Thomas Sanders Vine compilation - Funny Thomas Sanders Vines - Best Viners

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she's quiet i'm scared we're gonna lie low and we're gonna get through this together your turn to present your project it's my birthday [Applause] what i made that did anybody see that oh my god i know you you liked my instagram pic last night kiss me you boys want some cookies they're [Music] i'm tired of people telling us to grow up we are grown up quiet one moment hey no girls allowed go get out all right you do the rest what easy story time with that girl he knew he was now ready to beat up that kid jimmy at school for stealing his milk stupid jimmy so my mom can't pick us up what a cheap old bag what yeah but it's kind of nice though i'm gonna keep it and i don't like your mom joke time knock knock who's there it's your best friend stewie griffin and he's always gonna be there for you story time the lad decided to do the honorable thing and share his treat with mother mister mine go please bury use barrier use barrier skip young man if you're gonna live under this roof you're gonna live under these rules first off love you it'll bring anything anything i'm in the future hey bro how you doing what you're reading no food gotta eat your own food no money gotta use your own money now honey there's nothing under your bed you've got nothing to be afraid of something moved will you say goodnight to me go save yourself i don't know i just don't get people i can't talk to them right you understand me you sassy lassie get over here story time he was very handsome and all the ladies that looked at him fell in love the guy that was walking him was okay did everybody get their 500 textbooks yes turn to chapter seven and start reading the first great now you don't need them for the rest of the year oh that makes sense why do you want this job because please do you have a resume sure do any references please stitch says ohana means family ah my foot is asleep you know what you need to do it's gonna be so mad when it wakes up could they go any slower come on what you're gonna hit me no you're not gonna hit me that's right you want a drink just water oh no then i robbed a bank story time she never even knew her shirt had a hoe a lot of style can you vacuum okay never mind i got it get the groceries all right done thanks for your help happy birthday i handled it i had to do everything around here while you were gone you missed three exams really and 20 homework assignments okay i'm gonna be right back then i flew myself right into the sun oh hey thomas hey i was just at the store the other day india was great cert well it was just so fed up with those will be good right oh yeah bye what what it is it is him ah [Music] whatever um that's my c there's no assigned c's i always sit there it's hissy teen titans hi you guys live in a secret basement totally secret birthday why is it a building shaped like a gigantic t didn't think about it no you didn't wow there's nothing to eat guess we're just gonna have to have some takeout am i right nope what and the roommate being voted out of the apartment is stephen cause you don't stop playing the freaking drums dude son you have a roman nose really yeah it's rubbing all over your face thank you sir you're welcome mr whitaker nathan doc what's up you guys be good at this guy respect him he's fun i'm gonna tag you in this dude for today kids i'm bringing back nap time don't we have a lot of work no nap time but we have a test nap time but that time don't move don't move don't move don't move that was my first heartbreak i bombed this test okay look we all did that i got 97. okay i think we're gonna be okay story time she only had one plan for this new year world domination what a glorious day good morning everyone time to go outside and be super productive and it's night time good night everyone your life will end up being better than you ever dreamed of because you're a star shimmer i wish i had some cool clothes perhaps i could help [Music] my wallet's gone story time just like all the other flowers in this garden she was just as exquisite shut up sand slash go use earthquake no one's answering i guess i'll have to call on someone get down you 42 wrong they got gina oh are you sleeping in here i think he's sleeping in here to talk to a customer please press one so i was talking to my cat yesterday i love cats my mom's just being weird i have a mom so when's the party party your son has some behavior issues oh really how so as you see here we got him let's go let's go i wish i could hang guys but i got to go hit the books okay let's hang yeah do you remember everything yes you put it's not that bad look it's funny you know the sweetest thing on this menu is you she likes me story time it was common law that a flower be presented to the loveliest well and of course that's me good morning good morning thomas what a beautiful what the talking bird you can't escape us all right who's happy to be back absolutely no one me neither let's get the heck out of here kids let's go for a walk can't forget this [Music] hey son does your face hurt well it's killing me so what happened hey what do you think of the new shirt it's nice it distracts me from your face come on jump in i'm kind of pale come on okay i told you guys oh is that a cockroach no it's a mother's day flower isn't that nice he's right here do you want to talk to him no no no no he's right here he's right here and patty what's up story time the man was about to step on a snake on a snake but he missed it do you have a pencil your mom's got