Bomb build ahoy! We found the new Best & Worst Relics! | Peglin

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hello everybody sift here again with another early access of the early access penguin run so yeah let's go right into it let's let's try to get a broken build i also increased the volume a bit here for music because i looked back into the footage yesterday and i hadn't that much the music was not audible and the music is pretty awesome in the second and third stage and we start with one reset clears pegs this is damage pretty much reset moves after every shot not really that useful max health ah let's go with a bit of damage on grid reset i guess and i got at least two elites two now no three four yes this is a decent map i mean it's only three elite fights because they were pretty spread but three elites is is good enough if we start with four lx we're good to go uh let's begin with a crit let's hope it's gonna be a good shot yep that looks like a 70 damage shot for me definitely 70 damage shot and a good reset there before it goes down the drain very nice 98 damage very good shot i just need to hit like two resets uh two bombs that is throw the shot please this is gonna go down the drain by the way hit the crit down the pitch yeah really looks like it at least hit the bomb yes nice okay it was a it was a good successful bomb drop it doesn't matter that went down a bit because we don't have a piercing anyway and we don't have piercing anyway uh let's hit that reset and fly off to the left that should actually do it ah nope we are back into the right i not really that good of a shot let's actually just go to the left there is no reason to do fancy stuff the bomb here is going to kill the back line and also most likely gonna kill the front line as the front line only has 50 life anyway and we won okay this is done we already had last night live which is pretty early to lose this much but it's okay it's not gonna be the end of the world really bad choices refresher was really you know refresher is really good on the second and third stage so we're just gonna take it because of that one that we already know so we already bring in the knowledge of what is good and not an action three we're gonna go these two it also goes sideways here but no let's go these two it's uh easy to achieve most likely and then we're gonna go here and then like down here or we can even go to this it's the same thing actually we cannot go to this we're gonna go this this this this this this etc etc hopefully you know what i want to go events i want to actually go events i'm pretty sure they changed some things in events you can find a few things here and there i'm sure i'm pretty sure they added something new they have to add having something new it's the obelisk uh lose a stone organ or get the obelisk i'm thinking about losing a stone getting the deck faster better yeah let's have a small deck again i would say let's uh throw a stone away and uh here is a good pathing to the right if possible but it's going to go to the left nope nope it's to the right nice let's see what else event we can get once again we're gonna run to the left there if possible whether paglin this is new encounter and whether it old penguin flipping a poker chap do their nimble fingers do you consider yourself a gambler flip the chip for two life and give a relic let's go for it what is this you lose the flip and the other pegan's eyes gleam with mischief as you feel a little weaker thanks for that good flip yes you lose the flip you lose the flip you lose the flip you lose the flip you lose the flip you lose the flip you lose the flip and i got it first try man we just had to win once you see you win once you get the relic what was the chance of that being in 5050 if every single roll of these were a 50 50 what was the chance of that happening comment down below bottom slot gain multipliers that increase or negate your shot negate you win the flip the other peggy gives you a right hand over the chip thanks for playing can't wait until next time what is the stage well let's hope we go to the left um here wow wow what a shot what a shot is that a does that what a shot i mean what was that insane shot clip it clip it let's go with just a normal shot here as i don't really need to do anything although honestly spinning i could also open up the middle zero damage i just realized oh no is there always a time zero here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait so is there always so it's a times two times two times half times one and times zero so on average it's better to not get the chip i mean if you can make sure that it's gonna go to the time stew it's good but like this is definitely not worth it time to suggest some things okay i would suggest don't have a type zero first of all first question what happens if you have matroshka i would like to know that if the dev watches this uh okay i'm gonna just go ahead and assume the following i'm gonna go ahead and assume that if i had matroshka it would multiply it by zero if it hit zero and then we could no longer do damage and um if we don't like if if it hits like a bunch of the others obviously we will do a bunch of damage if we had matroshka okay i'm going for the bombs by the way until i do my thing my part here now if that is true like if if my guess is true that uh you get uh the multipliers but if you hit the times zero with one froshka then all your damage is down the drain then in my opinion the time zero should not exist actually let's rephrase this in general i think the time series should not exist uh swalter is not really that good although it looks i mean if i get this to level to max level it's going to be decent this we had this yesterday should i ghost walt orb and just level it up let's try this let's try swirl turban level it up people seem to enjoy this world for some reason i think it's really mediocre anyway so as i was saying the multiplier i believe there shouldn't be a zero flat out i don't like regardless of how much ruska works okay i'm pretty sure that matroska's just gonna be zero damage if you hit the zero which is extremely bad sorry for my my i think i think i'm like by mistake um what is it called whistling like from my talking anyway i was saying matra oh no what a bad shot at least we lit the flame i didn't see the time 0.5 okay we have a times zero here which is extremely bad and if i shoot it's gonna a hundred percent go down to the zero pot this is bad yeah this is bad i i cannot shoot here like this is a given nice and half damage again so the zero i think it should be two times zero point five two times times two and one time and one time once i think it's it's too punishing i think the two zero is too punishing it really feels again like they didn't uh think this through although i obviously might be wrong about the part of them not thinking through and they might have decided to yeah we want it to be extremely punishing that is actually what we wanted to achieve in the first part time and you know in the first but still i don't know man the the time zero like this is supposed to be a relic it's supposed to help you i can i can predict from right now that uh first of all obviously this guy has 29 life now that i'm gonna do it 300 damage shot 400 damn shot on the 280 dam shot yep i'm gonna predict right now that uh we're most likely gonna lose for the short reason of the time zero damage no not this fight you know not the next one but at one fight it's gonna happen i can guarantee you and i have said this time and time again about this game you have to make sure that there are no feel bad mechanics you can't have punishing mechanics but not mechanics that are like you do zero damage and lose a run you you have to make sure that that is not a thing that can happen in this game that's my opinion i know you might disagree but uh that's