My 2016 Thor Axis 24.1 Tour (RV Living Full Time)

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okay today I'm gonna take you on a tour of our 2016 thoraxes 24.1 some of the things I want to show you are some of the upgrades I've done already upgrades I'm going to do things we have planned essentially we're getting this RV ready to go full-time I lived in it for about five months through the winter which was that times not too bad at times pretty hard if it got real cold I figured out some tips and tricks to get around that but but we are going full-time our original plan date what's going to be marks the first of 2020 but just because we want to hurry up and get going we have now try to move that out to around September of this year anywhere between August and September but most likely toward the end of September so with that I will start the tour show you around the RV like I say show you some of the stuff I've done and look for some feedback and then at the end I'll have some additional comments and ask a few questions all right here we go okay so first we will start up here at the cab obviously you have what they call the captain's chair now you got a few controls over here for your different mirrors and so forth a cup holder while your windshield wiper style stuff and obviously you got the steering wheel and then the little jar you see there it's just a little changed jar I put in here just to try to save up money as we go any loose change we're just kind of tossed in and then other stuff on this of course you got your stereo system you can also use this as a hooking up with your phone more or less to be able to view your phone through it so you know for like Google Maps or something like that and essentially you do that down here with this little wire but more or less there you hook in your iPhone to let it charge and then you hook in your USB port or the HDMI port to let it play and if you've got like an iPhone which is the ones that I know I'm you got to have the little adapter to make it go but over here you got your little computer station there's my trickle charge that I use obviously at French you got the you got the big glass windows and so forth and I will raise this up so you can kind of see what you'd be seen if you had the window open as you can see it's it's a smaller Class A but it is a Class A and there's a picture of my house well actually my house is here my neighbor's and some of their but um so this is a house for actually getting ready to sell but as you can see from this you got a really good view you can obviously open up the side windows and you know when you're when you're out camping and you've got some spectacular view to look out of I think it'll be awesome to stay here and sit in the morning and drink your coffee or soda whatever you drink in the morning and enjoy the view there is also you got this workstation here which it just pops back like this sorry about the camera movement there but it pops back and I've got a little piece of plastic in there I've actually got a video where I took all this apart to get to the battery that's a one of my first videos you can actually go back and check that out but either way you got all this over here so you know what I'll primarily be using this my workstation as I go forward and let's say you got stuff over here I've got some magazines in the floor but you've got a couple of plugins over here and so forth and then in the middle here you can set up a table which we do have set up when we're out and of course you got your fire extinguisher which I would HIGHLY advise on any of these so here and you can see me and my tank top I apologize for the look it is very high here so I'm trying to stay as cool as I can but here you got your TV one of the first things that I did with this TV was I didn't take it off of there for whatever reason in the RV world they always have these just mounted to a flat mount so I was able to add an arm on there and be able to push this in and out as I want to um that was very important to me know that it really matters but just to be able to bring it in and out you know it's pretty nice and then got your cabinets these cabinets here this stuff is not what came with it we actually put all that in ourselves so we we change that out put plastic backings on them then put the put the film on the front of them instead of having like the whole ugly brown stuff and once we get into the restroom I can actually show you what that looks like have not changed it out in there yet but not not real not real pretty I mean actually you can see it down here in the cabinet which just was not a big fan of that at least for the cabinetry so we changed it all out but you can see you got several drawers got your sink cuts your cooktop and there's no oven so you got your microwave with a convection and really not will say not real familiar with conviction yet but my big goal is to cook out a whole lot more not have to worry about that kind of stuff over on this side of your cabinet you've actually got all your controls so your generator your black tank grey tank tell whether it's full empty batteries so forth extra water heater all are your general connections everything so far that I've used works real well then on this side so the kitchen straight across from the kitchen area you've got your I guess your living room area and underneath here there is actually a setup for a table we chose not to do that we actually put down some area rugs actually all the way through we just liked the area rug so we made some point thinking about made on it don't know it's none but we instead of getting like a sofa or something like that we wanted the recliners and so we found one fork liners in it and so far love this just wall hugging it is that's part of the slide-out area and I'll show you that from the outside here in just a few minutes but you know actually it's just while hugging recliners it's got a little bit of storage in here we've got dog toys in there our dogs will be traveling with us and there's a video on that if you want to check it out and TV remote and stuff so forth we kind of store all that stuff in there but then you get back into your refrigerator area and it's just and 'red refrigerator/freezer that's the more coal so you know nothing nothing too special just the normal everyday stuff pictures of King Charles Cavalier on the front here that's our breed of dog so that's what we got then you've got a couple of drawers here for softs whatever you want to put in there and then you kind of got your hanging closet here and I've just got some stuff thrown around in here from where I just come back from my travels but you know pretty good storage in here I actually was able to keep five days worth of