a pencil good one story time it was clear that a romance was blossoming between them a romance lasting a lifetime ball is life bro ball is life bro the ball is life brah you got the wrong okay where is your project uh right here puppy story time the man came to the bus stop every day to pick up hot chicks now honey you're getting a little older you're gonna have to act a little bit more your age the ground is lava disney pranks with friends hey anyone can cook time for a long night's rest remember that time in middle school no oh the embarrassment girls if you're in this situation guess what happened today and he does this what he is into you sir you're under arrest actually it's opposite day this sucks right to remain silent stop what did you do what nothing chad you're it look what you've done i love you i love you i have a question she has a question on my way to class with my lady love watch this are you watching you're not watching great right you gotta fight for your right two team let's go i'm ready nice to meet you already i'm dad i've got a problem nothing a song won't fix oh my problem is you singing so much finally the house is clean cool oh and don't forget to take out the trash what did i do story time at last the two came together for a tender kiss uh oh oh where is my phone finally you have no new messages zero zip loser loser loser posers you're a bunch of posers they're models i know and they're so good at posing bye zubat go you supersonic [Music] i know just what to do my love [Music] she's gonna be so mad bro playground phone i don't know who you are but i will find you and i will kill you what ah coffee oh no oh thomas who's there you're laughing okay search the house story time the teacher slaved over the board she stared at thomas with a mighty rage girl you know we are done no you frighten me please what was the name of that kid show man dragon tails dragon tails you guys i'm driving shotgun oh but you had it on the way here whoa whoa no i found a shotgun and i want the front seat any questions before free time yeah didn't you say there was gonna be a pop quiz today what was that thomas i didn't say nothing i didn't say anything switch a degree sorry thomas you're dead to me 4199 5000 ready or not here i found you billy would love this dude billy was just murdered who took my food jason that was me 10 minutes ago i was mad but friendship is more important that was me 15 seconds ago screw it jason i'm so tired of what dealing with my fake friends i'm never fake with you i literally made you up for this conversation you're right you're right can i take a mental health statement honey you've got three exams two projects and four essays to worry about i don't think you really have the time hey go to the nursery products take care of yourself you're sick help where's the danger damn hi i'm your guidance counselor and i'd like to talk to you about your plan for the future nope [Music] go i'm sorry are you into russia get up get up get up get on christmas puppy thanks kids today on tasty meals i'm going to show you how to make a delicious meal with just one simple ingredient a phone i'm going to have a medium cheap story time they were having a lovely time and then all of a sudden a duck flew above them and it was beautiful and majestic nidorino use flatter you have beautiful eyes this one plus pokemon things yeah it is it's not very effective how is everything can i get you something left over how about dessert hey quiet it's too loud [Music] no no no no no get out my face get out thomas here oh nice son i just followed you on all your social media no i lost you once but i will search far and wide and i will not stop until found it why is the remote all the way out here becca how tall are you six four how tall are you i am five foot two inches and three quarters i will destroy you story time how does it feel for the narrator to become the narrated very awkward [Music] another beautiful day gyarados go say use waterfall you ready let's do it come on get up can't i'm dead no you're not yes that was fun do it again okay give me the tool no the toy is mine throw the choice i need the toys to throw the door give me the car you're gonna arrest for robbery wait no but what did i steal my heart and that's how we met oh hi hi discussion of interest agreement humorous jokes sure marry me and done password must contain a capital letter and five numbers three question marks the poop emoji the name of your firstborn song two greek letters batman symbol time to finally get myself in shape oh yeah these birds are angry simon says touch your nose now touch your ears i've been saying i got my name legally changed to simon this morning so i did say you lose you're losers all right it's the first day of school so let's just lay back and introduce ourselves all right here's your assignment these are your books 200 bucks each work is due tomorrow test is friday you'll never catch me so no one told you life was gonna be this way oh come on seriously i'm gonna take a quick refreshing nap before the party we need more funding sure how does one million dollars also the performing arts department what do you think we're made of money story time the young man sat there drinking his grape juice i am a god brandon you will bend to my will i used to get migraines then i got zazzatrol side effects include vomiting dizziness chest pains diarrhea death and even worse migraines what haha disney breaks with friends wait no i can go the distance hey nighttime self yeah morning self did you go to bed earlier no i don't think so i'm literally you four hours for