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[Music] all right backpack hero let's check it out start game welcome to dungeon you must conquer the dungeon by delving deep to the center to discover the ancient cheeses hidden there you're armed only with your magic backpack i'm ready you head into the dungeon knowing very few make it back alive because we're crazy like that click me all right i'll click you let's go floor zero experience you're out of five click me i'm on it add all items your backpack to continue while holding an item you can press right mouse or arrow keys rotate it once we click you and uh okay put you there what's this we should hover over it wooden sword deal seven damage uh meal consumable common two uses adds two energy when i use this i'm just destroying so i can get energy twice okay uh rough buckler adds seven armor costs one energy use okay and we're finished let me ride and um lick me okay it's like a map and uh click me here let me hear your small rat wolf let's go gotta hover for a second before it shows up huh all right battle start in comet you click items to use them you must defeat all enemies to continue there's n turn there all right um you are 32 health over there you'll use 12 armor on yourself next turn we'll add 12 armor you are a small rat wolf 32 hit points gets experienced for beating them six experience if i can talk better so let's go and attack you there go seven damage seven damage seven damage the end i could use my energy here but i don't think we need to since we're not attacking what we're worried about you're going to attack for eight so hmm you have uh see seven fourteen twenty one i don't have lethal here i don't take damage so will buckler buckler in i guess attack all right we'll say and uh we end turn we'll take no damage you cause we have uh our temporary armor there constantly the spider vibe with this whole armor thing here and i think we can finish you right here to the right just like that didn't waste my little food there level up okay nice love to see it oh choose four spaces in our level up let's go ahead and give ourselves um i don't know like maybe a little bit of like this action like right here maybe see how that works for us uh get items okay i'm into it seems pretty cool what's this warm bracelet accessory common adds zero hit points that doesn't seem very good on use adjacent curses get destroyed oh like you can get cursed in this for each adjacent curse this album gets plus five healing oh okay so you can like deal with curses we'll put you up here for now right what are you knights shield at seven armor which is better than your no what's what's different here oh like you just like take up different you take less slots maybe seven seven adjacent and diagonal armor get plus one armor so you can like so now this will give plus eight basically okay what about you uh damaged knife costs zero energy has three uses deals eight damage this only does one more damage but it's free though that uses them gets destroyed and it can't fit i don't have space do i get rid of this thing that's only temporary uses anyway to have room for this but you'll be gone in three uses anyways i feel like eight damage three times more valuable than two energy because that that's basically gives me uh four uses of this this is three uses this i don't maybe maybe he's like you know what forget the bonus forget the bonus from like the adjacent armor i'm just passing up on too much good stuff here huh get all these up in here what's this mana um match uses a resource and magical items every backpack can only have one stack so we need that for magical items we need that for the future i'm sure what's this gold used to buy the items gonna have our gold here got so much stuff cleaver one energy deals three damage one energy deal seven damage i guess the difference is you only take one slot and you take up three but i just i'd rather be dealing seven damage what's this guppy zero fish consumable common adds one energy and you get destroyed okay we'll take it so basically i feel like we need to be don't be shy about using these energy because we're gonna have a backpack filled with them eventually i think that's good um do we just go ahead and click here to go forward maybe and uh exit to the next floor sure okay so far i'm liking this game seems pretty cool click me okay ooh the crypt i'm like reacting late to what's appears on screen like 10 seconds later like i'm saying it all right let's keep going here um where are we we're over here okay what's all there i am i've been doodling on the map okay red wolf rat wolf slime slime let's fight the slimes see what they're all about okay slime buddies what you what you want from me you're gonna attack for six damage okay at four regeneration all right so let's go ahead and shield sure that's upside down can i move you mid battle no i guess i can't if i do this right wait wait reorganization battle cost for energy oops good thing i spent that enjoy first so i didn't waste that uh huh that would've been bad um do i want to do i need this i should probably like clear my backpack these things a bit just make sure you don't take damage hit you for seven uh hit you for seven again we'll see both tech i feel like so far i don't need these items just yet uh like the energy and the free damage i feel like for now we're fine you're gonna add some regeneration what's this regeneration do down here recover four health at start of the turn that's not a big deal you're intact for six so just block that and just go ahead and just take yeah yes these guys are pretty easy i need my custom items yet to be honest you can save them for the later let's go ahead and uh your attack six just block that and bop bop and yeah and i mean there's slimes we expect slimes are supposed to be easy right we're damaging a little bit stronger as the battle goes on i see huh all right i'm not worried about you though seems pretty easy here i could have beat you right there couldn't i reorganize now to claim this item oh no i already spent the energy wait i can use uh food for energy what is this accessory uncommon can be used one time each comment when item in this column is destroyed this item gets refreshed and can be used again this combat unused creates a random potion in this row it seems cool but a little more complicated than i'm looking to deal with right now to be honest first time playing the game let's keep it a little bit more simple than that with like oh i gotta have this in your calm and this gets used it gets destroyed and brings new portion keep it simple stupid kisses keep it simple stupid dumb it down for cg would you we got here uh clothing armor each turn adds to your armor that's pretty good adjacent and diagonal helmets and footwear gets plus one armor to self okay that seems worth having um what's this herb uh consumable comment unused this item gets destroyed what does it do it's an herb consume maybe like heels i'm guessing [Music] i don't know um small key i think we need that a little buckler uncommon shield it only adds six armor but it only takes up one slot i like to combine i feel like these temporary use like like the meal might have to go uh the guppy this might have to go we just don't have enough space for all the sweet things we're getting let's get you the right side up there we go um like you're a temporary use thing you might have to go some things that we like we want to definitely keep um first let's get you over here put this like right here we need you guys what's this bluefish adds eight hit points um that's like a temporary use thing that you know um these things i don't even know like why even grab that you don't even do anything um get this key up