suits in there so can't complain too much then you got your bathroom area show you some stuff we've done in here so we do have our clothes hamper in here just while we were traveling I'm actually getting ready to build a spot for that so that'll be completely gone and then we have upgraded to this Oxana genex showerhead it's supposed to give you a little bit more pressure so far that's been okay not great I did have to had a shutoff valve to it since the I got the I guess the previous year and it did not have it so had that essentially just go ahead and add it on it but so far works good I've tested it out and everything I'm alright product I think they're all about the same to be honest and you got your medicine cabinet and so forth and sorry there's a leave you and me again and then you've got some cabinets in here as well I'm in an era game you can see the ugly Brown back in there that I'm not a big fan of so one of the things we added on with some of these baskets just to store some of the tool trees in I'm actually was able to mount or vacuum in here as well we've got places for towels on the back of the door and this does open up so both both doors open up and also there's my row but both doors open up to kind of give you a bigger bigger bathroom area and it works well I'm you know the showers not huge but it works for what you're needing so not too bad you got the standard toilet in it I am actually going to be changing this out very soon to a composting toilet mostly because it's more environmentally friendly and because you know it gets you out of dealing with the you dealing with the black tank and I'm actually going to convert my black tank into a second grating so we'll have more grating capacity so that's kind of my plan with that I haven't got to that yet but that is something that will be coming very soon I've just they're expensive so I'm kind of kind of waiting on that at this point I will close these doors back up sorry about all the moving in the camera but there it is with the doors back shut so basically you get all that for a bathroom area and this is our bedroom area so plenty of storage in here as you can see and we've replaced all the front ends of these but plenty plenty of storage in these so this is actually a project that I completed today but you can see we've put up little storage bins on the side but I put in this new king size purple mattress I was told that they would not fit in here but obviously as you see they for sure will so we had to put it long ways so the way you would sleep in a normal bed it kind of lays this way if you're kind of looking at my finger so I turned it that way instead of that way and more or less I got the longer in going across the RV because it is a full full bed more or less I'm full it's an oversized king bed and then on this side I've just got that what would have been the narrower piece going from the front or from the back of the RV back up towards the front they said it was 76 I had 75 space but if it's perfect so no complaints there one of the things you will notice is a gap over here so what this is anybody that's familiar with these and I will try to get underneath there and show you you've actually got a compartment underneath you can leave it out you can use this as two full bibs so what I did was took out all their wood which was kind of cheap wood as many people know in the RV world they use the cheaper stuff and I put my own wood back in and now I'm able to actually lift this area up and I've got more storage underneath and I will show that in just a second but here I'm actually going to build a small shelf I'm going to take out all this stuff I'm going to leave the window of a build around it and then I'm going to build a small little shelving area in here just to give us some additional storage and then there is a little gap over there too and I'm going to leave a gap over here to help put the covers and stuff on make that a little bit easier did install this nice pan for this room it creates great ventilation and then also you got your vent fans in here and I've got these orders so I've ordered the fantastic vent I'm getting ready to change these out and there's actually another one back here in the living room as well I'm gonna show you that one and I've already got the camco covers on the top so I can leave them open at any time but I'm actually changing those out with a reversible fan so you can blow in or out depending on what you're wanting at that point in time but I will now get in here and I'll show you so basically this lifts up from the front I do need to put some air shocks in here to make this easier to lift it is extremely heavy but I'll get that down probably over the next weekend or so and then that problem will be solved it'll lock in place and I'll be able to lift it up a little bit easier so not too big of a deal but now I will lift this up give me one second you'll go white for a minute alright so now I've kind of got this propped up here but as you can see here is my freshwater storage then this is exactly why I need the air shocks to kind of lock all this in place right I'm just using the 2x4 but you can see kind of where it splits off of where I'm wanting to build a shelf the freshwater tank and you can also see here I added a little extra piece of wood there just so this end piece here would have a little bit more to rest on to make it do a little bit better I could use that for a little bit of storage if I have something I just needed to kind of tuck in to just get it out of the way I'm not really sure what I'd do with it but I'm sure I'll find something to fit in there eventually here you got a couple of different drawers you can use kind of you know put some stuff in there like I say you know I forget the shocks on all this will be fairly easy to get to this area here I actually plan on putting battleborn batteries in so I do plan on buying at least six lithium-ion battleborn batteries and kind of mounting them in here I'm just wanting to try to be able to get into more boondocking stuff like that so that's why I want to get that going eventually gets sober as well so that's another project I've gotten upcoming and then over here my wife lives on using this area for her cross-stitch stuff so kind of that areas already going and she does a lot of patterns and cross stitching she may use this area some too but this is another deeper storage area that we can kind of tossed at the end maybe put some water so forth then and ever be able to get to it and everything else um with all that being said you also seen the little wire minute ago and what that is going to be doing I'm actually going to run it from this TV here that you can kind of see and this is one of those that's got the flat