your opinion it's as simple as that i'm gonna try to go for the time zero but we're gonna hit the time 0.5 here if i was going for the times two and this is also another thing now i cannot go for the zero and this is 0.5 look at this it's so bad it's so bad when the middle is like these it's it's so bad and honestly speaking the times 2 multiplier is not fixing anything this is a times your shot why did i take the shot nobody knows nobody knows if if we if we combine the fact that i'm doing this these huge mistakes with the fact that we have a time zone wait did this we roll did that thing we roll it's like it we rolled anyway let's go for the times two here i hope at least okay we got it i don't know i don't know i don't know i am okay with gambling but i'm not okay not in real life by the way in this game but i'm not okay with the time zero being part of this upgrade if you want a gamble you have to gamble all in no no no let's go with this because it stays in the deck although i'm missing a bit of life backward double worms i enjoy that as an idea resets also crit i'm not really that useful let's go with double bombs maybe we can transition this into a bomb run although we have to remember that there is an enemy at the final stage i mean does it even matter uh not final stage i think in the final area there's like an enemy that forces you to throw bombs that make you lose life let some things think sink stone is gone okay this is the easiest shot to take so i so this this here this map was in the live stream they did revealing that two and three and um they said this is the map they decided to talk about it's really hard to do the shot and it's one of the worst um like the the devs were saying that it's deterministic by the way this shot here this exact shot the snapping shot into that is always towards the left shoot i hate it that i have to go close to shoot come on this is the snapping shot is my mos smidge higher here come on here this should be the left it wasn't exactly the snap though nope it's left still this is a map where the devs decided to talk about that it's one of the heart that um it's deterministic where the shot's going to go depending on where you target and also some shots are harder than others let's go with the crit here and oh no down the pit it is oh no there are the zeros i didn't see them ah i have a good middle i would say let's go with this shot actually no way ah i hate this map man they didn't change it they didn't change anything what was bad in this game i don't understand why why did you not change these things just add a few more boards here a few more pegs here like just do a few changes man please please this map is trash this map is trash i'm sorry but this this do you know what this looks like to me to me that i've played this game for more than yeah obviously zero times uh to me that have played this game more than you know an hour this looks like your first map devs this this looks like the first map you have ever made to me okay we did the times two here we got the kill obviously we were lucky with that oh swift okay i can take my trash can do the the gamble i could go matroska do the gamble or i could do bombs i'm thinking about going bombs because if i go bombs i can completely bypass this thing completely well if i go for matroshka not sure about it uh everybody loves microscope but honestly if i roll the single time zero it's gonna be zero damage like i'm so sure of it i'm so sure of it i'm so sure obviously if i get two or three times twos it's gonna be insane but if a single one goes down to the zero it's going to be zero i i'm not willing to risk this like at all if somebody wants to test it then so be it you see the game is like yo you want to go bombs how about i give you some bombs go alongside your bombs bomb damage that is let's go right so we get the 50 50 next shot hopefully it's gonna go right okay nice so now next shot i can just throw it down the middle try to pop the bombs i mean i haven't done a fight in a few fights black supply blind decent let's try to go for the bomb pops ah that is where it is fight it is but now we need to go to the left that's the important part spider yep i knew it and it's the bad one it's the one i hate very nice but we got double the bomb so we don't care what we do care about though is opening the left path up so that i can easily go over to the left path in a bit would also be nice if i could have popped like a single bomb 0.5 of course of course of course it hit get hit get hit nice let's not go with a reset orb let's go with the bomb orb actually i don't want to reset this board at least not right now hey that was one bomb popped a half damage again of course but with two bombs is 70 70 and you're dead nice it's gonna hit us and we're gonna continue opening up the path here on the left hopefully to be able to you know take the shot up the bomb place another half damage upgrade norb i would say this so it gives plus two and also it buffs up itself can i see them up for a moment we're about to fight an elite and if that needs plants we're dead i'm gonna go heal i obviously hate the fact that i'm healing instead of leveling things up but i also want to avoid death and at the end of the day if it's minotaur i would die in two hits if it's plants i would die almost instantly it's minotaur i mean a miniature is literally the only fight where i i'm not forced to do what i just made did half damage in the middle we're obviously gonna times two times towards gonna go off course middle ding ding ding ding do you see the times half is so bad that the time zero doesn't need to exist okay will i be will i be a bit um stingy not stingy will i be a bit frustrated for the rest of this run most likely most likely uh this is also something i feel like the devs might not have realized i mean i'm talking about the devs and the devs and the devs if if i'm wrong about anything just i'm sorry guys it's just an opinion and it's also just what i believe right um it feels like they defs don't realize how feel bad it is to pop uh to pop at times zero in the times half then the yeah that's a that's the sentence that's that's really felt you know like the idea is there i do understand the idea it's gonna be a times two and at times two and then we're gonna have it times half which is not as good as it as bad as a times two is good right that's the thought of course time zero look at this look at this does this feel fun to you guys does it feel fun like if if i by the way i i will have to say it somehow here because if i yeah time zero of course i will have to say it here because if i'm not gonna say it here then nobody's ever gonna you know get this point if i die this fight okay if i die this fight there is a very good chance that nobody ever ever is going to see me pick that thing up yeah yeah times zero exactly exactly yep yep yep ah times two are very thanks hey how about the following he attacks twice because i'm reloading ah of course of course the only way i can win the only and i mean the only is if this warthorpe does enough damage or if i pop a bomb what path should i take i think i should take the warm path if i pop a bomb and we lose a zero ah i love it i am still alive i'm still alive i'm still alive i'm sorry guys i was a bit too frustrated for no reason ah am i on the wrong am i in the wrong i don't think i'm in the wrong let's try to hit the bomb sideways if i don't hit the bomber dead anyway [Music] got it yeah hit the time zero hit the times half yes yes make me make me hate this rail make me hate it man make me hate it make me hate this relic do it man do it that's that's that's that's why there shouldn't be a time zero here that's why i think you should make sure that feel bad mechanics have to always not exist in your game uh we're gonna go healing obviously oh we got over here let's go we might get