in here right and this armor adds six armor and adjacent and diagonal armor gets plus whenever so you actually will add seven but you also had seven i'm not really sure what the value is is it really worth keeping you or you just like taking space hmm adds eight hit points i think we're finally hit points i don't even know what the herb does i think like adding four energy is kind of huge for like a boss fight and one energy let's go for the hit points actually and rip this and rip this although this is kind of oh the tunic the tunic gotta have the tunic so we're gonna fit you in need to level up or something um get this out of here we know what we might need can't talk words so excited i need that for like energy um [Music] i need to like make sure we can fit things in here huh all right so need the shirt that's good armor we might have to get rid of that nice shield to be honest and just like your three armor per turn plus your six armor like this seems good but i mean it's just a common and um like we're we're really tight on space here so this will have to give uh i mean this gives us six which is one less but it takes up less space and this is also giving us uh three armor for free each turn which is also good saves this energy in battle definitely gotta have our gold we're gonna need this key the man that's gonna be important tonight so i made it like stacking i guess like you can have you can only have one stack but you can get more of it okay um do i want to keep who do i want probably one of these guys right you give me four energy which amounts to effectively 28 damage you give me 24 damage i think you're actually more useful than that and uh rest in peace to the good stuff i suppose what about you um each for each adjacent curse this is useless until i have curses so sorry buddy but um this other stuff seems more important just throwing all this good stuff man oh it really is an inventory management game huh a locked door i need a key i have a key adjust the valuables i don't have room for that chest of valuables i need to level up first i need to level up let's go fight i need more room they weren't kidding about inventory management reorganize reorganize now to clean this item do i want it um it's a dagger it costs one energy what's the size of it how do you tell the size of it looks like it takes up two slots maybe by the size of it you can use one time each turn deals five damage and adds two poison so it basically does the same on damage but it saves space but if i do this i take nine damage so like a six damage so i'm taking six damage and doing nothing to attack them in exchange for something that is pretty similar to this i'm not sure it's worth taking the damage to be honest um if i had more wait wait wait wait what if we use this yeah yeah yeah use this up replace it yeah yeah this is an upgrade um let's go ahead and uh reorganize uh reorganize well you one energy for seven damage you are uh one energy for five plus two poised which i'm sure we'll do like like two three or four damn or something like that and it freezes inventory space um we're finished reorganizing that goes away and now we just use the meal to finally get some value out of that because we are having inventory issues all right so we can uh we can shield up to make sure we uh take no damage from you and let's go ahead and get some uh poison on you there buddy five plus two poison take two damage and start a turn so it is seven damage just not like immediately there we go that's fine and uh oh wait the poison is it just gonna keep doing too the poison doesn't take down that seems pretty good you're attacking for eight damage so we will three plus six is nine we're good there and um so what the poison like does it stack hit you again there it does the poison stacks and it doesn't seem to like tick down normally in these games and hit the poise like this it'll like it'll do two damage the next turn will be like like reduce the one this might be really strong actually um oh but oh it can only use one time per turn whoops didn't think about that oh my god it's still the fact so that's the downside like the poison stacks but only these one time per turn so it's the kind of downside there of it so i still think that's like good against long fights right might need another weapon though um oh hello hello you look pretty big you might take three or four slots hmm but i do need more than one weapon if i got this in here another room though when used adds one hit point so i'm actually it's okay if i take some damage because this thing will heal me arrows in this row get plus four damage do i need arrows to use this i don't have arrows when used selected arrows in this row i have no arrows for it so it does be no good um i need to use this or once for the damage let's poison uh this guy here the poison do some work and i guess we'll run it with extra energy here huh this is actually really cool like this pretty neat little game it probably can be like a really long recording list and just splice it up right or maybe we'll do a bunch of little small episodes maybe not actually it's kind of late i'll just do like a play for like an hour or so maybe right um the question is does the browser actually like save your data i don't know it's a rogue like maybe i'll just like play until i die and call it good right or win um you are shielded so we are going to attack you and um i guess we just shield up so why not i've got mixed feelings with this weapon now at this point like no i would like to attack more than once per turn um all right well it hits you i guess we'll shield up i guess it kind of works be like i could maybe win battles faster if i uh wasn't a limited attacking once per turn but he's fine attack and shield oops didn't think about this adds eight armor um looks like it takes up maybe two slots which you could tell easter how much slots it took two slots for eight armor and uh we're good six armor for one that's pretty good this thing takes a lot of room right there gone xb plus six 21 armor holy cow chill out bro [Music] keep it going i need to shield there but why not poison's doing good things 15 damage just enough looks like the enemies just get stronger the longer battles go so weapons like this to make the ball take longer not super great i'm not sure trading that for the wooden sword was better honestly i need another weapon level up nice i needed that all right um four spaces honestly uh i feel like maybe one two three four is not bad actually right um get some items good give me another weapon maybe there's another bow what's this spiky club what are you all about another key you need that right small key yeah i guess i should use these keys as soon as i get them to like free up inventory space right um emerald bracelet common adds zero energy costs reviews on use adjacent curses get destroyed for each adjacent curse this item gets plus one energy i don't our curse is thinking down here are curses in here i don't know um how big are you three you are two where are you uh disgusting food adds two energy adds minus five hit points that's not great on you something gets destroyed i don't i don't love that i'm not sure we need this um probably have room for either way right you spikey club deal seven damage adds one slow to the enemy um so i use this first like i have two weapons here you see i don't i don't have the arrows to use you so i think it will pass on you i guess i could get one just to test it but i don't want to pass up on this i'll get you get you just get this one on forget the bow for now because we might need arrows whatever we'll see let's use this key just get on my inventory space right need a key unlocked it uh unlock the door hopefully it