Backpack Hero | Thorns & Shivs Run | Indie Roguelike

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hey everybody welcome to something a little different this is backpack hero it is a roguelike it is completely free right now on h dot io the kickstarter just launched for the steam version of this as well and i'll be leaving a link to both of those down below i know this isn't the normal kind of thing that i play on this channel but if you like roguelikes especially if you like slay the spire i highly suggest you stick around and watch this it is quite the hidden gem um some of the other bigger uh roguelike youtubers have uh started playing this and uh i have been absolutely addicted i love it so let's get right into it we'll start a fresh game this the whole concept of this game revolves around this backpack like i said if you've played slay the spire you'll have a basic idea about some of these mechanics but this backpack it's all inventory management based which might sound a little weird but just stick with it for a second so we start our run off we can get uh um i usually like to go with starting a rare item and we got some armor uh so um let's actually turn down some of these effects actually you know what they're probably fine for you i'll just turn down my headset um so this is what you normally have to go with this shield so the way it works is uh similar to slave spire you have energy different items will have different energy costs and they will have different effects and usually they'll be affected by other items adjacent to them or in your backpack as you play the armor we got gives us eight armor each turn which is more than the shield here which is free but we do get the one slow oneself um the slow i believe reduces our damage is that correct i will see so let's get on with our first floor here oh yes that's loud uh maybe this would be a little better um hopefully this is a little better i turned it down a bit um okay so we have eight armor we have one slow uh we'll reduce arm one armor when blocking ah okay um so we'll uh you can see we're taking nine damage and eight damage here we only have eight armor um but we have 16 health here our sword deal seven oh my lord that is like the the sound effects and uh the music are fantastic but that's a little loud well that's a little too low i think it was just glitched a little high so now we're out of energy we swung three times with our sword to kill the b uh and we're gonna take eight damage but we have a armor so we'll be nothing boom no problem i can turn this back up for you guys i think um so he's going to put 14 armor on we are just going to swing our sword three times uh and pass the turn again we have the eight armor every turn so we're just going to swing all out we shouldn't take any damage here boom so we get our first level up and here's where the interesting mechanic comes into play we get to expand our bag we get four spaces to start with um and what i like to do is this this will make sense in a little bit um okay let's take a look at what our first items are so we do have a dagger here eight damage adds to poison to an enemy but it can only be used once per turn we did get bows i've not really played around with the bows too much uh this does add a weak and seven damage so it is strictly just like an upgrade here uh it's smaller it does the same damage um and it also applies a weak so there's no reason not to take the club um hatchet uh is only gonna deal one damage because we have armor and we can get rid of the armor but that's protecting us quite a lot so grab some of these consumables for now i like that you can always grab the money in the mana for free they don't take up uh your selections so let's go check out our next enemy it's another being another rat wolf um we'll do the same thing here we'll go right for that uh take him out so that we can reduce the enemies down now i have made it to the eighth floor on my own time playing um it does get fairly difficult but i found a few interesting combos we'll see what we end up running uh in this okay we have to expand our inventory again i'm going to go like this this staggered pattern i'm doing on purpose so we are going to get rid of the club now i love the spear as a weapon um it's seven damage but it gets an additional one damage every time you attack with it so it means the first one is going to be seven then eight then nine which is good damage i'm always gonna take a shiv this seems kind of useless right uh it's a zero cost deals two damage two damage is not a lot but we have some ways to make that really good um and we will take a shield as well just in case i need to spend some energy to get a little tankier uh there's a healer down here so we'll kill these enemies he's going for a curse so i want to take him out as fast as possible you can see we used the ship to finish off the b and then went for the rat wolf for our final hit it's an extra two damage per turn and only takes up one spot so it's not bad what do we get here um herbs um these are not super useful yet they can be useful with some other things comboing i wouldn't mind getting another acid potion uh cleansing bomb will be useful later on but i'm not too worried about it right now let's take another acid and that's fine head off to the healer here um i am going to give them uh gold to gain max health oh i don't have enough gold um i don't know if i can go back i can't go back i i was short one gold um let's do that is another thing here we can't move our items around as you can see uh we have to reorganize to do that and reorganizing costs free energy which is all of our energy right now um and it would allow us to take this cool drink but we don't we don't have room for it uh we do also have scratch here uh which is uh three damage cost one energy this is important