carried by the overhammer just saying yeah and i'm honest about this if if if i lose this run because of this relic you will never ever ever see me pick that relic up again ever like for the rest of this game forever you will never ever see me pick this thing up again not even if i like if i win or lose this is a relic that's never gonna get picked up by shift again ever let's go here um i don't need resets let's go bombs and i'm just trying to get this out of my system this this disdain i have for feel bad mechanics no it's not a real mad mechanic yes it is yes it is in a game where everything is random because it's a pachinko game obviously right so randomness is part of the game creating a relic that has a chance to make you feel like trash look at this i shot to the right it goes to the left time zero come on do it i love it i love it i love it i love that the game is playing into my frustration i really love it when that happens no joke i really love it when i'm like i hate this because it's trash because this and this and this and then the game is like oh you mean this and this and this and then it does it then i love it when that happens oh look we got the times two guess what it's useless oh by the way the reason why times two is a lot worse than how like the reason why times two is not as good as times zero and times half is bad is because if you might hit times two and if you do not have the over a hammer you might just overkill the enemy as simple as that we're gonna go bomb orbs we're gonna go full on bomb run this is a bomb run or like forget the times forget the chip the chip doesn't exist it doesn't exist it's gone it's kapoot this this thing we're not gonna try to do damage to opponents we're only gonna bomb them bombs bombs bombs and i have seen i never ever ever have seen a bomb down here ever this is very rare i hope we get bombs reset let's go for a good old zero this was a turn where i did nothing nothing at all what a good shot let's go for a good old zero again yes so if it's your fault that you go to the time zero by doing the loop-de-loop you should try to do something else let me prove a point guys let me prove a point no no what now what now what now what you see this that's how bad this is i'm like let me actually rephrase it let me actually rephrase it last thing last time last time i'm not gonna talk about this again okay let me rephrase it what do you feel what do you think is more important what do you think is more important that the per that the person playing [Music] actually what do you think is going to leave a mark more to a player for this relic for this relic do you think a player is going to remember more the time that he hit four times or five times the times two in a row or do you think they are going to remember the three times the hit times zero back to back or the four times or the five times you know do you think they're gonna remember that the six or seven or eight times they hit the times two in a row or do you think they're going to remember the five times they hit the times you in the row and lost the run what do you think is more likely to happen and also if you think it's more likely that the enemy the person is gonna hit the times two more often then i'm also i'm gonna also ask the following question follow-up question what do you think is more likely to be remembered the five times that you tried to chase down the times two and actually hit the times two five times in a row or do you think the the one time that you didn't you didn't calculate anything and just the bomb went down the zero path what do you think is worse i i still believe that the feel bad mechanic that the time zero adds is so much worse than the the happiness that the time to provide if the times you didn't exist then this whole argument would be ah i don't write relic okay if if the time zero didn't exist i would be like i don't like the relic but now that it does exist i'm like nope the relic is actually trash it's complete trash like this this time zero is making the relic uh a cluster of not good anyway that's it for today uh let's that's it for today for this argument about the bombs now let's hope we're gonna get a good relic here as our throw relic i would enjoy the matroshka relic if i get them atroshka relic we just go full all in in bombs we just make this a bomb run we stop carrying about the bottom come on give me matroshka relic uh first of all reset orb this is good for the fights again can i see my hand for a moment uh i think reset orb is decent especially for late game magnetism not really that good they they buffed this thank you this needs more buffing this needs like a lot more buffing attacks deal double damage but you take one damage for every four pegs hit this this is another one of those relics that doesn't make sense mathematically because there is one of the bosses that has 7 000 life and the pegboard is like i don't know 300 pegs on top of each other so you shoot this you literally lose when you get that like if i pick this up and i specifically get that one fight i'm talking about the run is lost like on the spot like instantly like the moment you arrive to boss you die so i don't understand why there is a relic in this game that literally kills you if you're unlucky with what boss you got i don't understand this should be like every 10 pegs hit i'm sorry but in my opinion even every 10 pack said you lose one life it's extremely dangerous so i i really don't understand why this is getting buffed one peg by time this normally these three pegs damage you this was three packs damage you know it's four pegs damage this should be 10 pegs damage okay let's go with uh plus two damage and everything i do prefer it over magnetism and maybe we're going to get rid of matroshka i can obviously not reroll anymore but that doesn't really bad as the sword orb just oh this is not the boss and by the way we did not get the boss that would have instantly killed us if i took the other thing i really enjoyed that we fully healed before we get to the next area though that's something i have to point out nice we got a bomb this is a new map i enjoy this map good old time zero ah yes of course the pachinko way let's let's let's make everything a positive let's let's let's be positive i have a positive no the time zero is the pachinko way uh the pachinko evil way the evil pachinko way uh i have over hammer so if this hits like for a million it's gonna be pretty good i mean i have a time zero over here so there is a good chance we're not gonna hit four million at times one the times one is fair and all the bombs kill look at this look at this if it isn't for the bombs uh orbs jim is insane with the build we have this thing got nerfed i do not understand why the nerf this thing hits each peg two times it was three four five i guess it's now two three four the only reason it makes sense that the nerf this is because of this very thing i got the plus two plus two which still does not um give a good explanation of why they had to move this i would say i'm not sure about the origin i'm i'm no no i'm gonna skip no i i want to do a bomb bills it doesn't matter what else i have only bombs matter so we're gonna go here for the relic we're gonna go here we're gonna cross paths over here and then we're gonna go here for the elite i'm obviously gonna be fighting elitesb oh no oh man these things whoa man i forgot them completely i completely forgot them give me bomb relics attacks get plus one nice nice nice simple decent powerful useful good what is this you're walking down a hall when a pack of brick slimes start to smash down around you they seem to be pretty careless and you think that you can trick them into smashing themselves to bits or you can try to fight them at a distance like the bricks get three stones i like how tricking them into smashing themselves into bits