doesn't take me right to wait i want to go to that room later so i'll unlock it with a um doesn't matter which one small key common small key common that one i guess you open or done all right good it doesn't take me in right away i don't want to get that i want to level up more before i get there right maybe not um i'll try level up first uh rat wolves for selling goods or chest of valuables or the just the way out i just want to level up really want to level up a little bit here all right guys but now we can shield to take no damage from your seven attack then we can hit you with a little bit of poison and then hit you with some slow i don't know if the slow does the slow will reduce one armor when blocking oh okay so if they're blocking and i'm attacking a seven in there to have seven armor it'll reduce the six armor one attack will get through i guess kind of thing right all right that'll be fine for poison damage and messes your arm up so you're gonna attack for nine so we gotta block again okay um your shield's not up yet so let's keep working on you we'll hit you with that get you a little bit of this and turn there we go having the second weapon's helping a lot i'm not sure it's worth having two weapons though probably i better have one that's better than both of these rights um you block you and you're shielding so let's just go ahead and uh hit you in the meantime right there we go and turn keep it going awesome just focusing this guy on the poison will get him over time um block damage we got the shield anyway so let's just go ahead and i only need to do six damage he's dead actually hit with this and use die next turn right i'm gonna hit you with uh this right here and turn the second one that's a good choice that poison dagger oh there's my experience i need to fight you and then another rat to level up huh all right so you're not attacking so you just kind of go crazy on the attacks against oh pay attention cg arrows it looks like it takes up two spaces deal seven damage unused this item gets one removed from stack must be used from a pro crossbow i'm not sure i'd love the idea of the bows or crossbow because they have limp it seems like the bows they take up three slots and you have to slot room for the arrows and has limited ammunition i'm not sure i love the idea of the bone arrows um i need to block right um no you're not attacking let me end turn here shield up a little bit and i think you got enough to take him out here here we go we should get it done there we go get some items here we get oh they're giving us lots of ammunition holy crap they also use the bows and arrows huh um that's four poison all enemies i use this i'm just destroyed that seems fine uh lucky ring when this combat ends adds luck might be good um just so much stuff let's get let's get this that junk out of here um let's get this bracelet out of here um explosive arrow five dimensional enemies multiply some modifiers okay but we're not going for the arrow path uh i guess the arrows are fine because they're pretty generous to give them to you right that's three poison okay but we're not messing with arrows just yet short arrow um yeah i got here um i guess uh poison potion poison to everybody so far we're not needing these items to win oh i got another slot up here let's put uh i don't need the curse thing i don't want something to hurt me though and you add luck sure uh and they're not entering like you know show map i guess um let's just fight some more to level up right [Music] should be pretty chill i got these items i need to wait we're going to reorganize how to clean this out crossbow it seems small actually i wish i had the ammo for it maybe i should um select the airless realm get used i should use those but uh it is small i got two energy to like shield up let's try it actually let's reorganize i don't need like you seem you seem small so i can like get rid of the this perhaps this actually get rid of um [Music] no i already have these things in common that seems fine right and then eventually you can put the the the crossbow i said it's like the arrows like the bolts and arrows down below it right if we get some of those fish organizing sure and then get away from like the dagger and the spiky club maybe we'll see we'll see the whole point of the game's inventory management huh and now i need to use this so i don't like it hurt here plus it's just just it's just use up so much space there and let's get a little bit of dagger on you and then we enter okay a little bit of damage for you there eight damage coming in little uh buckler there and then it's dagger and spiky club and do i need like i don't need these items when we're doing fine i need to grab more items that he'll be good right for me reorganize or i'm saying the energy are good for reorganizing their you know give me that option will it let me use it for science it will not or do you have to like click the ammo maybe uh we need to eight damage into shield attack attack and turn so first time playing the game you know if you know as i play the game more we'll take our turns faster obviously iron helmet each turn adds two armor that seems pretty good it seems like it's only gonna take one slot that's nice when space above when a space is above this it gets minus two armor so you need to have it at the top of your inventory basically adjacent clothings gets plus one armor so that means this will give us three four five that's like six free armor every turn how much to write this get mine i think i think we want this but we're gonna take eight damage doing it the problem is like i mean eventually we'll get items to heal the damage right cause that seems pretty good i'll you know fine we'll take damage uh there's a scratch oh i don't need you i could have this and then just like attack you with that and like scratch oh i can scratch attack from one damage okay only that's three deal this does seven i'm gonna take some damage here might regret this but i think this this this seems like a good item might be worth it you need to be uh that's you need to be at the top no spaces above it and you want to be next to clothing so i think you get rotated here you can put here you know yep you know give uh wait adjacent diagonal helmets and footwear get plus one armored itself so they're buffing each other yeah so so each turn adds three because of you oh they're like mutually beneficial that's four so we're getting plus seven armor every turn for free it seems great that seems amazing for us we are going to take some damage here though because we used upon our energy to reorganize but worth it right worth it five damage i'll take it and uh now i will still get one damage going through so let's block that one damage and let's um just hit you i guess this that i actually kind of really enjoyed this game um and uh we entering here no big deal all right here we go again you will die to poison somebody can bother with you gotta stop your attack a little bit more armored they can they won't even hurt us a little bit more of that kind of like i've got too many weapons in my pack um i see you are going full on the uh defensive hit you hard there there we go and let's finish you up there huh there we go beautiful and level up fantastic we got choose three spaces all right um i choose the space above you to become ineffective until i reorganize but we'll get the chance to reorganize um do we want to keep like a nice tidy kind of square scenario maybe or maybe want longer columns for these things do better they like undo that yeah yeah but i can't it won't let me get bigger that way fine with this sure oh get items we got here we did not get any ammo for you we got here um you what are you all about uh each turn