uh for some setups i can talk about those if we find them but it's a pretty standard run so far nothing special we got another level up that's good so we want this staggered uh look here pauldron i've never seen this before uh it's heavy which means if it's if an item is heavy it'll sync to the bottom as far as it can go um on use creates a potion in this space uh that is in this row when an item in this column is destroyed this item gets refreshed and can be used again this combat that is super interesting um cleansing rag is a really nice accessory so i do want to take that do it like this so both of these just in case we're getting poisoned uh poison has messed me up a lot let's move some of these around if you don't like inventory management then this might not be the game for you but we'll do that cleansing potion might be okay i do really want to take this cauldron that sounds fun right it's heavy that and that so can use it and it makes a potion um in a space in this row columns are vertical rows are hollow horizontal um so there isn't actually room for a potion here yet but it'll mean that i'll i'll feel free like i'll feel fine um one item in the in this column is destroyed be a weird one i'll try and play around with it we'll see what we can do uh we have a merchant here i doubt there'll be anything i can get what do we have here philosopher's stone it's 17 gold so i can't afford it um used one time each turn at zero energy adjacent and diagonal consumables get destroyed for each adjacent or diagonal consumable this item gets plus one energy guardian ring is nice but again that's 20. we could grab a helmet so the helmet here is going to give us two armor um and uh adjacent clothing gets plus one armor believe this counts as clothing yes so we'd want to put it like here uh so this is giving this uh an extra one so it's nine and as you can see when a space is above this the item gets minus two armor so we always want it to be as high as it can possibly go we don't want any spaces above it um another gold let's just sell this potion keep the gold for now let's head on to the next floor nothing too crazy going on in this run yet um okay arteries in our okay don't care about him he lets you he if you give him a weapon um then he will give you a bow and arrow and see he's gonna be doing 13 and we only have 11 armor meaning we do want to use our shield here so not quite enough to finish him off um leather cap for each space below this this item gets plus one armor see this is interesting so oh spike telnet i have to take um i just do um this has uh each turn adds two spikes to self i love spike setups especially since we get a rose of thorns here as well i have to just get rid of the cauldron let's do it like this so this way we get uh four armor from this uh one armor and two spikes uh this is giving uh two armor and this is giving nine armor so not bad still have a little bit of room to play with we've uh taken all the items we can uh we can fill this in those are all being hit okay that's good the cauldron's interesting but i just don't think i'll be able to make use of it so now we're getting uh spikes at the beginning of each turn uh so when they attack us we're going to deal damage to them he's doing 11 damage now and we have 16 armor so i don't need to worry about using my shield i just go all out with the spear easy peasy we have a spiky club which deals slow instead of weak uh we have a keg creates a drink in this in a space that is in this row see that's interesting this requires three uh energy to use though i think i like that i am by no means amazing at this game or anything like that ah here we go so this will be 10 damage to all of them seven and six is thirteen so uh we're fine uh let's go for the one that's going to regen that won't be quite enough unfortunately so we'll just have to go all out there um i'll go on this one they're both going for regen now the way regen works with the way a lot of these buffs work is every turn you lose one of them so my spikes will go down one every turn but i'm also gaining three every turn so there's like a net positive of two um spikes are some of the going with spikes and a heavily defensive build using a shield and allowing enemies to just kill themselves while they hit you has been a very effective uh play style for me so far uh oh i can't not do it so now we're getting five spikes per turn you'll see what i mean it's going to be kind of nuts what do we want to take here debuff potions probably pretty good here so next floor we do have the boss coming up let's go to this merchant first since it'll allow us to fight two more enemies as well oh i do love the the bronze breastplate uh adjacent weapons get plus one damage uh adjacent and diagonal helmets and footwears game plus two armor we have here a ruby adjacent weapons get plus four damage man that's good i don't have enough for it however the soldiers buckler here i i i gotta get it so adjacent weapons get plus one damage this combat when you use it this thing is busted for things like the shiv uh let's reorganize a little bit here um and see what we have to sell so we're at 13 in order to get uh the buckler we need 20 that's gonna be one uh that'll be five seven eight nine ten eleven so we can do this this and this to allow us to get the buckler and you're probably thinking like whoa that's kind of nuts just trust me on this one uh we'll do this for now just so that it's hitting both of these i'll put the cleansing rag here heavy blade is also interesting uh and five slow to all enemies would be really nice there's a lot of really good stuff here but i really want this buckler um okay let's go on to the next enemy and i'll show you what i mean so we can go ahead and hit this twice that's going to give us an extra 2 damage here so we'll hit this guy and then we