is actually a bad idea i prefer to fight them instead of two oh what an insane stage i love the stage i love the stage i love the stage i cannot throw away my stone no at times you're in the middle we're gonna go left or at least we're gonna try to yeah we're gonna fly off to the right it seems yep ah good old good ol pachinko way to the zeros uh-oh whoa chill boys chill chill chill where are you going throw this in there no that was a mediocre shot uh maybe not mediocre shot could have been good if i got a single bomb there that's gonna hit us but miss oh i know bit hairs i thought it missed for a second okay okay and okay i saw this fight in the in the live stream they had that's why i knew that we were gonna get attacked there okay now the time has come for us to pop all the bombs if possible okay we got one now i good old times zero let's go oh times one okay okay this is dead this is alive miss nope how did it not miss and now we begin with the bomb as bomb is go all right wherever i don't think it matters it's gonna a single bomb is gonna be enough maybe maybe pop it too yeah and i said pop the bomb and i got a times two two so this is dead it's gonna pierce yep this is not gonna hit us okay single bomb was not enough but at least now i have one lit bomb on the stage which i'm gonna obviously hit and then also another bump you lit very nice ah not enough not enough we're gonna get hit here twice even up actually dodge nope ah blinding is trash i'm sorry but it's true let's go for the crit maybe i'm gonna get a good shot in oh no there is the times you're in the middle okay this is zero damage well we got a bomb though half damage zero damage pachinko way guide me whoa nice useless times too isn't that fun isn't that fun upgrade norb make this um more often or make this more often let's make this more often um we're gonna go the long path if if we're possible nice always go long path always try to get as many things as possible maybe we'll get the chest here for free maybe we're gonna get a good event maybe we're just gonna get a fight i cannot throw things away so let's just go i i enjoy this stage by the way this is one of those insanely good stages they have to go back to act one and fix some stages oh no i should have gone to the right side never realized that doesn't matter if we go to the zero okay also doesn't matter okay these opponents hit us every time we why did i go right this time i guess we're avoiding the time zero these opponents always hit you whenever you hit them this needs a reset for sure okay the this this orb doesn't even work on the other side time zero yay love it love it love it love it i'm gonna become obnoxious about this guys i'm sorry time zero yeah no times a half of course let's go let's go totally worth it let's try to stay on the right maybe we're gonna hit the times two this time you know let's let's try to force yes of course the worst possible time together times two uh let's try to go towards the right maybe hit the crit well this looks like a time zero no this was this was the dagger without crits insane shot insane shot by the way this hasn't laid a single bomb or is my idea yep this is my first bomb literally i also think that these opponents don't do anything when you shoot bombs on a half damage very nice very nice they i enjoy the fact that they take double damage that's also nice that they give them i don't understand why they gave them 888 life and then also made them take double damage ah a good old zero shot of course everything down the drain so if it's your fault you do times zero damage because you actually chase down the area that has time zero in it yep i don't care man ah love it let's go on let's see i'm gonna make everybody hate this red like everybody's gonna hit this red leg they're gonna remake it man they're gonna buff this they're gonna buff this relic otherwise you're never gonna see it again actually you're straight up never gonna see it again because if they don't put like out patch notes saying to telling us that yo we patched this trash relic then you're never ever gonna see it again and the fact that i had to roll a 95 loss rate on the the event like i wrote like five ten times i lost except the offer and especially relic you know what we're gonna take this might as well make this a lose you just barely notice an elongated figure looking in the shadows you hear an oddly alluring voice in your head do you crave power little puglin would you like to make a deal except the offer loose 50 max hp special relic what is this steal one life from the selected enemy for every five pack set oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes so now i got a way to actually deal damage without needing to deal damage and inferno you are kidding me that there is an inferior in the castle i lose for life i'm not gonna take infernorbs but swift and firmers pop the bombs right away no no no we don't want to add more orbs to this i i didn't read uh well i i desire to move an orb so remove an orb yeah let's throw the stone away hey done yeah this was the evil penguin i would say we go fight yeah i want to go to the left anyway 50 life let's hope there isn't a single first of all if there is a single mechanic in this game that makes you lose 50 life right away like poop you lose 50 life then obviously they didn't think about this what is this since when do we have new plants anyway let's begin let's begin the bomb popping oh this is also a myriad fight i'm healing i'm full life bombay pierce no okay we still didn't get attacked so we're good waiting for the double bomb here let's go got one start stealing life opt another one okay so plants are dead man i enjoy this run i enjoy the build i enjoy the build i don't enjoy the multipliers but i enjoy the fact that i don't care about the multiplayers anymore and for anybody that left because i was too negative and whatnot it's on you we're going on with the bomb bomb with the bomb run the bomb run with the the what is this called the casino build ray organizer i don't need to reorganize this here's an additional damage for each peg hit this battle i'm gonna take that no no i'm not gonna take this because it's used only once and obviously i cannot do roll orbs so this is useless this would be insane by the way for the later stages applies rubber slime to every by the way i think this is in general insane with all these stages where you hit a million pegs plus rubber slime nah i just want bombs okay here we go left or at least we try to i think this is the what would be the easiest left i think this would be the easiest left it doesn't look like it left to me whoa drink away pachinko guide the way pachinko way believe in the pachinko believe in the pachinko way yeah i prefer losing life over going to the right theoretically this is the shot easy the pachinko way you have to believe otherwise you're doomed to fail what is this extra damage while it's flying pretty useless pretty useless you might say no it's good it's useless because i'm a bomb built one and two if if my if we go down the time zero hatch we're dead anyway so yeah let's go i guess there is a time man to the right or at least right towards the right i'm trying to lock my my thing in a good area nice good reset got another bomb and a good setup time zero oh times half very nice very nice always enjoy a good old time half next bomb this is the good one if you're gonna try to go towards the left obviously uh i think the best way is like this i'm not exactly sure though i'm still learning the map okay we got a bomb at least and 144 damage so frontline should be dead nope blind this never works it doesn't matter though it doesn't matter that doesn't work let's also target the back line actually let's target you the front line as we might pierce okay we got a double bomb here in the beginning let's pop it got it now let's hope for