adds two additional that's two armor adjacent and diagonal helmets shields and footwear get kinda like the armor build here so man so having you guys near each other is like really good actually i'm gonna move you out of the way for now so if we like so you need to have no spaces above it right here um move you out of the way here a little bit guys if we have you guys kind of um well you like put you here put you out of the way for now these guys benefit from being near each other each turn has two armor adjacent and diagonal helmets i need all three of you guys touching each other also what do you what are you all about each turn adds two spikes to self nice each turn adds one armor when space is above this it gets minus two spikes so don't so the helmets need to be at the top helmets to the right let's get minus one armor so know how it's to the right of this how else to write this get minus one armor well that's not good so they all hurt each other really so right now how much the rights each turn adds five armor which are right here each turn adds four armor oh other what if i put you to over here no so they so they like they do it's a little not super helpful to have two of them but like we're looking at so what if i what if it's okay like slight debuff because they're also giving me so if we do this and like this i want them to like touch each other as much as possible right well it says it says to the right of them what if you're like uh space above right so your three armor here right now you're two four we do we do this oh this is so hard oh my god you can fast forward if you lose your mind with me doing this no big deal this is going to take me a minute um uh how do i do this properly each turn has two spikes itself uh each shirt adds two armor base one tunic one if i want this other tunic to hit it as well hmm oh my god maybe maybe you're just only supposed to have one hell i'm trying to think of a way to like optimize them all together maybe let's just have one if we do this eastern adds five armor um it gets two uh two from itself it's getting uh two from the knights armor eastern adds three armor all right so right now we got three 8 12. what if i put you here uh eastern had zero uh you should have zero spikes to self base two eastern has three armor so if it's down here it's not a it doesn't hurt this if it's down here um it's uh it's it's it does nothing by itself but by being next to these things it gets their bonuses and still gives you an extra three so it can't help to have the extra helmet logic be darned um for a total of 3 8 12 uh 15 15 total but no spikes 15 total no spikes what if we do this [Music] um [Music] 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [Music] 14 with spikes which i think is better it's 14 with spikes let me put you up here um two six seven eight uh nine ten eleven twelve spikes so this is that's the money right there 14 armor per turn for free plus two spikes is huge sorry that took so long um i'm not smart uh okay now we got crossbow can like chill here because we got arrows there um what do we have here like do you even need this little buckler anymore i don't even know let me chill over here definitely the weapon right i'm not sure we really care about that poison so much i'm not sure what the luck is maybe the luck is good i don't know uh when diagonal shield is used that's an armor what's a diagonal shield i don't have a diagonal shield i don't have any i have a little buckler i just pass it it's rare though get the common thing out here and get that rare thing in there do you affect any of these things don't seem to move you over here no all right i think you're useless right now who knows how long take a diagonal shield whatever get you guys in here um each turn adds one spikes to south that seems pretty solid uh forget the luck given the spikes herb don't know what it does get out of here but it probably heals you right but i need more inventory space use this key uh poison be gone all right we might regret this but i feel like we're you know what maybe just forget the crossbows and just be the armor guy and um in case we no get the lucky ring i'm not i don't know how much luck factors maybe luck's giving us sweet sweet items right man this really is inventory management the game i need a level up more um so i can use a key selling goods chest of valuables um you guys give 6 12 i won't even level up fighting you all right more inventory management huh let's go um what's this unknown events exit there we'll just go do it [Music] why not whatever oh my goodness 14 armor i guess we can like attack more freely which is pretty nice with this some of that i might be able to just get rid of this little buckler i don't think i need it adds eight armor crest is next to the knights arm that's pretty good if that also affects i'm gonna trade these guys maybe a little however um i'm kind of like min maxing this a little too much i might be overthinking this just a little too much oh that armor is just delicious worth it right i'm just entering there and oh sorry buddy you're going that's so good this that with that there we go oops i'm going so fast i'm not paying attention to possible items i should keep an eye on that bigger nice now to get a double poison potion uh pass i think we're good keep it going make i think every turn because you actually gotta pay attention to that get items oh my goodness more management huh i need another key i might the spikes is nice uh forget the arrows uh what's this damaged knife gets destroyed up three uses out of here um deals three damage it's the same things like a scratch get out of here um we might need these keys is the problem or maybe we don't maybe i have more keys i need to like i don't even need this mana yet thorns is nice well i feel like we're probably doing fine without it maybe we don't need a little buckler maybe the maybe like you know you know what i think we're over valuing the dagger little bits i mean it is nice but like this will get the job done fine with all the armor have we just keep bashing with this and save up room for keys and stuff all right let's show map here and look at this event we got here mysterious fall clears you see a mysterious idol on a platform it's hands you see a collection of golden coins do you dare take them take the coins leave them be we're probably gonna get hurt health-wise for doing this but hey keep it spicy take the coins you reach for the gold the idle trembles you snatch the money and run done i guess we got away with it 35 gold i'm not sure how much we had before but i'll take it do you get away with that nothing bad happen or something bad can happen in the future uh let's look at these uh chest of valuables man this really is inventory management the game huh um click me sure it's this um cave fish adds five regeneration itself absolutely on us item gets destroyed it's still gonna it's still a way to heal my health i feel like we have more keys than we need i don't think we need three keys um whetstone on use weapons in this row uh give plus three damage just comment that's not bad one energy for a long fight that's pretty good too [Music] maybe we'll need to keep one key on us uh weapons in this row uh weapons in this row in this column get plus three dimensions flight which is it if i put it in here is it gonna affect this roll or is it called all right well finally a wooden sword yeah you're too big frothy drink replaces this item with an empty cup when you use it adds 10 hit points adds 10 energy hmm i think i'd rather use you to heal myself up as opposed to obviously both right [Music] um can't i want this wet stone though you know what i mean fibrogen first turn ill zero energy zero energy let's