use the shiv which is 4 damage and that's not until you use it that's till the end of this combat okay he's going to apply a 13 heal to both of them so i want to make sure he dies here and now you can see i'm at 13 thorns i'm losing one every turn but i'm gaining five so i'm not gaining four every turn um i believe uh we can just go all out here um okay got another shield we got that philosopher's stone we can probably sell that a small key we will take big fish [Music] that's rage that's interesting these bricks are kind of fun i haven't really done any structure based stuff yet but they seem like they could get really powerful really quick they don't give you any armor on their own but they give you an additional plus one for each adjacent structure so if you build up a whole lot of them they just give you like a ton of armor every turn i guess we'll take this fish that's our other item i want to take that key because there is a locked room here i did take one damage but that's fine another good shield oh my god guys this is hilarious so the reason i'm doing this is as you can see uh helmets to the right get minus one armor so i don't want any any helmets to the right of these so i want to stagger them up like this um so now i'm getting uh seven thorns per turn very strong another shiv that's insane uh and we might as well take this heart ring as well for an additional five max hp while we're using it okay this is getting kind of kind of good this is uh this is definitely a good run so far we'll unlock the door and we will see what we have in the room so you have two potions which are dodge potions which i will take a wand which i don't really care about um and a nice shield which i don't care about the buckler is very big but i don't care let's check out this last merchant as well just to see um lizard king sword can only be used once per uh once each turn but it deals 25 damage the steel boots i don't have the money for any of this but i haven't seen these items before weapons in this column get plus one damage this item is heavy for each space above this it gets 0.5 power okay and a cursed shiv um creates a curse and deals 2 damage hmm uh bandages are kind of interesting same with the water flask here they'll sell for one three one [Music] this sells for eight and i don't plan on using that so is there anything i can get for eight just another key let's head to the next floor so this is going to be our boss room or the boss floor anyways okay this boss isn't too bad ferret king uh when a shield is used he adds a rage to himself that can be kind of scary but these only add one armor each turn each so we're only at three here which is a little scary but we're going to be using our shield a whole bunch and that's going to make both of these free damage get kind of crazy he's gonna summon another enemy let's take this chance to reorganize um let's do it like that for now and i'll rearrange some things uh better later um okay we'll throw both the shivs at him since that's just another 10 damage it's gonna summon an enemy okay i'm gonna use the debuff potion on them uh that is uh 21 they're dealing so i'll be fine uh let's go right for the boss so these are each dealing seven damage for zero energy now he's gonna go for shields that's fine um i'm gonna go all out kill the boss you can see the damage just kind of gets out of control what do we have here conductor conducted weapons get plus 25 bonus damage um coral all shields get this effect applied on news this item gets plus two spikes to self this turn oh my god what is this run um okay so this shield will also give us another plus two spikes now i don't really care about the gold wow okay so let's start by moving this down here that hitting two of those is better then we'll put this here and this here this is still diagonal here uh we'll move that there and see this gets into the uh the whole inventory management part of this um okay so that's still hitting all three weapons this is hitting these that's good um so the dodge potion and a big fish for the rage and the heel um we can only take one item here and this uh this coral is insane so let's do that let's check out our treasure room now what do we have uh fish sword legendary deal six damage for each adjacent or diagonal fish it gets plus two damage that's cool but um also good but this is just better um okay nothing nothing too crazy then let's head on to the next floor so this is going to be going into the deep caves is that correct yeah the deep caves part one three so what do we have uh we have two healers and only three encounters so we do have our first uh poison here uh which is a good thing that we have this cleansing rag so you can see we have poison on us now uh i'm not a big fan of that he's gonna add curse a curse to us okay so let's eat the fish to give us the rage which will add five damage when attacking with a weapon let's kill him and then do that we're up to 25 spikes now up to 31 spikes and then he kills himself on us so yeah you can see how that's gonna start getting uh kind of crazy maybe we do it like this let's do it like this so that we can get more adjacency to the shield um get some gold finally we do finally have a seasoning which i tend to like but i don't really have too much of a use for now i could put the dagger here if i wanted to do poison but i'm not really too big on the poisons so the herb here the big thing about this is that you can combo it with stuff like the seasoning so that uh it gives five hp so the way the seasoning works is all adjacent consumables gain an additional plus five healing um so for example we set this up like this and then this not only gives us the dodge but it gives us healing and take another one of these [Music] that looks fine hold on always got to get a call when i'm recording that's how it goes um okay let's check out this treasure room let's see nothing too crazy um the fish is just eight hp this is an extra energy so we'll take the energy do that okay so he's going to give everyone 5 armor she's going to give everyone 9 armor uh 17 and 6. so we'll do that that um hmm i think i just buff up uh our spikes a whole bunch we don't have enough to we should have gone for the big guy so we could get some damage on him as you can see they're gonna kill themselves on my spikes now we're at 27. 