now i'm miserable there's a new episode of scandal what do you guys want to watch i'm out of classic old yeller yeah get off of my property he's so i love it hey kitty hey good kitty i am good why i suddenly hate you you know i can read minds really i'll show you go grab it yeah i got a lot going on i only have a certain amount of those and i have to use them smartly and wisely guys i just got paid let's spend it all tonight yeah four eyes there's laser eye surgery hey dude [Music] and that's how i met your mother and now for the weather here's our weather man owl al it's gonna be hot thank you al this guy is not going to work climate change so you're a transformer yes young human well let's transform kind of disappointing yeah i know did you wash the dishes oh yeah did you read my story totally did you want the rest of my food yes i would like that hey can i ask you something i'm in trouble what did i do did i do something wrong no i didn't yes i did did i yeah sure great just gotta make some adjustments there it's perfect disney pranks with friends what are you doing skye's falling i got a dope blanket now oh relax darling daddy's got this do you know how fast you are you're in trouble time for bed how about a bedtime story yes happily ever after the end yay okay night night story time after months of research she concluded that in 50 years all men would be extinct will you make me the happiest man in the world and let me pet your dog sure yeah puppy dude remember how scared you were of those doors well you remember when you got seasick all over your little mermaid remember this was the first time you've ever kissed a girl we're almost tomorrow sweet this calls for a game of hide and seek how did you you're getting colder yeah we just got him he's a puppy he's a sweetheart though he loves people it's mine now i curse you should never have children oh it's fine we can just adopt and i change the wi-fi password coughing go you smog that awkward moment when your girl catches you with your side chick you gonna put it back no it's adorable and i love it and it's mine now i know that's right oh baby get ready for some chocolate thunder story time with this final bag she had completely disposed of the body there she is my love i come for you nah bro this place has got wi-fi it's so fast right well it better go but we're not going to happen in the finger lake it's going to go like oh yeah it sounds good right hey guys i'm not really feeling it today so why don't you just sit there and let me tell you about geometry time for some patriotic activities fireworks no dumping tea was that hot tea maybe [Music] did they see us i hope not are they gone i hope so there you are come play with me okay no we have a paper due and we have to get past level 40. how did i get here don't question it disney pranks with friends 23.19 we have a 23.19 get him get it oh my goodness look at this sale this store is amazing send okay done you get to work in groups of three thomas he's out he's gotta go the tribe is smoke i get it wish i could be part of your world taco bell story time suddenly the two felt the urge to get up and dance and then the vine guy joined them want to play twister sure i've never played left foot red did i win dad is something burning well it could be my hot mix tape and the kitchen's on fire aerodactyl go you scary face hello yes i'm gonna have an ice cream but no sprinkles for every sprinkle i find i shall kill you you know you're as sweet as a pecan pie that is the nicest thing anybody i'm allergic to pecans hey do you want to go out sometime talk to my hand rude no shoot that never works let's train it's the eye of i give up it's been two minutes story time he was a gracious soul offering food to those in need his kindness i know i should stop procrastinating and start working but i'm kind of looking for a sign like this no from above this oh okay you know i don't like the sound of you two being together disney pranks with friends thomas what it's not slime eat mucus we will can you go faster nah it's more fun this way it's been five minutes it was then that he realized while reading his mind had been elsewhere and he'd have to start the freaking page all over i've never been the best at flirting try practicing in a mirror how you doing i'm not interested get out get out you what sorry that's my ringtone i was saying thank you for your gift of friendship you got to finish your project not today pull the lever crunk no it's not why do we even have that lover you guys are pathetic i think we're too old for sand castles no you guys just aren't trying hard enough mudkip go use mudslap is that chocolate yeah that's awesome and he's always complaining oh really what walmart shenanigans hail from narnia come with me story time no matter how fast he ran he could not escape the demon but he would not let his soul be taken today [Music] mrs sanders was afraid of frogs even though there were no frogs there let's go outside and play stewie how about laser tag wait where's my gun all right now where was i i am ant-man let's do this oh my leg disney pranks with friends hey lucious time to get up dear no time for lunch no time for bed time to get up seriously at 6am i already turned that in seriously it's doing two weeks ready for christmas seriously it's june i know i still haven't stopped procrastinating but i'm still waiting on a sign like that one no from the heavens that one oh fine story time here she comes the queen able to kill men with a single stare better watch out honey the quest to find my true love failed there was lots of girls with this shoe