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[Music] [Music] this is disappointing how do I motivate myself ever since my high school self realized I couldn't maintain the luxury of a child's metabolism forever I decided I wanted to get more fit and quit junk food today is March 15 okay so today is March 15 and I'm really taking a strive to change my lifestyle I went to the dermatologist today and it was like a Foster's freeze next door and all of my friends keep saying how good it wasn't I was so close to getting some bows like no I need to stay within this I need to be strong but the problem of inconsistency unraveled with each attempt to build a healthy lifestyle oftentimes I given the cravings and not get back on track for a while because it was difficult to even get back into that health routine I frequently blamed my lack of motivation for this but motivation is fleeting you can't solely depend on that to be consistent understanding the basic fundamentals of what drives human behavior can help you utilize them to create lasting change you everything we do in life is driven by the need to avoid pain or the desire to gain pleasure study after study shows that humans will often do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure if you want to change your behavior change what you link pain and pleasure to one or two simple associations can change your entire life so how do you do that step 1 get yourself to feel a certain way and feel it strongly step 2 while you feel it link it to something else this explains why I love running now let me show you and I'm just like bursted into tears I didn't even plan on that but it's just cuz lick and I just can't do that I just feel like going to workout because I feel really like sad right now like I just want to let it out and I feel like running might help me with that when I started running I didn't keep track of time I just ran with the music and I had a specific song on repeat I felt a strong emotional relief because quite some time had passed since I cried as I felt this relief I ran what gets fired together it gets wired together I could have just say cookies and as I felt relief I would have created a positive association with cookies and relief but instead I ran I had just created a positive neural Association which explains why I have loved running ever since and because I listen to that specific song every time I hear that song I feel this physical urge in my body to go running my brain begins making a mental movie of me losing myself in relief and freedom as I run when you take something challenging and make it an enjoyable experience this massively increases your chances to do it again in the future that's because now your brain isn't resisting it it wants to do it you [Music] now you know that in order to lose weight you can't overeat I had a strong feeling of pleasure linked to overeating and pain linked to eating smaller portions so you have food in front of you separate a portion of it that you won't be push the food away and immediately create a mental state of happy feelings by visualizing yourself in the body you are most confident in and consciously make the connection between not finishing everything on your plate and achieving your goal repeat this process over and over to strengthen the neuro Association visualization is a powerful cheat code to success there was a study done in 2009 at Harvard where they brought in piano players to play the piano and they studied what parts of their brains lit up and when they had them just imagine themselves playing the piano the same parts of the brains lit up numerous studies have shown that the brain doesn't know the difference between imagination and reality so when you're visualizing something you're actually building neural networks as if that image or experience had already occurred which is why you can get in such a strong emotional state if you want to dive more into human behavior I'm taking this really great class about the power of habit taught by productivity expert Thomas Frank on Skillshare if you don't know what Skillshare is think Netflix for online classes they have thousands of classes ranging from productivity in business to design and music I thought chances if you're watching this video you also like learning techniques to improve your quality of life so I'll have the class linked below the class covers topics that set you up for success such as effective goal planning addressing your fears and how to deal with failure make 2020 a year where you explore those skills you've always wanted to deepen your understanding of and get lost in creativity and skill shares online classes they are short classes so it will fit into your busy routine I will also have a code for you guys that can get you to three months of premium membership on Skillshare and after that it is $10 a month which is very affordable compared to in-person classes and workshops so definitely go check that out if it sounds interesting to you I know I should get started on this but I'd do anything to be somewhere else other than here doing this procrastination is understandable because you link pain to this school project you can change your pain and pleasure associations but we're gonna try something a little different let's review two basic principles humans will often do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure whatever you focus on becomes your reality so when we're in the moment of whether or not to get started on this project a lot of us ask ourselves what will be the pain if I take action but you need to ask yourself what will be the pain if I don't do it focus and visualize this picture in your head you may end up pulling an all-nighter the night before the project is due but then you realize you did the project wrong you text your friend at midnight for help but he's already gone to bed you try to figure it out at midnight stressed knowing you have to turn this project in in seven hours two hours later you have a better understanding but then you realize you're missing an important piece to the project and you have to go to the store there's no way you're getting a good grade on this can you imagine what this would do to your grades you have to have a talk with your not-so-nice teacher explaining why you did so poorly suddenly your mom's not letting you go out with your friends anymore your crush at school finally asks you out to the school dance but nope you can't go because you're grounded so he asks another girl if you're in high school this could impact your whole grade which could affect your plans for college imagine your counselor saying well honey you can definitely try to apply for this college but this grade in this specific class is gonna hurt your chances of admission into this school this all could have been avoided if you had just gotten started you can also link pleasure to doing this school project with the method shared earlier step 1 get yourself to feel really good and feel it strongly this is kind of silly but maybe you think about your crush you'll get in a joyous state and then complete the initial task of your project don't take on too much in the beginning because you don't want your brain to view this project as a very painful thing tell yourself it's just the initial task that's easy and as you begin completing the first step while feeling really good your brain will begin to build this positive you need to repeat this in order to strengthen the narrow Association otherwise you can lose it let's take food as another example when we're in the moment of whether or not to eat the whole package of cookies the times you probably gave in were the times you focused on how delicious it would taste but you need to shift your focus and focus on the pain where will you be in six months if you continue to overeat in one year vividly visualize yourself in one year if you continue this behavior imagine it so deeply you truly believe that's what's going to happen one day you put on a swimsuit and look in the mirror and you don't recognize her anymore this doesn't fit the way it used to you don't smile the way you used to all the battles you've lost with food are completely visible in the mirror disappointment isn't even the word I can begin to describe how I felt in this moment we rarely talk about the painful rugged confusing road we took to get here but I will share with you the full story behind this in the globe diary episodes throughout the next few weeks [Music] [Applause] everything that has value in life comes from consistency success wealth relationships health and all other aspirations but consistency doesn't mean perfection consistency is winning majority of the time so for the time as you fall learn to get back on track and get used to it because there will be times when you make mistakes and that's okay the secret is to learn to forgive yourself and try again learn to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you if you don't do that then life controls you this month choices are next month's results [Music] [Music]
Channel: Alivia D'Andrea
Views: 6,988,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self improvement, how to change your life, life hacks, how to get your life together, motivation, USA, US, study tips, weight loss motivation, United States, America, American, North America, Made in the USA, alivia d'andrea, glow up diaries, lifestyle
Id: TKwYXzbyi8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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