just go with uh let's recipes the fatty drink i'll need five hit points this will give me more than five over each turn right um with the whetstone and i need to level up desperately so much good stuff so little space chest valuables sure so many options a little time what you got we should like come back to them later we got all right the frothy drinks seem to be pretty common from these chests um so if you need the heels just about to get them cool drink replace this item empty cup adds one energy whatever i wish i had room for this stuff star potion one use when it uses it gets destroyed create something really good or horrible curse oh god i want to try it but like what do i remove i need all this stuff you know what lucky rink out here give me that star potion just wanna try it um show matt uh let's do the merchant we can try and like create something good or risk getting cursed whatever um let's see what i have for sale click me you're interesting looking fellow i thought most he's under a toadstool we got here let's try like i like the right side what i want the left side i've decided to discard right all right so we're gonna pass the bowls because they just take up too much room get here i'm going for the armor build so i'll have room for all the bows and stuff more armor nice um too much armor machete just wait a second uh common weapon deals three damage to all enemies um how big are you space wise uh looks like three slots yeah you're too big this does seven to one if there's if there's only two enemies or one enemy you're worse if there's three enemies you're better but most times two or less and you take up more space i don't have any modifiers take one energy out here um bronze breastplate each turn adds two armor so kind of the same thing base three base two okay so adjacent diagonal helmets and footwear get plus two armor jason weapons could plus some damage i think we need you not sure we have room for you cool drink warm drink that's the hit points that should have room for you um double poison potion doubles poison whatever i don't have poison anymore token of energy each turn adds one energy that's good when adjacent or diagonal item is presence this is minus one energy so it takes a basically put it in a corner and it can't have anything around it so man that's costly that's so many inventory slots um regen potion uncommon that's four generation okay let's get you better keep my gotta pay for these things if i want them small key i've been just been throwing away keys what's all this how much stuff did you give me how much stuff you put up here um club deal seven damage this swaggy club gets that slow so you're no good spikey buckler i don't need you we got this guy we're not even using them hopefully i can get rid of that if i might need it later i feel like a token energy can be really good but space management what's more important i want that extra energy that's so good oh my god i can't it's like a luke goblins like dream and nightmare this game each turn adds three armor each turn adds one poison tall enemy adds two haste to self this seems sick um you sure that's three armor eastern has three armor um adjacent and diagonal stuff all get plus two so you actually give three five seven nine you give like you're giving me a lot of extra armor you on the other hand each turn uh you got a base three armor um adjacent and diagonal helmets let's get plus one so you're giving extra you're giving we would lose armor doing that to add a little bit of poison to them which is not much i don't even know what haste does i'm not sure i want this to be honestly it's kind of like a downgrade as far as my synergy of armor goes like passing you each turn has two armor which is less than but you take up less space actually no you take the same amount of space you look like you take less base three base two actually so you have the same base armor is that adjacent and diagonal helmets and footwear get plus two armor wait a second uh just adjacent weapons plus we can improve our damage there um hmm so two armor base two armor adjacent it gets plus uh two is this like the same ball with an extra bonus okay like brain work better all right get over here oh it's like showing you what she would get honey so he so we can sell stuff to him that's kind of neat i wish i knew i could sell something earlier because i got sold a bunch of stuff to him um so it's easy to tell they're like out there two armor two armor um adjacent diagonal helmet shields jason's diagonal helmet shields plus two plus two it's gonna be such a bad video because i'm spending so long loot gobbling sorry the first video will be rough but as i get more experience the game will go faster i should i'm probably making a bunch of videos that's right um so they are like two two plus two plus two um adjacent plus one so it's basically the same thing but uh you chase weapons above so you're actually an improvement i don't feel like i want to have three of these breastplates it's already i feel like it's already a bit much um get this over here and now if we do a little reorganizing here and um do a little bit of this actually maybe a little bit of no um adjacent helmets and footwears so adjacent helmets and footwears so you being next to buckler doesn't help the buckler so we put you here like so and then you get one extra damage from this and putting you near this helmet gives you uh wait were you getting plus two from this thing i thought you were getting plus two armor from something [Music] i got i guess not very well eight damage on you buckler can go wherever put the wet stone make sure you're like near this hopefully that'll work next way right or we put down below it's kinda like maybe it's the same column maybe trim that way wait but why did this because that's like re-upping updating i don't know um token of energy i do want that energy if i put you in a corner i could have actually i threw a token injury before didn't i maybe um base one token energy minus one so jason if i give her three items we can i might just have it for now and then our next level up work around it it's like it looks like healing items are actually fairly common in chest so i can like throw the healing stuff for now i want the is one thorns per turn worth it i don't know but i feel like just use this but i don't have room for it let's call it good does he okay so he does disappear if i go back does he no he's gone okay so it's one time using the shop okay sorry this taking so long if you're still here watch this good on you um let's go to the next level first time playing the game you know you're gonna be overly thorough blah blah the crit part two or three okay um i might have to be one super long video who knows or we might splice it up i don't know i could go through and edit it but it sounds a lot of work for b that's going to go probably won't get that many views to be honest let's check here have his background nice slimes please should be easy yeah i'm gonna clap these shakes you're not gonna get through my armor so i can just slap slap slap and turn oh i didn't use the wet stone there we go use use the whetstone and did it work 11 damage okay it worked there we go and slap those cheeks and turn maybe maybe the game's not maybe not supposed to have this much armor but working out great for us right over i mean protecting your hit points is usually pretty important these games um i don't need another do i want another whetstone i think one's fine um it's nice but i don't feel like you have room for it i don't need arrows i feel like you got enough going on helmets wise although um debuff potion that's slow adds weak yeah whatever let's actually just try uh just try using it i have to like you have