10 damage for each of them so you you can see here i'm going to start coming into an issue right when i'm forced to fill in these slots so i actually don't want to level up if i can help it because i don't want to fill these spots in because filling these spots in is going to ruin my bonuses for these helmets um now what i what i can do right is see helmets to the right get minus one armor so what i can do is just align them across the top and then not care about the armor bonus uh that they also get like the armor bonus from the knights armor and then just worry about the spikes that they're giving us because that's what we really care about another key we already have one we have a conduit this is a structure mana stone adjacent diagonal structures become conductive this item is conductive this item is heavy as your armor gets plus one armor for each json structure left glove each space to the right this item gets plus 0.25 armor so let's put this here so this is getting three armor um this is four positions one two three four there's five positions there we are it takes a second for it to register it's not going to make it an armored difference it's 1.25 um but it's giving the extra armor from the knight's armor here the machete here is interesting uh three damage to all enemies however it only gains half of the bonus damage that things would give to it so it's not quite that good that's fine uh how much money do we have four i don't have enough let's go here um let's just start stacking up those thorns and we'll go on the big guy first we'll just go all out on the thorn still so these are eight damage now um let's do that there we go uh we will take another rose absolutely i'm gonna do this the shivs are just better than the spear now um and if i need to if i feel like i want to do poison i can do that as well um since it's the same damage base it's better damage base and it has the poison on it so that coral is just so good um okay so he will oh it's eight gold to gain uh max health so i don't unfortunately i do not have enough to hit either of these healers which sucks big time there's only three encounters so not a whole lot of gold okay what do we have for this floor so red slimes okay these are gonna suck because they're gonna start giving us uh curses okay let's should have done this first because then this becomes a weapon that's only adjacent not diagonal um kill one of them so we only have to get one curse so this curse is a curse of slime each turn removes two hp on use this item gets destroyed when combat ends it gets destroyed okay so curses uh they are you are forced to put things in your inventory uh you can skip them to take damage but this continues to go up as the game progresses and it's a lot of damage so still don't have a great way of dealing with poison yet but that's okay i'm worried about poison for the uh third area um these go up to nine to nine for eighteen that won't be enough now this is an interesting weapon to go along with this shield but i don't have the room for it right now so and then he kills himself 42 thorns yeah the biggest thing we have to worry about mana stone bow okay um used to fire arrows um okay oh it's it it works as a mana stone so it holds magic for magical items uh we'll take another rose of thorns we still have a key uh we already have a buckler i think we're good right eight gold uh no healer on this level of course we haven't been able to hit any of the healers for max life unfortunately uh well attack for 25 damage will heal for any unblocked damage okay he's gonna poison don't really have a way to deal with that so poison really hurts i guess i should have done that first but whatever okay that turns our poison down to two okay three spaces let's do that we have slime sword another slime sword will be created at the end of combat no thank you uh we will take however another shiv [Music] so we can get the adjacency bonus with the rags we'll do that um let's take a look at our map quick we have one locked door so we already have the key for that the damage knife here is pretty nice it's a zero cost eight damage but then it gets destroyed um it's really hoping we'd find a potion that cleanses us for the times when we get really messed up with poison um the cleansing rag helps a little bit but we're gonna start running into enemies that have like big big poison damages that we just don't have a way to deal with so we're gonna move our coral over probably get rid of one of these for this other shoes uh you can see gets uh for each space above this it gets plus one armor there's going to be four spaces so yeah there we go six armor each turn uh pretty fantastic decent setup we have going here um maybe i do want the extra thorns per turn instead of the dodge potion um [Music] yeah let's just move on with that frog wizard and a rabbit so we do have another poison enemy the poison is definitely annoying uh he's going to curse us this turn though don't know what we're gonna get rid of to make room for the curse oh it's a big one just gonna take the damage for now and i'm going to drink the dodge potion just to heal up a little bit um um hmm let's do that since this is only a one one use left anyways let's check out this room not exactly what i was looking for [Music] axeman and a blue slime um that's just a bat that's that's fine do