size but you know what she looks like right oh shoot bro no you're an average joe you float so sloppy get some better rounds you best lay off me done wait hey what's up nothing my mom's just being dumb what'd she do she's just calling me lazy i am not and put the phone back please spiro go you sky attack hey really story time one of these men forgot to check their flies that man was me these three were fine man this guy smells like really smells if only i could tell it i get it that never fails i miss you oh i miss you too but this is important to daddy but it's been three days honey this is hide and seek i hide and you find me we're getting pulled over quick put these on licensing bridgette what the nobody's here who opened that devil car devil car can i borrow a pen really [Music] oh look at clover guys guess who's lucky are you okay this clover's fine oh what a lucky clover disney pranks with friends puppies you know you love it guys we're going to the grammys why are we stopping graham how are you dude i don't know how i got an a oh there's only one explanation fairy godparents or i studied yeah or that disney pranks with friends hey hey what are we doing story time the two were models and they love to strut their stuff sorry it's pg-13 what were you thinking you'll need these ones yes sir surprise i love it tada i'm broke best part of traveling no school can i have a normal dream may i have a normal drink and colonel mustard in the kitchen with a wrench dude that was an actual murder not helping okay i'll just roll again stupid idiot what you're the son to my rainy day time to pick up some sweet gals excuse me miss would you care for some hanky-panky in the back of my nissan sentra story time of all the works of art in this room she was the loveliest oh magikarp go you splash but nothing happened something's gonna happen i'm gonna run you over to the shoe store because you deserve some sweet kicks baller the cow says loser says what what oh you stupid we are not going to waffle house think of all that sticky syrup stewie i'm so glad there's only one of you somebody say sarah [Music] wait um there vaporeon go use mess all right can i get a large pepperoni with extra cheese no no cheese makes me gather in a world where everything seems peaceful and happy when all of a sudden bam i love pizza me too they're not racist but yeah story time she had no clue she was about to run into a branch that was nowhere near look at him not watching where he's going watch this oh well that didn't work oh cute ew there he is the sleeping prince the most precious infant you've ever seen dewey tauros go use one attack guess what i've got yeah no it's a box i think i really need a new look i think i can help you with that i look exactly the same that's right you were hopeless bye you know what this calls for ice cream guys guys what are these words no we can imagine that's that [Music] togepi go use mirror move dude oh that's sweet i'd known it was hot i would have worn a tank top excuse me drive over me disney brings with friends just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine and now for the weather with our weatherman out al gotta rain thank you al who hired that guy oh hey stewie i got your nose oh yes batman well i got your wallet wait what the pikachu go hey hey what's up you're shocked enemy was confused all right kids nothing to be afraid of say goodbye to the house kids what's this i beg your pardon there can be only one cute baby yeah i don't like you merry christmas [Music] sometimes i just don't understand what this teacher is teaching us am i crazy who else here's a horn what are you gonna do with your life go what do you want to do with your life be a dancer story time the ladies congregate here every day to scope out the hot dudes yeah we do dress code who's ready for a new week of learning sorry nobody's here maybe she'll just go away story time the man knew exactly what to do to embarrass his son story time in every group of friends there's the dumb one really we've been hit so we gotta make our move ready men fire c9 miss stupid now they all know son i think it's time we talk about the birds and the bees there's a swarm of birds and bees in the attic go get them tiger [Music] and so will you please help me disney pranks with friends can you help me dad of course honey [Music] it's not going to hurt you anymore everybody understand this no yes any questions yes no all right moving on smell my face stewie okay i am done with you disney pranks with friends blue punch buggy what was that dude what was that wow what the guys you have what big ears you have what big teeth you have you are my least favorite grandchild listen up you vile human how dare you define me i want pancakes story time on this blessed day the two proclaimed their love oh shoot guys okay story time the man's butt scratching was complete dude what it was delightful true what now the judge will choose the winner i can't decide they're all cute and they're mine now what the homework today is only two questions each one has 26 parts why would you do that you don't have to take the final you can just be jobless and homeless for life totally worth it guys a yard sale you guys selling yards what i want your yard no [Applause] disney pranks with friends what is it just look what's this here's your gift i'm leaving you twenty dollars for all of your swell work today story time little did she know of the mysterious figure creeping up behind her don't you just hate it when you get all caught up in a good game sir there are other customers behind you go away okay um when are we