to use it in battle i really want like what if we all right if we had more helmets because i guess it's more spikes right um three i don't know uh eastern has three so three um seven eleven uh fourteen fourteen total we had this all right uh one [Music] uh five six seven eight twelve thirty fourteen fifteen is that more or the same not sure but it does give us some uh [Applause] we have more spikes we get four spikes return right and um five five spikes maybe they'll damage themselves and uh we'll get more keys and uh keep it going it's this unknown events let's check it out hey healing fountain discover a magical film filled with bubbling warm water can cleanse your spirit heal 20 hit points drink them plus five max hit points steal coins get tangled let's actually improve our max hit points we're gonna kill someone right the water burns your lips at first then you feel a great strength inside you fantastic and it healed the five hit points as well nice need i want to level up more man where those level ups at we're about to level up this battle need it desperately some greedy for armor here look at all this armor guess we need it 13 damage um curse will add slime cursed inventory well that's not good um once we block it all maybe um let's ignore that for now let's hit you um i think use the whetstone and uh then we face it multiple times use it again you can stack it oh man there's gonna be some there's gonna be some math nerd min max and how to like get optimal use out of optimal use of that do i have to put it in that sucks oh i didn't know this was a thing each turn hurts deals two damage to self okay each turn hurts deals two times to self on use it gets destroyed this combat ends this item gets destroyed and i'm like okay it's like you must play some curses that sucks yeah we haven't used the buckler in a while uh oh wait oh i put it on i curse something it doesn't take a slide put it on something each turn hurts deals two digits so like just by having a cursed item take two damage so if i use so if i use it on use this item gets destroyed so whatever i put on it if i use it it gets broken when this comment ends so whatever i'm cursing i'm just gonna lose this item let's curse the rows of thorns oh no it just trades it out [Music] so you don't like apply to something you're like wherever you're just gonna lose or put it out um [Music] i feel let's lose yeah yeah that's fine whatever four spikes five spikes same thing a little bit damage how did i take so much damage there i had like 40 how did i take seven damage did you break my armor did you it's also two damage to myself i don't get it all right whatever um well what's you got um 17 51 damage i can i just body this guy for rehearses me again gotta hear you and uh i on use this item gets destroyed let's can i use it there we go and uh got nine spikes the spikes actually really add up over time right yeah nine damage you can really go for like a very strong like defensive build if you want to actually getting kind of strong i guess we are kind of like over thinking it really only three spaces on that level up why so stingy hmm let's do a a little bit of this done give me some items i want the hue down here so i actually get more energy be nice i can't fill these spots have energy uh herb produce heals here or something you can chill over there um shiv can be used one time each turn deals one damage with the kind of numbers we're putting up that's not that big a deal i don't think i want to bother i mean it costs zero just one damage but it's not worth the inventory space we're so tight in space heart ring when added when added adds five max hit points so i can prove my max hit points it's worth considering um token of energy um like how i bought when i get known for free right hmm i don't feel i'm good i feel like trying to get two of these and your inventory is a bit greedy one's fine um you are massive deals nine damage when this kills enemy deals eight damage enemies that's kind of sick nine damage um eight damage so it does um how do i work this in how do i work this in because i i want the bonus damage from you on it i would need to like put you down here and then move this lower um it's really like it's a lot of work for only one only a little extra damage and eight damage aoe is not bad but you take up so much space whereas i could just slap this in and give myself five extra health and call it a day right like eight damage two slots nine damage or no i guess look seven nine two extra inventory slots for only two extra damage plus an aoe thing which is kind of nice about the big deal i'm not gonna pass it's just it's not enough uh value for the work it's gonna take to get in there [Music] all right get a little more real 15 damage i can block at all and i've got spikes to damage them let's focus on you um actually i want to use this make me something add token of energy i already have a token of energy it's not very that's not that good all right let's get out of here um i already have one that's a waste at least we clear up the inventory slot right um now you guys will damage yourself by like four by attacking so um eight sixteen twenty four thirty two let's go ahead and kill one guys right now right i could use the wet stone if i wanted to i use it right now 22 yeah just once and then bop bop oh man the whetstones can make me think more than really looking to think right now to be honest here we go get my armor back to the armor combination it's like just busted good oh oh what's this gotta keep it pay attention to this stuff eight damage this kills enemy adds great luck hmm i'm tempted to just gear the whetstone because it's more thinking i'm looking to do and having extra luck finding more sweet stuff would be good let's do it um get out of here get out of here because you do nine damage compared to the eight you were doing that slots um and uh i can actually still keep the wet stone right there have the effect as well that works um a little shield though there's regenerating there that's fine regenerate your heart's content and if i want to i can wet stillness don't really need to um what's the math on this fight it's nine if i don't wet zone uh 36 damage if i wet stone it'd be 12 times threes 36 so if you have four energy it's always worth the whetstone like right here and same amount of damage now what about again 36 if we wet stone it would be 30 so at least on this turn be less overall who knows i'm loving this uh not having to like use the buckler should probably get rid of it right and i've got the thorns as well i mean you know what you i just realized you could do like a no weapon build with the spikes and the armor you could just like not have weapons and have them kill themselves with spikes on you right pretty cool right [Music] do a no weapon run double halberd deals three damage to all enemies how big are you enormous so i don't like it when adjacent weapons are present against my financial enemies i don't think i like this it's i mean you do i mean actually wait a second four uh three if i had you touching that somehow by reorganizing maybe four hit you with a wet stone it's now seven only seven but it's on all enemies if there's two enemies that's actually 14 there's three is 31 it's actually kind of sick i'm gonna think about it uh when use adds hit points errors this roll get extra damage okay um you uh three damage to all enemies wait a second the difference apart from you being a three slot you being a four slot um three damage all enemies three digital enemies multiplies all modifiers by point five i don't know what modifiers i have um adjacent weapon is present this is my three damage to enemies i think you're just inferior to this three names to all enemies