hmm not going to be able to take that i really want to wizard cat minus one energy that's that's awful okay this is what i was looking for water flask here will give us four uses and with seasoning that's 20 hp uh it also gives us energy poison wet stone here can be used one time each turn adds one poison to self weapons in this roy get plus one poison this combat interesting but no thank you uh this is armadillo sable rat wolf i think that might be worth it because there's no poison shenanigans here for me to worry about i'm popping all of these because we're gonna have the boss coming up oh oh he's one damage off of dying oh no he attacked twice nevermind 49 53 thorns not that he survives this anyways but 53 thorns um okay uh i should have popped this so that i could grab different consumables let's do that i have not seen this event before um nestled deep in a throng of mushrooms you see a magical font its cool waters flowing above the water a humid mist circles and spills over the edge in the distance you hear frogs croaking no chanting um let's take the max hp you wish to make it home safely your backpack overflowing with prayer cheeses you feel a warmth in you you can do this so this is uh armadillo to rat wolves that's no problem i'm hoping we can get through this boss i think that's just it wizards robe uh each turn adds two armor adds two mana to connected mana stones we have another left glove which we could put there it would also be giving for armor i don't think that's necessary i don't want to do the cursed shiv the spiked helmet is kind of hilarious i think it's a little overkill though okay let's go to our boss we'll see how this goes hopefully not too bad so he is currently sleeping so we'll do that he's going to summon an enemy uh this would allow us to make herbs to use with the seasoning it takes up a lot of room do it's looking okay don't care about that gives bonus energy for curses in your inventory but only at the start of combat uh i think we take a little bit of damage here oh no we're good math is not my strong suit however we do have 67 thorns and our shivs are going for 14 damage so [Music] 75 thorns uh i've had pretty good luck with this build so far again the only thing i'm really worried about is poisons i don't have a an answer to poisons i actually don't want to level up again though that is that is one thing so we do get another relic here spirit shield this one i had played around with in my previous run um on use adjacent weapons get used um but they get minus one damage this combat which gets counteracted by the soldiers buckler it just means every time i use the buckler it uses the weapons but because these are zero cost weapons it just doesn't make sense with this setup uh all weapons get this effect applied an adjacent item is present this item gets disabled all weapons get 100 bonus damage really awkward to use uh mousewood um all bows get this effect applied so none of these are actually very good i'm gonna take this just so i can sell it i guess i might leave it behind here though it will grab a cleansing potion thank god uh so the big thing about this is that it'll clear us of poisons so if we get like a big poison thrown on us we can just chug this to get rid of it um okay let's head down to the magma level admit it past this floor i've made it to the next floor and then i just died um snake and occultist okay we are going to be dealing with some poison here let's go to here first so the snake is our number one priority oh man this is a a gnarly fight actually um the snake is gonna go throw big poisons on us yeah a 10 poison my god um rocket on use moves forward until stopped when destroyed you'll see zero damage enemies when this finish is moving the same gets destroyed when this moves this item gets plus 10 damage permanently i have no idea how that's supposed to work go through those dodge counters now uh i will cleanse off that poison because otherwise it just kill me okay and the problem is uh he's going to poison us for 12 yakes our thorns doesn't really work against these enemies because they don't attack us this is going to hurt 12 damage ouch we have to kill him here this will be yeah we can good okay um maybe we just grab an herb no merchant on this level what do we have here two ohms their damage just keeps getting higher rage they are yeah each turn the writing to rage he kills himself on the thorns now what do we have heavy blade acidic potion a debuff potion is better than an herb we have two debuff potions um as we'll take the consumables and we'll start trying to chug them heal up in our next fight i don't want to fight these guys yeah there's a cultist there i don't want to fight a cultist let's go check out our treasure rooms since we have two of these to check out [Music] um okay this has three uses left so we'll swap it out for this one these are liquid armors we'll take a liquid armor over that and i want the healing for this to get myself full i know this the seasoning is going to heal us with other stuff but um we'll take one liquid armor let's check out our other treasure room okay we do have a key uh magical herb don't care about acidic potion we don't care about do i take a key i don't think i do there's a cultist in this fight so we want to kill the cultist as soon as possible he's going to kill himself on our thorns so we don't need to worry about him heal ourselves up here throw the empty cup and use our shivs one damage left on them thankfully burn can be blocked so that's fine i want the healing over the armor actually because the healing is going to be more effective against poison and i have a feeling we'll be dealing with more poison coming up okay eighth floor this is the farthest i've ever made it is the eighth floor i died on my first encounter in the eighth floor um big floor uh bat and a