ever gonna need this in real life is there a problem officer yeah this problem solve it now don't do one muck merry christmas whoops no not that one keep up so boxers or briefs i usually just go commando really yeah trick or treat came early you'll get so much candy so much candy disney pranks with friends yo you want to go you want to go out on a date with me i like your face foxy oh hey tommy hey hannah it's heather play me out time to download download complete so we thank you internet explorer wake up dear time for school you're already here no when playing mario kart there's that one friend all right let's do rainbow road don't be that friend story time she had been waiting her whole life for someone to sweep her off her feet first my mom doesn't wake me up then the bus never shows up mondays how could it possibly get any oh it's summer you just suck seated at becoming my favorite person ever brofist good morning it's five in the evening are you serious i woke up early i'm going back to bed jigglypuff go use chomp [Applause] welcome to fitness for you all right we're going to start with some sit-ups ready one good enough get yourself some pizza you earned it baby you're a fireworks [Music] yeah where am i huh i was in a dream world and like you were there like mike was there who ate all the cereal i'm hungry megatron is attacking we must but first taco bell but we're in danger tacos roll out yeah brian nothing kills sadness like the glory of pizza somebody order some sausage you god hello i'm stewie griffin i don't always drink milk but when i do i prefer dose totals day thursday my friends story time the girl loved smelling her phone it filled her with delight she sniffed once more brace yourselves winter is coming no no that's rubbish winter is coming all right thank you who was that guy disney pranks with friends i've got no strings to hold me down to make me fret or make me frown disney pranks with friends did you guys take my lunch box yeah i left it over at your mom's house [Applause] story time she heard that a kick would release a free movie she heard wrong there's only a couple of days left but it's still school we're gonna work story time sadly only one cookie remained in the store sorry boys daddy's getting that cookie upon reading this beautiful intricate novel one may find a multitude of hidden meetings so i thought the book was really really really good i'm so fancy i am living in the lap of luxury no you're living in the streets i'm sorry what was your name luxury boom hey brian knock knock who's there stewie justin justin who just just sometimes steal your joke you disney pranks with friends what is happening morning holiday time for bed dear school tomorrow what what did you hear about johnny what happened he passed i'm so sorry it's chemistry exam with flying colors you kidding me story time this was the moment the lad would propose to the girl no no no dude what dude what mom dad dude what disney pranks with friends do you trust me what do you trust me yes wrong choice spring break selfie done hey man need help i got this one you sure i don't need you are you sure you're weak hey kids you can tune a piano but you can't tune a fish [Applause] yeah i could eat anything right now stewie you could have a lick on my popsicle any things i've just found some lint so so in a way romeo is juliet's bae all those for never using this word again disney pranks with friends paint with all the colors of the wind well spring is here again the cows are a grazing the bees are a buzzing and the selfie crop is up tenfold working the magic ladies you can have all of me for just three easy payments of 19.99 to see my valentine it's perfect how long have you been planning this oh you have no idea do you ouchies these are your final days you'll ever have to spend alone my dearest love schnookums is he still in there yes he is it has been an hour dude seriously i cannot wait any longer are you serious i'm in love with your best friend and not you let me get this straight that's better congrats guys disney pranks with friends who is that girl i see oh my god here at tuttleberry church we have one more commandment thou shalt not park here if you do thou shalt be toad and you'd be burned to the stake hi stewie griffin yes i might have a valentine giggy that's completely innocent giggity i'm a freaking baby get a cake how about it guys yeah i'm so hungry shut up alex's turn alex is dead then roll for him oh stewie hello stewie griffin here uh great to be back uh quick question uh when is spring break story time he ripped into the bagel ravenously as if tearing into the carcass of a dead gazelle poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke i want you to look under your chair hey q a you're gonna make everybody get today when you like a girl so much she makes you stumble as you break into her house call me bath salts action figure did you wrap a cat merry christmas hold on oh you're making sure animals don't get tied up in those things yep good luck [Applause] i'm gonna destroy this curve story time it became clear to them that one of them had let out a huge fart [Music] okay guys for the next project you're going to be in pairs this homework is impossible i already yes hello stewie griffin um do these diapers make my butt look big wait you wear diapers here on toddlebury lane all cars must stop for bodybuilders if they're not carrying dumbbells run them over enjoy your movie you too enjoy your meal you too no enjoy your detention you too uh i mean what hear about busting beaver is that cumberland bubber patch chris paxton whatever your