versus actually a before and what's telling it be seven i think overall it's better like we wet stone you you do like 12 to 36 total damage in the first term whatever if we swap you you do um three are you not getting buffed by this i thought three damage bronze plate only gives you plus oh it actually modifies modifies with 0.5 so it reduces the value of that so it's only i think it's rounded down so it's still only three damage [Music] but if you hit it with the whetstone it becomes six damage and if there's two enemies you're hitting for 12 if there's three images for 18. so yeah why not i think it's i think it's gonna be about the same if not better if there's at least three enemies it's better if it's two it's probably like debatable one that's better um these things like impact boots don't they i don't think we need the shiv each turn has zero armor for each space above this this item gets one armor so if you put it down the bottom it'd be one two three four so it's plus four armor so if i slap in there plus plus four armor i don't think i need this buckler and we can slap you down here [Music] oh crap you take up two slots well that's a problem i'm not even using any magical items i really need this um i'm not sure i need the extra max health right put you up here and do this and then you're giving four armor there we go although if i if i did this uh each because these things like impact footwear right adjacent in diagonal helmets and footwork is plus one arm itself so it's four three x position it actually bounces out to be the same so whatever um yeah sure whatever i think it's fine i'm one way overthinking this a healer i'll take it [Music] at traffic healer officers their services to you what would you like remove all curses don't have any heal 20 hit points at five next hit points um let's let's let's add the max hit points actually i'll take that uh healer taps staff against your nose the boot makes you stronger okay nice and we leave right um bread slime slime purple slime fine purple slime though my weapon not great against this will seem too tough i feel like i feel like this game is easier than the level of until like i'm i'm playing this game so like sweaty like it's just like easy clap i want you the poison dagger i'm a pass on that uh single enemy not great for this but uh whatever we can slap it with a wet stone you're doing 12 damage you got 19 armor i guess i just sharpened the crap out of this thing that's up to nine oh the problem is it's the modifier from the whetstone is also weak and the whetstone's half as useful honestly i think you need to replace that machete the west stone only does half value on it it's kind of kind of trash it's going to hit you a few times yeah i think uh i might have to go then again depends we got here these things over here what are you deals uh darts one use get out of here uh bluefish adds eight hit points um the fights are so easy right now i can just like have you then use you and then once you've used up this thing will activate get that out of here quiver and use the jc let's get more adds attack and we're not going for arrow build uh can you use one time each turn ah only one easter turn get out of here um let's keep it going um let's get this fight out of the way [Music] all right let's go ahead and go ahead and just use this heal up a little bit and uh 22 damage i actually oh i'm going to oh no 22 damage i can't block it all wait do i want another one of these hmm um adjacent to daniel plus one armor to self adjacent and diagonal plus two armor well that's better um base three base two i think that's an improvement um plus you improve weapons right i'm gonna reorganize this i think uh 3 7 8 12 15 15 15 15. do this um uh three uh wait eight ten thirteen 17 that's an improvement and uh this was above the footwear anyways and if i want to i can try to like maneuver the weapon to touch both of them if i want to or just have it stay with one wouldn't mind having this touch multiple of them would i do that i would need to like it's right we're at 17 right now what if i do this um three five 11 15 16 one less armor but we can [Music] do this and then you are now doing four damage all enemies wet stone can chill there and uh gold can vibe up here maybe it's fine um one less armor but more damage sure um good we're gonna take some damage for doing that but possibly worth it we'll see oh they got oh i forgot to give this curse that sucks all right we'll grab that fish organize it's our turn um need to kill these guys let's just get this out there that out of there and um remember the spikes will slowly kill them um i don't think the wet cells that useful on because of like the negative modifier on it unfortunately maybe wet stone with uh that not that useful i've been cursed yeah yeah i know mess up my energy man now and i feel like it's hitting us multiple times or something it's only supposed to he'll do two damage but i feel like it's hitting us for a lot more than two and i don't know why get rid of it i got 27 hit points i need to kill this guy maybe this disadvantage of having the machete because you can't target down that tough guy maybe we should use his just to hit him well he died that's good oh despite the spikes killed him spike value need to heal up though that red slam i i want to get away from this this all hitting weapon i need to kill those so quicker this this ain't it i'm gonna get away from you give me a better weapon broken ring adds four armor honestly value right that's worth it bow um get out of here archangel armor probably good um part ring adds five max hit points i mean it's nice what's whatever um each turn adds two armor let's compare them side by side he's sure and two armor eastern trimmer each turn adds one haste i don't even know what that does might be good um adjacent stuff gets uh plus two that jason helmets gets plus one so you're not as good at adjacent footballs so you're not very good at buffing and chasing stuff so your whole thing is um you give me haste shout out how good that is probably test at some point but pass on you that's for armor might be kind of nice um i like the spikes from you hmm i'll say ditch the whetstone keep the multiply one and get that broken ring on there for armor maybe like who needs damage we've got armor am i right check this maybe he's like go for a full defensive build let the spikes kill him what do you got for sale buddy i guess i remember can sell stuff too right let's just pull this over here leather boots other boots don't want them uh meals were fine um emerald bracelet uh zero energy at zero energy unused adjacent curses get destroyed i feel like you could be useful for the those red slimes for each adjacent curse this item gets plus one energy i feel like you're actually good to keep around hmm maybe the token energy just doesn't have room until we level up again i think might be the thing that goes on here that's having issues with these curses so you're gonna chill here put curses around you what's good on you uh don't need the shields um honestly tempting spiked club zero energy oh hurts deal four damage yourself but i have armor though but i have armor on use this item gets minus two damage to enemy and plus two damage itself this turn and you burn through your armor really quick i'm not sure it's also kind of like oh it also takes up six slots get out of here um each turn adds uh is that eight or zero it's eight but adds one slow to yourself it doesn't buff other stuff though let me pass on that um each turn adds three armor when item kills enemy this item gets plus 2 armor this combat enough is just this combat uh cleaver deals three damage pass um necronomicon wait how much energy it's one energy pass