plate so as you can tell it won't move I've known a big fan of that I'll be replacing that but then I'm actually going to run the wires up through the little area right there and just or back around and more or less we use this to watch TV when we sleep and so forth but it results there's what it looks like with everything lifted up so I can get to everything a little bit better than I could before I'm not having to open up different compartments to get to everything and for me it's just a better cleaner look you know now I can get in here work on stuff as I need to I'm saying one thing I'm missing now is the air shots but that'll be done here in a couple of maybe a week or two then like I say it'll be knocked out so alright with all that said I will take you back to the front of the RV and we will get ready to step outside now I will show you some stuff going on out there alright so now we're outside and this is the front of the RV like I say this is a smaller this is just the twenty four point one which means this actually around 25 foot long from four at the end and so not real big easy to drive as you can see it's got an awning the awning is one of the things on this I'm not a big fan of has no way to tilt it or anything that I'm aware of and if somebody knows please correct me below but uh with this thing it comes out flat so if it starts raining or something like that then it's just want to thank own water or you got to close it I've actually you know being part of these were the ones that come out flat and seen it break so it is not a not a pretty sight um but you can see the big clear glass mirror in the front you know just like a typical class a your changing apartments here just like a typical Class A now one of the things I have recently added our will covers which I should have added a lot sooner and we got these off of Amazon I'll link them below if you want to take them out let's take a look at them they've got pretty much every size but these things have been great they were cheap about the cheapest that I found I think I've had around 50 bucks for them so but they are absolutely awesome so really enjoying those like them you know you need it for tire protection and you know you don't want to be in one of these things and your tires go bad so I've seen videos of it I've not experienced it but know something I want to be a part of I'm obviously here you got your mirror you got your camera on the mirror your turn camera so you know right or left it'll show you which way you're going on the inside display that also has the back-up camera that I'll show you in the back that does the same thing of course you've got your first storage compartment here I'm actually considering them converting this into a trash bag but I'm not a hundred percent sure yet so still thinking that through whether to keep it a storage or part of turning into a trash bag but one or the other but then like I say you get into the awning again I need to clean the bottom of this a lot too but just not being real happy with this with this onei that's probably one of the things that I do not like the most on it then you got this here and what this is you know just the clear handle grip again I'll do like the fact that it's clear outside of course you got your pop-up television area we've got a few things store behind it as well but you do have the television area down below you've got more speaker or more storage you got a speaker there which is wanting to say I'm you got more storage I've got tools in one side and just some random stores in the other and ten of stores on this thing for a little RV you got your propane outlet another speaker yes I'm outside outlets here so you know if you needed to plug something in you you can you've got a couple of these regular twelve volt outlets and your refrigerator run off your water heaters here your freshwater fill-up is here so pop this off and go at it and that's where your fresh water goes in and the newer ones I think they actually have a true water hose connection to them and I think that would be a little bit better but you know it is what it is you get what you get so I'm getting another wheel cover for the back and then you got your password storage so as you can see you got a lot of a lot of storage under here I mean a lot of this is what you seen boxed in have above under the bed so you know that's a whole lot of what you're what you're seeing up there too but then you got this whole back spot then you got your back with your ladder going up and I will climb up there and show you the top here in just a second and this is a little thing I had it on just for the this black hose sewer until we can get our composting to what putting in got a little ink on here off but either way I added this on they gave you some screws to kind of put it in with but I wanted to do it a little bit different so I did put this out a little bit of a down slant just off there's any access you know nastiness for example anything can run out typically when I drain I bring two black first and then I bring degrade to kind of wash down at least the dirtiest of the dirty water but when I've installed this I did go all the way through I'm not sure how good you can see this on the camera but I put some rubber seals back here just to make sure water would not get in and then if you look inside of my pass-through hopefully we can see this room good it does come all the way through so I did that more or less put some lighting that's on it just to ensure that you know we're not going to have any trouble with it if you look at the top right above the X you can see my backup camera not exactly sure what they always want to put these on the very top be a lot nicer if they pin it maybe down in the middle right in here somewhere it always looks like you're looking down the long tunnel makes it very hard to use of course we've got our counter map won't we be in where we're going hoping to have that map a lot fuller here in the coming months here is the other side of the passed through areas and so we got a few things in here that Peters from my winter months that was kind of rough you do have the Cunnings 4000 watt generator on here works very well any times I've had to use it it's been a really really good course you got your fuel fill up here and on these I would assume what most classes your generator runs off of the fuel tank so you don't have to separate fuels for each one to steel up one place and you're good to go on both you got your cable Inlet here so this is for your cable I'll put this up and then you've course got your power source here there's the other wheel cover and here you actually you know you got your water hookup I've got it running through a filter even though I'm actually