name is get in here now okay oh stewie hello stewie griffin i was a bit thirsty and i was wondering if i could trade in layers for a newer model story time the woman was alone but she seemed to be haunted by ghosts of her past you're hurting me disney pranks with friends here comes the smolder yeah put the dough on the pan then check the oven to see if it's at 350 look back at the pan and you realize you've eaten all the cookie dough now you hate yourself justice calls i come in peace human brethren charizard go use roar he ran away i'm gonna throw you into a gorgeous dress so you can show off those sweet sweet curves work it ohana means family family means no one gets left behind or forgot you guys what the hello we're calling to offer you a special deal on our adult brand diapers hey peter yeah joe little stewie's drawing us a picture yes i drew mommy oh that's sweet stewie i'm going to bury you with tons of gifts this year for being so gosh darn good at tinsel thomas aunt patty's here tell her i'm not here well she brought gifts so story time she stared at the gown and thought yes this is something my husband would wear coming this fall one man finds his soul mate and it happens to be me we're talking about us i love your voice yours too you guys like pokemon i choose you stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself leave him alone i'm trying to stop him somebody killed me [Applause] blastoise go use hydro pump is that from pokemon i hope you get shot with cupid's love arrow on this blessed day smooches dang it okay what is happening man muggles be crazy [Music] you guys ready to rock one two three some say love here the tunnelberry ball we ask that you do not die in the toilet i know it's tempting but three people have already drowned story time the girl offered him a flyer but he refused but she gratefully insisted party time hey everybody clap your hands [Applause] today class we're watching a video we're taking notes what here at tuttleberry preserve we encourage you to watch out for gophers we love our gophers here's a gopher i suffered from hallucinations but then my doctor prescribed me thera said who are you talking to loki the trickster guys this is jelly you've angered him story time and that's when they became horribly lost are we lost no he lied stop it oh i'll make sure to slice you a big heap in helping a cake cause you deserve it yum yums they'll never find your body more beautiful than i do you lovely thing at sparkles krusty krab pizza for you and me just eat it sorry let's get down to business to defeat the hunch come on go go go go go chicken cheese eagle bunnies candy corns don't be that guy why are you gonna be hating on the candy corns bro oh and so she said that's not an ape that's my mother dude you couldn't spit that way sorry it was funny oh thanks man disney pranks with friends man doing this for you brian hi there stewie griffin remember to cherish your canine companion it's the weekend you did how is it monday no no no no no no come on rowling story time he rigorously scrubbed the tumbler he cuddled during breaking bad access he strained stop in a world where you think you're being followed oh my god what the i wish idiots why would you be singing right now you got any cool whip cool grip yeah were you the worst kind of person congratulations you've made it to the weekend yes and tomorrow you have chores story time as he squeezed the melons he pictured them as the hearts of his enemies hey terry it's fall get ready for pumpkin flavored everything cannibalism here at tottleberry farms we believe in a speed limit of 19 miles per hour if you go 20 you're going to jail disney pranks with friends simba what's better kids table or grown up stable why they think they're better than us you're right let's kill them a garage sale you guys selling garages i want a garage yeah the bus is late can't get any worse than this sounds like somebody's got a case for the mondays great title berry acres we warn you not to swim in the bushes if you do we'll think you're crazy and you'll be shot on site well it's throwback thursday brian check out my pick on instagram yeah so ratchet i don't know what i was thinking disney pranks with friends under the sea i'm gonna see lois i don't like my new babysitter stewie i'm gonna send you out to slumber i'm good i'm good oh stewie mommy mom mommy louis mummy yes hi [Music] seriously what story time she then discovered a booger residing in her nose it would never be removed hotel fun you have now reached the lobby i lied justice calls do not fear me mortals yeah and we're on the highway yeah we're getting off the highway what look it's a bird it's a plane no it's it's a bird it's a bird she was right i was up till 4 doing all 60 problems you know you only had to do the evens right you're joking story time you looked out of the field of beheaded warriors and in his hands he held the head of the pumpkin king he had won please feed me i'm starving what about that big old bowl of food over there that doesn't count you sassy lassie oh brian what day is it brian say it brian i know you know it'd be right stewie it's hump day whoop yay story time the store clerk believed he had put the wrong cans on the shelf ah but he was right all along [Music] you
Channel: Best Viners
Views: 4,044,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vine, vines, Thomas Sanders, Thomas Sanders Vines, Thomas Sanders Vine, Funny Vines, Thomas Sanders Vines 2019, Thomas Sanders TikTok, Clean Vines
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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