start throwing things around it gets even worse drinking water um toaster cutting boards okay moving on here let's see what else we did well that's one of the biggest upgrades in my favorites so this gadget out here what it does it provides power to the outlets and the tv even if you're not connected to the sure power all right so it's called outlets over dc you can call it inverter unit now so you can use all the outlets and watch your tv while you're driving i'm gonna turn this off so the the inverter itself sits here on the back it's pretty big it's 2 000 watt unit and there's auto transfer switch and this is just remote on off panel and talking about the outlets we went through rv and replaced all the stock outlets with these cool ones that they have first of all they're all tamper proof because we got cats in here and they are also usb powered so usb everywhere right other mods let's see so we did a batting in here this is all ikea batting and um so remember on the previous video i told you like how was one cube those two twins converts into king but the problem is is this is larger than the kink and we couldn't figure out like the sheets so what my mom did she made a custom like a wraparound sheet for two cubes right so when you put them in you have the everything sheeted in here and you can take them off and you can wash them so that was our custom another roku tv so this was like just a stock tv that would just play antenna or a cable so we replace it with a roku tv another remote holder um temperature sensor because this controls ac but how do you know how much you got in the rv like you just don't right so this little gadget from walmart i like putting them around in the campers i uh i even have it in the fridge just so you can see the temperature and we did do some mods in the bathroom turn on the lights okay so what we did here is we actually added a bunch of well not a bunch but two shells because this unit is not too generous on shelving i would imagine the manufacturer could put another um cabinet in here but they didn't so we bought some of these there's another one a toothbrush holder why not i just found it somewhere on amazon and because see there is not like no area where to put stuff more shelves in here so those were our add-ons insulation pillows uh why do you need those in the summer if there is no pillow literally the only thing that separates you and 100 degree arizona is just a tiny sheet of plastic because this is a skylight because while this is insulated this is not this is just a tiny piece of plastic and the heat does go through so these pillows are very handy from camco i think this is it pretty much so um i'm sure i missed something or maybe a few more things but these are all the upgrades and we're not done we're constantly improving we're always like looking for ways to improve things all right so thanks for watching and if you have any suggestions or questions let me know in the comments thank you
Channel: DENKO RV Rentals
Views: 8,336
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Id: InGZyfWEu3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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