a bit of damage maybe even a bomb nice through four bombs it's over we won four bombs as uh time zero yeah let's go the pachinko way well i really really really enjoy this infernal ingot i think it's insane relic and i really enjoy it so kudos to that and the times good zero good old time zero from all the choices if i shoot randomly and don't think about it it's gonna be a time zero from all the choices and this time i try to go to the left okay okay got it got him got him at the end of the day the relic is gonna kill him anyway the way this is going okay we're gonna go even more bombs on the other bomb thrower let's go now i'm gonna start leveling up the reset thing and then after that we should be good i hope we find something that gives us you know relics reset when you reset is this an among us reference i guess theoretically it's this guy but i'm sorry but it really looks like among us times you're in the middle easy time zero head here my easiest time zero ever four times two wow let's go pachinko away here's some pearson another one with the shield let's go over to the right side why did i go to the right side when there was a time zero there because i believe i believe that we're gonna avoid it yes let's go time zero and that that's how you go that's how you avoid the zoom man that's how you avoid the zero first you scare off every everybody that doesn't really handle you talking about things a million times away and then you just believe in the pachinko way that's it that's the guide go inside the among us nope didn't go inside the among us times 44 also no bombs you go inside the among us nice this water isn't real that good time zero let's go maybe let's go this side nice lit the bomb times two let's go useless though my opponents move twice blindness goes away still not getting attacked okay now is the chance where i have now is the not the chance now is the point where i have to hit the bomb i think this hits a bomb i'm so good at i'm so good at uh realizing where i have to shoot it but i'm not good at actually executing okay and we got hit of course of course of course every opponent has to have a range attack even the arch time zero thank you for the bomb thank you for the times two let's go we actually won watching go away i always believed or diem no polar guys is actually really good because it hits everything and uh and it's for damage so this is a really good or we're taking this uh thinking that we will find by the way i'm pretty sure we're gonna die in act three i'm pretty sure we're gonna die we won yesterday what an awesome stage uh yeah i can't really roll anyway so there is nothing to think about just just shoot the shoot take the shot try to stay in the middle [Music] we're here in the ziggy zaggies nice good shot nice there is a times two here but also times oh good shot good shot let's go i mean not that it helped this is gonna hit us this is gonna set us i'm just trying to oh oh okay i i should not try anything i should just go for damage uh let's try to get into this damage corner nice crit hit the reset man hit the reset it was going upward there ah not good not good hit the reset yeah let's go times two yeah let's go everything's dead let's go for once for once it was useful okay i have to say the truth i can't be a liar for once it was useful the the thing you know the times to the the chip was actually useful for once let's go this corner this world was still trash if i would choose something to throw away it's going to be this walter if i get the choice for an event throw something out if i could get an event that says throw away a relic by the way how did it happen that ever not a single roguelike that i know has thrown away the relics why why does uh why does every single role why does not a single roguelike have a has a throw through a relic away choice like an event you know an event most of them have that you throw a random one away not i don't know anything that has a you choose a relic in your inventory and you're like this is out i don't like it okay this is dead on those pop em and dagger and nice another bomb one we're gonna take this double damage on low life grits on low life well a lot of life for us means like 10 life might as well go with double damage on the life as if it matters man uh i don't have a good shot nice easy enough okay i have never ever fought this boss so let's hope it's gonna not assassinate us because i want to obviously try ac3 again what is this this is the boss i guess this is the boss yeah and then infinite spawning opponents that have 150 life or 50 like 50 left okay so it's spawning a bunch of 50 left opponents well good thing we have the overhammer so this isn't even gonna affect us in the slightest um i mean and the stage is insane too so we should be really good here especially with this orb i mean the way this is going it's not gonna be good what a bad shot oh what an extremely bad shot with this orb i could have easily exploded something in flight flight off stay in the don't go to the right man stay to the left there are there are every good multiplayer is over there hit a bomb nice hitting our bomb very nice stay up here hit bombs hitting our bomb nice planted another one too very good hit another one hit another one nice let's go now more more more perfect perfect perfect even hit the reset even went to the times two insane boom 520 seconds something damage i don't need the reset i don't need the crit i only need bombers this is every 10 times this is the the new one the new broad one upper bomb please nice go up again nice good reset so all of them are dead hit the times one times one decent decent shot decent shot two bombs back lines toast front lance got hit is the boss not doing anything is this the whole fight first of all pop a bomb i can't reroll by the way in case you're like don't throw the dagor you have to remember i cannot reroll times two and times zero incoming times zero incoming times two imagine hitting a grid there it would have been uh 500 something what is this just imagine that thing doing 50 damage if if this thing does 50 damage this video is gonna obviously end because i'm about to lose but this stays like normally i would say normally i would try to get to at least act three to upload the video but [Music] ah it adds confusion to us okay that mechanic is fun 3d damage a very fun a very nice 3d damage okay this orb should have the chance of staying yeah no it's not gonna actually make it yeah it's gonna go low still and i do at least 100 something damage and we even heal 10. that was fast to get my health back yep pop this and a few bombs yep still healing i'm still healing still healing heal six life on top of that and we won nice uh i can take the doctor but if i don't level it up right away it just explodes instantly applies blind to one hit now i don't need that because i'm already applying blind anyway i mean might as well take the doctor actually why would i take this this is instantly gonna go away matroshka shell shell so i can lose the damage boost we had but i can increase the balls we throw or i can increase the damage boost we have even further [Music] further damage boost increase or matroshka shell less i reduce the damage but go for the bombs i think i want to go for the bombs i already said that i want to go for the bombs so let's go for the bombs by going with rosco we go deeper into the bomb build now that might have been a mistake but if it is it is whatever we're still fight oh we will leads on the left let's see a fight here let's get a good stage hopefully okay this is not a good stage uh this does normal damage now let's uh let's go oh these dark holes actually apply magnetism i did not know that because yesterday we actually had the magnet you know [Music] okay let's try to hit a crit here nice one went down the drain and the other one went down the drain