living shadow we do have three enemies to kill i'm gonna save i have a key right oh i didn't grab a key okay then our only option is to do this okay we want to kill the bat a s a p big cursed inventory um i'm gonna take some damage from that now i'm attacking here so i can reduce the poison with the cleansing rag instead of trying to stack up more thorns so this takes up four spaces i'm just gonna have to eat the 10 damage which is unfortunate but uh let's just drink the warm drink that's what we got them for uh you kill yourself on thorns let's go after you he's gonna curse next turn a bet yeah another big curse oh um let's do that so it's going to be a 36 plus 18 three more turns if he attacks uh we'll get some thorns off okay so the curse we are going to have to take the damage losing four items hurts more than uh taking the 10 damage because we can heal up with a lot of these consumables we'd be losing he is dead man starting to get pretty rough at times um [Music] oh interesting that's incredibly good uh weapons in this column get plus 200 bonus damage this turn this item gets destroyed we do that which hits both of those then um what do we do like um no i think that do it like that we take a key here let's get rid of one of our roses for a key because there is a uh lark door with a healer and i would very much so like to do the healer care to do a trade hmm so the way this works is i believe he gives you an item of the same rarity and he gives us skull wand well not worth it but i had to try snake cultist this is going to suck um okay uh i think i just go all out on the cultist so i can kill him next turn i think that's the play here we just have to ignore the snake 12 poison though man i forgot about that 12 poison sucks so bad huh unfortunate but that's how it's gonna have to be old cleaver is cool if we are going for a cleaver build oh my god uh i will just die to poison if i can't kill him this turn lose the damage up on these as much as i can i might just survive and that sucked okay uh we have to take these spaces unfortunately so this is gonna have to go like this this whole setup is going to have to move over one [Music] um so that this can move up these are also going to move up which it gives them one less armor but this is five and uh this sucks four so it is one higher being next to the knights armor here um so let's get our consumables set up here let's do that for now and that and that so we can do this and this let's get our roses here we just take all the potions next to the seasoning uh in case there's a store i don't see one but okay let's make a deal uh what do you take what will you give me for the huge man of stone i don't have a store coming up i don't really care if i had a store coming up i would do it uh let's go here uh i'd love to take the max hp but i'm just gonna have to do the heal 25. uh these are olms this is fine that's a snake and occultist we will not be going down there um man they are dealing damage oh no i'm just blocking enough never mind um good uh you'll die to thorns so let's throw this one on you okay take that we'll take that and i will take this uh that's uh very good we're up to four shivs now the damage is going to be crazy we are not going to go down there that's just a death trap hey this is the boss floor i've not i've not seen any of these bosses from the boss pool yet so i don't know what to expect this is just like the end of the game okay oh he's gaining rage let's go for a liquid armor then he is what uh on take damage spikes and rage each turn one region okay and of course he's going to summon as well i'll wait to debuff until he puts a summon out uh i will not do the last one because then he'll hurt me the cleansing bomb would probably be a good idea we'll do that and then they'll kill me on their on thorns he's going to deal a little bit of damage to me though i'll just eat a little bit of damage for now i have heals i don't want to do that because that'll get rid of my thorns if i do that hmm i'm gonna save the cleansing bomb the blue slime can do curses though i'll be able to take one hit from him for now uh i have a hundred thorns um i'm going to kill one so that i have enough armor to survive this it's looking like this might be my first win guys 111 thorns let's just cleanse him and then go all out like that he will just kill himself here i think i win there we go wow okay we have the choices of tusk all weapons get this effect applied on use this item gets anchored for two combats all weapons get plus five damage anchored meaning it can't be moved i think all wands get this effect applied don't care uh when an adjacent or diagonal armor or shield is present this item gets disabled all weapons get plus six damage some interesting items here so when they get used to get anchored which i believe means they can't be moved um what do we have here there we go the end you've made it to the center of the dungeon and have found the golden cheese more content is coming please join our discord and show off your backpack so uh hope you guys enjoyed i love this game um i love this game so much um i really hope you guys check it out it's free um the full game is coming out uh on steam eventually um there's gonna be more characters i presume there's going to be lots of new content added i'm i'm very excited to see where this game goes i'm loving it so far uh if you guys want to see more runs uh let me know um i hope you guys enjoyed if you did leave a like consider subscribing and i'll catch you on the next one
Channel: TamallyLP
Views: 1,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roguelike, roguelite, management, commentary
Id: pLOCEh5218k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 41sec (4721 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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