doing it at my house right now do have all this running through a filter behind this I didn't bother opening that one up but that is your black tank I don't know why I guess in case you need to switch it out if it starts leaking or something and of course here's our one slide out that is in the living area so that's where the recliners where on the front side I do have the heated hose for when I want to use that and that came in very much handy during the winter months and I will show you so the smaller compartment you see there that is the sewer drainage didn't figure anybody be interested to seeing that so I didn't want to throw it in but that's where it is it actually there's a lid underneath and it drops out the bottom and drains out that way and then you've got another storage compartment up here which I knew that food was some stuff so again plenty of storage and I will show you this so this is my propane tank and I have added this little piece here own and more or less what this allows me to do is hook up outside propane tanks so this is not my only source I don't have to go out and fill it up every time and I'll put a link to this below in the video as well or in the description below so you can go check it out on my amazon store if it's something you're interested in it's a camco device I paid like 50 bucks for it and it helps out a lot you know instead of having to set up and run to go fill up and now I don't have to do that anymore I can just cook outside tank up and be good to go I'll close that up and just as an example one of the other upgrades that I am getting ready to do is these locks are here so I'm sure if you're familiar with the RV world you know probably if you're not these little locks are here typically the same across every RV so I'm actually getting ready to change them out at RV lucam and I'm going to read change all these out just so they'll match but the other advantage to it is as I'm on this side I will go ahead and show you this so there's the other camera on the other side with the rear view but the other piece that I'm going to be changing out is the door lock and by going through RV lock and get them all at the same time I get a new lock here and it's also got a remote click on it to get in and out and it'll have a code on it too getting in and out but then that one key will also match all the compartments back there here and on the other side as well so then I'll have everything together and turn so I really like that part one of the other things that I've added on it's kind of these step covers which i think has been very helpful it keeps mess down more or less but but that's kind of the RV from the outside the other then on the roof and I'll show you a quick snapshot of it in just a second the only other things you know so like I say some of the upgrades I've got coming will be so we're going with lithium batteries I got that composting tool it's still to do and I'm hoping to probably have a good majority all this down by hammerhead lakes before we go alive before we go full-time but that's kind of where this is so I will climb up show you the roof show you some of the little upgrades I've done up there and I'll end with a couple of questions and we will call it a wreck I'll see you in just a minute from the rift thank you there is one more piece I wanted to add it's this little thing here so this is a surge protector that my power supply runs Turing's you can see it's pitting off some codes and so forth and the codes are actually located on the side over here so I wanted to show that didn't want to leave that off and again I will link to it for sure but that is to me one of the key components to RV the park I stayed in before did have a couple of Surgeons while I was there and this thing more or less saved my RV from getting hammered by that so I am very very happy with this thing and I will definitely be linking to it below I forgot about that but one of the added in as an important piece so last but not least here's a picture from the roof so you see the little directional antenna was just something that I go back and forth on changing out not sure if I'm going to or not but maybe at some point get something with more of a cranked up to get some hype on it here you see three of the little camp cove roof it covers that I put on and basically while that allows you to do if it's raining or whatever you can still go ahead and leave your bit cover so can you worry about shutting them down or paying more for the one rain sensor on I like that a lot that pretty inexperienced nothing again I'll find it's been a while since I've had let me find my link oh man go check them out but pretty much that is the view from my RV and this is the view from the roof of my RV so I'm about equal with my Fred dick and hyper set y'all taking time for this and you know a couple of questions at the end but this is even thank you all right so I'll leave you with this some of the questions I have are one I am looking at toy haulers right now would you switch from a Class A what I have what you thicket or would you be willing to switch from that to a toy hauler to be able to have a separate drive vehicle which I know you can tow behind but at least with the toy hauler you can't tow in front and your engine and your house is separate and also I would like to be able to Holly golf cart with us to kind of go around some of these bigger campgrounds as we start to travel so that's one of the things we're looking at now it's to our vs. what we have you know what are your thoughts would you be willing to switch out another question I have if we stay with the class say that I have right now what other upgrades would you do if you were me and then what do you think of the upgrades that I have done so far is it something you would have done would you just left it alone what are your thoughts on that and anything yes you would like to share that you see through the video stuff I've done stuff you think I could have done better I'm anything else so please feel free to share let me know I look forward to your feedback down below all the descriptions to everything listed in the video I will try to get listed in the description of this that way you can click on it click on it real quickly get to my amazon store and be able to grab the items that does help support this channel and if you would please subscribe to the channel and also hit the like button it helps get the video seen I appreciate it very much thank you and everybody have a great day
Channel: Small Space Living
Views: 8,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RV, Fulltime RV, Tour, Travel
Id: MQ3_toVnr2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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