oh this is better i prefer the dark holes than the the time zero nice this stage is gonna carry us with the dark holes it has never thought about it this way this isn't a good shot this is not we're not gonna survive this this is like not happening times two wait a minute i just realized we might have the problem that i just mentioned previously so if one goes to dimester and one goes to time zero we lose all the damage but you know we can test it like this whoever wanted to see it whoever was like no the montrose guy we wanted to see it you can see it now if i had a single time zero we're gonna know but until that happens we're just gonna play the game let's not forget that we're draining life every time we're hitting something so time's too nice so as long as we're not getting bursted down we should be good to go with the healing we have yeah this this actually combos this is this the infernal ingot actually combos what did this go down to i didn't see did i go down to half i think i went one of them went down to half blindness continue oh i know how we're gonna lose we're gonna we're gonna lose by the fact that i'm gonna give somebody a double turn and he's gonna do like 25 and another 25 the next turn that's how we're gonna lose we're gonna get hit for nine and nine something like this ah let's go i still cannot throw away my arms right away nice okay by the way i don't even need to go to the time zero times to see if i'm gonna do zero damage i just need to go in in two different ones in general other than the time one obviously because i want to see if it just stacks if it stacks then we're good or if one goes down to zero now we got a zero here but ah that was only one of the two we still don't know that is still missing okay that should be enough right a bomb plus 60. yeah thank you let's go next fight please ball lightning rob orb i think nothing i think he'll [Music] uh once again for the same reason that the previous ones that i cannot reroll so i have to make sure that the deck is small and i also want to throw away the sword orb although now if i level up this world it's going to give plus two plus two and with the matroska event maybe it's actually a good idea to keep it let's go crits oh yeah this is the oh here we can easily see this is the time where we're gonna test so if i had the time zero first time zero point five first nice so now we're already doing half damage and now if this multiplies it again then uh so if i do like 300 times something 372 okay so this should be proof let's not let's not also try to do it on purpose [Music] itself wow that is so bad that is so bad so bad oh man so bad we're not gonna take anything because we can't reroll wow wow so this relic not only is it extremely bad anyway it's also completely trashing my troshka boss relic with the matrashka orb in general let's go behind the waterfall let's get a cookie for ree nice we got a free cookie i would say we go events where's what's the path i want to take by the way i'm gonna obviously go for the double free chests why would i go elite fighting when i could double three chests so we're gonna go like this and then from like this i would say we go events i would say we go events event try to arrive here at the like this might be a bit dangerous uh whatever for now let's go event anyway did you say event i meant fight i meant event yes i meant event pachinko way exactly he's doing pretty decent here let's run irani movie movie i don't know what i'm saying and it's a fight and not even an easy fight this map is really bad in my opinion one of the and the other ones will go away exactly take the shot down the drain whoop times two and times darkness much damage okay first of all why am i targeting the backline here oh i'm sorry i i didn't want to take why am i forced to target this time zero i really don't understand why i'm forced to target that down the drain and zero ah let's go again is this the dark hole if i kill it first does this stop existing i went down the dimes half damage and it's almost doing nothing okay hit the grid okay very bad shot anyway 140 something it doesn't matter that we get it that much it really doesn't we just need to hit the opponents a few times and we heal up again times too nice this is toast next opponent time the void is bad not the stage itself like this uh this little they up here and they disappear is it fun mechanic i think if you don't have healing you cannot win this is really what it feels like by the way i just realized that i have two reset orbs in the build and we just got the reset heals us more thing i i didn't even realize that this isn't the cookie is insane for us we got a really powerful build going here i think the only way we can die right now is either if the boss does something insane that i'm not aware of right now oh i had the time zero okay come on please go to zero yep love it the most fun mechanic in this game man the most fun mechanic time zero let's go i'm gonna just be taking my shots faster and faster like no it doesn't really matter because of the healing we have we're pretty strong so for what reason am i trying to minimize here just just take the shots be done with this okay 244 here let's go for a crit maybe nice got it down down the abyss down the abyss 200 something nice let's go bomb i mean down the abyss bomb up head for two nice oh he hit much for nothing good day sir this looked like a good shot until it went to time zero this looked like the good shot until it went to time zero i said it already twice thank you what do you think you know whoever is here i really would enjoy your opinion on the fact that feel bad is a lot more important to not exist than good ideas unbelievable how did i do for damage what happened 11 we won nice let's go no skip it look at this that's the shot i want to take might as well what i've been bamboozled what here taking normal shot whatever very disappointing and boring criss-cross i would say we go down it's more important to get the right path like whoa spider-fight itsy bitsy spider fight in reset reset reset reset times two nice good one good one and times a half and everything is for naught yay but this is fair you know hitting a timestar times half is fair i obviously cannot reroll let's not forget times two and times zero though very fun [Music] times half times fast okay fair enough fair enough you see this this is not that bad this doesn't feel like i'm trash you know this does not feel like uh the game is okay like is is playing with me you know it's it's mocking me this feels okay doing half damage really feels okay doing less than half is not fun like doing one fourth damage is better than doing what you're doing normally in this game which is zero times two over here please the time series on the other side of the board don't do it just just just don't do it man just just don't pachinko the matron the pachinko way the pachinko way i have been already okay we want nope what is happening a good old zero let's go let's go no no i wanted the time zero oh we found a bull orb which is really good uh but [Music] no this is insane it's actually insane i think the bulldog why would i say but this is actually insane imagine chucking through two bulldogs i prefer to go with another fight instead of going event and then 5015 the chance of losing completely the path i want to take okay man okay okay half a damage half damage of course everything moves let's go this i'm shooting to the right because there is a times two here but are you kidding me right now yeah you can stay floating yup stay floating yeah yep yep definitely something that has been tested yep it's it's going pretty well 52 damage to everybody nice um let's go yes this is a good old zero oh almost ahead of times two there but nope gotta have the dark balls everywhere dark dark squares everywhere this is the level three well we just