necronomicon that's cool legendary creates double mana i have yet to even use the mana um or have i been using the man with not realizing it maybe i am using mana are these things magical how do i tell it's magical creates double mana adds one poison all enemies it costs one energy so i can it costs three i can't even afford 35 gold six gold uh add 10 hit points i'm probably gonna find that in the chest we'll we'll save our money i think in a dip from here [Music] let's check the unknown events okay if i play this game more will be maybe faster runs first one's always rough when you're trapped the first time a group of archers are here they know that it can be hard to get started will you trade a weapon for a bow i don't want a bow you leave them behind all right uh keep it going next floor or how many floors are running around like three floors to win the run i don't know i feel like you're reaching the point where there's only so much there's only so much room on screen for the backpack right it can only get so big right how long this can go for [Music] oh ferret king all right here we go i got a boss okay i'm down 80 hit points attacking for four team i got so much armor that don't worry about that um oh that's not something that just gives you four or the start of the turn you have to spend one minute to get that armor okay i'm not sure if you want that or not um this is where yeah it gets a boss fight yeah i really regret switching to machete um but unfortunately we have like spikes and whatnot what's this we'll summon an enemy okay now it's gonna slap you a little bit and uh just vibe oh they're as big as you and they have the same amount of health as you do do this match your healthy some 20 damage i'll block all of it and you'll hurt yourself a bit uh zero experience for defeating us who can't farm it uh 20 experience for defeating it when shield is used this enemy adds one rage to the player ooh i'm not sure what rage does but luckily i don't have to use shields because i've got like innate armor from all these things here the guys see somebody have a lot of health actually uh keep chilling here there are you guys hurting yourself dude the spikes the this this the the doubled spiked helmet is just like massive value get some another one huh slap you guys up some more shielding for 15 okay and turn look i'm so strong um nope this is coming at 52 hit points let's look at what's inside 15 i guess all right you are 11 20 27 damage that's more shield than i have unfortunately but if i kill you with this i mean i could use this if need be we'll see yeah we didn't kill him there 27 i don't want to take that seven damage let's use uh two this twice use up some of this uh man we've been saving up and now we take no damage from these guys it's coming in handy already and boom the spike value and then you're just gonna get like just thoroughly clapped on it's boss was even hard man it was still strong oops didn't mean to click on turn but it works out fine anyways get items we got um small key i want to hurt me to keep a small key on me honestly the token of energy we're kind of doing fine without you don't need the little buckler i mean i can keep it just in case but for now um i don't i don't think i need another broken ring one is fine um warm bracelets emerald braces what's the difference what do you guys do add zero hit points add zero energy on usage json currencies destroy unused adjacent cursors get destroyed for each adjacent curse this time gets plus five healing oh you can spend more energy to heal yourself um i feel the curse do more damage than that or you can use this to give yourself energy hmm i feel like the healing one might be better right depends on how tough the enemies are facing here but let's go for the healing one unless we big brain this do this and if we get a curse we just replace the key put in the middle and we have it'll give us energy and health maybe we'll see we'll see i haven't been cursed in a while i want to do i want to trade that get that weapon out of there though hold that weapon gone just valuable we don't need keys very often i'm noticing we got do we go for more spiked helmets maybe uh max points they were fine golden whetstone legendary when used selected adjacent weapons get plus one damage permanently on use this item gets destroyed permanently i think we want this another whetstone i'm gonna you know i'm doing something crazy here we're gonna rock it without a weapon for a little while use the spikes themselves to get the job done until we cl level up gets more inventory it's about to level up and then the next weapon comes in we'll take it so it sucks we'll rely on our spikes for now um if we put you down here um and we put so right now we're looking at uh three five i wish i should just told you how much armor you're getting each turn be nice you're the same regardless so three five uh six three five six uh ten and sixteen so sixteen if we do how do you work um adjacent clothings get plus one armor so what if we we need you need the spike to the top so whoops i can't get you to trigger both of them maybe can all right so uh three and eight eleven zero that's eleven a fourteen sixty so still sixteen now we get more spikes so six spikes per turn it's kind of sick and uh looking at 16 armor it's pretty good actually 20 with this which is a lot plus we can use this for the mana if need be in desperate scenarios and uh we can pass on those i need to level up so bad it's kind of fun though i'm grooving on it not sure it's the most watchable game they'll probably be more watchable once i like get more familiar with the game and play it faster but deep caves part one of three huh all right um keep going here there it's uh mole rat wolf rabbit frog wizard merchant uh chests blue slimes let's fight the blue slimes right nope fine find this guy okay we're blocked all right what do you do frog wizard you are going to add eight regeneration to everybody you guys are shielding you guys just like defending up right here which is not great because it's my only damage is shielding i guess i can scratch you for three damage it's not bad broken ring anything here too i have no weapons to buff with the gold and wet stuff i don't want to have a good weapon do it anyways just scratch you a bit huh a little scratchy scratch and turn and then view the rabbits chill here not gonna dance oh poison's gonna be an issue though i wish i had more damage to mess you up faster um that's unfortunate that is unfortunate i don't think the shield is going to block the poison didn't think about that that is an issue and this and you didn't take any uh spikes damage oh poison that might end my run not like this anything about poison i have no i mean give me give me a weapon uh what's this cursed lad slime crystal inventory no kill them faster no no he's regenerating he's not actually attacking me to get my spike value we didn't think this through why'd i throw away my weapon of all the time all right rest in peace key cursor in now we've finished organizing those all right ouch i don't understand why why did this thing do 20 damage all right that's the end of the run i guess um smash that like button if you like hold on so take it right back to main menu yeah it does actually start you right back at the start here all right smash that like button if you like uh what's this called backpack hero and you will see more of it on this channel let's go [Music]
Channel: CG Plays
Views: 1,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cg plays, backpack hero
Id: J2_gp2UlJY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 7sec (4267 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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