lost a good old level three shot no no this is going well that's going well this is going well oh this is a good shot oh yes oh yes yes more bombs more more bombs no but i don't care about the double times two i really think that we have infinite healing like every reset heals us for three we have a bunch of reset orbs in the build and then we also heal for a bit every time we uh every five hits we do like we are mortal pretty much i just need to level up this world orb to you know because with the matrushka it's actually good with the matroska relic from the bus this water was actually good give me more bombs pop some bombs give me more good ol dark abyss getting hit they were never missing man has a single enemy missed ever i'm not sure i'm really not sure where's the reset reset is not in a good spot okay we have only 41 life what are my resets man the resets aren't extremely bad spots yeah i i just did nothing and the points got two turns i need to somehow hit the reset man i hit the cr whoa whoa whoa whoa we'll die we will die we will die we will die we will die don't do this let's sit here and hope for a reset next turn no no no no no no i need at least okay i'm gonna heal from the reset anyway but i obviously need more healing and we do zero damage let's go on we have a good reset here nice another decent one up there and this is a decent shot if it doesn't go to the zero man don't don't stop this it's so tiring this has not been tested man this has not been tested even if it is tested i disagree man this this is untested this is this the fact that you can get so many zeros and like this is so bad look at this look at this look at this you cannot go and tell me that the times two that the two times two that exist on the board make up for the fact of how many times zero you can hit this this looks so untested man it's like they went with yeah two times two one times a half and one times a zero yeah because the times because if you think about it it's not positive because if you think about it first of all we're gonna shoot upwards here because if you think about it the times two is as if it's time zero because if you were gonna do a hundred damage with the times two you were gonna do 200 damage so that's a hundred more but with the times zero you do zero damage which is which is half less so a hundred less so if you actually think about it man i just saw the miss by the way the miss seems to be they just don't don't attack the straight up don't don't do anything okay we got the bomb so we won here uh it doesn't matter if i hit anything or not um this is that very nice and um yeah it's upgrading orb let's upgrade i would say the sword probe to make it to a mass 2 damage i could go for even more bombs now let's make this roll throw a mass damage because it's a bit frustrating the way this is going let's go to the right here nice ah i don't know man there was no i don't know i don't know the the chip the chip made the whole run not be fun for me i am having fun with the game by the way like i don't hate the game i just i just hate the relic like this this whole concept of feel bad mechanics must not exist in games is really important this i think is an elite fight by the way and we just died this we died we died this is this is dead this is over we are it's over we can no longer win uh i like i need to heal from us to survive but if i hit a reset which is a heal for us then it will pop all the bombs and if i pop 10 bombs in one single round we die if i pop right now eight bombs we die actually seven bombs we die so if i pop seven bombs right this shot we're dead i need to have i i need to wait for every single opponent to arrive in the stage and then pop a single bomb not a single bomb yes yes not a single bomb perfect shot perfect shot these move twice are you kidding me a single bomb how is this gonna happen it's gonna go upward hit here and then fly down actually i don't even need to take the shot let's heal it perfect perfect perfect perfect they could not have gone better why do these move twice by the way oh no [Music] maybe there no no no one bomb two arms oof oof okay so these are the only opponents left i hit a bomb and we win i don't i need to just not hit anything other than a single bomb which bomb would that be i think which bomb would that be which bomb would that be uh if i hit this from below i don't i have to avoid this reset and also this reset i think if which bomb is safe which nothing is safe man nothing safe this ball might be safe if i headed something like this because if i hit it from above you know what let's like shoot this got it no stop yes no 170 oh ah the bombs do 150 damage i'm sorry guys i'm sorry that's my fault i thought these bombs do more um i try to hit this by hitting this sideways and maybe it slides down maybe yes stop yes oof this was the hardest fight that we could have possibly gotten i would say we upgrade an orb i'm gonna definitely heal in the next fight upgrade norb uh i would say the reset orb like these things give us so much healing i think i have to go for the reset orb to make it six i could go for one more bomb creation let's go healing let's go healing let's go down this path it doesn't matter if i pop them later ah let's see what we get let's see what we get if we get a bit of healing we should be winning damage to enemies on reset pretty useless so if today the video was not bearable you were too negative you were too stingy let's see okay useless let's go we've got two useless relics fight here i'm pretty sure up strange mirror duplicate all orbs duplicate all orbs or a random one well if the random one is swollen one two three four i don't want to duplicate all orbs i mean i can't re-roll yeah i'm gonna duplicate all like this is just a crap shoot might as well just duplicate all and just not re-roll reset my thing the the i don't want to reset anyway i don't want to give free turns to opponents oh this is a free fight for us uh this is an elite fight by the way if you haven't seen it the last time this stage is invisible i'm not sure if they are missing assets or if that is actually their decision to make the stage invisible but um yeah that's that's it pretty much i don't think i can explain anything else by the way i cannot even are you kidding me because the stage is invisible i'm not healing from the infernal ingot are you are you serious are you like serious that that's a mechanic for what reason did that happen please don't throw enough bombs to kill everything please don't no don't don't something survive please yes there is something alive no no i wanted to heal with the reset orb no no this is so sad uh i guess another reset door for healing [Music] more max health yes well i can't control anything because this is random still waiting still waiting yep yep ah yes the punching covey down the middle nice the middle was open that's why i threw the middle right away anyway let's see this boss fight should be an easy win uh well the fact that the reset is coming up is going to give us the provides the win because otherwise it was not going to be win just so you know go apply my children and we had a great nice hit a few bombs very nice nice good old time zero yep that's it so we're only gonna hit zeros this is the chance this is the chance if this goes to times two yes let's see is it gonna be zero damage or is it gonna be something zero unbelievable it's trash the relic is dry you got headbutt before life it doesn't matter you guys can attack us as much as you want it doesn't matter green growing green green ring ring at time zero a good old time zero over here this is just going downwards into the pit yep exactly yeah you can stop man it's over it's go yeah we're just attacking with bombs next one's gonna be the bombshot oh no opponents have one damage plus who cares throw it go my builders can can can i get like positives in the right left side for once and not the zero at the middle can i have the zero here in the corner over here here actually this i never went into this pit yeah look at this i'm never going to this bit bomb is slide it 576 damage we're gonna get attacked right this wasn't extremely easy by the way [Music] this was an extreme joke i mean it's not a joke per se it's just a very easy fight i'm gonna try to go into the reset path maybe the reset nice please pull it up pull it up pull it up pull it up pull it up pull it up yes yes yes pull it up pull it up pull it up pull it out let's go let's go the bomb shot is happening the bomb shot is happening everything to the top come on reset reset reset reset reset reset no no no no no no no no re revert revert come on come on stay up stay up more bombs more bombs no no no stop yes nice because sometimes if the orb stays static it just stops existing and then you take your shot and this is it let's go oh something's alive something's alive nothing is blind and it didn't even take the shot because it was blind where's the reset it's here i can easily hit the reset by shooting at the moment it passes through this is a good idea no idea yolo it i guess it was yeah i guess it was now this is going to bring it up nice are we going to defeat these guys but are we going to defeat one of these two by draining their life i went up we do zero damage and the bombs and we win and we won skip this supper sack because i'm stupid now let's go with uh this and we win i mean there isn't anything else to do yep sort of all the negativity about the chip um i don't know it it really like grinded my gears it's it it's a really bad item i hope you guys felt how bad it is while not feeling that it's not bearable to listen to me talk about this i really think this needs a rework just just make just remove the time zero it's as simple as that if you just remove the time zero it's done it's fixed you know in general the the relics in my opinion should be if it has an upside and a downside the upside should be so much better that you don't care about the downside that's my opinion and i think this game does not achieve that with relics that have a downside here for example multi this this this one trash cashel this one russia shell the downside is actually a lot worse than the upside like the same goes with uh maybe now confusion maybe not confusion maybe not this thing for example is actually what i said you know the down the upside is so good that you don't care about the downside same goes with this the upside is so good that you don't care about the downside now if the downside literally kills your run like this this literally kills the relic itself right it gives you multiple but it gives you -2 obviously it was good for us because of the build specifically but the relic is really good this thing has no redeeming factor whatsoever at least this thing has the chance you know at least the matroska show has the choice of you decide and choose on your own to pick it up the same goes with this same goes with this like you decide to pick it up so it's fair game but this thing obviously you decide to pick it up but the thing is that it's useless right when i say that you decide to pick this up i don't mean you decide if you want to have a bad run or not no no i mean you decide if it's good for your deck right you decide if this is good for your deck you decide if this is good for your deck this thing does not have that you don't have the choice of you pick it or not it is just bad and the reason for that is first of all it butchers a bunch of things that have to do with matroshka related stuff and with multiball that would be the matraska orb itself which is already an insane orb and also the matrashka relic that makes it a lot worse and in general hitting a type 0 is a lot worse than hitting a times 2 because if you have the overhammer then it's all fine and dandy but if you don't have the overhammer then what this time still gonna achieve if you're gonna do like 150 damage and the opponent has already like let's say the opponent has i don't know 120 life what is the times two gonna achieve nothing like nothing at all while the time zero is going to save him no matter how much life the enemy has if the opponent has five life and you're about to do 200 damage you might still roll a zero with this chip and do nothing if the opponent has 150 life and you are about to do 100 with the times 2 yes you will kill him but the relic just gave you 50 damage right you might think yeah if if i do 100 damage times 2 it's it's 100 damage more but if i do 100 damage times 0 it's 100 damage less but that's not how exactly this game goes like it's it's like the math does not check out it's it's not a good relic it's straight up and bad relic no matter what the build is no matter what your build is this is always a bad relic and if the way you get this is by losing life then it's even worse anyway that is for my tandem for that i hope they fix this the only thing they have to fix it is just add two times zero point five two times times two and one time once on time one it's as simple as that and if you actually want to make this a good relic that people actually want to take and actually care about then make it one time times three one time times two one time times zero point seven and one times zero point five something like that you know buff it buff it if if it's a relic that you get from an event and for you to win the event you have to roll the dice and lose life to get it then in my opinion it should be a good relic and it should be useful you know it should be above average it should mean it should not be below average it should not be a relic that you get and lose the run because of it okay and honestly speaking i think this thing carried us i think this carry here this relic here was the best relic i've ever found i really enjoy this whenever we find the event that says lose 50 max life and gain a unique relic we're gonna get this every single time other than when we're healers if i have healing in the deck then i'm not gonna take it but if i don't have healing i'm gonna take this every single time anyway that is going to be for today i hope you guys enjoyed thanks for the patreon supporters thanks for the membership supporters which have you know a priority and comment reading if you also want to help me drop a like or comment down below or subscribe to the channel or you can do whatever you want man in general i really appreciate you arriving at this point i think that alone is already making wonders for the algorithm anyway that is going to be today so i hope you guys enjoyed once again i definitely did i hope the music is audible right now because it sounds awesome let me actually not talk for a moment actually you know what i'm gonna do the outro and then like not talk for 10 seconds so for forever wants to listen to the music like so that i don't blast your ears away because i know that i'm very loud my voice is very loud in comparison to sound anyway that's going to be it so once again thanks for watching and see you guys around [Music] you
Channel: Sifd
Views: 14,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, progress, progression, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Strong, Pachinko, Peglin, Roguelike, roguelike, rogue, rogue like, cute, chibi, simple, pachink, pachinko, patsinko, paglin, piglin, peglin, indie, small, patching roguelike, patchinko, pachink roguelike, Sifd, sifd, patch, update, fun, pegglin, peggle, pachinko roguelike, peagle, peegle, pegs, early access, new game, released, all acts, full launch, full game, new launch, hidden gem, gem, free, access
Id: 9LifLWtkv10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 36sec (4236 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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